Examples of adjectives in the dative case. Case endings of adjectives


Russian language lesson in 4th grade

"Changing adjectives by case"

Gizitdinova Raisa Sergeevna

teacherprimary classes

first qualification category


Lesson topic: Changing adjectives by case.

Lesson objectives:

Educational goals:

Familiarization with the algorithm for determining the declension of adjectives;

Identification of the declension features of this part of speech;

Development of initial skills research work;

Stimulating cognitive interests through problematic issues;

Developmental goals:

Development of interest in further educational process,

Development of the ability to analyze one’s own activities;

Educational goals:

Raising children's desire for academic success,

Fostering a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Cultivating a love for nature.

Lesson type :

A lesson in mastering new knowledge.




    Cards for individual work.

Technologies used: ICT, health, research(method of involving students in setting the goals and objectives of the lesson, method of organizing work in a group, method of reflection, method of organizing independent study of new material in classroom practice)annotation : This lesson consists of several stages, at each of which ICT is used to improve the learning of the material. Are used different types activities: frontal work, work in pairs, individual work students, work at the board, work in groups.

During the classes.

1.Organizational stage.

Teacher: The guys looked at each other and smiled. I am glad to see you again and I think that today will bring us the joy of communication and the joy of discovering new things in the classroom. Good luck to you!

What do you want this lesson to be?

Children: Interesting, to learn something new.

Teacher: Is everyone ready for the lesson?

Children: Yes!

(1 slide.)

The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

To write correctly.

2. Self-determination for educational activities .

Which part of the speech do you think the following told about yourself?

(2 slide)

I'm friends with the noun
And I’m not bothered at all.
My main point:
I denote the attribute of an object.
What kind of ice? Cold, smooth.
What tea? Hot, sweet.
I change by birth,
Numbers and cases.
I love attentive children.
Who am I?..(adjective).

Teacher: Which part of speech will we work with in class today?

Children: With adjectives.

3. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

Teacher: Why are adjectives used in our speech?

Children.In order to name the characteristics of objects, to accurately describe objects in order to make our speech expressive.

Word combinations on the board:

cold... weather, oh cold... weather

What parts of speech do they consist of? (from a noun and an adjective)

What can you say about the nouns in these phrases?

(in gender, singular)

What do you know about nouns?

(change by gender, number, case, i.e. declined)

About adjectives? (are in the same gender and number as the noun);

Determine the endings of adjectives in phrases;

Why do adjectives have different endings?

(nouns have different cases);

Can adjectives change by case?

(children's assumptions)

4. Statement of the educational task.

- Let's try to decline the adjective at the boardwinter (does not work)

Let's substitute a nounday . From this noun we ask a question to the adjective.

What will we learn in class? (change adjectives by cases, i.e. incline.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

(3 slide) “Changing adjectives by case”

-What are the goals of our lesson?

- Today we will learn:

(4 slide)

Lesson objectives:

Decline adjectives.

Recognize the case of adjectives.

Use adjectives in oral and written speech.

5. Solving the problem. Study.

Let's do some research:

Groups 1 and 2 will decline the phrase:winter morning

3 and 4 groups:good days . (Work in groups)

(5 slide) Research plan.

    Decline noun and adjective.

    Observe how adjectives change.

    Draw a conclusion.

Highlight the endings of nouns and adjectives.

Checking the work.

(Children explain how they worked:

They changed the noun by case, asked a question from the noun to the adjective, determined the ending of the adjective)

Well done boys!


Are you probably tired?

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Twirled, twirled

And everyone sat down at their desks.

Close our eyes tightly

We count to 5 together.

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

6. Constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty (discovery of new knowledge)

What conclusion can we draw?

We repeat in groups how we changed adjectives by case.

- Make a memo for determining the case of adjectives

(Make up in pairs, discuss)

Guys, let's write down an algorithm for determining the case of an adjective.


    Let's find the noun with which the adjective is associated.

    Let's determine the case of the noun.

    By the case of the noun we recognize the case of the adjective.

7.Primary consolidation.

a) -Write down the sentences, inserting the endings of the adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives.

(1 student works at the blackboard, the rest write in notebooks):

Winter__ sunny day. The sky is clear and clear. It's frosty days.

b) Independent work(Write down sentences, inserting the endings of adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives):

IN In the winter... fog the cold... dim... sun rises. Cheerful... a flock of birds flew over a snowy... forest... clearing.

c) Mutual check (exchanged notebooks).

G) Dictation (several students work on individual cards)

The blizzard has arrived and I winter. The earth is covered softly them fluffy th snow. Birds are hungry in winter eat forest. Friendly s the guys are making feeders. They'll hang them in the school ohm garden.

- Why are birds hungry in the forest in winter?

How do you help birds? (we make feeders, pour food, hang birdhouses)

- Find phrases noun + adjective. Determine the case, highlight the ending.

Examination(7 slide)

Conclusion :

“The adjective changes by case and always has the same gender, number and case as the noun with which it is connected in meaning.”

8. Summary:

So, our research ends for today.

Well done! I liked how you determined the case of adjectives today.

The teacher evaluates independent work using cards.

At the end of our lesson we will conduct"Blitz survey" .

I ask experts in the Russian language to answer the questions.

9. Lesson summary. Reflection.

a) Homework.

Make 5 sentences about winter.

Write down noun phrases. + adj.

Indicate gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives..

b) Blitz survey.

What new have you learned about inflecting adjectives?

What goals did we set for ourselves?

(learn to decline adjectives,

recognize the case of adjectives).

Have we achieved them?

How to find out the case of an adjective?

Who had difficulties?

Who is happy with themselves today? Why?

How do you evaluate your work?

Everyone has a sun on their table. If you are in a good mood, draw a smile. If you are in a bad mood, then draw the sun a bad mood.


Card No. 1

1 task. Complete the adjectives. Determine gender and case of nouns.

Coat(…………), frost(……..), snowflake(……….), sea(………), book(………..), cheese(…..),

Task 2. Determine gender and case of adjectives.

Reindeer, old forest, near a mighty oak, tall tree, winter sun, bird noise, near a neighboring house, in a snowy outfit.

Card No. 2

Write down the phrases, inserting adjectives according to their meaning. Determine the case of the adjective.

(………..)branch, (…………)stump, near the (………..) river, (………..) snow, near the (……….) shore, on (……… ..) poplar, for (……….)brother, to (……..)city.

Card No. 3

For these verbs, come up with and write down adjective and noun phrases. Determine the case of adjectives.

Post (what?)…………. ………….. .

Dig up (what?)…………. …………. .

Tell (what?)………. …………….

Sing (what?)…………. ………………. .

See (what?)……….. ……………….

Hear that?)……… …………….. .

To love (what?)……….. ……………….

An adjective denotes a characteristic of an object. This part of speech is dependent and answers the questions: what? which? which? which? An adjective has a connection with a noun in a sentence, and the combination of adjective and noun itself, due to the variety of forms and combinations, provides extraordinary richness and beauty to the Russian language. At school, students are often required to determine the case of an adjective. In order to correctly determine the case and not confuse adjectives of different cases, it is important to follow the algorithm and remember some nuances.

Determine the cases of adjectives. A few recommendations. Features of adjectives of different cases
Before we begin to consider the issue of declension of adjectives, it is important to note the peculiarities of changing this part of speech. Declension by case depends directly on the gender and number of the adjective. Remember the principle of changing words of a given part of speech according to numbers and genders, then you will be able to easily navigate the endings of cases.
  1. Adjectives are inflected for gender only in the singular.
    • Masculine gender: endings -ой, -й, -й. For example: a friend (what kind?) is big, kind, sensitive.
    • Feminine: endings -aya, -aya. Jacket (what?) red, blue.
    • Neuter gender: endings -oe, -ee. The mirror (what?) is round, blue.
    The gender of an adjective can be determined by the noun to which it refers in the text.
  2. Adjectives are declined according to number.
    • In the singular, they denote a characteristic of one object, a collection of objects. For example: a good option, a large table, a friendly class, cheerful young people.
    • Adjectives ending in plural, denote many objects. They answer the question which ones in the nominative case? and have endings -ы, -и.
You can determine the number of an adjective by the noun to which the adjective refers.

Let's look at the features of declension of adjectives by case. Knowledge of the principles of declension of this part of speech will help you determine the case of an adjective.

Feminine singular adjectives are declined as follows:

  • Nominative case. The endings are -aya, -aya. The fishing rod (what?) is long.
  • Genitive. The endings are -oh, -ey. Fishing rods (what?) long.
  • Dative. Endings – oh, her. A fishing rod (what?) long.
  • Accusative. The endings are -yu, -yu. A fishing rod (what kind?) is long.
  • Instrumental case. The endings are -oh, -ey. A fishing rod (what?) long.
  • Prepositional. The endings are -oh, -ey. About a (what?) long fishing rod.
Remember the declension order of this group of adjectives. Please note that the endings of adjectives in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases are the same. In such cases, you will need to determine the case of the noun.

Neuter and masculine adjectives in the singular are declined according to the following scheme:

Case Masculine
Example Neuter gender
nominative -oh, -y, -y
The table (what?) is large,
-oh, -her
Sky (what?)
blue, dark blue
genitive -wow, -him
A (what?) large table,
-wow, -him
Sky (what?)
blue, blue
dative -oh, -him
A (what?) large table,
-oh, -him
Sky (which?)
blue, blue
noun - see
genus. pudge
see them
See them.
Sky (what?)
blue, dark blue
instrumental -ym, -im
A (what?) large table,
-ym, -im
Sky (what?)
blue, blue
prepositional -om, -eat
About the (what?) big table,
-oh, I'm eating
About the sky (which?)
blue, blue

You can determine the case of an adjective by the case of the noun it refers to. As you noticed, it is easy to confuse the endings of the adjectives of the nominative, accusative, and genitive case of this group of words. Determine the case of the adjective based on the noun.

In the plural, adjectives are declined as follows:

  • Nominative case: -ы, -и. The houses are (what?) big.
  • Genitive case: -ы, -их. Houses (what kind?) are large.
  • Dative case: -ym, -im. Houses (what?) big.
  • Accusative case: animate nouns are inflected in the genitive case, and inanimate nouns are inflected in the nominative case. The houses are (what?) big.
  • Instrumental case: -y, -imi. Houses (what?) big.
  • Prepositional case: -y, -them. About (what?) big houses.
Please note that the words of this group of adjectives have the same endings in the genitive and prepositional cases. Difficulties may also arise when determining the nominative, genitive, and accusative cases. Then pay attention to the case of the noun, the role of the noun in the sentence.

How to determine the case of an adjective? Algorithm
How to determine the case of an adjective correctly? To always accurately indicate the case of a given part of speech, use an algorithm.

  1. Remember the peculiarities of the declension of adjectives, their endings, and case issues.
  2. Write down the adjective on a piece of paper.
  3. Highlight the ending in the adjective and compare it mentally with the table.
  4. If you are in doubt that your adjective's case cannot be determined by its ending, look to the noun.
  5. Ask a question to the noun, highlight the ending and determine its case. The adjective has the same case.
  6. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the nominative and accusative cases. In this case, you must find out the role of the noun to which the adjective refers in the sentence.
    • a noun in the nominative case is the subject, the main member of the sentence;
    • noun in the accusative case – minor member offers.
    The adjective will have the same case.
Remember the signs of different cases, the peculiarities of the declension of a given part of speech, use the algorithm. Then you will always correctly determine the case of an adjective.

Russian lesson summary

Subject: Changing adjectives by case

Goals: 1. Introduce children to the formation of adjectives by case.

Identify the features of the declension of these parts of speech.

2. Improving knowledge about the adjective as a part of speech: about changing adjective names by gender, number, the dependence of adjectives in a sentence on the noun.

3. Develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions; creative thinking.

4. Foster a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

During the classes

1. Motivation for learning activities

Is the Russian language lesson easy or difficult for you?


What types of speech activities do we do in Russian language lessons?

(talk, read, listen, write)

Today in class we will continue our work on studying the secrets of the Russian language.

“No one was born wise, but learned.”

How do you understand this proverb?(Wisdom can be learned from the mistakes of others. Wisdom is the ability to competently, accurately and truly apply knowledge.)

Raise your hand if you want to become wiser today. So we will study.

What section of the Russian language did we start studying? (adjective)

Today we will continue to discover the features of this part of speech

2. Calligraphy and updating knowledge

Write down the number and Classwork, please check your notes with the one on the board and mark the spellings.

We start our lesson with penmanship, for this let's remember what an ending is? (changeable part of a word)

Name what endings the nouns zh.r., m.r., s.r. can have.


"Gender endings of adjectives"

New, ancient, ready-made, spring, funny, long, flexible.

Look, what do these words have in common? (All words named after adjectives are singular)

What is an adjective?

Make a chain of letters for a minute of penmanship from the endings of adjectives in the following order: m.r. → f.r. → s.r.

Write on the board: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Write this chain to the end of the line.

3. Vocabulary work

1. Task:

Using an adjective, “find” a noun with an unverified unstressed vowel in the root, write it down and indicate the spelling.

Beautiful, sunny, frosty...(weather)

Sweet, apple, hot, aromatic...(pies)

White, light, fluffy, cumulus...(clouds)

Fresh, Russian, interesting, daily...(newspaper)

Watery, white, comfortable...(ship)

Check, did it happen?

2. Task:

In every written word there was another word hidden. Select with an oval.

What words are these?

3. Task:

Write these words in several columns, combining them according to some grammatical feature.

By gender: weather pies clouds

Newspaper ship

By number: units (newspaper, ship, weather)

Pl. (pies, clouds)

An adjective is always friends with a noun; an adjective has the same grammatical features as the noun with which it is associated. This feature is called coordination.

How do adjectives agree with nouns? (gender, number, case)


4. Statement of the problem and way out of it.

1. Task:

Take dictation. (Winter day, winter morning, winter weather.)

a) Determine the role of adjectives. Justify your answer. (In the phrase winter day, the adjective winter is m.r., because the noun to which it refers is m.r., etc.)

b) Determine the number of adjectives.

Draw a conclusion. (An adjective is always found in the same place as the noun it is associated with.)

Determine the case of these adjectives.

A problem arises

We can't do this.

What question arises? (Do adjectives decline?)

2. Exercise. Work in pairs.

Assignment: Decline the adjective together with the noun to which it refers. Highlight the ending with them. adj. Draw a conclusion.

1st row: winter day

I.p. Which ? winter what? day

R.p. which one? winter what? day

D.p. which one? winter? what? day

V.p. Which? winter? What? day

etc. what? winter than? during the day

P.p. about what? winter about what ? about the day

Row 2: winter morning

Name which? winter what? morning

R.p. which one? winter what? morning

D.p. which one? winter what? morning

V.p. which? winter what? morning

etc. what? winter what? in the morning

P.p. about which one? about winter about what? about the morning

3rd row: winter weather

Name which? winter what? weather

R.p. Which? winter of what? weather

D.p. Which? winter what? weather

V.p. which one? winter what? weather

etc. Which? winter than? weather

P.p. about which one? about winter about what? about the weather

Examination. Listen to the opinion of a representative of each couple.

What can we conclude?

Conclusion: Adjectives are declined according to cases. An adjective is in the same gender, number, and case as the noun to which it refers.

What is the topic of today's lesson? (Changing adjectives by case).

Confirm your observations.

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Decline noun and adjective. Exercise 211

I.p. holy spring, holy springs

R.p. holy spring, holy springs

D.p. holy spring, holy springs

V.p. holy spring, holy springs

etc. holy spring, holy springs

P.p. about the holy spring, about the holy springs

6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Exercise 211(3-4).

I.p. heart of gold, dear daughter

R.p. heart of gold, dear daughter

D.p. heart of gold, dear daughter

V.p. heart of gold, dear daughter

etc. heart of gold, dear daughter

P.p. about a heart of gold, about my own daughter

What difficulties did you encounter?

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Exercise 212, p.82

Read expressively I. A. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves.”

How many adjectives are there in this poem? (11)

Write out 5 phrases noun + adj. from the text, determine gender, number, case.

lilac forest (m.r., unit of h., i.p.)

golden forest (m.r., singular, i.p.)

crimson forest (m.r., singular, i.p.)

cheerful oh wall (f.r., singular, etc.)

motley wall (g.r., unit of h., etc.)

over the bright clearing (g.r., singular, etc.)

yellow thread (zh.r., unit of part, etc.)

in blue azure (g.r., unit of h., pp.)

in through foliage (f.r., plural, pp.)

quiet widow (f.r., singular, etc.)

to the motley tower (m.r., singular, v.p.)


Read the words in the box. What colors are these? Which of these words are synonyms? (Crimson, crimson)

What do you need to know to make the right choice? (Meaning of adj. crimson).

How can you find out? (Look in the Explanatory Dictionary.)

8. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

What topic did we work on?

How do adjectives change? (by gender, number, case)

How to determine the case of an adjective?

Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?

Determine your place on the ladder of success.


Learn rule p.81, exercise 4.

Thanks to this amazing part of speech, the language gains expressiveness and brightness; without it, our speech would not be so colorful and rich. defines an object by its characteristics and affiliation. They ask him questions: “Which one?” which? which? which ones?”, and it also answers the questions “whose?” whose? whose? whose?"

The secret is depending

In a sentence, an adjective is usually associated with nouns and pronouns. This part of speech is always dependent on them. This connection will tell us how to determine the case. Cases in Russian: nominative, followed by genitive, then dative, followed by accusative, then instrumental, and then prepositional. It is easy to find out the endings of adjectives by case if you ask them a question from the part of speech on which they depend. Usually the ending that appears in the question is the same as that of the adjective.

Things to consider

Changing adjectives by case depends on the number and gender of this part of speech. And here you need to remember two things. Firstly, adjectives can be changed by gender only when they are in the singular. Secondly, they can be changed by numbers. Let's look at both theses with examples.

masculine, feminine and neuter

Let’s take the phrase “noun + singular adjective” and see how the ending of the adjective changes in different kinds. The gender of an adjective always has the same gender as the noun to which it refers.

  1. The endings of adjectives in the masculine gender: -oy, -y, -y. Here is an example: a person (what?) is businesslike, smart, sensitive.
  2. Finish adj. in the feminine gender: -aya, -aya. For example, clothes (what?) are spacious and summer.
  3. Finish adj. in the neuter gender: -oe, -ee. For example, a plant (what?) is tall and perennial.

Endings of adjectives in different numbers

Adjectives vary freely in numbers. In the singular, they denote a characteristic of one object or group of objects and answer the questions “which, which, which?” For example: smart question, wide road, gentle sun, cheerful team, large crowd, noisy crowd.

In names, adjectives denote many objects, answering the question “which?” For example: great hopes, little disappointments. As you can see, the number of an adjective depends on the number of the noun with which it is associated.

Spelling unstressed endings in adjectives

To determine this moment, you can follow a simple algorithm. First you need to ask a question from a noun to an adjective.

If the question is “which?”, you need to check whether the ending is stressed. If yes, then we write -oh, if not, then we write -y(s).

If a question from a noun sounds like “whose?”, then you should write -y at the end

If you can only ask questions from a noun to an adjective, then you should write the same ending that sounds in the question (taking into account the hard and soft declension). Let's consider the last statement in more detail.

Changing adjectives by case

Let us now get acquainted with the peculiarities of declension of adjectives by case. This information will help you figure out the name of the adjective in each specific case.

First group

These are singular adjectives that are feminine. They tend like this:

  • Nominative case: plum (what kind?) - ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -aya, -aya.
  • Genitive case: plum (which one?) - ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -oh, -ey.
  • Dative case: plum (which one?) - ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -oh, -ey.
  • Accusative case: plum (which one?) - ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -yu, -yu.
  • Instrumental case: plum (what kind?) ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -oh, -ey.
  • Prepositional case: about a plum (which one?) ripe, early. Finish adjectives: -oh, -ey.

Note that the endings of adjectives coincide in four cases: genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional.

Second group

These are singular adjectives that are masculine. They tend like this:

  • Nominative case: ball (what?) big, rubber, blue. Endings of adjectives: -ой, -й, -й.
  • Genitive case: ball (what?) large, rubber, blue. Finish adjectives: -ogo, -him.
  • Dative case: ball (what?) big, rubber, blue. Finish adjectives: -mu, -him.
  • To determine the ending of an adjective in the accusative case, you must first find out whether it refers to an animate or inanimate noun. In our example, adjectives refer to an inanimate noun that answers the question “what?” Then the question for the adjective will sound like this: the ball (what?) is large, rubber, blue. The endings of adjectives for inanimate nouns: -ой, -й, -й. But if the noun is animate, in the accusative case the question “whom?” should be asked. Accordingly, the form of the adjective will change. For example, a father (what kind?) is strict and loving. The endings of adjectives with an animate noun: -ogo, -him.
  • Instrumental case: with a (what kind of) ball, large, rubber, blue. Finish adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Prepositional case: about a ball (what?) big, rubber, blue. Finish adjectives: -om, -em.

Third group

These are singular adjectives in the neuter gender. They bow like this.

  • Nominative case: morning (what?) sunny, summer. Adjective endings: -oe, -ee.
  • Genitive case: morning (what?) sunny, summer. Finish adjectives: -ogo, -him.
  • Dative case: morning (what?) sunny, summer. Finish adjectives: -mu, -him.
  • Accusative case: morning (what?) sunny, summer. Finish adjectives: -oe, -ee.
  • Instrumental case: in the morning (what?) sunny, summer. Finish adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Prepositional case: about (what?) sunny, summer morning. Finish adjectives: -om, -em.

Here we see that in all three groups the answer to the question of how to determine the case of an adjective comes down to one thing - it is recognized by the case of the noun on which the adjective depends.

Fourth group

These are adjectives that are in the plural. Let's say the following about them:

  • Nominative case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Endings of adjectives: -е, -и.
  • Genitive case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Finish adjectives: -y, -them.
  • Dative case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Finish adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Accusative case: adjectives referring to inanimate nouns are declined according to the principle of the nominative case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Endings: -е, -е. Adjectives related to animate nouns are declined according to the principle of the genitive case: relatives (what kind?) cheerful, close. Endings: -ы, -их.
  • Instrumental case: flowers (what?) yellow, autumn. Finish adjectives: -y, -imi.
  • Prepositional case: about (what kind of) yellow, autumn flowers. Finish adjectives: -y, -them.

Note that in this group the adjectives have similar endings in the genitive, accusative (if they refer to animate nouns), and prepositional cases.

Determining the case of an adjective: sequence of actions

  1. Let's write the adjective on a piece of paper.
  2. Let's highlight the ending in it.
  3. Let's determine what gender and number the adjective is in.
  4. Let us choose which of the four groups described above this word belongs to.
  5. Let's determine the case of the adjective by ending.
  6. If in doubt, let’s pay attention to the noun on which our word depends, ask a question about it and use it to determine the case of the adjective, since it has the same ending.

If it is difficult to figure out whether a noun (and its dependent adjective) is used in the nominative or accusative case, you should look at it. If a noun in a sentence acts as the subject, then it has a nominative case. The cases of adjectives will be the same. If the noun is a minor member of the sentence, then it is used in the accusative case. Therefore, adjectives will have the same case.

We looked at how to determine the case of an adjective and made sure that it is not at all difficult.

Author details

Sazonova Galina Vasilievna

Place of work, position:

Krasnodar region, city Novokubansk, MOBUG No. 2, teacher

Krasnodar region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

Primary general education

The target audience:

Pupil (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)



Russian language

The purpose of the lesson:




Lesson type:

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Students in the class (auditorium):

Textbooks used and teaching aids:

T.G. Ramzaeva "Russian language", 4th grade

Explanatory dictionary for schoolchildren, O.D. Ushakova

Equipment used:

Table "Declination of adjectives"

Short description:

Russian language lesson in 4th grade

Subject: Changing adjectives by case


* introduce students to the technique of recognizing the case of an adjective;

* introduce the declension of adjectives in the singular;

* develop attention, memory, speech of students.

Equipment: table “Declination of adjectives”, MMP, laptop, screen

During the classes

1.Organizational moment and communication of the purpose of the lesson

A good day, a good story, a good deed.

Why adjectives good, good, good have different endings, although they have the same gender and number? (They have different cases.)

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the declension of adjectives in the singular.

2. Vocabulary and spelling work

You will learn a new word from the dictionary that we will learn in class if you solve the crossword puzzle (see attached file): (slide)

1. Long stick. (Pole.)

2. What is the name of the large one? locality? (City.)

3. An item for sitting. (Chair.)

4. A large, tall haystack. (Stack.)

5. A road with rows of trees planted on both sides. (Alley.)

What word did you get? (This word highway.)

What is a highway?

First, children express their guesses, then

find an explanation in the explanatory dictionary. (This is a paved road.)

Write this word twice, pronouncing it syllable by syllable, highlight the spelling, and add an accent mark.

Match the word highway suitable adjectives. ( Smooth highway, wide highway.)

Why are adjectives used in speech? (Adjectives are used to make speech more precise and beautiful.)

Name the grammatical features of the adjective. (Adjectives change according to gender and number.)

How to determine the gender of an adjective? (The gender of the adjective is determined by the gender of the noun.)

Today we will learn another grammatical feature of an adjective.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson


Determine the gender and number of adjectives in phrases:

. (In the phrase deep pond adjective deep masculine, since the noun pond to which it refers is masculine. In the phrase deep lake adjective deep neuter, since the noun lake to which it refers is neuter. In the phrase deep hole adjective deep feminine, since the noun it refers to is feminine. In phrases deep pond, deep lake, deep hole adjectives are singular. As they relate to nouns pond, lake, hole, which are in the singular.)

In what gender and number is an adjective always present? (An adjective is always in the same gender and number as the noun it refers to.)

Decline these phrases.

How Ouch? How oh? How and I?

Name deep th the pond is deep oh the lake is deep and I Nora

How Wow? How Wow? How Ouch?

R.p. deep Wow the pond is deep Wow lakes are deep Ouch burrows

How wow? How wow? How Ouch?

D.p. deep wow the pond is deep wow the lake is deep Ouch burrow

How Ouch? How oh? How wow?

V.p. deep th the pond is deep oh the lake is deep wow hole

How them? How them? How Ouch?

etc.. deep them pond deep them the lake is deep Ouch hole

oh how ohm? oh how ohm? oh how Ouch?

P.p.. oh deep ohm deep pond ohm deep lake Ouch burrow

What conclusion can you draw? (Adjectives are changed by case or declined.)

How to determine the case of an adjective? Can I finish? (No, the adjective deep ending - Ouch in the genitive case, dative, instrumental, prepositional. The case of an adjective can be determined by case


4. Physical education minute

We worked great.

Don't mind taking a break now

And we are used to charging

Comes to class for lesson.

I will name phrases. If the phrase contains a singular adjective, you squat. If the phrase contains a plural adjective, you walk in place.

Winter road, tasty berries, slender trees, high fence, forest paths, new notebooks, red apple, interesting stories.

5. Consolidation of what has been learned

a) Exercise “Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective”

Word combinations are written on the board.

Across a wide field, about a faithful friend, on a long journey, under a low bush, behind a high fence, an interesting book, on a tall tree, with a beloved kitten, on a bookshelf, in a green grove, in a blue wave.

b) Work according to the textbook.

Reading the output on page 124.

Read the memo on page 124.

Exercise 283 p.125.

Write from memory, determine the case of the adjective. ( Transparent - in V.p..)

c) Independent work (mutual check).

Select and insert adjectives, connecting them in meaning with nouns. Determine the case of adjectives. Select endings.

In the _________ cold there is silence in the forest. All the animals hid from the __________ cold. Suddenly crossbills flew noisily over the _________ clearing. Birds flocked to the top of the _________ spruce. At the very top there were clusters of ___________ cones. The birds began to drag ___________ seeds with their claws.

6. Lesson summary

Continue the sentence:

To determine the case of an adjective, you need to:

  1. Find the …… to which ……… belongs
  2. Determine the case……
  3. By case...... determine case......

7. Homework

Exercise 281, p.124