Draw a fire evacuation plan with your own hands. How to draw an evacuation plan

According to Government Decree “On Fire Safety Regulations” No. 390, at a facility with a large concentration of people and on floors where 10 or more people work, it must be posted. In modern conditions, the development of evacuation plans occurs with the help of computer programs. You can do it yourself or contact a specialized company.

First stage

The plan is drawn up according to a drawing of the premises, made by hand or copied from BTI documents. You can use the previous plan, with notes about changes. If we are talking about large rooms with a complex planning solution, many offices, compartments, exits, then it is better to use a ready-made construction diagram than to carry out the drawing manually.

Based on the existing diagram or sketch, they begin to develop evacuation plan. You must understand that this is a document that must comply with standards. When drawing up, they are guided by GOST section 6.2, which lists in detail the requirements for drawing up plans for evacuation of people in case of fire or emergency.

If the enterprise employs 50 or more people, then in addition to the plan, instructions are drawn up explaining how to properly conduct an evacuation. Employee actions in case of fire or accident are reviewed twice a year, and the results are recorded in the appropriate journal.

Key elements of the plan

First, they make a draft, on which inconsistencies are corrected and notes are made. After adjustment, the manager or other responsible person is provided with new option plan. If there are no objections, then the final version is printed in duplicate.

The plan includes:

  • Name;
  • indication of the floor if the building is 2 or more storeys;
  • signature of the manager who approves the plan;
  • a diagram of the premises indicating escape routes;
  • indication of the location of fire extinguishing equipment and first aid kits;
  • decoding of all present signs;
  • brief instructions on how to behave in emergency situations;
  • emergency phone numbers.

Along with windows, doors and others mandatory elements A mark is made on the plan where he himself is located.

The development of an evacuation plan takes into account a preliminary study of all exits. It must be borne in mind that emergency exits cannot be automatic sliding, lifting or revolving doors. This is a common mistake in shopping centers

and offices.

All parts shown must be functional. It cannot be allowed that, for example, the diagram shows an exit that has actually been walled up for a long time.

The size of a local plan of one room should not be less than A3 format, and a floor or sectional plan should not be less than A2. If necessary, the dimensions can be increased to accommodate all symbols and inscriptions.

The graphic part shows the layout of the room with main, emergency and emergency exits. Green solid arrows show the routes to the main exits, and dotted arrows show the routes to all others. It is convenient to format the text in the form of a table or compact list.

Text and graphic part

When drawing up an evacuation plan on your own for the first time, you can use a sample of documents that are already ready, signed and checked by a fire inspector.

The text part is largely similar for different plans. The main difference appears in the building layout. It is important to indicate the location of windows, doors, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, fire panels, and electrical distribution panels.

The plan shows the location of telephones by which you can call the rescue service. Fortunately, in modern conditions you can also use mobile communication devices. Some facilities have a fire warning system. The point of its inclusion is depicted on the plan. You cannot come up with your own pictograms and icons. You need to use it already existing signs

, for which rules and standards have been developed. In particular, there is a standard GOST R 12.4.026-2001.

Plans are made in duplicate. One approved copy is hung in a visible place at the middle level (1.2-1.8 m), and the other is kept by the facility duty officer along with the master plan.

Crafting tools In a small organization, you can draw on a sheet of Whatman paper using a pencil, ruler and colored markers or other visual instrument. But if we are talking about large company

or about a large building, it is better to use a special program. In addition, according to the latest recommendations, evacuation plans must be made using photoluminescent materials. The background of the plan should be white, for the remaining details black, red, yellow and. Green is traditionally used for indicating and guiding signs. The layout of the premises and all inscriptions, with the exception of special symbols and signs, are done in black.

Each character must be clear. Overlapping characters, typos, confusion in colors, and clutter with secondary details should not be allowed. A properly developed plan should be easy to understand and read.

There is a special program “”, which can be used to quickly and correctly draw up a diagram.

If there is no such program, then use any graphic editor that they know how to work with.

Who is responsible for development

The development of a plan for the evacuation of people, museum exhibits, animals from shelters and circuses must be ensured by the head of the organization. This does not mean that he personally has to make the plan. The manager appoints a person in charge or contacts a specialized company.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not require a license to produce evacuation plans. However, the photoluminescent material that the company uses must meet standards, which is confirmed by two certificates. One is responsible for color and glow indicators, and the second for fire safety.

Plans are printed on special plastic, film or paper that glows in the dark. It can be produced on ordinary material coated with photoluminescent film. Since the manager’s signature must be at the top, film coating occurs after final approval and endorsement. It is not necessary to put a stamp; it is enough to indicate the position of the person in charge.


When designed and printed, many are interested in the question, who should approve it? Do I need to contact the fire department for this? The law answers this question in the negative.

The plan must be approved by the head of the organization or facility subject to fire department. It is enough to put his signature at the top of the sheet indicating his name and position. This requirement is not accidental, since the manager is one of the persons responsible for fire safety.

Evacuation plan

Program "Evacuation plan" is a comprehensive solution for creating evacuation schemes of any complexity according to GOST R 12.2.143-2009 With Change #1. Provides automation of the construction of floor plans, placement symbols and escape routes, as well as adding text information. Signs fire safety and symbols used on evacuation plans are made in accordance with the requirements GOST R 12.4.026-2015 and are fully presented in the program.

Floor plan: walls, windows, doorways, stairs and other objects.

Fire safety signs: full list signs according to GOST R 12.4.026-2015.

Evacuation routes: convenient creation and editing.

Local plans: automation of the creation of local plans.

GOST: drawing up an evacuation plan in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026-2015 and GOST R 12.2.143-2009.

Examples: step-by-step video instructions, examples and templates.

Standalone application: does not require third-party CAD solutions.

Evacuation plan included in Single register Russian programs for electronic computers and databases: https://reestr.minsvyaz.ru/reestr/103320/

Features of the program

  • Safety signs and symbols used on evacuation plans are available from the program window immediately after installation and there is no need to download them additionally. All symbols comply with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026-2015
  • When creating evacuation plans, it is possible to use file templates that contain some initial parameters, such as the plan frame, a set of layers, additional sheets, etc.
  • Availability of completed text tables “Actions in case of fire” and “Actions in case of emergency”, as well as information blocks “Approved” and “Agreed”.
  • Use the Viewport tool to create local evacuation plans based on the overall floor plan. It is enough to create a general floor plan on the “Model” sheet and then, on additional sheets, use the “Viewport” tool to indicate the visibility of its certain parts.
  • Creation of floor plans using special construction objects “Wall”, “Door”, etc. These objects are able to interact with each other, uniting when crossing. Thus, windows and doors are built into the walls, and intersections at the joints of the walls are completed automatically.
  • When drawing floor plans, dimensions are indicated in meters, which is convenient if you have a floor plan obtained from the BTI.
  • It is possible to use a raster image obtained, for example, by scanning a floor plan, for its further delineation.
  • The program is not a plugin and therefore does not require additional CAD applications.
  • Saving a completed evacuation plan in AutoCAD-compatible DXF format.
  • Export to raster formats BMP, JPG, GIF, etc.
  • The distribution package of the program includes instructions for executing the evacuation scheme and examples of implementation.

Graphics editor

The Evacuation Plan program is a vector editor and has all the editing and drawing tools inherent in CAD programs. It is focused on creating evacuation plans in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 12.2.143-2009, but does not prohibit the implementation of evacuation plans with more loyal requirements that are imposed by the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation. The program has an intuitive interface and convenient access to a library of symbols, ensuring quick and easy preparation of an evacuation plan.

A distinctive feature of the Evacuation Plan software is the presence of special objects for creating floor plans and providing access to all fire safety signs immediately after installing the program, as well as the ability to use ready-made text tables and information blocks.

The floor plan is an integral part of the evacuation plan, so we have given great attention functionality for automating the drawing of floor plans. For this reason, special construction elements such as “Wall”, “Window”, “Door”, “Staircase” and tools for working with them were added. These objects have a unique logic of operation, for example, walls interact with each other, are combined and completed at the junctions, thereby forming a closed circuit, and door and window openings are able to be built into walls and take on their thickness. It is worth noting that the integrity of the walls is not compromised and the windows and doors built into them can be moved into the wall cavities.

As a rule, the creation of evacuation plans is carried out on the basis of floor plans received from the BTI. Therefore, when building walls and other elements, all dimensions are indicated in meters. In addition, it is possible to use a raster image as a background for its depiction using the program. Thus, you can use the image obtained by scanning the floor plan, set it to the required dimensions and outline it schematically. And then start installing fire safety signs.

A new file is created based on a template. This ensures that the evacuation plan frame of the selected format is available, adding necessary list layers, as well as text tables. The templates were developed taking into account the requirements of GOST R 12.2.134-2009, according to which the dimensions of photoluminescent evacuation plans should be 600x400mm or 400x300mm. There are also templates that allow you to prepare evacuation plans on sheets of A2 and A3 formats. It is possible to add custom templates.

Fire safety signs and symbols used in evacuation plans are presented in the program in in full. They are located in the “Construction Templates” panel, an additional window in which provides convenient access to them, and the presence of a color graphic designation opposite the name of each sign makes them easier to find.

After creating a floor plan, drawing up an evacuation plan comes down to filling out information about the organization for which the plan is being developed, placing symbols, tables with text information, and combining the floor plan with the frame. The process of developing an evacuation plan is described in detail in step by step instructions, which comes with the program and is available after installing it.


  • Save to vector formats such as DXF, SVG, PLT, etc.

The developed draft evacuation plan is stored in DXF format, which ensures compatibility with other CAD systems and allows it to be edited.

  • Save to raster formats such as BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG.

When exporting to raster formats, it is possible to fulfill all the requirements set by the printing house for high-quality printing of an evacuation plan, including on photoluminescent paper. The main criterion for obtaining an image of a certain format and resolution is the DPI parameter, which affects the size of the image in in electronic format. In the “Evacuation Plan” software, you just need to set the specified DPI, and the image sizes required for high-quality printing will be calculated automatically.


The program has a convenient printing system, which provides the ability to preview and set various print settings. In addition, there is the possibility of mosaic printing, when a large format image is printed on a smaller format printer by dividing the drawing into several sheets for subsequent gluing.

This graphic document indicating safe passages and exits for people in case of fire. Such a document must be in every building where 10 or more people stay at the same time. This is stated in Article 84 of the Law “On Fire Safety” No. 69. Regulatory acts in area fire safety do not establish specific requirements for who should implement this plan and how. Therefore, it is possible

Is it necessary to make the plan photoluminescent?

Changes made to GOST R 12.4.026-2001 state that the evacuation plan must have external or internal emergency lighting or, if this point cannot be met, photoluminescent material should be used. If during the evacuation process it is possible to connect, then the evacuation plan can be printed on plain A3 or A2 paper.

The absence of emergency lighting of evacuation routes makes it difficult for personnel to move, since signs indicating the direction of movement to emergency exits are not visible. When carrying out a fire evacuation plan with your own hands, you can apply it both to photoluminescent film and to paper.

Why is it better to make a plan yourself?

All companies providing such services are divided into two types. The first type specializes in everything that concerns fire protection, knows about all the requirements. When using Adobe extensions in their work, they make a big mistake - when printed, the graphic elements do not comply with the above GOST, which means the entire document becomes incorrect. During the inspection, the State Fire Safety Inspector may have questions about such a document. Therefore it's better

The second type has good printing equipment, but does not have enough skills to perform of this assignment. Hence the excessive loading of the plan with signs, the emergence of new and incomprehensible designations. One of the popular mistakes is introducing a multi-colored “You are here” sign on the plan. Indeed, no document gives precise instructions on how this sign should look, but nevertheless it must comply general requirements: height 8-15 mm, color - black. The maximum that can be changed is the shape of the sign. According to numerous studies, the most comfortable shape is a circle. However, designers in companies of the second type miss all these nuances, trying to create a beautiful and colorful layout of the room, without thinking about its purpose.

Program for developing an evacuation plan

How to make a fire evacuation plan yourself and not make mistakes?

To begin with, it is recommended to purchase a specialized program “Evacuation Plan”, which already contains all the necessary requirements. regulatory framework in the field of fire safety. This program is a separate stand-alone application and does not require installation additional extensions and plugins.

The first thing you need to do is to recreate the layout of the room in the program window. To do this, the developers have allocated a separate “Build Templates” panel, where there are ready-made objects: doors, windows and walls. When working with them, you will notice that the walls are able to independently connect to each other at the joints, and windows and doors take on the thickness of the walls. When remodeling, moving windows and doors do not “break” the structure, which saves time on rebuilding the entire layout.

You can choose absolutely any scale for construction. The signs are located in the same "Construction Templates" panel.

The program has ready-made elements, for example. Additionally, it is possible to create 2 more information templates.

The work does not require specific skills or knowledge. The program database contains ready-made plans for various premises, which can be supplemented with signs or rearranged. This application allows you not only to manually create a room layout, but also to upload scanned raster images, on top of which you can place signs and indicate evacuation routes.

How to save and print a plan?

After you have managed to create a fire evacuation plan yourself, you need to save and print it. It’s better to save it in a file that will allow you to edit the finished layout if necessary. In addition to this format, the program allows you to save the diagram in JPG, BMP image format.

If you have a plotter, the document can be immediately sent for printing. IN otherwise It is recommended to print in mosaic format on several pages that can be glued together.

The most common mistake

It will be easier to make a fire evacuation plan yourself if you know what aspects of its development need to be focused on.

The most common mistake is the excessive use of the “Direction of Evacuation” sign. GOST 12.2.143-2009 states that the diagram must contain signs indicating the location of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, telephones and first aid kits, and evacuation routes are indicated by a green solid or broken line. At the same time, paragraph 6.2.5 of the same document states that the direction of movement should be indicated with a regular arrow. Therefore, the sign is not required here.

Knowing this information, you can do it without the help of specialized organizations.

Probably every entrepreneur has been faced with the need to make a plan for evacuating a building in case of fire. It is approved by the chief of the city fire department.

Of course, you can order the production of such a plan from a specialized company. But you still have to draw a sketch, a plan of the building, the location of telephones and fire extinguishers. And if the pioneers write three funny letters on it, they will have to contact this company again.

This task can be completely solved on our own. It is enough to draw up a detailed evacuation plan with your own hands once. Then at any time you can make a copy of it or modify it a little in the future.

Standard fire evacuation plan

A fire evacuation plan must be present in any public building, regardless of what profile it has. Phone numbers are indicated on the plan emergency services, as well as ways to leave the premises in the event of a fire.

When drawing up, one should take into account the reliability of the evacuation routes used, the space-planning parameters of the building, as well as the behavior of people during a fire hazard. Be sure to take into account the strength and speed with which the flow of people will move. It is also necessary to remember about the presence of passive and active and the mode of operation of the building that is relevant at this moment. The organization of fire safety should always begin with the preparation of as detailed and clear a plan as possible.

The evacuation plan includes a document containing detailed information and rules of conduct in the event of a fire, as well as all possible exits and ways to leave the building. In addition, it must contain instructions, thanks to which you can control the sequence and order of actions of people at the site. This schematic plan makes it possible to significantly facilitate the organized and independent movement of working personnel to the safe zone. Evacuation plan for in public places must be posted in prominent places so that all people can see it.

The evacuation plan should always be posted in a visible place in the building.

The development of an evacuation plan is carried out in accordance with the standards of GOST R 12.2.143-2002. The need to prepare evacuation plans and their further placement in buildings and institutions for various purposes is regulated by a list of fire safety rules and standards, as well as a number of other regulatory documents.

Requirements for drawing up an evacuation plan

In accordance with the fire safety rules that apply in our country, the evacuation plan should be used every six months as a visual tool during practical training of service personnel. At sites where night shift work is expected, the evacuation plan should include options for action both during the day and at night.

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Layout of a wooden house

State Fire Inspectorate employees carefully check the evacuation plan for the building. Therefore, make sure that it is compiled correctly. The requirements for drawing up a plan diagram include the following points:

At the bottom of the table there should be signatures of all the people who were involved in drawing up the plan, as well as the people who got acquainted with it. In addition to the text and graphic components, the fire evacuation plan includes a log of the evacuation plan.

In the process of working out the plan, it is necessary to carry out timing and then record in the log the date of its implementation and the name of the person responsible.

How to draw an evacuation plan with your own hands

Methods for making fire evacuation plans depend on the required number of completed copies of the drawing. For example, in small organizations where one copy is enough, you can limit yourself to a simple piece of paper and black and red felt-tip pens. In large institutions where several copies of a document are required at once, you can resort to the help of a printer and a computer (the printer must be in color, since certain parts of the plan must be marked in red).

If you need to make one large copy of the evacuation plan for the corridor and several small ones for the office, then the first one can be made by hand, and the rest - on the computer. In this video you can see how to make a large photoluminescent evacuation plan on a color printer.

When developing a plan, you should use only thick and high-quality paper, regardless of which manufacturing method is chosen. For multi-story buildings, several drawings should be prepared, one for each floor.

Preparation of the drawing begins with the floor diagram being transferred to paper. You need to find out in which department it is stored, and then ask for a copy of it. Contact the person responsible for fire safety and find out what they should look like. You cannot determine these paths yourself, since you cannot know exactly which of them can be used and which cannot.

Evacuation routes are marked on the plan with bright, red lines. Mandatory arrows that indicate how and where to move in the event of a fire are also marked in red.

After this, the location of fire hydrants (fire extinguishers, electrical panels, washbasins, landline telephones, fire-fighting equipment) should be carefully marked on the plan. At the bottom of the evacuation plan, telephone numbers of emergency services are indicated (for landlines and mobile phones). Finally, all necessary signatures must be placed on the plan and the sheets placed in visible places, carefully covering them with plexiglass.

An example of a detailed and correctly drawn up evacuation plan for the first floor of a building
  • What should a typical fire evacuation plan look like?
  • How to make a plan yourself according to all the rules?
  • Requirements for document preparation.
  • How to draw a plan with your own hands?
  • What programs can be used to draw a plan?

Every entrepreneur should take care of having an evacuation plan for people in case of fire!

You can compose it yourself, you can use special programs. It is possible to contact special companies.

Even if you plan to contact specialists, you will still have to make and provide a sketch yourself. It needs to clearly reflect such important points as:

  • Building plan.
  • Means and places of communication.
  • Number of fire extinguishers and their location.

Independently or together with specialists, they write down such important points as the numbers of city emergency services and evacuation routes that must be followed in the event of a fire.

There are several options for drawing up a quick fire evacuation plan. The choice depends on the required number of copies per room:

  • In a small room where one diagram is enough, the plan can be drawn on a sheet of paper with ordinary red/green and black felt-tip pens.
  • In fairly large enterprises where several circuits are needed, a color printer can be used.

In the second case, the main large version is drawn up by hand. The rest are done on a PC and then printed with all color symbols.

The paper for developing the plan must be of high quality and thick enough.

The plan is drawn up as follows:

  1. Preparation of the diagram begins with drawing a drawing of the room/floor diagram on paper.
  2. Next, you need to contact the person in charge to find out how evacuation routes run through a particular premises. It is impossible to determine this on your own.
  3. Established safe exit routes are indicated with bright lines.
  4. There are arrows showing where and how to move in case of a fire. They should also be bright in color.
  5. The location of hydrants, special equipment, washbasins, fire extinguishers and shields is carefully highlighted on the plan.
  6. At the bottom of the diagram are the numbers of emergency city services. Each number is written in two versions - for a landline phone and for a mobile phone.
  7. The required signatures are provided.

Ready-made diagrams are placed in the most visible areas with high traffic. The sheets must be covered with plexiglass.

There are several rules for drawing up a plan and organizing an evacuation. Important points to consider include:

  1. Reliability of potential escape routes.
  2. The area of ​​the building and its main parameters.
  3. Behavioral characteristics of people.
  4. The strength and speed of movement of people, which depends on the number of people in the building and their age.
  5. Availability of active and passive modern systems fire safety.

Among additional documents specialists require:

  • A document containing detailed information about the rules of conduct in case of fire.
  • A paper with marked paths and exits through which it is possible to quickly leave the building.
  • An instruction based on which you can control the sequence and in general actions of ordinary and responsible people at sites.

These documents make it possible to significantly facilitate independent and maximally organized movement. flow of people to a safe area.

A properly drawn up evacuation plan should be in a visible place accessible to every person.

It must be seen by all people in the building without exception. This rule and other requirements must comply with GOST R 12.2.143-2002. Plan development and subsequent placement finished document in the building is regulated by official fire safety regulations. The standards and regulations of other special documents are taken into account.

Requirements for drawing up a plan

According to the established rules for ensuring fire safety, the evacuation plan must be worked out at least every 6 months.

First of all, the plan is used to conduct training. Once every six months, management should conduct exercises, training people to act along a predetermined path.

If people are expected to be in the building at night, there should be two evacuation options - daytime and nighttime.

Drawing up a diagram and posting it in a visible place is not the final step. Fire safety officials carry out inspections from time to time.

This is necessary for the reason that buildings are periodically redesigned, and new laws are adopted. Today the following requirements apply to evacuation schemes:

  1. The graphic part of the diagram must fully comply with all established standards.
  2. The drawing should not contain elements that distract from the main information.
  3. The main escape route is indicated by solid colored arrows.
  4. Alternate routes must be marked. They are marked with dotted lines.
  5. There must be information regarding where telephones, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and places where fire automatics are turned on are located. These things are indicated by special symbols.

Evacuation plans contain text information along with graphics. The name of the performer, his responsibilities and how to act in a difficult situation are written down.

This is the responsible person who must regulate the evacuation. His main responsibilities include:

  1. Notification of a fire.
  2. Organization of the evacuation process.
  3. Checking to see if everyone has left the danger area.
  4. Checking fire extinguishing systems.
  5. Extinguishing a fire using improvised means.
  6. Evacuation of valuable property.

At the bottom of the diagram are the signatures of the persons who drew up the plan. There must also be signatures from people who have read the evacuation plan.

Along with other documents, the evacuation plan is accompanied by a log of the rescue plan. The plan for leaving the premises must be worked out from time to time and the dates for such operations must be entered.

Using special programs

If you have certain skills, you can use special programs in the process of drawing up a plan:

  • Splan.
  • AutoCAD.
  • Photoshop.
  • Special program Evacuation plan.

These are different in complexity of mastering and studying programs. There are options that can be mastered in one evening, and others that require training. Each user can choose the best option for themselves.

After drawing up a plan, the acquired skills can be used to perform other tasks:

  1. Drawing up a graphic list of buildings.
  2. Drawing up structural diagrams.
  3. Execution of drawings.
  4. Drawing pictures.

Many of today's programs are so simple that they can be described as a ruler with a pencil in a modern twist.

Summing up

  1. Every entrepreneur should take care of having a fire evacuation plan!
  2. An evacuation plan is not just a building layout. This includes other important papers.
  3. A properly drawn up evacuation plan should be displayed in a visible place.
  4. Along with other documents, the evacuation plan is accompanied by a log of the rescue plan.
  5. The evacuation operation must be practiced from time to time and the dates entered into the journal.