What if the car is in transit? How long can you drive with transit license plates? Validity and renewal of transit numbers

The purchase and sale of a vehicle is accompanied by mandatory re-registration of the owner. The car was not always purchased in the buyer’s region of residence, which entailed the need to register transit numbers to move the car to your place of residence. To obtain transit numbers, additional processing costs are required. In addition, unscrupulous taxpayers, in order to avoid transport tax, did not rush to register a new car, if necessary, extending their validity with the traffic police. However, since 2013, these nuances have been taken into account in the new, adjusted legislation, changing the rules for using transit numbers.

The concept of “transit numbers”

License plates with the inscription “transit” are issued at the traffic police department when purchasing a car away from home. Such a transaction implies the need to move the car over a considerable distance, which creates a need for temporary registration of the car while the car is being transported to its destination.

Due to the fact that during the period of validity of transit license plates, citizens were exempt from paying road tax to the state treasury, many preferred to delay the registration of cars and drive with temporary license plates. In addition, the owners of such cars were released from liability on the road.

In 2013, new rules came into force, according to which car registration became possible in any region of the country, regardless of the territorial affiliation of the owner. In this regard, obtaining transit numbers by individuals has lost all meaning.

However, in certain situations it is impossible to do without obtaining temporary numbers, and failure to comply with the requirements of the law in deadlines entails liability and a fine.

In what cases are transit numbers required?

This year, buyers from among civilians can freely register a purchased car in any region of the Russian Federation, regardless of their registration address. The question of purchasing transit license plates arises only if the previous owner decided to keep the previous license plates or when transporting a car for recycling.

The requirement to obtain plates with the inscription “transit” is relevant only for buyers classified as private entrepreneurs or organizations whose activities are related to the sale of cars.

These categories of owners are required to receive plates within 10 days from the date of registration of transport.

Terms of use The validity period of transit numbers is strictly limited. If previous legislation allowed them to renew their validity as many times as the owner needed, then, starting in April 2011, the buyer has only 20 days to move the car locally new registration

and register with the territorial traffic police department. On this moment neither the traffic police nor any other government agency or organization does not have the right to renew transit numbers. And after certain period

the new owner faces penalties for failure to comply with the requirements of the law.

Costs of obtaining and liability before the law When purchasing a car, the driver in any case bears the costs of registering the car and obtaining license plates. Issuing transit numbers is also expensive. Temporary license plates for a car from the passenger vehicle category will cost 1,600 rubles, and for freight transport

– 800 rubles.

There are requirements regarding the location where the license plates are attached - they cannot be attached to the inside surface of the windshield. This action will lead, at a minimum, to a fine or deprivation of rights. When checking a car, the traffic police inspector will have to make sure that the number is identifiable. For this reason, it is recommended to install temporary signs in a regular place intended for the installation of state signs.

Since transit numbers can be issued in paper form, special problems arise with their safety. To avoid penalties, it is recommended to take measures to ensure the safety of the document by covering it with film.

  1. The law determines the penalty if the car owner has overstayed the time allotted for registering the car with the traffic police. Since 2015, a car owner who violates the deadlines faces the following penalties:
  2. If a violation is detected for the first time, the fine will be 500-900 rubles.
  3. Repeated detection will result in a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles. In some cases, repeated violation may lead to confiscation driver's license

and deprivation of driving privileges for up to 5 months. If the plates were received in paper form, the driver may also be fined for numbers. Torn transit numbers also entail a fine.

Video about transit numbers

In light of changes in traffic regulations over the past two years, the relevance of transit numbers has changed significantly. Nowadays, it is not often possible to see cars with paper license plates on the front and rear windows of the car. But metal ones appeared.

Let's try to figure out where, to whom, why and for how long transits are issued.

○ Why are transits needed, who issues them and how?

Transit plates are intended for driving a car from one region to another, exporting it abroad, for recycling, and are also used in cases where the previous owner of the car wants to retain the plates. You can get them at your local MREO traffic police.

The changes in 2013 affected transit numbers in several aspects:

  • Now they are issued only to legal entities or entrepreneurs. Ordinary car owners - individuals They just got the right to travel for 10 days without license plates at all. This period is allotted for registering the car in a new location.
  • The practice of extending the validity of transit cards has been abolished.
  • Their validity period is 20 days.
  • The receipt period has been increased to 10 days.
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    New transit numbers differ from permanent ones in that the window with the region number is yellow.

    ○ Penalty for driving with expired transit license plates.

    After registering the car, the owner will be issued permanent license plates. If this does not happen, it means that the registration deadline has been missed, and the violator must be held liable under Art. 12.1 Code of Administrative Offences:

    • "1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in in the prescribed manner, - entails imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.
    • 1.1. Recommitment administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.”

    For the first time, the inspector will limit himself to a fine. from 500 to 800 rub.. If the violator persists and does not part with the transit numbers, the fine will increase up to 5000 rubles, with the risk of losing your rights for 1-3 months.

    You should be careful when drawing up a report by the inspector. Sometimes instead of Art. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences, it indicates Part 2 of Art. 12.2. An outwardly subtle difference will greatly affect your pocket, and the first time you will be fined at 5000 RUR, or even even enrollment as pedestrians for 1-3 months. It refers to the absence of numbers or their installation in unintended places. But even if expired transits remain in place, they remain state signs, and therefore this article should not be applied.

    These articles talk about driving a vehicle, but even if you get to the traffic police station for registration without meeting with inspectors, you will not be able to avoid a fine. Part 1 of Art. will be applied to you. 19.22 Code of Administrative Offenses:

    • "1. Breaking the rules state registration vehicles of all types (except sea ​​vessels and mixed (river - sea) navigation vessels), mechanisms and installations in the event that registration is mandatory - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; on legal entities- from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.”

    The driver will pay a fine 1500-2000 rub., officials 2000 – 3000rub, and for legal entities it will increase to 5000 – 10000 rubles.

    If you have lost transits, they can be restored at the local traffic police, but their price this time will be 1000 rubles.

    Reading time: 2 minutes.

    What is the fine for expired transit plates in 2020?

    The traffic police fine for expired transit numbers in 2020 is

    from 500 to 800 rub.

    Article 12.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

    The traffic police fine for repeated driving with expired transit license plates in 2020 is

    from 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for up to three months

    Article Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

    Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount

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    Fine for expired transit numbers 2020

    A transit number is a temporary number that is issued to the driver until the vehicle is registered. It comes on paper and metal base. The cost starts from 200 rubles for a paper number and 1600 rubles for a metal one.

    Since 2013, the procedure and rules for issuing transit numbers have changed. Here are the main changes:

    • Now transit numbers are required only for legal entities and entrepreneurs. The numbers are used when buying a car and driving from one place to another.
    • An ordinary motorist does not get transit license plates. He can simply drive without license plates for up to 10 days.
    • Transit numbers are valid for 20 days.

    33.1. On the issuance of registration plates "TRANSIT" in the vehicle passport for front side in the column “Special notes” or in the column “Special notes” of the registration certificate, a note “TRANSIT” is made indicating the series, number, date of issue and validity period of the marks, which is certified by a signature official who issued these signs and seal.

    Registration plates "TRANSIT" are issued for a period of 20 days.

    Since transit plates are intended only for transporting a vehicle, traveling with it for more than 20 days is prohibited. At the same time, no articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses which would directly punish the driver for driving with expired transit license plates. But the absence of an article does not mean that the driver can drive with transit license plates for a long time.

    If the driver does not change the transit numbers after 20 days, the motorist violates the rules of vehicle registration. But for this violation the punishment is already provided:

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 12.1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure, a vehicle that has not passed the state technical inspection or technical inspection

    1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure -

    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

    11. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in part 1 of this article -

    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

    Thus, the fine for expired transit numbers will be from 500 to 800 rubles, but a repeated violation will be punished much more severely - the violator faces deprivation of rights for up to three months.