Unified legal day in schools. Presentation for the Day of Legal Knowledge

The presentation is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the form of a journey through the “site”. Lots of hyperlinks and triggers.

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Your age is your rights! Only after being born does a person acquire, by law, the ability to have rights and bear responsibilities - constitutional, family, civil, labor, etc. However, their real implementation is possible only as the child grows up. Every year, the scope of your legal capacity* (the ability to acquire and exercise rights through your actions, create responsibilities for yourself and fulfill them) increases. And just as a vessel is filled to the top with liquid, so your legal capacity becomes complete by the age of 18 and you become an adult.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Now this day (December 10) is celebrated in many countries as Human Rights Day. Universal Declaration human rights are universal, i.e. apply to all people, regardless of their age, both adults and children.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights gave all countries and peoples an example of fair treatment of people and called on the states of the world to recognize and ensure these rights to their citizens. In 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which called on all countries of the world to show special protection for children, to recognize and protect their rights.

Exactly 30 years after the adoption of this Declaration, on November 20, 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. The Convention, as an international document, differs from the Declaration in that the Declarations are calls to peoples and states to comply with the provisions written in them. Conventions, if signed by a representative of a state, are an obligation of that state to strictly follow that international treaty.

age family school labor money Ladder of rights police court Commissioner for Children's Rights

If your rights are violated, you can contact your parents To your class teacher To the inspector for the protection of children's rights Tamara Fedorovna Sharukhina 2-14-71 (Chief specialist of the education department) Irina Yuryevna Lopatkina (Secretary of the Commission on Minors' Affairs) Yulia Igorevna Nesterova 2-14-63 (Chief specialist-expert of the territorial department of social protection of the population) To the local police officer Dmitry Nikolaevich Ershov (Local Commissioner) Call 02 And also... You can use the Internet and ask your questions on this topic on the sites http://ombudsman-tver.ru /content/sections/2/ http://www.rfdeti.ru/

Thank you for your attention!

Your age is 1.5 years. You are 3 years old Adult From 14 to 18 years old From 0 to 6 years old From 6 to 14 years old You are 6 years old. Minor You are 16 years old. You are 15. You are 14 years old You are 10 years old + You have the right to attend a nursery. + You have the right to visit kindergarten. From this age you: - agree to change your first and last name; - you consent to your adoption or transfer to a foster family, or to the restoration of the parental rights of your parents. Express your opinion about which parent you would like to live with after the divorce. You have the right to express your opinion when resolving any issue in the family that affects your interests. The right to be heard in any judicial or administrative proceeding. You can join children's public associations. It is important to know... +You have the right to enter into an employment contract to perform light labor. You can be declared fully capable (emancipation) if you work under employment contract, including under a contract, or with the consent of parents, adoptive parents or a trustee, you engage in entrepreneurial activity. You can be a member of a cooperative. You have the right to drive a motorcycle, scooter and other motor vehicles. You have the right to conclude an employment contract. You can get married, but if there are good reasons (pregnancy, childbirth) and with the permission of the authorities local government. It is important to know... Person From this age: - you are required to have a citizen’s passport Russian Federation. - you give written consent to renounce citizenship of the Russian Federation together with your parents. - You can choose your place of residence (with the consent of your parents). With the written consent of the parents (adoptive parents or guardians), the child has the right to make any transactions. - Has the right to dispose of his earnings, scholarships and other income. You can exercise the rights of the author of a work of science, literature or art, invention or other result of your work protected by law intellectual activity. - You have the right to make contributions to credit institutions and dispose of them. It is allowed to enter the workforce to perform light labor during free time from studies (with the consent of one of the parents). - You have the right to demand the cancellation of the adoption. - You have the right to drive a bicycle when driving on the roads. - You can join youth public associations. Depending on which region of our country you live in, you have the right to get married. From 6 years 6 months you have the right to attend school (upon the application of parents, adoptive parents or guardians and with the permission of the founder educational institution you can start training at an earlier age) You have the right to independently conclude: - small household transactions; transactions aimed at free receipt benefits that do not require notarization or state registration; transactions involving the disposal of funds provided by legal representatives

Age: from 0 months to 6 years They call you: child Your legal capacity: generally incompetent, this is explained by the fact that the child, due to his young age, cannot understand and be responsible for his actions. You are born: You acquire the right to citizenship. You have legal capacity civil law. You have the right to a first name, patronymic and last name. You have the right to live and be raised in a family, to know your parents, to receive protection of your rights from them and legitimate interests. A bank account may be opened in your name.

They call you: a child or a minor. Your legal capacity: you have partial legal capacity, that is, you can not make all transactions, but only those that you need every day, that is, small everyday transactions. This means that you can buy any products, stationery, other things and items in the store. Also, you can make transactions aimed at obtaining benefits that do not require notarization or state registration. If you cannot conclude a deal, your parents, adoptive parents or guardians can act on your behalf. Age: from 6 years to 14 years

Age: from 14 years to 18 years You are called: a child or a minor. Your legal capacity: you have already gained some life experience, you can be aware of and responsible for your actions. Therefore, the law gives you the right to independently manage your earnings, scholarships and other income, to carry out small household and some other transactions. You can make deposits with credit institutions and manage and exercise copyrights. You can also exercise the rights of the author of a work of science, literature or art, invention or other result of your intellectual activity protected by law. You can carry out other transactions with the written consent of your parents, adoptive parents, and guardians.

Remember that from this age: you are independently responsible for the transactions you make. You are subject to criminal liability for certain crimes: murder, intentional infliction grievous harm intentional damage to health moderate severity harm to health, kidnapping, rape, violent acts of a sexual nature, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the intent of theft, intentional destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances terrorist attack hostage taking knowingly false report of an act of terrorism aggravated hooliganism vandalism theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices theft or extortion narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable.

Remember that from now on: you are subject to administrative liability; bear criminal liability for any crime.

You are 18 years old! Congratulations! You are now an adult, which means that you become fully capable and can, through your actions, acquire any rights and impose any responsibilities on yourself.

You and the family! Property rights. The right to a first name, patronymic and last name. The right to know your parents. The right to express your opinion. The right to be raised by one's own parents. Right to parental care

the right to receive education free of charge; the right to choose the school where you will study; you can receive knowledge at school, or you can study at home. (Even if you study independently, you will need to pass exams at school) the right to study in general curriculum If you have the opportunity to learn a subject ahead of schedule, you have the right to an accelerated course of study. (How it is possible to study according to an individual program must be written down in the school charter) the right to use the library free of charge; the right to participate in the management of the school. You can find out how you can participate in the management of the school by reading the Charter of your school; the right to respect for your human dignity, to freedom of conscience, information, to freely express your opinions and beliefs; You and the school! Your rights: to comply with the charter of a general education institution (by the way, it follows that every student must be familiar with this document); study conscientiously; treat school property with care; respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees; comply with the requirements of school employees to comply with internal regulations. Your responsibilities: fulfill the charter of the educational institution; observe job descriptions, inner order rules; protect the life and health of children; protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence; have professional skills and constantly improve them. Responsibilities of a teacher

You and the work! Every person has the right to freely dispose of his or her ability to work. By general rule, if you are not yet 16 years old, then you cannot be hired. If you are between 14 and 18 years old, and you really want to get a job, then the state can provide you with services for organizing your temporary employment in your free time, for this you need to contact public service employment of the population But all the rules have their exceptions, so if you are: - 15 and you study at school or other educational institution, then you can do light work, but only if it does not harm your health and does not interfere with your performance at school or in another educational institution. - 14, then you can also perform light labor, but only with the consent of your parents (trustees) and guardianship authorities. - If you are not yet 14, but you really want to work, then the only place, where you can settle (and then, with the consent of your parents (guardians), guardianship authorities and, if this work will not harm your health and moral development) - this is in cinematography organizations, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses. In addition, the employment contract (a document that specifies all your rights and obligations in connection with the work performed) will be signed by your parents (guardians). In addition, in order to be hired, you must undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination.

You and the money! 1. up to 6 years of age, all your actions are controlled by your parents (guardians) 2. from 6 to 14 years of age, you are endowed with some opportunities: a) you can make so-called small household transactions*. This means that you can go to the store and buy, for example, bread, milk or a book, i.e. make purchases aimed at satisfying your needs for food, clothing, and not involving a lot of spending money. b) as stated in the law, you can “conduct transactions aimed at obtaining benefits for free,” but to put it simply, you can receive gifts from your grandparents, parents (guardians) (this is called a gift agreement). c) also your parents can give you money so that you can pay for, for example, communal payments, for shoe repair, i.e. You can manage money only on behalf of your parents (legal representatives). Property liability for your actions or for harm caused by you (for example, if you broke a window at school) is borne by your parents (legal representatives). Well, what responsibility you will bear to your parents is up to them to decide.

You and the police! Suspect (detainee) WITNESS: Advice for everyone Police - law enforcement agency. Behave politely and correctly, even if it happens that the policeman behaves rudely. 2. Never enter into conflict with an interrogator or investigator. 3. Try to find out, by asking clear questions, on what basis you were detained. 4. If you think that you were detained illegally, then warn the policeman that you will appeal his actions (you have the right to do this in accordance with Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). 5. Demand to immediately inform your parents that you have been detained. 6. After arriving at the police station, demand that a detention report be drawn up, in which you can write down your objections, if you have any. 7. Never report something that you are not sure of, do not invent something that did not happen. 8. Never sign blank sheets of paper 9. You have the right to refuse to sign the protocol, indicating the reasons for the refusal (the reasons may be the following: “I refuse to sign the protocol because it is written in lies”, “I refuse to sign the protocol because I don’t want to explained my rights”, etc.) you can refuse to testify against yourself and your loved ones 2. you can appear for questioning with a parent (or other legal representative) 3. if you are under 14 years old, then a teacher MUST be present during your interrogation. Know that in cases of your arrest and delivery to the police station, initiation of a criminal case, etc. all must be respected procedural rules, applicable to adults. However, due to the fact that you are a minor, the police have additional responsibilities: immediately notify your parents (legal representatives) of your arrest, provide legal assistance from a defense attorney (lawyer) from the moment of arrest, etc. If you are approached on the street A policeman approached, don’t panic. A police officer may stop you to check your identification documents (so always try to carry your passport with you) if you match the characteristics of a wanted person. If you do not have documents, you may be detained and taken to the police department for identification (but for no more than 3 hours). In any case, the police officer is obliged to present service ID. Do not argue with a policeman under any circumstances, answer all questions calmly, do not be nervous, do not break free or run away. This can be regarded as resistance to a police officer, and the response will be extremely unpleasant. At the same time, try to contact your parents or lawyer as quickly as possible. If a police officer came to your home in the absence of your parents and offered to go with him to the department to clarify the circumstances of an incident: 1. Do not open the door. Offer to contact your neighbors so that the conversation takes place in the presence of adults. 2. When neighbors approach, politely ask the police officer to show his official identification. Write down his number. Find out the name, title, and position of the employee. Find out which police department he is from. 3. If, nevertheless, you opened the door before the adults arrived, do not let him into the house, wait for the elders. 4. The police officer is required to present a summons. It must indicate who, where, in what capacity, for what purpose and for how long they are being called. If there is no agenda, then ask to send one. Do not agree to go with a police officer to the department without a summons. If police officers violated your rights or committed a crime against you, then you need to not only preserve and record traces of the crime, but also testify with medical workers traces of beatings, write down the names, addresses and telephone numbers of witnesses, remember the signs of police officers, but also be able to prove that the actions of these officers fall under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Lawyers can help you with this. Remember...

You and the court! You have the right to express your opinion in court. If a conflict has arisen in your family that can only be resolved in court, then the judge must listen to your opinion, but you can express such an opinion if you are over 10 years old. If you are over 10 years old, the guardianship and trusteeship authority* or the court can make a decision only with your consent on the following issues: - Change of name and (or) surname; - if your parents (one of them) were deprived of parental rights, but they changed their behavior and want to restore their parental rights(your consent is required); - if they want to adopt you; - if you were adopted and they want to change your last name, first name and patronymic; - if you were adopted, and your adoptive parents ask to be recorded as parents in the birth register; - when canceling an adoption and resolving the issue of your name, surname and patronymic; - when appointing a guardian, if you are left without parental care (your consent is required); If you are already 14 years old, you have the right to independently go to court in the event of a violation by your parents or persons in their stead of your rights or legitimate interests. If you are under 14 years old, or you are sick, or do not want to go to court on your own, you must contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Remember that criminal and administrative responsibility According to the law, it begins at the age of 16. But for some types of crimes - from the age of 14, this list includes murder, rape, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion and a number of other crimes. Administrative detention carried out in case of an administrative offence. Most often this is: ? petty hooliganism, ? petty theft, ? smoking in prohibited places, ? damage to premises, damage to seats in vehicles, ? drinking alcoholic beverages, ? animal abuse, ? illegal cutting of green spaces, ? prostitution. (types of administrative offenses are specified in the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses). Administrative detention, as a rule, should not exceed three hours. Criminal detention is carried out by investigators and investigators on suspicion of committing crimes listed in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov http://www.rfdeti.ru/ http://ombudsman-tver.ru/ Commissioner for Human Rights in the Tver Region Irina Vladimirovna Blokhina Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Tver Region Elena Vladimirovna Badyina http://ombudsman-tver.ru/content/sections/2/

Resources used: Convention on the Rights of the Child http://www.pravadetey.ru/index16.html http://ombudsmantver.ru/content/sections/2/ http://www.rfdeti.ru/

The presentation was prepared and held on September 1, 2010 classroom teacher 6th grade Tatyana Valentinovna Pautova Municipal Educational Institution Kesemskaya Secondary School of Vesyegonsky District, Tver Region


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Details Published: 11/22/2016 08:24 Views: 1398

Law is a set of established and protected state power norms and rules governing the relations of people in society.

We are all equal in our rights:
Both adults and children.
All races, creeds, languages ​​-
All people on the planet.

They have the right to love
All the guys on Earth
For care and affection,
The right to live in one's own family.

Purpose of the Single Day legal knowledge: formation of appropriate knowledge about law in students, legal norms, legal culture, free and responsible self-determination in the field legal relations with society, fostering a respectful attitude towards laws.

The Day of Legal Knowledge expanded students' understanding of rights and responsibilities and drew attention to the problem of human rights. The events involved all students of the school.

Events of the day.

1. “Our school” - primary school

Event on the rights of the child on the right to education. Getting to know the school and its internal routine. The school charter is the fundamental law of its life. Students' rights at school. Student responsibility. Meeting with the heads of the educational institution Elena Viktorovna Kuznetsova.

2. “I am a citizen of Russia” - grades 5 - 6

Event on children's rights and the right to citizenship. What does it mean to be a citizen? Our Motherland is the Russian Federation. The rules of life in the country are laws. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the Russian Federation. Rights and obligations of a Russian citizen. Law lessons taught by teacher Nina Nikolaevna Petrova

3. “Protecting the rights of the child” - 7th grade

Documents protecting the rights of the child. Protecting children's rights at school. Drawing up a memo “Who can protect me?”

Responsible - Petrova Maria Mikhailovna, inspector for the protection of children's rights.

4. "Labor relations. Professional guidance of teenagers." - 8th -9th grade. Responsible - Petrova T.V.

5. "Acquaintance with legal literature" - an exhibition of books in school library. ABOUTresponsible - Petrova Nina Vasilievna.

6. Game “The case is being heard...” - grades 5 - 7.

Team game “We need knowledge of the law!”

Event dedicated to All-Russian Day legal assistance for children - November 20, 2015

Vildanova E.R., teacher of history and social studies, Secondary School No. 5

“The common property of all children is their rights. Every child has the right to live and develop, to receive an education, to be free from violence, abuse and exclusion, and to express themselves.”

From messagesUN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Purpose and objectives of the event: legal education, formation of legal culture among schoolchildren; education of civic qualities and feelings of patriotism; formation of basic knowledge about the state, law, public and state institutions, human and child rights; developing skills in the practical use of knowledge; development of logical thinking, memory, communication abilities.

The game involves 4 teams of five people. The team that scores the most points after all competitions wins. Questions and assignments are designed for general development children and do not affect highly specialized areas of law, politics, economics and other areas of public life. Fans form 4 support groups of three people.

The game takes place in the assembly hall in the form of a competition. The game room is decorated with posters with Latin “winged sayings” dedicated to law.

Presenter's opening remarks.

On November 20 we celebrate World Children's Day and All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children in the Russian Federation (since 2013)

In 1954 year, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the practice of celebrating world day Universal Children's Day, as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world. The UN invited governments to celebrate this day on any day that each of them recognizes as appropriate, and suggested that the universal celebration of World Children's Day will serve to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among nations. And November 20 marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

According to the UN, every year eleven million children die before their fifth birthday, and tens of millions more remain physically or mentally ill, unable to grow up, live and develop. Many of these deaths are caused by easily preventable or easily treatable diseases; others by the devastating effects of poverty, ignorance, discrimination and violence. Together, these causes bring great loss to families, communities, nations and the world. It is not only in early childhood that one has to deal with forces that threaten the lives and well-being of children. They become more unprotected because they are often deprived of rights, including the right to education, to participate in social and political life, and to protection from harm to health.

The Convention, for the first time, considers the child as an individual with rights that states that ratify the Convention are obliged to “respect and guarantee.” This provision indicates that the child is a particularly vulnerable member of society and therefore requires and deserves special protection.

The Convention considers the child as an independent person. The Convention characterizes the child as a person entitled specific rights: right to life (Article 6), to have a family (Article 9), to a name and citizenship (Article 7), to education (Article 28), to protection from violence (Article 19), to equality, to freedom of thought and speech (Article 13), to rest and leisure (Article 31), to medical service and health care (Article 24), state assistance (Articles 18-27), etc.

According to this document all children have the right to the development of their capabilities, freedom from hunger and want, as well as cruelty and other forms of abuse.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child links the capabilities of children with all the rights and responsibilities of parents or persons responsible for them. Based on this, children can participate in making decisions that can affect their present and future.

The Convention makes it possible for a child to protect his rights through national judicial or administrative procedures(v. 12).

The Convention affirms the priority of the interests of children and considers the principle of respecting the rights and interests of all children without any exceptions or any discrimination (Article 2). At the same time, according to Art. Art. 5, 12 of the Convention, the implementation of a number of rights of the child depends on his age, maturity and degree of development; and according to Art. Art. 20, 23, special needs are recognized by the Convention for disabled people and children permanently or temporarily deprived of a family.

Since the ratification of the Convention by Russia, legislators have made significant efforts to bring Russian legislation into compliance with the Convention.

The rights of the child in Russia are regulated by the following: legislative documents, How:

Constitution of the Russian Federation; Family code RF;

Legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens;

Law on basic guarantees of children's rights in the Russian Federation;

Federal Law “On Education”;

Law on additional guarantees protection of orphans and children left without parents;

Law on social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Federal law on guardianship and trusteeship

In development of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the protection of motherhood, childhood and family by the state (Article 38), civil, criminal, administrative and other branches of legislation contain rules on the protection of children's rights.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation of 1995 devotes an entire chapter to the rights of minor children (Chapter 11 of the RF IC).

Almost all protection rules family rights child, enshrined in it, one way or another, reflect the requirements of the Convention.

Chapter 11 (Articles 54-60) of the Family Code secures the following basic rights for children:

the right to live and be raised in a family;

the right to communicate with parents and relatives;

right to defense;

the right to express one's opinion;

the right to a first name, patronymic and last name;

property rights, including the rights of the owner.

Russian legislation enshrines all the rights guaranteed to the child by the Convention.

The protection of children's rights in Russia is carried out by both the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Commissioner for Children's Rights, whose position was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2009.

On December 30, 2009, Pavel Astakhov was appointed to the position of Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 1518 "On the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights." The task of ombudsmen- ensuring the protection of the rights of the child and promoting the restoration of violated rights of the child.

With the Commissioners for Children's Rights in Moscow, Belgorod, Oryol, Ivanovo, Ulyanovsk, Kemerovo regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other territories, children's public councils have already been created and are operating.

The “Legal Tournament” is held as part of World Children’s Day and All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children. Children and youth (tomorrow's adults) are the most valuable capital of every society. Continuous communication and mutual understanding between all generations is of utmost importance for any society. This is an indispensable condition for the stability of our world, optimism and responsibility of the current generation towards future generations.

26 years ago, the world made a promise to children to do everything possible to protect and promote their rights to survive and thrive, to learn and develop, to reach their full potential, and to have their voices heard.

Progress of the team game “Tournament of Law Experts”


The game involves 4 teams of five people, formed from 9th grade children. The team that scores the most points after all competitions wins. Questions and assignments are designed to test your knowledge of law. Fans form 4 support groups of three people.

Members of the distinguished jury will evaluate the teams' answers today. (jury presentation)

List of tasks for the “Legal Tournament”:

    Greetings of teams (name, motto) - (5 points)

    “All sorts of things” (for each correct answer 1 point)

    Human rights (5 points)

    Competition "Black Box" (5 points)

    Competition “Catchphrases” (6 points)

    Competition for the support group “A joke about something serious” (1 point for the team)

    Captains competition (3 points)

    All about the passport

    Convention on the Rights of the Child (8 points)


- We are announcing the first greeting competition. The jury evaluates the name, motto and greeting of the teams. Maximum score – 5 points.

Greetings from Team No. 1

Greetings from Team No. 2

Greetings from Team No. 3

Greetings from Team No. 4

The floor is given to the distinguished members of the jury to evaluate the greetings of the teams.....

Presenter. The second competition is called "All sorts of things." Teams will have to answer 2 questions in the 3 minutes allotted for the competition. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. (5 points in total) If you find it difficult to answer, the floor goes to the next team. The jury records the correct answers.

Questions for the teams:

    In what year was the current constitution adopted? (1993)

    A 15-year-old boy was banned from attending church. What right was violated? (Respect for freedom of conscience)

    The teacher read the note addressed to the student. What right was violated? (Right to privacy of correspondence)

    The 14-year-old was allowed to participate in the battles. What right was violated? (Under 15 years of age do not take part in hostilities)

    Which countries have not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (USA, Somalia)

    A 17-year-old girl was not allowed to take exams at a military school. What right was violated? (Equal rights for all children regardless of gender)

Dear Jury, sum up the results of the second competition and announce them.


- I announce the conditions of the third competition dedicated to human rights.

Teams are offered a choice of cards with unfinished phrases relating to various fairy-tale characters. The cards are taken out one by one. You need to determine which right fairy tale hero violated and finish the sentence. Teams must be guided by the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the articles of the Constitution. Time to think - 1 minute. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point (total 5 points)

Checklist text

    By grabbing the rat Shushera by the tail, Buratino violated her right to………………

(personal integrity)

    Having given Buratino the alphabet and sending him to school, Papa Carlo hoped that Buratino would

Tino will exercise his right to…………….. (receiving free education


    The frog from V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog Traveler”, going to

Travel, exercised my right to...... (free movement)

    The police from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”, having forcibly burst into the cell

Carlo's dad violated his right to...... (inviolability of home)

    Balda from A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, having hired

To work for the priest, I exercised my right to……. (work)

    Tsarevich Ivan from the fairy tale “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, having stolen the Firebird from the Tsar

Berendey, violated his right to ….(ownership of property)

    In the fairy tale “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf,” the brothers killed Ivan, violating his right to

……..(life and personal integrity)

    Pinocchio wanted to go to the theater because he had the right………… (Paul-

be called cultural institutions)

    The cat Basilio and the fox Alice attacked Pinocchio and tried to take his money.

which is an attempt on Pinocchio’s right...... (to have property and property)

    When Pinocchio, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat went to the Land of Fools, they

exercised the right …..(leave your country and return to your homeland)

    What right did the witch violate in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and
    brother Ivanushka"? (The right to live)

    Why are the inhabitants of the courtyard in Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
    did you offend the ugly duckling? (He wasn't like the others)

    What right was violated in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's Hut"?
    (Right to inviolability of home)

    Who violated this right (Fox) and who helped the hare restore
    your rights? (Rooster)

    What right did Ivan Tsarevich violate in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and
    Gray wolf? (Right to own personal property)

    What rights did the frog enjoy in Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog Traveler”? (Right to free movement)

    How far could a frog move using its right
    to freedom of movement? (No limits)

    What rights did the brothers violate in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray”
    Wolf"? (Right to life and security of person)

    What crime did the geese-swans commit in the fairy tale of the same name by stealing their brother? (Child abduction)

    What right of the Princess did Kasha the Immortal violate by taking her to his place and deciding to marry her, in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? (Marriage by free and mutual consent)

The jury's word.


Let's move on to the next competition under the code name "Black box".

You need to guess what is in the box. Questions are asked one at a time; if there is no answer, the question goes to the other team. The correct answer is worth 5 points. Time to think 1 minute.

* Question to team “1”

The box contains what the caliphs had in yellow, the Albanians had no beak and nails, their Russian “brother” has them. (Double-headed eagle)

* Question to team “2”

The box contains something that, translated from Latin, means “installation, device.” (Constitution)

* Question to team “3”

The box contains a book consisting of two parts - general and special. The first, in particular, defines what is considered a crime . (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

* Question to team “4.”

In the box there is something with a blindfold, scales and a sword in his hands (Themis - goddess of justice)

The jury's word...

1st class The next competition is called "Catchphrases". In front of you are 2 envelopes with a set of words. It is necessary to arrange the words so that you can read legal terms and sayings from Roman law. Time to think - 5 minutes. For each correct statement - 3 points. (Total - 6 points for two sayings)

    No evidence is given against the fact

    Gross negligence is equivalent to intent

    Conscience is a thousand witnesses

    It's better to be deceived than to deceive someone else

    Ignorance of a judge is a disaster for the innocent

    The stronger the power, the less freedom

    When the gun speaks, the laws are silent

    The instigator is more guilty than the perpetrator

While the teams are working, we are holding a competition for cheerleaders. It's called "A joke about something serious." For each correct answer, fans can earn 1 point for their team. The one who raised his hand first answers.

    This password was used by smugglers in L. Gaidai’s film “The Diamond Arm. Answer: "Damn it."

    Forest hares do not have fangs, and urban “hares” do not have exactly that. What? Answer: "Ticket".

    This car thief was an experienced insurance agent, amateur actor, and stunt driver. Answer: Yuri Detochkin, hero of the film “Beware of the Car.”

    Popular rumor often accuses this bird of theft jewelry. Answer: forty.

    He was sentenced to drown in a country pond as a homeless person, without a passport and unemployed. . Answer: "Pinocchio".

    “God deliver us from such judges,” exclaimed I.A. Krylov. Who was the hero of his fable? Answer: donkey.

    How did the expression “Written on the forehead” come about? Answer: “It comes from the custom of putting a brand on the forehead of a criminal.”

    Part of a thief's clothing that tends to succumb to fire? Answer: “Hat.”

(Teams and fans work for 5 minutes, then the presenter takes the answer sheets from the team and hands them over to the jury members)

Dear members of the jury, count the points and announce them.


- Let's move on to the captain competition: “Collect a proverb.” The captains answer in turns. The correct answer is worth 3 points. The opponent can answer his opponent's question if he is silent. Thinking time is no more than 1 minute.

They don't make money by stealing, huh? (labor).

It's easy to steal, right? ( hard reply).

At least steal smartly, eh? (trouble cannot be avoided).

Ignorance of the law no one? ( don't make excuses!)

Sheela? ( you can't hide it in a bag).

What is sin? ( that's the payback.)

Stole it once, huh? ( became a thief forever).

Does the cat know? ( whose meat she ate).

Fools? ( the law is not written).

Sword of justice? (has a sheath).

For bad words? ( the head flies too)

What do rights entail? ( yourself and responsibilities)

The distinguished jury evaluates the work of the captains.


The next competition is announced “A legal incident, or in life everything happens...”

(task text is given to teams)

1. It’s your birthday and there’s a big noisy company. The housemate asks to turn the music down and not make noise, since it’s already evening. What to do: talk to friends or ignore the old lady, because you have the right to leisure and cultural life ? (Answer: The right of others to rest is violated - Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

2. The head of the enterprise talks to the worker of the enterprise.

Here, Ivanov, is the question I called you on. By the way, how old are you?

In three months I will be 18.

We want to send you to another vacation lasting 20 days. Sorry, on longer period there's no way I can.

So you promised to give me a vacation in June-July. And now it's only April.

I must understand myself: I can’t give everyone a vacation. And you are a young man with us, you have no family, no children. You can also relax in the spring.

Is the head of the enterprise right in relation to the minor?

(Answer: No. Wrong. Annual basic paid leave for employees under 18 years of age is granted for a duration of 31 calendar days at any time convenient for them (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3. The court received a statement of claim from citizen Sidorova in which she asks the court to make a decision to change the name of her 12-year-old son, due to the fact that he does not want to bear the name given to him at birth by his parents. What should the court take into account when making a decision on the received statement of claim?

(Answer: A name change by a person under 18 years of age is carried out with the consent of both parents, and in the absence of such consent, on the basis of a court decision, taking into account the opinion of the child).

4.During the summer holidays, 16-year-old teenagers decided to work and earn some pocket money. Irina dances well and is going to work in a nightclub as a dancer, Pavel is a good physical training and decided to work as a loader in a store, and Natalya is going to become a salesman in her aunt’s tobacco store. Which teenagers have a chance of finding a job?

(Answer: In accordance with Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation underage workers It is prohibited to take on jobs with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as work, the performance of which may harm their health and moral development (gambling business, work in nightclubs and bars, production, transportation and trade in alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, narcotic and toxic drugs).


While the teams decide legal tasks, warm-up for cheerleaders. Correct answers will earn teams extra points - 1 point for each correct answer.

1) Obscene language at school is a cost of education or illegal act? (Administrative Code, Art. 158, petty hooliganism)

2) Can a 14-year-old teenager who extorted money from classmates be held criminally liable? (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 20)

3) Can a deliberately false report about a planned explosion at a school be regarded as a prank? (CC, art. 20)

4) At what age is the child’s opinion taken into account during judicial or administrative proceedings? (SK, art. 57, from 10 years)

5)Who uses priority rights in relation to children - mother or father? (SK, art. 61, equal rights of parents)

6)Can a 12-year-old teenager allow his friends to play on the computer given to him for his birthday? (SK, Art. 60, with parental consent)

7) What responsibilities of the state towards children are formulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (Protect and defend children's rights)

8)Who exactly does the Convention on the Rights of the Child bear responsibility for protecting the rights and interests of children? (for parents)

The distinguished jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the results of the teams.


The next competition for knowledge of the document proving your identity is “All about the passport.” The competition is scored 1 point for each correct answer. If a team does not know the answer, then the right to answer passes to the next team.

1. How many pages are there in a passport? (19.)
2. From what age is a passport valid indefinitely? (From 45 years old.)
3. What is written on the first page of the passport? (Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.)
4. On which page is the personal signature of the passport holder placed? (On page 2.)
5. What information about the passport holder is on the page next to the photo? (Last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth.)
6. What other information about the owner is included in the passport? (Military duty, marital status, children, information about a previously issued passport.)
7. How many pages are allocated in the passport to the “Marital status” section? (Two 14 and 15.)
8. How many pages of the passport are numbered on? (On 10.)
9. Do passport pages have watermarks? (Yes.)
10. What should a citizen do if he has lost his passport? (Immediately report to the internal affairs authorities.)
11. What notes, at the request of a citizen, can be made in the passport by health care institutions? (Notes about blood type and Rh factor.)
12. What was the age of the USSR citizens who received the passport? (16 years.)
13. Is a note about the citizen’s religion made in the passport? (No.)
14. In what year did the issuance of a new type of passport begin? (2001)
15. Does the passport indicate nationality? (No.)
16. Are there Roman numerals in your passport? (No.)
17. How many digits are in the passport number? (10.)
18. How many pages of the passport are allocated to the section “Military duty”? (One is the 13th.)
19. In what two cases can your passport be replaced? (If you lose your passport or change your last name.)
20. In what cases is a passport necessary? (When applying for a job, when buying a train or plane ticket, when receiving money from a savings bank, when enrolling in a library, and so on.)

Presenter. 1.

The last competition for teams on knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

For each correct answer - 1 point, a total of 10 points will be received by teams if they answer all questions correctly (the text of the tasks on the sheets is given to team captains)

1. What large groups can be divided into? international documents, including human rights? Declarations and conventions

2. In what year was the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted? 1959

3. In what year was the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” adopted? 1989

4. Who adopted the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”? UN General Assembly

5. When did our country ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child? 1990

6. Who is a child according to the Convention? Every human being under 18 years of age, unless under the law applicable to the child he has attained the age of majority

7. At what point, according to the Convention, does a child have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality? Since birth

8. Who are covered by the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child? For everyone children without exception

9. In what cases, according to the Convention, can a child be separated from his parents? When it is contrary to the best interests of the child

10. Who is responsible for the child's education? Parents


- We ask the distinguished members of the jury to count the points for the last competition and announce the overall score, name the winning team and present Certificates!

Thanks to all participants of the Legal Quiz! Goodbye and see you again.

Annex 1 .

Tournament of Legal Experts

(evaluation paper)

Competitions (points)

1 team

2nd team

Team 3

Team 4


1. Greeting (5 points)

2. “All sorts of things” (12 points; 1 point for each correct answer)

3. Human rights (5 points; for each correct answer -1 point)

4. “Black box” (5 points)

5. “Catchphrases” (6 points)

6. Competition for fans “A joke about something serious”

7. Captains competition (3 points)

8. All about the passport

9. Convention on the Rights of the Child


Issues of legal education, education and upbringing of students acquire special importance in the conditions of formation rule of law And civil society in Russia, which demanded strengthening of requirements for the level of citizen readiness for conscious behavior in the emerging legal space Russian Federation. One of important steps on the way to creating a system of this work in school is the holding, which took place at the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 9” on November 14, 2017

The purpose of this event is to develop initial legal knowledge, become familiar with the basic law of the country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, cultivate a sense of civic duty and responsibility, correlate the rights and responsibilities of children, and promote awareness of responsibility for their rights.

On this day there were many guests at the school: Yulia Nikolaevna Gvozdilova, captain of justice, investigator of the investigative department, Dashkevich Valery Aleksandrovich, captain internal service, direction specialist information technologies, communications and information protection of the rear, Ksenofontova Olga Alekseevna, major of internal service, senior legal adviser legal direction, Yulia Aleksandrovna Molodtsova, police captain, inspector (for execution administrative legislation) OGIBDD, Irina Vyacheslavovna Molchanova, police captain, investigator of the inquiry department, Evgeniy Viktorovich Chizhov, senior district police commissioner of the OUUP and PDN, Vasily Igorevich Shchetinin, senior precinct police commissioner of the OUUP and PDN, Chairman of the Public Council at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tikhvin region Leningrad region Okuneva Zhanna Mikhailovna. In the morning, volunteers from the V18 school association organized the “Wall of Glasnost” campaign.

Children of different ages took part in it. The main question of the action was “Is the Internet a friend or an enemy for you?” More children voted for the “friend” answer.

The topics of the thematic conversations were planned in advance, taking into account the age characteristics and interests of children: grades 1-4 “ Great rights little man."

Primary school students learned to behave correctly at school and on the street, during role playing games Problematic situations were resolved, children’s tolerant consciousness and responsibility for offenses were formed, children understood the concepts of “rights and responsibilities” in a playful way. Grades 5-6 “Misconduct. Offense. Crime"; 7-8 grades “A game called life”, “Conflict resolution without violence”, “Know and follow traffic rules”; 9th grade “Rules of conduct for minors”, “Administrative criminal liability", "Children's safety on the Internet." 11th grade students practically dismantled legal laws state and laws of society. The students especially remembered Classroom hour“A Game Called Life”, during which they not only received the information they needed, but also played a thematic game “Allowed - Forbidden”.

As part of career guidance, it was organized round table with students of class 10A. The guys were not only told where they could go to study in order to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also showed a video about the profession of an internal affairs officer. Dashkevich V.A. answered all the guys' questions. Those present took their breath away when they heard about the exploits of our Department of Internal Affairs employees hometown. Year after year, police pulled people out of rivers, rescued people from fires, and pulled the desperate out of the loop.

It is worth remembering the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers, including those committed at the cost of their lives. The guys learned that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has been actively involved in peacekeeping activities since 1992. In the 1990s, the number of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation involved in UN peacekeeping operations did not exceed four dozen people. Russians served as part of peacekeeping police forces in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Congo, East Timor, Georgia, and Liberia. A sharp increase the number of Russian police peacekeepers occurred in the late 1990s - early 2000s, when, in connection with the events in the former Yugoslavia, on the basis of relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, orders of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel internal troops The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was sent to Kosovo as part of the International Forces.

The quota of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was then 100 people. In total, in the period 1999-2011, several hundred employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation passed through Kosovo. In the 2000s, Russian police peacekeepers also served in Macedonia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, and Haiti. Today our police officers participate in three UN peacekeeping missions (Liberia, Haiti, East Timor). IN last years The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to consistently increase the professional level of employees sent to UN peacekeeping missions, primarily by increasing the efficiency of candidate selection.

Valery Aleksandrovich wished the children to build their lives wisely, working on the mistakes of those who made them, and to take care of everything that was inherited from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, military veterans.

During breaks at school, a video “Rights and Responsibilities of Minors” was watched.

During the ten-day period, a removable information stand “Teenager and the Law” was set up, an exhibition “The Law about Me, Me about the Law” and a photo exhibition of joint events were also set up. In order to attract the attention of all participants in the educational process, the stand displayed the basic rights of the child (in accordance with the UN Convention), data from services ensuring the protection of the rights of the child, a plan of events within the decade, and an exhibition “For schoolchildren about the law” was organized in the school library.

The exhibition featured educational literature, periodicals, materials from the Internet. In November, a survey was conducted with students in grades 5-11 “Your rights and responsibilities.” 485 students took part in the survey. As a result of the analysis of the survey responses, we can conclude that school students are sufficiently aware of their basic rights and responsibilities.

Students consider their priority rights to be the right to education, freedom and childhood. Most people know the laws that mention their rights. But there are some students who have no idea about this.

The school mediation service, under the guidance of teacher-psychologist N.V. Varlamova, conducted a test game “A dangerous situation and a way out of it” for students in grades 5-11, thanks to which the students analyzed the main and most common dangerous life situations and ways their solutions: how to prevent dangerous situation how to act in adverse circumstances.

The social teacher of the school, Tatyana Viktorovna Morozova, and the inspector for juvenile affairs of the department for juvenile affairs of the department of local police commissioners and for juvenile affairs, police captain, Irina Aleksandrovna Sobanina, organized raids “Family”, “Teenager”, during which housing and living conditions were examined minors who are registered in any way, who are in social dangerous situation, as well as students in need of social and pedagogical assistance.

Summing up the results of the decade in the school assembly hall, the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region, Zh.M. Okuneva, emphasized the importance of such joint events. Work continues with students to develop a legal culture and develop skills of lawful behavior. It is based on such important characteristics as knowledge of one’s rights and responsibilities, and increased responsibility for one’s behavior. Knowing their rights, children will be able to navigate complex modern world and, if necessary, competently defend their interests, therefore, undoubtedly, the benefits of such meetings are great.

At the end of the meeting, the school director Maria Vladimirovna Minetskaya thanked the chairman of the Public Council Okuneva Zh.M., the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Tikhvin region for organizing and conducting a decade of legal knowledge at the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 9” and presented letters of gratitude from the school administration for cooperation and high professionalism , responsibility and integrity, great personal contribution during joint events aimed at patriotic and legal education citizens.

Gomanyuk Tatyana Dmitrievna

history and social studies teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 10

Reutov, Moscow region

Scenario for the “Day of Legal Knowledge” for 5th grade students.

Purpose of the event: legal education of schoolchildren, testing, in a playful way, minors’ knowledge of their rights and responsibilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the event:

    to interest schoolchildren in additional/elective study of legal literature;

    increase motivation to comply with your rights and responsibilities.

Necessary materials:

    computer, video and audio equipment with recordings;

    jury score sheets;

    multimedia projector;


    creating teams to participate in the competition;

    development of names and mottos.

Event structure:

Introductory part. Explanation of the sequence and form of the quiz, introduction of teams and jury members.

Main (game) part. Conducting a quiz. Evaluation of the completion of competition tasks, awarding points.

Final part. Summing up, rewarding teams.

Assignments for 5th grade.

    Introductory part


- Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about law.

From birth, we all know about our rights, but we often forget that other people have the same rights, and along with rights, we also have responsibilities. Let's watch the skit prepared by the guys.

SKETCH based on a poem by F. REZNIK

Seryozha. I stayed at school for half a day

And now here I have

Just a storm in my stomach -

Thoughts only about food.

Mother. Who from the doorstep - and for a spoon?

I should wash my hands, Seryozhka!

Seryozha. No, you, mom, are wrong,

I found out my rights.

Are you forcing me to wash?

You are oppressing my personality!

Grandmother. Oh, the problem is with the pressure.

When will you eat?

Then go to the pharmacy, grandson,

Buy me some pills.

Seryozha. What are you, grandmother, children

Cannot be used.

Dress warmly

And go quickly yourself.

Mother. Well, then wash the dishes,

Can you do it or not?

Seryozha. What are you saying, mom, no, I won’t:

After all, child labor is prohibited.

By the way, you have the right to rest

I'll lie on the bed.

Mother. It’s as if mothers have no rights!

Tomorrow, cook your own lunch!

And task number five

Son, you decide for yourself.

Grandmother. And pants for school tomorrow

You can pet it yourself, grandson, or something.

Mother. We respect your rights

Of course they should.

Grandmother. But you just have to find out -

Everyone has equal rights.

(Poem by F.E. Reznik)

Teacher: And to prevent this from happening, 8th grade students will introduce you to your rights and responsibilities. They will tell you about the right to life, personal integrity, freedom, including freedom of movement, the right to housing, work, and rest.

1 child: The right to live is a right that is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and proclaimed in the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights.

It means that a person's life is highest value and no one can deprive you and me of it with impunity. Wrongful deprivation of a person's life is called murder and is strictly punishable by the court in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Deprivation of life on legally possible only in individual states- for example, in some states of the United States of America, and then only in relation to criminals for committing especially serious crimes against the person (for example, killing many people, blowing up a building with people, etc.) and necessarily by a court verdict.

We have in Russia criminals convicted by court on death penalty for especially serious crimes, are not executed, since the state A moratorium (ban) on the death penalty has been imposed.

2nd student: Right to liberty and security of person also enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It means that both physically and morally a person, i.e. a person cannot be subjected to coercion by others.

For example, you cannot force a person or a child to do anything against his will: work, get married, keep locked up in some room, be forced to drive a car, etc. According to the Family Code of Russia, marriage between a man and a woman can only be concluded by mutual consent and desire.

3rd student: Right to free work enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. People, incl. And children over 14 years of age have the right to choose to perform work under a written contract for monetary remuneration(Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). No one can be forced to work.

Right to rest also enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This right applies to those people who work (study, work for a salary(like your parents, for example)). Thus, adults are supposed to work no more than 8 hours a day with a lunch break. Deprivation of the right to rest is actually deprivation of the right to freedom of work, but it is worth noting that rest time is clearly defined Labor Code RF, otherwise everyone will do nothing but relax and not work.

4 student: Right to housing enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. These laws say that human dwelling(this is a house, apartment or other housing in which he lives legally - that is, he did not take it from someone, but bought it, inherited it from his grandmother - inviolable ).

This means that no one can enter your apartment without an invitation, no one can be deprived of their home (that is, they cannot be kicked out of their home, spoil it, destroy it), since our home is the guarantee that our other rights are the right life, health, personal integrity will be ensured, that you will be able to sleep, eat, learn lessons and grow peacefully.

5th student: This year (2017) marks the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Family Code of the Russian Federation in Russia. The Family Code is a law that establishes the rights and obligations of family members.

Family Code it is recorded that parents are obliged to support their children(feed, drink, clothe, provide a place to live, educate, etc.) that father and mother have equal rights in the family- that is, as they agree, they will divide homework: who will cook dinner, who will teach you homework, and the like. By agreement among themselves, it is the parents who come up with names for their children.

And now we invite you to take part in the QUIZ.

And show your knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of children.

Teams take turns choosing tasks, answering, and getting points.

The jury records the points and sums up the game at the end.

II. Main part

Slide 2. 1. “Homework”

Representation of teams (emblem, name, motto).

Slide 3. 2. Competition "Warm-up for captains".

Slide 4. Question 1.

Which of the documents presented is the first official document that formulates provisions on the rights... .

(Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Slide 5. Answer:

First official document is the Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out the provisions on human rights. (1948)

Convention on the Rights of the Child. (1989, Russia joined 1990)

Constitution of the Russian Federation. (1993)

Slide 6. Question 2.

Match the dates and names of the holidays:

World Children's Rights Day. World Human Rights Day. Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. December 10, November 20, December 12.

Slide 7. Answer:

Slide 8. Question 3.

Continue the phrase: the child has the right to: __________________

(The one who names the most rights wins!)

Slide 9. Answer: These include:

    the right to be raised in the circle of one’s own family;

    the right to protection from any type of violence;

    the right to parental love and care;

    the right to medical care;

    the right to a decent life;

    the right to be informed of your rights;

    right to health;

    law in the field of vocational training and employment;

    right to rest, etc.

Slide 10 3. Team competition “Fairytale question”

The teams are given tasks. The one who quickly and correctly answers the question posed brings from 1 to 5 points “to the piggy bank” of his team.

Slide 11. Task No. 1

Fragment from the film “Geese - Swans”: an episode about the kidnapping of a boy.

What crime did the Geese-Swans commit? What rights of Ivanushka were violated?

Slide 12. Answer:

Answer: A child has been kidnapped. Broke itthe right to live , which is fixedclause 1 art. 20 KRF , to freedom in Art.22 KRF. , opportunity to grow up in a family .

Information sheet: Responsibility for violation of the right to life is provided for in Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 6 to 15 years with restriction of freedom for a term of up to 2 years.

Responsibility for kidnapping is established by Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a child is kidnapped, the court will impose imprisonment for a term of five to twelve years.

Slide 13. Task No. 2

Fairy tale by V. G. Arshin “The Frog Traveler.”

What right did the frog take advantage of when it went on a journey?

Answer: right to freedom of movement.Information sheet: The right to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence is enshrined in Art. 27 of the Russian Constitution. The article guarantees the unhindered movement of persons legally present in the territory Russian state, on the territory of the Russian Federation, their free choice of place of stay or permanent residence. The Constitution of Russia also guarantees everyone the freedom to travel outside the Russian Federation, and for citizens of the Russian Federation the right to freely return to the Russian Federation.

Layd 14.

Slide 15. Task No. 3.

What rights were violated by Karabas Barabas in Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”?

Slide 16. Answer:

    rights violated

    the right to freedom (kept dolls in slavery);

    the right to free work;

    the right to remuneration for work.

Slide 17. Task No. 4.

A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.”

What right did Balda take advantage of when he hired himself to work for the priest?

Slide 18. Answer: the right to work.

Answer: right to workInformation sheet: In accordance with Art. 37 Constitution RF - labor is free and everyone has the right to freely dispose of their ability to work, choose their type of activity and profession. Forced labor is prohibited. In more detail labor Relations regulated labor legislation.

Slide 19. Task No. 5.

A fragment from the film “The Adventures of Cipollino” is shown. Scene: Uncle Pumpkin is evicted from his house.

What rights of one of the heroes of D. Rodari’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” - Uncle Pumpkin - were violated?

Slide 20 .

Answer:right to housing.

Information sheet: In accordance with Art. 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “Everyone has the right to housing. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of their home.” In addition, the Constitution contains a ban on entering a home against the will of the persons living there. For violation of this prohibition, criminal liability is established under Article 139 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine in the amount of up to forty thousand rubles or arrest for up to 3 months.

Slide 21. Task No. 6

Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Cinderella”.

What right did the stepmother violate by not letting Cinderella go to the ball?

Slide 22.

Answer: right to rest

Information sheet: The right to rest is one of the socio-economic rights. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in paragraph 5 of Article 37 enshrines the right of every Russian citizen to rest. Also, those working under an employment contract are guaranteed the established Federal law working hours, weekends and holidays, paid annual leave.

Slide 23. 4. Team competition " Legal issues families"

The maximum score for an answer is 5.

Slide 24. Task 1.

    What is your first document that proves that your name is exactly that and not another?

    Why didn’t you appropriate someone else’s first and last name?

    What rights does it confirm?

    What else is written in it?

Slide 25. Answer:

1. “Birth certificate.”
2. Right to a name.
3. Right to citizenship.
4. It also contains:
Parents' names.
Place of Birth.
Place of registration..

Slide 26. Task-question 2.

A “replenishment” is expected in the Sidorov family. Arose controversial situation about what name to give the child. So, the family’s neighbors insisted that the boy be named Mark, the husband’s sister – Georgiy, Aunt Zina from the next door in the house – Vasily, and the baby’s parents themselves were inclined to name “Maxim”.

Answer: child's parents

Information sheet: in accordance with Art. 58 of the RF IC, the name of the child is given by agreement of the parents. If there is no agreement between the parents regarding the first and (or) last name of the child, the disagreements that arise are resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Does he have the right to determine the child's name?

Slide 27.

Slide 28. Task 3. 1. Define what a family is.
2.What unites family members?

Slide 29. Answer:

FAMILY is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

They love and respect each other.

They run the household together.

Together they distribute the family budget.

Relax together, spend free time.

They live together in the same apartment and conduct everyday life.

Slide 30. Task 4: Figure it out " Where are the rights and where are the responsibilities?

    Study at school.

    Obey the laws.

    Pay taxes.

    Defend the Fatherland.

    To wear a school uniform.

    Express ones opinion.

    Study, get an education.

    Participate in the management of state affairs.

    To grow up in a family.

    Receive medical care.

    Protect cultural monuments.

    Know your parents.

    Protect nature and environment.

14. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws of the Russian Federation.

15. Respect the rights and freedoms of others.

Responsibilities: 1,2,3,4,5,11,13,14,15. Rights: 6,7,8,9,10,12

    Study at school.

    Obey the laws.

    Pay taxes.

    Defend the Fatherland.

    To wear a school uniform.

11.Protect cultural monuments.

13. Protect nature and the environment.

14. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws of the Russian Federation.

15. Respect the rights and freedoms of others.


6. Express your opinion.

7. Study, get an education.

8. Participate in the management of state affairs.

9. Be brought up in a family.

10. Receive medical care.

12. Know your parents.

    Final part

The jury calculates the number of points the teams earned in the competitions held. The winner is awarded, as well as the most active participants who showed themselves in the proposed tasks. The results of the event are summed up (closing remarks).

Teacher: So, friends, let's sum up the results of our legal game, what you and I learned and remembered today is that every person has a state-protected right to life, freedom, incl. freedom of movement, the right to work, rest, housing, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other laws.