Canada and Australia are geographic features. Comparative characteristics of Australia and Canada

The area of ​​the land. Canada 10 million sq. km. Australia 8 million sq. km. Conclusion: Canada and Australia are the largest countries by land area.

Geographical position Canada Australia Occupies part of the mainland of North America The state is the mainland. It has access to 3 oceans. It is washed by 2 oceans.

Natural geographic features. Relief. Canada Australia The relief is flat, in the west - the mountains of the Cordillera. The relief is flat, on the east coast - the Great Dividing Range Conclusion:

Natural resources Canada - - - Diverse mineral resources; 1st place in the world in terms of hydropower potential; 50% of the territory is mixed and coniferous forests; Fertile soils (chernozems and chestnut soils in the south of the country); Recreational resources. Australia - - Diverse mineral resources; Deficit of water and forest resources; Fertile soils (red-brown and brown) - in the east of the country; Recreational resources Conclusion: states have good opportunities for economic development.

State structure Canada Australia Highly developed countries, members of the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain. Formally, the head of these countries is the Queen of England. Its representative (viceroy) is the governor-general. The real power belongs to the Parliament and the Prime Minister elected by it.

State structure Canada - art. Ottawa federal state consisting of 10 provinces and 3 territories. (since 1999) Australia - Art. Canberra A federal state consisting of 6 states and 2 territories.

Population Canada Australia More than 30 million people (34 million) Conclusion: About 22 million people. 40% - Anglo-Canadians, 28% - French Canadians, - Germans, - Italians, - Ukrainians, - Aborigines - 1.5% (Indians, Eskimos). Official languages: English and French ~95% of the population are Anglo-Australians, Aboriginal people - less than 1% Official language: English with the local dialect "Strain". IN last years American slang becomes popular.

Population Canada Australia Religion: - Protestants, Catholics. -Protestants Distribution of the population: 75% of the population is located in a 160-kilometer zone from the border with the United States ~ 90% of the population is located in the east and southeast of the country Conclusion:

Population Canada Urbanization rate: ~75% Major cities: -Toronto -Montreal -Vancouver Australia ~85% -Sydney -Melbourne -Perth

Comparative characteristics of the economy Canada - - Australia Mining (iron ores and non-ferrous metal ores); Non-ferrous metallurgy; Woodworking and pulp and paper Agriculture: - production of grain, - meat-mol. cattle breeding; - apples. Mining (hard coal, iron ores and non-ferrous metal ores); Agriculture: - grain production, - sheep breeding; - fruits (fresh and canned).

Canada is one of the leading highly developed countries of the world, is one of the "big seven" of the leading countries.

Canada has a large territory, huge natural resources. Another distinguishing feature is the economy's close ties to the US; The process of economic integration of the two countries was especially intensified with the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico (NAFTA) in 1992. Canada has a highly developed manufacturing industry, but at the same time is one of the leading countries in the extraction and processing of many types of raw materials. Oil and gas are supplied to the USA. Agriculture is distinguished by a high level of mechanization, marketability and labor productivity. The basis of agricultural production is large farms. The main grain crop is wheat, Canada is one of the leading exporters, and the third largest exporter of frozen fish in the world.

Australia developed both agriculturally and industrially. One of oldest industries industry - mining. The main type of energy fuel is coal. The monetary unit is the Australian dollar. Dominated by large landownership ( the average size farms - St. 2300 ha, one of the highest in the world). Breed sheep, mainly merino; in terms of their livestock (120.6 million in 1995) and wool shearing (3.3 million tons in 1994/95), the country ranks first in the world. Cattle and pigs are bred. The main export crop is wheat; they also grow barley, rice, oats, sugar cane, cotton, and tobacco. Fruit growing and viticulture are highly developed. Farming is developed in the southwest of Western Australia, the south of South Australia, the southeast of New South Wales and most of the state of Victoria. In the rest of the territory, with the exception of desert areas, animal husbandry predominates.

(par. 23; 28)

Republic of Moldova: EGP, administrative-territorial device.

Moldova (Mold. Moldova), the official name is the Republic of Moldova (Mold. Republica Moldova) - a state in South-Eastern Europe. It borders with Ukraine, PMR and Romania. The population, according to the results of the 2004 census, is more than 3.4 million people (according to estimates for January 2012 - more than 3.6 million people), the territory is 33,846 km². It ranks 118th in the world in terms of population and 135th in terms of territory.

The capital is Chisinau. The state language is Moldovan.

Unitary state, parliamentary republic. Nicolae Timofti has been President since March 2012. Prime Minister - Vladimir Filat. It is subdivided into 39 administrative-territorial units, 32 of which are districts, 5 municipalities and 1 autonomous-territorial entity - Gagauzia.

It has significant ethnic and cultural diversity. Most of the believers (about 88% of the population) profess Orthodoxy.

The volume of GDP for 2012 amounted to 7.559 billion US dollars (about 2128 US dollars per capita). The monetary unit is the Moldovan leu (the average exchange rate for 2012 is 12 lei per 1 US dollar).

Moldova is located in the extreme southwest of the East European Plain, in the second time zone, and occupies most of the interfluve of the Dniester and Prut. Having no access to the sea, the country geographically gravitates towards the Black Sea region, while Moldova has access to the Danube (the length of the coastline is 600 m).


In the north and south, Moldova borders on Ukraine, in the east - PMR, in the west - with Romania. The area of ​​the country is 29.3 thousand square meters. km². The territory of Moldova extends from north to south for 350 km, from west to east - for 150 km. The extreme points of the country: in the north - the village of Naslavcha (48 ° 29 "N), in the south - the village of Giurgiulesti (45 ° 28" N), in the west - the village of Kriva (26 ° 30 "E). ), in the east - the village of Palanka (30 ° 05 "E).

The surface of Moldova is a hilly plain, dissected by river valleys. The average height above sea level is 147 m, the maximum is 429.5 m (Mount Balanesti). Minerals: limestone, gypsum, clay, glass sand, gravel, small deposits of oil and gas.

The climate is temperate continental. Winter is mild and short, summer is hot and long. The average temperature in January is −4 °C, in July +21 °C. Absolute minimum -36 °C, maximum +42 °C. The average annual rainfall ranges from 380-550 mm. On August 7, 2012, the most heat air in the summer season for the entire observation period - +42.4 ºС (Falesti).

All rivers of Moldova belong to the Black Sea basin. The largest rivers are the Dniester and the Prut. There are many floodplain lakes in the river valleys. Soils are predominantly chernozem (75%). Most of the territory of Moldova is plowed up. Steppe vegetation has survived only in small areas. Forests occupy 6% of the territory. Natural areas: North Moldavian forest-steppe, Central Moldavian forest (Codry), South Moldavian steppe.

List settlements Moldova

IN administratively Moldova is divided into 32 districts, 5 municipalities (Balti, Bendery, Chisinau, Comrat, Tiraspol), 1 autonomous territorial entity (Gagauzia) and 1 autonomous territorial entity with special status Transnistria, created in 2005.

There are 65 cities and 917 villages in Moldova.

On the territory of Moldova there is an unrecognized state - the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which is not completely controlled by Chisinau. Under its control is the main part of the left bank of the Dniester, as well as the city of Bendery and a number of villages on the right bank. The basis of the population of the region are Moldovans (31.9%), Russians (30.3%) and Ukrainians (28.8%).

Ticket 16

General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Latin America. The role of the region in the international division of labor.

Latin America (LA) refers to the region of the Western Hemisphere located between the USA and Antarctica. As part of L.A. divided into several sub-regions. These are Middle America (Mexico, the countries of Central America and the West Indies), the Andean countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile), the countries of the La Plata basin (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina), Brazil. Name " Latin America" comes from the historically prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of the Romanesque (Latin) peoples of the Iberian Peninsula in this part of the world. L.A. countries unites the commonality of historical destinies and much in modern socio-economic development.

Geographic location, general overview of the region

Territory L.A. stretches from north to south for 13 thousand km, from the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, from the west by the Pacific. The importance of the sea in the settlement and economic development of the region is great. Of the 33 states in the region, only Paraguay and Bolivia have no direct access to the sea. EGP L.A. It is also determined by the fact that it is located relatively close to the United States, but at a great distance from other large regions. By state system all independent countries L.A. either a republic or a state within the British-led Commonwealth.

Natural conditions and resources

In tectonic terms, the basis of L.A. make up the actively developing mountain belt of the Cordillera (Andes), stretching for more than 9000 km, and the vast Precambrian South American platform. The region is located within a large number climatic zones and landscape zones: from tropical deserts and semi-deserts in the north to mixed subantarctic evergreen forests in the south. In the foreign world, L.A. stands out in terms of reserves of niobium, lithium, beryllium, molybdenum, copper ores, sulfur, iron and tin ores, bauxites, oil. The largest deposits of iron ores (and, moreover, with a high iron content) are located in Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia. Brazil and Venezuela are rich in manganese ores. The largest bauxite-bearing province stretches across the territory of Venezuela and Guyana. Suriname, Guyana, Brazil. LA has significant deposits of copper and tin. The copper belt stretches in a continuous strip from Canadian British Columbia to southern Chile. Within the Andes, copper reserves are explored in Colombia, Ecuador. Peru, Chile, and 2/3 of all reserves are in Chile. Copper ores are usually complex and contain molybdenum. Bolivia stands out in terms of tin reserves. The Andean belt is also rich in some non-metallic minerals - for example, saltpeter, precious stones. The marginal and intermountain troughs of the Andes are filled with sedimentary deposits, which are associated with oil and natural gas deposits: 1/2 of the oil reserves are in Venezuela. Colombia has the largest coal basin in the entire region. The Central American region is best known for its reserves of bauxite (Jamaica, Dominican Republic), nickel (Cuba), iron, polymetallic copper ores, and sulfur (Mexico), as well as large oil deposits along the Mexican coast. From individual countries L.A. The first place in terms of richness and diversity of minerals belongs to Brazil, followed by Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia. L.A. also has huge land resources, and now only 8% of them are cultivated. Water resources L.A. are also huge: in terms of river flow, the region is second only to Asia, the hydropower potential is about 700 million kW. In terms of the total forest area (930 million hectares), L.A. belongs to the first place in the world, the forest cover of the territory is 50%. Forest vegetation is represented mainly by selva. Rich agro-climatic resources of L.A. determined by the fact that in most of the region the sum of active air temperatures exceeds 8000°C. In such conditions, heat-loving perennial and annual crops with a long growing season ripen. Active use of natural resources L.A. led to strong environmental changes (deforestation, reduction and extinction of many species of wild animals). One way to improve the situation is to expand specially protected areas, because so far the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball national parks is only 0.3% of the territory of L.A. Numerous peoples and tribes that inhabited the territory of present-day L.A. by the time of the beginning of European colonization, called the Indians, they were very different from each other in appearance, languages, religion, and level of culture. The reduction in the Indian population as a result of the conquest led to the need to import black slaves from Africa. European settlers (primarily from Spain and Portugal), Indians and Africans are the main racial and ethnic elements on the basis of which the modern population of L.A. was formed. In the modern ethnic composition of the region, the indigenous Indian population makes up 15% of the inhabitants, blacks - 10% and more than half of the population are descendants of mixed marriages: mestizos are descendants of marriages of creoles with Indians, mulattoes are descendants of marriages of creoles with naves, sambo is the result of marriages of blacks and Indians. Therefore, almost all Latin American nations have a complex ethnic background. In Mexico and in the countries of Central America, mestizos are predominant, in Haiti, Jamaica, the Lesser Antilles - naves. In most of the Andean countries Indians or mestizos predominate, in Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica - Creoles, in Brazil there are only slightly fewer mulattos and blacks than "whites".

The history of the colonization of L.A. had a decisive influence on the linguistic composition of the population of the region, on its religious composition. Mostly Catholicism is practiced, other religions were persecuted by the Inquisition.

For L.A. the second type of population reproduction is characteristic. The peak of the population explosion here was passed back in the 50s and 60s, but even today the population growth in many countries exceeds 2-3% per year.

For the distribution of the population, it is characteristic, firstly, that L.A. - one of the least populated regions of the world (average density - 23 people / km 2). The uneven distribution of the population is more pronounced than in other regions. In addition, in no other region of the world has the population mastered the vast plateaus to such an extent and does not rise so high into the mountains.

In terms of urbanization (72%), L.A. more like the developed countries than developing ones, the population is increasingly concentrated in large cities and “millionaire” cities, there is an active formation of urban agglomerations. But urbanization in L.A. mainly represented by "false urbanization".


Despite the fact that L.A. inferior to Asia and Africa in terms of territory and population, it is ahead in terms of industrialization, it accounts for 1/2 of industrial production.

L.A. still plays a significant role in the global mining industry, but in Lately a shift in the structure of the economy from mining to manufacturing became evident. There are 25 full-cycle metallurgical plants, petrochemical, aluminum enterprises, large machine-building plants in the region.

But, despite the development of many manufacturing industries, 4/5 of its volume falls on Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

In Brazil, microelectronics, the aerospace industry, automobile, shipbuilding, and aircraft building have been developed; in Mexico - electrical engineering and electronics, instrumentation; in Argentina - the production of cars.

Many large enterprises are subsidiaries of Western firms, attracted by the rich resource base and reduced requirements for environmental protection.

The agriculture of the region is, as it were, divided into two sectors - the sector of high-commodity, mainly plantation economy, and the sector of low-commodity consumer agriculture, which was not at all affected by the "green revolution".

The main crops of the first sector are bananas, sugar cane, coffee, corn, while the peasants employed in the second sector grow corn, cassava, beans, vegetables, and potatoes.

Livestock production in the region is mostly extensive, with the exception of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, where traditional pastoralism is on the way to intensification. Among developing countries, L.A. accounts for more than 1/3 of the livestock of meat and slightly less - dairy cows and half of the meat and milk produced.

A significant part of agricultural production is exported, and in some countries it is the export of any crops that determines the face of the country in the MGR. For example, Costa Rica, Honduras or Panama are often referred to as "banana republics".

Due to the fact that almost all countries of the region are maritime powers, fishing plays an important role in their economy (both in domestic consumption and in exports).

Internal differences in the structure of the economy are expressed mainly in the fact that, as in most developing countries, the region retains a colonial type of territorial structure of the economy. The capital or "economic capital" forms the main focus of the entire territory. For example, in Mexico City, Lima, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, more than 1/2, and in Montevideo even 3/4, of all industrial products of the respective countries are produced. To smooth out territorial disproportions in many countries, a regional policy is being pursued.

date :

Class: 11A

Item: geography

Teacher : Leonova S. L

training session in geography in grade 11A.

Type: Training session on the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Class type : Practical work.

Topic of the lesson: Practical work. "Comparative economic - geographical characteristics of Canada and Australia".

Lesson objectives: A) educational : get acquainted with the peculiarities of the countries - Canada and Australia.

b) developing :

- development of cognitive interest in the subject, the ability to think logically, to systematize the studied material in a table;

Formation of skills for the integrated use of various geographical sources to describe the EGP, nature, population and economy of countries;

Formation of skills to compare different countries according to the main economic and geographical indicators, to identify similarities and differences.

V) educational:

– creation of a motivational environment for learning.

Formation of a holistic view of the country under study.

Methodological support : textbook, atlas maps, supplementary and reference books, periodicals

Technical support: computer Pentium - 3\667 (10 pieces), CD Encyclopedia "Earth. World. Russia” The theme of the disc is “Countries of the World”.

Lesson structure:

Stages of the lesson

Didactic tasks

Teacher activity

Student activities

The indicator of the result of solving the task

Organization of the start of the lesson

Preparing students for work

Arguments the choice of the purpose and objectives of the lesson

Listen and write in a notebook

Availability of students and equipment, quick start-up

Preparation for the main stage of the lesson

Ensuring motivation and acceptance by students of educational and cognitive activity.

Activation of existing knowledge.

Justifies the choice of target.

Introduces the work plan and work algorithm.

Listen to teachers.

Readiness of students for active educational and cognitive activities

Main stage. Workshop

Ensuring perception, comprehension, memorization.

Formation of the ability to rationally use working time.

Organizes the course.

Controls the time frame of the lesson.

Carry out work according to the proposed plan

Active actions of students with objects of study (atlases, encyclopedias, reference books); maximum use of independence in the learning process


Control of knowledge on the topic, ensuring the generalization of new knowledge, at the level of application in a new situation

The teacher supervises the performance of tasks by students

Present the results of the work

Active activity of students with the object of study


Mobilizing students to evaluate their actions and results achieved

Leads the discussion

Express their opinion about the results of the lesson, about its productivity

Openness of students in understanding their actions and self-assessment in achieving the goals of the lesson.

Summing up the lesson

Analysis and evaluation of the success of achieving the goal

Summarizes the work of students, gives its assessment


Obtaining information about the result of the work.

Practical work.

"Comparative economic - geographical characteristics of Canada and Australia".

Goal of the work: the formation of skills to compare different countries according to the main economic and geographical indicators, to identify similarities and differences.

Tasks for students:

1. Using various sources of geographical knowledge (textbook, atlas maps, additional and reference literature, periodicals, CD Encyclopedia "Earth. World. Russia"), compare two economically developed countries (Canada and Australia).

2. Find the similarities and differences between the two countries - Canada and Australia. Comparison in the form of a table. The following data are entered in the table: statistical indicators for area and population; border states and attitude to transport routes; resources that determine the specialization of industries and agriculture; industries of international specialization, specific products of import and export.

3. Explain the reasons for the similarities and differences in economics - geographical location Canada and Australia.


Indicators for comparison

Comparable countries




Population and area


Resources and Terms

Industry specialization

Agricultural Specialization

Participation in the division of labor

Quite often there are requests from potential immigrants who choose their second homeland from these two countries. This is partly due to the fact that both states have official immigration programs for professionals. And if there is no good motivation for getting only to Canada, or only to Australia because of close relatives living there, then the idea of ​​​​comparison will be quite appropriate. The subjective difference factor is the climate, because living in climatic conditions close to Russian (Canada) is one thing, and living in the tropics (Australia) is a completely different story.

There are probably more common factors in the proximity of Canada and Australia as destinations for professional immigration than there are differences. Both countries are English-speaking and are quite high in their own way. economic development. Moreover, both Canada and Australia are states that have historically been formed precisely through immigration. Attracting immigrants for them is part of public policy. Let's try to compare the immigration programs of these two countries, their advantages and disadvantages, in more detail.

Immigration to Canada and Australia - what do they have in common?

  1. The official language is English. Moreover, Canada and Australia are former British possessions, have common political and cultural roots, and are now members of the British Commonwealth. Both countries are part of an unofficial union of five English-speaking countries - the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
  2. Canada and Australia have had immigrant admission programs for several decades based on the selection of qualified specialists. They allow those who own English language, has a good education and work experience in the required specialty, count on obtaining an immigrant visa (permanent residence - permanent place residence). As of 2018, there are no visas for professionals in the USA and Great Britain, and although the program exists in New Zealand, it is practically inaccessible for Russian citizens due to difficult criteria.
  3. The conditions for participation in Canadian immigration programs are very similar. You need to be fluent in English, which must be confirmed by the presence of an IELTS certificate (without this, documents will not be accepted for consideration). And you also need to be of working age, have education and experience in the profession, do not have a criminal past and diseases that affect the ability to work.
  4. Submission of documents for permanent residence in Australia is made only at the invitation of the Department of Migration. This system called SkillSelect. In order to have a chance to receive this invitation, you must first apply online and wait: there is no guarantee of receiving an invitation. To apply online, you need two things: to have an IELTS score of at least 6 and to have a proven qualification. In Canada, a similar system called Express Entry has been introduced since 2015.
  5. Relatively short time to obtain citizenship. In Canada, you can apply for citizenship after three years of residence in a country with permanent resident status, in Australia - after four. Both countries recognize the institution dual citizenship, that is, do not require renunciation of previous citizenship.
You may be interested in:

Immigration to Canada and Australia - what's the difference?

  1. In Australia, before applying for immigration, you need to pass the qualification confirmation procedure from one of the Australian appraisal organizations. The Canadian immigration scheme, unlike the Australian one, requires only confirmation of a diploma (that is, the curriculum of a university in Russia or another country is compared with the corresponding analogues for the same profession in Canada). Canadians do not evaluate seniority at this stage. Australians, on the other hand, require confirmation of qualifications, that is, the totality of education and skills acquired during labor activity. Also, individual professional communities in Australia can confirm qualifications only on the basis of a diploma (without experience) or only on the basis of experience (without a diploma or with a non-core diploma).
  2. Requirements for physical presence in the country (after obtaining permanent residence). We must not forget that permanent residence in Canada or Australia is not citizenship yet, it is a conditional status, although it is indefinite. In order not to lose the status of a permanent resident of Canada, it is enough to stay in the country for at least two cumulative years out of every five. That is, three years out of these five years, a permanent resident can be outside the territory of Canada without the threat of deprivation of status. At the same time, he has an unlimited right to leave and return to the country at any time without special permits. In Australia, in order for the holder of permanent residence to leave the territory with the opportunity to return, it is required to obtain a special return permit.
  3. Benefit. In Canada, the right to benefits arises after 6 months of stay in the country, even if the newly arrived immigrant has not found a job, that is, he has not worked in Canada for a single day. In Australia, again, the situation is tougher, and the right to benefits arises after two years of residence in the country.

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Subject: Geography, grade 10 Teacher: Smirnova Tatyana Pavlovna Lyceum No. 344 St. Petersburg

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Lesson topic: comparative characteristics of Canada and Australia. Lesson objectives: compare 2 economically developed countries. Find similarities and differences. Type of lesson: learning new material. Lesson objectives: 1- Educational: to introduce the features of the geographical location, nature and economy of Canada and Australia - countries of resettlement capitalism. 2- Developing: continue to form the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, work with a textbook and atlas maps. 3- Educational: to cultivate a culture of communication, a sense of responsibility for working in a group.

slide 4

Lesson plan: 1- Introductory speech. Canada and Australia are economically developed countries. They have much in common in their history and economy, but are different in their geographical location and nature. 2- Work in groups to study new material. Assignment to the groups: A) establish the form of government and territorial structure of the country, the features of the GP. B) establish the features of nature: relief, climate, inland waters, natural zones. C) establish the characteristics of the population: number, location, ethnic composition, cities D) assess the mineral and agro-climatic resources for farming. E) define the role of countries in the IGR. 3- summing up and answering the question: what are the similarities and differences between Canada and Australia? Homework Topic 9, & 3, Topic 7, & 5. Fill in the table: Comparative characteristics of Canada and Australia. similarities traits differences

slide 5

These two countries are similar to each other, like two sisters, like daughters of the same mother - Great Britain. In the past - its colonies, then dominions, now both Australia and Canada are part of the Commonwealth of Nations, which is headed by Great Britain. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain. She is represented by the Governor General.

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Peculiarities of EGP Canada is a state of North America. It occupies the north of the mainland and adjacent islands. It borders the US in the south. It is washed by the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Australia - occupies a whole continent, remote from the centers of civilization. It is washed by the Pacific, Indian and Southern oceans.

Slide 7

Nature of Canada: Canada is diverse in its nature, size, vast northern territories. This country surprisingly resembles Russia. Due to the large length from North to South (about 6 thousand km), many natural areas- from the Arctic deserts to the steppes.

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The relief of Canada: The relief of Canada is also varied. To the west are the mountains of the Cordillera, to the east of which are the plains. Mountains and vast northern territories make it difficult economic activity person.

Slide 9

Nature of Australia: It has a dry climate. Deserts occupy 2/5 of its territory. Australia is poor surface waters. There are many endorheic areas (60% of the area). Frequent droughts, dust storms, Forest fires, catastrophic downpours, flash floods.

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Relief of Australia: This is the most flat continent in the world. Mountains account for 5% of the territory.

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Natural resources of Canada: Occupies a prominent place in the reserves of many natural resources: non-ferrous, rare and precious metals, iron ore, uranium, oil, gas. Ore minerals are confined to the Canadian shield, energy - to the plains of the North and West, to the sea shelf, a dense river network, lakes, huge forest reserves. The best soils - chernozems and chestnut soils - are common in the south of the Inner Plains.

slide 12

Natural resources of Australia: The country is rich in mineral resources. One third of the world's reserves of bauxites (raw materials for the aluminum industry), iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores, and coal are concentrated here. Oil and gas fields have been discovered. The most fertile (red-brown and brown) soils are located in the steppe regions. Forests occupy 5% of the country's area

slide 13

Population of Canada: In ancient times, Canada was inhabited by Indian and Eskimo tribes who came here from Asia. The basis of the modern population is migrants, primarily from France and Great Britain. There are many immigrants from other European countries - Germany, Italy, Ukraine, etc. In the country - 2 state languages: English and French. There are huge contrasts in the distribution of the population. 90% of the population lives near the southern border with the United States. The level of urbanization is 76%. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. The capital is Ottawa, which performs mainly administrative functions. 1) Mining industry: 1st place in the world in the extraction of uranium, cobalt 2nd place in the world in the extraction of Zn, S 3rd place in the world in the extraction of natural gas, platinoids 4th place in the world in the extraction of copper ore and gold 5th place in the world in the extraction of lead ores VI place in the world in silver mining 2) Non-ferrous metallurgy - smelting Ni, Cu, Zn 3) Timber and pulp and paper industries. 4) Agriculture and food industry: production of wheat, oil crops, meat products. The face of Canada in the MTRT defines:

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