Job description of the paramedic for emergency care. Job description of the paramedic of the ambulance team

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Job description ambulance driver medical care [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the field of healthcare", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n, and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The paramedic-ambulance driver belongs to the category of specialists and directly reports to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with an average professional education in the specialty "Medicine", additional professional education and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty " Ambulance", without presenting requirements for work experience, as well as the right to drive a category "B" car, work experience as a car driver for at least three years.

1.3. The paramedic-ambulance driver must know:

Laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation in the health sector;

Structure, main aspects of the activities of medical organizations;

Operating rules medical instrument and equipment;

medical ethics;

Psychology of professional communication;

Fundamentals of disaster medicine;

Theoretical foundations of the organization of emergency medical care for adults, children and emergency situations;

The main regulatory legal acts regulating the work of emergency medical care, the rights and obligations of the personnel of the brigade of the emergency medical care institution;

Reasons for calling ambulances;

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation standards for sudden circulatory arrest, acute respiratory failure, allergic, coma, hanging, drowning, electrical injury;

Features of resuscitation and intensive care in children and newborns;

Rules for general anesthesia used at the prehospital stage;

Diagnostic protocols and emergency care for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the organs abdominal cavity, endocrine diseases, blood diseases, allergic diseases, mental illnesses, infectious diseases;

Fundamentals of diagnostics and emergency care for injuries, lesions and poisonings;

Application Methods medicines who are on the equipment of the ambulance team, indications and contraindications for their appointment, doses of drugs for adults and for children of different ages, possible side effects and methods for their correction;

Rules on labor protection when working with equipment and medical gases;

Appointment of detergents and rules for handling them;

Traffic Laws;

Fundamentals of traffic safety;

Rules technical operation cars (related to drivers);

The main indicators of the operation of cars, ways and means of increasing labor productivity;

Signs, causes and dangerous consequences malfunctions that occur during the operation of the car, ways to detect and eliminate them;

Order of conduct Maintenance cars and trailers;

Rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots;

Rules for the operation of batteries and car tires;

The influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car;

Ways to prevent traffic accidents;

Filling rules primary documents accounting for the operation of the car;

Rules for running in new cars and after major repairs;

The procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of traffic accidents;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

2. Job responsibilities

Ambulance driver:

2.1. Provides emergency medical care first aid in accordance with approved standards.

2.2. Assists the doctor in the provision of emergency medical care; performs an inspection.

2.3. Applies objective methods of examination of the patient (injured).

2.4. Assesses the severity of the condition of the patient or injured.

2.5. Determines the need to apply research methods.

2.6. Receives the necessary information about the disease, poisoning or injury from the patient or other people.

2.7. Identifies general and specific signs of an emergency.

2.8. Determines the urgency, volume, content and sequence of diagnostic, therapeutic and resuscitation measures.

2.9. Chooses the optimal tactical solution, indications for hospitalization.

2.10. Provides transportation of the patient on a stretcher or shield, gentle transportation with simultaneous intensive care and hospitalization of the patient (injured).

2.11. Carries out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (closed heart massage using special devices, closed heart massage manually), automatic defibrillation, sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree.

2.12. Ensures patency of the upper respiratory tract alternative methods, performing tracheal intubation using a combitube, laryngeal mask or tube; conicotomy, puncture of the cricothyroid ligament.

2.13. Uses narcotic and potent drugs as prescribed by a doctor.

2.14. Carries out intramuscular, intratracheal, continuous intravenous, intraosseous administration of drugs, infusion therapy, puncture and catheterization of peripheral veins.

2.15. Performs puncture of the external jugular vein, systemic thrombolysis as prescribed by a doctor, determination of glucose levels, inhalation therapy with a nebulizer, oxygen therapy, pulse oximetry, peak flowmetry, local anesthesia, primary wound treatment, control of external bleeding, anterior tamponade for nosebleeds.

2.16. Performs probe gastric lavage, bladder catheterization.

2.17. Takes birth.

2.18. Carries out the primary treatment of the newborn, puncture with tension pneumothorax.

2.19. Imposes an occlusive bandage with open pneumothorax.

2.20. Records and analyzes ECG.

2.21. Performs immobilization for fractures of bones, spine, long-term compression syndrome.

2.22. Prescribes drug therapy.

2.23. Maintains approved accounting and reporting documentation characterizing the activities of the emergency medical care institution.

2.24. Drives an ambulance classified in one of the categories "B" or "C".

2.26. Prepares travel documents.

2.27. Checks technical condition and receiving the car before leaving the line.

2.28. Delivery of the car and putting it in the allotted place upon returning from work.

2.29. Eliminates minor operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that have arisen during work on the line and do not require disassembly of the mechanisms.

2.30. Carries out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the car interior after each patient (injured).

2.31. Reports vehicle problems.

2.32. Ensuring sanitary and preventive drug care population.

2.33. Organizes and conducts anti-epidemic measures.

2.34. Provides storage, accounting and write-off of medicines.

2.35. Maintains medical records.

2.36. Carries out sanitary-educational work among patients and their relatives on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

2.37. Provides sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the medical salon.

2.38. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, rules on labor protection and fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime, promptly takes measures, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary regulations that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors.

2.39. Systematically improves his skills.

2.40. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The ambulance driver has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Make suggestions to senior management to improve their work.

3.3. Independently make decisions within their competence and organize their implementation.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.6. Receive information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. [Other rights under labor law].

4. Responsibility

The ambulance driver is responsible for:

4.1. For failure or improper execution their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law RF.

4.2. For causing material damage employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil law RF.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document]

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

An important section of the activity of paramedics is the provision of medical care to patients at home. The order of treatment of patients at home is determined by the doctors of the district hospital or the central district hospital (CRH) and only in some cases by the paramedic himself. Patients left at home should be monitored continuously until they recover. This is especially true for children. Patients from distant FAPs settlements it is advisable to hospitalize; when leaving the patient at home, the paramedic informs the doctor of the rural medical district about this and monitors the patient.

In outpatient care for tuberculosis patients, the paramedic, being the direct executor of medical prescriptions, conducts immunochemoprophylaxis, medical examination, anti-epidemic measures in the foci of tuberculosis infection, work on hygiene education, etc.

A paramedic working at a FAP must master the simplest resuscitation techniques at the prehospital stage, especially in case of sudden cardiac or respiratory arrest, the causes of which can be severe injuries, blood loss, acute myocardial infarction, poisoning, drowning, electrical injury. Paramedics and obstetricians working independently are also entrusted with the provision of emergency medical care in case of acute diseases and accidents. In case of an urgent call, the paramedic must have a suitcase with him, complete with medical instruments and medicines according to the packing list.

Paramedics play an important role in medical examination of the rural population. Its main goal is to implement a set of measures aimed at forming, maintaining and strengthening the health of the population, preventing the development of diseases, reducing morbidity, and increasing active creative longevity.

To conduct a general medical examination, a personal registration of the entire population living in the service area of ​​the polyclinic, outpatient clinic and FAP is carried out in accordance with the “Instruction on the procedure for accounting for the annual medical examination of the entire population”. IN countryside lists of residents are average medical workers of the FAP.

For the personal record of each resident, paramedical workers fill out a “Medical examination record card” (educational form No. 131 / y - 86) and number it in accordance with the number medical card outpatient (registration form No. 025 / y). After clarifying the composition of the population, all "Medical examination records" are transferred to the file cabinet.

The paramedic or midwife makes sure that patients who need seasonal (autumn, spring) anti-relapse treatment receive it in a timely manner in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. The proper organization of the examination of temporary disability for FAP is important for reducing the incidence.

In accordance with the "Regulations on the head of the feldsher-obstetric station", the head of the FOP, the paramedic may have the right to issue sick leaves, certificates and other documents medical nature in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for granting the right to extradite sick leave the paramedic is the petition of the chief physician of the district, which must indicate:

The remoteness of the FAP from the hospital (outpatient clinic) to which he is assigned;

The number of serviced settlements of the state farm and the number of employees in them;

Status of communication routes;

The experience of the paramedic and the level of his qualifications;

Knowledge and observance by the paramedic of the basics of examinations of temporary disability and the “Instructions on the procedure for issuing sick leave”. The medical assistant keeps records of the issued sick leave in the "Book of Registration of Disability Leaves" (form No. 036 / y) with obligatory filling all its graphs.

Therapeutic and preventive care for women and children. At each FLP, the paramedic (midwife) maintains a file of personal records of women starting from the age of 18, where they enter passport data, past illnesses, information about all pregnancies (years in which each pregnancy ended, complications). The medical assistant (midwife) begins the examination of each pregnant woman at the first visit with a general examination, measures the length and weight of the body, blood pressure on the common arms, determines the condition of the heart, lungs and other organs within her competence, examines the urine for protein. When monitoring pregnant women, the paramedic (midwife) of the FAP is obliged to show each of them to the doctor; in cases where a woman has the slightest deviation from the normal development of pregnancy, she should be immediately referred to a doctor.

One of the important sections of the activity of FAP paramedics is to carry out primary anti-epidemic measures in the event of outbreaks of infectious diseases, the timeliness and quality of which determine the effectiveness of preventing the spread of infection outside the outbreak. In this regard, the organization of the activities of FLP employees, aimed at identifying infectious diseases among the population, is of great importance.

When diagnosing an infectious disease (or suspecting it), the paramedical staff of the FAP should:

Carry out primary anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak;

Isolate the patient at home and organize ongoing disinfection before hospitalization of the patient;

Identify all persons who have been in contact with the patient, take them into account and establish for them medical supervision;

Carry out (together with the doctor) quarantine measures in relation to persons who have been in contact with sick people visiting children's preschool institutions, schools or working at epidemically important facilities;

Inform at the place of work, study, preschool institutions, at the place of residence about the sick person and the persons who had contact with him;

At the direction of a pediatrician or epidemiologist, conduct gamma globulin prophylaxis for those who have been in contact with the patient viral hepatitis A.

An infectious patient is hospitalized during the first day of the disease in a special transport. In its absence, the patient can be transported by any means of transport with subsequent disinfection. Further medical worker The FAP follows the instructions of the epidemiologist (assistant epidemiologist) and carries out:

Collection of material from persons who have been in contact with patients for laboratory research in order to identify bacteria carriers;

Vaccinations according to epidemiological indications and chemoprophylaxis;

Dynamic monitoring of persons who have been in contact with patients during the incubation period of this infectious disease.

Paramedics and midwives of the FAP play an important role in health-improving activities, hygienic education of the rural population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. In order to correctly assess the level of well-being of the object, paramedics are trained in the simplest laboratory tests, express methods and are provided with field express laboratories. With the help of such a laboratory, it is possible to determine residual amounts of chlorine in disinfectant solutions, on objects and surfaces (starch iodine method), residual amounts of detergents on tableware (phenolphthalein test).

The FAP paramedic often has to take part in the analysis of occupational injuries and the development of measures to reduce it, so he must be familiar with the main causes of injuries: technical, organizational and sanitary and hygienic. More than half of all victims turn to FAP, so the nursing staff is required to constantly improve their knowledge, in particular, in first aid for injuries. In addition to providing first aid to the victim, FAP paramedics register and record injuries; identify, study and analyze their causes depending on various factors; together with doctors, develop specific measures to eliminate the identified causes; monitor compliance with safety regulations; train workers Agriculture first aid practices.

When working as part of a medical team, the paramedic is completely subordinate to the doctor during the call. His task is to fulfill all assignments accurately and quickly. Responsibility for decisions made lies with the doctor. The paramedic must be proficient in the technique of subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections and ECG recording, be able to quickly set up a drip system, measure blood pressure, count the pulse and number of respiratory movements, insert an airway, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc. He must also be able to apply a splint and a bandage, stop bleeding, know the rules for transporting patients.

When independent work the ambulance paramedic is fully responsible for everything, so he must be fully proficient in diagnostic methods at the prehospital stage. He needs knowledge in emergency therapy, surgery, traumatology, gynecology, pediatrics. He must know the basics of toxicology, be able to take birth on his own, assess the neurological and mental state of the patient, not only register, but also tentatively evaluate the ECG.

Appendix No. 10 to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 100 dated 03.26.99

"Regulations on the paramedic mobile brigade ambulance"

I. General provisions

1.1. A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty "General Medicine", who has a diploma and an appropriate certificate, is appointed to the position of paramedic of the "Ambulance" brigade.

1.2. When fulfilling the duties of providing emergency medical care as part of the paramedic team, the paramedic is the responsible executor of all work, and as part of the medical team acts under the guidance of a doctor.

1.3. The paramedic of the mobile ambulance team is guided in his work by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and methodological documents Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the station "Ambulance", orders and orders of the administration of the station (substation, department), these Regulations.

1.4. The paramedic of the ambulance mobile brigade is appointed to the position and dismissed statutory okay.

II. Responsibilities

The paramedic of the mobile brigade "Ambulance" is obliged:

2.1. Ensure the immediate departure of the brigade after receiving a call and its arrival at the scene within the established time limit in the given territory.

2.2. Provide emergency medical care to the sick and injured at the scene and during transportation to hospitals.

2.3. To administer medicines to patients and injured for medical reasons, to stop bleeding, to carry out resuscitation in accordance with approved industry norms, rules and standards for paramedical personnel for the provision of emergency medical care.

2.4. Be able to use the available medical equipment, master the technique of applying transport splints, dressings and methods of conducting basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

2.5. Master the technique of taking electrocardiograms.

2.6. Know the location of medical institutions and the service areas of the station.

2.7. Ensure the transfer of the patient on a stretcher, if necessary, take part in it (in the conditions of the work of the brigade, the transfer of the patient on a stretcher is regarded as a type of medical care). When transporting the patient, be next to him, providing the necessary medical care.

2.8. If it is necessary to transport the patient in an unconscious state or state alcohol intoxication to inspect for the detection of documents, valuables, money indicated in the "Call Card", hand them over to the admission department of the hospital with a mark in the direction against the signature of the staff on duty.

2.9. When providing medical assistance in emergency situations, in cases of violent injuries, act in accordance with the procedure established by law (inform the internal affairs authorities).

2.10. Ensure infectious safety (observe the rules of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime). If a quarantine infection is detected in a patient, provide him with the necessary medical care, observing precautionary measures, and inform the senior shift doctor about the patient's clinical, epidemiological and passport data.

2.11. Ensure proper storage, accounting and write-off of medicines.

2.12. At the end of the duty, check the condition of medical equipment, transport tires, replenish those used during work medicines, oxygen, nitrous oxide.

2.13. Inform the administration of the ambulance station about all emergencies that occurred during the call.

2.14. At the request of internal affairs officers, stop to provide emergency medical care, regardless of the location of the patient (injured).

2.15. Maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation.

2.16. IN in due course improve your professional level, improve your practical skills.

III. Rights

The paramedic of the ambulance team has the right to:

3.1. If necessary, call the medical team "Ambulance" for help.

3.2. Make proposals for improving the organization and provision of emergency medical care, improving the working conditions of medical personnel.

3.3. Improve your qualifications in your specialty at least once every five years. Pass certification and re-certification in the prescribed manner.

3.4. To take part in the work of medical conferences, meetings, seminars held by the administration of the institution.

IV. Responsibility

The paramedic of the ambulance team is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law:

4.1. For ongoing professional activity in accordance with the approved industry norms, rules and standards for paramedical personnel of the "Ambulance".

4.2. Behind illegal actions or inaction resulting in damage to the health of the patient or his death.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 100, field teams are divided into feldsher and medical teams. The paramedical brigade includes two paramedics, an orderly and a driver. The medical team includes a doctor, two paramedics (or a paramedic and a nurse anesthesiologist), an orderly and a driver.

Tactics of the behavior of the ambulance paramedic during the call. Ambulance personnel, including paramedics, work in very difficult conditions. During the call, the paramedic may encounter any, the most unexpected pathology. He needs to have a broad outlook, have knowledge from various fields of medicine, be able to quickly navigate in a difficult situation, keep cool, and make the right decision in a short time. For this, only special training is not enough; certain moral qualities, good health and life experience are also required.

One of the main difficulties is that at the moment of leaving for a challenge, you never know exactly what lies ahead. A "heart attack" can turn into anything - from hysteria to poisoning with pills, and when leaving due to a hand injury, a patient with a gunshot wound, massive blood loss and shock can turn out to be on the spot. Therefore, the paramedic must be constantly prepared for any situation. But you should not keep yourself in a state of nervous tension for a long time - you need to be able to quickly orient yourself and mobilize when you arrive at the place.

Already approaching the place of the call, it is necessary to begin to observe and draw conclusions. Whether they meet you or not; how the greeters look - worried, crying, alarmed, or indifferently leisurely; whether they are in a state of alcoholic intoxication, whether they look strange for the circumstances. General laws no, but, as a rule, when something really serious happens, the ambulance is met on the street. Unusual behavior may suggest the insincerity of the callers. In case of departure on a deliberately criminal occasion (fights, mass riots etc.) it is necessary to request police escort.

The person meeting should be let forward, let him show the way. On the way, you should start questioning to clarify what happened.

Arriving at the patient, it is necessary to quickly assess the situation. The collection of anamnesis in an ambulance has its own characteristics. It should be carried out purposefully. You should not at the very beginning allow lengthy stories about the history of life, marriage and many chronic ailments. You should find out what happened right now, everything else - later and if necessary. Often chronic patients who abuse the "Ambulance" without sufficient reason, this is perplexing. At the same time, a really seriously ill person may become confused, frightened, unable to immediately find words. This one needs help. One should not only follow the patient's lead, but also suppress him, adjust his complaints to his own (possibly incorrect) idea of ​​the nature of the disease. You should definitely ask what the patient himself connects his condition with, but evaluate his answer critically.

After clarifying the picture of what happened, you need to find out whether this condition arose for the first time or something similar has already happened, what helped then, what diagnosis was made, what other diseases the patient suffers from, are there any medical documents (outpatient card, extracts from hospitals, examination results) .

Simultaneously with the collection of anamnesis, it is necessary to begin an examination (count the pulse, measure blood pressure, palpate the abdomen, etc.).

If Small child sleeps, it is better to first gently palpate the abdomen, and only then wake it up and carry out further examination. Examining the pharynx in restless children should be the last thing, since this unpleasant procedure can make contact with the child difficult for a long time.

In case of injuries, you should first examine the site of injury, while assessing the general condition of the patient, and then proceed to the examination of organs and systems.

The collection of anamnesis and examination in an ambulance is given 5-10 minutes. But sometimes they don't! After that, it is necessary to draw conclusions, make a preliminary diagnosis and make a decision regarding the provision of assistance.

At the bedside of the patient, one should behave benevolently, correctly, but businesslike and firmly. One should not allow familiarity or condescending attitude on the part of relatives or the patient towards oneself, especially rudeness. All actions at the same time should be clear, confident, it is necessary to inspire calmness to the patient with all his appearance.

Before injecting or giving pills, it is necessary to find out if the patient is allergic to these drugs.

Particularly difficult in moral terms are calls to the street or to another public place about car accidents, falls from a height or sudden serious illnesses when an excited crowd gathers around, usually negatively or even aggressively disposed towards the ambulance staff. People in such a situation inadequately assess what is happening. Other ambulance personnel may also be at the scene. Listen to their advice and accept help. During transport to the hospital, you should not take more than one escort into the car. If you have to hospitalize a drunk or aggressive patient, he should be laid or planted so that he could not suddenly and quickly reach the paramedic. If the ambulance was stopped on the way to a call to help another patient and he really needs it, you should inform the dispatcher so that the first call is transferred to another team for execution.

After medical assistance has already been provided, the patient should be explained what happened to him, how to behave in such a case next time, give in general terms recommendations for the treatment and prevention of this disease. If necessary, an active call should be transferred to the local doctor (when the patient is not hospitalized for any reason, but requires dynamic monitoring) or the medical team (when the patient in serious condition requires specialized care or the picture of the disease is not completely clear, and you are not sure of the diagnosis).

The principle of operation of the paramedic (and the doctor) of the ambulance is overdiagnosis. The severity of the patient's condition is better to overestimate than to underestimate.

Methods and means of sanitary and educational work of a paramedic

In organizing his health education work, the paramedic, along with traditional methods of educating the population on health issues (such as interviews, group discussions, lectures, theme evenings, question and answer evenings, conversations for round table, oral magazines, health schools, publications in the press, conferences) also widely uses visual propaganda methods: wall newspapers; health bulletins; exhibitions and corners of health; book exhibitions.

A health bulletin is an illustrated health education newspaper that focuses on one topic only. Topics should be relevant and chosen taking into account the challenges facing modern healthcare, as well as the seasonality and epidemiological situation in the region. The title is in large print. The name should be interesting, intriguing, it is desirable not to mention the word "disease" and "prevention".

The SanBulletin consists of two parts - textual and illustrated. The text is placed on a standard sheet of drawing paper in the form of columns, 13-15 cm wide, typed on a typewriter or computer. It is allowed to write the text in calligraphic handwriting in black or purple ink. It is necessary to highlight the editorial or introduction, the rest of the text should be divided into subsections (headings) with subheadings, which state the essence of the issues and give practical advice. Noteworthy is the presentation of the material in the form of questions and answers. The text should be written in a language that is intelligible to the general public without medical terminology, with the obligatory use of local material, examples of proper hygienic behavior in relation to one's health, cases from medical practice. Artistic design: drawings, photographs, applications should illustrate the material, but not duplicate it. The drawing can be one or more, but one of them - the main one - should carry the main semantic load and attract attention. Text and artwork should not be bulky. The health bulletin ends with a slogan or appeal.

It is necessary to ensure the issuance of a sanitary bulletin at least 1-2 times a quarter.

Health corner. The organization of the corner should be preceded by certain preparatory work: coordination with the leadership of this institution; determination of the list of works and necessary building materials (stands, strips, buttons, glue, fabric, etc.); choosing a place - one where there are constantly or often a lot of people; a selection of relevant illustrated material (posters, photo and literary exhibitions, transparencies, photographs, memos, leaflets, clippings from newspapers and magazines, drawings).

The leading theme of the health corner is various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. In the event of any infection or its threat in the area, appropriate prevention material should be placed in the corner. This may be a health bulletin, a leaflet prepared local authority sanitary and epidemiological supervision, a brief memo, a clipping from a medical newspaper, etc. The health corner should have a question and answer board. Answers to questions should always be timely, efficient and useful.

oral journals. In oral journals, in addition to health workers, traffic police officers, juvenile inspectors, and lawyers should participate. In their reports, they address issues not only of a medical nature, but also affecting legal, social and moral problems. Therefore, in oral journals, several topics can be considered at once.

Disputes and conferences. Debate is a method of polemical discussion of any topical, moral or educational problem, a way of collective search, discussion and resolution of issues of concern to the population. A dispute is possible when it is well prepared, when not only specialists, but also (for example, at school) students and teachers participate in it. Collisions, struggle of opinions are associated with differences in people's views, life experience, inquiries, tastes, knowledge, in the ability to approach the analysis of phenomena. The purpose of the dispute is to support progressive opinion and convince everyone of the rightness.

A form of propaganda close to a dispute is a conference with a pre-designed program and fixed speeches by both specialists and the population itself.

Oral forms of health education propaganda also include themed evenings, round-table discussions, and question-and-answer evenings. Theater and entertainment events, mass sports events can play an important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The content of the work in carrying out various forms and methods of hygienic education of the population and promoting a healthy lifestyle at the FAP should be aimed at highlighting the basics of personal and public hygiene, hygiene of the village, town, housing, landscaping and gardening, maintenance of personal plots; to fight pollution environment; prevention of diseases caused by exposure to adverse meteorological conditions(increased air humidity, high and low temperatures, and others); for implementation physical education in the life of every person. The range of topics of this activity also includes labor and professional orientation: the creation of healthy living and working conditions, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. great attention it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of infectious diseases, improvement of water supply and water use. One of the important tasks is to promote occupational health measures in agricultural work, prevent agricultural injuries and poisoning with pesticides, explain hygiene requirements to the delivery, purification and storage of water in the field. A significant place should be occupied by anti-alcohol propaganda, an explanation of the dangers of smoking. Smoking is one of the most common types of addiction. The work of a paramedic on anti-alcohol propaganda should be based on a specific system, including legal, medical and biological and moral aspects.

Depending on gender and age, topics can be selected for better perception by listeners.

Sample lecture plans

1. For men: the effect of alcohol on all organs and systems of the body; alcohol and trauma; alcohol and sexually transmitted diseases; alcohol and mortality; alcohol and work capacity; alcohol and family; alcohol and heredity; economic damage caused to the state by persons who abuse alcohol.

2. For women: the effect of alcohol on a woman's body; the effect of alcohol on pregnancy; alcohol and children; the role of women in strengthening the family and overcoming drunkenness of men.

3. For teenagers: anatomical and physiological features of the teenager's body; the effect of alcohol on the body of a teenager; the effect of alcohol on a teenager's abilities; the effect of alcohol on offspring; alcohol and disorderly conduct; how to maintain mental health.

A large section of preventive work to promote a healthy lifestyle should be highlighted in pediatrics. Hygienic education and upbringing begins from early childhood, with antenatal protection of future offspring.

Healthy lifestyle education and prevention various diseases it is advisable to conduct with pregnant women at prenatal patronage and group sessions in the form of individual conversations (for example, in the “School of Pregnant Women”). It is desirable to conduct conversations about the hygiene of a pregnant woman and the peculiarities of the newborn period ™ not only among women themselves, but also among their family members, especially husbands in the “School of Young Fathers”.

The need for extensive preventive measures in relation to the child population and youth, including primarily educational and sanitary-educational measures, is also increasing due to the fact that at this age basic behavioral attitudes, attitudes, skills, habits, etc. are formed, i.e. everything that further determines the way of life of a person. During this period, it is possible to prevent the emergence of bad habits, emotional incontinence, passive rest and poor nutrition, which in the future can become a risk factor for many diseases. It is relatively easy for children to develop the habit of motor activity, physical education and sports, a varied and moderate diet, a rational regimen.

Sanitary and educational work at the FAP should be carried out according to a predetermined plan. Drawing up a plan for sanitary and educational work is carried out for the entire current year and for a month. The annual plan provides for the main tasks of protecting health and promoting a healthy lifestyle, and for each month they draw up a specific plan with the names of topics and methods for covering them. At the end of the month and at the end of the reporting year, the medical worker is obliged to report on the sanitary and educational work done.

Hygienic education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle should contribute to early access to medical care, improve obstetric care, reduce infant mortality, morbidity with temporary disability and injuries, timely hospitalization of patients, attract the population to preventive examinations, raising the level of sanitary culture of the population, improving the conditions of their work and life, activating the creative initiative of people in matters of preserving and strengthening health, increasing efficiency and creative longevity.

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  • Paramedic Job Responsibilities 03

    Job description for an ambulance paramedic

    1. General Provisions.

    1.1. A paramedic is appointed to the position of paramedic (nurse) of the ambulance team ( nurse) able to provide emergency medical care in the amount of qualification requirements ambulance paramedic training.

    1.2. Appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service.

    1.3. The paramedic (nurse) is subordinate to the doctor (responsible paramedic of the ambulance team) of the mobile team, and administratively - to the head of the substation and the senior paramedic of the substation.

    1.4. In his work, he is guided by the “Regulations on the city ambulance station”, orders and orders of the St. Petersburg Committee for Health, the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of Healthcare and the head of the substation.

    2. Duties of the paramedic (nurse) of the mobile ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the field team is obliged to:

    2.1. Comply with labor discipline, fulfill their official duties, orders and orders of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Emergency Medical Service.

    2.2. Arrive on duty in advance so that the team in full force is ready to go to the call by the beginning of the shift. Before the start of the shift, sign in the journal of the duty attire, put on overalls, find out the number of the car, the name of the driver, carry out a pre-trip inspection of the driver, accept and check the property.

    2.3. Check the condition of the car, the presence and serviceability of the walkie-talkie of the ambulance, make a control call to the operator of the radio station.

    2.4. If necessary, clean up medical waste (the interior of an ambulance is defined as a treatment room of a medical institution).

    2.5. Check sanitary condition arrived from the garage of an ambulance and the presence of a working radio (to receive a control call from the operator of the radio station).

    2.6. When a car depot provides a faulty car (with a non-working radio, heating and other defects), inform the doctor, paramedic for receiving calls and transferring them to the field team at the substation (substation dispatcher) to resolve the issue of drawing up an act and replacing the car.

    2.7. Check and accept tools, medical equipment, tires and soft inventory. On the acceptance of the property to sign in the relevant magazines.

    2.8. From the moment of acceptance of the property, the paramedic (nurse) is responsible for its safety and proper operation.

    2.9. Under the guidance of a team leader, provide medical care immediately and free of charge to citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons located on its territory (Article 39 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens) on the spot and during delivery to the hospital, to the extent of qualification requirements ambulance paramedic training.

    2.10. Carry out all assignments and orders of the senior in the brigade. When making calls, observe the established dress code. Carry a certificate of an employee of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service. In his free time from calls, be at the substation without the right to sleep and without the right to leave its territory.

    2.11. In case of operational need, by order of the head of the substation, go to work in any brigade of the substation, and by order of the senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation - to another substation or to the operational department of the central substation. In this case, substation transport is provided for the move, and the time of the move is counted as working time.

    2.12. If any signs of illness or signs of intoxication (the smell of alcohol in the exhaled air) are noticed in the driver or medical personnel, immediately inform the senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation and the head of the substation and then act on their instructions.

    2.13. When a call is signaled, immediately, together with the team leader, arrive at the substation dispatcher, be present when the call is received.

    2.14. Within one minute, together with the brigade, take a place in the car, fasten the seat belt and drive out to complete the call.

    2.15. Assist the team leader in communicating with the central substation dispatcher when receiving a call, during its execution and when reporting after its completion.

    2.16. Reporting by phone or walkie-talkie, specify the address and the reason for the call; to exclude possible error duplicate call text aloud. When following a call, help the driver and the team leader find the address and choose the most convenient and shortest route to the patient's location.

    2.17. When providing medical care, follow the instructions and instructions of the senior in the brigade, carefully monitor their actions. Act quickly and decisively, showing attention to the sick and those around them, observe the rules of medical deontology,

    2.18. During the call, strictly and accurately observe the "Rules for the work of field personnel on ambulances", approved and put into effect by order of the Health Committee dated April 13, 2004 No. 87-p.

    2.19. If necessary, organize the transfer of a patient on a stretcher (carrying patients on a stretcher in the conditions of work of ambulance teams is regarded as a type of medical care).

    2.20. After making a call related to transportation, inspect the interior of the car to identify things or valuables that may have been left by the patient, and if any are found, immediately report to the doctor and dispatcher of the central substation. Forgotten things must be handed over according to the act to the admission department of the hospital to which the patient was taken, with a note about this in the call card and indicating the name of the person who accepted the things.

    2.21. At the end of the shift, check the availability of equipment (in working condition), sterile tools, tires and soft equipment in the car. Replace spent medical gas cylinders. Carry out wet cleaning of the interior of the car and remove medical debris, hand over overalls. Transfer the property to the dispatcher or paramedic new shift and sign in the journal of acceptance and transfer of equipment and property.

    2.22. Until the shift arrives, stay at your workplace, and when a call comes in, leave to complete it at any time, regardless of how much time is left before the end of duty.

    2.23. Upon receipt of an order from the chief doctor or senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation to delay the brigade to perform urgent tasks (natural disasters, accidents with a mass number of victims, emergencies, etc.), the paramedic (nurse) must remain in the service after the end of duty.

    2.24. To take part in the work of morning conferences and meetings held by the substation administration, visit the LCC, constantly improve their professional knowledge and business skills.

    3. The paramedic (nurse) of the emergency ambulance team should know:

    3.1. methods of providing first aid to patients on the spot and along the way in the scope of the qualification requirements for the training of an emergency medical assistant;

    3.2. the content of the medical box and the pharmacodynamics of the available medicines;

    3.3. medical equipment(anesthesia, respiratory and other medical equipment), which is on the equipment of the field team;

    3.4. tactics of work in difficult situations (traffic accidents, mass poisonings, natural disasters, emergencies, micro-social conflicts, etc.);

    3.5. deployment medical institutions cities and service areas of their own and adjacent substations;

    3.6. “Protocols of actions for ambulance paramedic teams”, orders, instructions and other guidance materials regarding the work of ambulance, approved by higher authorities;

    3.7. orders of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Health Service of St. Petersburg;

    3.8. deontology, fundamentals of legislative and other normative acts, psychology and sociology to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;

    3.9. rules and regulations of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

    3.10. reporting procedure.

    4. Responsibility of the paramedic (nurse) of the ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the mobile team is responsible for:

    4.1. implementation of instructions and orders of the senior in the brigade;

    4.2. fulfillment of orders and instructions of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical and Emergency Medical Service, their official duties and compliance with labor discipline;

    4.3. safety of equipment and equipment, compliance with safety regulations, labor protection and the “Rules for the work of field personnel on SMP vehicles”.

    5. The rights of the paramedic (nurse) of the ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the mobile team has the right to:

    5.1. raise a question with the administration about replacing a technically faulty ambulance transport (with non-working heating, a walkie-talkie, faulty door locks, etc.);

    5.2. require the administration to create healthy and safe conditions labor, providing overalls, medicines, equipment, etc.;

    5.3. make proposals for improving medical care, equipping ambulance vehicles, rational use of working time and other issues of labor organization;

    5.4. take part in the management of the substation, using for this purpose permanent production meetings, meetings and conferences;

    5.5. for encouragement, bonuses and promotion for high performance;

    5.6. for improvement and specialization at least once every 5 years of work at the GSSMP.

    6. In case of operational need, the Chief Physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service reserves the right to correct the job description.

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    Job description for an ambulance paramedic

    1. General provisions.

    1.1. A paramedic (nurse) is appointed to the position of a paramedic (nurse) of an ambulance mobile team, capable of providing emergency medical care in the scope of the qualification requirements for training an ambulance paramedic.

    1.2. Appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service.

    1.3. The paramedic (nurse) is subordinate to the doctor (responsible paramedic of the ambulance team) of the mobile team, and administratively - to the head of the substation and the senior paramedic of the substation.

    1.4. In his work, he is guided by the “Regulations on the city ambulance station”, orders and orders of the St. Petersburg Committee for Health, the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of Healthcare and the head of the substation.

    2. Duties of the paramedic (nurse) of the mobile ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the field team is obliged to:

    2.1. Comply with labor discipline, fulfill their official duties, orders and orders of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Emergency Medical Service.

    2.2. Arrive on duty in advance so that the team in full force is ready to go to the call by the beginning of the shift. Before the start of the shift, sign in the journal of the duty attire, put on overalls, find out the number of the car, the name of the driver, carry out a pre-trip inspection of the driver, accept and check the property.

    2.3. Check the condition of the car, the presence and serviceability of the walkie-talkie of the ambulance, make a control call to the operator of the radio station.

    2.4. If necessary, clean up medical waste (the interior of an ambulance is defined as a treatment room of a medical institution).

    2.5. Check the sanitary condition of the ambulance that arrived from the garage and the presence of a working radio (receive a control call from the radio station operator).

    2.6. When a car depot provides a faulty car (with a non-working radio, heating and other defects), inform the doctor, paramedic for receiving calls and transferring them to the field team at the substation (substation dispatcher) to resolve the issue of drawing up an act and replacing the car.

    2.7. Check and accept tools, medical equipment, tires and soft inventory. On the acceptance of the property to sign in the relevant magazines.

    2.8. From the moment of acceptance of the property, the paramedic (nurse) is responsible for its safety and proper operation.

    2.9. Under the guidance of a team leader, provide medical care immediately and free of charge to citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons located on its territory (Article 39 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens) on the spot and during delivery to the hospital, to the extent of qualification requirements ambulance paramedic training.

    2.10. Carry out all assignments and orders of the senior in the brigade. When making calls, observe the established dress code. Carry a certificate of an employee of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical Service. In his free time from calls, be at the substation without the right to sleep and without the right to leave its territory.

    2.11. In case of operational need, by order of the head of the substation, go to work in any brigade of the substation, and by order of the senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation - to another substation or to the operational department of the central substation. In this case, substation transport is provided for the move, and the time of the move is counted as working time.

    2.12. If any signs of illness or signs of intoxication (the smell of alcohol in the exhaled air) are noticed in the driver or medical personnel, immediately inform the senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation and the head of the substation and then act on their instructions.

    2.13. When a call is signaled, immediately, together with the team leader, arrive at the substation dispatcher, be present when the call is received.

    2.14. Within one minute, together with the brigade, take a place in the car, fasten the seat belt and drive out to complete the call.

    2.15. Assist the team leader in communicating with the central substation dispatcher when receiving a call, during its execution and when reporting after its completion.

    2.16. Reporting by phone or walkie-talkie, specify the address and the reason for the call; to exclude a possible error, duplicate the text of the call aloud. When following a call, help the driver and the team leader find the address and choose the most convenient and shortest route to the patient's location.

    2.17. When providing medical care, follow the instructions and instructions of the senior in the brigade, carefully monitor their actions. Act quickly and decisively, showing attention to the sick and those around them, observe the rules of medical deontology,

    2.18. During the call, strictly and accurately observe the "Rules for the work of field personnel on ambulances", approved and put into effect by order of the Health Committee dated April 13, 2004 No. 87-p.

    2.19. If necessary, organize the transfer of a patient on a stretcher (carrying patients on a stretcher in the conditions of work of ambulance teams is regarded as a type of medical care).

    2.20. After making a call related to transportation, inspect the interior of the car to identify things or valuables that may have been left by the patient, and if any are found, immediately report to the doctor and dispatcher of the central substation. Forgotten things must be handed over according to the act to the admission department of the hospital to which the patient was taken, with a note about this in the call card and indicating the name of the person who accepted the things.

    2.21. At the end of the shift, check the availability of equipment (in working condition), sterile tools, tires and soft equipment in the car. Replace spent medical gas cylinders. Carry out wet cleaning of the interior of the car and remove medical debris, hand over overalls. Transfer the property to the dispatcher or paramedic of the new shift and sign in the equipment and property transfer and acceptance log.

    2.22. Until the shift arrives, stay at your workplace, and when a call comes in, leave to complete it at any time, regardless of how much time is left before the end of duty.

    2.23. Upon receipt of an order from the chief doctor or senior doctor on duty of the operational department of the central substation to delay the brigade to perform urgent tasks (natural disasters, accidents with a mass number of victims, emergencies, etc.), the paramedic (nurse) must remain in the service after the end of duty.

    2.24. To take part in the work of morning conferences and meetings held by the substation administration, visit the LCC, constantly improve their professional knowledge and business skills.

    3. The paramedic (nurse) of the emergency ambulance team should know:

    3.1. methods of providing first aid to patients on the spot and along the way in the scope of the qualification requirements for the training of an emergency medical assistant;

    3.3. medical equipment (anesthesia, respiratory and other medical equipment), which is equipped with a mobile team;

    3.4. tactics of work in difficult situations (during traffic accidents, mass poisoning, natural disasters, emergencies, micro-social conflicts, etc.);

    3.5. dislocation of medical institutions of the city and service areas of its own and adjacent substations;

    3.6. “Protocols of actions for ambulance paramedic teams”, orders, instructions and other guidance materials regarding the work of ambulance, approved by higher authorities;

    3.7. orders of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Health Service of St. Petersburg;

    3.8. deontology, fundamentals of legislative and other normative acts, psychology and sociology to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;

    3.9. rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

    3.10. reporting procedure.

    4. Responsibility of the paramedic (nurse) of the ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the mobile team is responsible for:

    4.1. implementation of instructions and orders of the senior in the brigade;

    4.2. fulfillment of orders and instructions of the chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the State Medical and Emergency Medical Service, their official duties and compliance with labor discipline;

    4.3. safety of equipment and equipment, compliance with safety regulations, labor protection and the “Rules for the work of field personnel on SMP vehicles”.

    5. The rights of the paramedic (nurse) of the ambulance team.

    The paramedic (nurse) of the mobile team has the right to:

    5.1. raise a question with the administration about replacing a technically faulty ambulance transport (with non-working heating, a walkie-talkie, faulty door locks, etc.);

    5.2. demand from the administration the creation of healthy and safe working conditions, the provision of overalls, medicines, equipment, etc.;

    5.3. make proposals for improving medical care, equipping ambulance vehicles, rational use of working time and other issues of labor organization;

    5.4. take part in the management of the substation, using for this purpose permanent production meetings, meetings and conferences;

    5.5. for encouragement, bonuses and promotion for high performance;

    5.6. for improvement and specialization at least once every 5 years of work at the GSSMP.

    6. In case of operational need, the Chief Physician of the State Healthcare Institution of Healthcarereserves the right to correct the job description.

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    The doctor of the mobile ambulance team has the right to:

    3.1. If the patient refuses medical care and hospitalization, offer him, and if he is incapacitated, his legal representatives or relatives to confirm the refusal in writing in the "Call Card".

    3.2. Allow relatives to accompany the patient (injured) in an ambulance.

    3.3. Make proposals on improving the work of ambulance teams, improving the working conditions of medical personnel.

    3.4. Improve their qualifications as an emergency medical specialist at least once every five years, undergo certification and re-certification in the specialty in the prescribed manner.

    3.5. Take part in production meetings, scientific and practical conferences, symposiums.

    4. Responsibility

    The doctor of the mobile ambulance team is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law:

    4.1. For the organization and quality of work of the ambulance team in accordance with the approved industry norms, rules and standards for emergency medical personnel.

    4.2. For illegal actions or omissions that caused damage to the health of the patient or his death.

    Annex 10

    Toorder Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Regulations on the paramedic of the mobile ambulance brigade

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty "General Medicine", who has a diploma and an appropriate certificate, is appointed to the position of paramedic of the ambulance brigade.

    1.2. When performing the duties of providing emergency medical care as part of the paramedic team, the paramedic is the responsible executor of all work, and as part of the medical team, he acts under the guidance of a doctor.

    1.3. The paramedic of the mobile ambulance team is guided in his work by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the ambulance station, orders and orders of the administration of the station (substation, department), these Regulations.

    1.4. The paramedic of the mobile ambulance team is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

    2. Responsibilities

    The paramedic of the mobile ambulance team is obliged to:

    2.1. Ensure the immediate departure of the brigade after receiving a call and its arrival at the scene within the established time limit in the given territory.

    2.2. Provide emergency medical care to the sick and injured at the scene and during transportation to hospitals.

    2.3. To administer medicines to patients and injured for medical reasons, to stop bleeding, to carry out resuscitation in accordance with approved industry norms, rules and standards for paramedical personnel for the provision of emergency medical care.

    2.4. Be able to use the available medical equipment, master the technique of applying transport splints, dressings and methods of conducting basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    2.5. Master the technique of taking electrocardiograms.

    2.6. Know the location of medical institutions and the service areas of the station.

    2.7. Ensure the transfer of the patient on a stretcher, if necessary, take part in it (in the conditions of the work of the brigade, the transfer of the patient on a stretcher is regarded as a type of medical care in the complex of therapeutic measures).

    When transporting the patient, be next to him, providing the necessary medical care.

    2.8. If it is necessary to transport a patient in an unconscious state or in a state of alcoholic intoxication, inspect for documents, valuables, money indicated in the call card, hand them over to the admission department of the hospital with a mark in the direction against the signature of the staff on duty.

    2.9. When providing medical assistance in emergency situations, in cases of violent injuries, act in accordance with the established procedure.

    2.10. Ensure infectious safety (observe the rules of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime). If a quarantine infection is detected in a patient, provide him with the necessary medical care, observing precautionary measures, and inform the senior shift doctor about the patient's clinical, epidemiological and passport data.

    2.11. Ensure proper storage, accounting and write-off of medicines.

    2.12. At the end of the duty, check the condition of medical equipment, transport tires, replenish medicines, oxygen, and nitrous oxide used during work.

    2.13. Inform the administration of the ambulance station about all emergencies that occurred during the call.

    2.14. At the request of the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, stop to provide emergency medical care, regardless of the location of the patient (injured).

    2.15. Maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation.

    2.16. In accordance with the established procedure, improve your professional level, improve practical skills.