A small match and a big fire is a story. Class hour "You can't joke with fire"

Target: talk about the causes of fires, teach children to behave correctly in emergency situations, in case of fire at home or school. Introduce the work of firefighters. Promote respect for the work of firefighters.

Equipment: a set of dolls for the performance, a screen, posters depicting scenes with the causes of the fire, boxes of matches, children's drawings.


Parsley. Hello guys. I was in such a hurry to see you, in such a hurry. It's good that you made it!

Old man. Why are you, Petrushka, doing everything in a hurry!? You're always in a hurry, you don't pay attention to those around you. Listen, all the guys know that you need to do everything calmly, slowly, and don’t forget about safety.

Parsley. What danger are you telling me about? What is the danger if I’m already here with you guys, I’ve come to your event. By the way, why such a strange name “The Adventure of Little Match”? Is there really nothing else to talk about except matches... . Oh guys, I think I left the iron on! (Runs away, returns, shows burnt trousers).

Old man. You see what your haste and ignorance of fire safety rules leads to.

Teacher. That is why our event is called “The Adventure of Little Match”. Today we will talk again about the possible causes of fire in the house and outdoors. And the need for this topic arose, because with the onset of spring the fire danger period begins. At this time, when the snow melts in the forest, and people burn fires while cleaning areas, there is a danger of fires.

The match is small. I'll help you guys figure out the causes of the fire. I’ll tell you who and what causes the fire element.
A long time ago, man learned to use fire. Fire served man faithfully. They cooked over the fire, the fire warmed and dried the clothes, the fire healed, and scared away animals. But man stopped being faithful to fire and forgot that fire should not be left unattended. Since then, fires began to occur.

Teacher. We will only be glad if you tell us about your adventures.

The match is small. My brothers and I lived together in a matchbox, each of us served a person. Someone helped him light the gas, someone had to light the stove and light the way. But one day our owner lost a box of matches. For a long time we lay there useless to anyone. But then one mischievous boy found us. And he immediately lit a fire at the edge of the forest, set fire to a sheet of paper, which was picked up by the breeze and carried to the village. It’s good that other guys noticed the fire in time and put it out.

Teacher. How did you end up with us?

The match is small. I’m tired of watching people and nature suffer from such carelessness, and I decided to tell you about it.


The match is not big in height,
Don't look how small it is.
Can do a lot of evil.
Remember firmly, friends,
You can't joke with fire!

Don't touch the matches
There's fire in the matches!
To your home
Trouble didn't come
Be with fire
Always careful.

Don't play with a match, my friend!
Remember, she is small
But from a small match
The house might burn down.

- Guys, let's remember the rules against fire safety:


Remember, children,
These are the rules.
From a fire department's point of view
He's too dangerous
If made of paper
Homemade lampshade.

So that he does not become your enemy,
Be careful with the iron.

When the stove is left unattended,
One ember can burn down an entire house.

Near the house and barn
Don't you dare light a fire!
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

You left the fire in the forest -
And now misfortune is upon us.

Are you talking about the fire?
I heard -
Give a signal about this quickly!
Let him remember
Every citizen -
Fire number: "01"

Parsley. But guess these riddles:

The father is hot and red, he can be dangerous.
If you feed him he lives, if you give him something to drink he dies.
Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.
With a tongue, but not barking, without teeth, but biting. What is this? (Fire)

Old man. Fire is a long-time friend of man. With its help, many useful things are accomplished. Which ones? (Bakes pies and bread, illuminates, heats)


And you can’t do a day without a good fire.
He is a reliable friend of us: he drives away the cold, drives away the darkness
He raises a friendly flame like a flag.
Everyone needs a good fire. And for that he is honored.
That he warms dinner for the guys, cuts steel and bakes bread.

The match is small. If handled carelessly, fire often turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, which in a matter of minutes destroys what has been created over many years of hard work. He sweeps away everything in the world, and it can be difficult to stop him.

It's always different
Amazing fire.
Then an ugly brawler,
That's the quietest of the quiet ones.
Then he's a hurried snake
It slides over the dry bark.
That shaggy red mane
Blazes at dawn.

Here on a match, like on a branch,
Blue leaf trembles
Here, breaking the bars of the cage,
The predator makes a throw.

Parsley. There are many reasons for fires, but sometimes this happens.

Anyuta stroked the ribbon
And I saw my friends
Got distracted for three minutes
And I forgot about the iron.
This is no joke!
That's what it means - three minutes!
There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,
There was almost a fire.

Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Seryozha is a doctor
Treats burns.
From such a scarecrow
The usual path to the doctor.

This guy has no regrets
That a cigarette butt is smoldering in the forest.....
Looking at such an uncle,
We guys will make a speech:
“Aren’t you ashamed, uncle?”
We need to save the forest!

Yes, there are different types of fire -
Pale yellow, bright red,
Blue or gold
Very kind, very evil.

The match is small. It is true that people sometimes do not want to think about the future. After all, the forest is dying, animals, birds, insects are dying. In populated areas, people find it difficult to breathe. Are escalating chronic diseases, many have to go outdoors only wearing masks. But the most offensive thing is that a lot of money is allocated to fight fires, which could be used for development sports schools, construction of kindergartens, schools.

Parsley. Very brave and brave people - firefighters - are sent to fight fires. Rushing into fire and smoke to save people and property, they often forget about their own lives. Now firefighters have modern equipment at their disposal. Since fires occur in different places, on different objects, completely different from each other, then fire equipment very diverse.

Old man. Complete the missing words in the poetry lines.

A coal fell on the floor,
The wooden floor was on fire.
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand,
And fill it up... (water).

If little sisters
Lighting matches at home
What should you do?

Immediately those matches... (take away).
Where is the trash stored?
Or just different rubbish
You'll have to work hard
Put things in order there.
They took a broom and a shovel
And everything quickly... (removed).

Parsley. We present to your attention an exhibition of works on fire theme. These drawings and applications were made by 4th grade children.

Teacher. Guys! To prevent disaster from happening, so that there are as few fires as possible on our land, it is necessary not only to know, but also to observe fire rules security.

The match is small.

Let every citizen remember
Fire number - 01.
01 – remember this phone number.

Target: Bring children to understand the purpose of matches in the house, explain
their danger if they fall into the inept hands of an inattentive,
introduce an irresponsible person to reproductions of
disasters that matches can cause.
Benefits: boxes of matches, thematic paintings.

Progress of the lesson.
We know, children, that fire can bring great disasters if
allow a fire. It destroys houses, buildings, forest lands,
bread spaces.
-What causes fires?
-From lightning, from a spark, from an unextinguished cigarette, from an unextinguished cigarette
-Look at this picture. What do you see on it?
- There's a fire here. The house is on fire.
-Why do you think the fire happened?
- Or maybe one of the children took matches and tried to light them - Do you know how to light matches? Who was taught by dad or mom to use matches? Come on, show me how to light... . There's no need to rush. The match must be held so that when it lights up,
didn't burn my fingers. Otherwise, you have to throw it away when it has not yet gone out. What could this lead to?
-That's right, this could lead to a fire. Like in the poem written by Elena Khorinskaya. Listen to the story that the naughty boy Vova started:

Can we light a fire?
There is nothing to save the shavings
Let's play and then
Let's turn everything off and leave...
Vova quickly struck a match,
And the flame fluttered like a bird
Curled with red shavings,
It galloped and away it went.
The wind blew - and through the shavings,
By planks, by tubs,
The fire spread through the wood...
More flame, higher flame!
"Oh, I'm afraid we'll burn ourselves...
And the guys are doing their best
Hurry up and run away...

Why did the guys run away? What should the boys have done in this case?
- That's right, you should have called the fire department right away. Do you know the number?
-And the fire would have been extinguished without causing much damage to the house. - Because little Tom almost got hurt:

The room is full of smoke,
On the floor by the battery
The girl is crying alone
Cries plaintively and subtly,
The flames rush around...
The commander grabbed the child
Creeping through...
Here he flashed on the balcony,
I wear it carefully...
Burnt, burnt
He took Tom out of the fire... .

Firefighters had to work hard to control the fire. But the house was still damaged. And all from what? - That's right, guys can't play with matches. Remember well:
The match is not big in height,
Don't look at what they say
This little match
Can do a lot of evil
Remember firmly, friends,

That you can’t play around with fire.

Children imitate adults in everything. If adults use matches and a lighter, why not try it for children too. Can we light a fire? There is nothing to save the shavings. We'll play, and then we'll turn everything off and leave. Vova quickly struck a match, and the flame flew up like a bird, curled like red shavings, jumped up and away. The wind blew - and the fire spread through the shavings, through the boards, through the tubs, through the firewood... “Oh, I’m afraid we’ll burn ourselves...” And the guys ran away as fast as they could.

ELECTRICITY IN THE HOUSE A white cabinet stands in the corner of our kitchen on the floor. There is a lot of ice and snow in it. It's always cold there. Maybe someone brought white snow from the sky? It's frosty here even in summer... Who can tell me what this is? Who is he? Although he is not simple, he sticks his curious nose in the corner, now in the carpet pile. What should I say? I'm not the sun, but I know how to illuminate. Only friends include me. And it will become brighter for them, There will be no time to sleep Always when I'm on.

WE HAVE GAS IN OUR APARTMENT Blue fuel - natural gas - has now come to every home. And you also have it in your apartment. Natural gas helps cook and heat food by passing through pipes to the stove. All you have to do is bring a burning match, open the burner, and a fire will break out. And suddenly the match may not light up, but the gas will already come out and fill the room. And if you later light a match near the burner, a flash of fire and even an explosion may occur. It can burn your hands and face. Therefore, first light a match and then open the gas. A burning gas stove should not be left unattended. The gas is poisonous. And it is also dangerous because it can explode. What needs to be done to prevent it from happening?

WE HAVE GAS IN OUR APARTMENT We need to ventilate the room well. Tell an adult about this immediately. If no one is home, you need to be able to turn off the gas and immediately call the emergency gas service. Her phone number is 04. Handle gas correctly and always follow the rules, and then there will be no trouble. Always remember this. Don't play around with the gas stove. Help adults follow fire safety rules when handling gas with our kind assistant. One more rule when handling a gas stove.

WE HAVE GAS IN OUR APARTMENT You should never dry things over a gas stove. Make sure at home that adults do not dry their laundry in the kitchen over a gas stove, do not heat flammable materials on the stove, and always turn off the gas valve on the gas cylinder after using the stove. Remember these words: “Do not dry your laundry over the gas - Everything will burn at once.” !"

FOREST FIRE Forgotten hunter at rest Did not scatter, did not trample the fire. He went into the forest, and the branches burned out and reluctantly smoked until the morning. And in the morning the wind dispersed the fog. And the dying fire came to life. And he showered sparks in the middle of the clearing, spreading out his crimson rags. He burned all the grass and flowers together. He burned the bushes and went into the green forest. Like a frightened flock of red squirrels, He darted from trunk to trunk. And the forest hummed with a fiery blizzard, trunks fell with a frosty crack. And like snowflakes, the sparks from them flew over the gray drifts of ash. The fire overtook the hunter - and, suffering, He suffocated in fiery captivity: He prepared this fate for himself. But how did he redeem himself? Isn't that what conscience is? At times I dream in the silence of the night, That somewhere I have forgotten the fire, and the flame is already humming. Lydia Smirnova is already following me.

Fires are not allowed to live with us. Remember, guys, there is only one rule. The drum itself will not drum, the copper pipe will not blow itself. And if there is no light, as they say, the fire will never happen, guys. And if sometimes trouble happens, then our knowledge will always help. Fight the fire in a fiery battle, pacify the fire, put it on your shoulder blades. In other words, to tame the fire - Do not give up, but survive and win!

Fire is the friend and enemy of man.

Primary school teacher 1 qualification category MBOU "Aktanyshskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 1"

Aktanyshsky municipal district RT.

Dolgova Zagina Nazifovna

1 student. Fire has long been man's friend. It played an extremely important role - it warmed people in the cold, helped them obtain and prepare food, protected them from wild animals, illuminated their homes, and reduced man’s dependence on nature more and more.

2 student. Millions of years ago, people learned to make and use fire. They picked up the branches that had caught fire after a lightning strike and kept the fire burning day and night, standing around it in shifts. They worshiped fire as an incomprehensible and formidable deity, the mysterious brother of the sun. It was forbidden to throw garbage and waste into the fire as it could offend the fire. The fire could not be stirred with a sharp object so as not to injure the spirit of fire.

3 student. Primitive man first learned to preserve fire, then to produce it and control it. Man has come up with many ways to make fire. At first it was a difficult method requiring a lot of effort and skill - rubbing one dry tree against another. Then they learned to get fire by striking a spark by striking a stone against a stone. Without fire, people would not only not have survived, but also would not have become people in the true sense of the word. We can no longer imagine life without fire; it is needed everywhere in homes and schools, factories and factories in cities and villages, fire is a friend person. Without it, life on earth is impossible.

4 student. However, fire often became a terrible enemy, destroying literally everything in its path, causing enormous damage and destroying people. This happened when the fire got out of control and, due to human fault, turned into a fire.

5 student. Fire is an uncontrolled process of combustion of certain materials accompanied by the release of heat and smoke. Smoke contains carbon dioxide, which reduces the oxygen content in the air, without which a person cannot breathe. When burning, other substances are also released that have a toxic effect on the human body. Therefore, during a fire, many people die from poisoning by combustion products.

To prevent fires from happening, you need to know the causes of their occurrence.

Teacher. I suggest playing the game “say the word.” I read poetry to you and you finish the answer.

1. This ball is in your hands for a reason.

Previously, if there was a fire.

A signal ball soared upward.

Called firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire

There a ball will rise into the sky.

An evil fire will always threaten us there.

2.One, two, three, four -

Who's on fire ---in the apartment.

A column of smoke suddenly rose

Who didn't turn off the iron?

The table and cabinet burned down at once

Who dried clothes over ---gas

A pillar of fire engulfed the attic

Who lit the matches?

The fire ran into the yard

Who burned it there - a fire

The flame jumped into the foliage

Who burned the grass near the house

Who threw it into the fire?

Unfamiliar ----objects

Every citizen remembers

This number is ---01

I saw smoke - don't yawn

And call the firefighters

Storytelling competition. You must come up with the end of the fairy tale “A small match and a big fire.”

Once upon a time there was a Matchstick, a small Matchstick. She was lying with her twin sisters in a small matchbox house. All the sisters had identical brown heads that contained magical power. If you rub your head on the black side of the house, a light will flare up. They were very proud of this: after all, people need fire.

One day, five-year-old Dima’s mother left home and left the boy alone. And I forgot to hide the matches...

Let's play with team captains too. CAPTAIN COMPETITION.

Team captains take turns calling possible reasons occurrence of a fire. The captain who gives the last reason wins.

MINIATURE THEATER on the theme “My apartment is on fire.”

Guys, act out a scene, imagining that your apartment is on fire, God forbid, of course, and the fire happened in the living room, from the TV.

I ask each team riddles; whoever answers correctly gets 1 point.

The red cow ate all the straw. (fire)

There is a fire on fire in a small barn. (matchbox and matches)

The red bull stands, trembles, the black one runs to the sky. (fire and smoke)

Small, distant, but brings big trouble. (spark)

I come from fire, and from fire I die. (coal)

There is a house with 50 sisters in it. I will advise children - do not play with the house with this! (matches and matchbox)

The red devil flies from roof to roof. (fire)

We must fight fire with fire -

We are brave workers

We are partners with water

People really need us, so who are we? (firefighters)

What is more valuable than money? (health)

And it is long and short, but one does not believe one: everyone measures by himself. (life)

Guys, do you know who is sitting in our hall?

Yes, this man in uniform is a fireman, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Let's give him the floor.

SUMMARIZING. Teacher: Guys, always remember that it is easier to prevent a fire than to put it out, that a small match can turn into a big disaster.

To avoid a fire, you must know and strictly follow fire safety rules. But if a fire does occur, you need to clearly know how to behave.

1st student: The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

It shines, it warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2 student. Three little bunnies

They sit with a twinkle and play pranks.

They, the bunnies, have no idea,

That the light is dangerous.

3 student. Near the gas stove

Get naughty - expect trouble.

It's better not to even stand

In front of the gas stove.

4 student. Everyone knows that the iron is

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with the iron

Doesn't play with the iron.

5 student. Who studies science?

So the devices do not include:

Overheated outlet

It lights up often.

6 student The kettle kept boiling and boiling,

And it all boiled away.

And out of anger I dragged

Black smoke to the ceiling.

7 student - At the window, - said the mother, -

Do not turn on the heater!

It's late, the bunny says, -

The curtain is on fire!

8th student The forester’s gaze is stern:

This is no place for fires!

He ordered the fire to be extinguished,

And he ended the conversation.

9th student. He ran like a stream,

There is a light in the old grass,

Will anyone say

Where will he end his journey?

Teacher: -Guys, remember what we are forbidden to do? - What is allowed?

Try to let fire always be your friend and never become your enemy. Protect your life, the lives of other people, the house you live in, and the school you go to from fire!

TEACHER: There are many reasons for fires. Children often light fires near buildings, set fire to trash cans, old grass, poplar fluff, and play with matches.

In addition, it happens when guys, having decided to have some fun, dial the number fire department and give the duty dispatcher false information about the fire. Such “mischievous people” do not think about the fact that at this time they really need the help of firefighters elsewhere.

And now we will hold a fun “Young Firefighter” relay race. We will invite two teams: “Sparkles” and “Ogonki”. The motto of the Iskorki team: In case of fire, as one, dial 01.

The motto of the Ogonki team is: Boys and girls know that matches are not a toy for children.

WARM UP. Each team is asked questions and 1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

1.What phone number should you call to report a fire? (01)

2. Is it possible to break glass in a room during a fire? (not possible, fresh air speeds up combustion)

3.If there is a gas leak in the apartment, is it possible to turn on the lights? (not possible, a gas explosion may occur)

4.Which direction should the doors open? (towards the street)

5. Why should you not throw unfamiliar objects or aerosol containers into the fire? (they are explosive)

6. How to extinguish clothes that are burning on a person? (stop, fall, roll, knocking out the flames)

7. Is it possible to extinguish burning electrical wiring with water? (impossible, water is a conductor of electric current)

8. Where can you hide from the smoke? (you need to cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth)


1. Relay race with buckets. Each child from each team must run to the house with two buckets, go around it and then return to their team and pass the buckets to the next player.

2. Sand relay. The players are invited to throw sand with a shovel from the sandbox into special dishes, and then fill the fire.

3. Overcoming the smoke zone. Each team must squat through the smoke-filled room to the exit door, breathe through a rag, close the door after the last participant leaves.

4. One participant from each team comes out. A bucket is placed at a distance of five steps from the line. The participant is given 10 pine cones, which must be thrown into the bucket. The winner is the one who throws greatest number cones in a bucket.