How to register your child to receive SNILS. How to get an SNI for a child - documents for registration

For children, an insurance certificate is issued after receiving a birth certificate. Thanks to State Services, many documents can be ordered online without leaving your home. Today, you can get SNILS for a child through State Services in just a few clicks; the portal will help you fill out an application and make an appointment on the Pension Fund website.

Government services will help you register SNILS for a newborn and a teenager under 14 years old. This cannot be done on the website itself, but the portal significantly speeds up the process. Here you can download the form and make an appointment with a specialist via the Internet. All you have to do is come and pick up the finished document.

Let's turn to a small step by step instructions to find an application for SNILS for a child:

The document will automatically begin downloading in Word format to your computer. The application form to obtain a certificate for a child must be filled out either by hand, in block letters, or printed on a computer and taken with it to the Pension Fund or MFC by appointment via the Internet.

Fill out an application to obtain a child insurance certificate

Here is the ADV-1 form, downloaded from State Services. All fields that must be filled out are marked with a blank line (underscore). To receive SNILS, you must provide information about a child under 14 years of age in the application form. So, let's get started with the registration; our instructions will help you write an application for a newborn yourself and order a SNILS for your baby.

Form ADV-1 is almost completed. It is better to put the date and signature upon the fact of the application.

Making an appointment with the Pension Fund using your State Services account

The form has been filled out, now you need to take it to the Russian Pension Fund and receive a SNILS number for the child there. The State Services Internet portal will again help with this. Here you can find out where the nearest Pension Fund branch is located. Let's structure the next step-by-step algorithm.

Production time for SNILS for a newborn and a child under 14 years of age

Thanks to the State Services website, documents can be completed very quickly, and if deadlines are not met, you can file a complaint against the department online.

You can receive SNILS within 2 weeks. The period for issuing an insurance certificate is strictly regulated by the pension fund.

Parents must pick up the document for the newborn. There is no need to take children with you. If a citizen has already reached the age of 14, then he must appear to receive a card. Making SNILS for the first time is absolutely free, so there is no need to pay any state fees.

The Pension Fund will need to take your passport and birth certificate. There, an employee will check the documents and set a day when the SNILS will be produced and you can pick it up.

You can also complete the entire procedure for obtaining a certificate for a child through the MFC. All you have to do is click on the link of the same name on State Services and select the nearest service office. Wait production of SNILS it will take exactly the same amount.

SNILS is an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. The document contains the following information:

  • personal data;
  • date of registration;
  • insurance number.

The need for many people to obtain SNILS is increasing, since with its help the state tracks the transfer of funds to the pension account of a specific individual.

Why does a child need SNILS?

An insurance certificate allows you to coordinate the work of everyone public services. To the individual personal account services such as receiving medical services, personal payments.

In the next 5 years, it is planned to link the work of clinics to the SNILS of patients. Electronic data processing will greatly facilitate the classification of information and its search. However, the absence of an insurance certificate for a child will lead to the fact that the provision of medical care the baby will face a lot of problems.

We receive the child’s SNILS

There are several options for obtaining a document.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. Visit to the pension fund. You need to collect a package of documents and bring it in person. On the website you can get more detailed information. Contacting the pension fund allows you to both receive and restore SNILS.
  2. Visit to the multifunctional center. Everything required here is the same as in the pension fund. This institution also makes it possible to obtain and restore SNILS.
  3. Using the portal You cannot get SNILS here, but you can find out information about its condition. You can also check your TIN number and receive other necessary government services online.
  4. The latter option is more preferable for the majority of citizens of our country, as it allows you to solve many problems without leaving home or at your workplace.

Using the portal

First you need to register on the site and go to Personal Area. After that, go to the service provision page individuals"For citizens." The active tab is in the upper left corner.

After this, you need to select the “Pension, benefits and benefits” block.

In this department, the user sees several blocks, divided into categories according to the type of services provided.

Left-click on the category “Notification of the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia.”

After this, the site automatically transfers the user to the next tab.

Here you can get information about the status of your personal account. The request can also be made from the mobile application.

Services not provided online

Unfortunately, cooperation with government agencies not fully online. This also applies to services provided on the portal

To find out full list regarding working with a pension fund, you must select the catalog of services for individuals tab and go to the “authorities” page. There is a large list of them here. You need to select a pension fund and left-click on this block.

After this, the user is redirected to the thematic page. The list of services that are not provided via the Internet is located towards the end of the page. Among them is receiving SNILS.

The advantage of the information portal is that if you go to the active service line and then select to receive an insurance certificate, the user receives detailed information on how to do this.

If there is absolutely no way to personally provide the necessary documentation, there are two ways out of the situation. The first option is to transfer documents with the involvement of a legal representative. The second option is to send the entire package by mail.

The advantage of the first option is the high speed of obtaining information regarding the correct completion of the questionnaire and other papers. The downside is the significant cost of the service.

Mail has opposite positive and negative qualities. The cost of the service is affordable, but if the documents are filled out incorrectly, they will simply be returned to the sender.

The nuances of obtaining SNILS

There are little things, without knowing which ones you may not pass the package of documents the first time. Information about these nuances is freely available.

However, most people do not pay attention to it because they consider it of little significance.

When receiving SNILS, the only reason why a pension fund can refuse to accept documents is the absence of the necessary forms or incorrect filling out. Most often, we are talking about the fact that the questionnaire uses capital letters rather than block letters. The refusal can be justified by the fact that the color of the paste on the pen is lilac or black.

It must be remembered that the original application form is submitted to the pension fund. When filled with a pen with black ink, there is a visual effect of making a copy on a printer.

The service for assigning SNILS is free. The processing time for documents is up to three weeks. When exchanging a certificate or receiving a duplicate, it increases to a month.

Additional features

Using the Internet in everyday life is not only about watching movies and searching for information. Nowadays, many useful applications have been developed to reduce the amount of time required to download forms and approved forms of documents.

Important: If the form is subsequently printed on a printer to be filled out manually, you should pay attention to the fact that only block letters are used for this.

The questionnaire is the same for all methods of obtaining SNILS. Therefore, it is useful when seeking help from a pension fund or multifunctional center.

You should also pay attention to the color ballpoint pen. It should be dark blue.

We are all accustomed to the fact that SNILS is necessary to form a pension. Every year, 5 million residents of Russia apply for it, and this set of letters is deciphered as the insurance number of an individual personal account. But with the advent of electronic services, its function has expanded significantly and now not only adults, but also children receive it, since with its availability you can count on certain benefits. In this article we will look at how to get SNILS for a child using the government services portal.

Where can I get SNILS for a child?

To obtain SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, his mother or father can contact the Pension Fund Russia or MFC at your place of residence or actual residence. You must take with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and. An interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund of Russia and the MFC, so a maximum of two weeks will pass before receiving SNILS. Please note that the presence of the child himself is not necessary and you can leave him at home under the supervision of his grandparents. Children over 14 years of age can independently apply to one of the above structures with their own passport. In fact, receipt is faster, since the Pension Fund receives data on newborn children immediately from the registry office.

Registration of SNILS for a child through State Services

A mandatory condition for obtaining a SNILS for a child is to provide all necessary documents. We will need:

  • child's birth certificate
  • passport of the parent through whose personal account the registration will take place
  • guardianship order for guardians
  • child’s application form ADV-1

Most parents have a question only about the last point. The child’s application form according to the ADV-1 form can be downloaded on the government services website. For your convenience, we have stored it on our website and you can download it directly from this article.

Open the downloaded file and fill in:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the child
  • indicate his gender
  • fill in the information about the date and place of his birth
  • indicate the child’s citizenship and address permanent place residence. If it differs from the place of registration, then fill in both addresses
  • indicate your home or work phone number where you can be contacted if any questions arise
  • fill in your passport details
  • indicate the date the form was completed and sign it

With the completed form and necessary documents, you need to contact the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC. The government services portal only helps you not to waste time filling out the ADV-1 form in the above structures, and obtaining the SNILS for your child is possible only with a personal visit.

Many parents wonder, via the Internet, whether such a service is available on the website public services? In this article we will examine in detail current issues related to obtaining SNILS.

As you know, SNILS is one of the most necessary documents today, but some parents do not understand why to issue SNILS for a child who has not yet completed labor activity? Let's go through it in order to make things clearer.

Registration of SNILS via the Internet for a child

You already know that the personal account number of a citizen that is registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. If you pick up a pension certificate, it front side located . This document made in the form of a green plastic card and contains the following information:

  1. Full name of the citizen who was insured
  2. SNILS number – personal account number
  3. Place and date of birth
  4. Registration date

Help information is located on the reverse side of the document. Despite the fact that today the government services website offers a range of services for document preparation, it will not be possible to make SNILS for a child via the Internet. This is due to the fact that the Pension Fund has established an official ban on filling out a questionnaire for an insured person via the Internet.

If you turn to the law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system in the Russian Federation,” it says that information related to the insured person is confidential and not subject to disclosure. It is for this reason that it is impossible to register and receive SNILS for a child on any portal on the Internet.

As we said above, a child will not be able to receive SNILS through government services, since the Unified Portal does not provide users with such an opportunity due to the ban of the Pension Fund.

It should be clearly understood: the portal does not have a service that allows you to issue and receive SNILS:

  • For an adult
  • Child of any age
  • Other categories of citizens

It is difficult to disagree that obtaining SNILS for a child via the Internet would significantly save time for citizens who freely own a computer and have access to the Internet. Moreover, today many people are registered on the government services portal and fill out the necessary documents through it.

Is it possible to get SNILS for a child through the government services website?

No one can issue SNILS for a child through government services, so it is also not possible to obtain it via the Internet.

It should be clearly understood that there is only one way to register and receive SNILS - to do this, you should go to the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence and fill out the necessary papers there.

If SNILS needs to be issued for a child who has not yet turned 14 years old, parents need to contact the Pension Fund located in their area.

Where and how to get SNILS for a child

If you need to issue a SNILS for a child, then there are four ways to do this:

  1. If the child is not yet fourteen years old, then his parents will be in charge of registering SNILS. If they are not there, then legal representatives. To do this, you should contact the Pension Fund - you can also receive SNILS there in person. In this case, the child’s personal presence is not required.
  2. When a child is already 14 years old, he will have to independently apply for SNILS by going to the Pension Fund.
  3. SNILS can also be issued to a child by the administration of the educational institution where he is studying.
  4. SNILS is sometimes required for a newborn child. Today already at 7 Russian regions launched new project– interdepartmental agreements between civil registry offices and the Pension Fund. When parents exercise this information transferred to the Pension Fund. In turn, the Pension Fund will register the newborn in the compulsory pension insurance system.

What documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child?

Before going to the Pension Fund office, the parents of a child under 14 years of age or his legal representatives need to collect and submit the following documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Identity document of the parent filling out the application (passport).
  3. Questionnaire of the insured person. The parent or legal representative of the child who filled out the form must put his personal signature under the specified information

We have now reviewed the list of documents required to apply for and receive SNILS for a child under 14 years of age.

If SNILS is needed by a teenager who is 14 years old, that is, who has received a passport, then he needs to go to the Pension Fund office at his place of actual residence. He will fill out the insured person’s questionnaire independently at the department, presenting his passport to an employee of the institution.

We remind you that if a child is not yet 14 years old, his or her personal presence is not required when parents or guardians travel to the Pension Fund.

When SNILS is issued for the child, parents or legal representatives take the passport with them and, after presenting it, receive the desired document.

Why does a child need SNILS?

Parents often ask the question: how to get SNILS for a child through public services and why is it needed at all, which does not work and, accordingly, contributions are not deducted for it. Let's take a closer look at why a child needs SNILS.

It may be required for the following purposes:

  1. Row educational institutions who have a checkpoint system use SNILS as a child’s identification number when entering school.
  2. SNILS is needed in order to register on the government services portal. As you know, today you can easily process most documents on the government services portal. So why go to various authorities in person and waste time standing in queues, if you can save energy by completing documents via the Internet, sitting at home or in an office where there is Internet access. But in order to register, SNILS will be required.
  3. A teenager may express a desire to earn some pocket money during the summer holidays - this is possible if he has a SNILS. The employer will make insurance contributions for him, but the parents or the teenager himself can open a personal account with the Pension Fund in advance.
  4. If the child is disabled and receives benefits social nature, then SNILS acts as an identifier in general social registers.
  5. In 2012, a universal electronic card, and SNILS serves as an identifier for it. In the plans Russian government after a while transfer to this system the entire population of the country. This document will be a replacement pension certificate, TIN and even a compulsory health insurance policy.
  6. In order for a child to become a participant in various programs from the state, he also needs to obtain a SNILS. It is through this that he will be able to receive some services for free and take part in government programs.

Let's summarize: SNILS for a child can be issued and received only at the Pension Fund branch located at the applicant’s place of residence.

It is impossible to apply for and receive SNILS via the Internet. Many citizens have applied for this service through the government services portal, but today it is not available due to the ban of the Pension Fund. Officials In this regard, PFs state that in the compulsory pension insurance system, information about the status and formation of a personal account is confidential, therefore it is prohibited to disclose it to third parties.


Registration of SNILS takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, parents should take care in advance about whether their child has it and contact the relevant authorities. In this article we will figure out whether it is possible to get SNILS for a child through, and what documents need to be collected.

Issue SNILS for a child using the State Services portal

Many users believe that SNILS can be obtained through the State Services portal along with documents such as, or. However, the Russian Pension Fund does not allow the possibility of any leakage personal information citizens, which makes it impossible to obtain SNILS using the State Services portal. For a child, as well as for an adult, it will not be possible to issue a document via the Internet.

How can I get SNILS

The child’s parents or guardians (with supporting documents) must receive SNILS. To do this, you should contact the Russian Pension Fund or MFC in person. In addition, for children studying in educational institutions, it is possible to obtain a SNILS through this institution. Details about this service must be obtained directly on site.

Basic information about registering SNILS for a child

It is immediately worth noting that recently in some regions of the country it is possible to apply for SNILS for a child directly in the maternity hospital. This is possible provided that the Pension Fund and the specific maternity hospital have a cooperation agreement. So, in order to receive SNILS, one of the parents needs to fill out a short application and attach to it their passport, as well as the child’s birth certificate.

You should know! A child who has reached the age of 14 years is considered a full-fledged citizen and must receive SNILS himself personally with a passport in hand.

After all the documents have been submitted, all you have to do is wait 3 weeks and pick up the finished SNILS. However, when contacting the Pension Fund via educational institution The deadline for receiving SNILS may increase by a week, and the receipt of the document will be handled by the institution’s employees.