Rules for safety and industrial sanitation. Safety precautions and industrial sanitation

State Committee USSR supervision
for the safe conduct of work in nuclear energy



Tightness control.
PNAE G-7-019-89


6.1. Safety requirements for leak testing

6.1.1. Persons who have undergone safety training and special instructions on safety rules, electrical safety and fire safety who have learned correct and safe working methods. Safety knowledge testing is carried out in accordance with the procedure established at the enterprise.
6.1.2. When carrying out leak testing, parts, assembly units and products must be secured or placed on solid foundation. If necessary, barriers should be placed around the products being tested.
6.1.3. When carrying out control work, the equipment must be grounded with a copper wire with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm2.
6.1.4. Inside metal structures, flaw detectors must wear helmets.
6.1.5. When working in installation conditions, connecting the equipment to the power supply network and disconnecting it from it at the end of work must be carried out by an electrician on duty. Before turning on the equipment, you must ensure that there is a reliable grounding connection.

6.2. Safety requirements for the operation of helium, halogen leak detectors and fluorescent equipment

6.2.1. When working with helium, halogen leak detectors, and fluorescent equipment, the requirements set out in the Rules must be observed. technical operation electrical installations of consumers and Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers.
6.2.2. When working with helium leak detectors, the following requirements must be met:

  • leak detectors, etc. must be grounded, connecting electrical cables must be insulated;
  • the testing area should be limited by warning posters;
  • Cleaning the helium leak detector mass spectrometer chamber and changing it is allowed to be carried out only after first removing the voltage and turning off the power supply chips, since a high voltage of 2500 and 1250 V is supplied to the pressure gauge;
  • It is prohibited to replace radio tubes without disconnecting the power supply to the radio units;
  • adjustment and adjustment of helium leak detectors must be carried out with a dielectric mat under your feet;
  • Repair and cleaning of the power supply circuit should be carried out when the device is completely stopped and the power supply is removed;
  • Helium leak detectors must be operated with the power supply door locked and the top cover lowered.

6.2.3. After completing the work you should:

  • turn off leak detectors;
  • remove pressure from the tested structures;
  • close helium cylinders;
  • remove posters from the security zone.

6.2.4. When working with halogen leak detectors, the following requirements must be met:

  • The presence of heated surfaces and open flames in the area is unacceptable;
  • control must be carried out at a distance of at least 5 m from the places where welding work is carried out

6.2.5. When working with sources of ultraviolet radiation, supply and exhaust ventilation must be turned on.
When viewing under ultraviolet light, protect your eyes with safety glasses.

6.3. Safety requirements when working with pressurized cylinders

(You should follow the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels).

6.4. Requirements for handling Dewar flasks and the use of liquid nitrogen when filling cooled traps.

6.4.1. Dewar flasks must be painted black with the inscription "Nitrogen" or gray enamel and marked with black paint. The use of liquid gas from containers of a different color is strictly prohibited.
6.4.2. Throwing, dropping or sharply shaking Dewar flasks is prohibited.
6.4.3. Carrying nitrogen containers alone is prohibited. Carrying is allowed only by two people, one person for each handle on both sides of the vessel.
6.4.4. It is prohibited to place vessels with liquid nitrogen closer than 1m from radiators or other heat sources.
6.4.5. Nitrogen should be poured into cooled traps through a metal funnel with high sides with a diameter of at least 120 mm directly from the vessel or sequentially, first into a thin-walled metal glass with a long handle, and then from the glass through the funnel into the trap. The diameter of the glass must be at least 80 mm, the length of the handle must be at least 400 mm.
Devices for pouring nitrogen (glass, funnel) must be degreased before use.
6.4.6. It is prohibited for workers who are not filling traps to be in the immediate vicinity of the filling site.
6.4.7. It is strictly forbidden for workers performing pouring to smoke or light matches.

6.5. Safety requirements when working with mechanical and steam jet vacuum pumps

6.5.1. All rotating parts of pumps (flywheels) must be protected by casings. Pumps must be securely supported on the foundation.
6.5.2. Mechanical vacuum pumps are powered from a 3-phase network alternating current 220/380 V, therefore the pump must be grounded.
6.5.3. To carry out work related to the use of a mechanical pump, you must:

  • install a mechanical pump in places remote from the passage, in accordance with the layout agreed with the safety services;
  • install the rotating part of the pump so that it can be approached from the opposite side;
  • do not clutter the pump installation area with foreign objects;
  • pumping out large volumes from atmospheric pressure should be carried out with the valve not fully open to prevent the release of oil from the pumps;
  • after stopping the mechanical pump, it is necessary to apply atmospheric air;
  • It is prohibited to fill oil while the pump is running.

6.5.4. Steam jet pumps must have working heaters and conductive wires. There should be no flammable objects near the heater.
6.5.5. After the steam jet pump has completely stopped, the cooling system must be shut off.

6.6. Safety requirements for control using hydraulic methods

6.6.1. When testing using hydraulic, luminescent-hydraulic and hydraulic with indicator coating methods, it is necessary to follow the safety instructions for hydraulic testing of equipment and pipes developed by the company conducting the control.
6.6.2. During testing, control must be exercised over compliance with all safety requirements and the condition of the crimping equipment, fittings and accessories.
6.6.3. Pressure gauges must be tested and sealed.
6.6.4. It is prohibited to correct detected defects in a system under pressure.
6.6.5. At the entrance to the premises, posters are posted prohibiting the entry of unauthorized persons during crimping of products during testing.
6.6.6. When pressure rises in the systems under test, flaw detectors must be in a safe place.
6.6.7. The operations of applying an indicator coating, penetrating liquids and an adsorbing coating and removing them from the surface must be performed with supply and exhaust ventilation turned on.
6.6.8. All work using luminescent liquids should be carried out with rubber or cotton gloves.
6.6.9. Developing compounds should be applied using white cotton gloves, previously checked under ultraviolet light to ensure that there are no traces of indicator liquid.
6.6.10. The preparation of flaw detection materials at the work site is prohibited.

6.7. Requirements for the workplace and premises when monitoring tightness

See Appendix 13

6.8. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of this methodology, applicable rules and regulations

Responsible for the administration of the enterprise, the heads of workshops and their divisions, and the managers of sections and works.
Those guilty of violating the requirements of rules and safety standards are held accountable in accordance with current legislation.


Inspectors certified in accordance with the requirements of PNAE G-7-010-89 are allowed to perform work on monitoring the tightness of welded joints, equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants; Inspectors certified in a manner similar to that set out in PNAE G-7-010-89 are allowed to carry out testing of the tightness of the base metal.


8.1. The results of the control must be recorded in the "Leakage Control Log". The recommended form (with mandatory content) is given in Appendix 14.
8.2. Information about the control is recorded in the log during its execution.
8.3. The journal must have continuous page numbering, be bound and signed by the head of the non-destructive testing service. Corrections must be confirmed by the signature of the head of the non-destructive testing service.
The log must be stored at the enterprise in the archives of the non-destructive testing service for at least 5 years.
8.4. Based on the results of the tightness control, a conclusion is drawn up. The inspection report must contain the name of the system (assembly), drawing number, what class of tightness, in what manner and according to what document the inspection was carried out, how preparation for inspection was carried out, inspection parameters and also a conclusion about the suitability of the tested system (assembly). The conclusion is signed by the head of the non-destructive testing service and the performer of the work. The recommended form is given in Appendix 15.
8.5. The journal and conclusion can be supplemented with other information provided by the system adopted by the enterprise.

Part I
1. General provisions
2. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists
3. Organization of work on occupational safety
4. Design and contents industrial enterprises
Requirements for locating enterprises
Requirements for the design and maintenance of the enterprise site
Requirements for production and auxiliary buildings and premises
Production aesthetics
Acceptance of objects into operation capital construction and reconstruction
5. Ventilation and heating
6. Water supply and sewerage
7. Noise and vibration
8. Lighting
9. Means personal protection
10. Medical service working
11. Warehouses for raw materials, fuel, materials and finished products
12. General requirements safety to production processes
13. General safety requirements for production equipment and workplace organization
General provisions
Placement and operation production equipment
Fencing and safety devices
Starting and stopping production equipment
Cleaning, lubrication and repair of production equipment
Signaling and communication
Organization and maintenance of the workplace
14. Transport and loading and unloading operations
General requirements for inter-shop and intra-shop transport
Electric pallet trucks, trucks and forklifts
Belt Conveyors
Screw conveyors (augers)
Overhead, trolley and push conveyors
Cradle conveyors
Skip hoists
Loading and unloading operations
15. Construction and installation works
16. Responsibility for violation of labor safety rules and labor protection instructions
Appendix 1. OST - 83 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists"
Appendix 2. OST - 82 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Structure and composition of the safety service"
Appendix 3. OST - 82 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Responsibilities and rights of the safety service"
Appendix 4. Regulations on the labor protection office at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry
Appendix 5. OST - 83 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Organization of labor safety training for workers"
Appendix 6. Logbook induction training on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire safety and first aid (form)
Appendix 7. Registration log of primary, repeated and unscheduled briefings on safety and fire safety (form)
Appendix 8. Standard programs course training in safety and industrial sanitation for workers in the construction materials industry, whose professions are subject to increased safety requirements
Appendix 9. List of standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System
Appendix 10. Form of protocol for testing workers' knowledge of safe methods and techniques of work
Appendix 11. Form of the protocol for testing knowledge of labor protection norms and rules among engineering and technical workers
Appendix 12. OST 2 1-112.0.009 - 85 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Labor protection instructions. Contents, procedure for development, coordination and approval"
Appendix 13. List of dangerous, harmful substances and unfavorable production factors, when working with which preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations are required in order to prevent occupational diseases
Appendix 14. List of works for which preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations of workers are required in order to prevent diseases, accidents and ensure labor safety
Appendix 15. Procedure for admission to work that is subject to increased labor safety requirements
Appendix 16. Certificate of approval for carrying out work on the repair of equipment, buildings and structures on the territory of an operating enterprise (form)
Appendix 17. OST - 85 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Functional responsibilities divisions responsible for standardization in the field of occupational safety at all administrative levels of the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry
Appendix 18. OST - 84 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Organization of control over the state of labor safety at enterprises"
Appendix 19. List of vibration-hazardous professions for the construction materials industry
Appendix 20. Model list professions and positions in the production system of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR, work in which requires the mandatory wearing of protective helmets
Appendix 21. Uniform requirements for safety and industrial sanitation for main types of structures technological equipment, produced by enterprises of the building materials industry


Ministry of Health of the USSR 12/28/1984 N 06-14/16-14


Central Committee of the Union of Medical Workers

Protocol No. 34 of December 19, 1984






1. General requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age with special education are allowed to operate and maintain an X-ray diagnostic apparatus. The combination of positions held by radiologists is not allowed.

Women should be exempt from direct work in the office for the entire period of pregnancy from the moment of its medical confirmation.

1.2. Office staff must undergo a mandatory medical examination upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations (once a year). Persons who do not have medical contraindications.

1.3. All new employees entering the department (office), as well as persons assigned to perform work in the office during certain periods of time, must undergo an introductory safety briefing from the person responsible for safety in the institution. The results are recorded in the logbook for introductory briefing on labor protection (Appendix No. 2 to OST 42-21-15-83). After this, the HR department or the person responsible for working with personnel makes the final registration of the newly admitted employee and sends him to the place of work.

1.4. Each newly hired employee in a department (office) must undergo initial training at the workplace, repeated training at least twice a year and unscheduled training (in case of changes in working conditions, safety violations and accidents). The briefing is carried out by the person responsible for safety precautions in the department (office).

The results of the briefing at the workplace are recorded in the briefing log (Appendix No. 3 to OST 42-21-15-83).

1.5. Before starting work and periodically at least once a year, personnel safety knowledge must be tested according to a program approved by the administration of the institution and agreed with local authorities sanitary-epidemiological service and the trade union of medical workers.

1.6. The office staff is obliged to:

Follow job descriptions;

Comply with the requirements of OST 42-21-15-83 "SSBT. X-ray diagnostic rooms. Safety requirements", " Sanitary rules work during medical x-ray examinations N 2780-80", this instruction and others regulatory documents on safety precautions, published by the USSR Ministry of Health;

Know the principles of operation and operating conditions of the technical equipment of the office;

Do not allow the presence in the office of persons not related to the x-ray examination;

Master the techniques of providing first medical care;

Know the coordinates of organizations and persons to whom accidents are reported;

Monitor established standards for patient admission.

Operate the office without a sanitary passport;

Use X-ray equipment for purposes other than its intended purpose;

Work on a faulty device, with faulty fixtures, instruments, tools and alarm systems;

Use damaged or expired personal protective equipment;

Use faulty electrical sockets and plugs;

Apply loads to the device that are not specified in the specifications;

Leave the X-ray diagnostic machine and electric heating devices unattended under voltage, keep cotton wool, alcohol and other flammable substances near them;

Use open fire, store photographs and film clippings in open form, place films near windows, electric lamps and heating appliances;

Eating and smoking in the office.

1.8. In the event of an accident, personnel must turn off the main power switch of the office and then proceed depending on the situation:

In case of electric shock, provide first aid in accordance with the “Instructions for providing first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents”;

If a person gets caught under moving elements of equipment or apparatus, release the victim and provide first aid;

If a fire occurs, call fire brigade and inform the head of the department (before the team arrives and meets, the fire is extinguished using primary fire extinguishing means);

Other than that emergency situations(short circuit, open circuit, damage radiation protection device, breakdowns of communication systems of water supply, sewerage, heating and ventilation) inform the head of the department (office) and stop work until the accident is eliminated.

1.9. If there is a smell of burning rubber or smoldering insulation, personnel should call an electrician.

2. Special requirements

2.1. The radiologist is responsible for the safety of staff and patients.

2.2. The radiologist is obliged to:

Study and implement into daily work orders, standards and other regulatory documents on occupational health and safety issued by the USSR Ministry of Health and other higher organizations;

Master the techniques and features of operating X-ray equipment and darkroom equipment with the help of engineering and technical workers who install and configure it;

Monitor the frequency of inspection radiation safety, grounding, ventilation, darkroom lighting, freshness of photo reagents, quality of radiographic cassettes, screens, etc.;

Organize periodic monitoring of the output parameters of X-ray equipment using existing test objects;

Train office staff on occupational health and safety issues, correct operation technical equipment of the office;

Monitor office staff’s knowledge of the features and operating rules of X-ray diagnostic devices, compliance with shortened working hours, and use of additional leave.

2.3. The x-ray technician must participate in the implementation of regulatory documents on occupational health and safety:

Know accurately the purpose of the controls of X-ray equipment, its measuring instruments, signaling devices, principle of operation of the main units;

Have practical skills in managing the operation of X-ray equipment;

Be in the office when carrying out preventive and repair work with X-ray equipment;

Be prepared to provide first aid in the event of an accident.

2.4. An x-ray technician does not have the right to simultaneously service two or more devices, even if their control panels are located in the same room.

2.5. Personnel working with portable and mobile X-ray diagnostic devices must install the device control panel at the maximum possible distance from the emitter and use a protective screen or protective apron.

2.6. Work with electroradiographic devices of the ERGA type should be carried out only in specially equipped xerographic laboratories or boxes (fume hoods) with autonomous air purification.

2.7. Office staff are required to use personal protective equipment (apron, skirt, gloves) while working in the field ionizing radiation. Protective equipment made of leaded rubber that does not have a varnish coating must be placed in covers made of film materials. Cotton gloves should be worn under lead rubber gloves to protect hands from lead-containing materials. Protective properties are subject to testing for lead equivalent at least once every two years, as well as if their integrity is violated.

2.8. The office staff must wear the personal dosimeter used in this institution throughout the working day.

2.9. Institutional staff and relatives assisting office staff in conducting research on children preschool age, must be supplied by individual means protection.

Before starting the X-ray examination:

2.10. The office staff must wear sanitary clothing: medical gown, cap; when working in the cath lab, also wear a gauze bandage and shoe covers. Check the availability of a personal dosimeter.

Office staff working in the procedure room during the examination must wear a rubberized apron.

2.11. The x-ray technician must prepare the room for safe work:

Check the operation of the X-ray machine; mains voltage correction systems; photo preparation mode at all workplaces; image mode at 50% X-ray emitter load; operation of the complex equipment used: cassette changer, film changer, injector, etc.;

Clear the paths of movement of the patient and staff from foreign objects, install a protective screen if necessary;

Check and prepare for work auxiliary equipment, devices and instruments;

Check the alarm system, adaptive lighting and communication equipment;

Visually check the serviceability of the grounding wires;

Check the serviceability of radiation protection equipment: doors, viewing windows, shutters, screens, aprons, gloves;

Part I
1. General Provisions
2. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists
3. Organization of work on occupational safety
4. Design and maintenance of industrial enterprises
Requirements for locating enterprises
Requirements for the design and maintenance of the enterprise site
Requirements for production and auxiliary buildings and premises
Production aesthetics
Acceptance into operation of capital construction and reconstruction projects
5. Ventilation and heating
6. Water supply and sewerage
7. Noise and vibration
8. Lighting
9. Personal protective equipment
10. Medical care for workers
11. Warehouses for raw materials, fuel, materials and finished products
12. General safety requirements for production processes
13. General safety requirements for production equipment and workplace organization
General provisions
Placement and operation of production equipment
Guards and safety devices
Starting and stopping production equipment
Cleaning, lubrication and repair of production equipment
Signaling and communication
Organization and maintenance of the workplace
14. Transport and loading and unloading operations
General requirements for inter-shop and intra-shop transport
Electric pallet trucks, trucks and forklifts
Belt Conveyors
Screw conveyors (augers)
Overhead, trolley and push conveyors
Cradle conveyors
Skip hoists
Loading and unloading operations
15. Construction and installation works
16. Responsibility for violation of labor safety rules and labor protection instructions
Appendix 1. OST - 83 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists"
Appendix 2. OST - 82 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Structure and composition of the safety service"
Appendix 3. OST - 82 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Responsibilities and rights of the safety service"
Appendix 4. Regulations on the labor protection office at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry
Appendix 5. OST - 83 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Organization of labor safety training for workers"
Appendix 6. Logbook for introductory training on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire safety and first aid (form)
Appendix 7. Logbook for registration of initial, repeated and unscheduled safety and fire safety briefings (form)
Appendix 8. Standard course programs for safety and industrial sanitation training for workers in the construction materials industry, whose professions are subject to increased safety requirements
Appendix 9. List of standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System
Appendix 10. Form of protocol for testing workers' knowledge of safe methods and techniques of work
Appendix 11. Form of the protocol for testing knowledge of labor protection norms and rules among engineering and technical workers
Appendix 12. OST 2 1-112.0.009 - 85 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Labor protection instructions. Contents, procedure for development, coordination and approval"
Appendix 13. List of hazardous, harmful substances and unfavorable production factors, when working with which pre-employment and periodic medical examinations are required in order to prevent occupational diseases
Appendix 14. List of works for which preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations of workers are required in order to prevent diseases, accidents and ensure labor safety
Appendix 15. Procedure for admission to work that is subject to increased labor safety requirements
Appendix 16. Certificate of approval for carrying out work on the repair of equipment, buildings and structures on the territory of an operating enterprise (form)
Appendix 17. OST - 85 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Functional responsibilities of units responsible for standardization in the field of occupational safety at all administrative levels of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR
Appendix 18. OST - 84 “System of occupational safety standards in the construction materials industry. Organization of control over the state of labor safety at enterprises"
Appendix 19. List of vibration-hazardous professions for the construction materials industry
Appendix 20. Standard list of professions and positions in the production system of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR, work in which requires the mandatory wearing of protective helmets
Appendix 21. Uniform requirements for safety and industrial sanitation for the designs of the main types of technological equipment produced by enterprises in the building materials industry

I. General provisions

1.1 These Rules are mandatory for all hairdressing salons.

1.2 These Rules must be observed when designing and constructing new enterprises, reconstructing existing ones, reconstructing existing ones, and operating existing enterprises and equipment.

The commissioning of new and reconstructed hairdressing salons is carried out by a special commission with the participation of representatives of the State Sanitary Inspectorate and the technical labor inspection of the trade union and public utility enterprises.

1.3 All issued and current instructions on safety precautions and industrial sanitation must comply with the requirements of these Rules.

1.4 All administrative and technical personnel of enterprises must be well aware of these Rules and be guided by them in their work.

Employees who are guilty of violating these Rules or who have not taken appropriate measures to fulfill the requirements presented will be held accountable in accordance with current legislation; Ignorance of these Rules cannot serve as an excuse for non-compliance.

1.5 None of the provisions of these Rules can be changed without the special permission of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Local Industry and Public Utilities Enterprises.

II. The main responsibilities of the administrative and technical staff of the hairdressing association to ensure safe conditions labor

2.1 General management and responsibility for the state of labor protection in hairdressing associations rests with the director, who is obliged to:

2.1.1 Manage the work on labor protection, compliance with labor legislation and the implementation of resolutions and orders of higher organizations and policy documents on labor protection issues;

2.1.2 Manage work in all departments in strict accordance with current regulations, rules and standards of safety and industrial sanitation;

2.1.3 Develop long-term and current safety plans and labor protection agreements concluded with trade union bodies;

2.1.4 Do not allow hairdressing salons to be put into operation until they are fully equipped and sanitary premises equipped with ventilation, heating, as provided for in the projects and current norms and rules, and also without their acceptance by the relevant commission.

2.1.5 Provide hairdressing salons with the necessary material and technical means to carry out safety measures and improve working conditions;

2.1.6 Follow the instructions of the authorities state supervision, sanitary and epidemiological services, technical labor inspection of the trade union to further improve working conditions,

2.1.7 Ensure normal operation and proper use of sanitary facilities, provide workers with free protective clothing, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment in accordance with current standards;

2.1.8 Organize timely training of department heads and all workers in the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation safety and labor legislation, provide them with instructions, rules, regulations and other necessary literature, as well as widely promote safe practices and work methods;

2.1.9 Organize a medical examination of workers and employees in accordance with the existing situation, appoint by order of the association persons responsible for the condition and safe operation buildings controlled by the bodies of Gosgortekhnadzor and Gosenergonadzor, participate in the investigation of the circumstances and causes of industrial accidents and ensure the implementation of measures to prevent them..

2.1.10 Take measures to eliminate the causes of injuries and report accidents in accordance with the current “Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents at work.”

2.1.11 Hold to account in in the prescribed manner persons violating labor legislation, rules and standards of safety and industrial sanitation or complying with orders and other directive documents on labor protection. Periodically hold meetings on occupational safety issues to analyze the causes of occupational injuries and diseases, and develop measures to eliminate them.

2.2 Responsibility for organizing work on labor protection in hairdressing associations, in district and city production departments rests with the chief engineer, deputy chief, who is obliged to:

Timely submit reports to higher economic and statistical bodies on the implementation of labor safety measures, on the use of funds allocated for these purposes, on the state of industrial injuries, on work to introduce labor safety standards at enterprises

Review and approve reports of industrial accidents within 24 hours, taking the necessary measures to eliminate the causes that caused the accidents. Send one copy of the approved act to the head of the workshop, the trade union committee, the technical labor inspector of the trade union and public utility enterprises.

2.3 The head of a hairdressing salon is obliged to:

Carry out systematic monitoring of the labor safety of workers, timely and high-quality training in accordance with GOST;

Ensure the good condition of equipment, apparatus, tools, proper condition of workplaces, production premises and places common use, do not obstruct access to fire hydrants and primary fire extinguishing equipment;

Monitor the timely issuance of sanitary and hygienic clothing to workers, the timeliness and quality of its washing, cleaning and repair;

Monitor employees' medical examinations;

Comply with the requirements of regulatory authorities, ensure the elimination of violations of labor safety standards and regulations identified during the inspection;

Inform the higher management of the association and the trade union committee about each accident, investigate the accident within 24 hours together with the public inspector and labor safety engineer or the person entrusted with these responsibilities, find out its circumstances and causes, and also determine measures to prevent recurrence similar cases. Draw up an act in 4 copies in form N-1 and send it to the head of the association.

The manager (director) of a hairdressing salon must have at least III qualification group in safety precautions.

III. Territory requirements

The area adjacent to hairdressing salons must comply with the “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises”, as well as Fire Safety Norms and Rules.

IV. Requirements for sanitary premises

4.1 In the premises of hairdressing enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP-92-96 “Auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises” and “Norms for technological design of hairdressing salons”, there must be: dressing rooms (for workers), washrooms, showers (with a foot bath), restrooms , rooms for women's personal hygiene, rest and meal rooms.

4.2 Sanitary premises must be kept clean and periodically disinfected within the time limits agreed with the sanitary inspection authorities.


4.4 Wardrobes are designed for storing street, home and work clothes.

4.5 Double lockable cabinets should be provided for storing street, home and work clothes.

4.6 Each cabinet compartment must be equipped with a hanger bar, shelves for hats, shoes, and toiletries.

4.7 Storage of street and indoor clothing in production premises, regardless of the number of workplaces, is prohibited.

4.8 Latrines should be located at a distance not exceeding 75 m from the most remote place, and when installed outside the building, the distance should not exceed 150 m.

4.9 Lavatories in multi-storey buildings industrial buildings must be on every floor.

If the number of workers on two adjacent floors is up to 30 people, the restroom can be located only on one of the floors with the largest number.

4.10 The entrance to the restroom should be through a vestibule with a self-closing door. The vestibule should include washbasins, hangers with clean towels or electric towels, shelves for bars or containers for liquid soap.

4.11 The number of washbasins should be determined at the rate of one washbasin for 4 toilets and 4 urinals.

4.12 The number of sanitary fixtures - floor bowls (toilets) and urinals in women's and men's restrooms should be taken depending on the number of people using the restroom in the largest shift at the rate of 15 people per sanitary fixture.


4.13 Washrooms should be located adjacent to dressing rooms special clothing, common dressing rooms or in the area provided for this purpose in dressing rooms.

4.14 Washbasins can be used single or group. Each washbasin is equipped with a hot and cold water mixer.

4.15 Washrooms should be equipped with air hand dryers, shelves for soap, hooks for clothes and towels.

4.16 The number of taps in washrooms should be determined by the number of workers in the largest shift in accordance with building codes and rules.

4.17 Shower rooms should be located so that those leaving the shower room do not encounter the entrance to the dressing room.

4.18 For showers, rooms should be equipped with benches for changing clothes, hangers with hooks for clothes and towels, and shelves for toiletries.

4.19 Shower stalls must be separated from each other by partitions made of moisture-resistant materials 1.8 m high, not reaching the floor by 0.2 m.

4.20 The number of showers is determined by the number of workers in the largest shift, depending on the production process in accordance with building codes and regulations.

4.21 Shower cabins must be equipped with cold and hot water.

4.22 The air temperature in the shower should not be lower than +250C.

4.23 The procedure for using showers is established by the administration.

Foot baths

4.24 Foot baths should be placed in pre-shower rooms, washrooms or dressing rooms in the area provided for this purpose.

4.25 The number of foot baths should be determined by the number of workers in the largest shift, based on the calculation of 50 men or 40 women per bath.

4.26 Foot baths should be equipped with cold and hot water mixers.

4.27 Foot baths should have stools, towel racks and shelves for toiletries.

Women's personal hygiene rooms

4.28 A room for personal hygiene for women can be equipped at a health center.

4.29 In rooms for personal hygiene of women, places for undressing must be provided; treatment cabins equipped with hygienic showers with individual cold and hot water mixers; washbasins with cold and hot water supply.

Room for rest and eating

4.30 The area of ​​the room for rest and eating should be determined on the basis of 1 m2 for each worker, but must be at least 12 m2.

4.31 The room for rest and eating must be equipped with a washbasin, refrigerator, electric boiler, and necessary furniture.

4.32 Considering the specifics of the work of hairdressing associations, it is not practical to equip them with canteens, distribution areas and buffets.

V. Medical care for workers

Enterprises with 300 employees or more must have paramedic health centers.

If the number of employees is less than 300 people, the enterprise, in agreement with local health authorities, may have the means necessary to provide first aid, first aid kits with medicines and dressings.

VI. Requirements for the design, location, and content of workplaces

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 Hairdressing salon equipment must be placed in accordance with the current “Sanitary Rules for the Construction, Equipment and Maintenance of Hairdressing Salons” and “Technological Design Standards for Hairdressing Salons.”

6.1.2 Installation of additional equipment not provided for in the project is permitted only with the permission of the technical and sanitary inspection.

6.1.3 When installing equipment, the following minimum distances must be observed:

Between parallel rows of toilets (rear walls), located with fronts opposite each other - 4500 mm;

Between rows of toilets (back walls), located one after another - 2500mm;

From chairs with suschoirs to workplaces - 1500mm;

Between the fronts of the seats with dryers - 2000mm.

6.1.4 The distance between toilet seats (along the axis) is 1.8 m, from the outer seat to the wall - 0.7 m.

6.1.5 Hair dryers can be placed in the workroom, at a distance of at least 1.65 m from the hairdressing toilets. The number should be two devices per one in the women's hall workplace, and in the men's room there is one machine for two workstations.

Pedicure and manicure rooms should be located in a separate, specially equipped room.

Considering the specific nature of the work, which requires great visual strain and precision in performing operations, it is recommended to equip offices in a room with a sufficient amount of natural light.

Cabinets must have cold and hot water supply.

VII. Requirements for production and utility premises

7.1 Production and ancillary premises of hairdressing salons must comply with the requirements of the “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises” and the “Technological Design Standards for Hairdressing Salons”.

7.2 Hairdressing salons should be located in public buildings and shopping centers, urban and rural public service buildings, complex reception centers, train stations, bathhouses, on the ground floors of residential buildings, as well as in detached buildings.

When located in a residential building, the hairdresser must have an isolated entrance.

7.3 The basement floors of buildings can only be used as utility rooms.

7.4 The use of hairdressing salon premises for other types of services is not permitted.

7.5 Kiosks for the sale of perfumes and cosmetic products are allowed in the lobby or waiting room.

7.6 Hairdressing salons for one or two workplaces can be arranged in one room with an area of ​​15-25 m2 with a utility compartment separated by a light partition 1.8-2.0 m high.

7.7 In hairdressing salons with five workplaces, it is allowed to combine the lobby with a wardrobe and a waiting room.

The area of ​​premises for hairdressing salons should be determined according to the table, which is compiled in accordance with the “Technological Design Standards for Hairdressing Salons”.

The height of hairdressing salons must be at least 3.3 m, the height of household and storage premises must be at least 2.7 m.

7.8 Hairdressing salons (with more than 5 places) are equipped with two external entrances for visitors and a service entrance. Entrances must have vestibules with a thermal air curtain with a depth of at least 1.2 m and a width of at least one and a half times the width front door. Tambours should be provided with rotary entrances. The installation of steps and thresholds in vestibules, as well as revolving doors, is not allowed.

7.9 Sanitary requirements to the maintenance of hairdressing salons.

7.9.1 The walls and ceilings of all hairdressing salons must be smooth, level, and easy to clean.

Characteristic interior decoration premises of hairdressing salons is given in the table, which is compiled in accordance with the “Norms for technological design of hairdressing salons”.

7.9.2 In waiting rooms, work rooms, utility rooms, linoleum, relin, etc. are used for flooring; parquet and plank floors are allowed. The latter should be well puttied and painted, and also in showers, toilets and storage rooms for used linen there should be floors made of Metlakh tiles; the use of other materials for flooring is possible only with the permission of the sanitary authorities. The walls and floors of hair-washing rooms must be waterproofed.

7.9.3 In all premises of hairdressing salons, a thorough wet cleaning must be carried out daily before the start of work or after the end, routine cleaning must be carried out during the working day, and once a month the hairdressing salon must be closed for one shift on a “sanitary day”. For disinfection when cleaning a hairdressing salon, a 0.5% clarified solution of bleach should be used.

7.9.4 Cut hair must be collected in a kraft paper bag and stored in a utility room.

After the end of the working day, hair and other waste must be taken out into a garbage container, and then transported to an industrial waste dump by special transport.

7.9.5 Workers cleaning industrial premises must be provided with everything necessary (vacuum cleaner, soda, formaldehyde, detergents). A separate pantry or closet should be allocated for storing cleaning equipment. At least once every three months, a general cleaning of all premises of the hairdressing salon should be carried out, during which cleaning should be carried out. Checking and eliminating faulty lighting, heating and other systems. As well as minor repairs to the interior of the premises and other ongoing work. The administration, together with representatives of the trade union committee, draws up a work plan for these activities in advance.

7.9.6 All hairdressing salon personnel are involved in general cleaning and sanitary day. In the premises, dust is swept off the walls and ceilings, chandeliers and wall lamp shades, heating radiators, windows and doors are washed. Washbasins in the workroom and utility room are thoroughly cleaned, washed and disinfected with a 0.5% chloramine solution; walls and floors, the restroom are disinfected with a clarified bleach solution. The bins for used linen are washed, and the hairdressers' individual lockers and bedside tables are put in order. During cleaning, the hairdressing salon premises must be ventilated.

7.10 Requirements for storage facilities.

7.10.1 The warehouse must be isolated from production premises and meet fire safety requirements.

7.10.2 Warehouses are equipped with racks for storing materials and cabinets (safes) for storing flammable liquids and materials.

7.10.3 Received materials should be stored only in storerooms that meet fire safety requirements. Storing materials outside storage rooms is prohibited.

7.10.4 In warehouse premises, free access to each item must be ensured.

7.10.5 Chemical materials must be stored in serviceable, well-closed containers and have firmly attached labels with the name of the contents in Russian and the appropriate national languages. Storing chemicals and solutions openly and in unlabeled containers is prohibited.

7.10.6 Chemical materials in glass packaging should be stored in baskets or boxes, 30% perhydrol - in thick glass or polyethylene containers.

7.10.7 Chemicals should be stored according to the principle of homogeneity in accordance with their physical, chemical and fire hazard properties.

7.10.8 The doors of storage rooms must open outward. It is prohibited to block the exit from the warehouse.

7.10.9 The distance from lamps to chemicals in warehouses must be at least 0.5 m. lamps must be equipped with glass protective caps.

7.10.10 In hairdressing salons where there are no special storerooms, flammable liquids are stored in metal containers.

7.10.11 Warehouses and their territories must be kept clean and tidy. Released containers and packaging materials must be removed from the warehouse.

7.10.12 In the warehouse premises it is prohibited: smoking, using open fire and using electrical appliances with open elements for heating; There must be special places for smoking.

7.10.13 To de-energize the warehouse electrical network, a switch must be provided, placed in a locked box outside the warehouse.

Before finishing work, the warehouse manager must personally walk through all warehouse premises and, after making sure of fire safety, turn off the power supply and close the warehouse.

10/7/14 instructions on the rules for storing and handling chemicals must be posted in a visible place.

VIII. Heating and ventilation

8.1 Production and auxiliary premises must be equipped with heating and supply and exhaust ventilation, in accordance with the requirements of the “Technological Design Standards for Hairdressing Salons”, “Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning”, ensuring permissible standards of temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in accordance with GOST "Air" working area", "General sanitary and hygienic requirements".

8.2 The ventilation system must comply with GOST "SSBT. Ventilation systems. General requirements."

8.3 Only those ventilation systems that have fully passed pre-launch tests, are accepted by the commission and have operating instructions in accordance with GOST are allowed for operation.

8.4 Scheduled inspections and checks of compliance of ventilation systems with GOST requirements must be carried out according to a schedule approved by the chief engineer of hairdressing services.

8.5 Rooms for ventilation equipment must be locked, and signs must be posted on the doors prohibiting entry to unauthorized persons. It is prohibited to store materials, tools and other foreign objects in these premises, as well as to use these premises for purposes other than their intended purpose.

8.6 The head of the hairdressing salon or the electrician on duty bears responsibility for the operation of ventilation units and their good condition.

8.7 Monitoring the operation of ventilation, turning it on and off is carried out by foremen in accordance with the order of the head of the hairdressing salon.

8.8 Persons who have the appropriate qualifications and have undergone safety training are allowed to operate ventilation systems.

8.9 The design air temperature in the premises of the hairdressing salon and the air exchange rate for various premises must comply with the standards.

8.10 The noise from the operation of ventilation units in the premises of hairdressing salons (and when renting premises and in residential premises) should not exceed the maximum levels established by GOST "Noise, General Safety Requirements", "Sanitary Standards for Permissible Noise in Residential and Public Buildings and on Residential Territories" development" and "Norms for technological design of hairdressing salons".

8.11 Opening transoms are installed in the windows of all hairdressing salon premises, the area of ​​which must be at least 1.6 times the area of ​​the windows. Transoms must have convenient devices for opening and closing.

8.12 In hairdressing salons with 3 workplaces, natural ventilation through vents and transoms is allowed, and in hairdressing salons with 10 workplaces - mechanical exhaust ventilation with an unorganized supply of fresh air. In this case, the drawing ratio in work area equals two.

8.13 In hairdressing salons with 30 or more workplaces, air conditioning is recommended in climatic region IV.

8.14 If shock or vibration is detected, the ventilation equipment must be turned off.

8.15 If a fire occurs and to prevent its further spread, the ventilation system must be turned off.

8.16 The inspection of ventilation qualities by the electrician on duty must be carried out at least once a month, recording the inspection results in a log.

8.17 Cyclone chambers and air vents should be periodically cleaned of dust, hair, waste, etc. Cleaning of ventilation systems should be carried out within the time limits established by the schedule.

8.18 To the operation of stove heating in hairdressing salons rural areas Specially designated and trained persons who have undergone fire safety training are allowed.

8.19 Furnaces should be fired only from a utility room or auxiliary room.

8.20 Wooden floors in front of the stove must be covered with sheet iron measuring at least 50x70 cm.

8.21 It is not allowed to use an electric stove to heat the room.

8.22 Before you start heating season stoves need to be repaired.

8.23 Cleaning of furnaces and smoke exhausts from soot and their current repairs must be carried out regularly. The cleaning period must be agreed with the local fire department. A note on the cleaning of chimneys and stoves and information about them current repairs must be entered in a special journal.

8.24 In hairdressing salons, heating must ensure a constant and uniform temperature ranging from +18 to +200 C. In the room for drying hair and washing hair, the temperature must not be lower than +220 C.

8.25 Furnaces must be fired at hours established by the administration.

IX. Lighting requirements

9.1 Natural and artificial lighting of enterprises must comply with the requirements “Natural and artificial lighting”.

9.2 In all production and auxiliary buildings and premises of hairdressing salons (salons), natural lighting should be used with maximum efficiency.

9.3 For artificial lighting of production and auxiliary premises of hairdressing salons, lamps with white fluorescent lamps of the LB type should be used, with the exception of the premises of beauty parlors (pedicure, manicure, hair coloring room), where lamps of the LDTs ​​or LE type should be used to distinguish colors.

9.4 General lighting fixtures should be placed in rooms based on the conditions for creating uniform illumination, which should ensure:

Protecting working eyes from harsh light;

Safety and ease of maintenance of lamps;

Reliability of their fastening;

Minimum length and ease of installation of a group lighting network.

9.6 Windows and other light openings must not be obstructed with materials, equipment and other objects.

9.7 At the workplaces of hairdressers and in decorative cosmetics rooms, local lighting should be provided using incandescent lamps. Lamps for local lighting must have reflectors made of metal coated with lighting enamel or diffusers that provide a protective angle of at least 300 with respect to the hairdresser’s workplace. The use of open lamps is prohibited.

9.8 In the event of a main lighting failure, hairdressing salons must be provided with emergency lighting.

9.9 The fittings of lamps must be cleaned of dust and dirt at least twice a month.

X. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

10.1 Hairdressing salons must be equipped with all types of sanitary facilities - water supply, sewerage, ventilation.

10.2 Before working with each visitor, the hairdresser must wash his hands with soap in full view of the visitor.

10.3 Tools used in the hairdressing salon must be made of materials that can be easily disinfected.

10.4 Service to visitors in the hairdressing salon must be carried out with disinfected instruments, for which it is necessary:

Dip razors, scissors, manicure tools in alcohol (denatured or hydrolyzed) with a strength of 700; disinfect razors after each edit on a belt or whetstone;

Alcohol intended for disinfecting instruments should be poured into a wide-necked container with a stopper or a tight-fitting lid and used for no more than 150 procedures.

The alcohol container in which hairdressing instruments are disinfected must have a volume of 100 ml, and for disinfecting manicure instruments - 50 ml.

10.5 To disinfect instruments, ensure that the cutting surface is completely immersed in alcohol. Alcohol consumption per visitor is carried out in accordance with the current “Standards for the consumption of materials for hairdressing salons”.

10.6 Hair clippers and metal combs must be treated with an alcohol torch.

10.7 Tools and plastic items (brushes, combs) are disinfected with a 0.5% chloramine solution for 10-15 minutes. The solution is poured into plastic jars with lids with a capacity of at least 500 ml and replaced with fresh one at least once every 5 days. Each master should have two sets of brushes and combs.

Razors and manicure cups are washable under running water hot water with soap and soda and immerse in boiling water.

Pedicure and cosmetic instruments are boiled for 15-20 minutes in an electric sterilizer after use and then stored in alcohol.

Boiling instruments can be replaced by burning, for which the instrument is immersed in alcohol and burned.

The cutting part of the electric machine is boiled, the plastic body is wiped with a 0.5% chloramine solution.

Manicure files are wiped with alcohol.

Clips and curlers are washed in warm soapy water at the end of the shift.

10.8 Tools are stored at the workplace or in cabinets. Tools for manicure and pedicure are stored in a tray during work, and in special cases during non-working hours.

10.9 The hairdresser must have the necessary supply of razor brushes. Shaving brushes processed in disinfection laboratories are allowed for use.

For one chair in the men's hall of the hairdressing salon, you must have 60 brushes, of which 20 clean ones should be in the hairdressing salon every day at the beginning of the working day.

Clean brushes, packed in paper bags, are stored in a special cabinet in the hairdresser. Before shaving, the master opens the package in the presence of the visitor.

It is prohibited to use unsterilized shaving brushes and reuse them without disinfection.

Used brushes are washed, placed in special enamel containers and sent for decontamination within 24 hours. The quality of brush processing is controlled by sanitary inspection authorities.

10.10 The hairdressing salon must have a supply of linen and use it in accordance with the current “Standards for the consumption of materials, perfumes, linen and tools for hairdressing salons”.

10.11 Before starting work, the master must cover the client with a clean peignoir, cover it with a clean napkin, and put a paper or cotton napkin in the headrest of the chair, changed after each visitor. The hairdressing salon must have the following supply of linen for each workplace:

men's room - 200 napkins, 30 negligees, 20 towels;

women's room - 30 napkins, 20 negligees, 20 towels;

manicure - 30 napkins, 6 towels.

A third of the linen should always be kept clean in the hairdressing salon, a third - in the laundry, and the rest of the linen - in transit between the laundry and the hairdresser.

Used linen is transferred to the utility room.

Before sending to the laundry, the laundry must be dried and free of hair.

Shaking hair from peignoir and napkins in the workroom is prohibited.

10.12 Hair salon employees are provided with sanitary and hygienic clothing in accordance with approved standards.

10.13 The hairdressing salon must ensure separate storage of clean and used linen:

Clean linen is stored in closed cabinets or special pantries;

Used laundry is collected in bins or boxes with tight-fitting lids.

10.14 Storing clean or used linen in the same bedside table or closet is prohibited.

10.15 Washing of hairdressing linen and dressing gowns is carried out only in the laundry.

10.16 To stop bleeding from cuts or abrasions, use a saturated solution of aluminum alum or a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The use of alum in the form of a pencil or stone and a solution of iron sesquichloride is not permitted. Disinfection of the cut site is carried out with one tincture.

10.17 To apply dye to your hair, you must use a cotton swab, which is changed after use.

10.18 When performing a permanent curl, wetting the hair with the solution should be done with a cotton swab, replaced after use.

To protect the client's skin from burns, it is necessary to place clean, unused cotton wool under the clamps.

10.19 Before perming and dyeing hair with dyes, the hairdresser is obliged to test the client’s skin sensitivity.

10.20 When performing a perm, the hairdresser must use rubber gloves.

10.21 Produce perm permitted only in hairdressing salons with exhaust ventilation.

10.22 Wiping the head or face after shaving should be done with a napkin moistened with cologne or hot water.

10.23 Removal of cut hair from the neck and face is done with clean cotton wool or a napkin.

10.24 Removing soap from the razor is allowed on pale, clean paper (or the back of the brush bag).

10.25 For a compress on the face after shaving, use a clean napkin soaked in boiling water. Repeated use of the napkin is prohibited.

10.26 Powdering the face and neck is done with clean cotton wool.

10.27 Certain sanitary requirements apply to creams, cologne, and cotton wool used in hairdressing salons.

Creams must be packaged in tubes. It is not allowed to use creams stored in open form.

Cologne is used in a hair salon as disinfectant after shaving or haircut and applied to the client's face or head using a spray bottle.

10.28 Personnel requirements.

10.28.1 All hairdressing salon employees must undergo a medical examination before entering work.

10.28.2 Medical checkup is carried out quarterly, once a year fluorography and examination by a venereologist are performed. The medical examination data is entered into a journal.

10.28.3 All hairdressing salon employees pass the sanitary minimum once a year.

10.28.4 Hairdressing salon workers must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and have a neat appearance, be in clean sanitary clothing.

10.29 Implementation of industrial hygiene rules.

10.29.1 The head of the hairdressing salon or the person entrusted with these responsibilities is responsible for compliance with the rules.

10.29.2 If the rules are violated, the sanitary and epidemiological station imposes a penalty on the head of the enterprise. If the sanitary condition of a hairdressing salon threatens the health of staff or visitors, it must be closed by order of the chief sanitary doctor or the technical labor inspectorate of the regional trade union committee.

10.29.3 All hair salons must have a magazine sanitary condition premises.

10.30 Personal protective equipment.

10.30.1 sanitary and hygienic clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment must be issued in accordance with established standards and meet the requirements of GOST.

10.30.2 Issuance of materials for their manufacture instead of sanitary clothing and safety footwear or sums of money their acquisition is not permitted. In exceptional cases, if the sanitary and hygienic clothing, safety shoes established by the standards are not issued on time and the employees themselves purchase them in this regard, the administration of hairdressing salons is obliged to reimburse the costs of purchase at state retail prices.

10.30.3 Sanitary and hygienic clothing, personal protective equipment, safety footwear issued to workers and employees are considered the property of the enterprise and are subject to return upon dismissal, upon transfer at the same enterprise to another job for which the sanitary and hygienic clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment were issued protection is not provided for by the standards, as well as at the end of the wearing period when receiving new sanitary and hygienic overalls and footwear and personal protective equipment.

10.30.4 Socks are set for the period calendar days, which are calculated from the date of actual issuance of sanitary clothing and personal protective equipment to employees.

10.30.5 The enterprise is obliged to replace or repair sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment that have become unusable before the expiration of the wear period for reasons beyond the control of the worker or employee. Replacement is carried out on the basis of a corresponding act drawn up by the administration together with representatives of the trade union committee.

10.30.6 Sanitary-hygienic clothing, safety footwear, personal protective equipment returned after the wear period has expired, but still suitable for use, must be repaired, and those unsuitable for wear must be used to repair sanitary-hygienic clothing and safety footwear in use.

10.30.7 Used sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment can be issued to other workers only after washing, disinfection and repair. The period for wearing them is established by a commission with the participation of a representative of the trade union committee, depending on the degree of wear.

10.30.8 Upon completion of work, it is prohibited to take sanitary and hygiene safety shoes and personal protective equipment outside the enterprise. For the storage of issued sanitary clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment, the administration of hairdressing salons is obliged to provide in accordance with the requirements sanitary standards specially equipped room (dressing rooms).

10.30.9 Washing sanitary and hygienic clothing must be done in deadlines. Disinfection and repair of sanitary clothing, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment are carried out by enterprises at their expense within the time limits established taking into account production conditions in agreement with the local trade union committee and local sanitary inspection authorities. 10.30.10 In the event of an infectious disease of an employee, sanitary clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment that he used and the room in which they were stored must be disinfected in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary epidemiological station.

10.30.11 The administration must organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment within the established time frame. The issuance and return of sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment to employees must be recorded on personal cards in the established form.

10.30.12 In the event of loss or damage to sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment in designated places and storage for reasons beyond the control of employees, the administration is obliged to issue other serviceable sanitary clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment.

10.30.13 Workers are obliged to take care of the issued sanitary clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment, and promptly notify the enterprise administration about the need to wash and repair them.

XI. electrical safety

11.1 The power supply of the hairdressing salon, in terms of reliability, belongs to categories II-III with power supply equipment at a voltage of 380\220 V, respectively, through two or one feeder.

11.2 Design (installation), operation and repair electrical networks, electrical equipment, portable electrical devices and power tools in hairdressing salons must be made in accordance with GOST "SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements.", "Rules technical safety when exploiting consumers."

Every year, the provision of hairdressing salons with electrical appliances and equipment increases.

11.3 These Rules apply to stationary and portable electrical equipment and power tools used in hairdressing salons (steam hair dryers, compressors, sterilizers, electric hair clippers, electric hair dryers, hair curlers, electric hair curling irons, etc.)

The greatest danger in terms of electric shock are dryers intended for drying hair.

11.4 Persons who have been instructed and trained in safe work methods, tested their knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with the position held in relation to the work performed with the assignment of a qualification group of at least III and who do not have medical contraindications established by the Ministry of Health are allowed to work with electrical equipment and power tools.

11.5 Electrical equipment and power tools must comply with GOST "SSBT. Manual, electric machines. General safety requirements" and the following basic requirements:

11.6 The body of a power tool for voltages above 36 V must have a special clamp for connecting a grounding wire with the distinctive “ground” sign \З\.

11.7 Plug connections intended for connecting power tools must have live parts inaccessible to touch and an additional grounding contact.

11.8 Control over the safety and serviceability of power tools and portable electric lamps must be carried out by a person specially authorized to do so.

11.9 Checking the condition of the insulation of wires, grounding conductors (wires) of power tools, portable electric lamps, as well as the insulation of step-down transformers and frequency converters is carried out with a megometer at least once a month by a person with a qualification group of at least III.

11.10 Electric tools, portable electric lamps and frequency converters are carefully checked by external inspection, and attention is paid to the serviceability of grounding and insulation of wires, the absence of exposed live parts and the compliance of the tool with operating conditions.

11.11 Before being issued to a worker, the power tool must be checked on a stand or with a device such as a normometer. It is prohibited to issue power tools that have defects.

11.12 To connect the power tool to the network, a hose wire must be used; It is allowed to use multi-core wires of the PV-3 brand with insulation for a voltage not lower than 500 V, enclosed in a rubber hose.

11.13 Contact of wires with wet and oily objects is not allowed.

If any malfunctions are detected, work with power tools or portable electric lamps must be stopped immediately.

11.14 If the power supply is interrupted while working with a power tool or during a break, the power tool must be disconnected from the power supply.

11.15 Persons using power tools are prohibited from:

Transfer power tools to other persons;

Disassemble power tools and make repairs (both the tool itself and wires, plug connections, etc.);

Hold the cord of the power tool or touch the cutting part of it.

11.16 To ensure safety when operating a power tool (dryer), it is necessary:

To teach the basics of safety to all workers with certification and assignment of at least qualification group I;

At workplaces, have instructions for operating electrical installations; it is the responsibility of service personnel to familiarize customers with these instructions;

Maintain the insulation resistance of electrical wires in good condition, which in all cases must be at least 500 kΩ, and also reliably connect the power tool to the protective grounding;

In places where electrical installations (dryers) are located, insulate all metal parts, including pipelines of heating systems, sewerage systems, etc., which are connected to the ground, so that the client cannot touch them when drying his hair, and under his feet there must be insulating supports;

Carry out daily monitoring of the condition and parameters of protective grounding within the time limits established by the PTE.

Introduce responsible persons for the operation of dry land;

Periodically, in accordance with the PTE, re-certify the persons responsible for the operation of dry air.

11.17 To place the input distribution device, an isolated room must be organized - an electrical panel room. All premises must be equipped with automatic fire alarms.

11.18 To maintain electrical equipment, provide for the position of a third-class electrician (part-time) on the staff of the enterprise (or centrally), who will be assigned the functions of monitoring the condition of the electrical equipment of the hairdressing salon.

11.19 To hand over the premises of hairdressing salons to a centralized security point, it is necessary to appoint a responsible person.

XII. Fire safety

The buildings of hairdressing salons belong to the II degree of fire resistance.

Fire safety of hairdressing enterprises is regulated by GOSTs.

12.1 The manager of the hairdressing salon or the person in charge bears full responsibility for following the instructions and fire safety rules.

12.2 The head of the hairdressing salon or the person in charge periodically, at least once a year, conducts fire safety briefings for the entire staff of the hairdressing salon with a personal signature in the magazine.

12.3 All personnel of the hairdressing salon are obliged to unconditionally comply with fire safety requirements and at least once every three months take part in general cleaning of workplaces and all premises of the hairdressing salon.

12.5 The head of the hairdressing salon or the person in charge makes up a fire brigade of the most trained craftsmen and service personnel and organizes training with them. A list of fire crew members with the distribution of their responsibilities in the event of a fire is posted in a visible place.

12.6 All persons entering work must be instructed on fire safety measures. Initial briefing is carried out simultaneously with registration for work and the start of work in the specialty; secondary instruction is carried out at the workplace by the person responsible for fire safety.

12.7 Fire safety briefing (primary and secondary) must be clear, concise and contain:

Familiarization of new employees with the fire safety regime established in the hairdressing salon;

Familiarization with possible reasons the occurrence of a fire and actions when it is detected at the workplace.

The briefing must be accompanied by familiarization with the rules and techniques for using primary fire extinguishing equipment.

12.8 For each hairdressing salon, warehouse, etc. Based on these Rules, instructions on fire safety measures should be developed taking into account production.

12.9 Fire safety instructions for hairdressing salons should include:

Special measures for individual processes, non-compliance with which may cause fire;

Order and storage location flammable substances and materials;

Places where smoking and the use of open flames are prohibited, as well as places where smoking is permitted;

Procedure for collection, storage and disposal (destruction) fire hazardous materials, their waste;

Methods of using primary fire extinguishing agents;

Behavior and responsibilities of hairdressing salon workers in the event of a fire (delimitation of responsibilities for notifying about a fire, extinguishing fires, evacuating people and material assets).

12.10 The manager or person responsible for fire safety is obliged to:

Do not allow persons who have not undergone fire safety training to work;

Explain to subordinate personnel fire safety rules and procedures in case of fire;

Monitor compliance with the fire safety regulations by all employees of the hairdressing salon, as well as the timely implementation of the proposed fire safety measures;

Ensure that before handing over a shift or finishing work, the premises and work areas are thoroughly cleaned, and that water, gas and electricity are turned on (except for emergency lighting);

Monitor the serviceability of heating, ventilation, electrical appliances and electrical wiring; take immediate measures to eliminate malfunctions;

Monitor compliance with fire safety rules when operating stove heating and other heating devices;

Appoint persons responsible for firing stoves and operating other heating devices;

Organize a volunteer fire brigade and take measures to train it;

Ensure the proper maintenance and constant readiness for action of existing fire extinguishing equipment, as well as fire communications and alarms;

In case of fire, before the fire brigade arrives, take measures to extinguish the fire;

Have a detailed plan for the placement of employees during fire extinguishing, the order and sequence of evacuation of people and material assets, and familiarize all employees of the hairdressing salon with it.

12.11 Compliance with fire safety rules is the responsibility of all employees of the hairdressing salon.

12.12 In hairdressing salons, it is prohibited to store flammable substances near heating stoves and heating appliances.

12.13 It is not allowed to use an electric stove to heat the room.

12.15 You cannot transfer hot coals to light another stove.

12.16 Smoking and using open fire should only be done in a designated area.

12.17 When leaving the workplace, the hairdresser must turn off the lighting, electrical and heating devices.

12.18 It is prohibited to use napkins, fabric, paper and other flammable materials as lampshades without special frames to prevent the electric lamps from coming into contact with the lampshade.

12.20 The use of heating devices without fire-resistant stands (tiles, asbestos, etc.) is prohibited.

12.21 At the first signs of a fire - smoke, burning smell - you must call the fire brigade by phone or by means of fire alarm and take measures to eliminate the fire on your own.

12.22 If you smell gas, you must call the fire brigade and take measures to ventilate the room. It is prohibited to smoke, turn electrical appliances on and off, or use open fire.

12.23 Curtains, drapes, and all upholstered furniture in the hairdressing salon must be impregnated with a fire retardant compound.

12.24 The last person to leave the hairdresser must leave a note in the log about compliance with fire safety rules.

12.25 Fire extinguishing agents.

12.25.1 Each hairdressing salon must be provided with fire extinguishers, fire equipment (fire buckets, asbestos fabric, sand boxes, fire stands) and fire tools (crowbars, scissors for cutting gratings, etc.).

12.25.2 All fire extinguishing equipment must be located in visible places; access to them must not be obstructed.

12.25.3 Fire equipment and primary fire extinguishing equipment located in the hairdressing salon are transferred under the responsibility of the manager. hairdressing salon

12.25.4 The use of firefighting equipment and equipment for economic, production and other purposes not related to firefighting is strictly prohibited.

12.25.5 All fire equipment and fire extinguishing means must be periodically inspected and tested, with the results of the inspection and tests recorded in a log.

12.26 Procedure for the administration of hairdressing salons when extinguishing fires.

12.27 In the event of a fire, the actions of the administration of hairdressing salons should be aimed primarily at ensuring the safety and evacuation of people.

12.28 An employee who discovers a fire or fire is obliged to:

Immediately report this to the city security;

If necessary, call gas rescue, medical and other services;

Stop all work not related to fire extinguishing measures.

XIII. Accident Investigation

13.1 About each accident at the enterprise, the victim or eyewitness immediately notifies the head of the hairdressing salon or the foreman, who is obliged to urgently organize first aid for the victim and his delivery to the first aid station, and to preserve the situation as it was at the time of the incident until the investigation.

13.2 The head of the unit where the accident occurred must immediately inform the administration and the trade union committee about it.

13.3 The administration of the enterprise must immediately create a commission to investigate the accident consisting of the head of the department (engineer) of labor protection and safety of the enterprise, a public labor safety inspector or a representative of the trade union committee of the enterprise.

13.4 The Commission is obliged, within 24 hours, to investigate the circumstances and reasons under which the accident occurred, draw up an act in form N-1 in four copies, develop measures to prevent accidents and send them to the head of the enterprise for approval.

All accidents documented in form N-1 are recorded at the enterprise in a journal.

13.5 The chief engineer of the association is obliged to review and approve the report within 24 hours and take measures to eliminate the causes that caused the accident. One copy of the approved act with a list of measures to eliminate the causes that caused the accident, Chief Engineer forwards to the head of the unit, the local trade union committee and the technical labor inspector supervising the unit.

13.6 The administration of the association is obliged to provide the victim, upon his request, with a certified copy of the accident report no later than three days from the end of the investigation.

13.7 An accident that the victim did not report during the work shift or the loss of ability to work from which did not occur immediately must be investigated at the request of the victim or an interested person within no more than two weeks from the date of filing the application.

XIV. Providing first pre-medical aid

In case of accidents and acute poisoning, first aid should be provided immediately first aid and measures have been taken to call qualified medical assistance.

All employees of hairdressing enterprises must know the rules of first aid.

14.1 Strong acids and alkalis in contact with the skin must be washed off from the affected area with plenty of cold water.

For burns with acids, the affected area is treated with bicarbonate of soda or washed with a 2-3% solution, and for burns with alkalis, weak 2-3% solutions of boric, citric or acetic acid are used.

14.2 If acid or alkali gets into your eyes, you should first rinse them thoroughly with water, and then send the victim to a medical center.

14.3 For thermal burns, wash the affected area with a freshly prepared solution of potassium permanganate or tannin.

14.4 In case of electric shock, the victim must be immediately released from its influence.

14.5 If the victim is conscious, but has previously fainted or been under the influence of current for a long time, he should be taken to a doctor.

14.6 If the victim is unconscious, he must be laid down, unbuttoned his clothes, open the window, let him smell ammonia and urgently call a doctor.

14.7 If the victim has no signs of life (breathing and heartbeat) or in case of difficult, very sharp and convulsive breathing, you should immediately begin artificial respiration and cardiac massage.

14.8 In all cases of electric shock, regardless of the condition of the victim, calling a doctor is mandatory.

14.9 In case of heat stroke, the victim must be immediately taken to a cool place with fresh air. If breathing stops or becomes severely disrupted, artificial respiration must be started.

14.10 In every hairdressing salon (salon), persons must be allocated and trained to provide first aid.

14.11 All enterprises must be equipped with a set necessary funds to provide first aid to the victim.