What is catalog sheet registration? Registration of catalog sheets

Filling out and registering catalog sheets products (KLP) according to technical specifications.

Catalog sheet - is the main carrier of information about the documentation on which the products are manufactured, contains the main characteristics, information about the organization holding the original, and indicates the inclusion technical specifications(TU) and other documents for products in the Unified Data Bank (DB) “Products of Russia” http://prodrf.gostinfo.ru/

Based on the information contained in the product catalog sheet, a REGISTER OF TECHNICAL CONDITIONS is formed http://ts.gostinfo.ru/

When registering (receiving a catalog sheet), the technical specifications are assigned an individual registration number. The “registered” stamp is placed on the catalog sheet and title page, recording the date and registration number.

Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ “On Standardization in the Russian Federation”, as one of the principles on which standardization is based, establishes the principle of accessibility of information about standardization documents, which include technical specifications (TS).

Registration of product catalog sheets allows you to quickly convey information to interested parties and ensure the implementation of the principle established in legislation of accessibility of information about standardization documents, including technical specifications.

The standards listed below contain information on registration of specifications in the Centers for Standardization and Metrology.

PR 1323565.1.002-2018 Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets. Applicable from 07/01/2019. Replaces PR 50-718-99.

GOST R 1.18-2018 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Register of technical conditions. Rules for the formation, maintenance and receipt of information. Valid from 07/01/2019.

GOST R 1.3-2018 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Technical specifications for products. General requirements for content, design, marking and updating. Valid from 07/01/2019.

GOST 2.114-2016 Unified system of design documentation. Technical conditions.

GOST R 51740-2016 Technical specifications for food products. General requirements for development and design.

GOST R 58093-2018 Technical conditions for ferrous metallurgy products. General rules for development, approval, updating and cancellation.

As a result of registration, the following basic information is entered into the product catalog sheet:

    Products are classified in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD2) OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008);

    Correct assignment of the OKPD2 code and the OKS code (includes a seven-digit designation according to All-Russian classifier OK standards (MK (ISO/INFKO MKS) 001-96) 001 (OKS)): complies.

    Information about the location of the enterprise - manufacturer and holder - of the original specifications.

    Information about the purpose of the product and the main consumer characteristics of the product.

  • Compliance of the range of consumer characteristics with state standards for these products.

Why is it necessary to register a product catalog sheet?

    Development of design and technological documentation;

    Ordering raw materials, supplies, instruments and various equipment;

    Development or acquisition of specifications;

    Conducting marketing research;

The Orekhovo-Zuevsky branch carries out accounting registration of catalog sheets for products manufactured by manufacturing enterprises according to technical specifications (TU) and other regulatory documents in strict accordance with the Standardization Rules: PR 1323565.1.002-2018 “Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets” aimed at fulfilling orders of the State Standard of Russia dated February 15, 1996. No. 37 and No. 83 dated 03/02/1999

Working through the “AIS Cataloging” program with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Standardinform” allows our branch to quickly transmit information about registered CLPs to the federal level for further registration in the data bank (DB) “Products of Russia” and the formation of a REGISTER OF TECHNICAL CONDITIONS.

Information about the declared products and technical conditions (TS), presented by manufacturers in product catalog sheets, is communicated to potential Customers through requests in the “Products of Russia” database, the Register of Technical Conditions, as well as through the “Technical Conditions” information indexes issued by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “ Standardinform".

To register product catalog sheets (CLP) in the Orekhovo-Zuyevo branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Rostest-Moscow" should be sent to the address: 142600 Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Comintern, 1. Office. 119 or by email: [email protected]

    product catalog sheet - 2 copies, drawn up in accordance with PR 1323565.1.002-2018 (the service for filling out the CLP can be provided by the Orekhovo-Zuevsky branch);

    approved document for the supply of products (GOST or TU);

Your advantages when working with us:

    Professionalism expressed by objectivity and reliability of the information received

    High qualifications and solid work experience of each expert

    Significant savings of money and time, because one of the fundamental principles of our work is efficiency

    All work is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also has officially confirmed force

A product catalog sheet (CLP), attached to the developed technical specifications, is a document that contains all the data about the product, the manufacturer, as well as the permits on the basis of which these products were manufactured. The information in the sheet is presented in the form of a single set of details (data) located in the corresponding sections of the document.

The details specified in the KLP allow for precise identification of the product, according to its name, manufacturer, regulatory and technical act on the basis of which the product was manufactured, as well as the holder of the original document and the main consumer properties and characteristics of the product.

Rules for developing a catalog sheet

The development of a catalog sheet for technical specifications must be carried out in accordance with national requirements. standards:

  • GOST R 1.0-92 " State system standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions";
  • GOST 2.114-95 “Unified system of design documents. Technical conditions".

The catalog sheet is compiled in 2 copies per unit of product or several specific types of goods, but it should be remembered that the development of a catalog sheet for several categories of products produced in accordance with different regulations is not allowed.

Goals for developing a catalog sheet

A catalog sheet for technical specifications is developed for the purpose of:

  • formation of databases about certain types of products;
  • fully informing consumers about the manufacturer of the product, as well as the main indicators/characteristics of the product;
  • state monitoring compliance with regulations and standards of product production;
  • development of regulatory and technical documentation;
  • reference services for regional authorities.

Basic information for developing a catalog sheet

To properly develop a catalog sheet for technical specifications, you must adhere to all state requirements. standards, as well as comply with the requirements for filling out the document, which must include the following basic information:

  • product code according to OKP;
  • product name;
  • main indicators/characteristics of the product for which the specifications were drawn up: the first part contains data on the purpose of the product, the second part informs about consumer characteristics;
  • designation of individual technical specification number;
  • contact details of the product manufacturer (address, Email and telephone);
  • information about the holder of the original technical specifications;
  • date of the initial stage of production of the product;
  • date of approval of the specifications;
  • information on mandatory product quality control.

After the catalog sheet has been developed, the procedure for registering it with the territorial bodies of Rosstandart follows, where product catalogs are formed for the purpose of subsequent information and reference services to consumers and other interested persons/organizations. After successful registration of a document with the assignment of an individual number, the corresponding “Registered” mark is placed on the catalog sheet and title page of the technical specifications, indicating the number and date of registration, after which the document can be used legally.

Specialists of the RostestUral certification center will help you develop a catalog sheet for products and technical specifications, taking into account all legal requirements. Contact our specialists for comprehensive advice.

Russian Federation Resolution of the State Standard of Russia

PR 50-718-99 Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets

set bookmark

set bookmark

Group T50



Date of introduction 1999-09-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the State Standard of Russia

3 INSTEAD PR 50-718-94

The amendment was introduced by the legal bureau "Code"

1 area of ​​use

These rules establish the procedure for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets.

These rules are intended for manufacturers of commercial products for national economic purposes, as well as for specialists of the Centers for Standardization and Metrology and organizations of the State Standard of Russia.

2 Normative references

The restrictive words “more”, “less”, “no more”, “not less” must be placed after the designation of the unit of physical quantity and separated by a comma.

Examples -

1 Insulation resistance between live parts and the housing, mOhm, not less.

2 Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km/h, l, no more.

It is not allowed to use the signs ">", " instead of restrictive words<" и т.п.

5.20.6 Numerical values ​​of characteristics can be specified as one specific value, several discrete values, or a range of values.

If regulatory or technical document If there are several versions (types, grades, brands, etc.) of products that differ in the values ​​of individual characteristics, then these values ​​can be recorded in the KLP in one of the following ways:

  • list, separated by a semicolon, all values ​​of the corresponding parameter or size according to the number of product versions;
  • indicate, through an ellipsis, an interval of numbers covering all values ​​of a given parameter or size;
  • indicate the values ​​of this parameter or size for individual product versions.

Examples -

1 Centrifuge drum diameter, mm 315; 400; 500.

2 Diameter of welding wire, mm 0.8 ... 4.0.

3 TV weight, kg:

  • with 51 cm kinescope.............. 25
  • with 54 cm kinescope.............. 28

If the values ​​of all or most characteristics differ depending on the design (type, grade, brand, etc.) of the product, then it is recommended to present them in tabular form (Appendix B).

The overall dimensions are written in the generally accepted form: length x width x height. If the names of overall dimensions are different, then they should be indicated explicitly.

Examples -

1 Diameter x length (for round bars).

2 Length x depth x width (for containers).

3 Length x width x thickness (for sheets).

5.20.7 It is not allowed to replace with quotation marks, dashes, words “the same”, etc. repeating names of characteristics, parts of names, as well as units of physical quantities and values.

The common part of several names of characteristics can be placed on a separate line with a colon at the end, and the remaining different parts of the names can be given in subsequent lines in a row with a hyphen at the beginning.

Examples -

1 Mass fraction, %:

  • water, no more............. 30.0
  • fat, not less............. 3.0
  • squirrel......................... 2.5 ... 5.0
  • alternating current............... 220
  • direct current........................ 12

When writing the values ​​of characteristics expressed as a decimal fraction, the whole part should be separated by a dot.

Typical examples of filling out field 30 of details are given in Appendix B.

5.21 Requisite 04 - “Presented” includes the name of the head (deputy head) of the enterprise who presented the CLP, signature, date and telephone number indicating the city code (see example 5.13).

5.22 Detail 05 - “Filled out” includes the name of the performer who filled out the CLP, signature, date of completion and telephone number indicating the city code (see example 5.13).

5.23 Requisite 06 - “Registered” includes the name of the employee of the Center for Standardization and Metrology who carried out the registration, signature, date of registration and telephone number indicating the city code (see example 5.13). Field 06 is filled in by the Center for Standardization and Metrology.

5.24 Props 07 - “Entered into the catalog” includes the name of the operator who entered the information into the database, signature, date of entry and telephone number indicating the city code (see example 5.13).

5.25 Details 22, 28 and 29 are reserve.

6 Rules for preparing changes to product catalog sheets

6.1 Changes to the KLP are prepared by the manufacturer, which is the holder of the original KLP, on the basis of changes made to the regulatory or technical documents in accordance with which products are manufactured, if these changes are associated with changes in the content of the KLP details, as well as on the basis of changes in information about the enterprise .

6.2 The original and a copy of the amendment along with cover letter and the manufacturer sends a copy or original of the notice of changes to the regulatory or technical document (if any) to the Center for Standardization and Metrology, which registered the KLP. The cover letter must indicate the KLP registration number.

The change must be executed on a separate KLP form, in which the fields reserved for details 01, 03, 14, 04, 05, as well as details that have been changed, must be filled in. When registering changes on the KLP form, you should add the word “CHANGE” to the words “PRODUCT CATALOG SHEET” in parentheses.

It is allowed to prepare a shortened version of the change to the CLP by filling in the fields reserved for details 01, 03 and 14, details with changed content and then details 04, 05.

Note - The field reserved for detail 14 as mandatory is filled in if the designation of technical conditions was indicated in the KLP.

6.3 Changes to the KLP are prepared and sent to the Center for Standardization and Metrology within a week after changing the information provided in the KLP.

When removing products from production, the manufacturer must officially notify the Center for Standardization and Metrology about the cancellation of the KLP, indicating the name of the product and the registration number of the KLP.

6.4 The change to the KLP is assigned a KLP registration number with the addition of a two-digit serial number of the change to the KLP through a fraction sign, starting from 01 (for example, 000123/01).

Cancellation is marked with two zeros following the registration number (for example, 000123/00).

6.5 The original change to the KLP and a copy (original) of the notice of change in the regulatory or technical document are returned by the Center for Standardization and Metrology to the manufacturer after registering the KLP and filling out the fields reserved for details 03, 06 and 07, and a copy of the KLP is left in the Center for Standardization and Metrology to update the regional database.

Information about changes in the CLP is transmitted to FSUE "Standardinform" in the manner established in 4.3.




KGS Group (OKS)

Registration number

Manufacturer's address (zip code, region, city, street, house


Other means of communication

Product launch date

Mandatory certification






Registration number

Product name and designation

Beer "Idel", "Red Vostok",

"Sabantuy", "Golden Spark", "Russian Black", "Bohemian", "Kazanskoe"


Designation state standard

GOST 3473-78

Designation of a normative or technical document

TU 9184-001-04577587-95

Name of the regulatory or technical document

Beer. National varieties of Tatarstan

Manufacturer code according to OKPO and bar code

Manufacturer's name

JSC "Krasny Vostok"

Manufacturer's address (zip code, region, city, street, house)

Republic of Tatarstan,

Kazan, st. Tikhoretskaya, 5


Other means of communication

Teletype Sayany 224590

Name of the original holder

JSC "Krasny Vostok"

Address of the original holder (zip code, region, city, street, house)

Republic of Tatarstan,

Kazan, st. Tikhoretskaya, 5

Product launch date

Date of entry into force of the regulatory or technical document

Mandatory certification

Subject to


Beer is produced in seven varieties:

1 - "Idel"

2 - "Red East"

3 - "Sabantuy"

4 - "Kazan original"

5 - "Russian Black"

6 - "Golden Spark"

7 - "Bohemian"

Hygienic conclusions:

for beer "Idel", "Red Vostok", "Sabantuy", "Kazanskoe original",

"Golden Spark" - N 04/01/1656 to 09/27/1999

for beer "Russian Black" - N 01.04.430 until 02.15.2000

for beer "Bohemskoe" - N 01.04.1337 until 16.06.1999

Certificate of Conformity N P.RU.AP. until 01.03.2001

Main characteristics by variety

Indicator name

Durability, days, beer:





EXAMPLE 1. CLP for VNII NP-279 lubricant

Designed for lubrication of friction units operating in contact with aggressive media at temperatures from minus 50°C to plus 50°C and with air at temperatures from minus 50°C to plus 150°C.

The lubricant meets the requirements of GOST 14296-78.

Appearance: light, homogeneous, transparent ointment with a smooth structure.

Main characteristics

EXAMPLE 2. CLP for multi-purpose power supply SPZ-135

Designed for welding, starting a car engine and charging batteries.

Certificate of conformity P.RU.TM. until 07/01/1999.

Main characteristics

EXAMPLE 3. CLP for oatmeal

Hygienic conclusion N 02.07.1851 dated 25.06.1996.

In terms of organoleptic indicators (color, smell, taste) it complies with GOST 3034-75.

Key indicators by variety

Humidity, %, no more

Number of Cores, %:

Benign, no less

Chipped, no more

Unhulled grains, %, no more

Weed impurity, %, no more:

Harmful (Sophora foxtail, variegated elm)


Flower films

Mass fraction of flour, %, no more

Metallomagnetic impurity, mg/kg, no more

EXAMPLE 4. CLP for heat-insulating windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows

Designed for the construction of residential and public buildings.

The quality of wood (humidity, permissible defects, roughness of the front surfaces), as well as the strength of adhesive joints of window and door parts comply with GOST 23166-78.

They produce 15 modifications, differing in design, size and number of layers of glass in the package.

Main characteristics

The text of the document is verified according to:

official publication

Gosstandart of Russia -

M.: IPC Standards Publishing House, 1999