Application to purchase a car. Car purchase and sale agreement

The main thing you need to know about the purchase and sale agreement is that for 2020 there is no approved form of the purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “SPA”) and there never has been one. However, the purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up correctly, i.e. contain clauses that will protect the buyer and seller from possible problems. Therefore, we will provide the correct form of a car purchase and sale agreement for 2020 between individuals, which you can download, and a sample of filling out the DCT for the seller and the buyer of the car.

Download the purchase and sale agreement form 2020

So, below is the correct and most concise (short, but at the same time perfect, in which all the subtleties and machines are taken into account) purchase and sale agreement in different formats. For convenience, you can print and fill out by hand or fill out on a computer and then print. A form comes with the contract acceptance certificate vehicle - a document confirming that the seller has transferred the car to the buyer.

  1. (DOC format X)
  2. Download the purchase and sale agreement and the acceptance certificate for filling out on a computer/tablet/phone (old DOC format, supported by old versions of MS Word and outdated programs)
  3. Download the purchase and sale agreement and the acceptance certificate to fill out by hand after printing (PDF format)
  4. Download the purchase and sale agreement and the transfer and acceptance certificate in RTF format (if your device cannot read the previous formats)
  5. Download the purchase and sale agreement and the transfer and acceptance certificate in TXT format (the simplest version, readable by all devices)

This agreement must be printed in three copies and each signed: one for the buyer, the second for the seller, the third for submission to the traffic police (remains in the traffic police) upon registration by the buyer.

When filling out, the buyer must check the seller’s passport details in the sales contract form, as well as the car details. The seller needs to check the buyer’s passport details (and it is also advisable to double-check the car details and his passport details).

Calculate the cost of your MTPL policy

How to fill out a purchase and sale agreement in 2020?

As we have already written above, today there is no approved form, form or sample of the DCP, and the traffic police are obliged to accept any agreement if it contains all the necessary data.

Let's go through all the points of the above agreement form in order:

  1. In the very first line you need to indicate the place where the contract was concluded and the date. The full address is not required, just write locality. The date can be specified with time.
  2. Next, the seller fills in: full name, series (4 digits for citizens of the Russian Federation) and number (6 digits for citizens of the Russian Federation) of the passport, date and place of issue (written on the same page as the photo)
  3. Below we indicate the place of registration (registration) of the seller - namely registration, and not actual residence.
  4. Next, fill in the buyer’s information in the same way.
  5. The most important thing is the subject of the contract. We carefully fill out and double-check the vehicle data in the table.
  6. Then we write down the agreed price of the car.
  7. In paragraph 3.2, it is necessary to emphasize how the seller will receive payment: in cash or to a bank account.
  8. In clause 4.3 it is also necessary to emphasize at whose location disputes will be considered. This may be important if the parties live in different cities. You don't have to emphasize anything. Then, by default, the case will be considered at the location (not necessarily residence) of the plaintiff. However, the defendant can file a petition to transfer the consideration of the case to the defendant’s location... But that’s a completely different story.

Do I need to notarize the completed DCP form?

No, you do not need to have the DCP certified by a notary. This is not required by law.

However, if a third authorized person is involved in the transaction instead of the seller or the buyer, then the power of attorney for the right to conclude an agreement on behalf of either the buyer or the seller will have to be certified by a notary in the presence of one of the parties, respectively. The logic here is simple: for example, if an authorized person from the seller is involved in the transaction, then the buyer cannot know whether the seller really entrusted the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement to a third party, because he may not have even seen the first person and does not know his signature, because will not be able to determine the legality of the seller’s representation by this third party. The notary is present when the seller transfers the right to sell a car to an authorized person and thereby makes sure that the seller has transferred such a right to this third party.

Only the power of attorney must explicitly state the right to sell the car. Such a power of attorney also does not have a sample or approved form or form and is filled out in free form.

What if the sales contract is not accepted by the traffic police?

If the above contract form is filled out completely and correctly, then it must be accepted by the traffic police when registering the purchased car. Legal refusal to accept a purchase and sale agreement is only if not all important data or incorrect data are entered: information about the seller and buyer or about the car.

If the completed sales contract form is still not accepted by the traffic police, then it is necessary to request a written reasoned refusal to register, and also to videotape such a refusal. We require a reasoned refusal, because then the traffic police officer will have to justify the reason for not accepting the contract in the refusal.

Next, with a refusal or a recording of the refusal, we need to contact a higher official (the head of the traffic police with a complaint - you can send it by mail) or the prosecutor’s office (you also need to contact the prosecutor’s office if a higher executive illegally does not consider the case or also wrote a refusal).

What happens after the purchase and sale agreement is concluded?

According to the law, the fact of concluding (filling out the form and signing the parties) a purchase and sale agreement means a completed transaction for the purchase and sale of a car. Now the car (and its title) belongs to the buyer, and the seller must receive the money (the fact of signing the car acceptance certificate means that the seller has already received payment).

Then, within 10 days from the date specified in the contract (in the first line we indicated the date of conclusion), the buyer is obliged to insure the car under MTPL and register it with the traffic police. If you do not do this, then on the 11th day you may be given a fine of 500 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Administrative Code. If you violate it again, you may be deprived of your rights under Part 1.1 of the same article.

The seller should deregister the car on the 11th day in case the buyer does not register it. This will help avoid fines that have already been caught by the buyer, but issued to the seller (after all, the traffic police do not yet know that the car has a new owner). If the seller received fines within 10 days until the buyer registered the car in his name, then they should also be appealed, indicating the reason in the complaint that the car has left the seller’s ownership.

That's all! We hope that the 2020 purchase and sale agreement presented by us and downloaded by you in various formats will help you. Whenever additional questions You can ask them in the comments.

The presence of a vehicle purchase and sale agreement is mandatory when transferring rights to a car from one owner to another. The paper must be drawn up during the execution of the transaction; it confirms the legality. The paper may be required in the future for other documentation. For a document to be considered valid, it must be drawn up correctly.

There are a number of principles that a car owner should follow in 2020 when drawing up a document between individuals.

The rules for filling out the contract used during the sale of a car change periodically. This year, the principles of paper design have undergone further changes. If today a document is filled out according to the old model, it may be considered invalid. For this reason, the car owner must have up-to-date information on the topic; below we have published a car purchase and sale agreement relevant for the current year 2020 for individuals.

Features of drawing up a car purchase and sale agreement

The procedure for preparing classic paperwork for individuals regulating the transfer of rights to a car is divided into 2 stages. The parties participating in the transaction must formalize the transfer of the vehicle. The document is prepared in 3 copies, you can download it below.

Copies of completed documentation must be provided to:

  • to the former owner of the vehicle,
  • car buyer,
  • Traffic police

When signing a contract legal registration need not. It is not necessary to visit the branch to compile it. government agency. A simplified registration procedure for individuals makes the filling process easier.

The paper can be filled out by hand. If the vehicle owner does not know what data should be present in the document, he can use a sample car purchase and sale agreement.

Having decided to fill out the document by hand, the vehicle owner must enter data into each copy with the same pen. In this case, the established rules must be observed for each instance.

This is what a clean document looks like:

The registration of a car purchase and sale agreement is carried out in the following order:

  • Individuals discuss the specifics of the transaction and the cost of the car.
  • The necessary data is entered into the DCP.
  • Documentation is being transferred.
  • Payment for the car is being made.
  • The former owner of the vehicle hands over the keys to the new owner.

Features of compilation

Thanks to innovations that are periodically adopted in relation to a car purchase and sale agreement, today the transaction is completed much faster.

The manipulation has the following nuances:

  • At the time of purchase, the car does not need to be deregistered,
  • Transit numbers need to be obtained only if you plan to travel abroad,
  • You can register a car at the traffic police department, a visit to which is most convenient for the car owner,
  • The registration procedure today is characterized by increased speed.

Before concluding a transaction and drawing up an agreement, you need to make sure that Vehicle title there are empty lines left. If they are missing, the document must be replaced. This will make the process of re-registration of the vehicle easier for the new owner.

Documentation for vehicle transfer

To complete a deal, one agreement is not enough. The seller and buyer will need to prepare additional documentation to the car.

Individuals must have the following documents in their hands:

  • seller's ID card,
  • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to the buyer,
  • registration certificate for the car.

If a company takes part in the transaction, its payment details are indicated and a stamp is affixed.

When concluding a contract for the sale and purchase of a vehicle between legal entities, the only difference is in filling out the “seller” or “buyer” column. You will need to enter the details of the organization in these lines.

Filling out a document about purchasing a car, a man in mandatory must indicate the date it was compiled. The place of registration of documentation must also be recorded in the paper. Otherwise, the transaction to transfer the vehicle will be declared invalid.

Mandatory information

In the form of a car purchase and sale agreement, first write down general information about the seller and the buyer. First, information about the seller is entered into the document - full name, place of residence and passport information are indicated. Similar data is entered about the buyer. When the data about the participants in the transaction is recorded, the details of the vehicle are entered.

The form must include the information contained in the PTS. If the data entered differs from the information recorded in the documentation, the transaction may be declared invalid.

The list of information about the vehicle that must be recorded is strictly established by existing rules.

It is mandatory to provide the vehicle details:

  • vehicle brand and class,
  • transit data, if necessary,
  • body number and color,
  • Date of issue,
  • engine and chassis number,
  • VIN number.

If a purchase is made passenger car, the “chassis number” column of the contract must also be filled out. The phrase “absent” must be entered in it. Experts advise using a ready-made template. Its presence will simplify the paperwork process and minimize the number of errors.

By the way, you can check the car using the VIN and get information about road accidents on the official website of the traffic police.

When the information about the car is filled out, information about the vehicle passport is entered. The document must reflect the number, date of issue and series of paper. Then the transaction amount is indicated. It must be entered in lines 4-5 of the sales contract in numbers and in words. When the completion of the contract is completed, the parties to the transaction confirm finished document signatures.

Download the form and sample

The document regulating the transaction must be drawn up correctly. Having a 2020 car purchase and sale agreement will minimize the likelihood of errors, and using a ready-made form will make it easier to enter data; we recommend downloading it using the links.

Hi all. Denis Povaga is with you. I decided to tell a story about how I sold a car, and also attach valid form of car purchase and sale agreement for 2016 and also 2017 so you can print it. You can download it immediately. Rest assured, this is the most correct form on the Internet.

Printing it out is much more profitable than paying for a contract somewhere at the traffic police or with insurers. Approximate prices for this document are around 300-1500 rubles. And many even help fill in for this money. Although it is not always safe to rely. Such things need to be filled out independently, and it is also recommended to make a receipt indicating on what date the transaction was made in the presence of the following persons (photocopies of passports are recommended...

About the receipt, I’ll tell you below what its meaning is. It often happens that you sell or buy a car worth, for example, 700,000 rubles, but in the sales contract you indicate an amount below 250,000 rubles so as not to pay taxes. And yes! We’ll also look at everything about taxes using my stories as an example.

In general, take your experience into account. Others have theory, but here is practice!

First of all, immediately download and print the form.

Car purchase and sale agreement 2017 (new form for individuals)

Forms for individuals are provided in two types. But when choosing any of them, immediately print them in triplicate. One remains with you, the other with the traffic police, and the third with the buyer (if you are the seller).

Please note that documents must be filled out by hand (one color). Therefore, I did not add such an option to fill out on the computer in printed form. Since it is more correct to do this in the presence of both parties. And in most cases, this is done directly in the car. Especially if buying or selling a used car.

We will also discuss the step-by-step procedure for conducting a transaction below...

In general, take any of the options. Whichever is more convenient for you, print it out - pdf or jpg, and compose it on the spot with one pen. Naturally not red and not green)). Below there is a small note indicating that the car is not pledged or seized. I have specially prepared this option to further protect you.

After all, during a crisis, many try to sell a car with collateral from a bank, or in custody from the bailiffs. And this note already confirms the fact that the seller agrees with the fact that the car being sold is clean. Of course, a postscript is only a nuance that can help invalidate the fact of the contract in the event of a subsequent problem when registering the car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. And this is done without a seller, within 10 days! Therefore, the buyer needs to be extremely careful. But I will return to this later in my story. So that you understand how scammers can work!

Now, download and print any form in 3 copies (I recommend word or pdf):

Download the car purchase and sale agreement 2016-2017 for individuals:

Please write a comment below if you were able to download and print the contract form. Also, what fields did you have difficulty filling out, or did you manage to do it right away? Thank you in advance!

Other samples:

When downloading in the archive, there is also a source file of the graphic image for Photoshop. In any case, each of the options has a complete original, and the original size of the international A4 format, which is convenient to print without scaling on any printer, with black ink. The main thing is that the printing margins should be zeros.

The first, when I acted as a buyer, and the second when selling a car... Although, there will be another one - how I bought a car under arrest, with a contract in hand.

Recommendations for filling out a vehicle purchase and sale agreement:

  1. First of all, we prepare to fill out the contract manually in one color (black or blue) and without errors. The forms are filled out in triplicate. One remains with the seller, one with the buyer and one with the traffic police (just in case, print out a couple more copies).
  2. The second step is to indicate the date and place of execution of the transaction (city).
  3. Then fill in the passport details of the seller and buyer
  4. Car data from the passport and vehicle certificate (PTS)
  5. We indicate the cost of the car (up to 250,000 you will not have to pay tax, and if the seller has owned the car for more than 3 years, then the amount of even 1 million rubles indicated in the form is not subject to tax. More on this below...)
  6. We take a receipt stating on what date the car sale was completed and for what amount, and that the money was received in full. Passport details of the parties, date and signature (the receipt is written on a plain sheet of paper, and is required from the seller, for additional guarantee- that the deal is clean!)
  7. We exchange money and keys. After this, both parties sign the purchase and sale agreement. (No notaries are needed! The seller has a contract and money in his hands, and the buyer has a contract and a car, which must be registered within 10 days. During this period you need to undergo a technical inspection, insurance and then to the traffic police, we register .)
  • Not subject to collateral (at any notary)
  • There are no restrictions on registration actions (in any MREO)
  • Not a credit ( online service in the Internet)
  • No fines were imposed based on the car number (traffic police website)
  • Not under arrest (there is such a FSSP application _//

Necessary documents for the transaction:

Documents from the Seller:

  1. Vehicle Passport (PVC)
  2. Vehicle registration certificate
  3. Citizen's passport

Documents from the Buyer:

  1. Citizen's passport and that's it!

About insurance do not worry. You have exactly 10 days to resolve this issue. And even if you are stopped by the traffic police and they require insurance, you show the purchase and sale agreement, passport and title, and say that you bought a car and are going to register it within 10 days.

Here is the official news on this matter: _//

The fact is that the owner of a vehicle is not necessarily its owner. You can own a car by power of attorney, as well as by an agreement drawn up in simple handwritten form.

You are also provided with a sample of the completed form.

Upon completion of the transaction, do not forget to enter the new owner in the PTS, indicating the date of purchase and the number of the title document with the date of its execution. And also, put the signatures of the seller and buyer.
Here's a screenshot:

And finally, stories from life:

The first story is about how one day the purchase and sale agreement for a car was not printed, and I had to purchase it from the Traffic Police...

I bought my first car thanks to the blog, when I first earned a tidy sum. Of course, when I started working on websites, my income was small. I remember the first 5 thousand rubles that I earned - I was incredibly happy. Gradually, filling the sites with texts, the income increased.

So we went to the market, chose a car, and stood in line for 5 hours to register the car in our name. At the same time, fools, they didn’t print out the contract form, bought the sale, and had to pay 800 rubles for it. Plus, before, when buying a car, two sides were required. That is, you could stand in line for hours. In general, a whole problem.

But the first experience was memorable for the fact that you need to take the contract form with you so as not to overpay!

The second story is about how I was traveling by bus to buy a new car in another city, and was almost ambushed...

As I made money on the Internet, my income increased, and one day I chose another car and went to Rubtsovsk by bus with a round sum to buy it.
For the first time, my wife and I decided to make such a deal. They didn’t tell anyone, they just chose a car and hit the road. Cool, and scary at the same time.

And it’s scary because the seller reported all week that everything was fine with the car and I, in principle, was completely confident in it, since I had been reading for it for more than a month on the drome, and knew all the weak points.

It's autumn and slush. We are going to the buyer. The purchase and sale agreement was printed this time. Take only money and forms with you. Well, just in case))

In general, already upon arrival at the meeting, when we had just stopped in Rubtsovsk. And Rubtsovsk in the Altai Territory is also famous for its stories. In general, everything really escalated the situation... Especially when the seller called and said that he had lost his passport. At this point I thought that everything was going wrong...

And here, driving on a bus, past the ruins of Rubtsovsk, in the window I saw the name of the store - “ZASADA LLC.”
In general, it’s actually an ambush, I think)). Anyway. Inside he's jittery, but outside he's calm. I just tell my wife that if something goes wrong, and if he doesn’t find his passport within an hour, we just turn around and leave!
Fortunately, he called back and said he would meet me at the city station.

In general, 15 minutes and he’s there. We got into the car, met each other, and went to the local traffic police department to register the car. Of course, he apologized for this situation with the passport.

However, everything said on the phone was true. And we were pleased with the car. Let's take it!

At the Traffic Police, the inspector himself says what amount you will indicate on the car. They themselves did not indicate, and did not know, that amounts up to 250,000 rubles are not subject to tax. And if the previous owner owned the car for more than 3 years, then in this case, buying a car for 700 thousand rubles, and if the same amount is written in the contract, in any case you will not have to pay tax. Since the car has been owned for more than 3 years. If it's less, then it goes tax deduction. From the amount of 700 tr. 250 tr. is taken away. and multiplied by 13%. This amount will have to be paid to the tax office by the individual from the sale of the car.

For many, there is a nuance regarding what amount to indicate in the purchase and sale agreement. So look. When buying a car for 1 million rubles, you can, of course, specify 249,000 rubles, but keep in mind the risks that follow all this. It's one thing when you are confident in a person, and quite another when you don't know each other.

In this case, it is advisable to take a receipt stating that such and such an amount was transferred. The receipt is simply drawn up on a piece of paper. The passport details of the parties, the date of the transaction, the car number, the vehicle passport, and the amount that was transferred to the seller in full are indicated. A receipt is not mandatory document! But it is desirable.

With the amount too, you see what happens. The seller does not want to pay tax, and is trying to underestimate the amount in the contract. Some people don’t even know that up to 250,000 is not subject to tax, and they write even lower. For example 100t.r. Although the real deal was for 700t.r. There are nuances here that you should know about in advance.

Or again, the seller, having owned the car for more than 3 years, says - let’s indicate the amount below 250 thousand rubles. What's the point?
Bet real and everything will be fine and, what is also important, it will be safe for both parties.

It’s another matter, if it’s less than 3 years, then see for yourself, depending on the situation. It also depends on the cost of the car. After all, you yourself understand how stupid it can be to buy a car for 3 million rubles, and in the contract indicate a tenfold reduction. The risks are huge if the car ends up under a loan, or as collateral, or under arrest. Or you decide to terminate the purchase and sale agreement, but not the full amount is indicated there. So it turns out that you can stay with your nose.

Therefore, before buying a car, you need to correctly make sure that it is not registered with any authorities. At least one of the common situations is when a car is pledged to bailiffs. And in this case, it will be seized, and you will not be able to register the car in your city.

Continuing the story...

We deregistered it together at the traffic police department in Rubtsovsk. And I was completely confident in the purity of the deal. They decided to do insurance in their own city. Yes, and 10 days are given for this whole matter. That is, you can drive under a purchase and sale agreement for up to 10 days, and even without insurance! But if you don’t meet the deadline within 10 days, firstly you will be fined by the traffic police, and secondly, the seller can go to the traffic police and write a statement refusing to register the vehicle. You never know, you will drive, and all the fines will go to the previous owner. Also a nuance!

In general, everything was 100% good with the deal. We drew up an agreement with REO, and then got into the car, he told me all the functions and showed me the buttons. Overall, I'm absolutely delighted. At this stage, they gave the money, I gave him a ride to his house, on the way his wife called, crying into the phone that it was a pity for the car...

We drove him home, he brought out another key, and with peace of mind we were already on the way to our hometown.
Within 3 days, I passed the technical inspection, got insurance, and successfully registered the car.

Once again noted))
Such a story.

The third story is about how we bought a car while it was under arrest for registration...

Time passed, and it was decided to sell an expensive car and buy a cheaper one in order to save money for construction. By the way, they also sold it in another city, and the buyer asked me for a receipt. Here, too, the right deal turned out. Moreover, this time we went to Novosibirsk and decided to take a friend with us. Three of us are safer and more fun))

They sold it, and upon arriving home, they were exhausted in looking for a suitable car, and why hide it, they bought it in a hurry, and they didn’t even check for deposits. After all, the rules have changed since 2014. And now, it is registered without a seller. It is enough to have a purchase and sale agreement and documents for the car.

And then, while at the traffic police station, my electronic queue, and approaching the inspector, I receive 5 arrests on the car, for a total amount of 70 thousand rubles.

Yo-mayo... Think!

It just feels like a decline. It’s even difficult to convey this whole thing. In general, I ask the inspector what to do. What does he care about me? He says, I don’t know, lift the arrests and repeat them.

And the period, mind you, is 10 days.

In general, fortunately the seller was not hiding, and he did not know that the bailiffs had seized the car registration. We agreed on a meeting and went to the bailiffs to resolve this issue. I didn't have to go. But it’s somehow calmer to see the whole situation.

To avoid getting into such a situation, I recommend that you check your car in advance using the traffic police database and download the FSSP application from the official website: _//

Just check the owner for any arrests.

In general, everything worked out well here too. We gained experience)) . So we went to the bailiff’s office, and in my presence the seller paid off all the debts of 70 thousand rubles. After which the bailiff gave a document stating that there were no arrests. And within 2 days, we went back to the traffic police and successfully registered the car.


It was such an experience. What cases have you encountered? Ask a question, or share your story below...

Concluding a purchase and sale transaction for a used car yourself is not so difficult. Since 2014, there is no need to notarize an agreement; the legislation does not establish strict requirements for the form and content of the document. But still pay attention to the standardized sample to protect yourself. Follow the instructions provided to correctly fill out the purchase and sale agreement for a used car, and feel free to sign the paper, without the help of lawyers. At the end of the article you can download a free car purchase agreement form.

Documents for registration of purchase and sale of used cars

The seller of a used car must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

The buyer will only need a passport.

The new owner of the car is required to purchase an MTPL policy within 10 days after signing the contract. We advise you to do this immediately, in otherwise If an accident occurs, the blame will fall on you.

How to properly draw up a car purchase and sale agreement

We present to your attention a short checklist:

  • Fill out the agreement in triplicate with a dark pen.
  • Indicate the date and city in which the transaction is executed.
  • Enter the contract number to enter it later in the PTS, for example: 01012020
  • (day, month and year of sale).
  • Enter the passport details of the seller and buyer.
  • Fill in the vehicle details.
  • Enter the cost of the car.
  • Exchange your keys for money.
  • Sign the document. You don’t need to have it certified by a lawyer, nor do you need to put a stamp on it.

Don’t forget to register your car with the traffic police within 10 days! If this is not done, the former owner has the right to deregister the car.

Typical mistakes when filling out a purchase and sale agreement

The most common mistakes that occur when a transaction is executed incorrectly are:

  • There is not enough data (for example, there is no city of the transaction or its date).
  • There are corrections on the form.
  • Incorrect information (for example, a number is missing in the passport series or VIN number).
  • The contract number is missing.
  • The data or signatures of the parties are mixed up.
  • The sale price of a used car is not indicated in words.
  • Unreadable and incomprehensible handwriting.
  • The data on the copies differs (often, to reduce time, the seller and buyer fill out the data at the same time, resulting in different information. Give all the forms to the person who must fill out the car purchase and sale agreement, and do not rush him.
  • The agreement is written in different pens and/or non-dark colors.

Double-check all data several times! Even such minor mistakes can invalidate the purchase and sale agreement!

At the end of the article you can download a free sample purchase and sale agreement. A correctly completed contract is confirmation of your ownership. Thanks to our instructions for the correct execution of a purchase and sale transaction, all you have to do is print out the contract, fill it out correctly, carefully double-check all the points and sign.

Pay attention to whether the same data is indicated in the seller’s passport, PTS and car certificate. After signing the deal, do not forget to enter yourself as the new owner in the title, indicating the date of purchase and contract number.

Carefully check the seller's documents:

  • The owner is obliged to provide originals; copies of documents (even notarized) are unacceptable.
  • The passport must not be expired.
  • All documents must indicate the same person as the owner.

We invite you to download a free book about the secrets of safe car buying. Here you will find a lot of useful information on how to inspect and buy a used car.

At the end of the article there are forms of car purchase and sale agreements (in Word format), which you can easily fill out yourself.


Before concluding a contract, check all the data on the car - it should not be pledged or be subject to loan agreement, and should not be subject to registration restrictions.

When completing a contract for the sale and purchase of a car, the seller and buyer must have the following documents with them.

The car seller must have:

  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The buyer must only have a citizen's passport.

Checking a car for an accident, theft, restriction of registration actions, collateral by VIN number

You can check a car for an accident before concluding a sales contract for free using the VIN on the official website of the traffic police.

The history of road accidents on this resource contains information about road traffic accidents registered since 2015 and registered federally with the Automated Information System of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

If an accident occurred before this date or was not registered properly, then data about it will not be displayed in the database.

On the official website of the traffic police, for free, using the VIN number, in addition to information about the participation of the car in an accident:

  1. Check the registration history of the vehicle with the traffic police and obtain basic information about the car and all periods of its registration with the traffic police for various owners. When checking, matches only by identification number vehicle (VIN);
  2. Check whether the car is wanted;
  3. Determine whether there are restrictions on registration actions.

This traffic police database may not contain information about cars that were stolen most recently.

If the theft report is submitted later than 10 days before the inspection time, then this vehicle may not yet be in the traffic police database.

You can also independently and free of charge determine the possibility of a vehicle being pledged using a link on the FNP service.

The only disadvantage of this method is that the FNP website does not have a database of cars pledged by banks, and this is the most common form of pledge.

Information about the MTPL agreement can be obtained from the RSA service by entering vehicle data.

Indirect signs of a vehicle being pledged

A car may be pledged for the following reasons:

Duplicate PTS
  1. In connection with a lien on an unpaid car loan agreement.
  2. A loan was taken out from a bank or pawnshop secured by a car.
  3. An individual has taken out a loan secured by a car.

Signs of a pawned car:

  1. Duplicate PTS. Banks often take away the title that they have as collateral for the car. An unscrupulous seller sells a car on the basis of a duplicate title.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of special marks that indicate the reason for issuing a duplicate PTS: if it is issued to replace one that has become unusable and handed over, then everything is in order, but if it is to replace a lost one, then this is very suspicious.


We must try to buy a car using the original title, and not a duplicate!

Recommendations for filling out the car purchase and sale agreement form in 2018-2019.

A car purchase and sale agreement is drawn up according to the following recommendations:

  1. The agreement is filled out in triplicate with a pen of the same color. One agreement is intended for the seller of the vehicle, the second for the buyer, and the third is given to the traffic police.
  2. The contract must indicate the date and city of the transaction.
  3. You should carefully enter the passport details of the buyer and seller.
  4. Data about the car is extracted from the title and vehicle registration certificate.
  5. The cost of selling a car must be indicated in numbers and the amount must be written in words in brackets.
  6. Next, the keys and money are exchanged and the vehicle purchase and sale agreement is signed.

There is no need to register or certify the contract anywhere!

This is how the purchase and sale of a car occurs. The contract is a form filled out by both parties, this is a very important document, try not to lose it.

Download the form of a car purchase and sale agreement for individuals (2018-2019)

We present to you new agreement purchase and sale of a car for individuals of the 2018-2019 model, which can be downloaded to your computer and immediately filled out and printed.

Purchase and sale of a car (contract) - form 2018. Purchase and sale of a car (contract) - form 2019.

After 10 days, the car seller needs to check whether the vehicle is registered to the new owner, because There are cases of buyer dishonesty. He may not deliver fixed time The car is registered in your own name, so all fines and taxes will be sent to the name of the previous owner.

This can be done at any MREO by contacting them with your passport and a copy of the vehicle purchase and sale agreement. If the car has not been re-registered, you can suspend registration upon application.