Singer Danko and his women. Danko refused to reconcile with his ex-wife after the child support scandal

AND Natalia Ustyumenko three years ago, daughter Agatha was born. Doctors made a disappointing diagnosis: the girl would never be able to walk, see or hear. During all this time, Danko never once doubted his decision to raise his daughter. However, now, unexpectedly for everyone, the singer accused his wife of treason and said: Agatha’s own father is a Swiss millionaire. To find out the truth and find out the attitude of the spouses, they came to the new talk show of Channel One “Actually”, hosted by Dmitry Shepelev.

During the program, it turned out that Danko was advised to come on the show and ask sensitive questions to his wife by his mother. At one time, she openly announced that it would be better for her son and daughter-in-law to leave the disabled girl in an orphanage. According to the woman, the weak should give way to the stronger, and Danko also has an eldest daughter, Sonya, who is now 13 years old. Later, Danko's mother began to suspect that her son was not Agatha's father. Danko’s mother also came to the “Actually” studio. Elena Leonidovna did not refuse her words. Moreover, she calmly agreed to take a lie detector test. The program experts determined that Danko’s mother was always against his relationship with Natalya and has a huge influence on her son.

The singer’s mother asked her daughter-in-law whether Natalya was supported by rich men before her relationship with Danko. The mother of two children, Danko, replied that she had never been. However, the polygraph showed that the woman was lying. However, even at the beginning of the talk show, no less juicy facts from Danko’s personal life were revealed. For example, he admitted that during his relationship with Natalya he had affairs, but he considers sex to be treason. Danko was interested in whether his wife was cheating on him. And Natalya answered honestly: a question about betrayal has no right to be asked by a person who left a woman for six months, then for nine months, then for a year.

Singer Danko in the show “Actually” found out whether his wife cheated on him

In the talk show “Actually,” Danko also decided to dispel his suspicions regarding Natalya’s first pregnancy. He asked his wife if she got pregnant on purpose in order to take him away from Dana Borisova. But during the discussion, it turned out that Danko had an affair with Borisova when, in fact, the artist was already with Natalya, so, as Ustyumenko noted, the question is still who tried to take whom away from whom. In addition, the singer was then forced to answer questions regarding love affairs with such stars as Vera Sotnikova, Alisa Khazanova and Lolita. Danko admitted that if he and Sotnikova had not broken up, they would have been ideal harmonious relationships. But the singer, as he said, definitely doesn’t regret breaking up with Lolita.

At the end of the program, presenter Dmitry Shepelev picked up an envelope with the results of a DNA test, which was supposed to show who the father of the sick girl really is - Danko or a certain billionaire from Switzerland. The test showed that Danko's mother's doubts were unfounded: Natalya gave birth to Agatha from her husband. Danko was incredibly happy about this news, because he had hope that his wife and mother would finally reconcile, and there would be peace in the family.

Dmitry Shepelev did not hide the fact that he was shocked by some of Danko’s answers to piquant questions

Let us remind you that in the premiere episode of the show “Actually”, which viewers of Channel One saw on July 24, the relationship was sorted out by Alexey Panin and his former common-law wife Yulia Yudintseva, who gave birth to the actor’s daughter Anna. However, unlike Danko and his wife, the couple failed to come to an agreement.

Family history of the singer Danko. Show "Actually" The most dramatic moments of the episode dated July 25, 2017

According to some media reports, singer Alexander Fadeev, who gained fame under the pseudonym Danko, left his wife with two children and went to his young mistress. Netizens suggest that the reason for the breakup of a strong family could be a serious diagnosis given to the youngest daughter, Agatha. Men, unfortunately, often cannot cope with such adversities.

Danko's marriage to the charming model Natalya Ustimenko has lasted for many years. 14 years ago she gave birth to his daughter Sofia. And in 2014, little Agatha was born. Unexpectedly, the second birth turned out to be difficult, and the girl was diagnosed cerebral paralysis. Since that time, the couple have spent a lot of time and effort on the rehabilitation and socialization of their little daughter.

But, apparently, something broke in the previously happy family. It turned out that the couple had been living separately for the last six months. “Natasha and I are in a quarrel, we don’t have a very good relationship. There was no obvious reason for this, it seems to me that we were just tired of each other. We haven’t communicated for six months,” Danko shared.

The jealous singer claims that Natalia has a new boyfriend. And he considers himself free from marital responsibilities. “I saw a man in the photo with Natasha. I don’t know yet how serious their relationship is, maybe he poses a threat to our reconciliation. “I now feel like a free man,” said the singer.

IN Lately The press is actively circulating rumors about Danko’s affair with 30-year-old designer and DJ Maria Siluyanova. The young woman appears at social events in the company of the singer and posts joint photos on social networks, accompanying them with eloquent comments. “True love does not exist without pain, the bunny thought and hugged the hedgehog tightly,” Siluyanova signed a photo where she stands in an embrace with Danko.

But the singer does not yet consider it necessary to confirm this romance. “We are recording a track with her, she is also a well-known DJ in her circles. We are friends, but so far we are connected only by a working relationship,” he answers reporters when asked directly about Maria. However, despite the difficulties in the family, Danko continues to pay attention to children. “Natasha, Sonya and Agata are now at sea, the youngest daughter is being treated. We left for two weeks,” he told the press.

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Singer Danko found himself at the center of a scandal after he was accused of refusing to pay alimony. Allegedly, the artist does not pay his former common-law wife, model Natalya Ustyumenko, the money necessary to support their two common daughters, one of whom suffers from cerebral palsy.


“This is all a lie,” StarHit quotes the artist. Judging by his words, Danko began paying even before the birth of his first girl, who is now 14 years old. “For the last 16 years, all I’ve done is provide a life for my children,” the singer snapped. “We are talking not only about monthly maintenance, but also about large expenses for operations and rehabilitation,” he added.

“We communicate with Sophia regularly; just a couple of hours ago I posted a photo of our walk on Instagram. We often spend time together,” he emphasized.

Let us remember that earlier in the media there was information that Natalya Ustimenko was demanding 50 thousand rubles from her former lover to support her daughters, but he refused to resolve the case pre-trial. “Danko’s representative contacted us and said that the singer was not ready to sign an alimony agreement,” said Ekaterina Gordon’s law office.

“The singer’s common-law wife, Natalia Ustyumenko, asked for 50,000 rubles for the maintenance of her two daughters, which, given the serious illness of her youngest daughter Agatha’s cerebral palsy, is not a large amount. In this regard, we are filing a claim to recover alimony for two children,” the law firm added.

Let us remind you that singer Danko broke up with his common-law wife, model Nasatya Ustimenko, after more than ten years of relationship. The couple has two children - 14-year-old Sophia and four-year-old Agatha. Youngest child suffers from cerebral palsy.

After separating from his wife, singer Danko not only does not pay alimony for the maintenance of his daughters, one of whom has multicystic brain disease and cerebral palsy, but also does not want to communicate with the sick girl. The other day, the 49-year-old artist explained the reasons why he made this decision.

The story of the singer Danko and his ex-wife Natalya Ustimenko has been discussed on the Runet for the last couple of months. The artist left his wife, leaving her with two daughters, one of whom suffers from cerebral palsy. The performer of the hit “Baby” regularly communicates with 14-year-old Sonya and even takes her with him on trips, but he practically does not see 4-year-old Agatha. Moreover, Danko refuses to pay alimony, which could at least partially cover the costs of the girl’s treatment.

Danko went to his new lover, 30-year-old Maria Siluyanova.

Natalya Ustyumenko, meanwhile, is forced to practically beg. The woman asked the Russians for money to buy a new one washing machine. “I wasn’t going to announce this collection, but my washing machine is broken, and I can’t live without it. Agatha’s mouth is watering, the rugs on which she lies with her face need to be washed constantly,” on the air of the “Coming Out to People” program on On the Rossiya 1 TV channel, Natalya Ustyumenko explained the reasons that pushed her to collect money from caring but strangers.

According to her, there is no need to count on the support of the girl’s own father. “I’m very upset for the child that such a betrayal happened. I can’t imagine how it’s possible to leave her without care, without affection,” stressed the singer’s former common-law wife Danko. By the way, she decided not to seek payment of alimony by the artist through the court, since he took such a position.

Alexander Fadeev (the artist’s real name) believes that his ex-wife asks him too much, instead of coping herself. According to him, he already did a great job - he attracted public attention to his daughter’s problem. Danko explained why he sees no point in communicating with his youngest daughter: “This is impossible due to the fact that she is not able to do this due to her illness. Her brain is not processing information. She can’t move, communicate, she doesn’t understand what mom and dad are.” According to the artist, the level of development of his 4-year-old daughter is the same as that of a two-month-old baby.

“Only Natasha could have given birth to such an Agatha. You know, there is such a film “Unlucky”, it’s about her. Her leg hurts, then her head, then she falls from a boat, then from a motorcycle. And all the time give, give , and everything is small. Like a black hole,” said the artist. “You understand that the fact that she has the opportunity to take and collect a tidy sum in a couple of days is my merit. I drew people’s attention to this problem, I sounded the alarm!” he emphasized.

Natalya Ustimenko – fashion model, about which little is known and was popular only in 2004, and then in a fairly narrow circle.

Natalia Ustinenko lives in a civil marriage with Danko. Their age difference is as much as 10 years. This doesn't bother young people at all.

In 2018, the girl turns 38 years old. According to some sources, her last name is correctly spelled as Ustyumenko.

The young people met on the set of a video 18 years ago, where Ustinenko took part as a model.

Danko asked the young girl for her phone number, but never called back. Their meeting took place several years later. Alexander and Natalya live together for 15 years, like all people, they often quarrel over trifles, and several times they even separated. Natalya gave birth to two children.

The second child has a complex disease - cerebral palsy, which requires not only a lot of money for treatment, but also patience on the part of the parents.

The shooting brought popularity to Natalia in a commercial from Eldorado“, where she played the role of a secretary with large breasts.

Natalya graduated from school, her peers always made fun of her because of her height and breast size. Natalya was not popular among her peers during her school years.

Her mother sent her to a modeling school so that the girl could get rid of her complexes. It was not easy for Natalya to study, but she took first place in one of the competitions. After this incident, the girl was invited to shoot several videos.

After graduating from school, Natalya enters the university faculty foreign languages. Having received a diploma, he begins to work in his specialty. Natalya admits that she is far from sports, but loves to cook something delicious.

The marriage of Danko and Ustinenko has not yet been registered, despite the fact that the couple have lived together for about 15 years. The daughters' names are Sofia and Agata.

In 2004, everyone began to talk about the fact that the famous showman had a child with Natalia.

Before children appeared, young people went out together and showed their love on camera.

But soon the journalists managed to find out that the lovers were separated, Danko did not despair and I quickly found a replacement for my beloved. It would seem that nothing more could happen to Natalya, but the story does not end there.

After the press had just moved away from the news of the separation, news about Natalya’s pregnancy appeared. Natalya didn’t even try to marry or bind the father to the child, but he did everything unquestioningly, provided expectant mother and the child with everything necessary.

Danko himself decided that he would be present at the ultrasound, and was immensely happy when he found out that they were having a girl. From now on, for a womanizer who doesn't missed a single skirt, a completely different life begins.

On January 6, 2004, Danko’s first child was born. Natalya gave birth in the Moscow maternity hospital at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Because the baby decided to be born a little earlier due date, they had to stay in the hospital for a short time.

Natalya Ustimenko practically never acts in films, and gave up her modeling career. In the first place is the upbringing of her daughters, whom she loves immensely. The girl tries not to talk about her personal life and her relationship with her common-law husband. At some social events, the couple can be seen together with their children.

Natalya looks great. She admits that she has an amazing relationship with her children.

And even though Natalya did not manage to become a famous fashion model, she achieved the main status in life - beloved mother.

The relationship between Danko and Natalya remains unclear to this day. Natalya and Danko are considered common-law spouses, but despite all this, the young man does not hesitate to appear in public with female persons.

Perhaps all this is a carefully thought-out part of the image, or maybe it’s just Danko the most common womanizer who doesn’t care about the feelings of his wife, even a civil one.

There is no reliable information on this matter. Young man constantly cheated Natalya, even when she was pregnant, he did not hide his public appearances with Danna Borisova. Perhaps Natalya is satisfied with such a relationship with her common-law husband. Someone else's family - darkness.

Despite the fact that Natalya has not acted for a long time, she looks great.

For health reasons, doctors did not allow Natalya to give birth on her own. After the caesarean section, the baby and Natalya were kept under the supervision of doctors for several more days. On this moment Everything is fine with the baby and the mother feels great.

Natalya set priorities for herself a long time ago and decided that family, husband and children are the most important thing she has in life. The girl no longer plans to take part in filming and the main breadwinner remains her common-law husband, the father of two daughters. Natalya can afford not to work and take care of her beloved children.