Budget planning technical support. Login failed

When drawing up a financial management plan in 2020, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 186n.Formation of a financial and economic activity plan for 2020 federal institutions must be entered into the GIIS “Electronic Budget”.The rules for submitting reports on the results of activities and the use of property are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 114n, taking into account the updates made from December 26, 2018 No. 287n, which came into force on 01/01/2020.Since 2020, the budget classification has also changed. The Ministry of Finance has prepared comparative tables with codes for 2019, as well as linking the codes for 2020 with each other.

Purpose of the courseexplain the procedure for working in the “Electronic Budget” system when drawing up a financial budget plan, provide comments on new regulatory documents.

The course is intended For heads of financial and economic departments,accounting services of federal and regional bodies executive power, GRBS and their subordinate institutions, federal budgetary and autonomous institutions.


  • Planning of financial and economic activities of state (municipal) institutions taking into account the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 186n . Features of the current legal regulation regarding the order of formation and financial security state assignment, current changes in relevant regulations. Rules for the formation, maintenance and approval of All-Russian basic (sectoral) lists, Federal lists, Regional lists of state (municipal) services and works, on the basis of which the state (municipal) task is formed. The main reasons for the refusal of the Russian Ministry of Finance to approve projects of services and works, problems and errors in the formation of these lists. Regulatory requirements legal acts, establishing the rules for the provision of subsidies (targeted, non-profit organizations, grants) during the implementation of National Projects.
  • Methodological issues of formation and maintenance of the FCD plan in institutions . PFHD for 2020, comments to Order 186n dated 08/31/18. The procedure for drawing up and approving the PFHD. Indicators of receipts and payments. Updated procedure for drawing up, approving and amending the FCD Plan in accordance with changes in legislation.
  • Institutional income planning . Features of application budget classification when planning income. Justification of planned income indicators. Justification of planned indicators of other revenues. New rules and sample justifications for the FCD Plan. Ueven accounts receivable on income and advances received.
  • Planning of institution expenses for CWR . Update of budget classification of types of expenses, comparison.
  • Calculations of planned indicators for payments. Calculation of payments for taxes, the object of taxation for which is the income (profit) of the institution. Justification of cost indicators.
  • FCD plans for the reorganization of budgetary and autonomous institutions . What needs to be taken into account when drawing up the FCD Plan.
  • The procedure for posting information,including the approved plans of the FCD, in accordance with changes in legislation on the official website of state (municipal) institutions bus.gov.ru. Regulatory Regulation. Implementation of website functionality development in 2020. Using analytics tools for stakeholders.Procedure for provisionreport on the implementation of the financial and economic activity plan. The procedure for filling out information about targeted subsidies.
  • Centralized service treasury support targeted funds and making payments in the Electronic Budget system. Target model of information flows for treasury support. Information and technological support for treasury support. Target scheme for conducting cooperation. Creation of a centralized service for treasury support of target funds in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”. The procedure for making payments within the framework of treasury support of target funds.
  • Features of planning the limits of budget obligations in 2020 for the acceptance and fulfillment of budget obligations to ensure the performance of the functions of institutions. Formation and approval of budget estimates of the institution in accordance with General requirements, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n. Features of attributing expenses to sections of the budget estimate. Filling out justifications (calculations) of planned estimates. The procedure for making changes to the budget estimate. Planned changes to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n.
  • Spending budget funds in 2020: limitations and opportunities . Budgetary allocations, limits of budgetary obligations: distribution (finishing), increase, redistribution. Remains: need, features of use, return. Conclusion of contracts in 2020: acceptance of budgetary (monetary) obligations, advance payment.
  • Features of posting information on a single portal budget system Russian Federation budget.gov.ru (EPBS) by chief administrators of funds federal budget, and financial authorities constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2016 No. 243n. The functionality and capabilities of the portal are integration with the “Electronic Budget” subsystems. All-Russian, federal and regional Lists of state and municipal services and works: changing the order of formation of state and municipal tasks. Letter from the Russian Ministry of Finance and Federal Treasury dated December 12, 2017 No. 21-03-04/82833/07-04-05/14-948. The draft Federal Law “On the Federal Budget” on the Unified Portal. Connection procedure for posting information on the Unified Portal. Communication services of the Unified Portal. Data Designer and Report Designer. Calculators. Scheme of the business process for posting information. Development of the EPBS in 2019-20.

The program will feature employees of the Russian Ministry of Finance,Federal Treasury, budget accounting specialists.


Form of study: full-time – part-time : April 13 (full-time part, 8 academic hours),14th of April (correspondence part, 8 academic hours).


When trying to log in Personal Area GIIS “Electronic Budget” error message appears:

This page cannot be displayed

Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols in the “Advanced settings” section and try connecting to the web page https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru again. If you cannot resolve the error, contact your website administrator.


It is necessary to check the workplace settings according to the document.

The instructions do not mention several nuances:

  1. You need to install CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and check its operation on the demo page.
  2. It is necessary to disable filtering of the SSL/TLS protocol in the antivirus settings; in other words, for the site you are looking for, you should make an exception for checking a secure connection. It may be called differently in different antiviruses. For example, you need to go to Kaspersky Free “Settings>Advanced>Network>Do not check secure connections” .

The Electronic Budget (EB) system functions for the creation and storage of reporting documents, accounting, generation and placement of documentation government customers and performing some other functions. Read more about the system, as well as how to create a procurement plan in the Electronic Budget, in our material below.

Who creates procurement plans in the electronic budget

Subjects of the system electronic budget are:

  • bodies of state power and local self-government;
  • budgetary institutions;
  • other legal entities that receive budget funds;
  • management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds;
  • other participants in the budget process;
  • customers under Law No. 223-FZ.

Who is involved in the formation of the procurement plan in the electronic budget:

  • government customers acting on behalf of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal State Budgetary Institutions, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, whose property belongs to the Russian Federation;
  • federal state autonomous institutions whose property belongs to the state;
  • Federal State Budgetary Institutions, Federal State Autonomous Institutions, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, which conduct procurement within the framework of the powers of the state customer delegated to them from federal bodies authorities, state corporations.

This is stated in clause 6 of the Rules for placing procurement plans in the Unified Information System, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168).

The following customers publish a procurement plan through the EIS interface or through regional or municipal information systems:

  • government customers acting on behalf of an entity or municipal entity;
  • budgetary institutions created by a subject or municipal entity);
  • State unitary enterprises whose property belongs to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • MUPs;
  • autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • budgetary, autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, state unitary enterprises whose property belongs to the constituent entities, municipal unitary enterprises that conduct procurement within the framework of the delegated powers of customers to conclude contracts on behalf of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 173n, all government customers are required to create data for maintaining a register of government contracts first in the electronic system and only then transfer them to the Federal Treasury.

How to create a procurement plan for 2019 in an electronic budget step by step

Let's look at the formation of a procurement plan in an electronic budget step by step. To go to the desired section, in the main window, select the “Menu” tab, the “Procurement Management” section and the “Purchase Proposal (AU/BU)” subsection. You will be taken to the subsection “AU/BU procurement plans”. Go to the tab corresponding to the budget cycle with which you will work, then to the “Execution” tab.

Open the procurement plan form and click the “Create” button new document" You need to fill out the following tabs:

  • Total information;
  • positions of the government procurement plan;
  • special government procurement;
  • final data on BCC;
  • summary information on CWR;
  • justification;
  • approval sheet.

Create a procurement plan in the budget planning subsystem of the Electronic Budget. To do this, log into your personal account on the website budget.gov.ru. First create a purchase proposal and then formulate a plan. Read how to create and agree on a procurement plan in the Electronic Budget.

Some tabs will be filled in automatically, but some will have to be filled in manually. For example, the system itself will indicate the number, status, version of the plan, as well as the date of creation. But the planning period must be selected. The tab with the state customer’s data is filled in automatically by the program; the information is taken from the register of organizations. You can only correct the address, phone number, email, OKPO and OKTMO.

You also need to attach documents. For example, a list of changes made to a plan published earlier, or a scanned copy of the plan. To do this, click on one of three buttons: “Add attachment”, “Create a link”, “Make a scanned copy of the document and attach as an attachment”.

How to make changes to the procurement plan in the electronic budget 2019

To change the position of a posted procurement plan, you need to go to the list form of procurement plan positions and find the desired position. To search, you can use the inclusion identifier (in the procurement plan), the date and time of placement in the UIS, etc.

After selecting the item, click on the “Make changes to the approved version” button. The system will generate new version plan positions with the “Draft” status. In this case, the earlier version will become invalid. Next, select the required procurement plan item and click on the “Open document for editing” button. In the form that opens, make changes on the “Basic Information”, “Amount of Financial Support”, “Procurement Justification” and “Approval Sheet” tabs. It is important to reflect the rationale for making changes. Select a value from the lookup:

  • "Change as a result of decision taken public discussion of the procurement”;
  • “Other” – if any circumstances arose that were impossible to foresee at the date of approval of the plan.

After filling out the fields, click on the “Save changes and close window” button. Next, the changed position must be agreed upon.

Attached files

  • Instructions for making changes to the procurement plan and schedule plan.pdf
  • User Workstation Installation and Configuration Guide.doc
  • GRBS User Guide for creating a plan in the Electronic Budget.docx
  • PBS User Guide for creating a plan in the Electronic Budget.docx

When drawing up a financial management plan in 2020, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 186n.The formation of a plan for financial and economic activities for 2020 should be carried out by federal institutions in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”.The rules for submitting reports on the results of activities and the use of property are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 114n, taking into account the updates made from December 26, 2018 No. 287n, which came into force on 01/01/2020.Since 2020, the budget classification has also changed. The Ministry of Finance has prepared comparative tables with codes for 2019, as well as linking the codes for 2020 with each other.

Purpose of the courseexplain the procedure for working in the “Electronic Budget” system when drawing up a financial budget plan, provide comments on new regulatory documents.

The course is intended For heads of financial and economic departments,accounting services of federal and regional executive authorities, GRBS and their subordinate institutions, federal budgetary and autonomous institutions.


  • Planning of financial and economic activities of state (municipal) institutions taking into account the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 186n . Features of the current legal regulation regarding the procedure for the formation and financial support of the state task, current changes in the relevant legal acts. Rules for the formation, maintenance and approval of All-Russian basic (sectoral) lists, Federal lists, Regional lists of state (municipal) services and works, on the basis of which the state (municipal) task is formed. The main reasons for the refusal of the Russian Ministry of Finance to approve projects of services and works, problems and errors in the formation of these lists. Requirements for regulatory legal acts establishing the rules for the provision of subsidies (targeted, non-profit organizations, grants) during the implementation of National Projects.
  • Methodological issues of formation and maintenance of the FCD plan in institutions . PFHD for 2020, comments to Order 186n dated 08/31/18. The procedure for drawing up and approving the PFHD. Indicators of receipts and payments. Updated procedure for drawing up, approving and amending the FCD Plan in accordance with changes in legislation.
  • Institutional income planning . Peculiarities of using budget classification when planning income. Justification of planned income indicators. Justification of planned indicators of other revenues. New rules and sample justifications for the FCD Plan. Ueven accounts receivable for income and advances received.
  • Planning of institution expenses for CWR . Update of budget classification of types of expenses, comparison.
  • Calculations of planned indicators for payments. Calculation of payments for taxes, the object of taxation for which is the income (profit) of the institution. Justification of cost indicators.
  • FCD plans for the reorganization of budgetary and autonomous institutions . What needs to be taken into account when drawing up the FCD Plan.
  • The procedure for posting information,including the approved plans of the FCD, in accordance with changes in legislation on the official website of state (municipal) institutions bus.gov.ru. Regulatory Regulation. Implementation of website functionality development in 2020. Using analytics tools for stakeholders.Procedure for provisionreport on the implementation of the financial and economic activity plan. The procedure for filling out information about targeted subsidies.
  • Centralized service for treasury support of target funds and payments in the “Electronic Budget” system. Target model of information flows for treasury support. Information and technological support for treasury support. Target scheme for conducting cooperation. Creation of a centralized service for treasury support of target funds in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”. The procedure for making payments within the framework of treasury support of target funds.
  • Features of planning the limits of budget obligations in 2020 for the acceptance and fulfillment of budget obligations to ensure the performance of the functions of institutions. Formation and approval of the institution’s budget estimates in accordance with the General Requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n. Features of attributing expenses to sections of the budget estimate. Filling out justifications (calculations) of planned estimates. The procedure for making changes to the budget estimate. Planned changes to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n.
  • Budget spending in 2020: limitations and opportunities . Budgetary allocations, limits of budgetary obligations: distribution (finishing), increase, redistribution. Remains: need, features of use, return. Conclusion of contracts in 2020: acceptance of budgetary (monetary) obligations, advance payment.
  • Features of posting information on a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation budget.gov.ru (EPBS) by the chief administrators of federal budget funds, as well as the financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2016 No. 243n. The functionality and capabilities of the portal are integration with the “Electronic Budget” subsystems. All-Russian, federal and regional Lists of state and municipal services and works: changes in the procedure for the formation of state and municipal tasks. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Treasury dated December 12, 2017 No. 21-03-04/82833/07-04-05/14-948. The draft Federal Law “On the Federal Budget” on the Unified Portal. Connection procedure for posting information on the Unified Portal. Communication services of the Unified Portal. Data Designer and Report Designer. Calculators. Scheme of the business process for posting information. Development of the EPBS in 2019-20.

The program will feature employees of the Russian Ministry of Finance,Federal Treasury, budget accounting specialists.


Form of study: full-time – part-time : April 13 (full-time part, 8 academic hours),14th of April (correspondence part, 8 academic hours).

In his review of the project federal law on the budget of the Russian Federation for 2015-2017, published in October 2014, the Accounts Chamber presented the results of an audit of the functioning of one of the key information systems of the Ministry of Finance - “ Budget planning».

Purpose of the system

“Budget planning” is based on software developed by the Bars Group company, and is one of the key components of the “Electronic Budget” being implemented in the Ministry of Finance - large-scale system, with the help of which in the future it is planned to carry out all state financial management.

The budget planning subsystem is designed to implement formalized procedures for drawing up a budget, maintaining a consolidated budget list and budget lists. When planning the budget for 2015-2017, in particular, it was used by the main managers of budget funds to form and provide justification for budget allocations and registers of expenditure obligations.

First this system, implemented as a cloud solution, was used in the formation of the Federal Law on the budget for 2014-2016. At the same time, in the review Accounts Chamber The 2014 budget bill did not contain any comments on the operation of the system.

Issues identified

During the audits of the Accounts Chamber, a number of significant shortcomings in the operation of the budget planning system, as noted in the auditors’ response to the draft budget law. During the preparation by the main managers of federal budget funds for the distribution of budget allocations for 2015-2017, “there were frequent technical failures and errors in the software, long periods of updating the reference books of budget classification codes of the Russian Federation and analytical reference books,” the auditors note.

Among the detected problems are incorrect calculation of the final values ​​of budget allocations in justifications for the provision of subsidies to federal government agencies for the provision of public services, incorrect uploading of printed forms of justifications, errors in statuses electronic documents aimed at approval, an error in creating a register of expenditure obligations, incorrect formation forms of justification regarding the application of budget classification, etc.

“Based on the results of control activities of the Accounts Chamber, it was revealed that the elements used in the formation of the bill information system The Ministry of Finance is working unstable, documents placed in the system are filled out poorly, write auditors of the Accounts Chamber. – Justifications for budgetary allocations for additional financing of activities do not contain calculations and regulatory legal acts substantiating the need for additional funding."

These shortcomings in the work of the Ministry of Finance system make it difficult to use information for the purposes of analysis and control and indicate the need for its improvement, the Accounts Chamber states.

"Victims" of bugs

In a response to the bill on the budget of the Russian Federation for 2015-2017. Examples are given where errors in the operation of the Budget Planning system made it difficult to complete tasks. For example, in the process of distributing budget allocations for the state program “ Economic development and Innovative Economy” when using the Ministry of Finance system, the FAS noted facts of its periodic failures in terms of opening tabs, syntax errors and long page loading times.

When working with the Ministry of Finance system in Rosreestr, facts were noted of untimely completion by the Ministry of Finance of justification forms posted in the system, as well as system updates, including those affecting the algorithm for calculating the volume of budget allocations according to justification forms, which led to the need to adjust them.

Violations in the operation of the system during the distribution of budgetary allocations for the state program “Justice” did not allow the Ministry of Justice to timely generate and send a number of necessary materials.

Explanations from the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance told TAdviser that during the work of the main managers of federal budget funds to submit to their department the distribution of budgetary allocations for 2015-2017, there were “short-term failures associated with interruptions in the operation of communication channels and network infrastructure.”

“Specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation together with the service technical support The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation carried out organizational and technical measures aimed at promptly solving emerging problems and ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the system, which ensured the possibility of timely submission to the Ministry of Finance of the distribution of budgetary allocations of the federal budget for 2015-2017 by all the main managers of federal budget funds,” representatives said Ministry of Finance.

The department also noted that the main managers of federal budget funds filled out the data in the system in accordance with those sent to them Methodical instructions on the distribution of budget allocations by sections, subsections, target items and types of expenditures of the classification of federal budget expenditures for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 and Methodological recommendations on the formation of justifications for budgetary allocations for the same period. Responsibility for the formation of information in the system in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations is assigned to the main managers of federal budget funds.

“The system provides the ability to generate all the required information in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations. Failure to provide information by the main managers of federal budget funds is not a consequence of improper functioning of the system,” the Ministry of Finance said.