Are doctors liable for military service? What does it mean to be liable for military service in Russia?

Maintaining military registration should be addressed by all healthcare organizations. The purpose of such events is to provide military resources to the armed forces Russian Federation for the period of mobilization and hostilities.

Functions of military registration of medical workers

The head of the healthcare organization must appoint. In accordance with established legislation, if an organization employs less than 500 employees liable for military service, a part-time employee can handle accounting. When the number of people liable for military service increases from 500 to 2000 people, one employee in the main position must keep records. If an organization employs 2000-4000 military personnel, records are kept by two employees exempt from other duties. If the company has 4000-7000 military personnel on staff, three employees are responsible for keeping records. Each exempt employee is allocated to the next 3,000 active duty employees. This rule is stated in legislative framework on maintaining military records and booking citizens.

Functions of health care organizations for military registration:

  • record keeping citizens liable for military service(working/students);
  • keeping records of citizens who are in reserve;
  • preparation of relevant documentation (documents are listed in);
  • provision to military commissariats, military registration and enlistment offices and authorities local authorities information on the number of employees liable for military service;
  • issuance of documents granting a deferment from military service for the period of mobilization and hostilities;
  • providing reports on ongoing activities for the reservation of citizens staying in reserve.

To properly maintain military records and reserve citizens, the responsible employee of the healthcare organization must have reliable information about the number of employees. He must also control the number of reserved citizens in reserve who remain to work in a medical institution for the period of hostilities or mobilization. In addition, the responsible employee keeps records of citizens in the reserve who have mobilization orders and are subject to conscription military service. All activities are carried out in accordance with established legislation, as well as in agreement with military commissariats and military registration and enlistment offices.

Military registration of doctors and nurses

Male and female persons (workers and students) who have a medical profession or a secondary or higher specialty educational institution, are subject to military registration. When applying for a job, they must provide documents. These include a certificate and a military ID.

After submitting these documents, the personnel officer checks in the passport for the presence of a mark indicating that the citizen belongs to military duties. It indicates the military registration of the employee at the place of residence or registration. Also in the passport there may be mobilization instructions: about issuing a badge, having a military ID, etc.

Important! If inaccuracies or corrections are identified in the documents provided, the person responsible for maintaining military records and booking citizens in the reserve must inform the military commissariat and military registration and enlistment office.

Failure to comply with this rule will result in .

Documents for maintaining military records in medical institutions:

  • personal cards of medical employees ();
  • card index of personal cards of employees;
  • work plan for the implementation of military registration and reservation of citizens who are in reserve;
  • a plan for replacing specialists who are called up for military service;
  • a plan for notifying citizens in reserve in the event of a mobilization announcement;
  • action plan for the presentation of certificates of deferment from military service;
  • statement of issue of deferment certificates (form 4);
  • Ledger

The defense capability of a state is assessed both by the size of the active army and mobilization resources. They include citizens who have completed military service, officers who have completed their military career, persons who did not serve for health reasons and have fitness category “B,” and women who have a military specialty.

Evidence that a citizen is registered with the military is a document that contains all the necessary information to determine his attitude to military service. A military ID is awarded upon registration and cannot be replaced, except in exceptional cases.

Why is a woman related to the army?

The nuances of maintaining military records require detailed explanations. Ignorance of principles mobilization training citizens leads to a general lack of information. How then can we talk about the readiness of the country as a whole for defense? In private, such ignorance leads to violation of the law. For example, a woman who owns one of the armed forces is considered liable for military service. However, many girls, after graduating from appropriate educational institutions, are not even aware of their responsibilities.

Therefore, it is recommended to hold regular conversations on issues of army formation, transition to martial law, and work on maintaining military records. Few people understand why a military ID is needed for girls? The answer lies in the importance of certain professions in demand during wartime.

Even if a state is at war, this does not mean that its infrastructure must stop. The country needs doctors, cartographers, radio equipment specialists, and programmers. This lists only those specialties that are important for ensuring defense capability. Therefore, the task of military registration is to register citizens who have received education in the listed specialties.

As a rule, women master the profession of doctors or nurses. It is not difficult to guess that they are valuable personnel for the army, especially during the period of mobilization. The law stipulates that after receiving the appropriate diploma, a girl must register with the military registration and enlistment office, and therefore receive a military ID as a certificate of fulfillment of military duty.

Find out: How to get a temporary military ID, what is it for?

What do you need to receive

If the understanding comes to the need to register women who have mastered the specialty of a nurse or doctor, then the further theory does not have any special differences. The process of obtaining a military ID is practically no different from the algorithm for men.

Some educational institutions remind you of the need to report to the military registration and enlistment office immediately after receiving your diploma. The administration even goes to not entirely legal measures, forcing you to first get a military ID, and only then present a diploma. This action cannot also be called legal for the reason that a military ID is issued to a woman on the basis of a diploma.

Nevertheless, freedom of action and ignorance of the laws often play a cruel joke on girls. By the time they learn about the need to remain registered, a long time has passed, and violation of deadlines is fraught with fines. Therefore, immediately after graduation, you must go to the military registration and enlistment office.

In addition to the application, you will have to provide a passport and educational document. A photograph on a military ID for a woman has the same standards as for a man. There should be no headdress, but the face should be open. These requirements go against some religious beliefs of Muslims, so in order not to put law and religion on the scales, such nuances should be provided.

Having written an application, you will need to wait a certain time and only then come for the document. It should be noted that in civil life a military ID, by its presence or absence, will not in any way affect the fate of a woman, since no organization will require a ticket from a representative of the fairer sex.

What to expect in the event of wartime

A woman liable for military service is subject to conscription, however, regardless of her fitness category, she will not be called up in the first echelon. That is, the reserve category assigned to doctors is no higher than second.

The duty and obligation of a Russian citizen to protect the Motherland is enshrined in Article 59 of the fundamental Law of the state. Others legislative acts and resolutions, without contradicting the Constitution, explain and clarify its provisions. Liable for military service or not liable for military service - how to determine your status without re-reading the texts of federal laws? The procedure for attracting citizens to fulfill military duty, the nuances of granting deferments, reservations and circumstances excluding military duty are established in the Regulations regulating military registration.

Military service is determined by the citizen’s age and suitability for the army based on physical and mental health. All men who previously served in the military, and people of both sexes who served on a contract basis, are included in the mobilization reserve and reserve. Persons who have not served in the military, but are fit according to the categories of age and health, are also liable for military service. These include:

  • graduates of higher educational institutions with a military department;
  • university graduates who have completed a military training program;
  • conscripts who received a deferment on legal grounds;
  • conscripts illegally evading military service;
  • persons who have chosen a civilian alternative;
  • women with military professions.

The responsibility for registering military personnel is assigned to military registration and enlistment offices, authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB. Regularity of reconciliations is established by law to maintain the relevance of accounting data. You can determine whether a person is liable for military service or not liable for military service by having a military ID card.

Differences between those liable for military service and conscripts

A conscript is a person subject to conscription for military service. Every year, in the first quarter, it is the responsibility of the military registration and enlistment office employees to update the data primary accounting and inclusion in the lists of young men who turn 17 this year. Subsequently, they undergo a medical examination during which their suitability is determined taking into account their state of physical and mental fitness. Military service begins at the age of 18. Twice a year, by order of the Ministry of Defense, a call for military service is announced, and once every six months those who have served their full term are transferred to the reserve. The legislator allows a deferment or complete exemption from conscription.

Exemption is given in case of limited fitness for health reasons. The obligation to serve in the army is also removed from other categories of the population:

  • holders of academic degrees;
  • son and sibling who died in emergency or contract service and at training camps;
  • those under investigation, inquiry, or in prison;
  • holders of outstanding and unexpunged convictions.

Deferment is given for health reasons and some family circumstances. If the reason for the delay is eliminated, the young man will be called up for military service. Without legal reasons for obtaining a deferment or complete exemption from military service, young people still have the obligation to serve in the army.

Conscript status remains until the age of twenty-seven. Those who are fit, but for some reason did not serve their military service, are enlisted in the reserves and are considered liable for military service until they reach the age limit. Conscription for military service from the reserves is not carried out.

Age limit for military service

The age limit of citizens depends on their value to the army. Senior officers have special knowledge, do not participate in hostilities on the battlefield, and therefore remain in the reserve until they are 65–70 years old. The age limit is determined by rank and rank.

I category

These people are subject to mobilization in the first wave.

Senior officers Under 65 years of age

Colonels and caperangs Up to 60 years old Senior officers with the rank of colonel Up to 55 years old Junior officers Up to 50 years old Military personnel without the rank of officer Up to 35 years old

II category

This is the mobilization of the second wave.

Senior officers Under 70 years of age

Colonels and caperangs Up to 65 years old Senior officers with the rank of colonel 55-60 years old Junior officers 50-55 years old Military personnel without the rank of officer 35-45 years old

III category

The third wave of mobilization.

Senior officers -

Colonels and caperangs - Senior officers with the rank of colonel 60-65 years old Junior officers 55-60 years old Military personnel without the rank of officer 45-50 years old

If the military medical commission finds a person unfit for service, he is subject to deregistration, regardless of age.

Rights and responsibilities of citizens

Obliging citizens to defend the fatherland, the state has provided measures of enforcement for persons evading duty. The law provides for administrative and criminal penalties:

  • for refusal to register for military service;
  • for refusing to undergo training for military service;
  • for evading conscription for military service and military training while in the reserve.

A person liable for military service must appear at the military registration and enlistment office upon summons. The internal affairs bodies are vested with the powers to search for, bring and prosecute evaders. Citizens have the right to receive exemption from military conscription and military training on legal grounds.

All persons liable for military service must report changes in marital status, place of residence and other important biographical facts to the organization where they are registered within 14 days. It will not be possible to conceal the fact of moving or a criminal record, since the civil registry office, passport offices, investigative and inquiry bodies, federal courts are required to transmit data on citizens liable for military service within two weeks.

Categories of military personnel exempt from fees

To test the mobilization readiness and training of reservists and reservists, the Ministry of Defense announces training camps. All women liable for military service and those men who:

Those on long-term business trips abroad and fathers of three or more minor children are not called up to the training camp.

A valid reason for failure to appear on a summons is being in custody or under investigation, serving a sentence, and having an outstanding criminal record.

Women liable for military service

Military duty arises for women depending on their profession. Women liable for military service are subject to registration rules in general procedure and bear responsibility for violating the requirements of the law on an equal basis with men. Girls who have served in the army under a contract receive a military registration specialty and, upon transfer to the reserve, remain in the status of military duty until the age limit. For officers it is 50 years, for those who do not have an officer rank - 45 years. A woman is also required to be deregistered if her health deteriorates, if the Military Military Commission deems her unfit for further service.

When choosing a profession, find out whether it is included in the military registration list.

According to RF PP No. 719, women of the following specialties are subject to military registration:

  • nurses, pharmacists, general practitioners, pediatricians, dentists, diagnosticians, orthopedists;
  • radio operators, telegraph operators, telephone operators; photographic technicians and a number of specialties in the field of electronics, programming and computer technology;
  • surveyors, meteorologists, hydrologists, cartographers;
  • some specialties in the field of publishing and printing.

Women are no longer required to attend military training.

Deregistration of a citizen liable for military service

Registration of citizens previously liable for military service ceases when they reach the age limit. The second basis for exemption from military service is imprisonment military medical commission about a person’s unfitness for military service due to deteriorating health. Registered citizens are not subject to conscription and mobilization. People freed from military duty, are deregistered by the territorial military registration and enlistment office, organization or authority that previously carried out the registration of those liable for military service.

Are you liable for military service? Are there any women serving for military service among your friends? Do you inform the military registration and enlistment office about changes in your biography, do you receive summonses with a summons to training camps or other checks from the military registration and enlistment office? Ask questions, tell your stories in the comments section.

Person liable for military service after graduation

How legal is it for a female doctor to be subject to military service? After graduating from Medical University, I did not have a military ID and did not register with the military registration and enlistment office. 10 years have passed since graduation and no one has ever demanded anything. Is it legal for me to be denied employment at a government medical institution in my specialty due to the lack of a military ID? Please also provide a link to the articles of the law on military duty, which states that a female doctor is required to have a military ID.

1 answer to a question from lawyers

Hello, Olga, persons liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service, upon imprisonment employment contract must present military registration documents to the employer (Article 65 Labor Code RF).

However, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain provisions prohibiting employment in cases where military registration documents have not been presented. Moreover, labor legislation prohibits restricting the right to work (Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and refusing to conclude an employment contract on any grounds not related to business qualities (Article 3, 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Now let’s figure out whether you are liable for military service or not.

According to clause 14 of the Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 29, 2006

14. Military registration in military commissariats, bodies local government and organizations are subject to:

a) male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, required to be registered with the military and not in the reserve (hereinafter referred to as conscripts);

males in reserve;

discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

who have successfully completed the training program for reserve officers at military departments at state, municipal or state accredited in the relevant areas of training (specialties) of non-state educational institutions higher vocational education and graduated from the specified educational institutions;

those who have not completed military service due to exemption from conscription;

those who have not completed military service due to the provision of deferments from conscription for military service or who have not been called up for military service for any other reasons, upon reaching the age of 27 years;

discharged from military service without military registration and subsequently registered with military commissariats;

passed the alternative civil service;

FEMALES with military specialties in accordance with the APPENDIX.

Disinfector, operator of disinsection units, instructor-disinfector, medical disinfector, paramedic, medical laboratory assistant, junior pharmacist, pharmacist, dentist, dental technician, x-ray technician, x-ray mechanic.

Specialties of secondary vocational education

General medicine, medical and preventive care, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, laboratory diagnostics, orthopedic dentistry, preventive dentistry.

Areas of training and specialties

higher professional education

General medicine, pediatrics, medical and preventive care, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing.

Based on this, we can conclude that if your specialty is included in the list of specialties, according to the appendices to the regulations on military registration, you must register with the military at the place of registration, and they do not have the right to hire you without a military ID.

Are all doctors really liable for military service?

If so, what does this imply?

Yes, they are liable for military service, after graduating from a higher medical institution they are awarded the rank of junior lieutenant, regardless of their place of work, they necessarily undergo retraining after a certain period of time, they are even promoted to ranks according to their position.

I do not know the exact wording of the laws and regulations regarding the military duty of doctors, but I have known from a young age that this is so. And what’s very interesting is that if an ordinary man, for example a turner or baker, upon reaching a certain age is removed from military registration and becomes not liable for military service, then all those who have received a medical education are always counted and tracked by military registration and enlistment offices.

It is clear that if any aggressor starts hostilities against the Motherland, all men will take up arms. The homeland is not only land and houses, it is children, it is parents, it is wives and sisters, relatives and friends. But those liable for military service will be drafted into the armed forces, and not those liable for military service are the civil militia, possibly partisan detachments, resistance groups, the underground, etc. That is, all those units and groups that can fight, but are not directly and specialized in the armed forces of the state relate! (I hope I explained it clearly).

But doctors in this case will be called into service at any age. Of course, according to education, capabilities, age, and physical strength. But they will be called upon! Someone to the front fighting, someone will be assigned to the front-line zones, someone will be left in the rear. But everyone will practice medicine in military units or units equivalent to them.

Military registration in a medical organization

All healthcare organizations should be involved in maintaining military records. The purpose of such events is to provide military resources to the armed forces of the Russian Federation for the period of mobilization and hostilities.

Functions of military registration of medical workers

Functions of health care organizations for military registration:

  • maintaining records of citizens liable for military service (working/students);
  • keeping records of citizens who are in reserve;
  • preparation of relevant documentation (documents are specified in Methodical recommendations on maintaining military records);
  • providing military commissariats, military registration and enlistment offices and local authorities with information on the number of employees liable for military service;
  • issuance of documents granting a deferment from military service for the period of mobilization and hostilities;
  • providing reports on ongoing activities for the reservation of citizens staying in reserve.

To properly maintain military records and reserve citizens, the responsible employee of the healthcare organization must have reliable information about the number of employees. He must also control the number of reserved citizens in reserve who remain to work in a medical institution for the period of hostilities or mobilization. In addition, the responsible officer keeps records of citizens in the reserve who have mobilization orders and are subject to conscription for military service. All activities are carried out in accordance with established legislation, as well as in agreement with military commissariats and military registration and enlistment offices.

Military registration of doctors and nurses

Male and female persons (workers and students) who have a medical profession or a specialty of a secondary or higher educational institution are subject to military registration. When applying for a job, they must provide documents. These include a certificate and a military ID.

After submitting these documents, the personnel officer checks in the passport for the presence of a mark indicating that the citizen belongs to military duties. It indicates the military registration of the employee at the place of residence or registration. Also in the passport there may be mobilization instructions: about issuing a badge, having a military ID, etc.

Important! If inaccuracies or corrections are identified in the documents provided, the person responsible for maintaining military records and booking citizens in the reserve must inform the military commissariat and military registration and enlistment office.

Documents for maintaining military records in medical institutions:

  • personal cards of medical employees ( form T-2);
  • card index of personal cards of employees;
  • work plan for the implementation of military registration and reservation of citizens who are in reserve;
  • a plan for replacing specialists who are called up for military service;
  • a plan for notifying citizens in reserve in the event of a mobilization announcement;
  • action plan for the presentation of certificates of deferment from military service;
  • statement of issue of deferment certificates (form 4);
  • Ledger special military registration forms;
  • book of registration of transfer of special military registration forms;
  • organization registration card (form 18);
  • log of checks on the state of military registration.

These documents were developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Their maintenance is mandatory. Administrative liability is provided for non-compliance with established rules.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,

Conscription - the duty of men and women to fight for the state with arms in hand and perform military service in the ranks of the armed forces - dates back to ancient times, from the emergence of the first states.

The elite of the army consisted of representatives of the aristocratic strata, but in the case of wars of conquest or to repel aggression from other states, recruits were introduced from among the common people.

In Russia before the times Peter I military service in its modern sense practically did not exist. The Russian population was divided into tax classes, obligated to the state for taxes, and service classes, obligated to serve. The basis of the army was the noble militia (feudal cavalry) and streltsy infantry.

However, by the end of the 17th century, an army formed in this way no longer met the requirements of the era.

From recruitment to honorary duty

Peter I first founded a standing army on the compulsory service of nobles and the collection of Danish people, the so-called recruits. Recruits, as a rule, were single, but the wives of recruits were allowed to follow their husbands to the place of service. During his service, a soldier could get married with the permission of his regimental superiors. The service life of recruits was usually 25 years.

Moreover, in the post-Petrine era, the upper classes Russian society were exempted from military service, and military service began to apply only to peasants and townspeople.

The military reform of 1874 abolished conscription, which was replaced by personal military service, which extended to the entire male population of Russia. The service life was reduced to several years.

The Constitution of the USSR proclaimed that the defense of the Fatherland is the sacred duty of every citizen of the USSR, and military service in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces is an honorable duty of Soviet citizens.

Military duty, according to Soviet legislation, was carried out in the following main forms:

  • service in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces for established by law deadlines;
  • work and service as military construction workers;
  • passing training, verification training and retraining during the period of being in the reserve of the USSR Armed Forces.

Who is not included in the military registration?

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” determines that male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, who are registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered for military service and are not in the reserve, are subject to conscription for military service.

All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to be registered with the military, except:

  • exempted from military service in accordance with Federal law“On military duty and military service”;
  • undergoing military service or alternative civilian service;
  • serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • female persons who do not have a military specialty;
  • permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.

Military duty, according to the law of the Russian Federation, provides for:

  • military registration;
  • compulsory preparation for military service;
  • conscription;
  • completion of military service upon conscription;
  • staying in reserve;
  • conscription for military training and military training while in reserve.

What is the difference between a “service member” and a “soldier”?

There is often confusion between the concepts of “soldier” and “person liable for military service.” A military serviceman is a person who is currently in military service by conscription or contract. A person liable for military service is a person who is registered with the military and enlisted in the reserves. Armed Forces.

Persons liable for military service may be called up for active military service at any time. Usually, mass conscription persons liable for military service occurs in the event of a military danger or after the outbreak of war.

The category of persons liable for military service includes all military personnel who have completed compulsory military service, as well as graduates of military departments of universities who, during their training, received a military specialty and military rank and enlisted in the aircraft reserve.

Depending on their rank, those liable for military service are registered with the military until they are 45-60 years old (private soldiers - up to 45 years old, senior officers - up to 60 years old). Each person liable for military service in Russia has a corresponding mark in his passport.

The list of military specialties in the Russian Federation is approved by government regulations.

Women serving for military service: not only doctors

The variety of military specialties can capture the imagination of civilians.

In addition to “sappers” and “pontooners”, “armored personnel carrier drivers” and “long-distance communications specialists”, military registration specialties also include such seemingly civilian ones as “pension affairs”, “accountant” financial service"and even "limitedly suitable for military service- handyman."

With men, the situation is clear - almost all of them in Russia are liable for military service, with the exception of criminals, as well as those who are seriously ill or cleverly pretending to be so.

What about women? It all depends on the specialty that the lady has. It is well known that women doctors in Russia are liable for military service. But the list of representatives of the fairer sex who can be called up for service, if the need arises, is not limited to this. This list also includes the already mentioned accountants and psychologists, as well as telephone operators, programmers, cartographers, surveyors, meteorologists, printers, and so on.

The institution of military service and the presence of millions of people liable for military service in the Russian Federation is not a sign of the militarization of the state. Military registration in one form or another exists in many countries of the world. The system for registering those liable for military service allows, in the event of a military threat, to quickly ensure an increase in the personnel of the Armed Forces to repel an attack.

Nobody wants war, but the experience of our country teaches us that we must always be ready to defend the right to a peaceful sky above our heads.

Today we have to get acquainted with the age of those liable for military service in Russia. This topic worries many people. Especially men. After all, the bulk of those liable for military service are males. So it is necessary to know about the mentioned topic. What features and nuances will help clarify the situation?

About military duty

The age for military service in Russia cannot be called unambiguous. In some cases, you can renounce your military service obligations earlier, sometime later.

Nevertheless, it should be said with confidence that military registration in mandatory All men must stand. Women are not subject to military service and can do without going to the military registration and enlistment office. Only girls studying in military professions or serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are registered.

At what age is a man considered liable for military service? The first communication with the military registration and enlistment office will be at school or college. Boys are taken in 10th grade for their first military training. Accordingly, at the age of 16-17, young men are registered with the military registration and enlistment office. But this does not mean that upon returning home the young people will be taken into service.

Conscription period

At the very least, they will be allowed to finish their studies at school in peace. After the boy graduates, most likely he will reach military age. This is the period during which the young man must be called up for military service. Today it lasts 1 year.

The age of those liable for military service in Russia is ambiguous. But we can say with confidence that the conscription period lasts from 18 to 27 years inclusive. If a young man does not complete military service without good reason within the specified period, he will either be given a military ID with the appropriate note, or given a certificate in the established form.

After the army

Some believe that after entering the country you can say goodbye to the army forever. But that's not true. The age of those liable for military service in Russia should not be confused with conscription age. These are two completely different concepts.

After serving in the army, a citizen is transferred to the reserve, and he is given a military ID. From this moment on, we can consider that the person is liable for military service. He does not actually serve, but if necessary, he can be called upon to defend the Motherland.

While in the reserves, citizens are collected for military training. They usually take place every 3 years. If you refuse the fees, you will have to pay an administrative fine of up to 500 rubles. And nothing more.

About stock

It is important to understand that not all young men can serve. But they cannot be exempted from military duty. The mandatory age for military service in Russia applies to almost all men.

Who is being laid off? Among those laid off are:

  • all young people who have completed military service;
  • citizens who served under a contract;
  • persons who have passed alternative service in the army;
  • citizens who have not yet been drafted;
  • exempt from conscription;
  • students of universities with a military department.

Accordingly, the bulk of men will be in reserve until a certain age. Which one exactly?

For men

It is impossible to answer unequivocally. Indeed, on the territory of the Russian Federation, military service is removed from citizens depending on their gender and rank. That is, some people are eliminated from the stock faster, others later.

Until what age are men registered for military service? In general, it can be said that by approximately 60 years of age the bulk of male citizens are completely excluded from the reserve. But there are exceptions.

As we have already found out, the military position plays a huge role in resolving this issue. For example, all persons holding ranks up to senior warrant officer are exempt from registration at age 50. Captains and lieutenants - at 55. All employees up to lieutenant colonels cease to be liable for military service at 60 years of age.

But senior ranks require a citizen to remain in the reserves for a longer period of time as a person liable for military service. All employees, from major generals to generals, can relieve themselves of this responsibility only at the age of 65.

About women

From all of the above it follows that those liable for military service in Russia are 65 years old. This is quite normal. But the restrictions proposed do not apply to women.

The point is that the beautiful half of society military duties released earlier. The majority of women are registered before the age of 45. And only officers are listed as liable for military service in the reserve up to 50.

Exemption from fees

Now a little about what is happening in stock. As already mentioned, those liable for military service are listed in the military registration and enlistment office, and from time to time they are called up for special training. Otherwise in Peaceful time There is nothing to worry about - you can lead your normal life.

Who is exempt from fees? Among the "beneficiaries" are:

  • women;
  • students;
  • law enforcement officers;
  • civil fleet (all its personnel);
  • large families (if there are 3 or more children);
  • deputies.

In addition, the military commissariat is able to exempt those transferred to the reserve from training for any valid reason.

Rank and reserve

It is clear what the age for military service is in Russia. Everything depends mainly on the rank of citizen.

While in the reserves, people can receive further military ranks. But with certain restrictions. For example, you cannot use the mentioned operation more than 2 times during your entire stay as a “reserve”.

It follows that after completing military service, citizens are able to influence the age of military service. But this practice is rare in Russia.

Highest ranks

At what age is a man considered liable for military service? From about 17 years old, when he first arrives at the military registration and enlistment office. And, as we found out, the responsibilities for such service are not completely removed from a person until he is 65 years old. But there are exceptions. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to retire from the reserves much earlier.

Or later. The thing is that the Russian authorities have given modern military personnel the opportunity to extend the maximum age for military service. This right is granted only to senior army ranks. They are able to be in the reserves and work in the Armed Forces for another 5 years. That is, the age of a person liable for military service increases for this period even after reaching 65 years of age. In practice, such cases are not demonstrated very often.

Responsibilities in reserve

Besides military training, what awaits citizens who have been transferred to the reserve? What responsibilities are they assigned?

Today, everyone transferred to the reserve must:

  1. Notify the military registration and enlistment office about all changes in marital status and life in general - dismissal, employment, divorce, marriage, birth of children, and so on.
  2. Independently deregister at one military registration and enlistment office and register at another when changing your place of residence.
  3. Arrive at military training in accordance with received summonses.
  4. Conscript military service if necessary.
  5. Pass medical examination mandatory in the direction of the military registration and enlistment offices. Typically, all conscripts for military service go through this stage.

Also, persons who do not have good reasons in order to be deferred or released, they are required to complete military service in the army until they are 27 years old. Avoidance of this act is sometimes regarded as criminal offense. But this is only possible when the citizen received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office in person (that is, if it bears the conscript’s signature).

About responsibility

The age of those liable for military service in Russia, as we have already found out, is 65 years for men and 50 years for women. In exceptional cases, the “strong” half of the population has the right to be removed from military registration at the age of 70. But nothing more.

What threatens a person for evading his military duties? Basically you will have to deal with administrative fine from 100 to 500 rubles. But deliberate evasion of urgent conscription is sometimes, as already emphasized, punishable by criminal law. A criminal case is opened against the citizen. Also, a negligent conscript may be given a suspended sentence of up to 24 months.


Perhaps these are all the features that the modern population of the Russian Federation should know about regarding the age of military service. In Russia, issues related to military service worry many people. From now on, the length of stay in reserve will no longer be a mystery to us.

There is no way to free yourself from military registration. Even people who were not drafted into the army will be liable for military service. They must fully comply with all previously listed rules of conduct. IN otherwise they will face a fine in the prescribed amount.

In fact, the topic being studied is not that complicated. The main thing is to remember that the maximum age of those liable for military service in Russia depends on the rank of the person and his gender.