On amendments to the rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings. Resolution on amendments to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users according to





Government Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached changes that are made to the Provision Rules utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, Art. 3168; 2012, N 36, art. 4908; 2013, art. 1972; no. 2648;

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government resolution

Russian Federation





1. Paragraph 31 shall be supplemented with subparagraph “y(2)” with the following content:

“y(2)) commission an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device after its repair, replacement and verification in the time and manner established by these Rules;”.

2. Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 34 should be supplemented with the words “and also send to the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document certifying the results of verification of the metering device, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.”

3. Paragraph 81 after the second paragraph is supplemented with the following paragraphs:

"The application shall include the following information:

Consumer information (for individual- last name, first name, patronymic, details of the identity document, contact telephone number, for legal entity- name (company name) and place state registration, contact number);

Proposed date and time of commissioning of the installed metering device;

Type and serial number of the installed metering device, location of its installation;

Information about the organization that installed the metering device;

Meter readings at the time of its installation;

Date of next verification.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport for the metering device, as well as copies of documents confirming the results of the last verification of the metering device (with the exception of new metering devices).

4. Add paragraphs 81(1) - 81(14) with the following content:

"81(1). The contractor is obliged to consider the date and time proposed in the application for putting the metering device into operation and, if it is impossible to fulfill the application within the specified period, agree with the consumer on another date and time for putting the installed metering device into operation.

In this case, a proposal for a new date and time for carrying out the work is sent to the consumer no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application, and the proposed new date for carrying out the work cannot be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

81(2). If the contractor did not appear on the date and time proposed in the application to put the meter into operation or another date and time agreed with the consumer and (or) the new date and time proposed by the contractor were later than the deadlines established in paragraph 81(1) of these Rules , the metering device is considered to be put into operation from the date of sending to the executor an application that meets the requirements established by paragraph 81 of these Rules, and from this date its readings are taken into account when determining the volume of utility service consumption.

81(3). If the installation of the metering device is carried out by the contractor, commissioning is carried out by the contractor by drawing up and signing the act of putting the metering device into operation, provided for in paragraph 81(6) of these Rules.

81(4). During the commissioning of the metering device, the following must be checked:

A) correspondence of the serial number on the metering device to the number indicated in its passport;

B) compliance of the metering device with the technical documentation of the device manufacturer, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;

C) the presence of signs of the latest verification (with the exception of new metering devices);

D) performance of the metering device.

81(5). Non-compliance of the metering device with the provisions provided for in paragraph 81(4) of these Rules, identified by the contractor during the inspection, is grounds for refusal to put the metering device into operation.

81(6). Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:

A) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;

B) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;

C) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location of its installation;

D) a decision to commission or refuse to commission a metering device, indicating the grounds for such refusal;

E) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable number seals (control seals) are installed;

E) date of the next verification.

81(7). The act of putting the metering device into operation is drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the consumer and representatives of the contractor who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation.

81(8). Before signing the act of putting the metering device into operation (if there are no grounds for refusing to put the metering device into operation), the representative of the contractor installs control seals on the metering device.

81(9). The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee.

81(10). Operation, repair and replacement of metering devices are carried out in accordance with technical documentation. Verification of metering devices is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

81(11). The metering device must be protected from unauthorized interference in its operation.

81(12). The metering device is considered to be out of order in the following cases:

A) failure of metering devices to display measurement results;

B) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;

B) mechanical damage to the metering device;

D) exceeding the permissible error of the meter readings;

D) expiration of the verification interval for verification of metering devices.

81(13). In the event of a meter failure (malfunction), the consumer is obliged to immediately notify the contractor about this, report the readings of the meter at the time of its failure (malfunction) and ensure that the identified malfunction is eliminated (repair, replacement) within 30 days from the date of failure the meter is out of order (a malfunction occurs). If dismantling of the metering device is required, the contractor is notified of the above work at least 2 working days in advance. Dismantling of the metering device, as well as its subsequent installation, is carried out in the presence of representatives of the contractor, except for cases where such representatives did not appear by the time for dismantling the metering device specified in the notice.

81(14). Commissioning of a metering device after its repair, replacement and verification is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 81 - 81(9) of these Rules. The installed metering device, including after verification, is sealed by the contractor without charging a fee to the consumer, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is carried out by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the consumer or a third party."

Provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011 , N 22, art. 3168;

Changes to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2013 N 824)

1. Paragraph 31 shall be supplemented with subparagraph “c.2” with the following content:

"u.2) commission an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device after its repair, replacement and verification in the time and manner established by these Rules;".

2. Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 34 should be supplemented with the words “and also send to the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document certifying the results of verification of the metering device, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.”

3. Paragraph 81 after the second paragraph is supplemented with the following paragraphs:

"The application shall include the following information:

information about the consumer (for an individual - last name, first name, patronymic, details of an identity document, contact telephone number, for a legal entity - name (company name) and place of state registration, contact telephone number);

proposed date and time of commissioning of the installed metering device;

type and serial number of the installed metering device, location of its installation;

information about the organization that installed the metering device;

meter readings at the time of its installation;

date of next verification.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport for the metering device, as well as copies of documents confirming the results of the last verification of the metering device (with the exception of new metering devices).

4. Add clauses 81.1 - 81.14 with the following content:

"81.1. The Contractor is obliged to consider the date and time proposed in the application for putting the metering device into operation and, if it is impossible to fulfill the application within the specified period, agree with the consumer on another date and time for putting the installed metering device into operation.

In this case, a proposal for a new date and time for carrying out the work is sent to the consumer no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application, and the proposed new date for carrying out the work cannot be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

81.2. If the contractor did not appear on the date and time proposed in the application to put the metering device into operation or another date and time agreed with the consumer and (or) the new date and time proposed by the contractor were later than the deadlines established by paragraph 81.1 of these Rules, the metering device is considered to be put into operation from the date of sending to the contractor an application that meets the requirements established by paragraph 81 of these Rules, and from this date its readings are taken into account when determining the volume of consumption of utilities.

81.3. If the installation of the metering device is carried out by the contractor, commissioning is carried out by the contractor by drawing up and signing the act of putting the metering device into operation, provided for in paragraph 81.6 of these Rules.

81.4. During the commissioning of the metering device, the following must be checked:

a) correspondence of the serial number on the metering device to the number indicated in its passport;

b) compliance of the metering device with the technical documentation of the device manufacturer, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;

c) presence of signs of the latest verification (with the exception of new metering devices);

d) operability of the metering device.

81.5. Non-compliance of the metering device with the provisions provided for in paragraph 81.4 of these Rules, identified by the contractor during the inspection, is grounds for refusal to put the metering device into operation.

81.6. Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;

c) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location of its installation;

d) a decision to commission or refuse to commission a metering device, indicating the grounds for such refusal;

e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable number seals (control seals) are installed;

f) date of the next verification.

81.7. The act of putting the metering device into operation is drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the consumer and representatives of the contractor who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation.

81.8. Before signing the act of putting the metering device into operation (if there are no grounds for refusing to put the metering device into operation), the representative of the contractor installs control seals on the metering device.

81.9. The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee.

81.13. In the event of a meter failure (malfunction), the consumer is obliged to immediately notify the contractor about this, report the readings of the meter at the time of its failure (malfunction) and ensure that the identified malfunction is eliminated (repair, replacement) within 30 days from the date of failure the meter is out of order (a malfunction occurs). If dismantling of the metering device is required, the contractor is notified of the above work at least 2 working days in advance. Dismantling of the metering device, as well as its subsequent installation, is carried out in the presence of representatives of the contractor, except for cases where such representatives did not appear by the time for dismantling the metering device specified in the notice.

81.14. Commissioning of a metering device after its repair, replacement and verification is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 81 - 81.9 of these Rules. The installed metering device, including after verification, is sealed by the contractor without charging a fee to the consumer, except for cases when the sealing of the relevant metering devices is carried out by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the consumer or a third party."

Rules for the provision of public services: amendments regarding metering devices.
The Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings have been adjusted.
The list of responsibilities of performers (persons providing public services) has been added. Now they are responsible for commissioning an individual, shared (apartment) or room metering device after its repair, replacement and verification. This is done within the time frame and in the manner established by the rules.
At the same time, consumers were required to send the contractor a copy of the document certifying the results of verification of the metering device.
The metering device is put into operation based on the application of the owner of the premises submitted to the contractor. A list of information indicated in it has been established. The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport for the device, as well as copies of documents confirming the results of the last verification (except for new devices).
The Contractor is obliged to consider the date and time of entry proposed in the application. If the application cannot be fulfilled within this period, then the consumer will be sent a proposal for a new date and time no later than 3 working days.
The new date cannot be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application. If the performer did not appear on the appropriate date and time and (or) the new date and time were later established deadlines, then the metering device is considered to be put into operation from the date of sending the application.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2013 N 824 "On amendments to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve the attached changes to the Rules
provision of utility services to owners and users of premises
in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by resolution
Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On
provision of utility services to owners and users of premises
in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (Collection of legislation
Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, art. 3168; 2012, N 36, art. 4908; 2013,
N 16, art. 1972; N 21, art. 2648; N 31, art. 4216).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation D. Medvedev

which are included in the Rules for the provision of public services
owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2013 N 824)

1. Paragraph 31 shall be supplemented with subparagraph “c.2” with the following content:
"u.2) carry out commissioning of individual, general
(apartment) or room metering device after its repair, replacement and
verification in the time and manner established by these Rules;".
2. Subparagraph "e" of paragraph 34 should be supplemented with the words ", and also send
to the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document,
certifying the results of verification of the metering device carried out in
in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on
ensuring the uniformity of measurements."
3. Paragraph 81 after the second paragraph is supplemented with the following paragraphs
"The application shall include the following information:
information about the consumer (for an individual - last name, first name,
patronymic, details of identity document, contact
telephone number, for a legal entity - name (company name) and
place of state registration, contact telephone number);
proposed date and time for introducing the installed meter into
type and serial number of the installed metering device, its location
information about the organization that installed the metering device;
meter readings at the time of its installation;
date of next verification.
Attached to the application is a copy of the passport for the metering device, as well as copies
documents confirming the results of the last verification
metering device (except for new metering devices).
4. Add clauses 81.1 - 81.14 with the following content:
"81.1. The Contractor is obliged to consider the date and
time of commissioning of the metering device and in case
the impossibility of executing the application within the specified period must be agreed with
consumer other date and time of commissioning
installed metering device.
At the same time, a proposal for a new date and time for carrying out work
sent to the consumer no later than 3 working days from the date
receipt of the application, and the proposed new date for carrying out the work cannot
be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.
81.2. If the performer does not appear at the time proposed in the application
date and time for putting the metering device into operation or
other date and time agreed with the consumer and (or) proposed
the performer's new date and time were later than the deadlines established
clause 81.1 of these Rules, the metering device is considered to be entered into
operation from the date of sending an application to the executor that meets
requirements established by paragraph 81 of these Rules, and from this date it
readings are taken into account when determining the volume of utility consumption
81.3. If the metering device is installed by the contractor, input into
operation is carried out by the contractor by formalizing and signing
act of putting the metering device into operation, provided for in clause 81.6
of these Rules.
81.4. During the commissioning of the metering device, the following must be checked:
a) correspondence of the serial number on the metering device to the number,
indicated in his passport;
b) compliance of the metering device with the manufacturer’s technical documentation
device, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;
c) presence of latest verification marks (except for new devices
d) operability of the metering device.
81.5. Non-compliance of the metering device with the provisions stipulated
clause 81.4 of these Rules, identified by the contractor during the inspection,
is the basis for refusal to put the metering device into operation.
81.6. Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up
act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:
a) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;
b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons,
those who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;
c) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location
its installation;
d) the decision to enter or refuse to enter the metering device into
operation indicating the grounds for such refusal;
e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the device
metering at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and
indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable
number seals (control seals);
f) date of the next verification.
81.7. The act of putting the metering device into operation is drawn up in 2
copies and signed by the consumer and representatives of the contractor,
who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation.
81.8. Before signing the act of putting the meter into operation (if
there are no grounds for refusing to put the meter into operation)
a representative of the contractor installs control seals on
metering device.
81.9. Putting metering devices into operation in cases provided for
by these Rules, is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee.
81.10. Operation, repair and replacement of metering devices are carried out in
in accordance with technical documentation. Verification of metering devices
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation
Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
81.11. The metering device must be protected from unauthorized
interference in his work.
81.12. The metering device is considered to be out of order in the following cases:
a) failure of metering devices to display measurement results;
b) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;
c) mechanical damage to the metering device;
d) exceeding the permissible error of the meter readings;
e) expiration of the verification interval for verification of metering devices.
81.13. Consumer in case of failure of the metering device
(malfunction) is obliged to immediately notify the contractor about it,
report the readings of the meter at the time of its failure
(the occurrence of a malfunction) and ensure that the identified
malfunctions (repairs, replacements) within 30 days from the date
failure of the metering device (malfunction). When
if dismantling of the metering device is required, the contractor is notified
about carrying out the specified work at least 2 working days in advance. Dismantling
metering device, as well as its subsequent installation, are carried out in the presence of
representatives of the performer, except in cases where such
representatives did not appear by the deadline for dismantling the metering device specified in
81.14. Commissioning of the metering device after its repair, replacement and
verification is carried out in the manner provided for in paragraphs 81 - 81.9
of these Rules. The installed metering device, including after verification,
sealed by the contractor without charging a fee to the consumer, for
except in cases where the sealing of the relevant metering devices
performed by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or signs
verification by the consumer or a third party."

From 01.10.2013 came into force Post. Government of the Russian Federation “On amendments to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (No. 824 of September 19, 2013).

In accordance with the newly adopted changes, utility metering devices must now be “put into operation” not only after their installation, but also after repair, verification or replacement. Thus, having replaced, repaired or verified a metering device, the consumer must submit an application to utility companies, who in turn review the application and put the metering device into operation. Such a service will be refused only if it is discovered that the device does not comply with regulatory requirements.

The contractor carries out commissioning free of charge. If the contractor does not appear within the time period agreed with the consumer to put the metering device into operation, it will be considered that the device was put into operation from the day the consumer submitted the application to the contractor.

Until the meter is put into operation, its readings are not taken into account when calculating utility fees. The device readings are taken into account only from the next day after the day the device was put into operation.

Before the entry into force of the Resolution “On Amendments to the Rules for the Provision of ....” The devices were put into operation only during their first installation.

What to do if the metering device turns out to be faulty?

In the event of a malfunction of the metering device, the owner must immediately notify the utility service about this, and also ensure that the malfunction is corrected within 30 days by calling the appropriate specialist (a document drawn up based on the results of the specialist’s inspection is sent to the utility service). The installed meter is sealed by a representative of the utility service free of charge. The exception is cases when it is necessary to reseal the device due to violation of the seal (verification marks) by the consumer himself.

The Resolution contains a list of cases in which a metering device is considered out of order, including violation of the control seals of the metering device, exceeding the permissible error of the metering device readings, mechanical damage to the device, etc.

Consumers do not bear special responsibility for a faulty meter, but if the device malfunctions, its readings will not be considered when calculating the cost of utilities.

And the use of readings from a faulty meter, such as an electricity meter, indicates that electricity consumption is unaccounted for. This should not be forgotten.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Chairman of the Government
Approve the attached changes that are being made to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, Art. 3168; 2012, N 36, Art. 4908; 2013, N 16, Art. 1972; N 21, Art. 2648; N 31, Art. 4216).
Russian Federation

Approve the attached changes that are being made to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 22, Art. 3168; 2012, N 36, Art. 4908; 2013, N 16, Art. 1972; N 21, Art. 2648; N 31, Art. 4216).
Government resolution

dated September 19, 2013 N 824


“y(2)) commission an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device after its repair, replacement and verification in the time and manner established by these Rules;”.

2. Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 34 should be supplemented with the words “and also send to the contractor a copy of the verification certificate or other document certifying the results of verification of the metering device, carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.”

3. Paragraph 81 after the second paragraph is supplemented with the following paragraphs:

“The application contains the following information:

    1. information about the consumer (for an individual - last name, first name, patronymic, details of an identity document, contact telephone number, for a legal entity - name (company name) and place of state registration, contact telephone number);
    2. proposed date and time of commissioning of the installed metering device;
    3. type and serial number of the installed metering device, location of its installation;
    4. information about the organization that installed the metering device;
    5. meter readings at the time of its installation;
    6. date of next verification.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport for the metering device, as well as copies of documents confirming the results of the last verification of the metering device (with the exception of new metering devices).

4. Add paragraphs 81(1) - 81(14) with the following content:

"81(1). The contractor is obliged to consider the date and time proposed in the application for putting the metering device into operation and, if it is impossible to fulfill the application within the specified period, agree with the consumer on another date and time for putting the installed metering device into operation.

In this case, a proposal for a new date and time for carrying out the work is sent to the consumer no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application, and the proposed new date for carrying out the work cannot be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

81(2). If the contractor did not appear on the date and time proposed in the application to put the meter into operation or another date and time agreed with the consumer and (or) the new date and time proposed by the contractor were later than the deadlines established in paragraph 81(1) of these Rules , the metering device is considered to be put into operation from the date of sending to the executor an application that meets the requirements established by paragraph 81 of these Rules, and from this date its readings are taken into account when determining the volume of utility service consumption.

81(3). If the installation of the metering device is carried out by the contractor, commissioning is carried out by the contractor by drawing up and signing the act of putting the metering device into operation, provided for in paragraph 81(6) of these Rules.

81(4). During the commissioning of the metering device, the following must be checked:

a) correspondence of the serial number on the metering device to the number indicated in its passport;

b) compliance of the metering device with the technical documentation of the device manufacturer, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;

c) presence of signs of the latest verification (with the exception of new metering devices);

d) operability of the metering device.

81(5). Non-compliance of the metering device with the provisions provided for in paragraph 81(4) of these Rules, identified by the contractor during the inspection, is grounds for refusal to put the metering device into operation.

81(6). Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;

c) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location of its installation;

d) a decision to commission or refuse to commission a metering device, indicating the grounds for such refusal;

e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable number seals (control seals) are installed;

f) date of the next verification.

81(7). The act of putting the metering device into operation is drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the consumer and representatives of the contractor who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation.

81(8). Before signing the act of putting the metering device into operation (if there are no grounds for refusing to put the metering device into operation), the representative of the contractor installs control seals on the metering device.

81(9). The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee.

81(10). Operation, repair and replacement of metering devices are carried out in accordance with technical documentation. Verification of metering devices is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

81(11). The metering device must be protected from unauthorized interference in its operation.

81(12). The metering device is considered to be out of order in the following cases:

a) failure of metering devices to display measurement results;

b) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;

c) mechanical damage to the metering device;

d) exceeding the permissible error of the meter readings;

e) expiration of the verification interval for verification of metering devices.

81(13). In the event of a meter failure (malfunction), the consumer is obliged to immediately notify the contractor about this, report the readings of the meter at the time of its failure (malfunction) and ensure that the identified malfunction is eliminated (repair, replacement) within 30 days from the date of failure the meter is out of order (a malfunction occurs). If dismantling of the metering device is required, the contractor is notified of the above work at least 2 working days in advance. Dismantling of the metering device, as well as its subsequent installation, is carried out in the presence of representatives of the contractor, except for cases where such representatives did not appear by the time for dismantling the metering device specified in the notice.

81(14). Commissioning of a metering device after its repair, replacement and verification is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 81 - 81(9) of these Rules. The installed metering device, including after verification, is sealed by the contractor without charging a fee to the consumer, except for cases when the sealing of the corresponding metering devices is carried out by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the consumer or a third party.”