Will there be an amnesty this year? Russian prisoners still hope for amnesty this year

Many Russians hope that deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation will adopt an amnesty bill this year. Legislators are silent, but you can find a lot of information on the Internet about criminal amnesty. Experts even voice articles that may be exempt in 2018.

Human rights activists are confident that on the occasion of Russian Constitution Day, public figures may approach the president and ask him to submit a draft amnesty law to Parliament. Also, the head of state can himself send his document to the State Duma, as was done in 2013.

The main initiators of the criminal amnesty are the communists and the LDPR. Almost every year the Communist Party of the Russian Federation submits a draft law on amnesty to parliament for consideration, but this year the faction abandoned it.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s party is also not going to submit such a document for consideration by the State Duma. Many Russians paid attention to this, believing that there would be no amnesty in 2018. However, there are people who, on the contrary, are confident that the release of prisoners will happen, but they are not introducing the bill, since the president will do it.

Suffice it to recall 2013, when the head of state in December submitted to the State Duma a resolution declaring an amnesty. The release was timed to coincide with the milestone date - the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution.

It is worth noting that this year Russia will celebrate 25 years since the formation of the main law of the country, in connection with which many human rights activists hope that an amnesty will still be announced.

Despite the fact that there is still no exact information about whether an amnesty will be declared in 2018 or not, many human rights activists name categories of people who may be subject to release. It is difficult to name specific articles, since they will become known only after the law comes into force.

Based on the categories, we can guess which criminal articles may be eligible for amnesty. It should be noted right away that persons convicted and under investigation for light charges can be released from colonies and prisons. If a citizen is convicted, he can be released if the sentence does not exceed 5 years.

Traditionally, the following categories fall under amnesty:

  • single mothers with young children;
  • minors;
  • pregnant women;
  • disabled people;
  • seriously ill persons;
  • citizens who have served the Fatherland;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • participants in military operations in Chechnya;
  • aged people.

Declaring an amnesty is a whole complex of political events. First, a draft law is submitted to the State Duma, which immediately becomes known to journalists. Information about this document must appear in all official media.

The bill has been under consideration for quite some time. It passes the first and second reading and only during the third consideration is it accepted or rejected. The document can also be rejected outright, even during the first hearing.

It is worth noting that the State Duma declares an amnesty - this is its prerogative, but the president can submit a resolution on amnesty to parliament. The release of prisoners can be timed to coincide with some major holiday - Victory Day, Constitution Day of Russia and other memorable days.

After the document is adopted, it must be published and only then can you find out which articles fall under the exemption. After some time, the law spreads to correctional colonies, prisons and colony settlements. Only after this are decisions made on the release of amnestied people.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia already today has the ability to send requests to more than 90 countries and jurisdictions, including so-called offshore companies. The information received will be used to implement measures tax control in relation to persons relying on the opacity of foreign assets and financial accounts.

And then, after the end of the investigation and trial, the housing, if the owner has no heirs, must, by law, turn into ownerless property and go to the city.

Will there be a criminal amnesty in 2019? All latest information as of 11/05/2018.

IN Investigative Committee They especially emphasize that the capture of the entire gang is the result of exclusively joint work.

This time the amnesty will apply to persons sentenced to imprisonment for a term of no more than 3 years, in respect of whom a suspended sentence was not applied. In addition, it will include persons whose prison term does not exceed 6 years, who are disabled people of the first or second group. Persons over 60 years of age will also be released; persons who have committed a crime under the age of 18 and have not previously been punished by imprisonment for committing an intentional crime, or who have been punished but do not have a criminal record.

When will there be a criminal amnesty in 2018? Fresh material as of 11/05/2018

The Armenian authorities indicate that the draft amendments to the Criminal Executive Code approved today will facilitate the conditions of serving sentences for convicts whose release is not expected.

No official information There is currently no such amnesty regarding the adoption of such an amnesty. The State Duma does not consider such a document. Moreover, nothing is said about him on the parliament website. Human rights activists say that information about such an amnesty has been disseminated for several years now, but no specific The deputies have not yet made a decision.

It is worth noting that all persons in the categories described above must be convicted of light charges. The term of serving the sentence must not exceed 5 years. Persons serving sentences for serious and especially serious crimes are not released under the amnesty.

“There were such studies and analysis. There is foreign experience that suggests that the crime rate may increase. But this is not prerequisite and work is now underway on prevention possible increase in crime,” Zeynalyan said.

Now these apartments have new owners, who may not know about their “bloody” past square meters. But regardless of this, in any case, these citizens will begin or have already begun to experience large and serious problems. After all, the apartment became “for sale” as a result crime committed. Now she is evidence in a criminal case.

It included the head Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin, Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, acting Secretary of the General Council " United Russia» Andrey Turchak, member of the OP doctor Leo Bockeria, three-time Olympic champion Alexander Karelin and others.

To criticism that amnesty is applied selectively, Zeynalyan responded: “Amnesty is a completely selective approach. The act of amnesty is a set of selective approaches. This is not an obligation on the part of the state, which performed. This is a gift, this is a privilege, and the state provides this privilege at its own discretion, within the framework of its capabilities, within the framework of the political order received from society in its perception. We did not “sew” this amnesty bill under specific people. If there is a certain deviation from this rule, then this applies to “Sasna Tsrer” and the case with [organization] riots April 24. Moreover, this is not individual approach, and again group, but general,” Zeynalyan explained.

“This will naturally lead to an increase in the number of beneficiaries. The amnesty also applies to persons who have committed intentional crime, and not just due to negligence. Some are also highlighted social groups, the persons included in which may be released from punishment if they are sentenced to serve a term of up to 6 years rather than 5 years. The list also includes persons with disabilities; pregnant women; persons with children aged three years; persons who have reached the age of 60, as well as persons who committed crimes before reaching the age of 18,” noted the Acting Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

5. Exemption from liability for tax offenses, if these offenses are related to the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies, information about which is contained in the declaration, and (or) with the opening and (or) enrollment Money to accounts (deposits), information about which is contained in the declaration.

Criminal amnesty 2018 video news. Latest events.

1) who have committed crimes under Articles 105, 106, 110, 111, 112, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 127, 127.1, 127.2, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 142, 42.1 , 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 161, 162, 163, 205, 205.1, 205.2, 206, 208, 209, 211, 216 parts 2 and 3, 217 parts 2 and 3, 217.1 parts 2 and 3, 218 , 219 parts 2 and 3, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225 part 2, 226, 226.1, 227, 228, 228.1, 228.2, 229, 229.1, 230, 231, 232, 234, 236 part 2, 237, 238 parts 2 and 3, 240, 241, 242.1, 244, 245, 247 part 3, 248 part 2, 250 part 3, 251 part 3, 252 part 3, 254 part 3, 263 parts 2 and 3, 263.1 parts 2 and 3 , 264 parts 3, 4, 5 and 6, 266 parts 2 and 3, 267 parts 2 and 3, 268 parts 2 and 3, 269 parts 2 and 3, 271.1, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281 , 285, 285.1, 285.2, 285.3, 289, 290, 292, 295, 296, 299, 301, 302, 304, 305, 311, 313, 314, 317, 321, 322.1, 323, 333, 4, 335, 349 parts 2 and 3, 350 parts 2 and 3, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation;

The authorities still have not reported no specific data on whether an amnesty will be held this year. But lawyers still expect that, if not in June, then by the end of 2018, the country will still be declared an amnesty and many people who were convicted on light charges will be able to be released.

8. Stop criminal cases being processed by the investigative bodies, bodies preliminary investigation, as well as criminal cases pending before the courts and not considered before the date of entry into force of this Resolution, on crimes, committed by persons specified in paragraphs 1 or 4 of this Resolution.

Only certain categories of convicts can count on an amnesty, including those who received a suspended sentence and are not behind bars. It is worth noting that those citizens who are under investigation are subject to amnesty.

Since the first half of 2017, both among individuals convicted by courts to punishment in the form of imprisonment, in in social networks, and rumors began to circulate among citizens of the country about an upcoming amnesty, which was first expected at the end of 2017, and then in the spring of 2018.

At the same time, statistics indicate that on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more prisoners than ordinary citizens. However, if an amnesty does happen in 2018, then there is hope that the former prisoners who are released will find their place in life.

Criminal amnesty 2018 in Russia, latest news from Putin, news from the State Duma. Urgent information.

At the beginning of the guide correctional institutions receives an order for a criminal amnesty. The law and all the articles written in it are carefully studied. Then the documents of all amnestied citizens are collected.

In these circumstances, amnesty, in the eyes of a significant number, if not the majority, of Russians can and should realize the hopes and aspirations of both those who committed crimes and their loved ones. To remove the signs of social tension that have arisen in connection with the sometimes harsh and sometimes disproportionate application of the criminal law.

When deciding on the release of convicted persons, the state first makes an assessment of the state of prisons and the workload on the penal system. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also checked, or rather the number of personnel and the ability to control citizens who have been released in order to avoid rampant crime.

It is worth noting that from 1994 to today, nineteen amnesties have been held. Almost all of them were timed to coincide with some important dates for the Russian Federation, for example, the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of Russia, the seventieth anniversary of the Great Victory.

After all, you must agree that it was the hundred-year events that can be called one of the most tragic, which marked the beginning of the destruction of the usual and centuries-established way of life of the Russian people, the severing of social and kinship ties of millions of families and people. By and large, we still cannot survive the consequences of these events, one of which is mass crime at the level of domestic conflicts,” he said.

In society, amnesties and the very phenomenon of commutation of punishment are treated differently. Some people believe that the state should show humanism towards those who have already been punished and repented. Especially if these persons have previously served for the good of the country or committed a crime for the purpose of self-defense or by accident.

At the beginning of the year, the media noted that prisoners could be released before the presidential elections. Putin promised to consider this issue. However, no amnesty was announced, and relatives of the prisoners are still waiting for their release. However, the prisons themselves are also waiting for an amnesty, because today they are overcrowded, and the Federal Penitentiary Service is unloaded with responsibilities.

However, instead of the planned broad criminal amnesty, the draft of which was prepared by the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the amnesty was approved, which covered only disabled people, pensioners, minors and pregnant women, which, according to some estimates, amounted to only 0.3 percent of those convicted.

An amnesty may not happen in 2018 because the number of police officers has been reduced. The relevant authorities do not know whether it is worth releasing so many prisoners when the workload on them is already high. The fact is that not a single prisoner is ready to live a law-abiding life, since they often end up in negative companies and continue to live their usual lives.

But on the other hand, if we give the example of the members of the Pussy Riot group who were released earlier than their deadlines, then, as we see, the air of freedom did not benefit them, but rather the opposite. After all, you must agree that their latest actions to a large extent discredit the noble idea of ​​a criminal amnesty in 2018, for the early release of people who repented of the crimes they committed.

Amnesty 2018 in Russia in criminal cases latest news. Last news.

The lack of information about the amnesty gives lawyers reason to independently speculate when the amnesty will begin and what event it will be timed to coincide with. Let us recall that in the previous year, experts were confident that the amnesty would be timed to coincide with the presidential elections. After this, they decided that the amnesty would be timed to coincide with Victory Day, but this never happened.

In view of the above, a criminal amnesty can serve as an instrument that meets the public interests, and at the same time will indicate social justice and adherence to the humanistic principles of state policy in the criminal legal sphere.

An amnesty is currently expected in 2018 for criminal cases in Russia to mark the 100th anniversary of the revolution. It was initiated by representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, who claim that this date is more than memorable, bright and known to all Russians and progressive people living in other countries of the world.

The decision to announce an amnesty expected by society can be made in conditions of a stable low crime situation and no risk of its deterioration. At the same time, the country should have stable internal political and the economic situation. There should be no plans to reduce law enforcement personnel.

All these people may face the fact that they will not be happy in a prosperous society. It will be difficult for convicts to cope with financial problems, find work with decent pay and permanent place residence. Before releasing a huge number of convicts, the state is going to create all the conditions for them so that they do not become a burden and fear for the people around them.

A lot of information about the 2018 criminal amnesty is being circulated on the Internet. Specific dates are named for which the mass release of prisoners may be timed. Human rights activists are confident that an amnesty must be held this year.

In December 2018, the country will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by the people of Russia in a referendum on December 12, 1993, came into force on December 25, 1993). The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the Supreme Legal Force, securing the foundations constitutional order Russia, government system, education of representative, executive, judiciary authorities and system local government, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and is the main legal document countries. In fact, almost the whole story new Russia associated with this Constitution, and its 25 summer anniversary a worthy reason for declaring a broad amnesty.

News on criminal amnesty 2018: 25th anniversary Russian Constitution– a serious reason for holding a criminal amnesty

Amnesty means partial or complete release from punishment. This type of release from criminal punishment differs from pardon in that it does not apply to certain person, but to a group of prisoners united by some common feature. The decision on amnesty is made exclusively by the supreme authority.

Initially, such a measure was an act of generosity and mercy on the part of the state. IN modern world, of course, this measure pursues more practical goals. The institution of amnesty occupies a special place in the legal system and is the subject of debate. The reason lies in the contradictory consequences that mass liberations from criminal liability.

The procedure for applying the amnesty

After it has become clear what amnesty is and how it differs from pardon, it is necessary to understand under what conditions this measure is announced. When applying a full or partial exemption, a corresponding act is drawn up. In that legal document the bodies that decide whether or not to apply an amnesty in relation to a certain person are indicated.

The Criminal Code does not specify the procedure for applying this measure. If an amnesty is announced at the stage of consideration of a particular case, then the court first brings the case to an end, and then announces a verdict followed by release.

Categories of convicts to whom the amnesty is applied on preferential terms:

  • participants in hostilities;
  • persons with state awards;
  • women with minor children;
  • pregnant women;
  • men over sixty;
  • disabled people;
  • minors.
  • Theoretically, criminal amnesty applies to convicted persons regardless of the type of crime. In practice, this measure applies primarily to those who are not serving a prison sentence or who are sentenced to a short term.

    The act also specifies persons who are not included in the amnesty. These include, as a rule, prisoners who were previously pardoned, convicted of serious crime, as well as persons who have been prosecuted repeatedly.

    Mikhail Emelyanov: The 25th anniversary of the Russian Constitution is a serious reason for holding a criminal amnesty

    Mikhail Emelyanov

    1st Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on state building and legislation, faction “A Just Russia”

    For my part, I would like to remind you that this year will mark the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Russian Constitution. I think this is a serious reason for holding a criminal amnesty.

    As for the idea of ​​timing any kind of amnesty to coincide with the election and inauguration of the president, you need to understand that this is still not the coronation of a tsar. It was the kings who once declared amnesty. In addition, the election of a president and his assumption of office is more of a political act, and it is unlikely that amnesty should be tied to a political event.

    I think that an event to which an amnesty could be timed should have national significance. And just the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, in my opinion, is such an event.

    In 2018, the Russian government promises to hold an amnesty in criminal cases

    In 2018, the Russian government promises to hold an amnesty, but it is not yet known exactly when it will be announced and for what criminal articles.

    Many Russians do not have a very good attitude towards such government actions, as they are afraid of a worsening crime situation.

    It is worth saying that not only murderers, thieves and rapists are in prison. Some of those behind bars are incarcerated by mistake, and the verdict may not always be fair.

    As a rule, amnesty is usually timed to coincide with some important major holiday. Let us note that the act of amnesty provides for the expungement of a criminal record, a reduction in the sentence, the replacement of an article with a lighter one, and exemption from additional punishment.

    If an amnesty is announced, then this year it will include those convicted on light charges and those who have a short prison term. First of all, these are persons who are not yet eighteen years old, people of advanced age, prisoners who have served the Fatherland, those who have received a criminal record for the first time or those who have minor children in their care.

    The amnesty will not include participants in mass riots, spies, rapists, murderers, major swindlers, corrupt officials and those who were already included in the amnesty but ended up in prison again.

    It is expected that amnesty may be announced this year for even one hundred thousand prisoners.

    For recent years Every year, closer to November, rumors appear about another amnesty. 2018 is no exception. The convicts and their relatives expected an amnesty to be announced immediately after the presidential elections, but, as is known, these hopes were not justified. Today there is no reason to say that a criminal amnesty will be held in 2018 in Russia. The official text of the relevant State Duma Resolution has not been adopted. There are only projects that were not even considered by deputies.

    Let us tell you in more detail why you should not expect a criminal amnesty in 2018. The latest news for today will be presented in accordance with current data on legislative initiatives.

    For what articles is amnesty expected?

    who have committed crimes under Articles 105, 106, 110, 111, 112, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 127, 127.1, 127.2, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 142, 1, 148 , 149, 150, 151, 153, 161, 162, 163, 205, 205.1, 205.2, 206, 208, 209, 211, 216 parts 2 and 3, 217 parts 2 and 3, 217.1 parts 2 and 3, 218, 219 Parts 2 and 3, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225 Part 2, 226, 226.1, 227, 228, 228.1, 228.2, 229, 229.1, 230, 231, 232, 234, 236 Part 2, 237, 238 Part 2 and 3, 240, 241, 242.1, 244, 245, 247 part 3, 248 part 2, 250 part 3, 251 part 3, 252 part 3, 254 part 3, 263 parts 2 and 3, 263.1 parts 2 and 3, 264 parts 3, 4, 5 and 6, 266 parts 2 and 3, 267 parts 2 and 3, 268 parts 2 and 3, 269 parts 2 and 3, 271.1, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 285 , 285.1, 285.2, 285.3, 289, 290, 292, 295, 296, 299, 301, 302, 304, 305, 311, 313, 314, 317, 321, 322.1, 323, 333, 334, 5, 349 parts 2 and 3, 350 parts 2 and 3, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

    The authorities have not yet provided any specific information on whether an amnesty will be held this year. But lawyers still expect that, if not in June, then by the end of 2018, the country will still be declared an amnesty and many people who were convicted on light charges will be able to be released.

    Who can count on amnesty?

    Terminate criminal cases being processed by the inquiry bodies, preliminary investigation bodies, as well as criminal cases being processed by the courts and not considered before the entry into force of this Resolution, on crimes committed by persons specified in paragraphs 1 or 4 of this Resolution.

    Only certain categories of convicts can count on an amnesty, including those who received a suspended sentence and are not behind bars. It is worth noting that those citizens who are under investigation are subject to amnesty.

    Starting from the first half of 2017, rumors about an upcoming amnesty, which was first expected at the end of 2017 and then in the spring of 2018, began to circulate both among people sentenced by courts to imprisonment, on social networks, and among citizens of the country.

    At the same time, statistics indicate that on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more prisoners than ordinary citizens. However, if an amnesty does happen in 2018, then there is hope that the former prisoners who are released will find their place in life.

    At the beginning, the management of correctional institutions receives an order to conduct a criminal amnesty. The law and all the articles written in it are carefully studied. Then the documents of all amnestied citizens are collected.

    In these circumstances, amnesty, in the eyes of a significant number, if not the majority, of Russians can and should realize the hopes and aspirations of both those who committed crimes and their loved ones. To remove the signs of social tension that have arisen in connection with the sometimes harsh and sometimes disproportionate application of the criminal law.

    When deciding on the release of convicted persons, the state first makes an assessment of the state of prisons and the workload on the penal system. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also checked, or rather the number of personnel and the ability to control citizens who have been released in order to avoid rampant crime.

    It is worth noting that from 1994 to today, nineteen amnesties have been held. Almost all of them were timed to coincide with some important dates for the Russian Federation, for example, the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of Russia, the seventieth anniversary of the Great Victory.

    After all, you must agree that it was the hundred-year events that can be called one of the most tragic, which marked the beginning of the destruction of the usual and centuries-established way of life of the Russian people, the severing of social and kinship ties of millions of families and people. By and large, we still cannot survive the consequences of these events, one of which is mass crime at the level of domestic conflicts,” he said.

    In society, amnesties and the very phenomenon of commutation of punishment are treated differently. Some people believe that the state should show humanism towards those who have already been punished and repented. Especially if these persons have previously served for the good of the country or committed a crime in self-defense or by accident.

    At the beginning of the year, the media noted that prisoners could be released before the presidential elections. Putin promised to consider this issue. However, no amnesty was announced, and relatives of the prisoners are still waiting for their release. However, the prisons themselves are also waiting for an amnesty, because today they are overcrowded, and the Federal Penitentiary Service is unloaded with responsibilities.

    However, instead of the planned broad criminal amnesty, the draft of which was prepared by the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the amnesty was approved, which covered only disabled people, pensioners, minors and pregnant women, which, according to some estimates, amounted to only 0.3 percent of those convicted.

    An amnesty may not happen in 2018 because the number of police officers has been reduced. The relevant authorities do not know whether it is worth releasing so many prisoners when the workload on them is already high. The fact is that not a single prisoner is ready to live a law-abiding life, since they often end up in negative companies and continue to live their usual lives.

    But on the other hand, if we give the example of the members of the Pussy Riot group who were released earlier than their deadlines, then, as we see, the air of freedom did not benefit them, but rather the opposite. After all, you must agree that their latest actions to a large extent discredit the noble idea of ​​a criminal amnesty in 2018, for the early release of people who repented of the crimes they committed.

    Amnesty is a kind of gesture of goodwill, expressing leniency on the part of the state. It manifests itself in the so-called act of pardon, which is expressed in the granting of freedom to certain categories of those sentenced to imprisonment for committing crimes of “light” severity, as well as members of their families.

    Will it be announced amnesty in 2018? The answer to this question will be of interest to many interested parties.

    According to an already established tradition, the announcement of an amnesty occurs on the eve of some outstanding date, the celebration of which takes place on a national scale. 2018 will not be an exception in this regard, since the elections of the President of the Russian Federation will take place in the spring (March 11). Of course, there will be skeptics who will say that in the context of the said event, the act of pardon is a banal advertising move taken to increase the political rating.

    And 2018 also marks a historically significant date - 100 years from the start date civil war. Agree, the reason for announcing the act of pardon is most symbolic. After all, by and large, the events of the civil war brought a lot of pain and grief into the history of the Russian people. These are very dramatic pages of the past. The tragedy of these events is complemented by the severed family ties of millions of Russians.

    Given the inevitability of reforms that will be carried out in the foreseeable future, most experts are inclined to assume that the amnesty announced in 2018 may be partial

    And although today the authorities’ intention to announce an amnesty in 2018 has not yet been officially announced, the situation may develop in such a way that the intention to sign the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on pardon will be announced no earlier than on the eve of its signing. Therefore, many prisoners continue to have hope for the leniency of the head of state. Now let's try to understand some aspects of the amnesty procedure.

    The first point that is worth paying attention to is the terminological errors made by many when considering the issue of amnesty. There is a fundamental difference between such, at first glance, similar concepts as “pardon” and “amnesty”.

    Amnesty is a broader concept, applied to certain categories of persons who have committed certain crimes. As for the term “pardon,” this concept is more narrow. It applies specifically to to a specific person who has broken the law

    It goes without saying that the very concept of “amnesty”, its focus on the human person, should be based on the principles of humanism. However, in our time, amnesty is often used as a tool for solving certain practical problems. For example, an amnesty decree may appear in the case of emergency reducing the number of prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty, say, for the purpose of saving budget funds allocated for their maintenance.

    And sometimes amnesty can even become an instrument of political influence. For example, if there is a need for a quick and peaceful solution to a military confrontation, according to the principle “you guarantee us peace - we will give you an amnesty for your prisoners.”

    Another feature of the amnesty is that it can be either full or partial. The latter is noteworthy in that if it is applied to a group of convicts to whom it applies, the punishment provided for by the sentence can be replaced by more soft look punishments.

    In this case, lawyers talk about applying a partial amnesty. If a full amnesty is applied, then the category of prisoners falling under its action is completely exempted from the imposed penalty.

    1. cancellation of criminal record;
    2. reduction of the term of serving the sentence provided for by the court verdict, or replacement of the preventive measure chosen by the court with a more lenient type of punishment;
    3. complete release of the prisoner from serving additional type punishments;
    4. complete release of the convicted person from the type of punishment provided for by the court verdict or termination of serving the sentence by the convicted person;
    5. release of a person who has violated the law from criminal prosecution and liability.

    Based on existing experience, we can say with confidence that the following categories of prisoners have a chance of being included in the amnesty in 2018:

    • women;
    • persons with disabilities who have a disability group;
    • elderly people;
    • persons under the age of majority;
    • persons who have outstanding services to the Fatherland;
    • persons sentenced to serve a suspended sentence;
    • those who were in the dock for the first time;
    • persons convicted under articles that provide for liability for “light” types of crimes;
    • persons serving prison sentences and having cancer;
    • convicts who support persons who have not reached the age of majority.

    It goes without saying that a scenario is possible in which not all of the above categories will fall under the amnesty 2018. Regarding this issue, society is divided into two opposing camps:

    1. those who advocate showing total mercy to people in places not so remote. They appeal to the fact that among the prisoners there are many people whose guilt has not been proven at all or has not been proven in full. In addition, those persons who, fully aware of their guilt, behaved exemplarily, and thereby earned the right to a mitigation of the punishment applied to them, are also imprisoned;
    2. and those who advocate serving everyone convicted punishments in full, i.e. according to the verdict.

    Those who the amnesty will not affect under any circumstances are criminals convicted under “serious” articles who have committed cruel crimes and crimes of a violent nature.

    What are the forecasts?

    Legal experts are confident that the issue of amnesty 2018 should be approached with extreme caution and scrupulousness. Indeed, in the case of a pessimistic scenario after the announcement of an amnesty and the release of a mass of prisoners, the crime rate in the country could jump tenfold.

    After all, by releasing a criminal, society exposes itself to a certain risk, since no expert can determine exactly to what extent a particular criminal has realized his degree of guilt, and it is even more impossible to determine whether former prisoners are ready to “take the righteous path” or not.

    While serving their sentences behind bars, some criminals began to consider prison practically their family and home. And therefore, having left behind bars, these individuals will try to return to their “native land” again. It’s just a pity that society often has to pay quite dearly for their return.

    No matter what crime a person sentenced to prison has committed, after he has once broken the law, he cannot simply be released from serving the sentence. After all, this poses a colossal danger to society.

    And in order to minimize this danger, correct public policy, aimed at creating jobs for former prisoners and other measures aimed at speedy adaptation to civil society people returning from places of detention.

    After all, often a former prisoner, when released, simply becomes an outcast, whom society refuses to accept as an equal participant. In this regard, the problem of committing former prisoners repeat crimes.

    Broad amnesty 2018

    The initiative to announce a broad amnesty in 2018 belongs to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Mark Denisov. The Ombudsman believes that the previously announced amnesty applied only to a narrow group of people who committed crimes. As a result, only 25,000 people received freedom, while total number There are 800,000 prisoners.

    Mr. Denisov believes that the previous decree on amnesty did not fulfill the tasks assigned to it, and therefore it can be considered a purely symbolic measure. It is especially unacceptable to use amnesty as a tool to achieve certain political goals. Its essence and meaning should convey a completely different message to society.

    It is impossible to say how likely it will be for the President of the Russian Federation to sign a decree providing for a large-scale amnesty.

    It is not yet clear what decision the head of state will make on this issue. However, the Ombudsman's arguments are not without merit. Mr. Denisov tried to convey to society the true noble purpose of the amnesty, and legal experts are inclined to believe that the authorities will listen to this opinion. Meanwhile, prisoners and their families wait with bated breath good news from the will.

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