What is the average level of aikyu. Intelligence quotient (IQ)

The concept of "intelligence quotient" and the abbreviation IQ are familiar to almost everyone today. And everyone is aware that this very coefficient can be assessed using special tests. But this is where the knowledge of many people who are far from psychology and related sciences ends.

So what is IQ, how is it measured, and should it be done at all?

Let's start with a little historical digression. At the beginning of the 20th century in France, the state instructed a psychologist Alfred Binet tests to determine the mental abilities of children. To this end, Binet developed a test, which is known today as " IQ Test»

The test very quickly became popular, but not in France, but in the USA. As early as 1917, the US military began using IQ tests to classify soldiers. More than 2 million people passed this exam. Then IQ tests began to be used by universities and private companies, which used them to screen applicants and potential employees.

The results of numerous studies have allowed foreign experts to make the following generalizations:

You have exactly 30 minutes to complete the test. The most reliable and reliable results, indicating the abilities of a person, are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the assessment of the results is not sufficiently reliable.

In conclusion, it should be said that, according to a number of psychologists, tests developed in the West for determining the IQ are not entirely suitable for Russia. Main reason: difference in the structure of intelligence different countries. The Russians are dominated by the so-called "figurative" style of thinking, that is, the Russian more often "thinks" with his heart, and not with his head. It remains only to wait for ours to offer their own methods for assessing intelligence. While they are not...

Test your intelligence with these interesting and unusual riddles.

Maybe you have a genius inside of you, or you are just a very smart person. You can find the correct answers to all riddles below.

You are ready? Go!

What do scores on IQ tests mean?

  • 85 - 114 - average intelligence
  • 115 - 129 - the level of intelligence is above average;
  • 130 - 144 - moderately gifted person;
  • 145 - 159 - a gifted person;
  • 160 - 179 - an exceptionally gifted person;
  • > 180 and above - a deeply gifted person.
Read also:10 PHOTOS that BLOWED THE BRAIN of many Internet users

Riddles and puzzles

Riddle 1.

How old is each child if the eldest daughter loves ice cream?

Riddle 2.

How to measure 15 minutes if you have two types of hourglass, one for 11 minutes and the other for 7 minutes?

Mystery 3.

What item is missing here?

Riddle 4.

The girl dropped the ring in her coffee and was able to get it out with her fingers without getting them wet or dirty. How is this possible?

Mystery 5.

How many triangles are there?

Riddle 6.

How much does each animal weigh?

Mystery 7.

Which cup will be filled first?

Mystery 8.

Three doctors reported that Robert was their brother, but Robert himself said that he had no brothers. Which one is the cheater?


Riddle 1.

Children 3, 3 and 8 years old.

Only two combinations of numbers can add up to 14 and multiply 72. Here they are: 3, 3, 8 and 6, 6, 2.

Since we know that there is only one older sister, the correct answer is 3, 3, 8.

Riddle 2.

1. Turn over both pairs of watches at the same time.

2. When the 7-minute clock runs out of sand, turn it over again.

3. When the 11-minute clock runs out of sand, you need to turn the 7-minute clock over (remember that at this time there are 4 minutes left in the large clock (11-7).

4. We are waiting for these 4 minutes to pass in the large clock and turn the small clock over. It will turn out 15 minutes (11 + 4).

Mystery 3.

The first figure is a circle with a white circle. All figures differ from each other in shape, color or size, only the first red circle does not differ in these parameters.

Riddle 4.

Nothing is said about liquid coffee, she just dropped the ring in dry coffee or on coffee beans.

Mystery 5.

There are 24 triangles in total. Here they are:

Riddle 6.

Mystery 7.

Cup number 5. Note that all tubes are blocked except for the one leading to the 5th cup.

Many of us have heard of the IQ test, which measures a person's level of intelligence. However, most people know almost nothing about it. Before you start taking the test, you must definitely find out what the IQ of a normal person should be.

general information

The abbreviation IQ stands for intelligence quotient, which can be translated as "amount of intelligence." In the Russian-speaking language environment, the well-established expression "intelligence quotient" is more often used. However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truthful as possible, and they can really be trusted, it is worth taking into account not only the results of the test itself. Factors such as age and gender also need to be taken into account.

Many also believe that the results of this test indicate a person's aptitude for a particular type of task rather than actual intellectual ability. Therefore, you can prepare for it by solving puzzles that resemble those presented in the tasks.


Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers have made a number of attempts to determine the IQ through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a pattern that would link the processes of the central nervous system, reaction characteristics and mental abilities, even took into account the size and weight of the brain. In addition, they studied the relationship between the IQ of parents and children, its relation to social origin, age, and so on.

IQ test today

It is now generally accepted that the coefficient of mental intelligence depends on many factors, for the most part on heredity. However, the IQ level of a normal person can be increased by solving various problems and tests. Besides, in modern world it is not so much intelligence that is the source of success as motivation and perseverance. Individuality, determination and ambition also play an important role. Nevertheless, it is a high level of intelligence that can help in solving difficult life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with lexical exercises, today they use a wide variety of tasks. Among which are counting exercises, logical series, the ability to find the missing geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember facts, technical drawings and determine the missing letter.

How much IQ does a normal person have

The average level of human intelligence ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of correctly solved problems. The person who completes all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test determines other indicators, it helps to identify the way of thinking of the person who passes it. By identifying the category in which the subject has the lowest level of ability, you can help him identify gaps in his ability, train with different types tasks and raise the coefficient of intelligence.

First tests

For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the IQ, who considered the definition of the level of skills on the Binet scale to be incorrect, since he had a serious drawback regarding age. The scientist proposed to determine a person's abilities by dividing mental age by chronological age. The IQ test of a normal person demonstrates a quantitative assessment of the ability of an individual in relation to the average representative of the same age.


It is rightfully considered that an IQ test does not show the level of a person's erudition, but only an assessment of general indicators. They are designed specifically to get a distribution of results with an average score. The IQ of a normal person can vary, but there are common indicators. So, about half of the people who passed the test show a result equal to 90 to 100 points, a quarter - below 90, and the other quarter - above 110 units. The average score for graduates from American universities is 115 points, for honors students - from 135 to 140. An IQ level that is less than 70 points is usually considered a sign of mental retardation.


IQ tests show the level of development of a person's abilities, but should not be considered that they in any way indicate the level of erudition. They only help to understand in what area and in what direction a person needs to develop.

It is believed that the IQ level of a normal person varies from 90 to 120 conventional units. Most often, the Eysenck test is used to determine the IQ. However, do not forget that the most correct results will be obtained during the very first passing of the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

Human IQ is a measurable assessment of human intelligence, expressed in points. The IQ varies from person to person, so it’s worth figuring out what level can be considered normal.


It has been statistically proven that IQ changes with age. It reaches its peak at the age of 25. It is generally accepted in the world that an IQ of 100 points is average. IQ of a five year old

reaches 50-75 points, at 10 years old it ranges from 70 to 80 points, at 15-20 years old it can reach the average value for an adult of 100 points. In many countries of the world (for example, the USA and Japan), gifted people are selected based on IQ tests.

And then they


training on the strengthened and accelerated system. This is due to the fact that children with an IQ increased for their age, as a rule, learn much better and faster than their peers.


Strange as it may sound, but IQ varies from race to race. For example, the median IQ for African Americans is 86, for whites of European descent it is 103, and for Jews it is 113. All this speaks in favor of the supporters of scientific racism. However, this gap is narrowing from year to year.


Women and men do not differ from each other in intelligence, but, according to statistics, the IQ between them differs depending on age. Boys under the age of 5 years are somewhat smarter than their peers, but, starting from the age of 10-12 years, girls are ahead of boys in development. This gap disappears by the age of 18-20.

Normal IQ

The intelligence quotient of an adult depends on many factors - genetics, upbringing, environment, race, etc. Although the average IQ is about 100 points, it varies from 80 points to 180. This limiting level of IQ is laid down in the classic IQ test, developed by the English psychologist Hans Eysenck in 1994. In order to obtain adequate data on this test, it must be passed once in a lifetime in adulthood. Repeated passage distorts and overestimates the results.

If the IQ is below 80 points, then this indicates the physical and mental deviations of a person. If IQ exceeds 180 points, then this indicates the genius of the owner of such points. But these dependencies are very conditional. For example, the great physicist Albert Einstein was the most backward in the class in terms of academic performance, which did not prevent him from developing the theory of relativity in the future. And on the other hand, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest IQ of 228 points was recorded in 1989 by ten-year-old American Marilyn Waugh Sawan. This is where her personal achievements end.

IQ - intelligence quotient, which is mainly determined by heredity. But it can still be changed for the better. To do this, you need to do some exercises, and soon you will not know your IQ!

You will need

  • Crosswords;
  • sudoku;
  • diet;
  • healthy lifestyle.

To begin with, try to learn to focus on several sources of information. For example, read a book and listen to TV. This "skill"

not right away. At first, headaches from overexertion and fatigue are possible. But after a while, you will already be free to do several things at the same time.

Try to solve as many logical problems as possible,

Increasing IQ, crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc. Your brain must work. If it doesn't work right away, don't get discouraged and don't quit.

Look at the answer

So you him


Draw logical conclusions and easily solve

Expand your horizons. Read as many newspapers, magazines, books as possible; see

and listen to the radio. So you will always be aware of all the events and an interesting interlocutor for others.

Learn to analyze. It may not be skillful and at times stupid, but only in this way will your brain learn to analyze. For example, imagine two completely different things: a cat and a brick. Funny but


Try to find as much in common between them as possible. Try to imagine all sorts of situations, developing imaginative thinking.

Doctors advise


food in small portions, but 4-5 times a day. This way you keep the blood flow to the brain. If you eat large portions 1-2 times a day, then the energy of the body

to digest this food, and there will be little left for the brain.

No wonder they say that excessive smoking is injurious to health. If you are planning to upgrade


IQ - give up

or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Tobacco smoke reduces the consumption of oxygen by the brain, and, consequently, the deterioration of brain activity.

Helpful advice

During mental activity, try to breathe deeply through your nose. So your brain will be saturated with oxygen, and new unexpected solutions to problems will immediately appear!

There are no specific age limits for the development of human intellectual abilities. Modern publishing houses produce a lot of books necessary for the development of the IQ level.

Books for the development of thinking

L. Hubbard in his book "The Theory of Learning" says that the ability of an individual to acquire knowledge depends on his readiness to independently highlight the main points in the text. Learning to learn is the main task pedagogical process. If a person knows how to seek knowledge, then he will be able to update them throughout his life.

Analytical thinking will help develop works written by eminent philosophers such as I. Kant, Plato, Socrates, F. Nietzsche, Hegel, etc. Their writings will help to understand the basic laws of the development of human thinking, the types and forms of consciousness.

Reading is equally important. fiction. Considering the behavior of characters in certain situations, a person develops new forms of behavior for himself. Works based on psychology, philosophy, history, help to expand consciousness and develop imagination. The classic works that require mandatory reading include the books of F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", L. Tolstoy "Confession", A. Camus "The Rebellious Man", Sartre "Nausea", M. Prishvin "Forget-Me-Nots".

Books for the development of memory

In the book by O.A. Andreeva “Memory development technique. Self-Teacher" presents exercises for training all types of memory. The author invites the reader to distribute the tasks of certain techniques in such a way as to achieve the maximum effect. Complex exercises will help improve those functions of your brain that remember and store information.

The book “Memory cards. Getting ready for exams ”T. Buzan is a set of specific methods for memorizing information. The author gives practical advice, which help to cope with stress during complex tasks.

Zack Belmore in his book "The Basics of Mechanical Memory" presents the reader with exercises that will help develop the ability to memorize a huge text in short periods of time. The work talks about how to increase brain activity, make the process of memorization arbitrary. The book consists of several chapters, each of which is devoted to a certain age period.

In E. Bongo's book "Self-Tutorial on the Development of Thinking", the reader will be provided with a five-stage methodology. Successive passage of each step will lead to a high level of memory development.

  • What books should you read to improve your intelligence?


What iq level is considered normal

People, especially adults, are very fond of measuring everything. Measure and count.

First of all, let's find out what the word "IQ" means? I.Q. ( intelligencequotient) , or intelligence quotient is an attempt to calculate the intelligence of a person, to quantify it in comparison with other people.

The concept of IQ first appeared in 1912. It was introduced by the German Wilhelm Stern. Currently, a huge number of IQ tests have bred, which to some extent levels out the informative value of the obtained value. There is no single standard for IQ tests, however, they all have general principle construction. As a rule, passing several tests gives a more accurate and objective result.

IQ tests were designed so that the results could be described by a normal distribution. In general, IQ describes the mental state of people in a fairly objective way. 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% are below 90, and another 25% are over 110. Let's take a closer look at what iq scores mean.

What do iq test results mean?

For example, if the IQ is less than 70, then the subject can be classified as mild dementia, an IQ greater than 145 indicates genius. The average IQ is 100. What does average iq mean? This means that at a value of 100, there is a peak in the normal distribution of test results.

Tests usually contain about 40 tasks of increasing difficulty. To pass, you will need spatial and logical thinking, the ability to compare values, arithmetic, creativity, as in solving semester work.

What affects IQ?

Do you think that IQ is granted by nature once and for all? To some extent this is true, but there are a huge number of factors influencing it! This is heredity, and diet, ecology, methods of education.

The results of the test, we repeat, are ambiguous. One thing is known for sure - IQ does not determine fate. What does the aikyu test give? Just knowing your IQ. You can be a successful person with an IQ of less than 60 and a loser with an IQ of more than 130. Or such an example. The IQ of Arnold Schwarzenegger is 135, Sylvester Stallone is only 54. And who is cooler is still not clear.

Today we learned what a person's iq is. Know your iq, but don't jump to conclusions! And don't forget, a strict teacher and gaps in knowledge can create problems for any student, regardless of IQ level. In such cases, contact our authors, who always guard your reputation.

However, it didn’t occur to you that you need to make some kind of gradation, so to speak, from separating the wheat from the chaff, Einstein from Beavis and Butthead. Therefore, a smart Pindos named Lewis Theremin back in 1916 (not to be confused with 2016 ... gyg), came up with the name of the test to measure intelligence. Today we will talk about the word that denotes this procedure, it is Aikyu which means you can read a little below. Our site site tries to explain complex concepts plain language so don't forget to add us to your bookmarks. Indeed, in the future we will have a lot of useful and interesting information.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend that you check out a couple of my other new articles on science and education. For example, what does Paradigm mean, what is Overton's Window, what does Oxymoron mean, how to understand the word Taboo, etc.
So let's continue what does aikyu mean? This term was borrowed from in English "IQ", which can be deciphered as "intelligence quotient"(intelligence quotient).

Aikyu- this is the name of the intelligence test developed at the beginning of the century in France by the psychologist Alfred Binet

This test turned out to be extremely successful, and it began to be used in many countries of the world. And its name IQ", he received in the USA, which we already mentioned above. In addition, it was the Pindos who first began to use these tests to classify soldiers in 1917. About 2 million people passed this exam all the time. Then Universities became interested in this innovation who checked them future applicants.

Australian has the highest intelligence Terence Tao who came up with the Green-Tao theorem. His result is 200 points, while most people are unlikely to be able to score more than 100 points. I will not list people with high intelligence, because there are no Russians on this list.
In my opinion, such artificial tests are quite far from reality, because the Russians create the world's best submarines, combat aircraft, spaceships and much more. And among the Nobel laureates there are always either Jews or Anglo-Saxons. Karoch, this is understandable, the information war and all that, the Pindos are good at this like no other.
It should be added that people with high IQ have mental disabilities, because nature does not give something beyond measure. If it arrived somewhere, then it left somewhere else. The law of conservation of energy works here too.

Also, I wouldn't trust Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking's test results ( both have about 140 points each). A person with billions can easily bribe anything and everything, and Stephen, this is a common element of American propaganda, a crippled genius, a publicized person. If he was normal and healthy, without this veil of mystery that surrounded him thanks to the media, who the hell would be interested in him?

what does an IQ test mean?

For all the time of research, scientists have made several conclusions:

0.5% of people have an IQ over 140 points;

3% - over 130 - 140 points;

7% - about 120 - 130 points;

14.5% - have aikyu more than 110 - 120 points;

50% - have aikyu 90 - 110 points.

It is worth adding that 25% of people have aikyu above 110 points, while the other 25% have aikyu below 90 points. The most common result is 100 points.
If aikyu is below 70 points, then a similar result indicates mental retardation.

Actually the level aikyu only shows the speed of thinking, because all tasks are completed in a strictly limited time. However, there are many people who are able to solve the most complex problems in a sufficiently long period of time, especially when time is not so critical. Therefore, in our time, this test has lost its former popularity, although the Pindos actively use it.

To successfully pass IQ tests, you must have the following features:

possession of logical operations;

Imagination and ability to quickly manipulate objects in space;

Practical knowledge of the native language;


Good memory;

The ability to focus and isolate the main thing, separating from the secondary.

As you may have noticed, in this case there is nothing to connect IQ with the definition of intelligence. Therefore, we can conclude that aikyu is not actually determined by intelligence, as such. Today, many people use a special term - "psychometric intelligence", which refers to the results of the test.

Although " IQ", will not determine your mind, but you can use it to draw a conclusion about your own children. After all, there are several levels of complexity with one technique.
Despite the fact that the IQ test consists of a huge number of various tests, in order to get 100 - 120 points, it is not necessary to complete them all.

Russian psychologists say that an IQ test designed for the West is not entirely correct for Russia. After all, the intelligence of people from different countries is fundamentally different. The majority of Russians are dominated by a figurative style of thinking, which for the better distinguishes them from Western " biorobots". By the West, I mean Pindostan, because in the EU, things are much better, they have not yet fully turned into consumer, although actively seeking to do so.

By reading this article, you have learned what does aikyu mean, and now you will generally understand what these tests are, and why they are needed or not needed.