Insurance company invest-alliance. Investment Alliance - reviews

The bankruptcy website (I previously wrote about it in a review) published information about the meeting of creditors on 10/24/16. Details are below.
If anyone is interested, then on October 17, 2016 I will hold a consultation meeting at 18-00 on Nevsky, 22 about further actions in the procedure (since there are a lot of calls with the same type of questions). Details about the conditions of the meeting by phone: 8-951-640-60-80
Information from the bankruptcy website:
At the initiative of the arbitration manager on the basis of Articles 12,13,143 of the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” on October 24, 2016, at 11:00 am. A meeting of creditors of LLC IC Invest-Alliance is held.
Venue of the meeting: 107078, Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya, 8 building 1 office 515

Registration starts at 10:00 am.
Registration closes at 11:00 am.
The meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Agenda for the meeting of creditors of LLC IC Invest-Alliance:

1. Report of the bankruptcy trustee.
2. On the formation of the creditors’ committee, on determining its quantitative composition,
3. On approval of the procedure for the sale of property of LLC IC Invest-Alliance.
You can familiarize yourself with the materials subject to consideration by the meeting of creditors from the bankruptcy trustee on weekdays from 10-00 to 15-00 at the address: 107078, Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya, 8 building 1 office 515. The powers of the creditor or representative of the creditor at the meeting must be confirmed by relevant documents (identity card, power of attorney).

77032220997 Organizer of the auction - Leader Style Consulting LLC (111402, Moscow, Veshnyakovskaya str., 14, building 2, OGRN 1117746035373, INN 7720707149/ 772001001, [email protected], tel. +7-909-992-28-54), acting on behalf of the bankruptcy trustee Alexander Evgenievich Kublikov (107014, Moscow, PO Box 51, INN 434900205199, SNILS No. 058-319-748-91), member of the NP “The Union of Arbitration Managers “Vozrozhdenie” (TIN 7718748282, OGRN 1127799026486, address: 107078, Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya str., 8, building 1, office 201), announces an open auction for the sale of property owned by LLC Insurance Company"Invest-Alliance" (OGRN 1027714016615, TIN 7714282314, 236000, Kaliningrad, Proletarskaya str., 15 of. 4), declared bankrupt By decision Arbitration Court Kaliningrad region dated July 11, 2016 in case No. A21-3599/2015. Open bidding is carried out in the form of an auction with an open form of submitting proposals for the price of property in electronic form on electronic platform OOO " Electronic systems Volga region", on the website: - 06/26/2017 at 12-00 o'clock. Moscow time Property composition: Lot No. 1: Land plot cadastral number 60:03:01 13201:135 for agricultural purposes, area 13805 sq. m, location: Pskov region, Gdovsky district rural settlement"Chernevskaya Volost" village of Bolshoye Ozerevo. Lot No. 2: Land plot cadastral number 60:03:01 13301:148 for agricultural purposes, for summer cottage construction, area 33605 sq. m. m, location: Pskov region, Gdovsky district, rural settlement "Chernevskaya Volost" D. Bolshoye Ozerevo Lot No. 3: Land plot cadastral number 60:03:0113301:149 for agricultural purposes, for summer cottage construction, area 37,933 sq. m, location: Pskov region, Gdovsky district, rural settlement “Chernevskaya Volost”, village of Bolshoye Ozerevo. With a full cast property rights, its detailed description, requirements for the execution of applications, can be found in the notice of bidding on the ETP at: http:/www., trading code No. 001498 and on the EFRSB website, publication No. 1757485). Starting price: Lot No. 1: 19,879.20 rubles; Lot No. 2: 5,752,839.95 rubles; Lot No. 3: 6,493,750.27 rubles The auction step is 10% of the starting price of the lot. Applications for participation in tenders are submitted through the electronic document management system on the website: from 12.00 Moscow time on May 15, 2017 to 12.00 Moscow time on June 20, 2017 are drawn up in the form of an electronic document, drawn up in any form in Russian and must comply with clause 11 of Art. 110, Federal Law No. 127 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”, Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade No. 495 of July 23, 2015, Regulations on the sale of the Debtor’s property, which will be sent to all interested parties upon request on the day of application, tender documentation and this publication. Documents attached to the application must be submitted in the form electronic documents, signed electronically digital signature applicant. A deposit in the amount of 20% of the initial price of the lot must be transferred to the settlement account of the auction organizer: account number 40702810760090194201 in PJSC Promsvyazbank, BIC 044525555 account number 30101810400000000555, on the date of drawing up the protocol on the identification of auction participants. Familiarization with the bidding documentation and property, by prior agreement with the AU by phone. +7-985-166-60-28 on weekdays. The winner of the auction is the person who offered the highest price, provided that he fulfills all the conditions of the auction. Concluding a purchase and sale agreement - within 5 days from the date of receipt of the bankruptcy trustee’s proposal to conclude a purchase and sale agreement. Payment within 30 days from the date of signing the purchase and sale agreement according to the debtor's details: account number 40701810613000001666 at the Central Branch of PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie", cor. account No. 30101810945250000297, BIC 044525297, recipient - LLC Insurance Company "Invest-Alliance", TIN 7714282314.