Drawing up the land balance of the municipality. Documents used in the formation of the land balance within an administrative-territorial unit Definition of the algorithm for compiling the land balance

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education "NINKh"

Business College

Course work

MDK.01.01. Territory and real estate management


Drawing up the land balance of a municipality (certain area)

is done by a student: Vakulov Sergey Sergeevich

well 2 group 225

speciality Land and property relations

date of registration by the dean's office___________

checked by: Manzhaley Valentina Nikolaevna(Teacher's full name)


Introduction 3

1. Organization of the territory of the municipality (district) 5

1.1. Relative stability of the territory 5

1.2. Land management methods 8

1.3. Administrative liability for land offenses 11

2. Land balance of the municipality (district) 16

2.1. Regulatory legal acts in force in the territory 19

2.2. Functional zoning of the municipal territory

education (district)

2.3. Balance of the territory of the municipality 23

Conclusion 26

Used literature 27


Goal of work: Ensuring sustainable development municipality(district).

Initial data: Plan of the municipality (district) at a scale of 1:500. In the process of the long world history of urban civilization, a special group of lands has emerged settlements– urban lands, formed under the influence of the whole variety of factors of the urban environment. As one of the results of the thousand-year existence and development of urban settlements in Russia, here also, in line with the global trend, a group of urban lands is distinguished as part of the category of lands of settlements.

A certain place in the composition of the lands of settlements is occupied by forest lands and lands under roads (10% each); the presence of other lands is not so significant. Unfortunately, the land accounting system adopted by Rosnedvizhimost does not allow obtaining information on the distribution of land by land separately for urban lands and for lands of rural settlements, which obviously differ greatly in composition.

In accordance with the current land legislation, in legal terms, urban lands (city lands) should be understood as part of the lands classified as lands of settlements and located within the boundaries of urban districts. Thus, the object of assessment of the condition, monitoring and protection of urban lands are all lands located within the city boundaries and making up the urban land fund. Urban lands, like lands in the broad sense of the concept, should be considered, in accordance with modern ideas, as the basis of life and activity of the city population from three positions:

    as a natural (natural-anthropogenic) object, an important component of the environment;

    as a natural (natural-anthropogenic) resource used to accommodate the population and carry out its economic and other activities;

    as an object of land and property relations, a component of real estate, which is the object of property (real) law. Urban lands are the most important part of the urban environment, the upper part of the earth’s crust, characterized by space and a number of other important components (relief, climate, soils, vegetation, subsoil, water, buildings, structures and communications), delimited from other lands and being the basis for living, labor and recreation of the population and for the placement and functioning of production and other enterprises, organizations and institutions.

In land management science and practice the following definition is accepted:

“Land is the surface of the land, a natural resource characterized by space, relief, soil cover, vegetation, subsoil, water, as well as an object of socio-economic relations, which are the main means of production in agriculture and the spatial basis for the placement and development of all sectors of the national economy.”

Territory is a certain part of space, with the corresponding social, natural, economic, infrastructural, cultural and historical potential of the country, which is under the jurisdiction of state or local authorities.

Land balance is a system of land reporting documents that covers the land fund within all administrative-territorial units. The land balance is compiled by rural, town and city councils, they review it, approve it and submit it to deadlines for accounting in the land balance of the district, region, country.

Land management is a socio-economic process of purposeful organization of territory and means of production, inextricably linked with land, occurring under the influence of available productive forces and industrial relations; in a narrow sense, these are actions (events) carried out by the state, landowners and land users to establish order in the use and protection of land.

Municipal entity is a territory within the boundaries of which, together with public administration local government is allowed to decide only local issues. Such local self-government is carried out directly or through elected and other bodies local government in order to resolve issues local significance.

Maintaining a land balance as one of the professional competencies (PC1.1) in the training of specialists in the field of land and property complex management.

Kisel Tatyana Semenovna, teacher

GBPOU Sverdlovsk region"Talitsky Forestry College named after. N.I.Kuznetsova"

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for secondary vocational education in specialty 210205 “Land and property relations” was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2014 No. 486 and is a set mandatory requirements to the average vocational education in the specified specialty.

Region professional activity graduates: Management of land and property complex; implementation cadastral relations; cartographic and geodetic support of land and property relations; determination of the value of real estate.

A specialist in land and property relations must have general and professional competencies corresponding to the types of activities. Considering the professional competence corresponding to a certain type activities, the Federal State Educational Standard indicates that a specialist in the field of land and property complex management must have such professional competencies as:

PC.1.1. Compile the land balance of the region.

PC.1.2. Prepare documentation necessary for acceptance management decisions on exploitation and development of territories.

PC.1.3. Prepare proposals for definition economic efficiency use of existing real estate.

PC.1.4. Participate in the design and analysis of social economic development territories.

PC.1.5. Monitor the territories' lands.

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student, during the development of the professional module, must:

have practical experience:

Drawing up a land balance for the district (municipal entity);

Drawing up documentation necessary for making management decisions on the operation and development of territories.

In this publication, I propose to consider one of the professional competencies - PC1.1., which stipulates that a future specialist in the field of land and property complex management must be able to draw up a land balance.

But before learning how to draw up a land balance, the student must have a clear understanding of what a land balance is, why it needs to be compiled and what its role is in the field of land management. I will try to consider these questions in this publication.

Land balance is a systematic collection of information on changes in indicators characterizing the availability, condition and use of land, for certain period time within the boundaries of a territorial entity.

The object of accounting in the land balance is the land fund or, in other words, all lands within the boundaries of a certain territorial entity.

The unit of accounting when compiling a land balance is a specific land plot(single land use), owned, possessed, used and leased by a subject of law (citizen, legal entity, government body or local government body).

The land balance is compiled for the purposes of planning, analysis, accounting and supervision of the use of land resources.

Land balance data ensures the implementation of the main functions of government bodies aimed at:

Development of socio-economic policy in the field of land use and land tenure;

Forecasting income from species economic activity, in which land is the main resource, as well as planning for use land plots;

Accounting for assets at the disposal of government and management bodies for the purpose of distributing or redistributing budget funds at different levels;

Calculation of the volume of capital investments in environmental protection measures aimed at preserving and increasing soil fertility, involving lands in economic circulation, eliminating damage from negative natural and man-made impacts;

Organization state supervision for the use and protection of lands;

Organization of work on drawing up schemes for the use and protection of land, as well as territorial land management projects;

Carrying out other activities aimed at increasing the level of efficiency of land use and capitalization.

The land balance contains a system of indicators that characterize the object of accounting and have economic, environmental, social significance for regulation land relations. These indicators include the following information:

On the distribution of land by type of ownership;

On the rights on which citizens and legal entities use land;

On the distribution of land in urban and rural settlements;

On the quality condition and use of land;

About changes in the composition of lands and their legal status that happened in reporting period time;

ABOUT cadastral value lands and land transactions.

The land balance is compiled by the bodies of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) on the basis of documented information contained:

In the state land cadastre;

In the Unified State Register of Rights (USRP) for real estate objects;

IN state fund data obtained as a result of land management;

The database formed as a result of work on state monitoring lands;

As well as information coming from bodies responsible for accounting of forest and water resources, especially protected natural areas, accounting for the fertility of agricultural lands, state authorities and local governments.

The land balance is compiled at the federal and regional levels, and its formation must be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

The land balance is compiled using a uniform methodology throughout the entire territory Russian Federation;

The compilation of the land balance is carried out in accordance with the established frequency;

Land balance indicators must be comparable and compatible at different levels of its management (municipal, level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, federal);

The land balance reflects the real areas of all land plots within the boundaries of territorial entities, and their total area represents the balance area of ​​a territorial entity, which is formed and changed in accordance with the rules established in the procedure for maintaining the land balance of the Russian Federation;

The land balance is formed and presented on the basis of a system of documents and forms of the established form;

Land balance forms should be unified for automated processing purposes.

The automated system for maintaining the land balance is a logical component of the automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state accounting real estate objects.

Land balances in the Russian Federation are maintained in in electronic format.

Balance sheet documents are divided into basic and derivative.

The main balance sheet documents include balance books, duty (working) balance sheets, and thematic maps.

The balance books contain data on land balance accounting units obtained from the information resources of the bodies of Rosreestr, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, and Rosstat, consolidated and grouped according to established criteria within the boundaries of territorial entities. Data sampling from information resources is carried out within the time limits established and agreed upon with the information holder.

Duty balance notebooks are designed to reflect current changes occurring in a certain period of time in the composition of land balance accounting units.

Information entered into balance books and balance sheets on duty is reflected in them in tabular form. Tabular forms of land balance should be unified for the purpose of their automated processing.

Thematic maps reproduce in graphic form information characterizing the condition and use of the land fund.

Derived balance sheet documents include forms of state statistical observation, a state (national) report on the state and use of land in the Russian Federation, as well as analytical reviews, other reference and analytical documents, characterizing the land fund of the Russian Federation.

I hope that this information will be useful for students when studying the topic “Maintaining a Land Balance” and will help future specialists in the field of land and property relations to have a clear understanding of one of the professional competencies – PC1.1., which stipulates that a future specialist in the field of land and property management should be able to draw up a land balance and, accordingly, what a land balance is, how and why it is maintained.


    Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-FZ dated October 25, 2001, as amended as of January 1, 2016.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2014 No. 486.

    Dublenov N.N., Shulyak A.S. Land management with the basics of geodesy.

M.: KolloS, 2011.-319 p.

4. Batychko V.T. Land law in questions and answers. M-Infra, 2014.

5. www.tehlit.ru: information and legal portal.

6. base.garant.ru information and legal portal

7. www.consultant.ru/popular/

8.The concept of land balance.

Land balance purpose and order
drawing up
Students of 23 groups completed:
Lapteva Miroslava and Avetyan


system of land reporting documents, which
covers the land fund within all
make up
village and city councils, they
consider, approve at their sessions and
submitted within the established time frame for accounting in
land balance of the district, region, country.

Characteristics of land balance (purpose):

are compiled annually as of January 1 of the following
for the reporting year;
contains characteristics of the land fund by category,
land users and owners, quality
condition and assessment of lands;
reflects changes in land use during the reporting period
document and justify changes in
the overall size of land holdings and land uses, as well as
composition of lands and their quality condition;
in the land balance reflect the actual areas and
condition of the land.

The procedure for compiling a land balance:

A report is drawn up on the availability and condition of the land, which
characterizes territories within their borders, and forms it
based on information accumulated in the State
land cadastre;
A report is drawn up on the availability of land and its distribution by
forms of ownership, categories, land and
users, who make up in accordance with
Federal Law “On State Land
cadastre". The report is signed by the manager
territorial body;
A solution is provided along with the report.
relevant regional governing body
reviewing the report.

Balance of Land - a list of data determining the presence and change of land by category of land and type of land. The land balance is created, first of all, to provide legislative and executive power information necessary for the implementation of land management functions. The information potential of these materials should allow solving the following problems: developing and adjusting socio-economic policies in the field of land relations; assessing the value of land and their tax potential; forecasting the scale, quantitative results and income from types of economic activities in which land is the main resource; calculation volumes of capital investments in environmental protection measures; calculation of the volume of capital investments for the intended purpose of land. Land balance indicators are a consequence of the forms of federal state statistical observation: Form No. 22-1 - “Information on the availability and distribution of land by categories and forms of ownership”; form No. 22-2 “Information on availability and distribution of land by category and land"; form No. 23-O "Information on forms of ownership of lands used by enterprises, organizations, farms, societies engaged in the production of agricultural products" (form No. 22-3 (organizations)); form No. 23 -G “Information on the rights on which the land was used by citizens (associations of citizens) engaged in the production of agricultural products” (form No. 22-3 (citizens)); form No. 24-O “Information on the availability of land at enterprises, organizations, farms, societies engaged in the production of agricultural products" (form No. 22-4 (organizations)); form No. 24-G "Information on the availability of land for citizens (associations of citizens) engaged in the production of agricultural products" (form No. 22-4 (citizens)) ;form No. 22-5 “Information on the distribution of the total areas of urban settlements by types of land use and forms of ownership”; form No. 22-6 “Information on the distribution of the total areas of rural settlements by types of land use and forms of ownership.”

59. The concept of forest fund lands and the features of maintaining land records on lands of this category. According to Article 101 of the Land Code forest fund include forest lands (lands covered with forest vegetation and not covered with it, but intended for its restoration, clearing, burning, open spaces, clearings, etc.) and non-forest lands intended for forestry (clearings, roads, swamps, etc.). ) The boundaries of forest fund lands are determined by delimiting forest fund lands from lands of other categories in accordance with forest management materials. Data on the boundaries of forest fund lands are entered into the State Land Reserve. Information about forest lands is stored in various departmental organizations and institutions. IN forest fund forests of groups 1, 2 and 3 are distinguished, categories of protection and especially protected areas of forests. Protection categories are distinguished only in forests of group 1. The Government of the Russian Federation has established a procedure for classifying forests into forest groups and forest protection categories of the first group, depending on the types of protection categories.

60. Land cadastral plan. Its purpose and content. Cadastral registration is a series of actions carried out by a specially authorized body to enter information about an object into the state cadastre. Cadastral registration involves the creation of a cadastral plan for the site. Cadastral plan land plot is a map containing data on boundaries, presented in graphical and text form. The cadastral plan of a land plot consists of five sections. The first section contains general data on the land plot. Providing general information in text form: name of the body that is responsible for cadastral land registration; date of registration, etc. The second is information about the boundaries of the land plot. It can be presented in the form of a plan or diagram and contains information about boundaries in graphical form. Third - a description of the boundaries of the land plot. Contains information about the boundaries of the land plot and adjacent areas. The information is presented in text form. The fourth is information about parts of the land plot. The section contains information about parts of the land plot in text form. Fifth - a plan of the boundaries of part of the land plot. Contains schematic information about parts of the land plot.

61. Concepts and types of easement. The procedure for accounting in the State Land Register.Easement- limited right

use of someone else's real estate, for example, for the passage, laying and operation of necessary communications and other needs that cannot be provided without the establishment of an easement. Easement as real right on a building, structure, premises may exist independently of the use of the land plot. For the owner of real estate, in respect of whose rights an easement is established, the latter acts as an encumbrance. Private th easement is established in accordance with civil law. Public easement is established by law or other regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation, a regulatory legal act of a subject of the Russian Federation, a regulatory legal act of a local government body in cases where this is necessary to ensure the interests of the state, local government or local population, without seizure of land plots. The establishment of a public easement is carried out taking into account the results of public hearings. An easement can be temporary or permanent. The implementation of the easement should be the least burdensome for the land plot in respect of which it is established. The owner of a land plot encumbered by a private easement has the right to demand a proportionate payment from the persons in whose interests the easement has been established, unless otherwise provided by federal laws. Easements are subject to state registration in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Registration of Rights to real estate and transactions with it.” The easement is preserved in the event of transfer of rights to the land plot, which is encumbered by this easement, to another person. An easement cannot be an independent subject of purchase, sale, or pledge, and cannot be transferred in any way to persons who are not the owners of the real estate, to ensure the execution of which the easement was established.

62. The concept of lands of specially protected land areas. Features of land accounting in this category. Lands of specially protected areas include lands that have special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other valuable significance, which are withdrawn from economic use and circulation in accordance with regulations federal bodies state authorities, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or decisions of local governments in whole or in part and for which a special legal regime has been established. Lands of specially protected areas include lands: specially protected natural areas, including medical and recreational areas and resorts; environmental purposes ;recreational purposes; historical and cultural purposes; other especially valuable lands in accordance with Land Code and federal laws. The area of ​​specially protected areas as of January 1, 2002 amounted to about 34.0 million hectares, of which 30.8 million hectares were provided legal entities for use. Of the land structure in this category, the most significant areas are occupied by forest lands (16.3 million hectares), other lands (12.3 million hectares), swamps (2.5 million hectares) and water bodies (1.7 million hectares). ha). The procedure for the designation, use and protection of lands, specially protected areas of federal, regional and local significance is established by the government of the Russian Federation, and its constituent entities, as well as local governments.

The state land cadastre occupies a special position among other state and departmental cadastres (water, forestry, urban planning, etc.).

Historically, the land cadastre in Russia included such components as accounting and registration of land, natural history and economic description of land, and land valuation.

By the beginning of the last land reform in the 90s of the 20th century in Russia, the need arose to create a multi-purpose state land control complex as a single integrated system of information about the legal, natural and economic status of lands. Before 1998, the land cadastre in the Russian Federation consisted of the following components: registration of land ownership and land use; quantitative and qualitative accounting of the land fund; soil grading and economic assessment of land.

The law of July 24, 2007 “On state cadastre real estate" N 221-FZ provides for a unified system and technology for creating and maintaining the state real estate cadastre; mandatory state registration of real estate; presumption of official description of real estate entered into the real estate cadastre; entering current and reliable information into the real estate cadastre; security permanent storage entered information; correlation of information contained in the real estate cadastre with other state information resources; timely and complete information support in accordance with the purposes of the law.

In particular, the procedure for conducting state cadastral registration of land plots, buildings, structures and other real estate objects is established, as well as the procedure for determining the location, boundaries, area and other quantitative and quality characteristics land plots and other types of real estate.

The previously existing two main systems of real estate accounting - the system of accounting of technical inventory bodies (OTI) and the system of accounting of land plots in the form of the state land cadastre - were poorly connected with each other, including informationally. Based on this, the exchange of information between authorities was difficult. Thus, the presence of various accounting systems that ensure the registration of property rights led not only to financial losses on the part of the state, which allocated funds for their maintenance and development, but also to the dissatisfaction of copyright holders who were forced to contact several authorities.

The main idea of ​​the law on the State Tax Committee is to combine the accounting of objects in one body capital construction and accounting of land plots with the possibility of further combining the accounting system and the rights registration system.

Currently, the federal executive body performing the functions of organizing unified system State cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as the assessment of lands of the Russian Federation, is the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). Rosreestr arose by renaming the Federal Registration Service - Rosregistration.

The Federal Registration Service (Rosregistration) was formed during the administrative reform by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin of March 9, 2004 “On the system and structure of federal executive authorities.” Rosregistration is a federal executive body that carries out functions in the field of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

March 1, 2009 The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 came into force. No. 1847 "O" Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography" in accordance with which were abolished, Federal agency geodesy and cartography (Roscartography), the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate (Rosnedvizhimost) and the Federal Registration Service (Rosregistration).

And the newly created service - Rosreestr - is entrusted with the functions of organizing a unified system of state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as the spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation. The service is subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Service has been given a very significant and quite complex task - the creation and development of a unified federal system registration of rights and cadastral registration.

Rosreestr is subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, formerly the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 724 of May 12, 2008 “Issues of the system and structure of federal executive bodies”)

Rosreestr maintains:

  • - United State Register rights to real estate and transactions with it (USRP);
  • - Unified State Register self-regulatory organizations(SROO);
  • - State Real Estate Cadastre;
  • - State catalog of geographical names;
  • - consolidated state register of arbitration managers;
  • -state fund of data obtained as a result of land management.

The basis for conducting state cadastral registration is the application of an interested person to carry out of this accounting. The result of cadastral registration is the assignment of a unique cadastral number to an object, not repeated over time and on the territory of the Russian Federation, making a corresponding entry in the state real estate cadastre and producing a cadastral passport used in registering rights and making transactions with real estate, as well as to determine the tax base.

In connection with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 221, the need arose to improve the information support system for state and municipal government land resources. This was one of the main reasons for the creation of the land balance system, due to the fact that the previously existing system of state land cadastre does not contain a system of documents, as well as the procedure for obtaining and processing information about the entire set of land plots characterizing the presence, condition and use of land within the boundaries of territorial entity. Thus, the system for obtaining updated data on the land fund of the Russian Federation, the analysis of which is presented annually in the State (national) report on the state and use of land in the Russian Federation, experiences certain difficulties and cannot ensure the necessary completeness and relevance of the collected information on the country’s land resources.

Currently, the information base of the report is data from federal statistical monitoring of land resources, carried out by Rosreestr on the basis GKN information. Reporting forms containing data statistical observations, are built on the principle of balance and they have a constant final component - the total area of ​​land within the administrative boundaries of territorial entities. This allows the annual analysis of structural changes in the land fund to use the balance method, which involves comparing interrelated indicators in order to identify and measure their mutual influence.

According to the Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” N 221-FZ, the State cadastral registration of real estate recognizes the actions authorized body for entering into the state real estate cadastre information about real estate that confirms the existence of such real estate with characteristics that make it possible to define such real estate as an individually defined thing, or confirm the termination of the existence of such real estate.

The concept of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is defined by Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.” According to the law, State registration rights to real estate and transactions with it - legal act recognition and confirmation by the state of the emergence, restriction (encumbrance), transfer or termination of rights to real estate in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation.

State registration is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right. The registered right to real estate can only be challenged in court.

Speaking of cadastral valuation, this is a uniform determination of the cadastral value of land plots, which is carried out on the basis of the classification of land according to its intended purpose and type of functional use and is carried out taking into account data from land, urban planning, forestry, water and other cadastres.

State cadastral valuation of land is carried out to determine the cadastral value of land plots for various purposes.

Cadastral valuation of land is carried out in order to introduce economic methods of land management and, on this basis, increase the efficiency of land use.

Carrying out work on the state cadastral valuation of land is a necessary measure for the implementation of the provisions Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the calculation of the taxable base on the basis of the cadastral value of the land plot.

The main provisions of the state cadastral valuation are enshrined in Federal law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation.”

Land balance is a systematic collection of information about changes in indicators characterizing the availability, condition and use of land for a certain period of time within the boundaries of a territorial entity.

The object of accounting in the land balance is the land fund or all lands within the boundaries of a territorial entity.

The development of the concept of land balance is due to the need to improve the information support system for state and municipal land management in the context of the existing institution in the country private property on land and ongoing land transformations aimed at further increasing the production, investment, social potential of the land and turning it into an independent factor of economic growth.

The land balance is compiled at the federal and regional levels. At the federal level, the land balance is compiled to ensure the functions of federal executive authorities in regulating land relations in the Russian Federation. On regional level land balances are compiled to ensure the functions of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to regulate land relations in the constituent entities.

The land balance is compiled for the purposes of planning, analysis, accounting and control over the use of land resources. Land balance data ensures the implementation of the main functions of government bodies aimed at:

  • - development of socio-economic policy in the field of land ownership and land use;
  • - forecasting income from types of economic activities in which land is the main resource, as well as planning the use of land resources;
  • - accounting of assets at the disposal of government and management bodies for the purpose of distribution, redistribution) of budget funds at different levels;
  • - calculation of the volume of capital investments in environmental protection measures aimed at preserving and increasing soil fertility, involving lands in economic circulation, eliminating damage from negative natural and man-made impacts;
  • - organization state control for the use and protection of lands;
  • - organization of work on drawing up schemes for the use and protection of land, as well as territorial land management projects:
  • - implementation of other activities aimed at increasing the level of efficiency of land use and capitalization.

The land balance contains a system of indicators that characterize the object of accounting and have economic, environmental, and social significance for the regulation of land relations.

These include information:

  • - on the availability and distribution of land by category;
  • - on the distribution of land by type of ownership;
  • - about the rights on which citizens and legal entities use land;
  • - on the distribution of land in urban and rural settlements;
  • - about the quality condition and use of land;
  • - about changes in the composition of lands and their legal status that occurred during the reporting period;
  • - about the cadastral value of land and land transactions.

Preparation of the land balance is carried out territorial authorities Rosreestr.

Preparation begins at the level of individual land plots - the municipal department of Rosreestr - the territorial department of Rosreestr for the subject - Rosreestr.

The land balance is compiled by Rosreestr authorities on the basis of documented information contained:

  • - in the state real estate cadastre;
  • - state fund of data obtained as a result of land management;
  • - a database formed as a result of work on state land monitoring;

as well as information coming from bodies responsible for accounting of forest and water resources, specially protected natural areas, accounting for the fertility of agricultural lands, government bodies, local government, etc.

The state land balance is a three-level hierarchical information and reference system and includes the federal land balance (national report), regional balance and local. Designed for land management.

The information potential of these materials should allow solving the following problems:

  • 1. Development and adjustment of socio-economic policy in the field of land relations;
  • 2. Land value assessment;
  • 3. Calculation of the volume of capital investments in environmental protection measures;
  • 4. Calculation of the volume of capital investments for the intended purpose of the land.

Principles of land balance formation:

  • 1. Transformation;
  • 2. Complexity;
  • 3. Complete coverage of the entire land fund within the borders of the Russian Federation.

The land balance is prepared for January 1 of the following year and reflects the result of changes that have occurred with the quality and contours of land plots.

A report on the availability of land distribution is prepared at the municipal level, a regional report is prepared at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and a national report is prepared at the level of the Russian Federation. In general, all documents represent a land balance.