Contract for suspended ceilings. Contract for suspended ceilings, for installation, assembly, samples Contract for installation of suspended ceilings


Potolok-Montazh LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor), represented by director _______________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), on the other hand, entered into this Agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Customer instructs and the Contractor performs installation work suspended ceilings(hereinafter referred to as works).

1.2. The work uses materials from the Contractor.

1.3. The timing of the work, volume and cost, which form the subject of this contract, are determined in the Additional Agreement to the contract.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The Contractor is obliged to perform, and the Customer to accept, the work in accordance with the Additional Agreement to this agreement.

2.2. The Customer is obliged to promptly pay for the Contractor’s work in accordance with the terms of the contract and Additional Agreement to him.

2.3. The Customer is obliged, within 3 (three) days from the date of completion of the installation of suspended ceilings, to sign the “Acceptance Certificate of Completed Work” or provide the Contractor with a reasoned refusal to writing, otherwise the “Certificate of acceptance and delivery of completed work” is considered signed and the work is considered completed.

2.4. The contractor is obliged in the event of circumstances arising that slow down the progress of work or make their further continuation impossible, including non-conformity of the premises technical requirements to the premises for installing suspended ceilings, immediately notify the Customer about this.

2.5. The customer is obliged, if circumstances arise that slow down the progress of work or make their further continuation impossible, to immediately eliminate these circumstances. Otherwise, the period for completing the work is extended for the duration of the delay caused by these circumstances.

2.6. The performer is obliged within warranty period eliminate defects and deficiencies in the work that arose due to the fault of the Contractor free of charge within 30 (thirty) days from the date of signing the “Certificate of Identified Deficiencies”.

2.7. The Contractor is obliged, during the warranty period, upon request from the Customer, to inspect the work performed in order to identify defects and shortcomings, and to draw up a “Report on Identified Defects” based on this inspection.

2.8. The Contractor, by agreement with the Customer, has the right to deliver the work before the agreed deadline.

3. Payment procedure

3.1. Payment for the installation of suspended ceilings is made in two parts: an advance payment of 10-20% of the cost of the work and a final payment.

3.2. Prepayment is made within 3 (three) days from the date of signing the Additional Agreement to this agreement.

3.3. The final payment is made no later than 3 (three) days from the date of signing the “Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery of Work Completed”.

3.4. The payment procedure may be subject to change. Changes are made to the Addendum to this agreement.

4. Force majeure

4.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this agreement if it is a consequence of force majeure circumstances: flood, fire, earthquake, as well as government regulations Russian Federation And local authorities authorities, if these circumstances directly influenced the execution of this agreement. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the contract is postponed in proportion to the time during which these circumstances were in effect. If they continue for more than 3 months, each party to the contract has the right to cancel it. In this case, neither party has the right to compensation for losses.

5. Duration of the contract

5.1. The agreement comes into force immediately after it is signed by both parties. The agreement is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations under this agreement.

6. Dispute resolution procedure

6.1. All disagreements and disputes arising under this agreement are resolved through negotiations between the parties.

6.2. In the event that disagreements and disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties, they, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are subject to resolution in court.

7. Changing the terms of the agreement

7.1. The contract may be amended, declared invalid or terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation or by agreement of the parties. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid only if they are recorded in writing.

8. Specifications

8.1. The Contractor warns the Customer that the perimeter and shape of the room after measurements must remain unchanged and coincide with the drawings specified in the contract. In the event of a discrepancy between the actual dimensions of the room at the time of installation and those indicated in the ceiling drawing, which was signed at the time of concluding the contract, the Customer pays for modifications (if modifications are technically possible) or a complete replacement of the canvas.

8.2. The customer is obliged to properly prepare the room for installation of suspended ceilings: all construction works must be completed, the debris must be thoroughly removed, workers must be provided with access to the installation sites of the mortgages and around the perimeter of the room. Cable lines must be laid to the installation sites, which ensure guaranteed switching off and turning on of the voltage.

8.3. The Contractor's regular installers do not perform electrical installation work. Their responsibilities do not include connecting chandeliers and lamps.

8.4. It is necessary that the premises be heated both at the time of installation and during their operation. The walls in the places where the profile is attached must be undamaged, strong, smooth (without roughness or depressions). If during the installation process it is discovered that the wall is unsuitable for fixing the profile due to the presence of hidden defects, the Customer repairs it on his own or pays for the manufacture and installation of structures for another method of fastening the profile. In the event that continuation of work is impossible, repeated departure The Customer pays additionally for specialists on site in the amount agreed with the Contractor.

8.5. Ceramic tiles, drywall and other finishing and structural materials must be securely fastened and withstand a tensile load of at least 1000 N/m. In the event that structures for fastening complicated ceilings are manufactured by the Customer, their drawings in mandatory must be agreed upon with the Contractor's representative.

8.6. Before installing a stretch ceiling, the Customer must agree with the Contractor's manager on the type of lamps. In the event that the Customer does not provide the Contractor with a sample of the lamp within the specified period, the Contractor is not responsible for the non-compliance of the lamps with the technical requirements for installing lamps in suspended ceilings, and for the consequences that will be caused by this discrepancy. The power of installed built-in ceiling lights should not exceed 35 W.

8.7. The minimum distance between incandescent lamps and the stretch ceiling is 15 cm, taking into account the sagging of the ceiling. Chandeliers and lamps that are adjacent to the ceiling film must be equipped exclusively with energy-saving lamps, which during operation should not heat up to a temperature of more than 50 0C.

8.8. On areas of more than 25 sq. m. and on ceilings of complex shapes there may be slight deformations of the welds (deviation from a straight line by a distance of 1 to 2 cm). Due to the peculiarities of the physical structure of the PVC film from which the ceiling is welded, textural changes on the canvas are allowed, not exceeding 5% of total area ceiling

8.9. Due to the design features, the suspended ceiling has a sag, depending on the shape, texture and area of ​​the canvas. It should be no more than 150 mm.

8.10. Oscillatory movements of a stretch ceiling in a vertical plane are allowed under the influence of pressure differences between spaces that are separated by a stretch ceiling and are a consequence of insufficient tightness of the space located above the stretch ceiling, as well as air flows. The possible amplitude of ceiling vibration depends on its shape, texture and area and should not be more than 200 mm. In order to avoid oscillatory movements of the stretch ceiling, the customer is recommended to eliminate any gaps in the base ceiling and adjacent structures and walls before starting installation work. The Contractor is not responsible for damage to suspended ceilings due to vertical vibration.

8.11. Depending on the width of the texture chosen for the ceiling, the Contractor warns the Customer about the presence of welds due to the stretch ceiling manufacturing technology, which are located at a distance of at least 140 cm from each other

8.12. Transportation of the stretch ceiling is carried out rolled or folded, and therefore, after installation, it is permissible to have elongated depressions in the folded areas, which spontaneously level out within 30-40 days and are not considered a defect in the fabric.

8.13. Due to the long-term storage of the film in a rolled form, folds may form on it, which cannot be eliminated on the installed ceiling. The Contractor is not responsible for the occurrence of defects in the ceiling that occur in connection with the storage of the film for more than 15 days due to the fault of the Customer its installation was impossible.

9. Other terms of the agreement

9.1. The warranty period for the canvas is 10 (ten) years from the date of signing the “Acceptance Certificate for Completed Work”.

9.2. The warranty period for the installation of suspended ceilings is 3 (three) years from the date of signing the “Acceptance Certificate for Completed Work”.

9.3. In the event that the contract is terminated due to the fault of the Customer, the money already paid by the Customer is transferred to the Contractor as payment for illiquid goods purchased for the Customer.

9.4. In the event that any of the articles of this agreement or part thereof is found to be invalid in connection with any law, it will be considered absent from this agreement. All other articles will remain in force.

9.5. This agreement is drawn up in two copies, one copy for each of the parties who have equal legal force.

Any business or commercial relations must be documented. Even if you hire a person to simply demolish a wall in a house, it is advisable to draw up an agreement and indicate in it all the important points for both parties - who is responsible for what.

And if we are talking about such a fairly serious service as installing a stretch ceiling, you need to forget about your dislike of bureaucracy. The contract will be the key to your peace of mind and the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the company.

Why do we need a contract?

The demand for stretch ceilings today is very high. Unscrupulous performers take advantage of this, often offering their clients defective goods, and sometimes an obvious fake that does not meet technical requirements. Not all consumers can determine the quality of the tension fabric at a glance. In addition, samples and finished ceilings, for which a lot of money has already been paid, sometimes differ from each other, like heaven and earth.

Therefore, before ordering such a service, you must ask the seller for all Required documents: quality certificates, license to carry out work, etc. But even if they are all in perfect order, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for the installation of the ceiling.

Every self-respecting company provides all documents even without the customer’s request, including standard contract(cm. ). If this does not happen, or in response to your request only copies of documents are presented, this is already a reason to refuse cooperation.

As for the contract itself, in addition to the rights and obligations of the parties, it takes into account all those points that will protect you from many troubles. For example, from paying for incomprehensible additional services, from repair costs due to poor-quality ceiling installation, etc.

Having this document in hand, you have the right to demand that the contractor fulfill all the points specified in it. Without a contract, you won’t even be able to prove that this particular company provided you with a service.

Advice. If, at the first call to a company that deals with suspended ceilings, they offer you to bring the contract form home, do not agree. You must make sure that the company has its own office, the address of which, as well as legal address, are indicated correctly in the contract. IN otherwise you risk running into scammers.

What should be specified in the contract

When concluding an agreement, it often happens that people sign it without reading it. And only then, at home, do they discover that some points do not suit them, and some are not included in the document at all.

To prevent this from happening, before going to the company, study any sample contract on the Internet and think about what else you would like to include in it.

To make it easier for you to navigate this issue, we will tell you about those sections that must be in any contract.

Rights and obligations of the parties

The customer's responsibilities include:

  • Payment for services within the terms specified in the contract.
  • Providing the contractor with the opportunity to carry out work under this agreement: providing access to the place of work, preparing the premises for the installation of ceilings, eliminating circumstances that make it impossible to carry out the work.
  • Signing the acceptance certificate for completed work.

However, if you are not satisfied with the result of the work, you have the right to refuse acceptance in writing, indicating the reasons.
Responsibilities of the performer:

  • Carrying out the work specified in the contract in in full and in deadlines execution.
  • Using your own materials and tools.
  • Elimination at your own expense of defects and shortcomings of the ceiling identified during the warranty period and arising through the fault of the contractor.

The contractor has the right, by agreement with the customer, to deliver the work ahead of the agreed deadline. And if the defects occurred due to the fault of the customer due to non-compliance with the operating instructions for the stretch ceiling, demand payment from him for repairs.

Payment procedure

This section of the contract stipulates such points as the amount of the advance payment, the timing of final payments, and the amount of work under the contract (see).

Force Majeure

Any standard contract must contain this section. It lists those circumstances that fully or partially relieve the parties from liability for failure to fulfill their obligations.

These could be natural disasters (flood, earthquake), man-made disasters, as well as new regulations or laws that prevent one of the parties from fulfilling their obligations.

This section also stipulates the deadlines for completing the work provided for in this agreement, by which they may be postponed.


This is one of the main sections of the contract, which obliges both parties to comply with certain technical conditions.

If the company is engaged only in the installation of suspended ceilings, then the following requirements may be presented, according to which the customer is obliged:

  • After measurements, the perimeter and shape of the room must be kept unchanged by the customer.

For reference. Compliance with this requirement is mandatory, since if you make any changes to the layout, the finished tension fabric will be impossible to install indoors. Or it will sag. In this case, the modification and alteration are paid for by the customer, and the contractor is not responsible. Therefore, all construction work (except finishing work) must be completed before drawing the ceiling drawings.

  • The customer must ensure the readiness of all electrical installation work by the time the ceiling is installed (see). This often includes the installation of mortgages for lamps, ceiling cornices and other equipment. But it is better if the performer himself undertakes this work. Just like installing and connecting lighting fixtures.
  • The customer must prepare the premises for installation - remove construction waste from it, ensure free movement of installers around the perimeter of the premises.

This section may contain many more points relating, for example, to coordinating the types of lamps, the strength of the walls and structures to which the ceiling will be attached, the permissible amount of sag of the canvas, etc.

Other sections

It is enough to study any sample installation agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in order to know which sections must be included in it.


  • Settlement of disputes
  • Contract time
  • Warranty
  • Addresses and details of the parties

Concerning last section, then the customer should pay special attention to it before signing and make sure that the company’s address and the name of the manager match the actual ones.

Additional agreement to the contract

As a rule, an additional agreement is attached to this contract, which includes drawings of the fabrics, calculations of their area and cost of work, an indication of the type and color of the tension fabric, the number and direction of seams, etc.

All this data is entered into the specification.

The additional agreement also stipulates additional work, which the performer must produce. This may include electrical wiring, installation of structures for multi-level ceilings, and even garbage collection after the installation of the ceiling is completed.


When concluding a contract for suspended ceilings, you need to clearly know what you want to get from the contractor. All your requirements must be included in this document. Only in this case will you be able to achieve compliance with these requirements in full and protect yourself from fraudsters and force majeure circumstances.

So, you have decided to install a stretch ceiling. Well, an excellent choice has been made regarding the option of covering the ceiling surface. All that remains is to find a qualified specialist and conclude an agreement for the installation of suspended ceilings.

In this article, we will analyze the existing nuances in the preparation of documents and help you avoid many pitfalls and possible conflict situations. By spending a little time studying the market and legal papers, you can protect yourself from deception and fraud.

Choosing an installer company

This point should be taken with full responsibility, since a lot depends on the experience and accuracy of the craftsmen. appearance and durability of the installed coating. If the quality of the purchased film or fabric can be assessed by the provided samples and product certificates, then the conclusion of a contract will be a guarantee when installing them.

  • You don’t need to immediately succumb to advertising and super-preferential prices you see somewhere. A preliminary marketing analysis of the average cost of work should help you navigate the prices in this market.

  • It would not be superfluous to consult with friends and relatives who have experience installing suspended ceilings. They will be able to give an objective assessment of the quality of the installation and the qualifications of the employees of the company installing the coatings.
  • The ability to quickly search today necessary information will help you remotely study company offers, as well as get acquainted with consumer reviews.

Important! Reviews cannot always be treated with complete confidence, since they can be posted by the employees themselves, as well as in Lately Buying positive feedback has become widespread.

  • Having settled on several contractors that you think are suitable, you should visit their office. The appearance itself office space, equipment, number of employees, availability of landline telephones also matter when forming an opinion about the company.
  • After talking with managers, you can find out the company’s experience in this area, study existing certificates, and look at examples of work.

  • The advantage will be that the company has an ISO quality management certificate

  • A plus for the installer’s image will be the willingness to provide contacts of customers who have had experience working with him. Communication with the contractor’s clients, their reviews and recommendations will be very useful.
  • An important point in determining the feasibility of cooperation will be the arrival of a specialist to inspect and measure the premises. The surveyor must clearly calculate the cost of the work, taking into account all additional costs.
  • The process of taking measurements is also indicative. The use of, for example, a laser rangefinder is another small plus for the master.

  • Usually the measurer brings with him a contract form for suspended ceilings.

After an opinion has been formed about the contractor and a decision has been made to cooperate, it’s time to move on to concluding a contract.

Note: As a rule, suppliers provide a “blank” contract, so to speak, a standard contract for suspended ceilings, and refuse to make any adjustments to it. You should not sign a document without reading it carefully or without making any notes. Reluctance to take into account the client's opinion can become an obstacle to further relationships.

Conclusion of an installation contract

Let us consider in detail which clauses of the contract you should pay attention to first when a contract for the installation of a stretch ceiling is concluded.

Parties signing the contract

The contract can be concluded bilaterally or with the involvement of a subcontractor. IN the latter case, one should also check its viability as a reliable partner.

Cost of work, settlement procedure

This paragraph usually includes the total amount of the contract; the calculation of the cost of work and materials is formalized in the Additional Agreement:

  • It is important to check that the figures announced when drawing up the estimate coincide with those reflected in the contract.
  • The amount of the advance payment must also correspond to the preliminary agreements.
  • The final payment is usually made at the time of signing the Work Acceptance Certificate. The form of payment (cash or non-cash) is also specified in the contract.

Rights and obligations of the parties

It should be noted that, in addition to rights, a contract for suspended ceilings usually also provides for the obligations of the Customer, and violation of the terms of the contract can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The customer can exercise control over the progress of the work performed and not sign the Acceptance Certificate if he is not satisfied with the quality of the installation.

Important! The customer has the right to independently purchase the materials and components necessary for installation of the coating. In this case, the supplier is responsible for the quality of products sold.

Responsibilities of the Customer:

  • Within the terms specified in the contract, provide the contractor with access to the ceiling installation site and prepare the room for this.
  • After signing the Act, make full payment for the services provided in accordance with the terms of the contract.
  • If the Contractor refuses to make payment, he has the right to dismantle the canvas and re-install it at a time convenient for him and at the Customer’s expense.
  • As a rule, the Customer is required to provide an electrical wiring diagram. Few of us can do this, since it will require a special device.

Note! It is better to agree with the Contractor to carry out work to inspect the premises and identify hidden wiring using his own efforts, which should be documented, that is, include this clause in the contract for suspended ceilings.

  • This will help to avoid problems, including financial ones, in the event of injury to the worker installing the coating.

Responsibilities of the Contractor:

  • The contractor is obliged to complete the work specified in the contract in full and on time.
  • In case of damage to the material due to the fault of the Customer, additional costs will be borne by him. If property is damaged due to the fault of the Contractor, he must compensate for the damage.
  • Eliminate defects in the tension covering that arise during the warranty period on your own. However, if it is proven that the defects arose due to improper operation on the part of the Customer, repairs will have to be carried out at his expense.

If the Customer violates payment terms, penalties may be imposed.

Technical task

This document, usually drawn up in the form of an Additional Agreement, must include a measurement plan according to which the coating is manufactured. Errors in its preparation can lead to unnecessary problems and expenses, often on additional material.

In addition to the ceiling measurement plan, technical task should include the entire list of upcoming work (including installation of electrical wiring, installation of lamps, garbage removal) and materials used. It can be drawn up in the form of an estimate, which is an integral part of the contract.

It is according to this document that the completed work will subsequently be accepted. After taking measurements, the Customer is prohibited from making changes to the dimensions and geometry of the premises in which ceiling cladding work is to be carried out.

Certificate of completion

I would like to advise you to constantly monitor the installation process of suspended ceilings, since only in this case can you promptly notice facts of violation of the work technology, and the use, for example, of cheap components instead of approved high-quality ones. The substitution may not be noticeable on the finished cladding.

If the Customer is satisfied with the quality of the work performed, he is obliged to sign the Certificate.

Force Majeure

The contract usually specifies emergency circumstances: natural disasters, wars, legislative acts, preventing the parties from fully or partially fulfilling their obligations.

Also read other parts of the article:

User manual

A contract for ceilings must necessarily include a clause that stipulates the rules for using tension coverings. These recommendations can also be issued in the form of an Appendix to the contract.

In particular, it states that during the warranty period it is prohibited to carry out repairs to the ceiling without the notification and participation of the contractor.

As you can see from the above, even such a seemingly simple document as a contract for the installation of a suspended ceiling is fraught with certain pitfalls. To protect your rights and Money, we recommend that you sign it with full responsibility.


Togliatti _______________________20. G.

Hereinafter referred to as “Customer”, on the one hand, and individual entrepreneur V.N. Dukhanin. certificate No. 006058455 issued by the Federal Tax Service No. 19 on 06/09/2014, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows.


      The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes, to install suspended ceilings at the Customer’s premises in __________________________________________________________________________ according to the working drawings. The Customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay for the work performed by the Contractor as specified in clause 1.1. actual agreement.


      The performer is obliged:

        No later than 14 banking days from the date of receipt of the prepayment, in accordance with clause 4.2. of this agreement, install the ceiling and provide the Customer with a delivery certificate - acceptance of work. The contractor reserves the right to install the ceiling ahead of schedule.

        Notify the Customer about the day of acceptance of completed work in any agreed manner (by telephone, fax, postal notification, etc.).

        To carry out the supply and unloading of materials (stretch ceilings) and components specified in the signed working documentation (estimate), as well as special tool and equipment needed to install ceilings.

        Provide the Customer with information on the operation and use of suspended ceilings.

        Provide the Customer with a 10-year warranty on materials and 3 years on work, under which the Contractor is liable. If the Customer identifies deficiencies in the installation work performed during the warranty period, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate these deficiencies within 10 banking days from the date of receipt of written notification from the Customer.

        Warn the Customer that, depending on the width of each texture, the ceiling will have welded seams provided for by the manufacturing technology of suspended ceilings.

      The customer is obliged:

2.2.1. Approve with the Contractor an order form for a stretch ceiling indicating the selected texture, color and direction of seams, dimensions, design features of installation of the ceiling and other elements (lighting, electrical wiring, decorative elements, etc.) and pay for materials and work under the terms of this agreement, carried out by the Customer, according to the estimate. The working drawing is a document confirming the Customer’s approval of all installation features.

2.2.2. Provide the Contractor with premises that meet the technical requirements set out in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement at least one day before the start of installation work.

2.2.3. No later than 5 banking days before the start of work, provide the Contractor with samples of additional elements built into the suspended ceiling for the purpose of approval technical capabilities their installations.

2.2.4. Sign the acceptance certificate for the completed work personally or through an authorized person authorized by a written power of attorney on the day the work is completed, or draw up a reasoned refusal of acceptance (claim) in writing and submit it to the Contractor no later than 3 banking days after completion of the work.

2.2.5. Ensure the safety of the ceiling elements and the Contractor’s tools when performing work on the Customer’s premises. In case of damage or loss of the specified material assets due to the fault of the Customer, he compensates the Contractor for losses, and in this case the Contractor is not responsible for failure to comply with the deadlines for installing ceilings.

2.2.6. Pay the cost of work performed to the Contractor under the terms of this agreement.

      If, for reasons of quality or other justified claims of the Customer, the acceptance certificate is not signed, then a bilateral report on the work performed is drawn up, which sets out the necessary improvements and the deadlines for their implementation.

      If during the execution of work the Customer decides that for some reason it is not practical to carry out further work, then the work is suspended. In this case, the parties are obliged to consider further actions within 3 banking days. In case of complete cessation of work, calculations are made based on the work actually completed by the Contractor.


    1. The total amount of the contract is ______________ rubles. (__________________________________________________________ rubles) The cost of work and materials under this Agreement is determined by estimates drawn up by the Contractor and approved by the Customer. In case of changes in the size of the premises, the quantity of materials or the scope of work, additional estimates are drawn up, which are an integral part of this contract.

      Estimates and work acceptance certificates are drawn up in in writing in 2 copies, are an integral part of this agreement and have equal legal force for each of the parties.


    1. The customer makes an advance payment in the amount of ___% of the amount of this agreement, which is ____________ rubles.

4.2. The remaining amount is ________________ rub. The customer pays on the day of installation.

4.3. In case of installment plan for ___________________ rub. The customer makes payments according to the debt repayment schedule under the obligation order until “ ___ “ _____________ 20____.


5.1. For failure to comply or improper execution obligations under this agreement, the Customer and the Contractor are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Additional sanctions not established by law for non-compliance or improper execution obligations:

5.2.1. In case of violation by the Contractor of the deadlines for completing the work established in clause 2.1.1. of this agreement, he pays the Customer a fine in the amount of 0.5% of the contract amount for each day of delay, but not more than 10% of the contract value.

5.2.2. In case of violation by the Customer of the payment terms established in clause 4. of this agreement, he pays the Contractor a fine in the amount of 0.5% of the unpaid amount of the agreement for each day of delay in payment.

5.2.3. In the event of an agreed-upon visit of the team to the Customer and the impossibility of carrying out the work due to the Customer’s fault, an act is drawn up on the basis of which the Customer compensates the Contractor for the costs of the visit and downtime of the team, but not less than 1000 rubles. for each day the brigade is idle.

5.3. The calculation and payment of fines established by clauses 5.2.1.-5.2.3 of this agreement are made on the basis of a recognized written claim of the relevant party.


    1. If the Customer does not provide premises that meet the technical requirements, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 and additional elements, in accordance with clause 2.2.2 and clause 2.2.3 of this agreement within 7 banking days after the Contractor informs about its readiness to carry out work, the work is carried out within the period established by the Contractor.

      Failed acceptance of completed work in accordance with clause 2.2.4 through the fault of the Customer serves as the basis for postponing the delivery and acceptance of work to a date determined by the Contractor, but no more than 3 banking days after completion of the work. In this case, the risk of accidental death of the work performed passes from the Contractor to the Customer from the moment the work is completed.

      If the Customer, within the first 3 (three) banking days after the Contractor presents him with the work performed and completed by him, does not sign the work acceptance certificate or does not provide the Contractor with a written justified refusal to accept the work, then the Contractor signs the above-mentioned certificate in unilaterally, the work is considered accepted.

      The contractor is responsible for the measurements of the premises and the correctness of the working drawings.

      In the event of a change in the size of the Customer’s premises after the Contractor has taken measurements of the premises and approved by the Customer estimate documentation and working drawings, the Contractor is not responsible for the discrepancy between the cut ceiling and the actual dimensions of the room.

      The Customer may, at any time before delivery of the result of the work to him, refuse to fulfill the contract by paying the Contractor part of the cost established by the contract, in proportion to the part of the work performed before receiving notice of the Customer’s refusal to perform the contract. In this case, the Customer pays the Contractor in full the cost of materials purchased by the latter for the execution of this contract.

      The contractor provides a guarantee for suspended ceilings for 10 years from the date of conclusion of the contract.

      The contractor provides a guarantee for installation work for 3 years, from the date of signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed.


7.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed and is valid until the parties fulfill all their obligations under the agreement.

7.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, each having equal legal force.

7.3. All changes and additions to this agreement are drawn up by the parties in writing.

7.4. The parties will resolve disputes under this agreement through negotiations. If the parties are unable to resolve disputes, their decision is submitted to the Arbitration Court.




IP Dukhanin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Full name





PHONE: 71-23-53; 8 962 611 23 53 ;8 917 127 9753



__________________(Dukhanin V.N.) __________________________(____________________)

g. _______________ "__"___________ ____ g.

Represented by _________________________, acting___ on the basis of _________________________, hereinafter referred to as ____ the “Contractor”, on the one hand, and _________________________ represented by _________________________ acting___ on the basis of _________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the Customer, to carry out from its materials (or: from materials provided by the Customer), with its own forces and means, the installation of suspended ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride film (or suspended sound-absorbing ceilings) in the Customer’s premises (hereinafter referred to as “work”) - _____________________, located at the address: ____________________, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, the requirements of current legislation, the Work Schedule (Appendix N _____), the Estimate (Appendix N _____), and the Customer undertakes to create for the Contractor the necessary conditions to perform the work, accept the result and pay the price stipulated by this agreement.

1.2. The types, list, quality of materials to be used by the Contractor are established by the Customer's Assignment (Appendix No. _____), which is an integral part of this contract.


2.1. Rights and obligations of the Contractor:

2.1.1. No later than ____________________ from the moment the Parties sign this agreement, the Contractor is obliged to submit the following documentation for approval to the Customer:

Work schedule (Appendix N _____);

Specification for materials provided by the Contractor to perform the work (Appendix N _____), which indicates the range, quantity and quality of materials provided by the Contractor;

Estimate for the work (Appendix N _____).

2.1.2. The Contractor is obliged to supply materials for the work together with shipping documentation in accordance with the Specification agreed by the Parties no later than ____________________ from the moment the Parties agree on the documentation specified in clause 2.1.1 of this agreement.

2.1.3. The contractor is obliged to begin work no later than ____________________ from the moment of delivery of the material necessary to complete the work.

2.1.4. The Contractor undertakes to perform work in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and the quality conditions agreed upon by the Parties in the Customer's Assignment (Appendix No. _____).

2.1.5. The parties agreed that the Contractor has no right to engage subcontractors to perform work under this agreement.

2.1.6. The Contractor is obliged, no later than ____________________ from the moment of discovery of the circumstances specified in this paragraph, to notify the Customer and, until receiving instructions from him, to suspend work upon discovery of:

Possible adverse consequences for the Customer of following his instructions on the method of performing the work, namely: ____________________;

Circumstances that threaten the suitability or durability of the results of the work performed or make it impossible to complete it on time.

2.1.7. The Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer about the completion of the work and, by the date of acceptance and delivery of the results of the work performed, prepare a Certificate of Completion of Work (Appendix No. _____).

2.1.8. The Contractor is obliged to remove on time: ____________________ (options: before the date of acceptance of work agreed upon by the Parties; within _____ days from the moment the Parties sign the Certificate of Completion) equipment, inventory, tools, materials belonging to the Contractor, as well as clean the premises from construction waste.

2.2. Rights and obligations of the Customer:

2.2.1. The Customer is obliged to review the documentation provided by the Contractor, specified in clause 2.1.1 of this contract, within ____________________ from the moment of its receipt and provide its objections or return the signed documentation to the Contractor.

2.2.2. The Customer is obliged to provide the Contractor with access to the premises specified in clause 1.1 of this contract for the period _____ from _____ hours to _____ hours on the following days of the week: ____________________.

2.2.3. The customer undertakes to pay for the work performed in the amount, on time and in the manner provided for in this agreement.

2.2.4. The Customer has the right at any time to check the progress and quality of work performed by the Contractor, without interfering with his activities.

2.2.5. If the Contractor does not begin to fulfill this contract in a timely manner or performs the work so slowly that completing it on time becomes clearly impossible, the Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract and demand compensation for losses.

2.2.6. If during the execution of the work it becomes obvious that it will not be completed properly, the Customer has the right to assign to the Contractor reasonable time to eliminate the deficiencies and if the Contractor fails to fulfill this requirement within the prescribed period, refuse this contract or eliminate the deficiencies on its own or entrust the elimination of the deficiencies to a third party with the costs assigned to the Contractor, as well as demand compensation for losses.

2.2.7. If the Contractor receives notifications about the events specified in clause 2.1.6 of this contract, the Customer is obliged to give the Contractor instructions regarding the execution of work no later than ____________________ from the date of receipt of the Contractor's notifications.

2.2.8. The Customer has the right at any time before delivery of the result of the work to him to refuse the contract by paying the Contractor part of the established price in proportion to the part of the work performed before the notification of refusal to perform the contract, and by reimbursing the Contractor for expenses incurred up to this point in order to fulfill the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the price of the work.

2.2.9. The Customer has the right, in agreement with the Contractor, to purchase materials: ________________________ and equipment: _______________________ (specify name) (specify name) in the following cases: _____________________________________________________. In this case, the price of work payable to the Contractor is reduced by the documented cost of the purchased equipment and materials.


3.1. The work provided for in this contract is carried out by the Contractor within the following time frames:

Start of work: "___"___________ ____;

Completion of work: "___"___________ ____;

Interim deadlines for the completion of work are determined by the Parties in the Work Schedule (Appendix N _____), which is an integral annex to this agreement;

The total duration of work is ____________________.

3.2. The timing of completion of individual stages of work is determined by the Work Schedule, which is an integral part of this contract (Appendix N _____).


4.1. The cost of materials provided by the Contractor is determined in accordance with the Contractor's Specification (Appendix N _____).

Details of the cost of work under this contract are given in the Estimate (Appendix No. _____).

4.2. Within _____ (__________) days from the date of receipt of the original invoice of the Contractor, the Customer, by payment order, pays the Contractor the amount specified in the Estimate approved by the Customer sum of money for the Contractor to purchase materials to perform work under this contract.

4.3. Payment for work performed is carried out within _____ (__________) business days after the Parties sign the Certificate of Work Completed, excluding the amount previously paid in accordance with clause 4.2 of this agreement.

4.4. The cost of work can be changed only by agreement of the Parties.

4.5. Payment under this agreement is made by payment order to the Contractor's account.


5.1. The Customer is obliged to inspect the result of the work within ____________________ after receiving notification from the Contractor about the completion of the work.

The work is considered accepted from the moment the Parties sign the Work Acceptance Certificate.

5.2. In cases established by law, the Parties draw up inspection reports for hidden work.

5.3. If defects are discovered during acceptance of the work result or after its acceptance within five years, the Customer has the right, at his choice, to carry out one of the provisions provided for in Art. 723 Civil Code The Russian Federation has the right to either demand re-performance of the work free of charge or reimbursement of expenses incurred to correct deficiencies at its own expense or by third parties.

5.4. If significant defects in the work result are discovered, the Customer has the right to present to the Contractor a demand for the free elimination of such defects if he proves that they arose before the Customer accepted the work result or for reasons that arose before that moment.

Under significant shortcomings result of the work The Parties agreed to understand the following circumstances: ____________________.

5.5. If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirement specified in clause 5.4 of this contract, the Customer has the right, within the same period, to demand either the return of part of the price paid for the work, or reimbursement of documented expenses incurred in connection with the elimination of deficiencies by the Customer on its own or with the help of third parties, or refuse to perform the contract and demand compensation for losses caused.

5.6. If there are any comments on the work performed, the Customer has the right to refuse to sign the Certificate by providing the Contractor with a written reasoned refusal with a list of comments and deficiencies. In this case, the parties, within ____________________, determine the timing and procedure for eliminating deficiencies based on the Customer’s comments.


6.1. In the event that the work is performed by the Contractor with deviations from this contract or its annexes, which worsen the result of the work, or with other shortcomings that do not allow the premises to be used for their intended purpose, the Customer has the right, at his choice:

6.1.1. Demand that the Contractor eliminate deficiencies free of charge on time: ____________________.

6.1.2. Request from the Contractor proportionate reduction price set for the work.

6.1.3. Eliminate the deficiencies on your own or involve a third party to eliminate them, assigning documented costs for eliminating the deficiencies to the Contractor.

The Contractor has the right, instead of eliminating the deficiencies for which he is responsible, with the consent of the Customer, to perform the work again free of charge with compensation to the Customer for losses caused by the delay in performance. In this case, the Customer has the right to set a deadline for completing the work and is obliged to provide access to the premises.

If deviations in the work from the terms of the contract or other shortcomings in the work result have not been eliminated within the time period established by the Customer or are irreparable and significant, the Customer has the right to refuse to perform the contract and demand compensation for losses caused.

Requirements related to deficiencies in the work result may be presented by the Customer provided that they were discovered within ____________________ from the date of acceptance of the work.

6.2. The Contractor is responsible for damage caused to a third party during the execution of work, unless he proves that the damage was caused due to circumstances for which the Customer is responsible.

6.3. The risk of accidental death or accidental damage to the result of the work performed before its acceptance by the Customer is borne by the Contractor, provided that the Customer has not delayed acceptance of the result of the work.

6.4. If the Customer violates the deadline for payment for work and/or materials provided by the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to demand that the Customer pay a penalty in the amount and on the terms provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. In case of violation by the Contractor of the deadlines for providing materials for the completion of work, violation of deadlines for completion of work and/or stages of work, provided for by the Schedule(Appendix No. _____ to this agreement), as well as in case of violation of the deadline for notifying the Customer about the readiness of work, violation of the deadline for transferring the result of completed work to the Customer, the Customer has the right to demand from the Contractor payment of a penalty in the amount of ____________________ for each day of delay.


7.1. The Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement if the non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances for which the Parties are not responsible and the adverse effects of which they are unable to prevent. The Parties agreed to include the following circumstances as force majeure circumstances: _____________________.

7.2. The party for which force majeure circumstances have occurred is obliged to notify the counterparty about this within ____________________ from the moment the force majeure circumstance begins.

7.3. If force majeure circumstances do not cease within ____________________, this agreement is considered terminated.


8.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under it.

8.2. This agreement may be terminated early:

8.2.1. By written agreement of the Parties.

8.2.2. Unilaterally if one of the Parties refuses this agreement in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 of Art. 709, paragraphs 2 - 3 art. 715, paragraph 3 of Art. 716, art. 717, paragraph 2 of Art. 719, paragraph 3 of Art. 723, paragraph 2 of Art. 731, paragraph 3 of Art. 737 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In these cases, the Party initiating such termination is obliged to send a written notice to the counterparty within ____________________ before the expected date of termination.


9.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties are resolved through negotiations and/or filing claims. The party receiving the claim must send notice of its receipt within ____________________ from the date of receipt. A substantive response must be sent by the Party within ____________________ from the receipt of the claim.

9.2. If it is impossible to resolve a dispute out of court, the dispute shall be considered in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


10.1. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties.

10.3. Notices and communications must be given in writing. Messages will be considered properly sent if they are sent by registered mail, fax number __________, addresses Email ____________________ or delivered by courier to the legal (postal) addresses of the Parties with receipt against receipt.

10.4. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties.

10.5. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

10.6. The integral parts of this agreement are the following Appendices:

10.6.1. Customer's assignment (Appendix N _____).

10.6.2. Contractor's Specification (Appendix N _____).

10.6.3. Work schedule (Appendix N _____).

10.6.4. Estimate (Appendix N _____).


Customer: ______________________________________________________________

Contractor: _____________________________________________________


Customer: Contractor: _____________/________________ ___________/___________________ (signature) (full name) (signature) (position, full name) M.P. M.P.