Beginning of issuing new electronic passports for Russian citizens. When will they start issuing an electronic passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation What and how to fill out

Electronic passports will include the functionality of universal electronic cards and the possibility of unified identification. Plastic passports in Russia will become an alternative paper media. The project, which was planned for 2017, has been postponed to a later date. In this article we will look at when they will start issuing electronic passport citizen of the Russian Federation and what it will look like new document.

The Russian plastic passport will be a continuation of the universal cards project. You can pay with these cards public transport, however, not in all regions. The document may also contain an electronic signature. All functions will be completely transferred to the electronic identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The universal maps project did not reach as wide a scope as expected. According to data from Sberbank, no more than 650,000 cards are currently used. As the bank clarifies, universal cards will be valid until the end of the specified validity period.

Electronic passports are planned to be issued from March 2018

The project was carried out by the Federal Migration Service. But according to the government’s decision, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be responsible for the creation and implementation of plastic passports in Russia. It was originally expected that people would be able to use the document as early as 2017. But the issuance of plastic was postponed to March 2018.

The postponement of the date when new Russian passports will be issued was associated with several significant factors:

  1. The project budget is about 200 million rubles. Although, taking into account the duties of 700 rubles, the project will more than pay for itself, even if at least 1 million citizens use the new document.
  2. It is planned that the passport will be used as mandatory condition for getting public services in online mode. But on this moment More than 25 million people use the public services system, so the transition to a new version of the identity card must be well prepared.

Stages of development

The project dates back to 2010. Then the corresponding laws were adopted and the company "Unive" was organized rsal electronic card" (UEC). More than 20 banks in Russia were shareholders, one of which was Sberbank. Experience commercial organizations in the issuance of bank cards was supposed to contribute to the rapid development of the project. It was planned that in 2014 every Russian citizen would have an electronic card in their hands.

In 2012, they decided to expand the functionality of simple cards into a full-fledged passport. But it wasn’t thought out then the legislative framework. In 2013, the concept was fully prepared with legal side. At that time to create plastic cards More than 200 billion rubles have already been spent, which amounted to about 90% of the budget allocated for the UEC.

By government decree, this organization was asked to develop chips for personal identification. Thus, already on the created infrastructure of plastic cards, the electronic passport project was launched. In addition to the identification function, the creation of personal account, which citizens could use.

The electronic passport began its development in 2010 with the advent of the Universal electronic card

It was planned to prepare a sample of the new passport by 2017 and begin selling the documents among the population.

But at this stage there is no such possibility. When will everyone have electronic passports in Russia?

The latest news is that they should appear approximately on March 25th. The postponement of the date was associated with the presidential elections, as well as with the unwillingness to launch a new document. The UEC, having fully fulfilled its function, will be disbanded. Only 0.5% of the population became cardholders. But even they can continue to use electronic media

fully. The cards will be valid for another 5 years. After which it will be possible to use only electronic passports.

What is it like, a new passport At this point, it is already absolutely known what the new document looks like. At the same time, both the appearance and functionality of the chip are completely defined.

  1. The card will contain:
  2. TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number).
  3. SNILS (individual personal account insurance number).
  4. Electronic signature.
  5. Passport details.

Payment chip.


On the main side there will be a photo and full name of the owner. Also, the client’s passport number and registration address will be indicated. The validity period of the plastic will be indicated.

On the reverse side are the numbers of personal documents. A person will be able to independently assign the list of documents that need to be linked to the system. To use the services to the fullest, pay taxes, fines or receive information from Pension Fund, it is recommended to use all documents in a single database. Also, another photograph will be additionally used on the reverse side.

Children's versions will have parents or guardians listed on the back. It is worth noting that, unlike classic passports, there will be no information about marriage or children. Also, there will be no marks on the outside military service, i.e. the outer shell will be less informative. But all data will be written on the chip in in electronic format.

Sample of an electronic passport

For those who use a universal plastic card, it will not be difficult to determine the appearance of the new passport. Since it will not be much different from such a card. Unlike the card, a chip will be added. Presumably Russian microcircuits will be used.

In order to fully receive the sovereign product, it was decided to use our own payment system “Mir”.

The appearance is completely protected and the data can be corrected. According to the project's security service, it is simply impossible to fake or change the card.


The document can be used in any government structure. Banking organizations will also be able to carry out identification. It is planned to link the card to a bank account, which will allow you to pay in stores with your passport. At this stage, linking the document to a bank account is not possible. In all likelihood, new passports will appear without this feature for now.

Where is the document issued?

Many are already interested in the question of how to get a passport. After all, you may have to order it or wait a long time, and the previous document may lose its validity. In fact, issuing a new ID card will not be such a lengthy process.

The project is being handled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so applications will need to be drawn up in this institution.

An electronic identity card for a citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, takes no more than two weeks to produce. It is also worth considering that you will have to pay for the right to receive the document. The state fee will be 700 rubles.

Will paper passports be valid?

Taking into account the fact that the launch of the project is planned for March 2018, a complete transition to electronic versions of the identity card is expected by the end of 2020. Initially, there were more optimistic deadlines, and it was planned to complete this stage by 2019. From the moment new documents are formed, paper counterparts will gradually go out of circulation.

This is due to the fact that paper versions are no longer planned. But this does not mean that every citizen needs to urgently and forcibly change their documents. Passports will be valid until the end of their validity period. The document must be changed in the standard manner upon reaching a certain age.

On the other hand, no one will interfere with a citizen’s initiative to change his passport to an electronic version. Moreover, the authorities will in every possible way stimulate this process through advertising in the media, due to the fact that it will be necessary to recoup the high-cost project as quickly as possible .

Electronic passports will have the highest degree of information security


Most compatriots have a positive attitude towards the creation similar document. Thanks to the full identification function, there will be no need to collect large quantity documents when applying to government agencies.

A single passport that can replace all other documentation will be very convenient to use. Also, commercial organizations will be able to use a single identity card.

For example, when applying for a loan, the bank will be able, thanks to one document, to obtain complete information about the status of the potential borrower, which will make the lending procedure quite simple and convenient.

It can also be said that taking into account the events of 2014 and the introduction of general sanctions by Western states, it was obvious that Russia needs autonomy. In this regard, a decision was made to create our own payment system with a processing center and full support of banking operations. The chips used in the system are also

This project cannot be called innovative. This practice is widely used in the West. Most European countries have had an electronic passport system in place since 2012 and earlier. The possibilities of such a document are somewhat broader than are currently expected in Russia. So in Germany you can buy and register a car without leaving your home. And in the United States, it is planned to introduce electronic radio chips into passports, which will allow information to be read without the knowledge of the owner within a radius of 7 meters.

Interior Russian passport is a document that not only certifies a person’s identity, but also provides him with a wide range of exercise of his rights as a citizen Russian Federation.

Over the course of several recent years this document is gradually being transformed: the changes concern both its appearance both structure and function.

Who will need to receive

In 2019, you will need to apply for a new passport to replace your old one in the following cases:

  • people born in 1999 and 1974 (in connection with the onset of their 20th and 45th birthdays, respectively) due to the expiration of the previous paper document;
  • after loss or theft;
  • after changing the last name, first name or patronymic;
  • after an official gender change;
  • when the document is worn out or severely damaged;
  • when identifying errors in the information contained.

What changes will happen

In the field of registration, issuance, receipt, and the form of the document itself, a number of changes will occur by 2019. It will be useful for those who are about to receive a passport to know what innovations they will encounter.

  • The age at which citizens receive a passport will increase by 2 years (the first receipt is shifted from the age of 14 to 16).
  • The validity period of the document will be limited to 10 years, after which the obtaining procedure must be completed again.
  • In 2019, issuance in all regions of the country will be carried out at Sberbank branches. The regions for preliminary testing of this project in 2018 will be the areas with the largest shortage of centers for the provision of municipal and government services.
  • The form of the passport is being transformed: from 2019, the issuance of the paper version will completely stop. Instead, people will be able to receive an electronic version of this document.

What will the electronic passport look like?

The transition to an electronic version has long been discussed and planned. Since technology does not stand still, this step is understandable and logical. This project has been postponed several times, but from 2019 it will be implemented throughout the Russian Federation.

The size will be familiar to owners of plastic cards, namely 45x86 mm. Images and information will be located on the front and back.

The front side will contain the following information:

  • document's name;
  • full last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • day, month, year and place of birth;
  • date when the card was issued;
  • date after which the expiration date expires;
  • passport ID.

On the same side, 2 identical photographs of the owner will be placed: one of them (on the left) will be larger and made in color, and the second (on the right) will be monochrome and much smaller.

Information on the reverse side:

  • the same number as on the front side;
  • SNILS number;
  • tax identification number;
  • code value of the department that issued the electronic passport.

On the left is the same photo of the owner in black and white as on the front.

Below the main information is a machine-readable field that contains additional information in electronic form. Here, at the request of the owner, information about marital status, minor children, military ID number, disability or pension certificate, etc. will be entered.

The images on the card will be digitally printed, which provides a degree of protection. With this method, colors do not change for a long time and remain in their original form.


Due to the transition to the new system, all the features that were available when using paper passport, are preserved, but many new ones will be added to them, giving a wide range of applications. Using an electronic card it will be possible to:

  • register online at your new place of residence without visiting the relevant authorities;
  • pay for transport fares;
  • use as a bank card;
  • receiving and paying for services in medical institutions;
  • identify the owner;
  • register remotely as a legal entity;
  • open a bank account online;
  • make electronic payments, including utility payments;
  • carry out voting;
  • obtain information about pension insurance, driver's license etc.

The most close attention When developing the card, attention was paid to the degree of its protection. This part of the program was implemented by Rostec, whose specialists combined the most modern developments with unique domestic innovations.

The consequence of painstaking work was that it is impossible to make changes to the information printed on both sides of the document and contained in electronic form using any currently available technologies.

This guarantees the safety of use and all manipulations that will be performed using an electronic passport.

Conditions for receipt and replacement

In order to obtain a passport in 2019, you will need to submit a standard list of documents to the appropriate branch of Sberbank. After this, the owner will be issued a new document no later than 10 days later.

To register you will need to pay state fee. It is not yet known exactly what its size will be in 2019.

Another option would be to order remotely using the government services portal. To do this, you will need to fill out an online application on the website using a standard form, attach a file with photos and send a request for processing.

On the website you can monitor the status of the application and track at what stage the request is currently being processed. Once ready, the owner will be informed where and at what time he must be present to receive the electronic card. This option will be slightly different in cost, but will save a lot of time.

You can learn more about the new electronic ID cards from video:

Those wishing to learn about electronic passports will find little information on the Internet on this topic, since the procedure for their implementation has not yet been finally approved by the government. Basically, this information is not specified, sometimes contradictory and even false. But in most cases it comes down to the hysterics of religious fanatics about the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist. However, history knows similar hysterics, such as the replacement of Tsar’s passports with Soviet ones in 1919 or the introduction of an INN number in the late 90s. Despite the diabolical innovation, every church as an organization now has an INN and without it has no right to exist.

The author of the article conducted a short journalistic investigation with a visit to the authorities responsible for issuing new documents in the future: OVIR, MFC, Ministry of Internal Affairs. I received information about the proposed procedure first-hand, “as it is,” and, excluding religious background, shares it with readers.

Introduction of electronic passports in Russia

During from March 30 to the end of 2018 The government of the Russian Federation plans to implement a program to combine several basic citizen documents into a single one in the form of a plastic card, which will be called “ ID card of a citizen of the Russian Federation».

This does not mean that on March 30 you can go to the passport office or MFC to undergo the procedure to obtain a new document. The launch date for the program was repeatedly set and then shifted. Time will tell what will happen this time.

At the moment, authorities are not yet ready to issue electronic IDs. To achieve this, large-scale work must be done to implement software to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OVIR and regional MFCs.

One thing is known - at the beginning, replacing passports with electronic ones will be of a recommendatory nature, but after several years, the current identity card in the form of a booklet will become invalid.

Advantages of a biometric electronic passport

The introduction of electronic IDs will have undeniable advantages for both their owners and the state:

  • convenience— on a card that can fit in a wallet, several documents will be stored and will be considered official, suitable for presentation to government agencies. And over time, the electronic passport will also become a means of payment;
  • safety— the new document will become the same useless thing as the current document if it falls into the hands of criminals. Several techniques will be applied to it information security(PIN codes, confirmation of transactions by phone, etc.). If it is lost, citizens will have the opportunity to quickly replace it without bureaucratic delays because it will contain biometric data (fingerprints, iris scan);
  • reducing the crime rate in the country— it will become impossible to carry out fraud with other people’s documents. There will be no need to visit authorities, many operations can be performed via the Internet using electronic signature, which will be stored in the new version. Communication with officials will be reduced to a minimum, which will reduce the level of bribery and nepotism;
  • reducing the load on the authorities— it is obvious that having received the opportunity to receive government services through the global network, citizens will gladly take advantage of this opportunity, saving themselves from the tedious need to knock on the doorsteps of officials and thereby reducing the burden on government agencies;
  • increasing the country's international authority will happen insignificantly, but will still be a plus, and will be expressed with gratitude from international organizations for the protection environment(Greenpeace). Obviously, the need for paper, which is spent in megatons on the production of paper documents, will decrease, and therefore deforestation will be significantly reduced.

How to get it through State Services - step-by-step instructions

The opportunity today to obtain general civil passports through the MFC and the undeniable convenience of this method does not raise any doubts. The same opportunity will be provided for receiving electronic versions. To use it, a citizen must be registered as a user on the official portal of the MFC:

To register you need to click on the button " Register» in the window and go through a simple procedure. You need to have it on hand passport And SNILS. Having sent the data to the portal server, it will be verified for authenticity by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tax office, OVIR employees. After identifying the new user by e-mail and a message about successful registration or refusal (if errors or inaccurate data were made during entry) will be sent to the phone number indicated on the website. The entire procedure may take up to 3 weeks.

Attention! The process can be shortened to one day by visiting the MFC in person, taking with you the necessary documents - passport and SNILS. The specialist will issue a login and password to log into the system within 5 minutes.

By registering on the government services portal, it becomes possible to use the wide range of opportunities that are provided there. To do this, in the same window you need to click on the “Login” button, and then enter the received login and password. When the program for issuing plastic passports of the Russian Federation starts working, it will appear on the portal page the new kind services, which will look (tentatively) like “Obtaining an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.”

However, even in this case it will be impossible to do without visiting the MFC. Having provided information about the owner of the future certificate and received a positive decision, MFC specialists will invite you to visit them. You will need to personally write an application for a replacement document and take a photograph.

According to employees of the information department of the Krasnodar MFC of the Central District, to receive electronic document you will need the following documentation:

  1. application of the established form (being developed);
  2. digital photography (taken on site);
  3. birth certificate;
  4. passport;
  5. military ID (for men);
  6. SNILS;
  7. certificate of marriage/divorce.

It is planned that the new electronic version will include all the same existing data plus medical insurance, data on registration in tax authority(TIN) and pension insurance data (SNILS).

In the future, it is planned to add information about military service, bank account numbers and make the document a means of payment using domestic payment system"World". New passport will also replace it in the future driver license and all remaining documents, will combine them into one.

When the replacement law existing passports will be accepted electronically and the population will be notified about this, the list necessary documents can be clarified by one phone government services portal: 8−800−100−70−10 . Currently, call center employees do not provide such information.

What does the new plastic passport look like?

The design of the future plastic version has not yet been finalized. Like bank cards, it will have a front and a back side.

The document proposed for approval is made in gray-white-golden tones and contains a chip on which more than confidential information about the owner:

  • biometrics— scan of fingerprints and iris;
  • Family status;
  • registration address(registration);
  • blood type;
  • other documents, listed above.

There will be much less information about the owner available to the eye on the new version of the ID (another argument in favor of security):

  • official his Name it will be written at the very top of the front side: “Identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation”;
  • 2 photos on the front side and 1 on the back;
  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • validity;
  • code, accessible only to machine reading devices to determine the authenticity of the document and information about the issuing authority.

Video: biometric passports in Russia