I make money by selling recipes. How to sell a recipe with a photo

Hello! In this article we will discuss making money from recipes.

  • How much can you earn: up to 500 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: ability to cook, write and take high-quality photos.
  • Is it worth doing: only as a hobby.

General information about making money on recipes

Judging by the forums, many housewives dream of making money from their own recipes. Indeed, such a possibility exists. But at the same time, there are clear requirements for recipes, and this type of income is quite complicated.

For recipes you need:

  • Unique text. They check it using different services, but most often they use Etxt and Advego.
  • Unique photos. You just need your own photos. You cannot use photos from the Internet.
  • Interesting recipe. Unique dishes that can be prepared at home are appreciated.

Articles should be written simply and interestingly, so that every person, even who comes to the stove once a month, can prepare a delicious dish. Not everyone can do this, so you shouldn’t think that everything is so simple.

Making money from recipes, as from any article, has its own characteristics, requirements and pitfalls. Let's figure out what ways to earn money exist, what you need for this, and how much you can earn from each of them.

How to make money online from recipes: 3 ways

There are only 3 ways to make money from recipes: write them to order, sell them, and. Let's find out what you have to do in each of the ways, what will bring you money, and what can be considered more for the soul.

Writing custom recipes

Still remains profitable. But you won’t earn much by selling recipes alone. The average cost of one recipe is 200-300 rubles. At the same time, you need unique photographs and often high uniqueness (if you know how to negotiate with customers, then this point can be ignored).

It is best to place orders at. At the initial stage of work, if you make money solely on recipes, you will have to take cheap orders. But there are fewer requirements for them, and photographs are not always needed. When you get a normal rating, customers from the category of 50-60 rubles per 1,000 characters will join you.

Selling recipes

Selling ready-made recipes is similar to the previous earnings scheme. Only you don’t work to order, but put articles on the store, and they buy them. The advantages are obvious:

  • Work at a comfortable pace.
  • There is no connection to topics.
  • Own requirements.
  • Your own prices.

The downside here is also obvious: lack of stability. You cannot say for sure when they will buy the material from you, or whether they will buy it at all. Another drawback: difficulty for beginners. Until you have ratings/reviews, customers don't know if they can trust you. Therefore, they will buy only at low prices.

In general, this method is suitable for those who want not so much to earn money, but to get a paid hobby.

On the culinary site

This is perhaps the only way you can really make money. The scheme is simple: you study website building, promotion, manuals for creating high-quality content, screw up 1 - 2 sites and after that create the necessary, interesting project that will bring money in the long run.

But most popular requests are already taken. You will either have to come up with and publish new, unique and interesting recipes, or be content with a small number of visitors.

Therefore, now it will be difficult to join information sites from scratch. An alternative is to create a full-fledged online publication for housewives, which will also include recipes. But this is difficult if you don’t even have some banal experience in copywriting.

To summarize all of the above: you can be content with low income and specialization if you sell ready-made recipes and write them to order. Or you can start earning money and create your own website, but this requires time and money.

What difficulties may arise at the initial stage of earning money?

There are a lot of difficulties at the initial stage. The first difficulty that may arise is uniqueness of texts. Recipes are a specific topic in which achieving 100% uniqueness without writing nonsense and water is almost impossible. And some customers often set 95 - 100% in the requirements, which forces them to spend 1 hour on the article, and 3-4 on adding uniqueness.

The next difficulty is unique photos. The cooking process becomes much more complicated when you have a camera/phone in your hands, and you need to record your every step. This takes more time and effort than just preparing a dish.

The third problem is time costs. To do this, you need to prepare the dish yourself. But a beginning writer does not receive much money, therefore, the salary per hour of work will be very low (from 30 to 100 rubles).

The fourth and main problem is. Healthy competition is good. But competition with non-professionals who are desperate to get an order/sell a recipe is not. It is precisely because of the “oh, nothing complicated here” approach that a natural price ceiling arises. Few people will pay more than 300 - 400 rubles for one unique recipe, even though a lot of time is spent on cooking and writing the article.

But if you go through the initial stage, get better at it and overcome the first difficulties, the process of earning money will go much easier. But don’t think that everything will be easy later. Low prices and complexity of work will always be there.

Where to sell ready-made recipes

There are several thematic recipe sites where you can sell your own articles:

  • webspoon.ru: 50 rub. for the recipe;
  • findfood.ru: one-time 30 - 60 rubles;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: from 100 rubles for multicooker recipes.

And another option for selling your own recipes - copywriting exchanges. These are not specialized sites, which means that customers come for different content, including recipes. I worked on Etxt for a long time, so I’ll tell you about this exchange.

Selling an article at a high price to a newbie on Etxt is almost impossible.

On average, prices range from 20 to 60 rubles per 1,000 characters. An average recipe for 4,000 characters will cost from 100 to 300 rubles. And for 100 rubles it is quite likely that someone will buy it, but for 300 it is unlikely. You'll have to wait a few months, or even a year.

A small life hack

You can earn more from recipes if you take several photos of dishes from different angles during one cooking. With this approach, you can get 2 - 4 articles. True, you will have to work very hard with uniqueness, because recipes are one of the most difficult topics to adjust for anti-plagiarism.

How much can you earn from recipes?

While I was working at the copywriting exchange, I saw orders for culinary websites more than once. The requirements were approximately the same:

  • Unique material.
  • Own photographs.

Such articles were rated quite low, up to 200 - 250 rubles for 1 recipe with photographs. On professional sites the cost is a little more expensive - up to 400 - 500 rubles for a voluminous recipe (up to 6,000 characters) + photographs. But as you can see, this is still a low price.

The cooking process becomes noticeably more complicated when everything is recorded and a camera is at hand. Therefore, you should not count on more than 5 - 6 thousand rubles per month. And this is the best outcome if you cook something new every day, and your articles will be bought regularly. A more realistic figure is 3-4 thousand per month.


Making money from recipes can be a good hobby for those who constantly prepare different dishes. But this method of receiving money should not be regarded as the main one. If you are looking for a full-time income, then take up related professions - copywriting, website creation or selling photographs.

This type of income will appeal to anyone who loves to cook. Its essence is very simple.

There are a lot of recipe sites on the Internet that are constantly looking for new recipes with photos of the cooking process.

It is not profitable for culinary sites to create content themselves, prepare various dishes and photograph the entire process. Therefore, they are willing to pay people for this work.

This way they kill two birds with one stone, constantly receive new content for a relatively small fee and do not spend money on products.

Why might this be beneficial for you? Because one recipe can be posted on several sites and you will not only get a ready-made dish for lunch, but also recoup all food costs and even earn money. I will describe how to do this at the end of the article.

To start earning money you will need a camera (a smartphone with a weak camera will not work).

Each site has its own conditions for accepting prescriptions, but the main requirements can be identified:

  • All photos must be taken by you. You won't be able to steal photos and texts from other sites
  • Photos must be of high quality
  • The text describing the cooking process must be unique
  • Every step of food preparation should be described and photographed.

I have compiled the most for you full list culinary sites that buy recipes.

Websites for buying recipes

Site name Payment per prescription Notes
Patee. Recipes from 350 to 500 rubles per 1000 interactions Interaction – viewing publications and adding them to the recipe book with premium access.
iamcook.ru 150-200 rubles
sladko-em.ru 70 rubles Recipes for multicookers
liyabruni.ru 50 rubles Dietary recipes + pay 100 rubles for crafts
vpuzo.com 1 dollar
findfood.ru 60 rubles 100 rub. for the video recipe.
lozhka.su 30 rubles You can add other people's recipes
webspoon.ru from 100 to 400 rubles Strict moderation
prosmak.ru 100 characters 10 cents
pekarenok.info 200 rubles
w-say.ru 500 rubles for 10 recipes Large volumes of prescriptions are purchased.
Additional payments for active authors.
minproduct.ru 200 rubles
multivarka-recepti.ru 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
calorizator.ru from 30 to 100 rubles The price depends on the number of steps in the recipe and other bonuses
multi-recepti.ru 50 rubles
sypchik.ru 70 rubles
dadaeda.ru 75 rubles for 1000 characters
multi-varca.ru 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
gotovim-sushi-doma.ru 250 rubles Only Japanese recipes
foodbest.ru 40-60 rubles
  • Each site has its own requirements for recipes. Read them carefully
  • First, send recipes to not very popular sites, they have weaker moderation. You will have more chances that your recipe will be accepted and you will understand how everything works
  • You should not submit several recipes to the site at once. Make one recipe and see how your recipe will be tested, and will you be paid?
  • Even a simple recipe can be made unique by changing just one ingredient.
  • Use white dishes to prepare the dish. She looks good in photos
  • You should have a good selection of different utensils. You should also have beautiful tablecloths and various napkins
  • Do not take photographs of the ingredients in the packaging
  • Explore the recipes that have already been added to the site. Try to take photos and descriptions of the same quality
  • Do not use a flash on your camera

How to increase your earnings from photo recipes

You can post one recipe on several sites at once. But the problem is that most recipe sites only want unique photos and recipe descriptions. Therefore, photograph each step of cooking several times on a different background and on different utensils. Also, do not forget to change the text of the recipe.

Since payment is made regardless of the number of photos, it is not necessary to choose complex recipes with many cooking steps. You can prepare recipes for salads, drinks, and simple baked goods easier and faster.

Another way to make quick money is to translate recipes from foreign sites and uniquely personalize their photos. You can make your photos unique by slightly changing the light, shadows, color palette, or mirroring the image. But to do this, you must be proficient in Photoshop or another graphic editor.

Be sure to check the uniqueness of the text before posting the recipe. You can check the text, for example, using Advego Plagiatus. Photos can be checked for uniqueness at images.google.com

This is how you can also earn money by preparing delicious dishes for yourself or your family. Write in the comments about your successes in this type of earnings.

How to make money while on maternity leave at home - actual question for many new mothers who want to use their free time for financial benefit. Is cooking new dishes and experimenting with recipes your strong point and your life’s work? Then you can earn good money from your talent by selling ready-made recipes on specialized services. Pamper your household delicious dishes, while simultaneously taking photos with your phone or camera, and receive additional income from posting recipes on specialized services! This method of earning money, as well as at home, is suitable for all housewives, mothers on maternity leave, who have free time. Selling content is a proven and reliable way to make money on the Internet without investment or deception. Millions of people from all over the world are already engaged in copywriting. And to make earnings bring true pleasure, you can connect it with your favorite hobby. This type of activity is so simple that even...

Earning money while on maternity leave at home from culinary recipes is a narrow area of ​​copywriting that is perfect for beginners, amateur cooks and professionals. All you have to do is arm yourself with a camera and photograph the cooking process step by step. Once the dish is ready, you can create detailed description ingredients used and cooking process. To make money from recipes, it is not at all necessary to “reinvent the wheel” and come up with new dishes. Even if you are preparing an ordinary Olivier salad, you can safely capture the process of its preparation for the purpose of selling. So, how can you make money by cooking at home?

Earning money from recipes for mothers on maternity leave

“Who needs recipes?” - you ask.

Culinary topics on the Internet are very popular and promise decent earnings (from 30 to 250 rubles for 1 recipe).

The owners of such sites will snap up your articles like hot cakes. You don't have to go far to find customers. Alternatively, you can post ready-made articles on freelance and copywriting exchanges (etxt, advego) and wait a little for buyers to find them.

If you want to make money while on maternity leave, combining business with pleasure, and receive an additional source of income from prescriptions, then you should adhere to the following simple rules:

  • take as many photographs as possible (it is important to photograph each stage of cooking);
  • do not copy information from other websites, the content must be original;
  • write detailed and voluminous texts (500-1500 characters), describe in detailprocess usedingredients, nuances;
  • you can add information about the history of the appearance of the dish and the rules of serving and serving;
  • try to write the text without errors;
  • photographs must be of high quality, use a high-resolution camera, beautifully decorate the table on which you will take photographs, choose the right angle;
  • list in detail the required ingredients indicating their quantity;
  • At the end of the article, place a photo of the finished dish.

Creating new culinary recipes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can use product compatibility tables for these purposes. You can take a standard recipe as a basis, change 1-3 ingredients in it, and come up with an original name. By preparing just 1 dish and taking high-quality photos, you candraw upseveral recipe articles. To diversify your content, you can take different photos, changing the angle and table setting, description and name of the recipe. If you are still new to making money on the Internet, you can try your hand at microservices exchanges.

Get paid for recipes: culinary sites that pay for your ideas and photos

You can sell ready-made recipes not only on content exchanges, but also directly to culinary sites. There are more than a hundred similar resources on the Internet that need unique and high-quality content. Here are just a few sites where they pay for recipes:

  • Webspoon - This site pays for recipes.To post recipe articles you will need to go through moderation. The cost of one recipe varies from 100 to 400 rubles.
  • Prosmak. (Payment for recipes is $1 per 1000 characters).
  • Findfood. (Recipe descriptions of 150 characters or more are allowed for posting).
  • Fotorecept.com (this service pays not for posting an article, but for views of the recipe by users (for 1000 views you will receive 500 rubles).
  • Copywriting exchanges (etxt.ru, advego.ru) - there is a great demand for recipes with payment from 50-70 rubles per 1000 characters. You can write texts to order or sell finished works in the content store.
  • sladko-em.ru - here you can receive from 70 rubles for 1 recipe.
  • recepty-multivark.ru - this site specializes in cooking in a multicooker and pays from 60 rubles for 1 publication.
  • Multi-varca.ru - recipes for multicookers are published here. Payment 100 rubles.
  • gotovim-sushi-doma.ru is the most generous service that pays 250 rubles for a recipe for sushi and other Japanese dishes.

The main secret of making money is to sell one recipe on all services at once, changing the name, description and photo.

Some sites offer the opportunity to make money on culinary recipes without photos.

At the same time, you can make a video about the cooking process and post it, receiving double benefits. Having gained experience, you will be able in the future to create your own culinary-themed website and make money on it by selling dishes, kitchen appliances, and cooking utensils (for example, using). The main rule is that articles should not be completely identical. IN otherwise You will be denied payment for plagiarism.If this option does not suit you, then you will 100% choose the optimal type of part-time work for yourself while on maternity leave.

On the Internet there are a considerable number of sites ready to buy culinary recipes for various dishes with step-by-step photographs. These can be either original recipes or recipes for dishes known to almost everyone.

How to search for sites that buy recipes

In order to find sites interested in purchasing your recipes, you can do this:

  • enter the following phrases into the search engine you use: “sell a recipe with a photo”, “make money on culinary recipes”, “sites that buy step-by-step recipes”;
  • look at the search results and go to articles that meet your queries;
  • write down the addresses of several found sites that buy culinary recipes;
  • compare the conditions for purchasing ready-made recipes and choose the ones that are most beneficial for you.

Below in the article you will find a list of sites that publish recipes for money.

Preparing a recipe for sale

In order for your recipe to be accepted for publication on the site, it must be well designed.


When preparing the text of your masterpiece, pay attention to the fact that it is better to divide the recipe into two text blocks: first, a description of the dish and the history of its appearance, then the ingredients and step by step description preparations with photos.

Don't forget to indicate the cooking time and number of servings. It is better to list the ingredients used to prepare a dish.

It is best to look at ready-made publications on websites that buy recipes with photographs in order to understand how to properly prepare the recipe. For example, take a look here. On this site that buys recipes, using the example of an article about how to make charlotte with apples, you can understand what an ideal recipe for sale should look like.


To ensure that your recipe photos look decent, follow these guidelines:

  • It is advisable to have a good camera (not necessarily a professional one, but it’s still better not to use a point-and-shoot camera);
  • prepare the table for filming (cover it with a beautiful tablecloth, turn on the light);
  • use good utensils;
  • prepare the dish on one table, and take photographs on another (prepared for filming);
  • the final shot of the finished dish should be of the highest quality.

List of sites where you can sell your recipes with photos

There are 2 options for paying for prescriptions: one-time payment And payment for impressions.

For a one-time payment, you will receive the amount specified in the terms and conditions published on the website.

On sites that pay for impressions, you will be rewarded for each view of an article with your recipe as long as the site exists.

Which payment option to choose is up to you. It's best to try both options.

Pay-per-impression sites:

  • fotorecept.com: pay up to 500 rubles. per 1000 views;
  • bolshoyvopros.ru: a portal about everything in the world, where you can earn money not only from culinary articles, but also from publications on any topic.

Sites with one-time payment:

  • webspoon.ru: pay 50 rubles. for the recipe;
  • findfood.ru: from 30 rub. up to 60 rub.;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles to 50 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: you can earn from 100 rubles. for each recipe for a dish prepared in a slow cooker.

How to make more money from recipes

In order to earn more money from selling original recipes, you can use a little trick. When preparing each new recipe, take several photographs of each step of the preparation of the dish from different angles, and then use these photos to write several different articles about the same dish for different sites with different photographs.

Just remember that all recipe descriptions must be different for different sites (check articles for plagiarism before publishing).

Today, culinary recipes are easily monetized information on the Internet, because they are in great demand on culinary sites. For those who know how and love to cook delicious and healthy dishes, thanks to this demand, a unique opportunity, one might say, opens up for building, which is based on the sale or placement of unique culinary recipes on special websites.

Let me immediately note that unique recipes are not just any original recipes, i.e. invented personally, they can be absolutely any recipes for dishes that each of us is used to preparing daily or on holidays, but only stated in our own words, and the process of their preparation itself is accompanied by photographs.

From all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that such earnings, namely, earnings from recipes, can be organized by everyone who knows how and loves to cook, including housewives. Honestly, I think that for housewives, making money on culinary recipes can generally be an ideal source of additional income, because they most often have to spend a lot of time at the stove coming up with something delicious to surprise their relatives with.

In order to start making money on recipes on the Internet, you need nothing less than:

  1. Desire and time. Without desire and enough time, alas, you won’t be able to cook up something worthwhile, and it also takes time to perfect the recipe itself and then sell it.
  2. Recipes. When cooking, absolutely every housewife or cook is guided by some kind of recipe, right? So, by playing with rearranging the words in the recipe, adding a couple of ingredients to it or simply changing the portions, as well as using your imagination when describing the cooking process, any recipe can be paraphrased to the point of being unrecognizable, thereby making it unique, and therefore ready-made for sale.
  3. Ingredients. Of course, to prepare a particular dish, you will need the appropriate ingredients, which you will first have to buy at your own expense. But when making money on recipes starts to bear fruit, everything will change dramatically. By selling recipes, you can not only recoup the ingredients, but also make money.
  4. Camera. You will need it to photograph each stage of cooking.

Having read the above points, you should have already understood for yourself whether such income is suitable for you or not. To be honest, cooking something in the kitchen while simultaneously filming your cooking process with a camera is not at all a labor-intensive task. Whether you have the desire to do all this or not is another matter, but in any case, the choice is yours.

So, first of all, you should know that you can make money on recipes in several ways, namely:

1. Selling recipes on content exchanges or directly to culinary sites.

It will be easier, and more profitable, to start selling your recipes on. The thing is that on exchanges, you can set the price for your recipes yourself when putting them up for sale, while on culinary sites it is set by the resource administration and most often does not exceed 200 rubles per recipe, and sometimes even less. In addition, the moderation of recipes on culinary sites is stricter than on content exchanges.

Below you can see an example of a recipe sold on the Advego exchange:

From the example you can see that the author charges $4.62 for his recipe, and this can be said to be quite a good payment for the work he has done. Naturally, I would not advise setting the same prices for your recipes right away; for beginners in this business, it is best to lower the prices a little, this will help them find clients faster.

As exchanges for work, I advise you to use the following exchanges that I have personally verified:

  1. - a serious and demanding exchange for the quality of posted content for sale, which will help you sell any number of your recipes for good money.
  2. is a convenient and no less profitable exchange that has on board a service for online checks uniqueness, which will greatly help you recognize and correct the uniqueness of your recipes.
  3. and - on these two mailers there are article stores, which, just like the above exchanges, will help you sell your recipes quickly and for good money.

If you still decide to make money on recipes by selling them directly to culinary sites, pay attention to the following resources that will help you with this:

  1. - a good service that constantly requires new materials. His prices for recipes are quite good, ranging from 100 to 400 rubles for each, but due to strict moderation, selling a recipe becomes not at all easy.
  2. — is notable for the fact that you can even sell a 150-character recipe on it. Going through moderation on this resource is as easy as shelling pears, which means selling a recipe won’t be too difficult.
  3. — pays $1 per 1000 recipe characters + reasonable moderation. In general, it’s possible to work.

Considering that every day you have to cook at least 3 or even more dishes, it turns out that by selling their recipes for $3 each, you can earn at least $9 per day, $270 per month, respectively. What can I say, quite a decent income for a housewife, don’t you agree?

2. Posting recipes on special sites that will pay you money for viewing your recipes.

There is one wonderful project on the network that allows you to make money from photo recipes in a slightly non-standard way, namely, by viewing them.

To make money on this project, you first need to register on it, and then start sharing your recipes with step-by-step photo accompaniment of their preparation:

The project does not put forward any strict requirements for recipes, except for high-quality photographs, of course. In general, everyone can make money on it, the main thing is not to forget to take a camera with you when going to the kitchen.

As for payment, as mentioned above, it is made for viewing a recipe, and the cost of 1000 views can range from 0 to 500 rubles.

To make it easier for you to understand the project, I will list its main features below:

  • The recipes you publish on it must consist of at least 500 characters;
  • viewing a recipe is counted and paid if it was viewed for at least 15 seconds;
  • Published recipes must not only be interesting, but also consist of more than 3 ingredients;
  • in order to receive the maximum reward for views (500 rubles), you must publish voluminous recipes (from 5,000 thousand characters) and with at least 7 photographs;
  • Of course, non-unique recipes or photographs are not accepted for posting.

Important: In order for recipes to generate income constantly, you must publish a new one at least once every 30 days, otherwise all accruals may be suspended.

The project is really interesting and profitable, but in order to achieve serious income from it, you will have to take the work seriously.

3. Posting recipes on your own culinary resource.

You don't have to write recipes to sell them to someone. You can write them for yourself, i.e. for your culinary website.

Promising, in every sense, is the creation, content and promotion of your own culinary resource. If you approach this matter from the right side, you can easily promote a resource that will eventually begin to generate a stable profit. There are a lot of ways to monetize such sites; you can place advertising in any form, work with affiliate programs, etc.

If you think that you can't handle this, then it's in vain. Because thanks to today's technologies, anyone can handle creating a website. There are a huge variety of free website builders, such as , that allow you to create full-fledged websites of any complexity and for any need.

Although these designers are far from ideal, they provide an opportunity, without any skills or investments, to start your own business on the Internet, which, depending on the promotion of the resource, will bring in the corresponding profit.

Promotion of any website is not such a difficult matter. To begin with, you just need to start filling the site with high-quality and optimized material. The more such recipes (optimized) you publish, the faster you can get promoted.

To select keywords, I advise you to use the service. By entering thematic queries into it, you will see what people are looking for most often, which means you will know what to write about and what keywords use in recipes:

If you don’t know how to write such texts, it doesn’t matter. To make it easier for you to understand this, I advise you to read the post on how to write optimized texts.

These are actually all the current ways to make money from culinary recipes. Now you know that knowing a huge variety of recipes and knowing how to cook, you can not only surprise your family with culinary masterpieces, but also earn money from it.