Omonovets. How to enter the ranks of the Omon troops? What are the requirements? Omon standards for physical training

Author Yoergey Wheat asked a question in Other Career Issues

What physical standards do you need to set in order to get into the riot police? and got the best answer

Answer from Petrovich[guru]
I had a 15 km march with full gear, pull-ups 18 times, push-ups from the bars 12-18 times, three fights for three minutes. But that was 2001

Answer from Anastasia Rumyantseva[newbie]
Google will help you. And just do find out in the organization itself, where you are going to go to work.

Answer from Yoanya Ivanchenko[guru]
Standards OMSN, OMON
Testing standards for physical fitness
candidates for service in the OMSN, OMON
No. Points
Type 100 94 87 82 75
1. Cross
2.Pull-up 18 17 16 15 14
or bench press 10 9 8 7 6
3. Jumping up 60 58 57 56 55
4. Push-up 60 58 57 56 55
5. Press 60 58 57 56 55
6. "Army spring" 60 58 57 56 55
Total (points) 500 470 435 410 375
The sequence of the exercises.
Cross - a distance of 3000 meters in a time of no more than 11.45 seconds.
Pull-ups - hanging on straight arms, grip from above. For candidates whose body weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced with a 50 kg barbell curl for biceps - 10 times.
Jumping up - jumping up from the position in the "crouching emphasis" with a change of legs.
Push-ups - flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying face to the floor.
Press - lifting the body from a supine position, hands behind the head.
"Army spring" - flexion and extension of the legs from an emphasis lying face to the floor in an emphasis crouching.
To enroll in the OMON or OMSN, the total points must be at least - 375.

Answer from D(o_o)b[guru]
completed secondary education completed service in the army, moreover, either the airborne forces or the marines or the current navy will then be taken for training at the police school and this is on the usual nickname of the teaching staff, but as for the riot police, I think the conditions and preparation are more serious! :)

Answer from Ivan Timofeev[newbie]
I want to become a fizruk what is needed for this

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What physical standards do you need to build in order to get into the riot police?

VL / Articles / Interesting

15-08-2016, 12:51

Airborne Troops Russian Federation- one of those military branches where traditions, morality and physical strength are best known. Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the legendary founder of the airborne troops, "BATYA" - as the paratroopers themselves call him - even at the dawn of the winged infantry laid basic principles and standards for those who aspired to serve in an army capable of crossing Europe in a week.

It was in the Soviet Union that by the mid-80s, 14 separate brigades, two separate regiments and about 20 separate battalions in blue berets were formed. One brigade corresponded to a separate military district, in which a special instructor monitored the physical form of the fighters in each company.

Standards for admission to the service in the Airborne Forces Soviet Union were, if not sports, then near-sports for sure - pull-ups 20 times, a run of 100 meters, a marathon run of 10 kilometers, push-ups - at least 50 times. The morning hour of physical training of Soviet paratroopers was generally different from almost all military branches - there were both jumps and jumps with a 360-degree turn, pull-ups and, of course, push-ups.

In the Russian army under the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the Soviet direction of the physical training of paratroopers began to grow qualitatively. Although the requirements for entering the service in the airborne troops of Russia are somewhat softer than in the Soviet Union, this is only the minimum set in order to obtain a pass and the opportunity to serve in the ranks of the country's best conscripts.

To get to serve in the Airborne Forces, you must have a weight of 75 to 85 kg and a height of 175 to 190 centimeters. If growth is a quantity that cannot be influenced, then excess weight with a strong desire to serve in the Airborne Forces, it is advisable to reset. Such strict selection criteria are due to the specifics of the service, because in most departments special purpose they are selected precisely with the wording "Fit for service in the airborne troops." The general state of health is an equally important factor that directly affects whether a conscript gets to serve in the Airborne Forces or not.

Smoking, heart disease, addiction to alcohol - the conscript should be deprived of all this in principle, so that the draft board does not have any questions during the examination. The hardest physical activity for people who smoke and have bad habits in general, according to the military, is categorically contraindicated.

Particular attention in the Airborne Forces is paid to vision - even a slight deterioration in it can be a reason for refusing to enroll in this type of troops. In addition to almost absolute health, after the recruit is enrolled in the Airborne Forces, it is also necessary to have endurance, since about 20% of conscripts cannot cope with standard loads after enrollment and can be sent to serve in other branches of the military.



The Marines are one of the most prepared and physically strong guys in Russia. Interspecific competitions, military reviews and other events where it is necessary to show the level of physical strength, traditionally cannot do without representatives of the Marine Corps.

In addition to the general physical “strength”, a potential “marine” must have: height from 175 cm, weight up to 80 kg, not be registered in a psychiatric, narcological and other dispensaries both at the place of registration and at the place of residence, and it is also desirable to have one from sports classes. The rule of having sporting achievements also works in the Airborne Forces, however, according to the established tradition, it is in the Marine Corps that recruits-athletes are given increased attention and entrusted with the most responsible tasks.

“The essence of this tactic is that a conscript athlete does not need to inspire and instill a sense of responsibility and discipline. Athletes with serious achievements, as a rule, are already disciplined people and they don’t need additional motivation in this regard, ”Viktor Kalanchin, deputy head of the draft commission of one of the capital’s military registration and enlistment offices, said in an interview with Zvezda.

Also, it is in the Marine Corps that special attention is paid to conscripts with certain technical knowledge: radio engineering, electronics, and computing devices. Such qualities help to prepare for a military specialty right during military service and in the future will give serious help when entering the service under the contract.

As for the physical requirements necessary for service in the Russian Marine Corps, everything is simple - excellent health in category A, the ability to pull up at least 10-12 times and the absence of chronic diseases. The rest, according to the military, will be consistently and diligently brought up in the conscript.



Special tasks and requirements are imposed on people who perform special tasks. It should be remembered, however, that special forces, whatever it may be, are not combined arms training, but hard and daily work, which not everyone can cope with. However, it is precisely with the offer to serve in special forces that recruits are “suited” precisely after, and even during their service in the airborne troops or marines.

In any case, according to the military commissars, the percentage of conscripts from these military branches in the special forces is the highest. The rules of standard training (both physical and psychological) do not work in special forces. Here, every fighter is made into a universal soldier, capable of doing everything and doing it with high quality.

Running, pull-ups, grueling forced marches at a distance three times greater than the usual army - all this is present in abundance in the preparation of special forces. However, special forces are different for special forces and each special forces unit has its own specifics.

Special Forces Chief Intelligence Directorate General Staff and the FSB special forces stand apart among special units: 20 or even all 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups on the uneven bars, running a distance of a thousand meters in three minutes - this is far from full list of what needs to be done in order to start being considered as a candidate for service in the best Russian special forces units.

Andrey Vasiliev, instructor of one of the Moscow detachments rapid response, in an interview with Zvezda, he said that physical activity is the most insignificant thing that people who aspire to serve in special forces will have to face:

“In intelligence, in addition to endurance and physical fitness, the mind is also important. Therefore, analytical thinking, the ability to quickly make certain decisions that will effectively complete the task is no less important than, for example, physical strength. The main attention in such things is paid to people who, before serving in the army, received higher education in some technical area. I know for sure that they have shown and are showing increased attention to such people.

One of the most serious tests for those who want to test their physical and psychological abilities can be an exam for the right to wear a "maroon" beret. It is this special forces insignia internal troops is the best proof of the "professional suitability" of a fighter. The exhausting test, which includes an almost marathon forced march, an obstacle course, hand-to-hand combat with an instructor, not everyone passes.

According to statistics, only 20-30% of the examinees pass the test. Contrary to popular belief, the exam for the right to wear a maroon beret does not end with physical activity.

The basics of shooting skills against a background of extreme fatigue, the basics of storming a building using special equipment, high-speed shooting - all this is included in the mandatory list of tests for those who want to devote their lives to special forces. The set of rules, both for army units and for special forces, says one thing - service for the good of the Fatherland is not a vacation.

This is hard, difficult and truly masculine work, requiring absolute physical health and serious mental abilities. It is the combination of these qualities that allows yesterday's ordinary guys to get into the elite troops, and those who have served or are serving improve their professional skills and move up the ladder of military service.


Primary selection in the FSB

The selection system for special forces is carried out in several stages. For service in the special forces of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia, as a rule, officers and warrant officers, as well as cadets of military schools, are selected as candidates for officer positions. Ninety-seven percent of positions in spetsnaz are officer positions, and only three percent are ensign positions. Accordingly, an officer must have a higher education, an ensign - not lower than secondary.

Ensigns are usually appointed to the positions of drivers and instructors.

Firstly, a candidate for special forces must be recommended either by an active employee of the TsSN, or from those who previously served in Alfa or Vympel. There is also a selection from cadets of universities of the Ministry of Defense or from border institutes. Preference is given to those who are already studying at the Faculty of Special Forces, which is in the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School. There is a selection of guys from the Moscow VOKU. In these educational establishments employees of the Center come and carry out the initial selection. First, the personal files of cadets are studied, and then potential candidates are interviewed.

For candidates, there is one serious restriction on physical data - height must be at least 175 centimeters. This is due to the fact that in operations, employees often use heavy armored shields of impressive dimensions. For undersized employees, these protective equipment simply drags along the ground. An exception may be made for a candidate whose professional merit outweighs the lack of stature.

Another limitation is age. The candidate must be no older than 28 years old. True, for those who come to the CSN from other power structures and has combat experience, an exception may be made.

The requirements for employees of Department "A" and Department "B" are slightly different. In Department "A" they are somewhat higher.

Physical testing is divided into two stages, which take place on the same day. During the first, candidates pass physical training standards, followed by hand-to-hand combat sparring.

The candidate arrives at the “object”, changes into a sports uniform for the season. He must run a distance of three kilometers in 10 minutes 30 seconds. After the finish, he is given 5 minutes to rest, and then his sprinting qualities are tested in overcoming the hundred meters for a while. The credit result is about 12 seconds. Then, with a light run, you need to climb to the gym, where the candidate is waiting for the crossbar. A candidate for Department "A" must pull himself up 25 times, for Department "B" - 20. Here and below, after each exercise, 3 minutes of rest are given between exercises.

Next, you need to complete 90 flexions and extensions of the torso in two minutes. This is followed by push-ups from the floor. The offset for Control "A" is 90 times, for Control "B" - 75. Sometimes push-ups from the floor can be replaced with push-ups on the uneven bars. In this case, the required amount is 30 times. The execution time is not strictly limited, but the candidate is not allowed to rest during the execution. They also strictly monitor how the exercise is performed. If the candidate, in the opinion of the receiving employee, does not clearly perform this or that exercise, it is not counted to him.

After that, the candidate is invited to perform a complex strength exercise. For "A" and "B" - 7 and 5 times, respectively. The complex exercise includes 15 push-ups from the floor, 15 flexions and extensions of the torso (checking the abdominals), then 15 times the transition from the “crouching emphasis” position to the “lying emphasis” and back, then 15 jumps from the “crouching” position up. Each exercise is given 10 seconds. The described cycle is a single execution of a complex exercise. There is no rest break between each exercise. Sometimes in Office "A" it is proposed to perform an endurance test - jump up 100 times.

hand-to-hand combat

AFTER FINISHING physical testing, the candidate rests for 3 minutes, after which, putting on protection on his legs, on his groin, a helmet on his head, gloves on his hands, he goes to the wrestler


Admission to the OMON

General requirements: a man aged 18 to 35, education must be at least secondary, completed compulsory service in the military forces of the Russian Federation, characteristics from the army or from the place of work must be ideal, no criminal record, perfect health, excellent physical fitness.

However, even if the candidate meets all the above requirements, it will not be so easy to enter the service in the OMON.

Stages of admission to the service in the OMON:

1. Visit to the personnel department of the police department at the place of registration. There you will be informed about all the rules for admission to the service. It is necessary to provide the personnel department with a completed application form (the form will be issued), photographs of the established sample, a reference from the place of work or from the place of military service, education documents, an identity document. Based on the results of the verification of the documents submitted to the OK, they will issue a referral for passing military medical commission(VVK), referral to the Center for Psychological Diagnosis (CPD), referral to an exam in physical fitness.

2. Prior to undergoing IHC and CPD, it is necessary to undergo a series of medical tests, pass numerous tests for various infections, and also provide certificates from narcological, psychiatric, and tuberculosis dispensaries. Moreover, all analyzes and references are paid. The approximate total cost is 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Entering the service in the OMON is an extremely difficult task. For a successful passing the VVK the candidate must be:

Height - at least 170 cm;

The minimum visual acuity for distance is 0.6 diopters for each eye; Permissible myopia - 0.75 diopters in each eye, farsightedness - 2.0 diopters in each eye. The presence of non-structural scoliosis up to 8 degrees according to the Instructions does not prevent service in the police department. Candidates with fitness category B on a military ID (fit for service with minor restrictions) when passing the VVK are recognized as unfit for service in the OMON.

You should know that during the passage of the military medical commission, candidates with the slightest deviations from the norm in health are recognized as unfit for military service. This applies to all three categories of candidates.

4) After passing the VVK, the candidate will be tested for physical fitness. The test consists of two stages:

A candidate who has passed all the above tests is credited to the service in the OMON.

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Let's agree right away. You will soberly assess your strengths. You will not try to become cooler than special forces right away. In physical activity, gradualness is important. For a long time I did not want to write about physical training, so as not to take sin on my soul. I am aware that there are people who do not know the shores, who will believe that this is the way to do it every day. For several years they did not get up from the couch, and then again! And immediately to the special forces. You need to come to such loads gradually, listening to your body. And is it necessary to come to them in everyday life? In short, if you decide to practice - start small and do not tear your veins in vain. And watch your pulse.

To begin with, we will designate the standards that we pass. They have to be taken during all physical examinations.
- run 3 km. - you need to run out of 12 minutes. Everyone runs out.
- or one hundred meters (13 seconds maximum), or a shuttle run of 10 to 10 meters (no more than 26 seconds).
- 20 pull-ups
- 12 lift-coups on the horizontal bar.
- 30 times push-ups on the uneven bars.
- 60 push-ups from the floor.
- Bench press (own weight) - 10 times.
- KSU (about it below).
- Hand-to-hand combat (rented separately). It does not happen in the form of sparring. We hand over stupid tricks.
Between each exercise, you are given up to 5 minutes to rest. But 3 minutes is enough, as a rule.

As you can see, the standards are quite forgiving. Super effort is not required for their surrender. But physical training is of practical importance for us, so training is not limited to these disciplines. For example running. Personally, I do not run for distance, but for time. Every morning I jog for 20 minutes. Naturally, we do not train for wear. Because it cannot be ruled out that you will have to work, and you are barely dragging your feet. Of course, it happens that in hand-to-hand combat they break your face in a fit of excitement, you walk like a zombie, dragging your leg, and you think - if only, if only, if only not to go anywhere. But this doesn't happen often. Usually we still take care of each other in sparring.

Some lift iron with "cross-fits" - description below. They have such a role - you need to be very strong. Although you can swing without a gym. Do you know how much an AK in full body kit weighs? No? And you won’t know until I come back to you again - we’ve moved on the topic of body kits for automatic weapons, now I won’t say anything about it in this post.))) Well, in short, the professionals have already understood that I’m not training strength, but endurance. It is important that the body can withstand not a short-term heavy physical load, but can calmly endure a long-term, albeit not so significant, one. Naturally, I save my strength and do not allow myself to give my all one hundred percent.

Three times a week we have group physical training - besides it, on this day I allow myself very little physical activity. It is a "cross-fit". Horizontal bar, bars, Swedish wall, armored personnel carrier tire, sledgehammer. 50 seconds on each projectile with a minute of rest in between. First, a warm-up (10-15 minutes of running, standard exercises - high knees, shin overlaps, side steps, jumps, jumps, explosive running, etc., stretching). For example, I got a horizontal bar as the first projectile. 50 second pull ups. A minute of rest. Swedish wall - 50 seconds of lifting straight legs with one frequency. A minute of rest. A sharp overturning of the wheel from the armored personnel carrier - 50 seconds. A minute of rest. You hit for 50 seconds with a sledgehammer on the wheel from an armored personnel carrier with an unwinding amplitude (from the whole swing, in short). And this is another wheel from an armored personnel carrier, and not the one that another fighter rolls)))). A minute of rest. Bars. 50 seconds push-ups on the uneven bars. A minute of rest. Push-ups from the floor - 50 seconds. This is repeated three times. Some fighters do cross-fits with iron, but I don’t participate in them (bench press from the chest, squat with a barbell, lifting the barbell from the chest while standing, abs, and an exercise on the lower back). The weight of the bar is not large, about its own weight.

Three more times a week (the next day after the "cross-fit" everyone does the Cooper test (KSU - Complex of strength exercises). 10 push-ups, immediately after it without a pause - a sharp pulling of the knees to the chest in the lying position, also 10 times Then 10 times the press. And immediately jumping out - 10 times. This is all repeated 5 times without stopping and respite. The next week - everything is done 30 times, but three circles, not five.

In addition, I do 200 push-ups a day - not at one time, but 4 times - in different time. The body must be ready for stress all the time. I pull myself up 100 times, too - 4-5 approaches to the horizontal bar during the day. Well, plus show off on the crossbar according to mood. 1-2 times a week I run cross-country 3 or 5 km. for a while. I run 10 a couple of times a month. Plus exercises for the neck, back and abs with their own weight. I shook the press 50 times - I looked at what was there in the comments, did push-ups, again looked into the blog.

I also spin my spine after a run. A hundred times. You lie down on a polyurethane foam mat on your back - bend your knees, hands in the lock in front of you. Legs and head to one side, arms to the other. Would recommend if you don't want back problems. It is important to pump the neck, although this does not save. The helmet can be carried continuously for no more than 2.5 hours. Whatever the neck, such static load on the neck will sooner or later lead to disability. Well, in our country, helmets are being developed to invariably save a fighter from a quick death and are guaranteed to lead to a painful life.

Naturally, in the rest everyone is engaged in their own individual program. This is not an urgent service, where you cannot rely on the willpower of a soldier and you need to force him. Everyone understands the importance of physical form in combat. When you're exhausted, you're no longer a fighter. So no one needs to be forced.
Well, that's actually the whole physics.

How to enter the service in the OMON? Rules for entering the service in the OMON.

Admission to the service in the OMON takes place on a competitive basis.

General requirements: a man aged 18 to 35, education must be at least secondary, completed compulsory service in the military forces of the Russian Federation, characteristics from the army or from the place of work must be ideal, no criminal record, perfect health, excellent physical fitness.

However, even if the candidate meets all the above requirements, it will not be so easy to enter the service in the OMON.

Stages of admission to the service in the OMON:

1. Visit to the personnel department of the police department at the place of registration. There you will be informed about all the rules for admission to the service. It is necessary to provide the personnel department with a completed application form (the form will be issued), photographs of the established sample, a reference from the place of work or from the place of military service, education documents, an identity document. Based on the results of the verification of the documents submitted to the OK, they will issue a referral to undergo a military medical commission (VVK), a referral to the Center for Psychological Diagnosis (CPD), a referral to an exam in physical fitness.

2. Prior to undergoing IHC and CPD, it is necessary to undergo a series of medical tests, pass numerous tests for various infections, and also provide certificates from narcological, psychiatric, and tuberculosis dispensaries. Moreover, all analyzes and references are paid. The approximate total cost is 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Entering the service in the OMON is an extremely difficult task. To successfully pass the VVK, the candidate must be:
Height - at least 170 cm;
The minimum visual acuity for distance is 0.6 diopters for each eye; Permissible myopia - 0.75 diopters in each eye, farsightedness - 2.0 diopters in each eye. The presence of non-structural scoliosis up to 8 degrees according to the Instructions does not prevent service in the police department. Candidates with fitness category B on a military ID (fit for service with minor restrictions) when passing the VVK are recognized as unfit for service in the OMON.
You should know that during the passage of the military medical commission, candidates with the slightest deviations from the norm in health are recognized as unfit for military service. This applies to all three categories of candidates.

4) After passing the VVK, the candidate will be tested for physical fitness. The test consists of two stages:
- delivery of a number of standards;
- testing for moral and volitional qualities.

* Preliminary stage - passing standards: includes:
- cross 3 km (min 11 min 45 sec),
- push-ups (minimum 55 reps per set),
- press (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach),
- pull-ups (minimum 14 reps per set),
- jumping out of the stop crouching (jumps) - (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach),
- army spring - (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach).
If you refuse to pass any standard, the candidate does not pass the test stage. Upon successful completion of the standard for physical. preparation, the candidate is allowed to be tested for moral-volitional qualities.

* Testing to identify the moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for service in the OMON. The most difficult and exciting stage for a beginner. This testing takes place in sparring mode. Sparring is done in the following areas:
- percussion technique;
- wrestling in clothes;
- mixed style.
The main task of the candidate is to show not so much tactical and technical readiness as activity and initiative.

A candidate who has passed all the above tests is credited to the service in the OMON.

How to enter the service in the OMON? Rules for entering the service in the OMON.

Admission to the service in the OMON takes place on a competitive basis.

General requirements: a man aged 18 to 35, education must be at least secondary, completed compulsory service in the military forces of the Russian Federation, characteristics from the army or from the place of work must be ideal, no criminal record, perfect health, excellent physical fitness.

However, even if the candidate meets all the above requirements, it will not be so easy to enter the service in the OMON.

Stages of admission to the service in the OMON:

1. Visit to the personnel department of the police department at the place of registration. There you will be informed about all the rules for admission to the service. It is necessary to provide the personnel department with a completed application form (the form will be issued), photographs of the established sample, a reference from the place of work or from the place of military service, education documents, an identity document. Based on the results of the verification of the documents submitted to the OK, they will issue a referral to undergo a military medical commission (VVK), a referral to the Center for Psychological Diagnosis (CPD), a referral to an exam in physical fitness.

2. Prior to undergoing IHC and CPD, it is necessary to undergo a series of medical tests, pass numerous tests for various infections, and also provide certificates from narcological, psychiatric, and tuberculosis dispensaries. Moreover, all analyzes and references are paid. The approximate total cost is 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Entering the service in the OMON is an extremely difficult task. To successfully pass the VVK, the candidate must be:
Height - at least 170 cm;
The minimum visual acuity for distance is 0.6 diopters for each eye; Permissible myopia - 0.75 diopters in each eye, farsightedness - 2.0 diopters in each eye. The presence of non-structural scoliosis up to 8 degrees according to the Instructions does not prevent service in the police department. Candidates with fitness category B on a military ID (fit for service with minor restrictions) when passing the VVK are recognized as unfit for service in the OMON.
You should know that during the passage of the military medical commission, candidates with the slightest deviations from the norm in health are recognized as unfit for military service. This applies to all three categories of candidates.

4) After passing the VVK, the candidate will be tested for physical fitness. The test consists of two stages:
- delivery of a number of standards;
- testing for moral and volitional qualities.

* Preliminary stage - passing standards: includes:
- cross 3 km (min 11 min 45 sec),
- push-ups (minimum 55 reps per set),
- press (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach),
- pull-ups (minimum 14 reps per set),
- jumping out of the stop crouching (jumps) - (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach),
- army spring - (minimum 55 repetitions in one approach).
If you refuse to pass any standard, the candidate does not pass the test stage. Upon successful completion of the standard for physical. preparation, the candidate is allowed to be tested for moral-volitional qualities.

* Testing to identify the moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for service in the OMON. The most difficult and exciting stage for a beginner. This testing takes place in sparring mode. Sparring is done in the following areas:
- percussion technique;
- wrestling in clothes;
- mixed style.
The main task of the candidate is to show not so much tactical and technical readiness as activity and initiative.

A candidate who has passed all the above tests is credited to the service in the OMON.