Countries with the most developed medicine. Where is the best medicine in the world? Why Israeli medicine is the best in the world

Diseases almost never spare anyone. And everyone wants to receive quality treatment for themselves and their loved ones.

Analytical firms are conducting research to identify the best medicine in the world. And a ranking of countries has already been formed in terms of life expectancy and funds spent on treatment.

According to analysts, the 10 most best countries, where the development of medicine is carried out using advanced methods.


A European country where healthcare is practically free. According to the study, 97% medical services Residents receive it for free; they only have to pay for dental care. Medicine here is at the highest level, qualified doctors are ready to provide assistance using modern equipment.

Important! Citizens under 19 years of age use dental services free of charge.

To receive medical care, residents of the country are required to have a compulsory insurance policy. health insurance. There are several levels of insurance in the state:

  1. Basic level of insurance. A list of hospital specialists is provided, and only from this list the patient has the right to choose a doctor. The doctor refers the patient with certain complaints to a specialist.
  2. Voluntary type of insurance. An addition to the basic one, which entitles you to receive additional free services (purchase of glasses, dental examination, massage).
  3. Private level. Allows the patient to choose a clinic and a specialist, even a professor of the highest degree.

Average cost of medical services in Switzerland:

  • Diagnostics and laboratory tests - from 500 euros.
  • Treatment oncological diseases- from 5000 euros.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of gynecological diseases - from 350 euros.
  • Various types of surgical interventions - from 1800 euros.
  • Plastic surgery - from 2200 euros.
  • Dental services - from 880 euros.

Swiss healthcare, although not cheap, creates comfortable conditions and helps increase the life expectancy of citizens. At the same time, the basic insurance package does not include ambulance services, which is a disadvantage of the country’s healthcare.

South Korea

The country is not clean environment Therefore, much attention is paid to the development of healthcare here.

Pros of Korean medicine:

  1. Highly qualified specialists.
  2. Modern medical technologies for the treatment of various types of complex diseases.
  3. Advanced equipment.
  4. Comfort and high quality service.
  5. Conscientious attitude towards patients.
  6. Reasonable prices, different from the cost of medicine in Europe.

Attention! The cost of treatment in Korea is different from the best medical clinics Europe by 50%.


Thanks to free insurance, patients receive services in the following areas:

  • Initial examination by a doctor.
  • Ophthalmologist services for vision testing.
  • Laboratory studies, x-ray diagnostics of diseases.

Important! Dental services are not included in free insurance.

In order to receive timely help in any field of medicine, you will have to pay about 8,000 rubles a month for insurance for a family of 4 people. Call emergency care and transportation to the hospital will cost 28,000 rubles.

The average life expectancy of citizens is about 83 years. does not lag behind in the development of healthcare. Most medical services are provided free of charge. Emergency calls to your home, complex operations performed in a hospital setting, hospitalization - patients receive all this free of charge.

For some services (analysis, research) you will have to pay:

  • For ultrasound diagnostics of one organ you need to pay 46 euros.
  • For examination of all organs using an ultrasound machine you need to pay about 90 euros.
  • A complete laboratory blood test will cost about 75 euros.

Italy is confidently moving forward in the development of healthcare and will soon catch up with neighboring European countries in terms of life expectancy.

Pros of Spanish medicine:

  1. Free emergency call to your home.
  2. Employees of the medical organization work harmoniously and quickly.
  3. If a pathology is detected in the patient’s tests, medical workers will independently call him for an appointment.
  4. Prescription drugs are sold at a 40% discount to the working population and at a 60% discount to the non-working population.
  5. Pensioners over 65 years of age receive all medications free of charge.

Spain is a well-developing country that uses the latest technologies and applies the best methods of treating citizens, which gives an increase in the life expectancy of its residents. With such growth rates, Spain will soon take a leading place in the ranking of countries with the best medicine.

Spain is a well-developing country that uses the latest technologies and applies the best methods of treating citizens, which gives an increase in the life expectancy of its residents. With such growth rates, Spain will soon take a leading place in the ranking of countries with the best medicine.

A popular country where many people flock to undergo proper treatment for various types of complex diseases. Thanks to the latest technologies and experienced specialists save the lives of hundreds of patients with serious pathologies. The country's main focus is on training specialists who effectively provide care using the best methods. Every patient is required to have health insurance.

Prices for brain neurosurgery treatment in Israel

In Israel, they will provide the best treatment, regardless of whether you are a local resident or a visitor.

First-class specialists and the latest equipment make medicine in Israel significantly higher quality than in some European countries.

The level of development of medicine is one of the most important factors demonstrating general development states. High-quality medicine helps to significantly improve the life of every person, completely defeat and eradicate many diseases, and, in combination with other factors, increase life expectancy. It is not surprising that the most developed countries annually invest huge amounts of money in the development of medicine, and sometimes achieve simply amazing results.

Let's take a look at ten countries with the best healthcare, and pay attention to how this parameter affects the people living in them. This rating is compiled by an independent world commission and analyzes many factors, thanks to which you can see the most realistic picture and get an impartial result.

10th place - Sweden

The Swedish government invests a lot of money in the development of medicine, which is why it is practically free here, and people pay only about three percent of the real cost of services out of their own pockets. This makes the medical profession prestigious, makes it possible to equip clinics and research centers with the latest technology, and promptly provide assistance in any situation.

9th place – Switzerland

Compared to other countries, Switzerland has always been able to boast of high financial security of its population. In this regard, medicine here is quite expensive, but very effective. Advanced medicine, combined with an excellent climate and programs to combat pollution and waste recycling, has allowed the country to rank first in the world in average life expectancy. Here it is 85 years for women and 80 and a half years for men.

8th place – South Korea

Unlike its closest neighbors, South Korea pays great attention to the development of medicine and the provision of completely free primary care for all residents of the country. In general, medicine here is one of the best in the world, however serious problems with the environment and the hard work of the residents, which imposes on them a rather difficult lifestyle, does not yet allow it to rise higher in this rating.

7th place - Australia

Australia is, in every sense of the word, a successfully developing country, and the high level of medicine here once again emphasizes this. The government pays almost 75 percent of all costs, and allocates funds for a wide variety of research. At the same time, although people have to buy compulsory health insurance policies, in situations not specified in insurance, there are subsidies and discounts for representatives of many professions.

6th place – Italy

Italy is really interesting country with a very powerfully developed medicine, fully paid for by the state from fairly high local taxes. This means that any medical care, including complex operations, is free here for absolutely all segments of the population. In parallel with this, government subsidies are sufficient for ongoing research and various programs to combat diseases.

5th place - Spain

Along with high-quality medical care and the presence of highly qualified specialists coming to work here from all over Europe, Spain can also boast the most modern equipment and technical equipment. The government is creating special programs for the purchase of the most sophisticated equipment that allows for rapid diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, all this does not at all raise the prices of medical care to prohibitive heights for ordinary people.

4th place – Israel

Israeli medicine should be known throughout the world. Indeed, on the territory of such a small country, there is a record number of highly professional clinics, whose specialists work on treating the most complex diseases, such as cancer, cerebral palsy, various types of hepatitis, diabetes and much more. Outstanding Israeli doctors sometimes cope with cases that at first glance seem impossible. Obviously, the level of medicine here is really very high, and services are extremely cheap and often even free for all local residents. However, it is also worth highlighting local research centers that are successfully working to resolve unsolved medical mysteries.

3rd place - Japan

Japan has a compulsory health insurance system, which, in combination with the insurance that people receive when taking a variety of jobs, can always count on free and prompt care in local clinics equipped with the latest technology. In parallel, the state takes care of the poor, providing them with huge subsidies for treatment and providing free vaccinations. Japan's success in terms of medicine is also justified by the fact that it is here that the lion's share of the most modern technological developments and devices for modern diagnostics and treatment.

2nd place - Singapore

Singapore has a reputation as one of the most modern, high-tech and successful countries in terms of development. Advanced centralized management, small size and huge funds invested in the development of the most important industries, combined with a local mentality, give amazing results. Singapore's medicine is effective in terms of financial costs, because the population can count on free help In most cases. Moreover, people can count on truly serious help from both public and private medicine, which is always an indicator of a very good level of development.

1st place – Hong Kong

Hong Kong has the best healthcare in the world for a huge number of factors. In almost all areas of development, it is ahead of other countries, and local specialists working in research centers manage to cope with cases that baffle doctors in other countries.

Information from open sources.

Countries with the best healthcare systems as of 2014.

— probable life expectancy of the population (“weight” of the criterion is 60%),
— relative cost of health care expenditures per capita (“weight” of the criterion is 30%),
— absolute cost of health care expenditures per capita (“weight” of the criterion is 10%).

Within each criterion, the assessment was carried out 80% based on stable statistical readings and 20% on current changes in the calendar year compared to the previous one (that is, current improvements were taken into account). The relative cost of health care expenditure per capita was calculated as a percentage of the state's GDP (gross domestic product). The absolute cost of health care expenditures per capita included not only current expenses for planned and emergency medical care, but also programs for disease prevention, family planning, proper nutrition etc. The ranking took into account countries with a population of at least 5 million, a share of annual GDP per capita of at least $5,000 and an average life expectancy of at least 70 years.

The top twenty countries look like this:

2. Hong Kong
8. France
10. Great Britain
16. Saudi Arabia
17. Chile
18. Czech Republic
19. Finland

Russia ended up in 51st place (this last place in the ranking), USA at 44, Canada on the 21st.

It is clear that the level of development of medicine is a clear indicator of the well-being of the entire country. In the ranking of countries with the best medicine in the world, they are distinguished by a combination of excellent public and private medical services and services.

You can see detailed data in the table below.
The first column is the serial number in the ranking, the second is the country, the third is the number of rating points scored, the fourth is average life expectancy, the fifth is the share of healthcare expenditures in GDP, the sixth is the share of healthcare expenditures per capita, then the columns: amendment for life expectancy in the current year, adjustment for expected healthcare expenditures per capita in the current year, adjustment for changes in the share of healthcare expenditures in GDP, inflation in the country, country position in 2013.

Let's take a closer look at some countries.

We can say that this is a country with “free public healthcare”. Since the healthcare system is funded by the government and covers 97% of medical costs. The typical Swede accounts for only 3 percent of health expenses. At the same time, the level of medicine is very high: this includes ultra-modern equipment, very professional doctors, effective medicines, etc.

And one more thing: get higher education and to study to become a doctor for citizens of Sweden, as in many countries with a prosperous healthcare system, the process is free, students pay nothing for their studies, the main thing is to pass the competition for admission, study well and pass exams successfully. Therefore, it is clear that truly gifted and educated people get into healthcare, and not those who have the money for many years of study and a very prestigious diploma.

Sweden is successful not only economically and has an excellent environment, which is also important in terms of morbidity rates and life expectancy.

The only point: in Sweden, the healthcare system does not finance dental care, but it is partially subsidized, and for children under 19 years old it is completely free.

It turns out that South Korea is known throughout the world for its medical system, one of the best. The most a big problem in medicine, the challenge facing the local government is the poor environment, due to which the number of various diseases among local residents. The response was the introduction unified system healthcare, which provides all citizens of the country with 100% access to medical care.

This small but very rich (and expensive) state actively cares about its citizens. This is probably why they live very long: they have the highest life expectancy rates: 80.5 years for men and 85 years for women. Of course, it is influenced by both the comfortable living conditions of the Swiss and their financial situation, allowing you to monitor your health, and many factors. Among them is the health care system. True, unlike Sweden, it is not almost completely free, but the government still covers most medical services. Citizens pay the rest themselves through personal health insurance. Every Swiss person should have an insurance policy.

It’s not just convenient and comfortable to live in the state (thanks, among other things, to climatic conditions). Medicine is very developed here. Australian healthcare is universal. 75% of citizens' medical bills are financed federal government, the remaining 25% is private health insurance.

The state does not pay the population for dental treatment, optometry and ambulance services, however, those citizens who may be classified as needy have the right to subsidize these services.

Italy is catching up with its geographic “neighbor” Switzerland in terms of life expectancy and is confidently rising in the ranking in terms of life expectancy. In Italy, the average lifespan is 82 years. Of course, such a solid figure is largely due to the high level of healthcare. The medical system here is public-private. For any operation in any (public or private) hospital, patients are not charged a single euro. Emergency medical care is free for all residents, including illegal immigrants.

Spain is a country with a high level of medicine and excellent state system healthcare. Much attention here we pay attention to the quality of personnel: doctors are highly competent, nurses are well trained. Add to this the ultra-modern medical equipment and get a state where people come for treatment even from other countries. As for the residents of Spain itself, they pay for only a small percentage of medications, the bulk is financed by the state.

This country is a very popular destination medical tourism for our compatriots. Russians with different incomes and diagnoses go there for treatment - from simple to difficult-to-treat. Israel provides its citizens with a fundamental right to health care. Everyone here should have health insurance. Healthcare here is one of the most advanced in terms of technology and personnel qualifications.

The country of high technology remains advanced in terms of medicine. Japan provides universal health insurance to its citizens. Moreover, working Japanese are required to undergo an annual medical examination and a full medical examination; they are directly obliged to do this labor contract. At the same time, the working population receives additional private insurance from their employers, and low-income residents of the Land of the Rising Sun can count on a government subsidy - they are exempt from medical fees.

It is noteworthy that a developed healthcare system in this country was built in just 40-50 years from the moment oil was discovered in the country, that is, money appeared.
Healthcare in the UAE is divided into public and private. Public hospitals provide medical services to all UAE citizens free of charge. Private medical institutions provide services under an insurance policy or for cash payment. State clinics here are equipped with the latest technology, and the country hosts many medical conferences, exhibitions and symposiums.

Since the country did not have its own universities for training doctors (and now there are few of them), the state subsidizes its citizens who want to get a profession and return to work in their homeland to study at any university in the world. The government is also actively attracting specialists from other countries to work on high paying job under an employment contract.

If you speak English. language, at this link you can read Bloomberg's analytical publication about the phenomenon that came out on top in the healthcare rankings.

More than 50% of people who contact us regarding immigration to Europe are interested in the issue of cost medical care in certain countries. Most often, interest is associated with the possibility of providing quality medical services to elderly parents. Many people compare before moving: where is the best medicine? In this article we will try to answer current issues.

The best medicine in Europe: ranking leaders

France and Italy are leaders in medical tourism

Several European countries appear year after year in various rankings of countries with the best medical care. Of course, regularly getting into various “tops” is not an accident, but a pattern due to the high quality of services.

According to the World Health Organization, France and Italy lead among European countries in terms of efficiency and accessibility of healthcare. Obtaining a French or Italian passport (or even residence permit status), which gives the right to treatment at a reduced cost, is extremely difficult due to strict quotas.

However, these states widely practice medical tourism, providing high-class services to citizens of other EU countries. And from this point of view, in order to undergo treatment in France, it is not at all necessary to obtain any official status in this country. It is enough to have a residence permit or citizenship of a European country that provides favorable conditions for obtaining it.

You can obtain a residence permit or even a second citizenship in Hungary, Greece, Portugal, and undergo treatment in French or Italian clinics. This is much simpler and more profitable than resorting to medical tourism, coming for treatment from Russia.

However, treatment will be most beneficial if you obtain official status in the country where you intend to use medical services.

Medicine in European countries: Malta, Spain - the best systems

Let us draw your attention to the fact that the top ten European countries with the best medical care, according to WHO, are Malta and Spain. They are also present in the “top” compiled in 2015 by the reputable Serbian company Numbeo, which publishes medical reports based on interviews, surveys and statistical data.

These countries have attractive programs for obtaining residence permits for investments. By taking part in them, you guarantee yourself and your family maximum access to European medicine.


The Maltese healthcare system is truly one of the strongest in the world, and this applies to both public and private clinics. The largest are Mater Dei Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital and Saint James Hospital, providing a full range of medical care.

In 2010, the Maltese government decided to turn the island into a medical tourism center. Most doctors undergo international certification, medical institutions are equipped according to international standards. Thanks to tax-funded healthcare, services in public clinics are free for Maltese citizens. For this purpose, appropriate insurance is taken out, and medications are purchased according to prescriptions.

In general, the cost of treatment is 30-50% lower than in leading European countries.

In particular, the affordable price attracts thousands of patients from the UK, and most Maltese doctors study at universities in this country.
About how to get investment program, read on our website.


Spanish doctors are rightfully considered one of the most qualified in Europe, and high-quality equipment is present in every clinic. All this becomes available if you participate in the “Golden Residence Permit of Spain” program or obtain a second citizenship in this country. In this case, free healthcare in Europe will no longer seem unrealistic to you.

The Spanish healthcare system is somewhat reminiscent of the Soviet one, but technologically advanced. It is extremely developed here social Security, and financing of medicine occurs mainly through taxes (including on alcohol and tobacco products).

As a result, 94% of the country's population receives medical care free of charge. And 80% of diseases are treated in public clinics. Private clinics most often have a narrow specialization. Spaniards choose their own local doctor. There is no need to waste time in queues - visiting times are scheduled by the minute.

When purchasing medications, you will not have to pay their full cost, but about 40%. Pensioners pay only 10% of the price of medicines. Pharmacies dispense them by prescription, and the reduced price is explained by a special co-payment system: the bulk of the costs of medicines are covered by the state.

The best European clinics: Switzerland – maximum quality

Switzerland has remained the world leader in life expectancy since 2012. This is due, among other things, to the level of medical care. The local hospitals are extremely highly rated due to the latest equipment and qualified doctors.

However, most often they provide paid services, which are used by visitors from all over the world. The most complex and rare diseases are treated here, but the cost is quite high.
You won’t be able to quickly get a passport from this country – it operates through investments in the national economy.

The basis for obtaining a residence permit is an agreement with the canton on the payment of taxes - at least 100 thousand euros per year. The residence permit is issued for a period of one year and is renewed annually for 10 years. Only after this can you apply for permanent residence. You can obtain Swiss citizenship by living in this country for at least 12 years.

In some cases, these investments are completely justified. Swiss citizens have the right to have a significant portion of their medical expenses covered - these are reimbursed by the government. As a result, you get access to the highest quality medicine and the best pharmacology in the world, but pay significantly less for services and medicines than visitors from other countries.

Affordable treatment in Europe: Hungary, Portugal – optimal cost


Surprisingly, over the past 20 years, Hungary and its capital Budapest have become a hub for medical tourism. The quality of the services offered meets pan-European standards, their range is large, but the cost is affordable for most residents of the CIS countries.

By taking part in the investment program and obtaining a residence permit, lifelong permanent residence or citizenship in Hungary, you are guaranteed to have the opportunity to use high-quality European medicine almost free of charge - insurance will cost you only 20-40 euros.

There are multidisciplinary public clinics and private institutions in this country.

In public clinics, doctors mainly practice with very high qualifications:

  • oncologists
  • surgeons
  • cardiologists

Private institutions mainly specialize in

  • dentistry
  • ophthalmology
  • aesthetic surgery

Both clinics are extremely careful in training their staff. In particular, Hungarian plastic surgeons study and gain experience for 13 years to obtain a license. As a result, Hungarian medicine is not inferior to American medicine in some areas, but prices for services are 50-60% lower than in the USA. This is what attracts thousands of Americans here every year.


In this country, public and private medicine coexist. On state level There are hospitals where various areas of surgery, artificial insemination, and gynecology are extremely developed.

It is noteworthy that many European women choose Portugal to give birth. Due to the lower prices for services, citizens of Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Scandinavian countries come here for treatment.

Taking out an annual insurance of approximately 350 euros gives the right to visit a private doctor for consultations, do tests, and undergo basic examinations. This type of medical care is extremely popular among the Portuguese. Thanks to insurance, doctor's services are 2-3 times cheaper. If a regular consultation costs 40-50 euros, then with insurance it costs 15 euros.

It is most profitable to undergo treatment in Portuguese clinics if you have citizenship or residence permit status, which can be obtained here in just 2 months.

Most often, a residence permit is issued through investments in the economy for 1 million euros or the purchase of real estate for 500 thousand euros.

Medicine in Europe and Russia

If we compare European and Russian medical capabilities, as well as the cost of treatment, we can say that clinics in Europe are generally more accessible. And the quality of the services provided is higher than in Russia. This is an extremely important factor that should be taken into account when obtaining a second citizenship or residence permit in the European Union.

Health problems can suddenly arise even in a healthy person, and in this case it is best to have access to quality treatment in a European clinic. And if you have status or a second passport, you can significantly save on treatment - up to 70% of its cost.

You can find out more about obtaining residence permit and permanent residence statuses, as well as second citizenship in EU countries in other articles on our blog. If you need to clarify certain points, ask your question to our specialists in the comments to the article. We will respond as soon as possible.

Health is the most precious gift that nature can give to man. But caring for the health of their population lies entirely on the shoulders of the governments of the countries of the world. Each state is obliged to provide people with high-quality qualified medical care.

In many ways, the prestige of the clinic or other medical institution depends on the personnel working in it. Many hospitals can boast of eminent specialists, as well as institutes for training qualified personnel. To always have high-quality personnel you need a good and strong education. This is one of the keys to the success of medicine in every country. It is also very important to provide clinics and hospitals with high-quality equipment, which greatly simplifies the treatment process, as well as identifying the causes of the disease.

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Average life expectancy: 83.7 years

This country not only has the most powerful economy in the world, it also has developed industry, science and education. Therefore, we will not surprise you by saying that medicine in Japan is also very well developed.

Japan has created a high-quality education system for doctors that even many countries send their citizens here to train medical personnel. There are a lot of professional, skilled doctors in Japan. average salary Doctor's salary in Japan is $5800 (including all deductions), in this country this is one of the highest paid professions.

After the atomic bombing of the country in 1945, the government relied on medicine and pharmaceuticals. So many Japanese pharmaceuticals are the best in the world.

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Average life expectancy: 81.9 years

For residents of Russia, medicine in the Netherlands may not seem as good as it seemed. Here it is almost impossible to call a doctor at home; it is difficult to get an appointment with a specialist bypassing a therapist. In addition, making an appointment with a doctor in the coming days will also be very problematic. On the other hand, after visiting a doctor, you are unlikely to immediately go to the pharmacy with a huge list.

Doctors here are considered among the best in Europe. In their work, they often use only proven means. In this country, the profession of a doctor is also considered very prestigious, and in order to get a job, you need to study hard. That is why there are so many qualified doctors here.

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Average life expectancy: 81.07 years

Another rich European country that has the best healthcare system in the region. Here, almost all the country's hospitals are funded by the government, but there are also private clinics that are no worse than public ones. Swedish doctors are well known in the world. In addition, the laws of this country are always on the side of patients. For example, the government guarantees that the patient will receive any medical care within 3 months, regardless of the complexity of the operation and other factors.

It is not for nothing that the average life expectancy of people in this country is one of the highest in the world. For women this value is 93.5 years, for men it is 79 years.

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Average life expectancy: 80.2 years

Norway is considered not only the richest country in terms of per capita income, but also the best in the world in medical research. This country can be used as an example in any area of ​​social life, not just medicine.

Medical institutions here they are financed by the state, and they are managed at three different levels. About 95% of all medical care in the country is provided free of charge. Pregnant women, children and adolescents can receive absolutely free help in Norway. Even drug addicts are entitled to free doses of drugs.

Each resident of Norway receives from the state a personal attending physician, whom he chooses for 2 years. He can then change his doctor every 2 years if he wishes. The medical profession is considered very prestigious. On average, doctors here receive 4,800 euros monthly after all deductions. Isn't it a good salary?

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Average life expectancy: 79.51 years

Belgium is another country with a developed healthcare system. There is a well-functioning health insurance system here, which reimburses all funds spent on treatment, covering 99% of all citizens. Only a small portion of medical services are not available for reimbursement.

The activities and qualifications of each attending physician here are controlled by the organization Order of Physicians. Every medical practitioner is required to be registered with this organization. Every doctor here works as if self employed. He can work in a hospital, or he can open his own waiting room. Patients have the right to choose any attending physician, or even several doctors. And it doesn’t matter which doctor he goes to, his treatment costs will be reimbursed.

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Average life expectancy: 81.38 years

Canadian medicine is famous for its high level of development and accessibility to the population. It is free for the population; financing of doctors and medical institutions lies entirely with the municipalities of each region. Even the services of private doctors are paid not from the pockets of patients, but from their regional budgets.

All patients in need of medical care are required to first contact a therapist, who is the link between the patient and the entire health care system of the country. It is the primary physician who controls patients’ access to specialist doctors, hospital care, and prescribed medications.

As in many developed countries, the medical profession is the most paid here. This is why Canada has one of the most professional medical personnel. This is evidenced by the high average life expectancy of the population: 79 years.

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Average life expectancy: 81.81 years

Medical institutions in this country are divided into paid and public. But they all obey common system insurance. National Medicare insurance is available to all citizens of the country, as well as immigrants who have a permanent visa. In favor of state insurance, 2% of his taxable income is withheld monthly from each citizen.

The state monitors and sets prices for medical services. Government agencies do not have the right to deviate from these prices. And private clinics can make small markups on their services. Health insurance covers 85 percent of the “basic” cost of medical services, patients only pay 15 percent plus the amount of private clinic premiums (if any).

The only thing you don’t have to pay 15% for is medical services for the birth of a child. The birth is fully paid for by the state. It is worth noting that pregnant women are not special patients here; they have exactly the same rights as other clinic visitors. To provide special care for pregnant women private clinic You may be asked to pay several thousand dollars extra.

Medical services in Australia are quite expensive. That is why the medical profession is especially popular here. There are more than 75,000 doctors and medical specialists working in the country.

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Average life expectancy: 80.96 years

Israel is the leader in this ranking in terms of the number of highly qualified doctors per capita. Every year the government spends huge amounts of money on the entire medical care system, as well as on training doctors. Here, doctors often communicate with each other on duty, gain new knowledge and exchange experiences. This is achieved through frequent scientific seminars, meetings and the implementation of government medical projects.

For residents of this country, medicine is free. Each citizen pays about 5% of tax monthly to medicine. And, regardless of the nominal amounts of tax deductions, every citizen has equal rights for treatment. If a person wants to receive additional medical services or receive them out of turn, then he can pay for additional insurance that will allow him to do this.

For residents of the CIS, Israel is perhaps the most visited country for so-called “medical tourists”. Here you can get high-quality and highly qualified medical care, as well as medical care, relatively inexpensively. And there are absolutely no difficulties with the language barrier here - many doctors speak Russian well.

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Average life expectancy: 78.37 years

The country provides complete health security to its citizens thanks to an excellent healthcare system with highly qualified doctors, as these doctors are trained in special institutes that are closely monitored by the government. Every year, the country produces thousands of highly qualified doctors who are capable of not only providing high-quality treatment, but also ensuring polite treatment of the patient.

Interest in medicine among US citizens is growing. It is not surprising that doctors here receive the highest salaries of all highly skilled professions. In this country, more than 10 million people work in the medical field today. All US institutions offer maximum comfort for visitors and staff. Surprisingly, sometimes the management of clinics is forced to experience more inconvenience than the patients.

95% of the country's population has health insurance that covers the cost of medical services. But, if for some reason a citizen does not have medical insurance, then it becomes very expensive for him to get sick. For one doctor’s visit you will have to “fork out” $100-$200. Usually such people are sick at home.

In the USA almost everything medications Can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. Without it, you won’t even be able to buy simple cough medicine. So, every citizen should have health insurance. Without insurance, you can only rely on the emergency room, the list of free services of which is quite meager.

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Average life expectancy: 80.07 years

Most developed country with a long history in the field of medical sciences is Germany. This is a country with amazing labor potential, producing real gems in the form of highly qualified specialists. Skilled doctors, as well as advanced technologies in the service of medicine, make Germany one of the best in the world in the field of healthcare.

Doctors in Germany, before going to work, go through very long haul. They study for at least 11 years. And it’s worth it, because the pay for doctors here is one of the highest among highly qualified specialists.

In Germany there are both private and public clinics, and in terms of the level of service provided, they are not too different. Everything here is done for the patient. In Germany, they believe that the patient should not experience pain, so even FGS (swallowing a “light bulb”) is done under general anesthesia. In addition, no illnesses here are attributed to age. The attitude towards old and young patients is absolutely the same.

Citizens pay mandatory monthly contributions in order to have health insurance. The insurance even covers the cost of a taxi if you use one to go to the hospital. Without insurance, treatment in Germany will be very expensive. But every citizen is required by law to have insurance. Even for low-income groups, the state pays for insurance, which is no different from the rest.

In any clinic, the patient will be provided with proper care. They will even offer you a multi-course menu to choose from. Surprisingly, this is true!

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This was an article about the TOP 10 countries with the best doctors in the world. As we see, countries that invest a lot of effort and money in medicine have healthier populations, whose life expectancy directly depends on the quality of medical services. In Russia, for example, there is still a huge scientific base that still makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists, but low wages “kill” healthy competition among specialists. And poor equipment with modern technology makes Russian medicine ineffective. Statistics confirm this: the average life expectancy in the Russian Federation is 70.3 years, which is significantly less than in most European countries. Thank you for your attention.