If the passenger doesn't wear a seat belt, who pays? Fine for not wearing a seat belt - maybe it would be cheaper and safer not to break it? Is there a separate fine for a seat belt for taxi drivers, bus drivers or legal entities

If you forgot your seat belt, this is not nonsense at all. Firstly, you are exposed to danger on the road, and secondly, you become a criminal. Such actions form the composition administrative violation, for which you will have to pay. We’ll talk further about what fine is imposed in this case, who should pay it, whether rear passengers and children need to wear seat belts, and what other punishment the violator may suffer.

Fine for not wearing a seat belt 2020

Came into force in May 2016 changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which changed the amount of the fine for unfastened seat belt child.

More precisely, for citizens it remained the same - 3000 rubles, it’s just that clause 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was supplemented with fines for:

Previously, the sanction of this article was focused only on individuals. This year, the legislator decided to toughen the punishment for those responsible for organizing the transportation of children.

Its provisions refer to violations of the requirements for transporting children specified in the traffic rules, and not specifically about unfastened seat belts. But since paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules talks about the need to fasten the baby or seat him in specially designed structures, then ignoring this requirement is already the basis for the application of article 12.23.

For other cases, the seat belt fine remained unchanged in 2020.:

  • for drivers – 1000 rubles;
  • for passengers – 500 rub.

How to seat belt your children without getting fined

You will have to pay the most for unbelted children in the car, so you need to figure out how and with what to secure them in the seat, and also up to what age.

The traffic rules do not put forward strict restrictions on fastening methods, but only offer options:

  • special child seat;
  • child adapters for adult belts;
  • children's belts.

Typically, children under 3 years of age are transported in child seats, while older children are transported using belt adapters. Although there are special chairs that are designed for a child aged 12 years, for some reason they are almost never used.

It is interesting that clause 22.9 of the traffic rules puts forward such requirements only for those situations when there is a child under 12 years old in the car. Apparently, older children are treated like adults, although from a legal point of view, persons become adults at the age of 16. But based on the Rules traffic, we come to the conclusion that a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed only for children under 12 years of age who are not properly restrained, and teenagers from 12 to 16 are “considered” adults, and therefore for them its size is limited to 1000 rubles.

Unbelted driver, passenger, child: who pays for what?

This information is also important to know:

  1. Note, If the child is not wearing a seat belt, the driver pays, not parents. Parents will only have to pay if one of them drives the car.
  2. Fine for not seatbelt passengers does not depend on their number. It doesn’t matter how many of them violated traffic rules, the driver will still have to pay 1000 rubles and no more.
  3. Traffic police officers can fine you for this offense several times a day., but of course for a repeated violation, and not for the same thing.
  4. Many people believe that only those sitting in the first seat need to buckle up. However, the basis for imposing a fine will be Unfastened seat belt, including in the back seat.
  5. The passenger may be given a warning instead of a fine. This benefit does not apply to drivers.

Who won't pay a fine for not wearing a seat belt?

  • instructor, during the driving training process;
  • disabled person;
  • drivers and passengers of operational vehicles (for example, ambulances), if they have identification marks.

The law does not exempt passengers public transport from responsibility. However, the practice among traffic police officers has developed in such a way that fines are not imposed on them, since this moment In our country, public vehicles are not equipped with seat belts.

Other types of responsibility other than administrative

Under certain conditions, a person may be subject to civil and even criminal liability for this violation.

The basis for this is an accident that occurred due to the fault of a driver who violated traffic rules. Not wearing a seat belt is already a violation, albeit not as “shameful” as alcohol intoxication, but it is also taken into account when investigating the accident.

Therefore, a driver who did not buckle up himself or did not follow his passengers in doing so, if he gets into an accident, may be subject to criminal liability as:

  • restrictions up to 3 or imprisonment up to 2 years, forced labor up to 2 years, arrest up to 6 months - if the victim was caused by negligence serious harm health;
  • forced labor for up to 4 years, imprisonment for up to 5 years - in the event of the death of the victim;
  • forced labor for up to 5 years, imprisonment for up to 7 years - if the death of 2 or more people occurs.

Any of the penalties will be applied only if the driver’s guilt is confirmed by a court decision.

A civil claim can be brought by any passenger who was injured as a result of the accident. Everything will depend on the passenger, so being brought to this type of liability is much less common.

Question Answer
Yes. All passengers traveling in vehicles with seat belts are required to fasten their seat belts.
* the passenger receives a warning/fine of 500 rubles;

* The driver is punished with a fine of 1000 rubles.

According to traffic regulations, children under 12 years of age are permitted to be transported only in restraint structures (car seats) that correspond to the height, weight and age parameters of the child.
Yes. A child may not be buckled up in cars without seat belts, but only in the back.
For traveling without seat belts for children under 12 years of age, a fine of 1 thousand rubles will be imposed. (as for an adult).

If a child under 12 years of age is traveling in a vehicle and is not wearing seat belts, the amount of fines will depend on the position of the offender:

* 25 thousand rubles. - for people holding high positions;

* 3 thousand rubles. - driver;

* 100 thousand rubles. - for companies.

Amount of punishment: 1 thousand rubles.
Yes. It is given if the violator pays the fine no later than 20 days after the decision on the offense is issued.
* the passenger/driver did not wear a seat belt in a standing/parked car;

* the vehicle does not have seat belts;

* the seat belts broke and the driver was heading to the parking lot or service station.

* ask the traffic police officer to show a photo or video confirming that you have not fastened your seat belt;

* if the fact of the violation is not recorded in the photo/video, you can inform the inspector that you unbuckled after the car stopped;

* demand that the road patrol officer draw up a report (in it, along with your signature, put a mark that you do not agree with the stated guilt);

* appeal the decision in court, using the support of a car lawyer.

The complaint must be filed with the court no later than 10 days from the date of issuance of the decision.
It all depends on the make and model of the car. There are vehicles with an airbag that constantly deploys during an accident, and there are also cars where the airbag falls out only if the passenger is fastened with seat belts.
The purpose of an airbag is to soften the impact of an accident if the person inside is wearing a seat belt. If you do not use the seat belt, the airbag will cause the same serious injury as the dashboard.

That is why manufacturers of some car brands install special sensors in the cabin that prevent the airbag from expanding when seat belts are not fastened.

There is a special seat belt adapter made specifically for pregnant women. They should be used.

All civilized countries in the world consider it mandatory to use seat belts while driving.

Heavy fines are provided for this violation.

Often, a car owner who is not wearing a seat belt does not receive insurance in the event of an accident, and in some countries, wearing a seat belt increases the payout by 25%.

What the Law and Traffic Regulations Say

Clause 2.1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations provides for the driver’s obligation to fasten his seat belt while the car is moving and to ensure that passengers also comply with this requirement. Responsibility for such an offense is prescribed in Art. 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is a fine of 1000 rubles.

By paying the sanction in the first 20 days after it is issued, you can get a 50% discount. This is a good incentive for drivers to repay their debts on time.

In 2020, some changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regarding sanctions for the incorrect transportation of a child are in effect. The amount of the fine in this part has not changed and remains 3,000 rubles. Additional liability has been introduced for organizations for failure to comply with the rules for transporting children:

  • It will cost officials 25,000 rubles;
  • Legal – 100,000 rubles.

Why is it dangerous to drive without a seat belt fastened?

In the event of a collision, a person is exposed to serious danger. You can only stay behind the wheel at a speed of 5 km/h. If it is higher and amounts to 60 km/h, then in the event of an accident the driver is subjected to a load of 3 tons. As the speed increases, the pressure force also increases significantly. Almost no one can survive in such a situation.

The safety belt is the salvation. The Japanese determined that in 75 out of 100 cases of a collision, such a simple design, not counting the pillow, helps to avoid the irreparable. When a vehicle rolls over, the survival rate increases to 91.

The following information also speaks about the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt. In a frontal impact, a person receives the same injuries as when falling onto a hard surface from a height:

  • At a speed of 40 km/h – 6.3 m;
  • 60 km/h – 14 m;
  • 80 km/h – 25 m.

According to world statistics, every year 26 thousand people die on the road for only one reason - not wearing a seat belt. Their use reduces the risk of death by 65% ​​among front seat passengers and 75% among rear seat passengers. For this reason, children receive 3.5 times more various injuries as a result of accidents. And of the total number who died on the roads, 29% were due to this violation.

How to buckle up correctly

Some drivers, when driving in their vehicle, simply throw the seat belt (top strap) over their head and sit on the lower part. However, simply fastening the lock is not enough. This is a categorically wrong approach, and traffic police officers interpret this method as a violation and issue a fine.

The vehicle's operating manual explains to all road users that the manufacturer equips the vehicle with five seat belts: 2 in the front seats and 3 in the rear. They consist of shoulder and waist straps (except for the central rear seat, which is equipped only with the second part). The technology for their use is three-point, and fixation around the body should be carried out both by the chest part of the belt in front and by the waist.

Any other method of using a special design does not comply with traffic regulations, instructions for using a belt, and also does not ensure safety in the event of a traffic accident.

Modern belts are self-adjusting devices that give a person complete freedom of movement and reliably secure his body at the moment of a collision.

Fines for not wearing a seat belt

Let us consider separately who will pay the sanctions and for what. There are several categories of citizens who cannot be fined by officials:

  • Instructor, but only at the time of driving training;
  • The person driving is disabled;
  • All those present in operational vehicles, provided they have identification marks.


IN in this case the maximum number of sanctions, namely, he will definitely be fined in the following situations:

  • Unfastening on your own – 1000 rubles;
  • Violations of rules by a passenger – 1000 rubles;
  • For transporting a child under 12 years old without a car seat or adapters – 3,000 rubles;
  • Failure to wear a seat belt by a teenager from 12 to 16 years old without a regular seat belt – 1000 rubles.

The fine for taxi workers is the same as for others. There are a few more important points to know:

  1. The driver pays the fine for the child. Parents are responsible for the violation only if one of them is driving at the moment.
  2. Liability does not depend on the number of passengers who do not wear a seat belt. One violator or all - the fine will be the same - 1000 rubles.
  3. A driver may be stopped several times a day. different situations, so there may be several fines.
  4. Traffic police officers issue orders not only for those who are not wearing a seat belt in the front seat, but also in the back seat as well. The order of the numbers does not change.
  5. Passengers are most often given a warning, but this benefit does not apply to drivers.


The passenger is also a participant in the road traffic, so liability for the violation rests with him, although to a lesser extent - 500 rubles. Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation directly speaks about this.

A fine for not wearing a seat belt can only be issued to an adult. Until he turns 18, he is considered a child.

Interestingly, the Law does not even exempt passengers of public transport from liability. However, since public vehicles do not require seat belts, traffic police officers pay little attention to this. In addition, people often stand on buses, and this fact is in no way compatible with wearing a seat belt.


The requirements for the need to fasten a seat belt for the younger category of persons are described in clause 22.9 of the traffic rules. Failure to wear a seat belt will result in hefty fines. The rules do not impose strict requirements regarding the methods of securing child seats, but offer several options:

  • Special designs (car seats), used by parents more often for children under 3 years of age;
  • Adapters for adult belts – for older people;
  • Children's belts.

For children under 12 years of age who are not properly restrained, a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed. Previously, this amount was only 500 rubles. For teenagers the size is limited to 1000 rubles.

The law also provides for harsher punishment. The violator may also face a civil or criminal liability. This will happen if the driver is found guilty of an accident with serious consequences:

  • Damage to health is caused - restriction or imprisonment from 2 to 3 years. This happened due to negligence - arrest for up to 6 months.
  • If the violation led to the death of the victim, they will be awarded forced labor up to 4 years, imprisonment up to 5 years is also possible;
  • In the case where 2 or more people died as a result of an accident - work for up to 5 years or imprisonment for up to 7 years.

If the car is not equipped with seat belts

The rules require all participants to wear a seat belt in vehicles in which they are provided. However, in the Russian Federation there are still many passenger cars produced before such a device was invented. Therefore, no penalties are applied when driving them.

It should be said that if the car has belts taken into account, but they were simply removed for some reason, then a fine cannot be avoided.

In addition, traffic regulations do not oblige the installation of additional structures in cars in which they were not originally installed by the manufacturer. On the contrary, assembling them independently can cause significant harm, as it weakens the body elements to which they are attached.

Video recording

The law does not provide for liability for not wearing a seat belt in a car that is not moving. This applies to both the driver and passengers. You can take advantage of this moment.

When stopped by a traffic police officer, you must first ask whether there is video recording of this offense. If the fact is not recorded official and he has no confirmation and evidence, one can safely say that the belt was unfastened in a car that had already stopped. And this, in turn, is no longer subject to punishment.

The only option to prove the driver’s innocence is to have a DVR with two cameras that film both outside and inside.

Is it possible to challenge

If, nevertheless, a protocol is drawn up, and the driver still believes that this is illegal, the entry “I do not agree with the violation” is made on the decision. Then there are 10 days when you need to go to court and try to challenge the punishment. The legislation provides such a right for all dissenters. The procedure for filing a complaint is described in Art. 30.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

You can challenge a sanction in the following cases:

  • When the production of the car did not provide for the presence of seat belts;
  • At the time of drawing up the report, the car was parked;
  • While driving, the belts fail and the car heads to a service station or parking lot.

An increasing number of new cars appearing before the start signal about unfastened seat belts. Some won't even start until the operation is completed. However, for the most part this process still remains on the conscience and responsibility of the drivers.

Every year, many people avoid death by wearing seat belts. For the same reason, the law requires compliance with traffic regulations regarding seat belts. What is the amount of the fine for not wearing a seat belt, who pays the fine and whether it is possible to appeal the fine will be discussed in this article.

Currently motor vehicles equipped with safety systems, thereby minimizing damage from car accidents. A seat belt is a fairly convenient and simple device that ensures the safety of both the driver and passengers. According to legal regulations:

  • Not only the best man of the car, but also his passengers must be fastened with a belt;
  • Before setting off, the motorist must check that all passengers have their seat belts fastened.

It should be noted that if the bus has a seat belt, then the passengers of this vehicle are also required to fasten their seat belt.

All traffic police penalties for wearing a seat belt directly depend not only on the severity of the offense, but also on the age of the passenger.

It should be taken into account that cameras installed on highways and within the city limits record the motorist and front passenger if the latter are not fastened.

Amounts of fines

If traffic rules regarding seat belts were violated, a fine may be imposed on both the motorist and the passenger. The Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the imposition of a fine for an unbelted person:

  • motorist;
  • a person who is a passenger;
  • a child who has not reached 12 years of age.
If the driver is not wearing a seat belt

There is a lot of controversy among motorists about fines for incorrectly fastening a seat belt. For example, when the driver throws the belt only over his head with the lumbar strap missing.

The fine for an unbelted motorist in 2020 is 1,000 rubles. The indicated amount does not depend on how many passengers are in the vehicle. Even if the car is completely filled with unbelted passengers, the motorist still only has to pay 1,000 rubles.

If the passenger is not wearing a seat belt

Many pedestrians and vehicle passengers often forget about their safety and responsibility for traffic violations. This is due to the fact that these persons:

Despite this, the legislation establishes the imposition of a fine on passengers who do not comply with the rules for using a seat belt while driving. The fine, the amount of which is 500 rubles, must be paid by the person in the passenger seat, but not by the driver.

If minors are not wearing seat belts

Depending on the age of the child and the presence of special restraints in the car, the fine for improperly transporting minors will vary. It should be noted that if a minor is under 7 years old, then for him, which correspond to the height and weight of a minor citizen.

If a child (from 7 to 12 years old) is in the front seat, he must sit in a child seat, and if a child is in the back seat, he must be fastened with a seat belt.

If you do not comply with the above rules, the traffic police inspector will issue a resolution and issue a fine (3 thousand rubles).

It should be taken into account that the law prohibits the imposition of a fine in relation to persons under 16 years of age.

How to challenge a fine

If the driver or passengers are fined for not fastening their seat belts, then in a higher order, if the traffic inspector:

  • exceeded his authority;
  • demanded from the motorist or passenger an amount that exceeds the amount specified in the legislative provisions.

Since a fine without a video recorded by a camera cannot be proven in any way (other than the testimony of a traffic inspector), the citizen on whom the fine was imposed can challenge it.

Before going to court, you should file a complaint addressed to the head of the traffic police in Moscow or another region. The complaint should indicate:

In addition, video recordings and explanatory diagrams, if available, should be attached to the case.

At the end of the document, the complainant puts a date and personal signature.

If, after considering the complaint, a decision is made not in favor of the complainant, then the complainant has the right to go to court, for which it is necessary to draw up statement of claim, containing information about:

  • the name of the court that is to hear the case;
  • parties;
  • circumstances of the case;
  • list of documents attached to the statement of claim;
  • evidence proving the plaintiff's innocence.
Consequences of an accident

If you neglect safety rules, you may encounter adverse consequences, including getting into an accident with fatal. According to statistics, a large number of deaths on the road are observed due to non-use of protective equipment.

Please note that you do not need to rely only on airbags. You must also fasten your seat belts. If you do not fasten your seat belts, then in an accident the airbags will deploy, after which the body will be pushed away from the airbag and hit the seat or another car part, which will cause not only injury and fractures, but also death.

So, if the driver or passengers did not fasten their seat belts and the traffic inspector stopped the car, the violator will be required to pay an administrative fine, the amount of which depends not only on the severity of the violation, but also on the age of the passenger. Despite the fact that the fine is not large, do not forget to fasten your seat belt and avoid a car accident.

Fine for not wearing a seat belt updated: February 12, 2020 by: admin

Perhaps 90% of all motorists received a fine for not wearing a seat belt. Despite the fact that no one will deny the benefits of using a belt, whether to wear it or not is a personal matter for everyone, and therefore in this article we will tell you how much the fine for not wearing a seat belt is in 2019 and whether it is possible to avoid punishment for this offense.

Driver fines

In 2018-2019, the fine for driving with a driver’s seat belt unfastened is one thousand rubles, but if the driver manages to pay for the offense in certain deadlines(20 days from the date of application), then it will cost him 500 rubles.

Some drivers simply throw on the seat belt. If this is discovered by the traffic police, the driver will also be punished by a fine, since it is not at all a defense in a collision. During a stop, a person does not have to wear a seat belt, but it is recommended if other vehicles are moving nearby. Traffic police officers can issue fines for this offense an unlimited number of times.

Passenger fine

If a passenger believes that a fine for not wearing a seat belt will bypass him, then he is deeply mistaken. The penalty is provided for everyone, for a passenger it is 500 rubles, and if you pay the amount within 20 days, it will be equal to half, that is, 250 rubles. This law also applies to public transport: taxis, buses, minibuses. If they have belts, the passenger does not have the right to ignore them

But who pays for a passenger who does not wear a seat belt? In case of violation, not only the passenger, but also the driver will be fined: he will have to pay 1,000 rubles regardless of the number of unbelted people. Before starting a car or other vehicle, the driver must check whether those in the car are fastened.

Fine for unbelted rear passengers

The fact that passengers in the back may not wear seat belts is nothing more than a fairy tale. If the vehicle has seat belts installed at the rear and the passenger ignores their presence, a fine is issued, the amount of which is the same as for ignoring seat belts at the front - 500 rubles. The driver also bears punishment for these passengers.

In order to preserve the health of his fellow travelers, it is recommended that the person driving the car install rear seat belts (if the manufacturer does not provide for them). For a passenger, the first such offense can only be met with a written warning.

Fine for a child without a car seat

Ensuring the safety of transporting children is the driver’s primary responsibility. Therefore, if the child is not in special device for movement, a fine is issued to the person driving. It will be issued to the child’s parents only if one of them is the driver of the vehicle in which the child is located. The amount here is already more significant, it reaches 3,000 rubles.

There are several ways to keep your child safe in a car. For children under three years old there are a huge number of different car seats, for newborns - a car seat. There is a large selection of both expensive and budget options, and it is better to pay the cost of a car seat or cradle once than to constantly pay fines and put the life and health of the child in danger.

Children from 7 to 12 years old are allowed to travel in the car in the back seat, fastened with adult seat belts using special child pads. When sitting in the front, the child should only be in a car seat or infant carrier until he is 12 years old; from 12 to 16 years old, a teenager can already move in the front seat, buckled up in the usual way, like adults.

Fine for broken seat belts

There is also a penalty for broken or damaged belts. If the driver knows about this problem and starts driving the vehicle, ignoring it, he receives a legal punishment. For such an oversight, he will pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Therefore, before driving, it is necessary to check the serviceability and integrity of the belts. A person will not start driving a car if there is any malfunction, but he often ignores a breakdown or damage to the belt, although this is also an important part.

Often, a driver wears a seat belt only out of fear of being caught and fined, and not for his own good, but by relying on “maybe it will pass,” he puts his life in danger. Only very often he forgets that even if he managed to pass the traffic police post, and his violation went unnoticed by the traffic police, there are cameras that will be very happy to record someone who ignored the rules of the road and did not wear a seat belt, and pay the appropriate amount, whatever one may say, have to.

Only by doing this to avoid punishment, the driver forgets that the seat belt was invented and installed in the car for a reason. It will help to avoid serious consequences for life and health in the event of an accident. A vehicle can be repaired, but human life cannot be restored by any means. A minute spent fastening your seat belt can save years of your life. The road does not forgive mistakes!

Reading time: 6 min.

What is the fine for not wearing a seat belt?

⚡️What is the fine for not fastening the seat belt of the driver, passenger and children under 12 years old in 2020? Fine for not having a child seat. Current fines in this article from the specialists of the website “Traffic Police Fines”.

The traffic police fine for not wearing a seat belt in 2020 is:

1000 rub. (50% discount 500 rub.)

Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for drivers).

500 rub. (50% discount 250 rub.)

Article 12.29.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for passengers).

Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount

To check fines from cameras photographing and video recording violations.

To check fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications about new fines.

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Safety belt - main element car passive safety systems. A modern seat belt reduces the risk of death and serious injury to the driver and passenger by 70%. In addition, the operation of airbags, programmable deformation zones of the car structure, and much more are combined with a fastened seat belt.

In 2020, there is a fine for not wearing a seat belt - 1000 rubles for the driver and a fine - 500 rubles for the passenger. Belt tickets are subject to a fifty percent discount. The discount is valid in case of prompt payment of the order (no later than 20 days).


Engineers, during the development of cars, fight for the safety of exclusively belted motorists. An accident in which the driver and passenger are not wearing a seat belt is considered a non-calculated event. The automaker is not responsible for the outcome of such accidents.

2.1.2. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation General responsibilities of drivers

When driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened and do not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts. When driving a motorcycle, wear a fastened motorcycle helmet and do not carry passengers without a fastened motorcycle helmet.

Article 12.6. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for using seat belts or motorcycle helmets

Driving a vehicle by a driver who is not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts, if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or moped, or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or wearing unfastened motorcycle helmets - entails penalties. administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

The traffic police fine for not fastening seat belts of 1000 rubles pales in comparison with the consequences of an “unprotected” road accident.

By law, while driving passenger car, seat belts must be worn by all people inside the vehicle without exception. If there are children under 7 years old among the passengers, they must mandatory be in fastened child seats (child restraints).

Table of fines for not wearing a seat belt - consider all possible cases

Description of the situation

Article of the Administrative Code

Who is obliged to pay

Fine amount

The driver is not wearing a seat belt while the vehicle is moving.

Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


The passenger is not wearing a seat belt while the vehicle is moving.

Driver and passenger

The driver is wearing a seat belt while the vehicle is moving.

Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


The driver is not wearing a seat belt while the vehicle is stopped.

There is no fine.

The passenger is not wearing a seat belt when the vehicle is stopped.

There is no fine.

A child under 7 years old travels in a car without a child seat

12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


A child under 7 years of age travels in a car equipped with a child seat, but not in it.

12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


A child under 7 years of age travels in a car in a child seat, but is not fastened with seat belts.

12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


A child aged 7 to 12 years old travels in a car in the back seat without a child seat.

There is no fine.

A child aged 7 to 12 years old travels in a car in the front seat without a child seat.

12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


A passenger travels in a taxi or bus without wearing a seat belt.

Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation + 12.29.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Driver and passenger

1000 RUR and 500 RUR respectively.

The passenger is not wearing a seat belt while the vehicle is moving and is in the back row of seats.

Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation + 12.29.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Driver and passenger

1000 RUR and 500 RUR respectively.

Seat belt devices are broken or missing while the vehicle is moving.


Fine for an unbelted driver 2020

The fine for a driver not wearing a seat belt in 2020 is 1,000 rubles. This follows Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

However, this fine can be paid with a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of the decision on the violation. In this case, the fine will be 500 rubles.

A violation is recorded when the driver of any vehicle allowed on the road common use while driving, did not fasten the seat belt as shown in the operating instructions.

A driver can also be fined 1,000 rubles if one of the passengers in the vehicle he is driving is not wearing a seat belt. Ensuring that all occupants of a moving vehicle use seat belts is a driver's responsibility as set forth in law. Code of Administrative Offenses Article 12.6.

Fine for wearing a seat belt over the top

A fine for not wearing a seat belt correctly is controversial among motorists. A striking example is when the belt is thrown only over the head of the driver or passenger of the vehicle with the lumbar strap missing.

The traffic rules do not describe this situation in detail. Although, for example, in the case of child restraints there is a note - “in accordance with the operating instructions for child seats.” Moreover, since the motorist’s body is formally secured with a belt and dashboard marked with a fastened belt, no violation.

Law enforcement, however, did not work out in favor of drivers in this situation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, in 2020, the driver will receive a fine of 1,000 rubles, and the passenger - 500 rubles. Such actions will be classified as not wearing a seat belt.

In this case, traffic accident statistics are on the side of the traffic police officers. Drivers and passengers partially fastened with seat belts over their heads do not receive high-quality protection for life and health in accidents. Motorists wearing a seat belt often fall out from under it and are seriously injured.

Fine for an unbelted passenger

Pedestrians and vehicle passengers often forget about own safety and liability for non-compliance with traffic rules. This is understandable, the social group being described is:

  • Does not pass specialized exams
  • Doesn't have any special credentials
  • Does not control sources of increased danger,
  • Rarely has contact with traffic police officers.

However, traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses regulate the lives of passengers and pedestrians. So, for not wearing a seat belt, in the event of a check by a traffic police officer, it is the passenger who will be obliged to pay a fine of 500 rubles from his own pocket (12.29.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Fine for not fastening a seat belt for a passenger:

  1. Can be issued in a taxi or intercity bus
  2. You can be issued a ticket for driving without a seat belt in the back seat of a car.

It is important to know!

The myth that it is necessary to wear seat belts only in the front seats of a car came from the USSR. Outdated legislative norms concerning the production and operation of automotive equipment did not structurally provide for the presence of seat belts on the second and subsequent rows of vehicles.

You can still find old cars on the roads of the country that do not have seat belts in the back. Passengers of vintage cars are still legally allowed to ride in the rear seats without using seat belts.

Fine for unbelted children under 12 years old

Transporting children under 7 years of age in cars according to the law and common sense should be carried out using special restraints (child seats) that correspond to the height and weight of the child.

From 7 years old to 12 years old, when in the front row of a car, the child must be in a child car seat, but from the age of 7 years old, a child can ride in the rear seat only wearing a seat belt. (The changes came into force on June 28, 2017).

The fine for failure to comply with the listed rules for transporting children in a car is 3,000 rubles under Article 12.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Penalty for not having a child seat

Transporting children under seven years of age in vehicles not equipped with special restraint devices (child car seats and boosters) is prohibited by law. The fine for the absence of a child seat when transporting small children in 2020 is 3,000 rubles (12.23.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In 2017, changes were made to the law on transporting children in cars. Now children aged 7 to 12 years are allowed to travel in the back row without a child seat. In this case, there will be no fine for not having a child seat, but the child’s safety will be at great risk.

The legislator allowed children over 7 years of age to be transported in the rear seats, with an eye on overweight and tall teenagers who, based on anthropometric characteristics, do not fit in child seats and whose body structure gravitates towards adults.