Where can I get a Far Eastern hectare on the map. Geometry of the Far East hectare: where and how free land is cut in Primorye

The Russian Federation has vast, spacious territories, with most of them currently still remaining undeveloped.

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That is why the Government has actively taken up this issue, since numerous lands can be used for business and Agriculture. Currently, special attention is paid to the vast expanses of the eastern part of the country.

The Khabarovsk Territory and other regions of the Far Eastern region take part in the state program “Far Eastern Hectare”; what this program represents should be considered in more detail.

What you need to know

A Far Eastern hectare, choosing a plot on the map is an opportunity to realize your business ideas with the help of the state program for the provision of land.

This event has been operating in the country for quite a long time, but until February 1, 2017, only residents of regions that belong to the Far East could receive a free hectare of land at their disposal. Nowadays the situation has completely changed.

After February 1, 2017, absolutely every citizen can get a hectare of land at their disposal. Russian Federation from any region, as well as persons who receive Active participation in the program of resettlement of compatriots.

The land is available only to Russians who have already received Russian citizenship; domestic entrepreneurs interested in developing new lands can also take part in the program. For foreigners, as well as companies from abroad, this prospect for this moment not available.

What does the law say?

This program is regulated Federal law No. 119 dated 05/01/2016 ( latest edition) “On the peculiarities of providing citizens land plots" According to this regulatory legal act, the allotment is issued for use for 5 years.

But the text of the same law states that after the first three years, a declaration must be provided on the direction in which the allotment is used by a citizen, family or entrepreneur.

In other words, land plot is not provided for perpetual or free use (property); it must be processed and used in any way legally available.

Additionally, on the allocated plot, the construction and possible subsequent cultivation of a farm or peasant enterprise is permitted, but you will have to submit a declaration after one year, three years and five years reporting on the activities carried out.

Any legal activity means conducting business, which is permitted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How much land can you get?

The name of the program contains the word hectare, but in fact the applicant for a land plot can receive a plot of a much larger area.

For example, if a family from one region plans to move to Far East and take part in the program, while it includes three people at once, then in fact they will be provided with three hectares of land at once for development and conduct of activities.

Additionally, according to the current law, not only relatives, but also complete strangers can unite to obtain land of a larger area.

The main task pursued by the state when providing plots is not the nominal allocation of land, but rather the use of these resources to conduct certain activities.

The land is transferred for free use for a period of 5 years, after which a special visiting commission visits the plot to check for the presence of active activity.

In the event that, during the commission’s visit, no work is being done on the site to develop or cultivate it, then the land is then withdrawn back to state reserves.

Terms of purchase

In order for the population to take part in this state program, certain conditions are put forward, without which it will be impossible to receive a free plot of land for gratuitous use.

Let's take a closer look at what is required from an individual or legal entity:

  1. Having citizenship of the Russian Federation (if we are talking about a family, then it is necessary that they all have a Russian passport).
  2. Agreement to the terms current program"Far Eastern Hectare".
  3. Development of the land plot during the first three years, followed by submission of a declaration on the actions taken.
  4. Subsequent development of the allotment within two years.

After 5 years have expired, individual, the family or entrepreneur independently decides what to do next with the plot (register it as property or rent it).

Additionally, it should be noted that authorities do not have the right to exert pressure when citizens make a choice about the possibility of subsequent use of the land.

How is land valued?

Currently, there are no specific criteria for assessing how land is being developed. Additionally, it should be noted that at the moment most of the attention is paid to assessing interest Russian citizens in taking part in the Far Eastern Hectare program.

According to experts, the first plots that have already been provided for use will be developed only by the end of 2020.

During this time, it is planned to additionally introduce a number of changes to the regulatory legal acts, as well as finalize the basic law.

In the process of using the provided land, citizens are not allowed to use it to the fullest extent.

The following actions are prohibited:

  • resale of land to third parties;
  • registration of an allotment under a gift agreement to another citizen;
  • transfer of land for rent to third parties.

Only after the developed territory becomes the direct property of an individual or legal entity will these actions become possible, but on the condition that such actions are not limited by legislative acts.

It should also be noted that the absence of any activity will be detected immediately, and the state is not interested in transferring land just like that; the Government of the Russian Federation pursues the goal of developing and building up the vast territory of the Far East.

For what purposes can the plots be used?

Land that an individual or legal entity receives from the state can be used for a variety of purposes, here are just a few examples of what can be done with the allocated plot:

Develop agriculture; in addition, for this area, you can request a corresponding grant from the state, which will allow a novice farmer to be active The main emphasis in the development of the Far East is planned to be on this direction
Additionally, it is possible to use land for individual housing construction and subsequent residence As part of the support, the state can provide financial assistance when moving from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation
The emphasis is also on Russian entrepreneurs who plan to expand their business and subsequently move it to other regions of Russia This mainly concerns medium-sized businesses that specialize in agriculture or forestry

When filling out an application for the provision of land and participation in the state program, the document form contains the column “Use of the site.”

It is required to be filled out, but after a year you will need to send an additional application to the relevant department confirming exactly how the land is used.

How to register correctly

Currently, the registration procedure has been significantly simplified. Since 2017, the possibility of referral has become available electronic application through the official website dedicated to the Far Eastern Hectare program.

But this requires registration on state portal services for the population, as well as electronic signature.

Let's take a closer look at what the algorithm of actions looks like:

  1. Authorization is carried out in your personal account on the ESIA resource ( one system identification and authentication).
  2. An application form for the provision of a land plot under the state program is filled out.
  3. A plot of land is selected on a virtual map, which is available in your personal account.
  4. The application is then sent for consideration (usually the application processing time does not exceed 20 days).
  5. The answer is then provided in electronic form to your registered email address.

Upon satisfactory decision of the department, the individual or legal entity You will need to visit the land in person.

Also, after the application is approved, mandatory a corresponding agreement is concluded to provide land for free use for five years.

Today, due to the unstable economic situation in the country, as well as the application of sanctions against Russia from a number of foreign countries, the gaze of the Government of the Russian Federation is aimed at internal resources and capabilities.

Russia is a huge country, every resident wants to own their own land. Someone dreams of getting a plot of land on the Black Sea coast and building a holiday home there, someone wants to use the Kuban black soil for the construction of a farm and apiary, and someone is ready to conquer Siberia and the Far East.


IN Russian society there is a new wave of interest in land plots, which is associated with state program"Far Eastern Hectare". More precisely, with the opportunity to receive 1 hectare of land for free use.

The state is interested in developing land and settling regions of priority development, the residents of Russia are interested in land plots that can be purchased at an affordable price. Russians have a choice.

A hectare of land for every Russian: the Far Eastern Hectare and My Hectare programs

Today in Russia there are two programs, the participants of which can receive land plots of 1 hectare or more in ownership.

The first program is a state one, it is called “Far Eastern Hectare”.

The second project is “My Hectare”, it started on August 1, 2016 with the support of the Union of Gardeners of Russia. The organizer of this project is the Bolshaya Zemlya company, which has been working in the land segment for more than 10 years.

There are currently no other serious projects under which Russians can obtain land on favorable terms on the territory of the Russian Federation.

“Far Eastern Hectare” and “My Hectare” have their own characteristics and differences, which we will dwell on in more detail.

Far Eastern Hectare Program

The Far Eastern Hectare project gives every resident of Russia the right to receive a free plot of land with an area of ​​no more than 1 hectare. A family of 3 people, accordingly, can count on 3 hectares - these lands can be combined.

Lands are allocated in the regions of the Far East, they can be used for the construction of a private house, for entrepreneurial activity or farming organizations.

The state allocates plots of land for free use for a period of 5 years - in the 6th year it is already possible to register ownership of them, but only subject to the development of the land and its use for its intended purpose.

In the Far East and Siberia unfavourable conditions for agriculture: the climate is cold, in the cold season the soil freezes deeply, there are few sunny days a year, but there is often a strong gusty wind.

Not all areas where land is allocated have good transport links and communications necessary for life or business. In particular, the lack of running water in villages seriously complicates the watering of crops.

Project "My Hectare"

The “My Hectare” project looks more attractive against the backdrop of the “Far Eastern Hectare”. Its participants can receive a plot of 1 hectare or more in the Moscow region ( Novorizhskoe highway, Leningradskoye Highway and other popular destinations), in the Central regions of the country (Tverskaya, Kaluga, Vladimirskaya and other regions).

The land can be used for garden and country house construction, farming or agricultural production.

Plots under this program are conditionally free - from 50 thousand rubles per 1 hectare. This is significantly lower than current market prices. At the same time, Russians immediately receive ownership of them, which is confirmed by relevant documents of the established form.

The central regions of the country have favorable climatic conditions for crop and livestock production. They are located in a zone of temperate continental climate with a clearly defined seasonality, the soils are predominantly sandy loam, and the soil freezes slightly in the cold season.

The only disadvantage of the “My Hectare” program is that the number of plots is limited. Up-to-date information about their availability can be found on the website of the organizer of the “Big Land” campaign.

Far Eastern hectare: how to get a hectare of land in the Far East through government services?

According to Rosreestr statistics, from February 1 to March 15, 2017, 17 thousand people have already received and documented land plots in the Far East, almost 70 thousand applications are under consideration.

There is huge interest in the program. As the deputy head of Rosreestr explained, since the launch of the first stage of the law, the project website has been visited by more than 3 million users.

Let us remind you that the law came into force on May 2, 2016; from October 1 of the same year, residents of the Far Eastern region were able to take advantage of the priority right to receive land, and from February 1, 2017 - residents of other regions autonomous okrugs RF.

To use the program, you must:

  1. 1. Register on the website https://www.gosuslugi.ru.
  2. 2. Using the login and password that were used for registration, log in to the website https://nadalniyvostok.rfand select a plot of land there.
  3. 3. Form the boundaries of the land plot, and then submit an application for its provision.
  4. 4. The application is submitted directly on the website and is considered within 30 days.

As part of the program, a competition is held for the best idea for using the land. You can also view business plans there.

In some areas, the sites border on China (in particular, in the Primorsky Territory, Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Okrug). The lands provided under the program in Kamchatka, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Magadan Region are washed by the Pacific Ocean.

The state promises assistance and support to participants in the Far Eastern Hectare program. According to the law, with a total of 20 or more land plots regional authorities must assist program participants in developing the necessary infrastructure for the development of territories. However, local budgets do not always have the necessary funds for these purposes.

Plots allocated under the Far Eastern Hectare program cannot be sold or leased - in this case, permission for their development will be revoked.

Program for a hectare of land "My hectare": how to register a hectare of land in the Moscow region?

The “My Hectare” project, launched on August 1, 2016, involves the acquisition of land ownership in specially demarcated zones. The goal of the program is to make land accessible, first of all, to residents of the Central regions of Russia, to give them the opportunity to build a dacha and try their own hand at farming, without radically changing their image and place of residence.

To participate in the project you must:

  1. 1. Go to the program websiteand fill out the electronic form.
  2. 2. A specialist from the organizing company will contact you and provide complete information on the project.
  3. 3. You can immediately select a site on the website and book it remotely. A reservation agreement is a document that defines a plot, its area, and fixes the cost and terms of the purchase and sale transaction.
  4. 4. After booking, the applicant signs the contract and pays the cost.
  5. 5. Lawyers of the company organizing the program submit documents to the registration service, and after registration, hand them over to the owner.

Legal support for buyers is an important part of the program, since services for registering land ownership are provided to its participants free of charge.

A noteworthy nuance: land plots can be purchased for yourself or as a gift to family members or other close people. Upon receipt of the documents, ownership rights are transferred to you, i.e. the ability to cultivate, improve land, as well as sell or lease it. There are no restrictions, as in the Far Eastern Hectare project.

Hectare of land: projects for Russians

Each project has its advantages. The Far Eastern Hectare project will be of greater interest to those who live beyond the Urals. Some will be attracted by the Siberian climate and the opportunity to grow taiga and Far Eastern plants. In particular, Siberian herbs are an ingredient for pharmaceutical cosmetics and medicines. Or maybe relatives and parents already live in that region, from whom you don’t want to go far. A hectare of land for free will be an opportunity for someone to improve living conditions, and for some, start a farming business and organize sales of products in remote areas of the country.

The “My Hectare” project is aimed at people who are more attracted to the Central region of Russia. The purchase of a hectare of land in this project can be regarded as an investment in improving living conditions for your family and as start-up capital for business development. The hectares are located in ecologically clean areas with good prospects. In many villages, work is underway or has been completed to organize transport infrastructure and engineering communications. In addition, the topography and climate of Central Russia provides more opportunities not only for crop production, but also for livestock farms. The important factor remains that there is no need to move to a new place of residence. A significant advantage is the location of the land plots within a 1-3 hour drive from Moscow.

Let's sum it up

Free hectares of land in the Far East are a good option for those Russians who are forced to take risks and are ready to move to a region with a harsh climate to develop new territories.

Purchasing land plots by hectares at an attractive price is a more viable model for residents of the central regions of Russia who want to cheaply build a dacha near Moscow.

From February 1, 2017, every citizen has the right to receive for use absolutely free of charge, and subsequently register ownership of, a plot of land in the Far East. We decided to thoroughly understand how the Far Eastern Hectare program works, see everything with our own eyes and communicate with people who have already received and are developing their hectares. The trip turned out to be very eventful and interesting; we learned everything about the Far Eastern hectare. The time has come to collect all knowledge, all people and their stories together.

The goal of the Far Eastern Hectare program is to develop the territories of the Far East, providing local residents additional features and incentives for living in the region, running your own business, and attracting new residents. There are plenty of places where you can choose your hectare. Now you can choose a plot of land from more than 170 million hectares. That is, if desired, every citizen of Russia can get their own hectare. This includes lands for a wide variety of purposes: agricultural land, plots for individual housing construction, industrial land, and so on.

To see how beautiful the Far East is, let's take to the skies. We take off from a small airfield near Blagoveshchensk.

We admire the expanses of the Amur region to the sound of the engine. The nature here is very picturesque: rivers, lakes, forests, fields. You can look around for a plot of land. But it’s better to do the opposite: first decide on the type of use, then select a free plot on the site and after that inspect it from the ground or from the air.

To get a hectare of land in the Far East, you first need to go to the website http://nadalniyvostok.rf, all useful information is collected here, and on the same website you can submit an application for the provision of a plot.

Various measures are provided for citizens who decide to participate in the program. state support. First of all, this is the provision of loans for preferential terms and tax benefits.

To submit an application, registration is required on the website gosuslugi.ru, since authorization is carried out through a single account on State Services. After this, a selection of land plots becomes available on the program website. Eat detailed instructions in text format and as a video.

According to the law, you can use the site to conduct any activity not prohibited by federal law, except in cases where the implementation of the chosen type of activity requires obtaining special permits, licenses, certificates, admissions, registration as individual entrepreneur and so on. For those who want to use a plot of land for business, the website has a section with standard business plans.

Here are just some of the types of activities for which business plans with payback calculations are presented. As you can see, the scope for activity is very wide. Some are closer to agriculture, some are car repair specialists, others want to try their hand at tourism. Good conditions have been created for entrepreneurs.

In theory it sounds very good and attractive. How do participants of the Far Eastern Hectare program actually live? We spent several days meeting and communicating with farmers, recipients of Far Eastern hectares. Everyone has their own interesting story. Go!

Another recipient of Far Eastern hectares is Alexander Pushkarenko. Alexander - .

Alexander built a house for his family on own plot, also registered under the “Far Eastern Hectare” program for himself and his elder two hectares adjacent to personal plot, that is, directly in the village, more specifically, in the village of Bochkarevka.
Now he raises cows, pigs, geese, and chickens. The plans are to expand the family's holdings five times, by one hectare per person.

The market value of one hundred square meters in this area is more than 10 thousand rubles, that is, one hectare, if purchased, will cost a million. According to the program, this land can be obtained free of charge if it is developed and used for its intended purpose within five years.
The Pushkarenko family looks confidently and optimistically into the future. Children go to school in a neighboring village and help with housework. Everyone is very developed, they attend clubs and sections. Daniil is an athlete, Nikita is an artist. At the same time, they have time to clean the barn and feed the calves. If necessary, they can milk the cow, but usually the visiting milkmaids do this.

The family is large and friendly, it shouldn’t be any other way. The family is provided with milk and meat, and the products are also sold.

Okay, we've sorted out animal husbandry. Let's look at something more exotic. There are also such examples of successfully operating farms.

Roman Kovalenko also tried himself in animal husbandry before, but realized that it was not for him. Now he has organized the Yagodnaya Dolina peasant farm. Roman devoted himself to an interesting and profitable business -.

When the Far Eastern Hectare program appeared, Roman realized that this was his chance. He traveled throughout the entire area within a radius of several tens of kilometers from the city. He himself chose the optimal area for the strawberries, one that would not be shaded, would be blown by the wind, and even take into account the slope. Registration of the land went quickly. Roman took over the plot not only for himself, but also for family members, so that there was room to expand. So there are as many as 4 hectares under management, although not all are being processed yet. There is time, according to the program, during the first year the applicant only needs to decide on the type of use of the site; Roman has already passed this stage. After three years, you need to declare your mastery, there are no problems here either.

Roman ordered seedlings from Holland, plowed the ground, filled the holes, and added black soil. It was a lot of work, but the result even exceeded expectations. An average of 500 grams of delicious, aromatic and sweet berries were collected from each bush. The demand for strawberries is great; fellow countrymen, having tasted the farm's berries, are ready to buy them at a higher price than the tasteless Chinese ones.

Roman is doing great, the “strawberry business” paid off in the first season. Roman constantly monitors the news, pays attention to new varieties and purchases the latest hybrids. The seedlings are brought from Holland, they arrive frozen at a temperature of -2 degrees.

Now work is underway not only on growing strawberries, but also on their propagation. In the future, Roman plans to install a greenhouse to collect strawberries from late May to early October.

As we can see, everything is fine with agriculture. With due diligence and willingness to work on your land, the program works and shows its effectiveness. In addition to agriculture, the service sector is also developing. Here, for example, is a clear and implementable plan for creating a car service center.

OK. But these are all active and enterprising people. What should ordinary people do who are not ready to engage in entrepreneurship or recluse? We saw these too. It's very simple: take a plot of land for a summer cottage.

Igor Lebedev lives in the city of Svobodny.

Igor is not a farmer, so he took the plot in a developed village, almost in the center of a quiet village, 15 kilometers from the apartment. There is already electricity on the site, all that remains is to install a prefabricated house, sow grass and you can grill kebabs.

Very close to the river: fishing, boat. A very good option.

Now the number of program participants is growing every day. To date, 102,352 applications have been submitted to receive a free hectare in the Far East. 29,910 plots have already been transferred for use, the remaining applications are under consideration.

The leading regions in terms of the number of applications are now: Primorsky Territory - 40,369 applications, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 18,669, Khabarovsk Territory - 15,679. In total, more than 172 million hectares are available under the program.

The Far Eastern Hectare program is working and increasing the attractiveness of the Far Eastern District for Russians.

If you have any questions about the Far Eastern Hectare program, you can look for answers in a special section. If there are no answers or something is unclear, ask questions; specialists from the Agency for Human Capital Development in the Far East, which organized the study tour, will help you figure it out.

Since the beginning of this year, the implementation of the third stage of the law, developed in relation to the “Far Eastern hectare”, has begun, in connection with which it is possible to apply for a plot in free of charge All residents of our state can, and not just those who live in the Far East. By the end of 2017 it is planned that this right approximately 100,000 citizens will be sold.

"Far Eastern hectare" can be obtained quite in a simple way, because today the population can submit an electronic application. The procedure for obtaining land ownership includes several steps.

To do this, do the following:

  • register on the government services portal;
  • create your own login and password on the State Services portal, then use your personal account on the official website NaDalniyVostok.rf;
  • confirm your choice;
  • prepare an electronic application and confirm its sending to the competent authorities. Make sure in advance that the information entered is correct and does not contain errors. Completing these steps will take approximately 15 minutes;
  • after the application is submitted, the competent authority registers the specified allotment and issues a decision on the provision of the object for free use;
  • complete the procedure of signing the relevant agreement.

The entire process takes approximately a month. The above actions are carried out free of charge.

Visit yours periodically Personal Area and keep track of the list of documentation, what stage of review it is at, and data regarding land ownership:

  • displaying its location;
  • description of the site (parameters, aerial photography data, etc.);
  • status of the submitted application.

Sometimes, to complete the procedure, it is necessary to carry out cadastral work. They are produced free of charge using budget funds.

After visiting your personal account, review the information regarding cadastral engineers who will carry out cadastral work on the basis of an agreement concluded with them. Based on the results of the activities, you will receive electronic and paper versions of the boundary plan, approval act, technical plan, survey documentation and extracts from the real estate cadastre.

If you do not have access to the Internet, submit an application by contacting Multifunctional Center by sending a letter to government structure or using Rosreestr.

In the body of your application, please include the following information:

  • Full name, address, details insurance certificate and an identity document;
  • unique land ownership number according to the cadastre;
  • data on the decision made regarding land surveying work or approval of a land surveying project;
  • permitted land use;
  • Contact details.

Attach to your application a copy of a document proving your identity and land ownership scheme (in paper or electronic form). If the transfer of documents is carried out by your attorney, please attach a copy of the documents notarized power of attorney. Other documents authorized body has no right to demand.

After the application has been reviewed, an agreement is concluded with you free use allotment, which indicates the type of intended purpose of the object (which can later be changed), the characteristics of the allotment and the period during which the contract will be valid (concluded for a five-year period).

After the specified time has passed, submit an application for land ownership or lease. If your request is granted, a government agency will develop a draft lease agreement or free transfer, which will be sent to your address. For signature the specified document a thirty-day period is allotted.

After signing, submit the contract directly to the appropriate authority or send it by mail or via the Internet. After receiving the document, the government agency makes a decision on the transfer of land ownership. Next, contact Rosreestr to register the right, having with you the agreement signed by the parties to the transaction.

Who can get a hectare of land in the Far East

The application dates back to June last year, and initially only citizens living in the Far East could submit it.

Today this project is being implemented within the following territories located in the Russian Federation:

  • Khankaisky district of Primorsky Krai;
  • Amursky district of Khabarovsk Territory;
  • Oktyabrsky district of the Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Neryungri district of Yakutia;
  • Olsky district of the Magadan region;
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky district of Kamchatka Territory;
  • Tymovsky district of the Sakhalin region;
  • Anadyrsky district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Arkharinsky district of the Amur region.

According to the Russian Federation Ministry for the Development of the Far East, these territories were not determined randomly, but based on access to transport services and the level of communication. If you are planning to run a peasant farm, the Primorsky Territory, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region are suitable for you.

In February of this year, the right to submit applications was granted to all residents of Russia, regardless of place of residence. The legislator emphasizes that obtaining a plot is available only to citizens of our country. Residents of foreign states (both citizens and organizations) do not even have the right to formalize the lease of such lands. The same applies to stateless persons.

Allotments are provided based on the formula - 1 hectare for each applicant. This setting is minimal. For example, if a family consists of three people, and each of them applies for a plot, together they are entitled to 3 hectares of land.

A family of four will receive four hectares and the like. Remember that agreements for gratuitous use are part of the inheritance. In order to obtain a plot with a larger area, the creation of cooperatives is allowed. Up to 10 people can submit a collective application.

Conditions for obtaining a hectare of land in the Far East

The law regulating the provision of plots in the Far East, which came into force in June last year, provides for the following rules:

  • to receive land, you need to have Russian citizenship;
  • a five-year period is provided for land use;
  • after the allotted time, if the territory is not developed, the plot is confiscated;
  • after 10 years it is possible to register ownership of the plot.

Significant aspects of the above law:

  • Until February of this year, a hectare was provided only to persons living in the Far East, but after this point the right to receive free land was provided to any citizens of the country. Persons who are citizens of other states cannot apply for a plot;
  • the provision of a hectare is possible for any person, including those under the age of majority. This means that a family of five is allocated 5 hectares. To obtain a larger allotment, individuals can unite into groups and submit a joint application for receiving allotments, with the goal of subsequently creating a cooperative;
  • on the provided territory, it is required to develop the site within a five-year period. To do this, you can build a residential facility, conduct agricultural activities, build a tourist facility, and so on. At the moment, the state has formalized thirty different projects for land development. It is necessary to choose the appropriate method within a year, informing the authorities;
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to receive an allotment free of charge are provided with state support measures, which include issuing loans on preferential terms, mortgage lending, and a simplified procedure for equipping land with water and gas.

However, not every citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the right to receive a free hectare, and not every desired plot of land can be provided for use.

Please note that sites of particular value to the country or population may not be provided.

These landholdings include:

  • territories classified as urban and rural settlements;
  • objects equipped with communications: pipelines, power lines, roads for public use;
  • zones included in the number of protected areas;
  • plots on which mineral deposits have been discovered.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting the imperfection of the public map posted on the Rosreestr website. These practices indicate that often those who applied were denied the transfer of the desired land due to the fact that a restriction was imposed on the object, for example, the Ministry of Defense became its owner or the plot had already been purchased, but this was not recorded on the map.

Free transfer of land is possible only in remote areas located at a distance of 10 to 20 kilometers from large settlements. And the larger the city or village, the more distant the land ownership is from it.

For what purposes can a Far Eastern hectare be obtained?

The provision of an allotment is permissible if the purpose of its operation meets the requirements of the law. This can be either the construction of buildings or the conduct of business activities. Remember that the plot cannot be immediately transferred into ownership; it can only be rented for a five-year period.

At the end of this period, its development is assessed by a special commission, and only after that it is possible to become its owner. After receiving the necessary documentation, you can dispose of the specified real estate at your own will and make any transactions with it permitted by law.

In addition, the option of leasing land ownership for a period of 49 years is possible. An application for re-registration of rights can be submitted before the end of the designated period.

However, there are exceptional situations in which the land provided to a person cannot be transferred into ownership. In such circumstances, you can register ownership of the object only after a ten-year period, and only if the category of land ownership is changed.

It is necessary to determine the procedure for operating the allotment within a year from the date of transfer of the property. Notify the competent authorities about your decision using the official website.

After a three-year period, fill out a declaration regarding the use of land. The permitted type of use of the plot can be changed. During the allotted period of operation, pay tax on the land provided.

If the state commission reveals the fact that the land has not been developed, the concluded agreement on free use is terminated at the initiative of the lessor.

For this local authorities V trial Evidence must be provided that the use of the land is not intended. Only the court can make a final decision regarding the granting of an allotment.

What is meant by land development cannot be stated unambiguously, since this concept not yet regulated legal norms. With regard to the plots allocated for individual housing construction, we can conclude: within a five-year period, it is necessary to erect a certain structure on the territory and carry out its registration. In accordance with the provisions of the law, plots located in populated areas are transferred.

There is a difficulty: allotments are provided in areas remote from cities and settlements, located no less than ten kilometers from populated areas (if the city is small), and no less than twenty for cities with a population of over three hundred thousand people .

Refusal to provide a hectare of land in the Far East

About the decision made government bodies are required to report within a week.

They may refuse in the following circumstances:

  • providing false information regarding the applicant or land ownership;
  • submission of an inappropriate package of documentation;
  • applicant is a citizen foreign country or a stateless person;
  • the area permitted by law has been exceeded.

If a problem arises regarding the boundaries of land ownership or partial overlap of the scheme with the scheme of another person, it is possible to propose an alternative. The deadline for this is 20 days.

ABOUT the decision taken government authorities will notify you, after which they will begin preparing diagrams to mark the established boundaries on the cadastral map.

Many people know about the Far Eastern Hectare program, but not everyone has tried to fully understand it and appreciate the beauty of the prospects proposed by the state. And in vain. In just ten months since the launch of the project throughout Russia, forty thousand citizens have received their part of the land for development and even more people are waiting for a decision on their applications.


The development of the Far Eastern part of the country, which occupies a third of the state, has long been a concern for the government. A large number of uncultivated land, low population (only 5% of total number population), the reluctance of indigenous residents to farm far from civilization and their move to more central regions of Russia made the Far Eastern region the subject of forums and conversations.

In 2012, the government tasked the Ministry responsible for the development of the Far East with developing a mechanism to popularize the district in order to attract citizens to problem areas.

By the end of 2015, a solution was found. Already in the first half of 2016, a federal Information system to issue plots to citizens and organized cooperation with the administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation affected by the project.

First free land could only be obtained by local residents of the Far Eastern regions, but the offer did not interest people to the extent expected. Since February 2017, any citizen of Russia is allowed to take part of the land.

The essence of the program

The main conditions of the project are as follows.

  1. Free plots are provided in the territories of Yakutia, Primorye, Kamchatka and Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin, Jewish regions and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
  2. Land is provided in accordance with acts of local authorities, which determine which plots participate in the program and which do not.
  3. Participation in the project is allowed only once and exclusively to citizens of Russia, including those living outside its borders.
  4. Free land is provided in an amount of no more than 1 hectare per person. Several family members have the right to each take a hectare. People are allowed to unite into communes and create entire settlements. Such a merger is even welcomed by the authorities, since in this case it is easier to electrify the area and create a communications system.
  5. A plot of land for the development of a Far Eastern hectare is provided for a period of 5 years. At first it is not owned, therefore, there is no need to pay land tax. But during this period it is imperative to start using the allotment, otherwise it will be taken away. The land use procedure should be decided within a year after receiving the site.
  6. If the conditions of the program are met, the land can be taken over after 5 years. long-term rental or register as property. If it turns out that the allocated hectare is not enough, it is allowed to purchase additional area.

In order to launch the program, an information system was created where every citizen can independently view the plots, select the area they like and submit a request to Rosreestr for the provision of land.

It should be said that changes are constantly being made to the project aimed at attracting an increasing number of interested parties. Thus, at the beginning of the full-fledged operation of the program (from February 1, 2017), citizens were faced with refusals to issue land. This was caused by a design flaw, since most of the land local authority The Far East did not agree to transfer it to people. The plots had to be chosen from a very limited number of lands, so the applicants tried to take over the best ones as quickly as possible. As a result, the submitted applications had the same problem - the boundaries of the selected plots overlapped each other, so the plots they liked could not be provided.

In view of this problem, they were adopted in mid-2017. Firstly, the number of lands available for choice increased by 17%. This expansion was carried out at the expense of forests and hunting grounds. Secondly, it became possible to adjust the application. Employees of authorized bodies are required to notify the citizen of the presence of encumbrances or restrictions in relation to the selected plot, and an alternative must be offered.

Judging by the popularity of the procedure for granting a Far Eastern hectare, these changes are far from the last, because there is still a lot of land and unconsidered applications.

How to apply?

You can register by submitting an application in person to the authorized body or by mail. It is also possible to apply online. Since the last option is the most common due to convenience, we will consider it.

If you have difficulties with the Internet, use the help of a Multifunctional Center employee. The MFC will not only help you draw up your application correctly, but will also send the documents to the right authority.

Those wishing to apply for the program must complete the following steps.

  • Step 1.

Authorization in federal system through State Services. To do this, you need to log into your account. Those who are not yet registered in this system should register. To authorize on the resource, you will need SNILS, or a phone number, or a special electronic key.

  • Step 2.

Selecting an area on the map. In the “Map” section you can create an allotment yourself. Lands that cannot be selected are gray.

  • Step 3.

Filling out the application. The citizen must indicate in it information about himself, SNILS number, contact information. A scanned copy of your passport must be attached to your application. After checking the application, the data is confirmed and sent.

  • Step 4.

Waiting for a response from the authorized body. Within a week, specialists must determine whether there are reasons for refusing to issue a plot. If there are no grounds for refusal, then the response to the application will be positive. If the diagram of the site chosen by the applicant is drawn up with violations or crosses the boundaries of other plots, the process of reviewing documents is suspended. The citizen is informed about the problem that has arisen and is offered to develop a different map of the site. If the applicant agrees, preparations are made new scheme location of borders. Within 7 days from the date of its approval, data on the location of the formed plot is entered into the information system.

  • Step 5.

Receipt and signing preliminary agreement. The authorized body is obliged to develop and send this document to the applicant within 20 days from the date of receipt of the application. If the period was suspended due to refusal, this period may be extended. The draft agreement must be signed within one month from the date of its receipt.

At this point, the design of the site is considered complete. You can start mastering it.

Terms of use of the site

A citizen has the right to use the site at his own discretion. So, the site offers several options:

  • engaging in entrepreneurial activity;
  • construction of a residential building;
  • farming.

Each region is attractive in its own way. An in-depth study of the features of the area helps citizens decide on the main type of activity they plan to engage in there. It could be gardening, animal husbandry, beekeeping, tourism, etc. There are many business ideas on the Internet.

If you are firmly convinced that you want to take a plot, do not be lazy - visit the Far East and decide on the region that is most attractive to you.

Land development should begin within 5 years, but this does not mean that the process can be postponed for another 4 years.

Within 1 year from the date of signing the agreement, the citizen is obliged to notify the authorized body about the chosen type of land use. The authority has the right to approve or refuse the received plan. In the second case, the applicant is given 3 months to make another decision regarding the site. Approved land data is entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate. After this, you can begin to fully develop the territory.

The state has developed many support measures for citizens who risk taking a Far Eastern hectare. Among them are the following.

  1. For each region there are quotas for harvesting wood for building a house.
  2. “Beginner Farmer” competition, for which you can get 1.5 million rubles.
  3. Competition in the field of livestock farming, thanks to which you can recoup up to 60% of the costs of a new business.
  4. Preferential lending conditions and return of interest on loans.
  5. Reimbursement of part of insurance costs.
  6. Financial assistance for the maintenance of agriculture.
  7. Subsidies for housing construction.
  8. Preferential leasing conditions.

Within 3 months after 3 years from the date of signing the agreement, you must submit a declaration on the use of the land.

After 5 years of management, you can obtain a plot of land as your own or for rent.


The Far Eastern Hectare project has proven itself well. Anyone who wants to have their own piece of land has the opportunity to get it on very acceptable terms. This project is the first in Russia. The final results can be summed up in 2035. In the future, it is planned to distribute other lands in this way.