Traffic regulations unregulated pedestrian crossing new rules. Traffic rules at pedestrian crossings

Last update: 12/09/2019

14.1. Driver vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to make the crossing.

The concepts of a controlled and unregulated pedestrian crossing are similar to the concepts of a controlled and unregulated intersection established in paragraph .

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them ().

Drivers approaching such a pedestrian crossing must drive at a speed that will allow them to stop and give way to a pedestrian on the roadway. See term "".

14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in the same direction are also required to stop or slow down. It is allowed to continue driving taking into account the requirements of paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

One of the main reasons for collisions with pedestrians is limited or obstructed visibility: the driver is able to detect the pedestrian at the last moment, i.e. at a distance that does not allow you to apply even emergency braking or be able to somehow get around a pedestrian. Therefore, when approaching uncontrolled intersections, as well as unregulated pedestrian crossings outside intersections, drivers need to be prepared for the sudden appearance of people on the roadway.

14.3. At controlled pedestrian crossings, when the traffic light permits the signal, the driver must allow pedestrians to finish crossing the roadway (tram tracks) in that direction.

This requirement applies to both those drivers whose vehicles are standing in front of the crossing at the intersection, and those who are just approaching it. Those approaching, despite their green traffic light, are required to stop to let pedestrians finish the crossing.

14.4. It is prohibited to enter a pedestrian crossing if there is a traffic jam behind it that will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.

In such a situation, you should stop just before crossing. Such cessation of movement will not be considered a stop, since it will be an unintentional cessation of movement.

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver is obliged to give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane.

Blind pedestrians must give way at all times.

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking to or from a fixed-route vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the door side), if boarding and disembarking is carried out from the roadway or from a landing area located on it.

If there are no pedestrians, the driver can drive past the open doors of the route vehicle without stopping and continue driving. But this must be done at a minimum speed, since pedestrians in such situations can appear at any moment.

14.7. When approaching a stopped vehicle with its hazard lights on and identification marks“Transporting children”, the driver must slow down, stop if necessary and let the children pass.

You should be careful with vehicles performing organized transportation children. If such a vehicle has stopped, the driver is obliged to reduce speed in any case, regardless of the presence of children on the sidewalk or side of the road.

New pedestrian crossing rules (traffic rules) have been in effect since October 29, 2014. This year, the relationship between motorists and pedestrians has undergone changes. In fact, there are not many changes, but there are new things. For example, a number of situations that were not considered such in the earlier version of the rules were considered violations.

If you study the traffic rules, you can note several new changes. It is worth listing the following:

  1. It was clarified what should be understood by “pedestrian crossing”.
  2. It is prohibited to overtake vehicles at the zebra crossing.
  3. Rules were changed regarding how drivers should allow pedestrians to pass.
  4. If you have a bicycle, it's worth paying attention. Passing through the pedestrian crossing is prohibited.

Pedestrians and trams

It is worth talking in more detail about the definition. In the previous edition, a section of the road marked with special markings and signs was called a pedestrian crossing. If you look at the new rules, the concept of “pedestrian crossing” has spread not only to the roadway, but also to tram tracks, which they often pass right along the dividing strip.

Now on such sections of the road the tram driver is obliged to let people walking along the crossing pass. Of course, pedestrians still need to be careful, because the vehicle has a huge mass and cannot brake instantly.

Overtaking on a zebra crossing is prohibited

Overtaking vehicles at a pedestrian crossing is now prohibited, and the same rule applies to overtaking. You must remember that in the previous edition, overtaking was prohibited only if the pedestrian was on a zebra crossing. This was a significant addition contained in clause 11.4, but has now been removed from the rules. Overtaking is now prohibited at any crossing.

Another rule has been introduced. If previously one vehicle slowed down or stopped in front of a zebra crossing, then other drivers could move in adjacent lanes. Of course, this was only allowed if there were no pedestrians. Now all cars that are moving in one direction must slow down, or stop if one of them has done so.

What to pay attention to

Not all drivers correctly understand what the expression “yield to a pedestrian” means. This is explained in detail in the traffic rules, paragraph 14.1. Now the driver must let a person pass not only when he is already walking along a zebra crossing, but also when he is just setting foot on the road.

It is worth noting that a new term has been introduced. The expression “yield to a pedestrian”, familiar to many drivers, has been replaced by another term. The rules now say “give way.” In addition, it is worth noting an important innovation. The point is that it is now necessary to give way to pedestrians even if the markings also run along tram tracks. Do this at a bus stop too.

The driver must give way correctly. You cannot perform actions that could force you to change speed or change direction. We are talking about those traffic participants who have an advantage.

You can get clarification from the traffic police on what cyclists should do in this situation. If you are going to cross a zebra crossing, you must dismount. Only after this can you cross the pedestrian crossing.

Now, if an emergency occurs, the driver must indicate in the documents information about whether clause 24.8 was observed by the cyclist, or whether this rule was ignored by the person.

What are the possible fines?

If you do not allow a person to cross a zebra crossing, then be prepared to pay a fine. Today its size is 1.5 thousand rubles. You can appeal it. This cannot be done only if the traffic police officers have a video recording. It must be done with a DVR or using a camera.

You can appeal the decision if there were cars moving in front of you and your visibility was poor. In this case, you might simply not see the person walking along the zebra crossing. Of course, if the review was good, then the fine will still have to be paid.

Video: Rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing


Pay close attention to the signs. Always give way to pedestrians, even if they are just crossing a zebra crossing. Let people pass at the crossing that runs along the tram tracks.


Pedestrians must move on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as people in wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the roadway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders creates an obstacle for other pedestrians.

If there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths or shoulders, and also if it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along a bicycle path or walk in one row along the edge of the roadway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the roadway).

When walking along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles. When crossing the road and driving along the side of the road or the edge of the roadway in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to settlements pedestrians are required to carry items with them reflective elements

and ensure the visibility of these items by vehicle drivers.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.


Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.



At a controlled intersection, it is allowed to cross the roadway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings

indicating such a pedestrian crossing.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to bicycle zones.


In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of a traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.



It is allowed to wait for a route vehicle and a taxi only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. In stopping places for route vehicles that are not equipped with raised landing platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay. When moving across the roadway to or from the stopping point of a route vehicle, pedestrians must be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 4.4 - 4.7 of the Rules. Legislatures periodically make changes and amendments to traffic regulations. In October 2017, this affected pedestrian crossings. Every motorist should know what innovations have appeared in the field traffic . The amendments seem insignificant, but when emergency situation

they are the ones who will play a significant role. So, how to let a pedestrian pass at a pedestrian crossing according to the new rules?

A pedestrian crossing is a section of road with markings (zebra crossings), with installed signs and means of regulating the movement of citizens on the parallel side. If there are no corresponding signs on the site, then it is prohibited to cross there.

Pedestrian crossings are placed at intersections and other areas. The width of the area must match the width of the applied markings.

If there are no markings, then the crossing is determined by specially designed signs installed on both sides. The sign has the shape of a blue rectangle, with an image in the middle of a person walking along a zebra crossing.

  1. There are two types of crossings and for each the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass are individual:
  2. Adjustable - in addition to markings, the intersection is equipped with a traffic light. It determines the order of movement of motorists and pedestrians. If the traffic light is faulty for technical reasons, the crossing will be considered unregulated.

Unregulated - indicated by black and white markings applied to the road surface.

You need to know how motorists should give way to a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing. Every person has an advantage when crossing a road lane. You should let a person pass as he approaches the roadway. It is important to give him the opportunity to complete the transition to the other side.

Even when there is a traffic light in front of the driver allowing movement, he must wait for the pedestrian to complete his movement. In addition, you cannot urge people on with sound signals - such an action will result in serious punishment.

Is the driver required to allow a pedestrian to pass outside the pedestrian crossing zone? Logically, no, this is not his responsibility. But based on common sense, it is better to provide the right of way than to become a participant in an accident. Pedestrian pass in in the wrong place is mandatory if the pedestrian is blind, as evidenced by a white cane. It is difficult for people with limited vision to determine the location of the zebra crossing, so it is necessary to yield to them at the crossing, even beyond it.

Legislators have changed the rules in the field of movement at crossings without regulation. The old rules stated the obligation to allow pedestrians to pass, but now the wording has changed somewhat. Now it says - yield. Initially, it seems that the meaning of the definitions remains the same, but once you understand, you will understand that significant changes have occurred.

How to properly let pedestrians pass at a zebra crossing without getting fined? According to the old regulations, it was necessary for pedestrians to pass through the pedestrian crossing from the moment they step on the markings. You will have to wait until the person completely crosses the area.

The new regulations provide for the driver’s obligation to stop and give way to a person when he is moving towards a zebra crossing, but is actually still on the sidewalk. We conclude that a motorist has no right to interfere with the movement of a person approaching the crossing.

The new changes mainly concern the rights of citizens traveling on foot. Failure to comply with the rules by a motorist when he stops at the wrong time may force him to speed up and change the intended direction.

The definition of giving way means that the person driving the car is allowed to continue driving, but provided that the pedestrian is at a certain distance from the zebra.

If a citizen is in no hurry to cross a zebra crossing, but stands on the side of the road and minds his own business (for example, talking to someone), the driver has the right not to let him pass. Legislatures intended this to further motivate people by pushing them to move faster and cross

to move the road without causing congestion.

This change is most relevant for large cities.


Congestion and traffic jams are a fairly common phenomenon on the roads of large cities. Therefore, drivers often manage to stop at the zebra crossing itself, which is contrary to the new rules.

The new edition states that if there is a high risk of the car braking directly on the markings, the driver must try to prevent the violation in advance. If no action was taken, and the car still ended up on a zebra crossing, the driver may be fined by the traffic police.

Reasons for punishment for stopping at markings:

  • when stopped, transport interferes with the normal movement of people;
  • a stopped car limits the visibility range of other car owners, resulting in emergency situations.

What is prohibited to do at a pedestrian crossing:

  • make turns, turn around;
  • give back;
  • leave the car at the markings.

Legislators have developed distinctive regulations for crossings due to the fact that they are special areas.

IN latest edition There are notes about pedestrian crossings located in the area of ​​tram tracks. This approach helped to avoid controversial issues that were present in the previous rules.

In the previous edition, pedestrians were not given priority at intersections and crossings.

Current rules establish that this area now falls directly into the pedestrian crossing area. But if there are appropriate signs and markings.

This means that the tram driver’s responsibilities include allowing pedestrians to pass along the markings. But pedestrians themselves need to be extremely careful, because the weight of the tram is quite large, and it will not be able to brake in a matter of minutes.

Overtaking at the crossing

Even if there are no pedestrians on the markings, it is prohibited to overtake vehicles.

Previously, when one car stopped or braked in front of a zebra crossing, others had the right to continue driving in the adjacent lane, if there were no pedestrians on it.

The innovations include the obligation of each driver to reduce speed or stop at the crossing if one of the cars slows down.

Man on a bicycle

After the changes were made, many drivers are arguing about allowing people on bicycles to pass. By the way, cyclists believe that they have the same advantage as ordinary pedestrians. But in practice, everything is completely different.

Now, cyclists are prohibited from moving on unregulated crossings. The State Traffic Inspectorate notes that if a cyclist crosses a zebra crossing, he must hurry.

In the event of an accident, the driver’s fault will not be confirmed if the papers drawn up at the scene of the accident indicate a violation of the rules by the cyclist.

How to cross unregulated crossings

At crossings that are not regulated, according to traffic regulations, citizens are responsible for their own safety. A person should cross the roadway or tram tracks only when he has assessed the approximate distance to moving traffic. You need to be confident that you can switch without health consequences.

What a pedestrian is prohibited from doing when crossing a zebra crossing:

  1. It is prohibited to appear in front of the car due to any obstacle that limits the driver's visibility.
  2. You cannot suddenly and unexpectedly run out onto the road. It is necessary to show yourself so that drivers can react in time to the appearance of a pedestrian.
  3. It is prohibited to cross a zebra crossing at a crooked angle, that is, trying to shorten the path and turning away from the markings.

A pedestrian should not create any interference with motorists moving along such a site. Otherwise, there is a high probability of creating an emergency situation.

Remember that the right of priority at crossings is given to pedestrians. If your maneuver contributed to the accelerated pace of a person walking along a zebra crossing, then you have committed an offense established Administrative Code RF. For such a violation, a fine of 1,500 rubles is provided.

In front of the site, appropriate signs are always installed for pedestrian traffic, warning car owners that they are approaching the crossing. Therefore, motorists need to slow down in advance and make sure that there are no people on either side of the road who want to cross the road. Afterwards you are allowed to continue driving.

According to clause 14.2 of the traffic rules, when stopping or reducing the speed of one vehicle, drivers of others moving in the same direction are required to perform the same actions as the first driver.

When crossing a zebra crossing with your car is interpreted as “failure to yield”:

  1. The person was not given the right to cross the intersection, even when the traffic light turned green, allowing movement.
  2. We entered the marked area, despite the traffic jam that had formed on the way, and created an obstacle for people planning to cross the crossing.
  3. They didn't let through a person signaling with a white cane. Such people are visually impaired and find it difficult to determine the correct place.
  4. People moving towards public transport to board or moving away from it (mainly from the doors) were not allowed through.

If you violate the rules at the crossing, you face a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. The amount varies depending on the severity of the offense committed.

Such penalties are subject to the innovation of reducing the amount of payment. If paid within 20 days, a 50 percent discount is provided.

The advisability of an appeal is determined depending on the circumstances of the offense. When another car was driving in front of your car, blocked your view and prevented the timely detection of a pedestrian about to cross the zebra crossing, then there is a chance that the court will grant your appeal. If the review was open, you will have to pay a fine.

Remember that there is no point in appealing the protocol if the traffic police inspectors have evidence of your guilt. They use a video recording of the violation from a surveillance camera or car DVR.

To appeal a traffic police decision, you need to know that the definition of “give way” does not specify the order of movement, but establishes a requirement to not perform maneuvers that could force a pedestrian to change the intended direction or speed at a zebra crossing.

In a situation where there were no slowed down or stopped cars in the nearby lanes, and your actions did not interfere with pedestrians, then there is a possibility of a positive decision on appeal. But in practice, there is a possibility of encountering resistance from traffic police officers.

Try not to think about when you can or cannot miss a person on a zebra crossing. Be careful, look around and let pedestrians pass whenever possible. This will help you not to break the rules and avoid not only punishment, but also liability under the Criminal Code for hitting a person and injuring him.

A recording from a DVR installed on the car will help prove the absence of involvement in an offense. Especially when it took place.

If you are accused of hitting a cyclist who was crossing a zebra crossing on a two-wheeler, refer to the clause in the rules indicating that a cyclist is not considered a pedestrian. Paragraph 24.8 of the traffic rules states that persons driving mopeds and bicycles are prohibited from crossing the roadway at the crossing.

The rules require such citizens to hurry up and transport vehicles through the zebra crossing manually. On a positive note witnesses to the incident will be invited to confirm that the rules were violated by a pedestrian who suddenly jumped onto the road. This will be evidence of the impossibility of stopping on time. An excellent proof of innocence will be the marks left from emergency braking.

Demand that the traffic police officer comply necessary actions during the preparation of the protocol:

  • the employee must introduce himself, stating his position and last name;
  • must show official identification;
  • explain the reason for the stop;
  • collect evidence from the culprit and the pedestrian;
  • record the results of the survey in the protocol.

It is better to record the dialogue using video or audio recordings. Demand that a protocol also be drawn up against the pedestrian if he has violated the rules. This will help remove some of the blame from the motorist.

But it is difficult to prove the innocence of a motorist when hitting a person. Because it is the person driving the car who is obliged, anticipating such situations, to reduce the speed in advance and make sure that there are no people willing to cross the road. The machine has a high level of danger and can cause injury.

Even if the driver was completely innocent in causing the accident, he has the right to be required to reimburse the costs of treating the victim (Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Controversial point

Legislatures made changes to highlight the new wording “give way.” This is what drivers zealously discuss. This concept clearly states that a motorist may not continue, resume or change traffic if such a maneuver would cause the person crossing the road to change speed or direction.

What is the dispute? According to the wording, it seems that the driver is not obliged to stop in front of the zebra crossing, but is allowed to simply reduce speed, giving way to the pedestrian. If a person crosses a multi-lane road from the opposite side, it turns out that the driver does not even need to slow down.

Based on common sense, these statements seem correct. Drivers argue why stop if the pedestrian is far away and there are no obstacles for him. Accordingly, there is no fact of violation.

But State Traffic Inspectorate employees and judges think completely differently. In practice, when trial Such arguments from the motorist are not grounds for justification. What causes this is unknown, but there is such a fact.

Traffic police officers believe that a person crossing a zebra crossing may be frightened by cars moving along a parallel part of the road. If you follow this logic, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to brake at least 500 meters before the marking, so as not to scare the pedestrian. Of course, this is quite funny, but that's how they reason law enforcement agencies. It will be difficult to prove otherwise.

For several years, there has been discussion about increasing the amount of fines due to non-compliance with traffic rules, namely, failure to allow a pedestrian to pass on a pedestrian walkway. At the end of 2017, changes were eventually introduced to the legislation in force in 2018.

Latest changes in traffic rules

According to the new laws, clause 14.1 of the Traffic Regulations, it is regulated that the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must reduce speed so as not to interfere with the crossing of the zebra crossing by pedestrians crossing the roadway or entering it. In previous laws Russian Federation the rule in the corresponding paragraph was interpreted in such a way that the driver was obliged to stop in advance and give way to pedestrians crossing the roadway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

In addition, in accordance with the new instructions, clause 14.1 of the traffic rules, the driver motor vehicle, located close to an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, is obliged to slow down or brake in order to allow pedestrians not only crossing the pedestrian crossing, but also those who have just entered it for the purpose of crossing.

The updated rules do not indicate in any way (the previous rules did) that the driver must reduce the speed of the vehicle or stop its movement so that passers-by crossing the road on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing they had the opportunity to extend their movement without obstacles or danger own safety. It is understood that the above-described shortcoming can provoke different perceptions and understandings of this point of the rules, which in turn can create a problem in the objectivity of assessing the actions of drivers in the framework of appropriate decision-making on the roadway.

How should a driver allow pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing?

In accordance with the newly introduced provisions, the driver is obliged to stop driving, give way to a pedestrian who wants to cross the road, but is at a small distance from it, and a conventional car that is moving can create an obstacle for safe traffic pedestrian

The wording “give way” is designed in such a case that the driver has the right to continue driving, provided that the pedestrian is still far from the pedestrian crossing at that time. If a conditional pedestrian is on the sidewalk and talking on a telephone, the driver is not obliged to let him pass.

  • in the event that citizens go to a minibus vehicle located at a stop, for which boarding and disembarking takes place on the road;
  • if a visually impaired pedestrian signals with a white cane;
  • if there is a bus with emergency lights on and a sign “Transportation of children”. The driver must reduce the speed, and if necessary, brake and let the guys pass.

According to the new laws, in conditions of pedestrian priority, the driver is obliged to let a pedestrian pass at a pedestrian crossing. Shown Item Rule road rules obliges the driver of a vehicle that is approaching an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing to reduce the speed of the vehicle or stop it altogether in order to let a citizen through.

Amount of fine

If the driver refuses to let a pedestrian pass through a pedestrian crossing, he must be prepared to be punished and pay a fine. Currently (starting from October 11, 2017), if the driver of a vehicle refuses to let a pedestrian move through a pedestrian crossing, then until this time such car owners were threatened with a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles, and since 2018 the amount has been increased from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that last 2017, the President gave a decree to increase the liability of drivers due to violations at the zebra crossing. This was due to an increase in the number of pedestrians killed at pedestrian crossings. The Ministry of Internal Affairs therefore created new rules, and from now on they are included in the legislation.