New for motorists. Innovations for drivers: what new rules and fines await motorists

Every motorist needs to know about traffic rules changes in 2018, which should occur on January 1. From the beginning of the new year, some improvements and innovations related to compulsory motor liability insurance, excise taxes on fuel, fines, registration of PTS and some other aspects will come into force. We will help you figure out what will change on January 1, and you will remember this information and share it with your friends.

Key innovations

Let's start with the main innovations that await us on January 1, 2018. Not all of them are as pleasant as we would like, but nothing can be done. So, what will change for drivers next year and can we influence the planned events?

On January 1, 2018, excise taxes on fuel will be increased - this is one of the most unpleasant events that await motorists. Starting from the new year, excise tax rates on diesel fuel and gasoline will increase by 50 kopecks per liter. According to experts, diesel fuel and gasoline will rise in price by approximately 60 kopecks as a result. Later, namely on July 1, 2018, excise taxes will again be increased by 50 kopecks, that is, in the summer fuel will rise in price again - this is inevitable.

New in traffic rules

From January 1, 2018, a new unusual definition should appear in the traffic rules, which reads “calm traffic zone.” Accordingly, a new road sign will be introduced. Such a zone will oblige motorists to drive at speeds of up to 10-20 km/h without overtaking. Pedestrians walking in such a zone will be able to cross the roadway wherever they wish, and drivers will need to exercise caution. How and where such a zone will be installed is not yet very clear, but it will certainly be used.

In 2018 it is planned to introduce electronic form vehicle passports. The electronic PTS should appear on July 1. On the territory of European countries, this innovation appeared last summer, according to the decision of the Board of the Euro-Asian Economic Commission.

Switching to electronic technical certificate all information about the car owner will be saved and transferred to electronic format. It will be stored in the traffic police database. Therefore, when buying a car on the secondary market, everyone will have the opportunity to recognize it real story. It is also planned to include more detailed information about repairs, maintenance, etc. in the electronic document.

About fines based on video recordings

The government has approved a bill according to which, from January 1, 2018, motorists will be able to be fined based on video recordings received from third parties. In this case, no protocol will be required. There will be a release for this in the new year. mobile app called "People's Inspector". It has already been tested in Moscow and Tatarstan, and now it will begin to spread throughout all regions of the country.

Thanks to these changes, traffic police inspectors will be able to draw up decisions to attract drivers to administrative responsibility without drawing up a protocol. The main thing is that the violation is recorded by a video camera.

OSAGO in 2018

From January 2018, changes will be introduced regarding compulsory motor insurance of civil liability. There are quite a lot of improvements, and some of them are positive, so motorists will like them:

In the new year it is planned to introduce new form OSAGO. It will have a QR code located at the top right. It will allow you to receive information about the insurance contract on the RSA website online using Internet access. Not everyone understands why this is needed and who is it convenient for? Thanks to this code, using a special application on your phone, you can go to the RSA website to obtain the following detailed information:

  • name of the insurance company;
  • series and number, as well as the date of issue of the policy;
  • the start and end date of the transport operation period during the validity period of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy;
  • Full name of the car owner;
  • vehicle make and model, state registration plates, VIN code;
  • persons who are authorized to drive a vehicle.

This innovation is intended to combat counterfeit policies, which are becoming more and more numerous.

Cooling period

Motorists in Russia who have had to receive payments under MTPL are familiar with the term cooling period. During certain period the driver has the right to refuse unnecessary imposed insurance. Now this period is only five days, and from the new year it will increase to two weeks.

Changes in tariffs

There is a project to liberalize insurers, aimed at the Central Bank. It should bring a number of important changes. The main one is that from July 1, 2018 insurance organizations will themselves determine the size of the five coefficients on which the cost of the policy depends.

The name of the project of this document so: Proposals for the transition to free formation of tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance. The board of the RSA has already approved it, and now it’s up to the Central Bank. According to the proposal of the union of auto insurers, from July 1 the Central Bank will regulate only maximum size basic tariff for passenger cars individuals. The size of the coefficients on which the final cost of the policy will depend will be determined by the insurers themselves.

There are two options for liberalization. According to one of them, insurance companies will determine the coefficients themselves:

  • territorial;
  • by age and length of service;
  • by machine power;
  • on restrictions on persons allowed to drive;
  • on using a trailer.

According to the second scenario, insurance firms are asked to transfer four coefficients, instead of five. Also, according to the project, from 2020 the Central Bank must abandon regulation of prices for compulsory motor liability insurance policies, that is, insurers must control them themselves. It is still difficult to say whether this is good or bad for ordinary motorists.


From January 1, 2018, another significant innovation is planned, which is unlikely to please everyone. The ERA-GLONASS system will begin to transmit information about ongoing accidents to automated system OSAGO. In Moscow and St. Petersburg and their regions, an experiment is being conducted to register road accidents according to the European protocol. It is allowed insurance payment in the amount of up to 400 thousand rubles. How this will be implemented is still unclear, but we’ll see what happens in the new year.

About taxi

From January 2018, it is planned to introduce a number of important changes that will affect taxi services. A corresponding bill has already been submitted to the State Duma, according to which all dispatch services, aggregators and online services for ordering a taxi will be included in the legal framework.

Mandatory insurance for taxi drivers is called OSGOP, and not only taxi drivers, but also buses will be covered. Amendments are present in the mentioned bill. The OSGOP law appeared in 2013, and according to its provisions, persons engaged in passenger transportation must insure liability to passengers. The limit of payments under OSGOP is 2 million rubles, and under OSAGO they are limited to 500 thousand rubles. Also, according to the law, OSGOP will also cover damage to passengers’ luggage, which is limited to 23 thousand rubles with checks, and 11 thousand without checks.

About integrators and dispatchers

The bill also talks about the services of aggregators that post information about taxi services on Internet sites. In case of any incident, neither the taxi driver nor the aggregator has yet responded. The problem is the lack of real legal mechanism responsibility.

When calling a car via the Internet or an application, the passenger believes that the taxi driver works for a specific company. In reality, the car is often simply rented to a taxi company, which hands it over to the driver. Also, before the raid, drivers’ insurance and even their health status are not checked.

According to the new law, the actions of taxi companies and aggregators, as well as the drivers themselves, must be strictly defined and regulated. It will be clearly defined which of them and for what actions taken should be held accountable in case of violations. If the bill is adopted, the listed rules will come into force from the end of January next year.

Other changes for motorists in 2018

In the new year, drivers will expect other important changes that will affect only certain groups of motorists.

About school buses

According to a certain decree, number 652, a new ban on operation will appear school buses over ten years old. The ban will affect the organized transportation of groups of children, during which the use of a bus is allowed, less than ten years have passed since its release. The purpose and design characteristics of the vehicle must be suitable for transporting passengers. It will be necessary to have a tachograph and a GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS navigation system. This ban has been postponed several times, and from January 1, 2018 it is guaranteed to come into force!

Checking drivers before flights

New rules will come into force in 2018 pre-trip inspection drivers. They will be in mandatory check before and after flights. It is planned to use telemedicine technology, and medical examination reports will be issued in electronic format.

The exact procedure for organizing remote medical examination will still be developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that in Federal law No. 196, additions will be made to paragraphs 7 and 8 under Article 23.

Organizing examinations using telemedicine will provide faster and more accurate monitoring of drivers’ condition. Mandatory pre- and post-voyage inspections are required to detect signs of exposure to hazardous production factors, diseases and conditions that prevent the performance of duties at the proper level.

About EURO-5

In January of the new year, more stringent requirements for environmental standards for SUVs, buses and trucks will come into force - we are talking about the EURO-5 environmental class. Requirements to environmental class are prescribed in technical regulations Customs Union. According to the document, the EURO-4 requirement for trucks and buses will last until December 31, 2017, therefore, starting from the new year, the production of commercial vehicles with an environmental class below EURO-5 will be prohibited in the Russian Federation.

New fines

Code of Administrative Offenses



Aug.23 Excessive levels of pollutants or noise 500 rubles
12.1 part 1 Driving without registration or technical inspection From 500 to 800 rubles
12.1 part 2 Transporting passengers or dangerous goods without technical inspection From 500 to 800 rubles
12.2 part 1 Driving with an unreadable, non-standard or incorrectly installed license plate 500 rubles
12.2 part 2 Driving without a license plate or with materials that make it difficult to read 5000rubles or deprivation of rights 1 - 3 months
12.2 part 3 Setting up fake numbers 2500rubles - citizens, ↵from 15000 to 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 400000 to 500000 rubles - for legal entities
12.2 part 4 Driving with false license plates Deprivation of rights from 6 months to 1 year
12.3 part 1 Riding without registration documents with me 500 rubles
12.3 part 2 Driving without a license or carrying compulsory motor liability insurance with you 500 rubles
12.3 part 2.1 Transporting passengers without a permit to provide taxi services 5000 rubles
12.3 part 3 Transfer of control to a person who does not have rights 3000 rubles
12.4 part 1 Installation of non-standard xenon and inappropriate lighting devices at the front 3000rubles - for citizens, ↵from 15000 to 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 400000 to 500000 rubles - for legal entities.
12.4 part 2 Illegal installation of a taxi lamp, special light or sound signals, or a “Disabled Person” sign 5000rubles - for citizens, ↵ 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 500000 rubles - for legal entities.
12.4 part 3 Illegal marking of emergency services or taxis 5000rubles - for citizens, ↵ 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 500000 rubles - for legal entities.
12.5 part 1 Management of faulty transport 500 rubles
12.5 part 2 Driving with faulty brakes, steering wheel or clutch 500 rubles
12.5 part 3 Driving with abnormal xenon, inappropriate lighting devices Deprivation of rights from 6 months. up to 1 year
12.5 part 3.1 Driving with inappropriate tint 500 rubles
12.5 part 4 Driving with illegal light or sound signal devices
12.5 part 4.1 Driving with an illegal taxi light or "Disabled" sign 5000 rubles
12.5 p.5 Driving using illegal devices for sound or light signals Deprivation of rights from 1.5 to 2 years
12.5 part 6 Driving with illegal color graphics of operational services Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year to 1.5 years
12.5 part 7 Driving with illegal taxi colors 5000 rubles
June 12 Violation of the rules for using seat belts and motorcycle helmets 1000 rubles
12.7 part 1 Driving without a license From 5000 to 15000 rubles
12.7 part 2 Driving after disqualification 30000rubles, or arrest until 15 days
12.7 part 3 Transfer of control to a person without rights or deprived of rights 30,000 rubles
12.8 part 1 Driving while intoxicated 300001, 5 to 2 years
12.8 part 2 Transferring control to a person while intoxicated 30000rubles with deprivation of rights for a period of 1.5 to 2 years
12.8 part 3 Driving while intoxicated and without a license 30000rubles or arrest for a period of 10 to 15 days
12.9 part 2 Exceeding the speed limit by 20 – 40 km/h 500 rubles
12.9 part 3 Exceeding the speed limit by 40 – 60 km/h From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.9 part 4 Exceeding the speed limit by 60 – 80 km/h From 2000 to 2500 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months
12.10 p.1 Driving through railway tracks at a prohibiting signal, outside a crossing or stopping on the tracks 1000rubles or deprivation of rights from 3 to 6 months
12.10 p.2 Violation of rules for crossing railway crossings 1000 rubles
12.10 p.3 Driving through railway tracks at a prohibitory signal, outside a crossing or stopping on the tracks (repeatedly) Deprivation of rights 1 year
12.11 part 1 Driving on a highway in slow-moving vehicles or stopping 1000 rubles
12.11 part 2 Driving on the highway: by truck beyond the 2nd lane, practice driving 1000 rubles
12.11 part 3 U-turn, movement in reverse on the motorway, entering the technical gap 2500 rubles
12.12 p.1 Running a red light or a traffic controller prohibiting it 1000 rubles
12.12 p.2 Failure to stop before the stop line 800 rubles
12.13 p.1 Entering an intersection in case of a traffic jam 1000 rubles
12.13 p.2 Did not give way at an intersection 1000 rubles
12.14 p.1 Didn't turn on the turn signal before the maneuver
12.14 part 1.1 Didn't change lanes before turning, turning, stopping Warning or 500 rubles
12.14 p.2 Turning or reversing in in the wrong place 500 rubles
12.14 p.3 Didn't give way Warning or 500 rubles
12.15 p.1 Driving in the wrong lane or shoulder, taking a place in a column fine 1500 rubles
12.15 p.2 Driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks 2000 rubles
12.15 p.3 Departure to oncoming lane or oncoming tram tracks when going around an obstacle From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.15 p.4 Driving into the oncoming lane, oncoming tram tracks 5000rubles or deprivation of rights to 4 - 6 months
12.15 p.5 Driving into the oncoming lane, oncoming tram tracks (repeat)
12.16 p.1 Failure to comply with road signs or markings Warning or 500 rubles
12.16 p.2 Turn left or make a U-turn in the wrong place From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.16 p.3 Movement towards one way road Deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months. or fine 5000 rubles with automatic fixation
12.16 part 3.1 Driving towards you on a one-way road (repeat) Deprivation of rights for 1 year or a fine of 5000 rubles with automatic fixation
12.16 p.4 Parking in the wrong place 1500 rubles
12.16 p.5 Parking in the wrong place (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 3000 rubles
12.17 part 1.1 Driving or stopping in a bus lane 1500 rubles
12.17 p.1 Did not give way to minibuses or vehicles with special signals 500 rubles
12.17 part 1.2 Driving or stopping on a lane for fixed-route transport (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 3000 rubles
12.17 p.2 Not inferior to special vehicles with a flashing light and an audible signal 500rubles or deprivation of rights to 1 - 3 months
12.18 Did not yield to pedestrians, cyclists From 1500 to 2000 rubles
12.19 p.1 Violation of parking rules 500 rubles
12.19 p.2 Violation of parking rules in disabled spaces 5000 rubles
12.19 p.3 Parking at pedestrian crossing, in front of him or on the sidewalk 1000 rubles
12.19 part 3.1 Parking at bus stops 1000 rubles
12.19 part 3.2 Parking on tram tracks or in the second row 1500 rubles
12.19 p.4 Parking obstructing traffic 2000 rubles
12.19 p.5 Violation of parking rules (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 2500 rubles
12.20 Violation of the rules for using headlights, sound signals, and emergency signs 500 rubles
12.21 p.1 Violation of the rules for transporting goods, towing 500 rubles
12.21.1 part 1 Large/heavy transport: oversize up to 10 cm, overload up to 10% From 1000 to 1500 rubles - for citizens, ↵from 10000 to 15000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 100000 to 150000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 2 Large/heavy transport: oversize up to 20 cm, overload up to 20% From 3000 to 4000 rubles - for citizens, ↵from 25000 to 30000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 250,000 to 300,000 for – legal. persons
12.21.1 part 3 Large/heavy transport: oversize up to 50 cm, overload up to 50% From 5000 to 10000 2 - 4 months, ↵from 35000 to 40000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 350000 to 400000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 3.1 Provided by shipper false information about the weight and dimensions of the cargo 5000rubles - for citizens, ↵from 10000 to 15000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 200000 to 400000 rubles - in legal terms. Persons
12.21.1 part 4 Large/heavy transport: exceeding dimensions up to 20 cm, overload up to 20% (by special permit) From 3000 to 3500 rubles - for citizens, ↵from 20000 to 25000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 200000 to 250000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 5 Large/heavy transport: dimensions exceeding up to 50 cm, overload up to 50% (by special permit) From 4000 to 5000 rubles - for citizens or deprivation of rights for a period of 2 - 3 months, ↵from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 300000 to 400000 rubles - for legal entities
12.21.2 part 1 Transportation of dangerous goods without permits From 2000 to 2500 rubles - on citizens or deprivation of rights to 4 - 6 months, ↵from 15000 to 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 400000 to 500000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.2 part 2 Violation of the rules for transporting dangerous goods From 1000 to 1500 rubles - for citizens, ↵from 5000 to 10000 rubles - on due persons,↵from 150000 to 250000 rubles - for legal entities
12.22 Violation of driving instructional rules by a driver teaching driving 500 rubles
12.23 p.1 Violation of the rules for transporting people 500 rubles
12.23 p.2 Transporting people outside the cabin 1000 rubles
12.24 p.1 Violation of traffic rules resulting in causing lung harm to health From 2500 to 5000 1 year to 1.5 years
12.24 p.2 Violation of traffic rules resulting in moderate harm to health From 10000 to 25000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1.5 years to 2 years
12.25 p.1 Failure to provide transport to police officers 500 rubles
12.25 p.2 Failure to stop at the request of a police officer From 500 to 800 rubles
12.25 p.3 Failure to stop on military transport at the request of authorized persons From 500 to 800 rubles
12.26 p.1 Refusal medical examination 300001, 5 to 2 years
12.26 p.2 Refusal of a medical examination by a person without rights Arrest for a period of 10 to 15 days or a fine of 30,000 rubles
12.27 p.1 Failure to fulfill duties in case of an accident 1000 rubles
12.27 p.2 Leaving the scene of an accident by the driver Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year to 1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days
12.27 p.3 Drinking alcohol before being examined in case of an accident 30000rubles with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1.5 to 2 years
12.28 p.1 Violation of traffic rules residential areas 1500 rubles
12.28 p.2 Violation of traffic rules in residential areas (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 3000 rubles
12.29 p.1 Violation Traffic rules for pedestrians or a passenger Warning or 500 rubles
12.29 p.2 Traffic violation on a bicycle 800 rubles
12.29 p.3 Violating traffic rules on a bicycle while intoxicated From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.30 p.1 Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or passenger that interferes with traffic 1000 rubles
12.30 p.2 Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or passenger causing victim of harm health From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.31 p.1 Release of transport onto the line without registration or technical inspection 500rubles - on due persons,↵ 50000 rubles - for legal entities
12.31.1 part 1 Transportation in violation professional requirements to employees 20000rubles - on due persons, 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31.1 part 2 Transportation without medical examination of drivers 3000rubles for citizens,↵ 5000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 30000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31.1 part 3 Transportation without control technical condition transport 3000rubles - for citizens, ↵ 5000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 30000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31 p.2 Release of vehicles with faults onto the line From 5000 to 8000 rubles
12.31 p.3 Release onto the line of vehicles with false license plates or with inappropriate lighting devices From 15000 to 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 50000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31 p.4 Release onto the line of vehicles with illegal color graphics of special services or special signals 20000rubles - on due persons,↵ 50000 rubles for legal entities persons
12.32 Permission to drive a driver without a license or in a state of intoxication 20000rubles - for debtors, 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.33 Damage to roads, railway crossings or other road structures From 5000 to 10000 rubles - for citizens, ↵ 25000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 300000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.34 p.1 Failure to comply with safety requirements when repairing roads From 20000 to 30000 rubles - on duty persons,↵From 200000 to 300000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.35 Illegal restriction of rights to drive transport 2000rubles - for citizens, ↵ 20000 rubles - for debtors
12.36.1 Using your phone while driving 1500 rubles
12.37 p.1 The driver is not included in the OSAGO insurance policy, or the policy has expired 500 rubles
12.37 p.2 Lack of compulsory motor liability insurance policy 800 rubles
11.29 p.1 From 100,000 to 150,000 rubles
11.29 p.2 International transport without permits From 150,000 to 200,000 rubles
11.23 p.1 No tachograph or tachograph does not meet the requirements From 1000 to 3000 rubles - for citizens, from 5000 to 10000 rubles - on duty persons
11.23 p.2 Violation of work and rest schedule by the driver From 1000 to 3000 rubles
11.26 Use of transport of foreign carriers on the territory of the Russian Federation From 150,000 to 200,000 rubles
11.27 International transportation without number From 200 to 500 rubles
12.9 p.5 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h 5000rubles or deprivation of rights to 6 months
12.9 part 6 Exceeding the speed limit by 40 – 60 km/h (repeatedly) From 2000 to 2500 rubles
12.9 p.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 60 km/h (repeatedly) Deprivation of rights for 1 year or 5000 rubles with automatic fixation
12.16 p.6 Violation of the truck ban 500 rubles
12.16 p.7 Violation of the ban on the movement of trucks (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 5000 rubles
12.19 p.6 Parking at a pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, bus stop, tram tracks (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 3000 rubles
12.21.1 part 6 Large/heavy transport: dimensions exceeding more than 50cm, overload more than 50% From 7000 to 10000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months - for citizens, from 45000 to 50000 rubles - on due persons, from 400000 to 500000 rubles for legal entities persons
12.21.1 part 7 Violation of traffic rules for large/heavy vehicles From 1000 to 1500 rubles - for citizens, from 5000 to 10000 rubles - on due persons, from 50000 to 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 8 From 1500 to 2000 rubles - for citizens, from 15000 to 20000 rubles - on due persons, from 200000 to 300000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 9 Provision by the shipper of false information about the cargo 5000rubles - for citizens, from 25000 to 35000 rubles - on due persons, from 350000 to 400000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 hour 10 Loading in excess of the norm (legal entities) From 80000 to 100000 rubles - for individual entrepreneurs, from 250000 to 400000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.21.1 part 11 Exceeding the permissible vehicle weight or axle load 5000 rubles
12.21.3 part 1 Movement of vehicles heavier than 12t on roads without payment 5000 rubles
12.21.3 part 2 Traffic of vehicles heavier than 12t on roads without payment (repeat) 10,000 rubles
12.23 p.3 Violation of requirements for the transportation of children 3000 rubles
12.32.1 Permission to drive a driver without a Russian license 50000rubles - on due persons
19.22 p.1 Violation of vehicle registration rules From 1500 to 2000 rubles - for citizens, from 2000 to 3000 rubles - on due persons, from 5000 to 10000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.23 p.4 Organized transportation of a group of children by bus without documents 3000rubles for citizens,↵ 25000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.23 p.5 Violation of requirements for transporting children at night 5000rubles or deprivation of rights to 4 — 6 months on citizens,↵ 50000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 200000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.23 p.6 Violation of requirements organized transportation groups of children 25000rubles - on due persons,↵ 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31.1 part 4 Transportation in violation of safety requirements under special conditions 2500rubles for citizens,↵ 20000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 100000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31.1 part 5 Transportation without driver instructions 10000rubles - on due persons,↵ 30000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.31.1 part 6 Transportation in violation of safety rules 1500rubles for citizens,↵ 10000 rubles - on due persons,↵ 25000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
12.34 p.2 Failure to comply with safety requirements during road repairs, resulting in harm to health From 50000 to 100000 rubles - on duty persons,↵From 400000 to 500000 rubles - in legal terms. persons
11.29 p.3 International transportation without a notice of elimination of the violation From 25,000 to 30,000 rubles
12.15 part 1.1 Didn't let traffic pass when driving slower than 30 km/h From 1000 to 1500 rubles
12.12 p.3 Running a red light or a traffic controller prohibiting it (repeatedly) 5000rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months
12.1 part 1.1 Driving without registration or technical inspection (repeat) 5000rubles or deprivation of rights from 1 to 3 months

In 2017, a number of changes to the rules were adopted and introduced traffic. New traffic police laws are designed to strengthen safety measures on the road. Certain amendments were made to existing laws in order to optimize some issues.

The new traffic police laws have affected all car owners to one degree or another. The main aspects of the innovations will be discussed below.

Since the beginning of 2017 the ERA-GLONASS system becomes mandatory for all cars. It is prescribed that in passenger cars such a system must have an automatic accident notification function. In connection with this innovation, a ban is introduced on the import of foreign cars without this system. Exceptions are those machines for which the design safety certificate was issued before January 1, 2017.

New law on traffic police fines for lack of technical inspection provides the following tariffs:

  • the first penalty for lack of technical inspection will be 500-800 rubles, a ban on further operation of the vehicle is possible;
  • repeated fine is determined by the amount from 5 thousand, deprivation is allowed driver's license up to three months.

The amendments will affect owners of all vehicles.

New laws in the traffic police affected novice drivers. These are considered to be those car owners whose driving experience is less than two years. Traffic police law on novice drivers of March 24, 2017 introduced the following regulations:

  • It is prohibited to tow vehicles;
  • Carrying passengers on motorcycles and mopeds is not allowed;
  • It is mandatory to have a “novice driver” sign.

Along with these provisions, new laws in the traffic police prescribe mandatory presence of the following signs:

  • road train;
  • thorns;
  • transportation of children;
  • deaf driver;
  • educational vehicle;
  • Speed ​​Limit;
  • dangerous goods;
  • large cargo;
  • low-speed vehicle;
  • long vehicle;
  • novice driver.

If the corresponding sign must be available and it is missing, the traffic police inspector new traffic rules from April 4 has the right to prohibit further use of the car.

On March 23, 2017, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, which introduced some changes to driver's license replacement:

  • if re-issuance is not carried out due to the expired validity period, a new certificate is issued for 10 years;
  • it is allowed to change rights according to at will, without specifying a reason.

Since 2017, traffic police laws have been actively implemented system electronic documents . She touched upon MTPL policies, as well as the vehicle passport.

According to the new traffic police laws, a fine of 5 thousand rubles for dangerous driving. The term was introduced in 2016 and implies the following actions:

  • refusal to give way to a vehicle having the right of way;
  • changing lanes or other maneuvers during heavy traffic, with the exception of cases of a controlled turn, stopping or avoiding an obstacle;
  • refusal to maintain a minimum distance from vehicles moving ahead;
  • failure to comply with lateral distance regulations;
  • sudden braking, if it is not related to preventing an accident;
  • carrying out maneuvers that prevent overtaking.

A number of amendments to the traffic police laws affected the following aspects of traffic rules:

  • adoption is expected from September 1, 2017 traffic police law on tires, dressed inappropriately for the current season, a fine of 2 thousand is expected;
  • according to the new traffic police laws payment is canceled transport tax for large families;
  • allowed purchasing vehicles for disabled people at the expense of budgetary funds;
  • parking places receive real estate status, requirements for their design and size are developed;
  • according to the new traffic police laws, entry into cities or certain areas becomes paid, the situation is subject to regional regulations to control traffic and environmental conditions;
  • rise tariffs according to the “Platon” system within the framework of the provisions adopted in 2015;
  • is being developed legislative initiative, according to which traffic police and traffic police officers will have to wear their own DVR- it is assumed that such a law will exclude illegal actions traffic police inspectors.

Special mention should be made of new law Traffic rules from April 10, 2017. Information that drivers will be required to ride with helmets without an airbag, was refuted by an official statement from a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What do you know about installing a towbar on a car? Do I need to register a towbar for a passenger car? Answers


The new traffic police laws have affected one of the most important issues for car owners - the MTPL policy. In addition to the introduction of its electronic version, the following came into force in 2017: changes:

  • the insurance company does not allocate money to the victim, but transfers it to a repair company with which it has concluded a corresponding agreement;
  • control over the insurer in fulfilling its obligations is strengthened;
  • the repair period is determined by a maximum value of 30 days, for each day of delay a fine of 0.5% of the total amount is charged;
  • It is not allowed to use used parts for repairs;
  • independent examination is abolished;
  • The period for filing complaints to the MTPL insurer has been increased to 10 days;
  • minimum validity period insurance policy OSAGO - one year.

The amendments imply an increase in the insurance cost coefficient according to the quantity traffic violations. If there are more than 35 of them per year, the cost of the policy increases more than three times.

Transportation of children

New traffic police laws regulate amendments to the rules for transporting children:

  • child under 7 years old may only be transported in special chairs;
  • child from 7 to 11 years old may be transported in the rear seat using specially adapted seat belts;
  • children under 12 years old It is not allowed to be transported in the front seat without a special car seat;
  • not allowed to leave child under 7 years old one person in the car, a fine of up to 500 rubles is expected;
  • It is not allowed to transport children on buses whose age over 10 years old.

Notification for group transportation of children in electronic format is submitted to the traffic police department no later than two days before it takes place. The driver and vehicle are checked for compliance and a permit is issued.

The New Year, as usual, is marked for motorists by a number of laws coming into force. This time, the New Year's “gift” to drivers was not only fines and violations, but also very pleasant and useful opportunities...

Increasing the “cooling period”

Let's start with the pleasant things. New rules for issuing policies come into force on January 1 voluntary insurance CASCO. For many years, motorists have complained that insurers impose unnecessary CASCO insurance on them and refuse to issue insurance without it. mandatory policy OSAGO.

A way to combat the arbitrariness of insurance companies was invented last year - this is the so-called “cooling period”. It represents five days during which the car owner can refuse CASCO. After the introduction of this rule, the number of complaints about the imposition of unnecessary services decreased threefold, but drivers often do not have five days to submit a complaint.

In this regard, starting from the New Year, the “cooling period” will be increased to 14 days - this time is certainly enough to get the insurer to return the money.

Registration of road accidents using GLONASS

Owners of cars equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system will receive new opportunities. They will be able to install a special button in the car, which will greatly simplify the process of registering an accident.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN / Komsomolskaya Pravda

In the event of a minor accident in which no one was injured, there will be no need to call the traffic police; it is enough to press the GLONASS notification button within 10 minutes after the accident and the system itself will record everything necessary - the location of the accident, the position of the cars, the speed at the time of the incident, etc.

The driver will only have to take a photo general view incidents, car numbers, traces and objects related to the accident, and you can safely drive away. Moreover, for such a simplified registration of an accident, it is enough that at least one of the participants in the accident has a GLONASS warning system.

Increase in excise taxes on gasoline

A little bit of good stuff, let’s move on to less pleasant innovations. Excise taxes on fuel in 2018 will rise by as much as a ruble per liter. The increase will take place in two stages - from January 1 by 50 kopecks and by the same amount from July 1.

This will affect motorists sharp growth gasoline prices. So prepare yourself mentally - according to experts, fuel prices after the New Year will jump up by 60-80 kopecks. Accordingly, the same thing will happen in the summer.

Reflective vests

The other day, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree amending the traffic rules. Now when you stop outside settlement at night, the driver is required to wear a jacket, vest or cape with stripes of reflective material. The document will come into force 90 days from the date of signing, that is, March 16.


True, the traffic rules have not yet provided for liability for violating the new rule, so in practice the rule can be ignored for some time without fear of running into a fine.

Fine for tinting

Already from January 1, the State Duma planned to increase the fine for tinting by 10 times. The current penalty for this violation is only 500 rubles, and many drivers prefer to pay this small amount occasionally and continue driving with tinted windows.

At the initiative of the deputy " United Russia» Vyacheslav Lysakov, legislators raised the fine to 5,000 rubles. However, the bill did not have time to go through all the necessary approvals before the New Year, and it will now have to be finally approved in March. It is planned that the changes will come into force in the spring.

Photo: Gennady BISENOV / Komsomolskaya Pravda

Transition to electronic PTS

From July 1 next year, paper PTS will finally go into oblivion. Go to electronic passports cars will allow drivers to say goodbye to the problem of losing and restoring a document. Companies will benefit even more from this innovation - savings on the purchase of paper forms and costs associated with their logistics will amount to about 1 billion rubles.

A towbar is defined as a towing device designed to connect a trailer or van to a passenger car. This device is used by many motorists. However, due to recent changes in legislation, actual question, under what conditions the tow bar is installed on the car.

A separate law regulating exclusively the use of a towbar on a car, traffic rules not provided. The main provision that traffic police inspectors address is Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This instruction provides a list of equipment installed on the vehicle for which penalties are due.

There is no separate tow bar in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However last changes and the comments to them prescribe that this device is that addition to the vehicle, the unauthorized installation of which entails a fine.

Next we turn to Technical regulations“On the safety of wheeled vehicles” TR TS 018/2011. This law involves making changes to the structure of the car. If these are provided by the manufacturer, then they are considered regulated, that is, legal.

Changes in the laws on towbars provide for its operation in the presence of:

  • device passports with data on its installation filled out by the service center;
  • copies of the certificate of the mounted device;
  • certificate of completed work on its installation.

The solution to the question of whether it is possible to install a towbar according to the new law depends on the installation procedure performed.

Procedure for installing a tow bar

For legal installation of the towbar in accordance with legal norms take into account certain procedure:

  • are determined with the possibility of installation - a car must be designed for towing a trailer; the manufacturer provides a special place for the towbar;
  • choose a unit from the manufacturer, coordinating the choice with the model and make of the car;
  • turn to a car service for installation with further paperwork;
  • receive documents for installing a tow bar and register it with the traffic police.

Register the device with the traffic police not necessary, if complied with conditions:

  • installation is provided by the vehicle manufacturer;
  • the device has a passport and a certificate proving the legality of its installation;
  • the device was installed according to the instructions without making changes to the design of the car, that is, drilling, welding and other actions were not carried out.

Registration of a tow bar with the traffic police is meant in a situation where installation is carried out independently or changes are made to the design of the machine. Registration costs vary depending on the type of vehicle and the cost of the device itself. For registration are provided documentation:

  • application for registration, its form for filling out is offered on the spot;
  • double-sided copy of PTS;
  • documents for the tow bar;
  • car registration certificate.

Based on application an examination is organized to determine the possibility of using the specified device. Based on its results, the car owner must collect certain documents:

  • a diagnostic card confirming the safety of the vehicle being used;
  • contract for the purchase of a tow bar and other papers related to its use, including a certificate;
  • declaration from the car service center where the device was installed;
  • expert decision on the possibility of operating the vehicle.

Based on the above list, the driver is issued certificate, confirming the legality of using the tow bar.

What is the fine for a towbar without a trailer?

The new law on towed devices according to the Technical Regulations and Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation defines fine for illegal use of a tow bar of 500 rubles. At the same time, an alternative is prescribed - verbal warning. Based on this, the question arises as to how collection can be avoided.

Those drivers who have been free of offenses for a long time are more likely to be successful in calling for a warning. Traffic police inspectors do not often pay attention to the presence of a tow bar on a vehicle without a trailer. But even the most conscientious will be loyal to law-abiding citizens.

An excellent solution would be to use a removable tow bar. In this case, the traffic police inspector will not be able to interpret the device as negatively affecting the safety of the vehicle. The presence of all documents completely exempts the driver from penalties.

The driver of the car can refer to paragraph 77 of Chapter 5 of the said Technical Regulations. According to its provisions, a vehicle is not tested for safety if it is equipped with supplementary devices, provided that:

  • the installed units have a factory purpose;
  • there is a certificate of suitability for use on this vehicle;
  • availability of documentation from the manufacturer and compliance with the brand and model of the machine being used.

It will not be possible to evade collection if the device is homemade or if changes were made to the design of the car during its installation. In this situation, you will need identification documents from the traffic police; if they are missing, a fine will be issued.