Information about the educational organization. Information about the educational organization Documents for admission to the Kuban Agrarian University

Kubansky State University considered the best higher educational institution Krasnodar region. Average score Unified State Exam required for admission to this educational institution, is 69, and many fail to score that high in exams. However, an insufficient number of points does not mean that the doors to KUBSU are closed for you: you can study here not only on a budgetary basis, but also on a commercial basis. In this regard, we will consider what the cost of training at KUBSU will be in the 2017 and 2018 academic years.


Prices for most undergraduate specialties at KUBSU are in a narrow range from 80,250 to 82,000 rubles. The list of such areas is as follows:

80250 Mathematics and Computer Science (hereinafter: FMCS)
Pedagogical education (hereinafter: PO)
Philological (hereinafter: FF)
80500 ServiceGeographical (hereinafter: GGF)
Hotel business
80542 Romano-Germanic philology (hereinafter: FRGF)
Foundation. and applied linguistics
81000 SociologyHistory, sociology and international relations(hereinafter: FISMO)
Artistic and graphic (hereinafter: HGF)
Pedagogy, psychology and communication studies (hereinafter: FPPC)
Psychological-PO (hereinafter: PPO)
SDO (Special defect. obr.)
Software (2 profiles)
82000 Social JobManagement and Psychology (FUP)
Organization of work with youth
Political science
Documentation and archival science

At 90,000 rubles. It will cost to study at FISMO in the following areas: “Foreign Regional Studies”, “Oriental and African Studies” and “International Relations”.

One of the most common price tags for undergraduate programs at KUBSU is the amount of 90,930 rubles that will have to be paid for first-year training in the following specialties:

Only 70 rubles more expensive (91,000 rubles) will need to be paid for the first two semesters of study at KUBSU in the following areas:

Other specialties for which bachelors are trained at KUBSU are in a wide price range of 91,800-137,750 rubles for the first year of study.

Cost of the first course of study, rublesDirectionFaculty
91800 PublishingJournalism (hereinafter: FJ)
99500 Journalism
102000 UP – Personnel ManagementFUP
GMU - State and municipality control
102500 Quality controlEconomic (hereinafter: EF)
System analysis and management
Business Informatics
Trading business
108000 JurisprudenceLegal (hereinafter: Law Firm)
111000 EconomyEF
112000 LinguisticsFRGF
125000 ArchitectureArchitecture and Design (hereinafter: FAD)
136410 Arts and gum. SciencesFISMO
137750 DesignFAD
The art of costume and textiles

Part-time and part-time forms

KUBSU provides full-time and part-time undergraduate education, but this opportunity is provided for only one specialty - “Psychology” at the Faculty of Education. The cost of such training in the 1st year will be 50 thousand rubles.

As for the distance learning program, the list of available specialties is much larger, although it is still much shorter than in the distance learning program. Thus, you can study in absentia at KUBSU at the following prices for the specified specialties:

Cost of the first course of study, rublesDirectionFaculty
25000 BYFF
36000 Social JobFUP
Org. youth work
Documentation and archival science
40500 BY:

1 profile;

43000 2 profiles.
45000 Infocommunication technologies and communication systemsFTF
46000 PublishingVF
47800 Trading businessEF
50000 ServiceGGF
Hotel business
Advertising and Public RelationsVF
56000 JurisprudenceYuF
58000 UPFUP

Prices for studying in a specialty KUBSU


Some areas of training at KUBSU, due to their complexity, provide for a five-year study instead of a four-year course, so those who want to study precisely these professions enroll in a specialty. The minimum cost of such training is 80,250 rubles, and the maximum is 112,000 rubles. All prices and their corresponding destinations are shown in the table below:


Kuban University also provides the opportunity to study in a specialty by correspondence, but in this case the choice of specialties is small. 47,500 rubles will be charged for the entire first course in “Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior” at the Faculty of Education and Training, and at a price of 56,000 you can study in three specialties:

  • Legal support for national security (YuF);
  • Law enforcement (LF);
  • Economy safety (ES).

Prices for master's degrees at KUBSU


You can also enter KUBSU after receiving a bachelor's/specialist's diploma. You can get a master's degree at Kuban University at a minimal price by studying in one of the following educational areas:

Cost of the first course of study, rublesDirectionFaculty
88630 Mathematics/ (+computer sciences)FMKN
88700 Social JobFUP
Political science
Documentation and archival science
89000 FPPK
Applied mathematics and computer scienceFKTPM
Foundation. computer science and inf. technologies
89290 PhilologyFRGF
90000 SociologyFISMO
92500 Economics (in Russian)EF
Finance and credit
Business Informatics
Trading business
98000 FUP

The most common amount for first-year master's studies at KUBSU is the amount of 99,300 rubles, which is established for the directions from the table below:

Prices for the remaining, most expensive training programs start from one hundred thousand rubles:

Part-time and part-time forms

Part-time or part-time, that is, at the master's "evening" at KUBSU, you can only receive a PPO at the Faculty of Advanced Training for 49,000 rubles. But those who want to enroll as part-time students have a much greater choice:

Cost of the first course of study, rublesDirectionFaculty
25000 SociologyFISMO
30000 GeographyGGF
40000 Standardization and metrologyFHVT
44000 Social JobFUP
Political science
Documentation and archival science
44500 PPO
50000 JournalismVF
60000 GMU
62000 EF
Economics (in Russian)
Business Informatics
Trading business
Finance and credit
85000 JurisprudenceYuF

see also video KubSU student checks:

The level of knowledge of the applicant for each entrance test is assessed by the examination committee on a one hundred-point scale. Each entrance test is assessed separately.

Special discipline:

During the interview in a special discipline corresponding to the field of study, the applicant answers 4 questions. The result of the answer to each question is assessed by the examination committee from 0 to 25 points according to the criteria presented in the table below. The total score for the entrance test is the sum of the points received for answering each of the 4 questions.

No. Evaluation criteria
1 25 A complete answer to the question has been given.
2 20-24 One mistake was made.
There are no errors, no more than two shortcomings were made.
3 13-19 One serious mistake was made.
One mistake and one to two shortcomings were made.
There are no errors, there are from three to five shortcomings.
4 7-12 One gross mistake and two to four omissions were made.
One mistake and three to five shortcomings were made.
One gross and one minor mistake and no more than one omission were made.
There are no errors, there are six to seven shortcomings.
5 1-6 One gross mistake and five to six omissions were made.
There was one mistake and six to seven omissions.
Two gross errors and one to two omissions were made.
Two errors and three to four omissions were made.
One gross and one minor mistake and two to three shortcomings were made.
More than two gross or more than two minor errors were made.
There are no errors, there are eight or more defects.
6 0 No answer.
The answer given is incorrect.
The answer does not comply with the standards set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


The answer to a question is considered complete if its content fully corresponds to the program, contains all the necessary theoretical facts and well-founded conclusions, and is accompanied by explanatory examples. The answer shows an understanding of the main provisions that form the basis for the topic of the question, the presentation is logically correct, stylistically competent, with the exact use of the terminology of the subject area. The applicant demonstrates free operation educational material varying degrees of complexity using information from other areas. The answer reflects the ability to apply theoretical principles when performing practical tasks.

Gross errors are:

  • ignorance of the definitions and essence of the basic concepts of the subject area, the formulation of statements, diagrams and formulas provided for by the entrance test program;
  • not possessing the skills and abilities provided for by the program;
  • inability to formalize the statement of the problem, choose the right method and algorithm for solving it;
  • inability to apply standard methods in the simplest application situations.
  • inaccuracies in the definitions of subject area concepts, wording of statements, formulas;
  • insufficient validity in proving fundamental concepts;
  • failure to master one of the skills provided by the program, but not related to gross errors.

The disadvantages are:

  • inaccuracies in the use of domain terminology;
  • lack of justification when applying theoretical principles to perform practical tasks.

Foreign language:

During the oral examination in a foreign language, the applicant answers 3 questions:

The result of the answer to each question is scored from 0 to 40/30/30 points according to the criteria presented in the table below. The total score for the entrance test is the sum of the points received for answering each of 3 questions according to the following assessment criteria:

Number of points for answering one question Evaluation criteria
For written translation
1 40-35 The translation is 90-100% complete. The translation is distinguished by substantive accuracy, knowledge of special terminology is demonstrated, Russian equivalents are selected that fully correspond to the construction in foreign language, the style of the original is preserved. Stylistic inaccuracies are allowed (no more than 3-4).
2 34-29 The translation is 75-90% completed. There are minor inaccuracies of a lexical or grammatical nature (no more than 4-5), which do not distort the main meaning of the text.
3 28-19 The translation was completed to the extent of 60-70%, but at the same time an incomplete understanding of the content of the text was demonstrated, and inaccuracies were made (no more than 8).
4 18-11 The translation was completed in the amount of 50-60%, but at the same time an incomplete understanding of the content of the text was demonstrated, and inaccuracies were made (no more than 10).
5 10-1 The transfer was completed in the amount of 1-49%. There were gross errors and omissions that distorted the content of the translation.
6 0 No response received. A blank sheet has been submitted.
For viewing reading
1 30-25 The ability to fluently and logically correctly convey the content of what was read, the ability to highlight the main idea, and express one’s own point of view about what was read is demonstrated. There may be some minor errors that do not violate the general logic of the presentation.
2 24-20 The content of what was read is generally conveyed logically, but difficulties associated with some grammatical errors in the perception of the text are demonstrated, which significantly violate the logic of presentation.
3 19-14 The content of what is read is conveyed in a limited manner due to the limited lexical and grammatical reserve of the applicant. The logic of the presentation is significantly violated.
4 13-11 The content of what is read is conveyed inadequately as a result of an extremely limited vocabulary and grammar.
5 10-1 The content of what is read is conveyed inadequately as a result of an extremely limited vocabulary and grammar, and difficulties are demonstrated in expressing one’s own opinion.
6 0 No response received
For the conversation
1 30-25 Demonstrates mastery of standard pronunciation and a natural pace of speech, confidently presents information on the topic of the statement, demonstrates confident command of general, general scientific vocabulary and professional terminology, and uses a variety of grammatical structures. The applicant confidently answers questions and freely carries on a conversation.
2 24-20 The use of a variety of grammatical structures, good command of general, general scientific and professional vocabulary is demonstrated, but grammatical, lexical and phonetic errors are made (no more than 6), difficulties are experienced with bringing specific examples. However, the communication process as a whole is not disrupted.
3 19-14 During the conversation, a limited vocabulary is demonstrated, simple lexical and grammatical means are used, and grammatical, lexical and phonetic errors are made (no more than 7-8). The applicant is unable to freely carry on a conversation and confidently answer questions.
4 13-11 The applicant is unable to maintain a conversation on a given topic, his answers are inadequate, and he has difficulty understanding the questions of members of the examination committee.
5 10-1 The applicant is unable to maintain a conversation on a given topic, his answers are inadequate, has difficulty understanding questions from members of the examination committee, admits a large number of lexical, grammatical and phonetic errors.
6 0 No response received.


The answer to a question is considered complete if its content fully corresponds to the program, contains all the necessary theoretical knowledge and well-founded conclusions, and is accompanied by explanatory examples.

Applicants must master the spelling, spelling, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the language being studied within the program requirements and use them correctly in all types of speech communication.

The applicant must have prepared and unprepared monologue speech in a foreign language; master dialogical speech in situations of professional and everyday communication within the limits of the language material studied at the university and in accordance with the chosen specialty. He must be able to express his thoughts using a variety of linguistic means in situations of professional and everyday communication, participate in discussions and defend his point of view, be able to construct a clear, correctly organized statement, not interrupted by pauses. He must be able to understand by ear foreign language monologue speech in his specialty.

When assessing the knowledge of applicants, gross mistakes, mistakes and shortcomings are taken into account.

Gross errors are:

  • lack of proficiency in spelling, spelling, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the language being studied within the limits of program requirements and inability to use them correctly in all types of speech communication.
  • inability to speak prepared as well as unprepared monologue speech in a foreign language; lack of command of dialogical speech in situations of professional and everyday communication within the limits of the language material studied at the university and in accordance with the chosen specialty;
  • inability to express one’s thoughts using a variety of linguistic means in situations of professional and everyday communication, to participate in discussions and defend one’s point of view, inability to construct a clear, correctly organized statement, not interrupted by pauses;
  • inability to understand by ear foreign-language monologue speech in the specialty;
  • inability to apply communication skills in the simplest applied situations.
  • spelling, spelling, lexical, grammatical and stylistic inaccuracies and their inaccurate use in all types of speech communication;
  • inaccuracies in prepared as well as unprepared monologue speech in a foreign language; inaccuracies in dialogical speech in situations of professional and everyday communication within the language material studied at the university and in accordance with the chosen specialty;
  • inaccurate expression of one's thoughts, lack of variety linguistic means in situations of professional and everyday communication, in discussions and when defending one’s point of view, inability to construct a clear, correctly organized statement, not interrupted by pauses;
  • inaccurate listening comprehension of foreign language monologue speech in the specialty.

The disadvantages are:

  • illogical and inconsistent presentation of material;
  • inaccuracies in the use of lexical and grammatical phenomena.

The minimum number of points confirming successful completion of each entrance test is 51 points.

The minimum number of points cannot be changed during admission.

Kuban State Agrarian University - a university with rich history, a progressive present and a reliable future. The traditions laid down by teachers and students of several generations are an unshakable basis for its development. Since its founding, the university has trained more than 140 thousand specialists. Currently, about 18 thousand students study full-time and part-time at 17 faculties.

The university today is a large modern student complex with a well-developed infrastructure, 22 educational and laboratory buildings, 20 student dormitories with 8 thousand places, two research institutes (Research Institute of Biotechnology and Food Certification, Research Institute of Applied and Experimental Ecology), Botanical Garden named after. Professor I. S. Kosenko with an area of ​​more than 40 hectares, an artificial climate center, a pre-university training center, a volunteer center, a linguistic center, a preparatory department for working with foreign citizens, military institute, library with a collection of about 1 million publications, Internet center, experimental station, student clinic, student consumer services unit, student catering facility (2 student canteens and 13 buffets), sports complex with a swimming pool, stadium, tennis courts , football field according to UEFA standards and an open-air sports town, five museums.

The university includes two highly profitable educational and experimental farms - “Kuban” (the training and production complex “Pyatachok” operates under the educational farm) and “Krasnodarskoe” with total area more than 11 thousand hectares (are agrotechnoparks), Krasnodar Regional Institute of Agribusiness (additional professional higher education), sports and recreation complex “Krinitsa” on the Black Sea coast.