Budgeting in 1c erp. Budgeting


The purpose of this article is to talk about methods for creating and analyzing budgets in the new 1C software product “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0”.

This article will not describe the methodology for developing budgets. My goal is to talk about the capabilities of the new program in terms of building budget processes.

Using a few simple examples, I will tell you how to create a budget instance, how to link actual data to planned data, how to set up budget reports, how to build a budget process and analyze task completion.

So, where does budgeting begin in 1C: ERP 2.0?

All budgeting operations are performed within the budget model. The budget model determines the budgeting period and the main analytics for constructing budgets. Budgets can be built by organization or by department

The budget model form defines the validity period. In one period, an enterprise can only operate one budget model.

If approval procedures are included in the budget model, then they apply to all budgets built within the selected budget model. When you enable approval procedures, it becomes possible to set statuses in budget instances.

Within the budget model, the steps of the budget process are configured.

The steps in the budget process have two types: stages and steps. Folders represent the stages of the budget process. Within a stage, a schedule for performing the included steps is configured. For example, for the stage of forming monthly budgets, the first task must be launched 5 days before the start of the period, all tasks must be executed sequentially, with a frequency of a month.

A budget process step is a task performed within the stage, indicating a specific action and a responsible executor. The process step also specifies the duration of the task, the type of budget, the scenario, and the main analytics.

In cases where a budget process step should not be executed, the “Not Executed” flag is set in it.

In addition to the budget model, for budgeting purposes, a mandatory analytics is the scenario. Using the script, budgets are versioned.

The script sets the currency and frequency of execution. If the scenario currency is different from the management accounting currency, it is possible to specify forecast exchange rates and need to check the rates when entering a budget instance.

One scenario in the system is predefined; according to this scenario, the system automatically collects actual data.

Since the budgeting subsystem is fully integrated into the enterprise management configuration, budget instances can be created directly from the planning subsystem. For these purposes, you can use the details in the “Planning Scenarios” directory.

This detail is necessary when building an end-to-end planning system in an information system, when budgets are formed on the basis of sales, production, and procurement plans.

The budget structure consists of the following elements:

  • Budget items form budget turnover.
  • Budget indicators form budget balances.

The main directory that determines budget turnover is the “Budget Items” directory.

The budget item specifies analytics; it is possible to specify up to 6 different analytics. The article also establishes the possibility of quantitative and currency accounting.

The navigation panel contains settings for the rules for obtaining actual data.

There can be an unlimited number of rules. In the form of rules, the source of data acquisition is configured. Possible options:

– Operational accounting - data will be collected from operational accounting registers in the context of documents.

– Regulated accounting - the source will be the chart of accounts of regulated accounting.

– International accounting - IFRS chart of accounts.

– Arbitrary data - to obtain a fact, a custom request is made.

The source of the amount and additional selections are also configured.

The “Budget Indicators” directory defines the residual indicators that will be displayed in the budget.

The structure of the directory is similar to budget items. You can specify up to 6 dimensions for indicators.

For each indicator, you need to configure a rule for obtaining actual data.

For one indicator, more than one rule for obtaining actual data can be configured, then the information on them will be summarized when generating reports.

In order for balances to be calculated in reports and budget instances, it is necessary to set up connections between budget items and budget indicators. This is done in the “Settings and Directories” section through the “Budget Indicator Links” information register.

An entry must be made in the register for each item that affects the indicator. Then select the type of influence - income/expense. You also need to indicate the influence coefficient.

After entering the analytical and structural data, you can begin to create a budget type.

A budget type is a constructor that is used to create forms for entering budget instances and reporting forms.

The budget type is linked to the budget model.

In order for the budget type to be used to enter budget instances, you must check the “Use to enter a plan” flag. It should be noted that if the flag is set, it is impossible to create a plan based on the type of budget - factual analysis. To build a plan-actual report, you need to create a new type of budget.

The first type of budget is a simple DDS budget without analytics. The budget structure is formed by dragging values ​​from the left window to the right.

You can collect a title in the form. After the title, a table is added to the budget type form. The table can be of several types:

For the first example, I will choose a simple table with indicators in rows. In the columns you can specify a period - month. You need to add 2 groups in the lines: receipt and expenditure. Then you need to transfer the necessary articles to each group. Since expense items should reduce the balance in the reports, you need to indicate the opposite sign for them. To do this, double-click to open the article and set the appropriate attribute.

The “Formula by group” element is used to enter total indicators for items. It can be placed either in the first line of the group or in the last, depending on where you need to see the results.

Indicators are also dragged into the input form. In order to display the balance at the beginning, in the form of setting up the indicator, you must select the value “Initial balance”. The setting also defines the receipt of data about the scenario, organization and department and additional selections.

In order to display the remainder at the end, accordingly, you need to select the ending balance in the settings.

To check the structure for errors, there is a “Check budget type” button.

The report form can be viewed by clicking the “View report type” button. From the budget type form, you can create a budget instance by clicking the “Create budget instance” button.

You can view budget data through budget reports. The reports have the same form as the budget type.

In order to view the actual data on the budget, you need to select the predefined scenario “actual data” in the settings.

In order to obtain a plan-factual analysis, you need to create a new budget type.

For plan-actual analysis in the form of a budget, you do not need to check the “Use to enter a plan” flag. You need to display the “Scenarios” group in the columns. You need to drag 2 “Scenarios” dimensions into the group; in the dimensions, specify a fixed set of scenarios, one of which is actual. To display deviations, you need to add a group formula to the group of scenarios and select the “Deviation” formula value.

When generating a report, scripts will not be requested, since they are fixed.

Report data can be deciphered to primary documents as a matter of fact,

The same goes for planned data.

In order for budget instances and budget reports to be expanded to analytics, you need to create the appropriate budget type. You need to transfer the required analytics to budget items. For analytics, you can specify both a list of fixed values ​​for which the plan should be entered, and other values ​​in which amounts that are not related to the fixed values ​​are indicated. It should be noted that only those dimensions that are specified for budget items can be added to the budget type.

When you enter a budget instance based on the budget type, all analytics views are transferred.

When displaying actual data in a report, the system itself determines the analyst’s values ​​based on the types of reference books.

The settings for the budget type for plan-factual analysis are similar to the first option.

Budget instances can be created not only from a budget view or directly from a list of documents. Also, when using budget processes, the need to enter a copy of the budget can be sent to the responsible person as a budget task.

You can manage the execution of tasks within the budget process from a special workspace “Budget Process Management”, from which you can create tasks, track execution, and also generate reports on overdue tasks.

In addition to forming plans and collecting actual data, the budgeting subsystem allows you to limit expenses by fixing limits. In order for DS spending limits to be taken directly from approved plans and not require manual entry, the “Expenditure limits according to budget data” flag must be set in the budgeting model. You also need to indicate the scenario and list of budgeting items for which data will be entered into the limit setting subsystem.

Limits are set not on budget items, but on DDS items, therefore, only those items for which the DDS item is indicated in the analysts can be selected for the list of budget items used to fill the limits.

The limits are fixed in the document “DS Spending Limits”. The document can be filled out either manually or based on budgeting data using the “Fill in based on budgeting data” button.

Limits are monitored when processing applications for DS expenditure. At the same time, for a role with the right to approve applications, it is possible to carry out applications in excess of the limits.

You can analyze the limits using the “Use of DS spending limits” report in the group of financial reports.

So, we got acquainted with the budgeting mechanisms in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 program using several simple examples.

The course is intended: for financial directors, employees of financial and economic planning services, management accounting consultants. The course will be useful to project managers and members of project teams, both from customers and from companies involved in the implementation of the “Budgeting” subsystem of the “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” application solution.

The purpose of training: mastering the technology of working with functionality that can be used to automate the functions of budget management of an enterprise in the application solution "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2". Practical work within the course is built using a case study.

As part of the course you will:

  • become familiar with the methodological foundations of budgeting;
  • become familiar with the main configuration objects related to the functionality of the “Budgeting” subsystem, understand their purpose, be able to find them in the interface and use them competently in the process of work;
  • consider examples of the use of configuration objects related to the functionality of the “Budgeting” subsystem to solve the problems of organizing quarterly planning of the cash flow budget, annual planning and rolling planning;
  • become familiar with the possibilities of reflecting operational plans in the “Budgeting” subsystem and transmitting limits from the “Budgeting” subsystem to the operational circuit;
  • learn to get the necessary information from the database using custom reports;
  • learn to analyze the information received;
  • learn to find and correctly correct mistakes.

The course is conducted in three formats: full-time, full-time immersion and WEB format. Course program in full-time format and in other formats (immersion and WEB) are different.

WEB course and immersion course - are extended version of the full-time course. Added to the course program case study on solving tasks from exam papers to prepare students to pass the exam "1C: Specialist Consultant" on the implementation of the "Budgeting" subsystem in "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2".

(login: _GuestCourse1C_ERP_Budgeting, no password)

The cost of a full-time day course includes:

  • 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00
  • teaching materials
  • lunches, coffee breaks

The price of the WEB course includes:

  • 4 weeks of course, 4 webinars with a teacher
  • 1 year access to video materials and webinar recordings after completing the course
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3

The cost of the full-time immersion course includes:

  • 5 days from 10:00 to 17:00 or 9 evenings from 18:30 to 21:30
  • notes, headphones
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • 1 year access to updated video materials after completing the course
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3

The price of the online broadcast includes:

  • online broadcast of the full-time course in webinar mode, 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time
  • methodological manual in printed form (sent in advance by Russian Post)
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3

Training formats

Full-time daytime

Who is this format for:For those who can undergo training while away from work and prefer classic full-time training.

Duration:24 academic hours

On-line translation

What is this format:Online broadcasting is training in the form of an online webinar, which is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. Instead of special video tutorials, you get a “live” lecture broadcast via the Internet. This ensures maximum naturalness in the presentation of the material, similar to conventional face-to-face training - but the problem of the need for personal presence in the training center disappears. The only difference from face-to-face training is the absence of direct interaction with the audience and the teacher.

Who is this format for:For those who find the broadcast of a traditional lecture easier and more convenient than video tutorials. For people who want to get the feeling of being personally present at a training center from anywhere in the world.

Duration:24 academic hours

WEB training

What is this format:The proposed format combines many of the advantages of distance learning with a face-to-face component represented by video materials and online consultations.
The WEB course consists of videos, practical tasks and webinars with teachers. All course materials are available 24/7 via the Internet so you can study at a time that suits you. The course is divided into classes. During the lesson, materials on the current topic are studied, workshops are performed, and questions are asked to the teacher. At the end of each lesson, a webinar is held, during which the teacher examines all the questions received, typical errors, and explains the correct solution. Recordings of webinars are available in the portal. In this way, several classes are held one after another. At the end there is a final independent work and a final webinar.

Duration: 4 weeks

What is this format:

Duration:40 academic hours

What is this format:A full-time immersion course is a format that combines all the advantages of full-time training, distance learning and individual training. Classes are held in an equipped classroom, you independently study the course materials (step-by-step videos) and perform workshops. At the same time, there is a teacher in the audience who is ready at any time to answer questions and help with solving practical problems, as well as check the correctness of their implementation.
Advantages – individual consultations from the teacher on your questions, the pace of completing the material is suitable for you personally.
All this provides a more in-depth study of the course material.
This course can be taken from your workplace with the full effect of the presence of the teacher where the student is! If this opportunity interests you, give us a call!

Duration:40 academic hours

Course program




  • What is budgeting? Basic Concepts
  • Goals, objectives and functions of budgeting
    • Budgeting Goals
    • Functions and tasks of budgeting
  • Budgeting Regulations
    • Goals and indicators
    • Budget structure
    • Financial structure
    • Budget regulations


  • Subsystem concept
    • How to work with the subsystem
    • Configuring subsystem parameters
    • Subsystem objects
  • Examples of using objects and capabilities of the Budgeting subsystem
    • Organization of quarterly planning using the example of preparing and approving a cash flow budget
      • Entering a budgeting model
      • Entering budget items
      • Analysis of budgeting data
    • Organization of the annual budgeting process
      • Development of a budget for approval of the sales budget
      • Developing a budget to set spending limits (top-down planning technique)
      • Development of a cash flow budget using the indirect method
      • Developing a budget process and planning using the budget process.
    • Rolling planning


Lesson 1

  • Introduction to the course
  • Goals, objectives and functions of budgeting
  • Budgeting Regulations
  • Subsystem concept
  • Introduction to Case 1
  • Introduction to the main capabilities of the subsystem functionality using the example of BDDS
    • Entering a budgeting model
    • Entering budget items
    • Formation of a single-level budget structure for entering planned data
    • Test entry of plan data using a previously created budget type
    • Formation of a hierarchical budget structure for entering planned data
    • Formation of a budget structure for entering planned data using analytics
    • Formation of a budget structure for entering planned data using budget indicators
    • Formation of the budget structure using derived indicators
    • Rules for obtaining actual data
    • Using mechanisms for filling in planned data in budget instances based on budgeting data
    • Using Budget Types for Analysis
    • Using currency accounting
    • Budget process management
    • Formation of the budget structure using mechanisms for setting the actual data boundary
    • Analysis of budgeting data

Lesson 2

  • Getting to know the case
  • Introduction to the implementation of case 2
  • Case solution 2
    • Budget development for sales planning
    • Development of a budget for approval of the sales budget
    • Development of a service budget (top-down planning method)
    • Budget development for procurement planning
    • Development of a budget for planning and approval of the expenditure budget by department (bottom-up planning method)
    • Development of budgets for the preparation and approval of the profit and loss budget
    • Development of budgets for the preparation and approval of the cash flow budget
    • Development of budgets for the preparation and approval of the forecast balance
    • "Development of cash flow budgets using the indirect method
    • Development of budgets for plan-factual analysis and control of budget execution
    • Developing a budget process and planning using the budget process

Lesson 3

  • Rolling planning
  • Developing a project budget for input
  • Development of project budgets for medium-term planning
  • Reflection of operational plans in budgeting
  • Controlling limits on spending money using the functions of the Budgeting subsystem
    • Getting to know the case
    • Development of budgeting regulations
    • Entering reference data
    • Case solution
    • Development of a service budget
    • Budget development for sales planning
    • Developing a budget for kit assembly planning
    • Budget development for production planning
    • Development of a budget for direct production costs
    • Budget development for procurement planning

Lesson 4

  • Exam case solution
    • Development of departmental expense budgets
    • Investment budget development
    • Development of a budget for planning targets
    • Development of a budget of income and expenses for 1 year
    • Development of a cash flow budget for 1 year
    • Development of a forecast balance
    • Development of a cash flow budget (indirect method)
    • Development of a cash flow budget for plan-factual analysis
    • Development of a cash flow statement for the current year
    • Development of a sales budget for updating
    • Development of a strategic budget for income and expenses
    • Development of a strategic cash flow budget
    • Development of budget regulations
    • Setting limits to control the expenditure of funds for payments to suppliers
Read the entire program

(on which circulating data is stored), let's move on to creating budgeting indicators (i.e. the register on which balance data is stored). Indicators are available from the menu Budgeting and planning -> Settings and reference books -> Budgeting indicators. Let's create a new one:

It can be seen that in the indicator, as well as in the budget item, you can specify up to six analytics, as well as quantitative and currency accounting. But besides this, on the tab Setting the indicator type, the corresponding selection is available:

The indicator can be set as:

  • settlement- then, the initial balance for it will be taken from the fact, and the final balance will be calculated taking into account the turnover for a certain item ( for example, the Forecast DS indicator - the opening balance corresponds to the actual availability of funds, and the final balance is formed adjusted for the planned cash flow for the period);
  • target- then, the entire plan for the indicator will be entered manually, and the entire fact will be collected according to the rules for obtaining the fact (for example, an indicator Credits and borrowings, which can be planned regardless of the current actual value).
Using the Indicator Link hyperlink, you can specify it dependence on budget items. For example, we have an indicator - Retained earnings:

And there is an article Net profit:

Let, according to accounting conditions, all net profit for the period be reflected in the balance sheet as undistributed. Then, to do this, you can configure the link between the article and the indicator:

Question 3.3 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Maximum number of analytics for budgeting indicators:
  1. Not limited

Verified. The correct answer is the fourth, see above for analysis.

Question 3.8 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When displaying budgeting indicator values ​​in a report, the initial and final values ​​are determined:

  1. According to actual data
  2. According to budgeting data
  3. The initial value is taken from actual data, the final value is calculated from related budget items
  4. The final value is taken according to actual data, the initial value is calculated using related budget items
  5. The method for obtaining the initial and final values ​​is determined by the system settings
Verified. The correct answer is the third.

Question 3.13 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. To create balance sheets in the system, you use:

  1. Budgeting Chart of Accounts
  2. Elements of the directory Budget indicators
  3. Elements of the reference book Structure of the budget balance

Verified. The correct answer is the second one. Everything that is in balance is taken into account in the indicators. But the entities “Budgeting Chart of Accounts” and “Budget Balance Sheet Structure” are not in the system at all.

Question 3.32 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Setting up the relationship between budget indicators allows you to configure:

  1. Dependence of some indicators on others
  2. The influence of the budgeting item on the dependent indicator
  3. Options 1 and 2

Verified. The correct answer is the second, see the analysis above. There are no options to set a dependence on another indicator.

The budget is a mathematical confirmation of our suspicions.
A. A. Latimer

The modern realities of the crisis, as well as the permanent lack of funds, force enterprises to look for new tools for managing the financial and economic situation. During such periods, the company's top managers want to be able to predict the future in order to be able to build all possible scenarios for the development of events and choose the most optimal one. Budgeting is one of the components of the financial management system, the main goal of budgeting is the optimal distribution of company resources over time, so we can safely say that one of the main tools for solving the assigned tasks is the introduction of an automated budgeting process at the enterprise.

The main problems in setting up the budgeting process in an enterprise

Low involvement of the Central Federal District in budget planning and assessment

Very often, the budget is drawn up and planned exclusively by the economic planning department without the involvement of the Central Federal District, despite the fact that the planned budgets will have to be executed by the Central Federal District, and not the PEO

Absence of the role of the owner of the budgeting process (budget controller)

The company should have a person for whom budget planning and control will be the main task - this employee will also be responsible for promptly resolving complex or controversial issues and resolving disagreements between users.

Lack of clear budgeting regulations

To set up budgeting, it is necessary to conduct a labor-intensive preliminary analysis, identifying the centers of financial responsibility and those responsible, types of budgets, as well as develop internal accounting policies, a system of planning, analysis and regulation.

An attempt to combine several budget forms into one

As Shakespeare said in the tragedy “King Lear”: “In striving for the best, we often spoil the good.” Very often, companies, in an effort to get a complete picture of budgeting in their opinion, come up with their own forms of budgets, which combine BDR with BDDS, as well as other types of budgets, resulting in a so-called “sheet” that only confuses employees and does not provide answers to questions . BDR and BDDS are independent types of budgets, each of which serves its own purposes and displays information from its own angle.

Excessive budget detail

Sometimes a PEO employee turns on his creativity when drawing up a budget, and at the end we get a budget with excessive detail - this can be expressed either in the presence of unnecessary analytics or in too short a planning period (for example, an attempt to detail the expenses of the DS by weeks or even days)

Ignoring the rolling method when planning a budget

In conditions of high uncertainty, this method can and even should be used. It consists of planning a budget for a certain period, while periodically (usually every month), reviewing and adjusting the planned budget based on actual data for the past period and external factors. This method is widely used in project budget planning.

Ignoring real needs

Very often, the basis of planning budgets is data from past periods, while the real needs of the market are completely ignored, as a result of which we get huge discrepancies between plan and fact

Lack of regular monitoring of budget execution

Very often, enterprise employees consider their mission accomplished after the budget is planned and approved, forgetting that without constant monitoring of execution, the effect of the budgeting system is reduced to zero.

Lack of connection between the budgeting system and the management accounting system

Sometimes companies are faced with the problem that in order to analyze planned budgets, the management accounting system cannot provide operational information on the analytical sections provided for in the budgets, i.e. management accounting, due to its implementation, is simply unable to provide the necessary data.
All these factors are constant companions of traditional planning and control systems and lead to the fact that the company cannot ultimately obtain a real picture of planning, nor conduct a break-even analysis, nor determine the sensitivity of formed budgets to possible changes, nor determine those responsible for failure to fulfill plans, etc. etc.

In turn, the existence of the problems considered is also explained by the presence of a number of reasons that limit or hinder the implementation and development of budgeting in companies:

  • Lack of a regulatory framework for developing budgets.
  • Imperfection of the organizational structure of companies, lack of planning and budget departments.
  • Lack of an established document flow system, low level of automation of activities.
  • Lack of an established control system, excessive pressure, priority of current affairs, lack of time.
  • Shortage of highly qualified workers.
  • Lack of financial resources

  • What to do?

    The only good budget is a balanced one.
    Adam Smith

    One of the ways to eliminate or at least control the above-mentioned shortcomings is to automate the budgeting system, however, careful preliminary analysis and control is very important so that the implemented system in no case ultimately simply transfers all of the above shortcomings to a new, higher technological level, which Due to more developed management tools, it will allow existing problems to be smoothed out for some time, rather than completely eliminated.
    The line of software products from the 1C company includes several software products that allow you to automate the planning and budgeting system. The most popular and effective of them are “1C:ERP Manufacturing Enterprise Management” and “1C:Holding Management”.

    "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2"

    Within the framework of the budgeting functionality of the software product, one of the main tasks of enterprise management is solved - a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the budget models used. The key capabilities of the budgeting system are:

    Modeling of financial plans

    The program provides a flexible and convenient tool for developing budget models with an adjustable depth of detail, individual configuration of each model using subordinate budgets of an arbitrary level of complexity, an unlimited number of simultaneously used models, as well as the ability to quickly and painlessly replace one model with another.

    Limiting cash expenses

    For the purpose of increasing the internal discipline of the enterprise in terms of spending money, it is possible to set individual types of limits for budget items (permissive, additionally restrictive, informational).

    Assessment of deviations of actual data from planned data

    A comparison of forecast and actual data on the financial condition of an enterprise is carried out within the framework of a business model with the possibility of using various scenarios (for example, a Quarterly plan and a Quarterly plan taking into account external factors) with an assessment of the total amounts in the currencies of the operation, scenario, and management/regulated accounting. To simplify the comparison procedure, the Actual data scenario is preset, the sources of which can be operational accounting, regulated/international accounting, and arbitrary data

    Using integration links

    Integration budgeting capabilities allow you to take into account data from other sources (for example, sales, procurement, production plans) when building a budget business model.

    Comprehensive analysis of achieved results

    Analysis of the business model allows for a comprehensive assessment of the balance of execution of the subordinate budget system from the point of view of the correspondence of received expenses and income. Detailed analysis can be carried out using three different types of budget reports:

    • Budget – displays only planned values,
    • Comparison of scenarios - allows you to compare different plans and control deviations in budget items,
    • Plan-actual analysis – allows you to compare the selected scenario with actual data obtained for the reporting period.

    Regulations of the budget process

    To speed up the approval and execution of the budget process, a separate mechanism is provided that allows, using user-defined regulations, to tighten control over the timely execution of specific operations by responsible employees. Customization flexibility is achieved by dividing operations into groups and choosing the most optimal option for their execution: Sequentially or Parallel.

    Assessing the execution of the budget process

    To simplify control over the timely implementation of the budget process, a separate workplace is provided - Budget Process Monitor. The key advantage of the workplace is the compact presentation of large volumes of data, facilitating management decisions based on visual assessment:
    o planned and actual time spent on performing budget tasks;
    o predicted time of completion of the budget process.

    "1C: Holding Management"

    The “Budgeting” subsystem of the software product is additionally aimed at groups of companies that need to see both data from individual organizations and consolidated information. In addition to the functionality implemented in 1C:ERP, 1C:Holding Management provides:

    The ability to more effectively plan and normalize expenses thanks to

    • the use, in addition to the “Plan” and “Act” scenarios, of the intermediate data layer “Reserve”, represented by accrual and payment schedules, requests for operations, as well as the new planning document “Budget Reservation”;
    • ensure effective communications during planning with new commenting and budget versioning features; reducing time and improving the quality of planning and operational analysis of budget execution through the use of a thin web client and a special add-on client for Microsoft Excel;
    • automatic recalculation of dependent budgets

    Expanded functionality for managing investment projects

    Smirnova Ekaterina

    Budgeting in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management program


    The purpose of this article is to talk about methods for creating and analyzing budgets in the new 1C software product “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0”.

    This article will not describe the methodology for developing budgets. My goal is to talk about the capabilities of the new program in terms of building budget processes.

    Using a few simple examples, I will tell you how to create a budget instance, how to link actual data to planned data, how to set up budget reports, how to build a budget process and analyze task completion.

    Additional materials about the 1C:ERP budgeting subsystem can be found in the free training course Planning, Budgeting and Control in 1C:ERP

    So, where does budgeting begin in 1C: ERP 2.0?

    All budgeting operations are performed within the budget model. The budget model determines the budgeting period and the main analytics for constructing budgets. Budgets can be built by organization or by department

    The budget model form defines the validity period. In one period, an enterprise can only operate one budget model.

    If approval procedures are included in the budget model, then they apply to all budgets built within the selected budget model. When you enable approval procedures, it becomes possible to set statuses in budget instances.

    Within the budget model, the steps of the budget process are configured.

    The steps in the budget process have two types: stages and steps. Folders represent the stages of the budget process. Within a stage, a schedule for performing the included steps is configured. For example, for the stage of forming monthly budgets, the first task must be launched 5 days before the start of the period, all tasks must be performed sequentially, with a frequency of a month.

    A budget process step is a task performed within the stage, indicating a specific action and a responsible executor. The process step also specifies the duration of the task, the type of budget, the scenario, and the main analytics.

    In cases where a budget process step should not be executed, the “Not Executed” flag is set in it.

    In addition to the budget model, for budgeting purposes, a mandatory analytics is the scenario. Using the script, budgets are versioned.

    The script sets the currency and frequency of execution. If the scenario currency is different from the management accounting currency, it is possible to specify forecast exchange rates and need to check the rates when entering a budget instance.

    One scenario in the system is predefined; according to this scenario, the system automatically collects actual data.

    Since the budgeting subsystem is fully integrated into the enterprise management configuration, budget instances can be created directly from the planning subsystem. For these purposes, you can use the details in the “Planning Scenarios” directory.

    This detail is necessary when building an end-to-end planning system in an information system, when budgets are formed on the basis of sales, production, and procurement plans.

    The budget structure consists of the following elements:

    • Budget items – form budget turnover.
    • Budget indicators – form budget balances.

    The main directory that determines budget turnover is the “Budget Items” directory.

    The budget item specifies analytics; it is possible to specify up to 6 different analytics. The article also establishes the possibility of quantitative and currency accounting.

    The navigation panel contains settings for the rules for obtaining actual data.

    There can be an unlimited number of rules. In the form of rules, the source of data acquisition is configured. Possible options:

    • Operational accounting - data will be collected from operational accounting registers in the context of documents.
    • Regulated accounting – the source will be the chart of accounts of regulated accounting.

    • International accounting – IFRS chart of accounts.
    • Arbitrary data – to obtain a fact, a custom request is made.

    The source of the amount and additional selections are also configured.

    The “Budget Indicators” directory defines the residual indicators that will be displayed in the budget.

    The structure of the directory is similar to budget items. You can specify up to 6 dimensions for indicators.

    For each indicator, you need to configure a rule for obtaining actual data.

    For one indicator, more than one rule for obtaining actual data can be configured, then the information on them will be summarized when generating reports.

    In order for balances to be calculated in reports and budget instances, it is necessary to set up connections between budget items and budget indicators. This is done in the “Settings and Directories” section through the “Budget Indicator Links” information register.

    An entry must be made in the register for each item that affects the indicator. Then select the type of influence - income/expense. You also need to indicate the influence coefficient.

    After entering the analytical and structural data, you can begin to create a budget type.

    A budget type is a constructor that is used to create forms for entering budget instances and reporting forms.

    The budget type is linked to the budget model.

    In order for the budget type to be used to enter budget instances, you must check the “Use to enter a plan” flag. It should be noted that if the flag is set, it is impossible to create a plan - factual analysis - based on the budget type. To build a plan-actual report, you need to create a new type of budget.

    The first type of budget is a simple DDS budget without analytics. The budget structure is formed by dragging values ​​from the left window to the right.

    You can collect a title in the form. After the title, a table is added to the budget type form. The table can be of several types:

    For the first example, I will choose a simple table with indicators in rows. In the columns you can specify a period - month. You need to add 2 groups in the lines: receipt and expenditure. Then you need to transfer the necessary articles to each group. Since expense items should reduce the balance in the reports, you need to indicate the opposite sign for them. To do this, double-click to open the article and set the appropriate attribute.

    The “Formula by group” element is used to enter total indicators for items. It can be placed either in the first line of the group or in the last, depending on where you need to see the results.

    Indicators are also dragged into the input form. In order to display the balance at the beginning, in the form of setting up the indicator, you must select the value - “Initial balance”. The setting also defines the receipt of data about the scenario, organization and department and additional selections.

    In order to display the remainder at the end, accordingly, you need to select the ending balance in the settings.

    To check the structure for errors, there is a “Check budget type” button.

    The report form can be viewed by clicking the “View report type” button. From the budget type form, you can create a budget instance by clicking the “Create budget instance” button.

    You can view budget data through budget reports. The reports have the same form as the budget type.

    In order to view the actual data on the budget, you need to select the predefined scenario “actual data” in the settings.

    In order to obtain a plan-factual analysis, you need to create a new budget type.

    For plan-actual analysis in the form of a budget, you do not need to check the “Use to enter a plan” flag. You need to display the “Scenarios” group in the columns. You need to drag 2 “Scenarios” dimensions into the group; in the dimensions, specify a fixed set of scenarios, one of which is actual. To display deviations, you need to add a group formula to the group of scenarios and select the “Deviation” formula value.

    When generating a report, scripts will not be requested, since they are fixed.

    Report data can be deciphered to primary documents as a matter of fact,

    and according to planned data.

    In order for budget instances and budget reports to be expanded to analytics, you need to create the appropriate budget type. You need to transfer the required analytics to budget items. For analytics, you can specify both a list of fixed values ​​for which the plan should be entered, and other values ​​in which amounts that are not related to the fixed values ​​are indicated. It should be noted that only those dimensions that are specified for budget items can be added to the budget type.

    When you enter a budget instance based on the budget type, all analytics views are transferred.

    When displaying actual data in a report, the system itself determines the analyst’s values ​​based on the types of reference books.

    The settings for the budget type for plan-factual analysis are similar to the first option.

    Budget instances can be created not only from a budget view or directly from a list of documents. Also, when using budget processes, the need to enter a copy of the budget can be sent to the responsible person as a budget task.

    You can manage the execution of tasks within the budget process from a special workspace “Budget Process Management”, from which you can create tasks, track execution, and also generate reports on overdue tasks.

    In addition to forming plans and collecting actual data, the budgeting subsystem allows you to limit expenses by fixing limits. In order for DS spending limits to be taken directly from approved plans and not require manual entry, the “Expenditure limits according to budget data” flag must be set in the budgeting model. You also need to indicate the scenario and list of budgeting items for which data will be entered into the limit setting subsystem.

    Limits are set not on budget items, but on DDS items, therefore, only those items for which the DDS item is indicated in the analysts can be selected for the list of budget items used to fill the limits.

    The limits are fixed in the document “DS Spending Limits”. The document can be filled out either manually or based on budgeting data using the “Fill in based on budgeting data” button.

    Limits are monitored when processing applications for DS expenditure. At the same time, for a role with the right to approve applications, it is possible to carry out applications in excess of the limits.

    You can analyze the limits using the “Use of DS spending limits” report in the group of financial reports.

    So, we got acquainted with the budgeting mechanisms in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 program using several simple examples.