Number of gates to enter the organization's territory. Driving through the territory of enterprises

The safety of vehicle traffic on the territory of the enterprise is ensured by fulfilling certain requirements. These requirements are set out in the Labor Safety Rules (RM 027-2003), which were approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 12, 2003. According to the current version of the document, drivers of the relevant categories are allowed to drive vehicles on the territory of organizations. Final Rule must always be observed, including when conducting sea trials without going on the road common use.

How to drive a car on the territory of the organization?

The speed of vehicles on the territory of enterprises should not exceed 12 km/h. This rule will apply if you move in open areas. And indoors the permitted speed limit is reduced to 5 km/h. The only exception to the rule is brake testing areas (where you can accelerate the car up to 40 km/h). It is interesting that before entering the territory of the organization it is required to reduce the speed to 10 km/h.

On the territory of a factory, warehouse or other industrial facility Road signs may be installed. The meaning of the indicator or sign will be the same as accepted for public roads in the current edition of the traffic rules. In fact, this is one of the requirements provided for in the Rules discussed here (but sometimes it can be neglected in reality).

A few more requirements

Switch on transmission reverse is permitted only if the driver is personally convinced that the maneuver being performed is safe. It is prohibited to carry people on the fenders and steps of a vehicle, even when driving at low speed. You can drive past any equipment while maintaining the required distance (0.5 m).

The speed limit that must be observed on the territory of enterprises was considered “as a first approximation.” In fact, it will be necessary to reduce the speed in places where the roadway narrows (up to 5 km/h in open areas and up to 3 km/h indoors).

Compliance with the above requirements will help avoid emergency situations when moving through the territory of an organization or enterprise.

Why is the organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base so important in the project? Because it creates an environment for the enterprise and at the same time reflects the emotional and aesthetic equivalent production process, which is perceived by the consumer as the most significant indicator of the functional content of the project.

  • Each architecturally - construction project The production base must be developed in accordance with SNiP 2.09.02-85. "Industrial buildings of industrial enterprises."

The design of this construction project is usually represented by large-sized prefabricated metal frame elements with maximum factory readiness for construction and installation work.

The production base plan contains unified (standard) architectural and planning solutions, with the exception of pre-factory areas. The organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base is carried out individually, through the achievement of an expressive material interior, in which the subject matter of the enterprise’s activities is indicated.

What does the organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base include? First of all, the production boundaries, which must have fencing. And also maintaining proportions. For example, the distance to the checkpoint is calculated from the entrances to the sanitary premises of the main production facilities. The distance between the checkpoints is also calculated, taking into account total area production base, where the movement of trucks and personal transport of enterprise employees is provided.

In turn, competent organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base is possible only after an analytical study of certain components of the project, which make it possible to consider quality characteristics construction project, determine the main means and methods of compositional interaction of intra-production premises, structures, buildings in unity with roads, entrances and passages.

The organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of a production base begins with the creation of a concept, which is supported by real components of spatial-formal concepts of architectural space planning. Any fencing in a production project defines the boundaries of the internal space, single or composite, and also captures large architectural forms consistent with the structural structure of the construction site.

Having calculated the size of the production base, the division of the land into separate sections, the geometric appearance of the buildings, the degree of isolation from other infrastructure facilities, you can create a preliminary design in which the walls, columns, partitions, ceilings, floors, galleries, balconies, staircases of the production facility will be structurally and functionally defined base, as well as other planes laid out:

  • intra-site roads located on the territory of the enterprise, providing technological transportation;
  • inter-site roads connecting isolated areas of the production base, forming an internal transport network on which the construction site being developed is located. Along with technological and passenger transportation, inter-site roads are designed for the transportation of goods;
  • service roads located along conveyor belts, overhead cableways, hydraulic and other types of industrial transport, power supply lines and other communications, as well as entrances to gas stations, warehouses and office premises. Service roads are designed taking into account the schedule for transporting auxiliary and utility cargo, organizing the passage of fire fighters, repair and emergency vehicles.

In the process of forming the architectural form of an object, various tools are used: the number of parking lots for personal and cargo vehicles is determined, the number of entrances to the enterprise territory from external highways and streets (usually at least two), the width of the gates of transport entrances to the territory of the production base is calculated (according to the width used in transport production +1.5 meters, but not less than 4.5 meters for road entrances, and for railway entrances - not less than 4.9 meters). Railway entrances to industrial buildings must be dead-end with the rail head level at the same level as the floor level.

The organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base provides for several variants of schemes - arrangement according to a ring, dead-end, and mixed traffic patterns, with independent exits to the external road network. The capacity of parking lots, garages, warehouses, repair shops is determined by calculations and functional content that creates conditions for comfortable production and economic activity.

  • As you probably guessed, the organization of roads, entrances and passages on the territory of the production base is included in the development of a turnkey project. The connection with the architectural environment is reflected through the architectural and construction concept, developed in unity with the preliminary design.

In essence, the organization of the space of the production base should especially take into account those wishes of the customer that stimulate him to activity. Therefore, the project takes into account the background that accompanies the activities of the enterprise, such as necessary condition a generalized image of the road structure with the architectural and structural forms of premises, structures and buildings included in the production base project.

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The safety of vehicle traffic on the territory of the enterprise is ensured by fulfilling certain requirements. These requirements are set out in the Labor Safety Rules (RM 027-2003), which were approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 12, 2003. According to the current version of the document, drivers of the relevant categories are allowed to drive vehicles on the territory of organizations. The last rule must always be observed, including when conducting sea trials without driving on public roads.

How to drive a car on the territory of the organization?

The speed of vehicles on the territory of enterprises should not exceed 12 km/h. This rule will apply if you move in open areas. And indoors the permitted speed limit is reduced to 5 km/h. The only exception to the rule is brake testing areas (where you can accelerate the car up to 40 km/h). It is interesting that before entering the territory of the organization it is required to reduce the speed to 10 km/h.

Road signs may be installed on the territory of a factory, warehouse or other industrial facility. The meaning of the indicator or sign will be the same as accepted for public roads in the current edition of the traffic rules. In fact, this is one of the requirements provided for in the Rules discussed here (but sometimes it can be neglected in reality).

A few more requirements

Engaging in reverse gear is only permitted if the driver is personally convinced that the maneuver being performed is safe. It is prohibited to carry people on the fenders and steps of a vehicle, even when driving at low speed. You can drive past any equipment while maintaining the required distance (0.5 m).

The speed limit that must be observed on the territory of enterprises was considered “as a first approximation.” In fact, it will be necessary to reduce the speed in places where the roadway narrows (up to 5 km/h in open areas and up to 3 km/h indoors).

Compliance with the listed requirements will help to avoid emergency situations when driving through the territory of an organization or enterprise.

Russian legislation does not clearly regulate how it is necessary to formalize the relationship to provide access (limited passage) to the purchased property. Therefore, the parties have the right to settle the issue of limited ownership land plot within the framework of the civil law field. This can be done by concluding a separate agreement (lease, paid provision services, etc.), as well as agreements on establishing an easement or by introducing changes (by concluding additional agreement) in the purchase and sale agreement.

Site use

When the ownership of a building (structure, structure) located on someone else’s land plot is transferred to another person, this person acquires the right to use the corresponding part of the land plot occupied by the building and necessary for its use, on the same conditions and in the same volume as the previous owner. This rule is contained in paragraph 1 of Article 35 Land Code RF.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 552 Civil Code RF, under a contract for the sale of a building, structure or other real estate, the buyer, simultaneously with the transfer of ownership of it, is transferred the rights to that part of the land plot that is occupied by this real estate and is necessary for its use.

The buyer of a building, structure, structure may require registration of the corresponding right to the land plot occupied by real estate and necessary for its use, from the moment state registration transfer of ownership of a building, structure, structure. This is noted in paragraph 13 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2005 No. 11.

Provisions that contradict the mandatory norm of Article 552 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation may be declared invalid by the court on the basis of Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of nullity (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated November 27, 2013 in case No. A03-4084/2013).


According to the norms of civil legislation, the passage of vehicles through the territory of another owner can be classified as limited real rights. One type of such rights is an easement - the right to limited use of someone else's land plot.

There are public and private easements.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, a public easement is established by law or other regulatory legal act in cases where it is necessary to ensure the interests of the state, local government or local population, without seizure of land plots.

A private easement is established in accordance with civil law(clause 1 of article 23 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation).

By virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of real estate (land plot, other real estate) has the right to demand from the owner of a neighboring land plot (and in some cases from the owner of another land plot) the right to limited use of this plot.

An easement can be introduced to ensure passage and passage through a neighboring land plot, the laying and operation of power lines, communications and pipelines, as well as for other needs of the owner of real estate that cannot be provided without an easement.

Thus, relations to establish an easement may arise if it is impossible to meet the needs of the owner of real estate.

It should be taken into account that the owner of the building must have an objective reason to satisfy his rights related to the passage of vehicles through someone else’s territory during the reconstruction of his building - for example, the impossibility of using other options for travel (access) to the building. This conclusion was made in the decisions of the Fifteenth Arbitration Court court of appeal dated March 13, 2014 No. 15AP-8444/2012, FAS Volga District dated January 30, 2008 in case No. A55-132/2007, etc.

Otherwise, the court may refuse to grant an easement to the organization (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated June 5, 2009 in case No. A42-2393/2008).

Possible design options

As for the agreement directly on the introduction of a private easement of a land plot, its conclusion is necessary if it is impossible to regulate relations within the framework of obligatory legal relations. This refers to a situation where the parties cannot conclude civil contract(for example, an agreement for the provision of paid services, etc.). However, concluding a lease agreement for a land plot and an agreement for the provision of paid services would allow one to avoid unnecessary formalities.

Thus, an easement is established by agreement between the person requiring the provision of the easement and the owner of the neighboring plot and is subject to state registration in the manner prescribed for registration of rights to real estate(Clause 3 of Article 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If no agreement is reached on the establishment or conditions of the easement, the dispute is resolved by the court at the request of the person claiming the easement.

At the same time, the proportionality of the payment for the use of a land plot (by the way, it may not be assigned) represents its compliance with the inconveniences and restrictions that the owner of the plot experiences in connection with the use of his land by the holder of the easement. The amount of such fee can be determined on the basis of assessment materials in accordance with the rules Federal Law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 21, 2009 No. D23-3470).

Important to remember

An easement can be established by a court in exceptional cases when the provision of this right is the only way to ensure the basic needs of the property owner.

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Industrial transport is divided into external and internal. External transport(rail, trackless and water) serves to connect the enterprise with the raw material base, parts production facilities, shipping finished products to places of consumption and removal of production waste. In-plant transport is located on the territory of the enterprise and is divided into railway, automobile and continuous (conveyor, hydraulic, pneumatic, monorail, cable-suspended). The type of transport is chosen depending on the nature, dimensions and weight of the goods being moved. At the same time, provision must be made to ensure a continuous transport process with the transfer of processed raw materials and materials from storage places to places of consumption without overloads.

Light industry enterprises use automobile transport, which is the most maneuverable. For transportation between workshops of piece goods of small mass in large quantities it is necessary to design overhead transport (conveyors, which should be unified system with in-shop conveyors). Hydraulic and pneumatic transport are used to move small amounts of materials and raw materials.

Laying transport communications on industrial enterprise carried out in accordance with the organization scheme technological process, zoning the territory according to the size of cargo turnover and the labor intensity of production, while observing the principles of separation of freight and human flows.

Cargo entrances the territory of the enterprise provides access for vehicles to the place of unloading or loading, to buildings or structures associated with transport operations. At enterprises on the side of the territory that is adjacent to a non-factory public road and has a length of more than 1 km, 2 entrances are provided with a distance of 0.5 km between them.

The width of gates for automobile entrances to the enterprise site is taken to be at least 4.5 m, and the width of gates for railway entrances is to be at least 4.9 m.

Net highways at the enterprise, whenever possible, they are organized according to a simple, straight-line scheme. Depending on the purpose and type of used Vehicle highways are divided into main roads, inter-shop roads, service roads and special purpose. Trunk(main) roads are usually a continuation of external roads and must provide access for vehicles to the main cargo yards and warehouses of the enterprise. Inter-shop roads are adjacent to main roads and provide vehicle access to industrial buildings. By serving On the road, cargo is transported only by electric vehicles, forklifts, and hand trucks.

Highways on the territory of the enterprise are designed according to dead-end, ring and mixed schemes. At dead-end road map for turning cars, loop detours or areas of at least 12x12 m in size are provided. mixed road scheme provide at least one ring covering the main part of the built-up area. At ring pattern provide for a ring road covering the main part of the territory.

Width of passages- the distance between the external axes of buildings limiting passage is taken to be minimal, based on the conditions for the most compact placement of transport routes, sidewalks, utilities and landscaping, but not less than the established fire and sanitary gaps between buildings and structures. The width of the passages is taken, if possible, as a multiple of 6 m. As a rule, one highway, except in cases where the construction of two parallel roads at different levels is caused by a steep slope.

The width of the carriageway of main and inter-shop roads is 3 or 6 m; the minimum width of entrances to the building is 4 m. For two-way traffic, the width of the road is taken to be at least 6 m; the radius of curvature of the internal factory road is more than 9 m.

Buildings and structures along their entire length must be provided with fire truck entrance: with a building width of up to 18 m - on one side, with a building width of more than 18 m - on both sides.

The minimum distance from the side stone or the edge of the reinforced shoulder of the road to the outer edge of the wall, including vestibules and extensions, should be taken:

  • if there is no entrance to the building and the length of the building is up to 20 m - 1.5 m;
  • the same for a building length of more than 20 m - 3.0 m;
  • if there is an entrance to the building for two-axle vehicles - 8.0 m; three-axle vehicles - 12.0 m.