Okpd 2 with decoding by type of activity. All-Russian classifiers assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

The history of the appearance of the new OKPD 2 (all-Russian classifier of products by type economic activity) and its structure, determining the exact code according to the current classifier, as well as how to avoid problems when assigning a code, this article will help.

With the help of our article you will be able to:

    find out the structure of the current one since January 2017. OKPD 2;

    validity period of the old and new classifiers;

    accurately determine the product code according to OKPD 2;

    get acquainted with the history of improving the classifier from OKP to OKPD 2

What is OKPD

OKPD (all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity) isunified state standard Russian Federation . Products National economy from all areas of activity are included in unified system codes and classification. In particular, it affects the areas of standardization, economics, accounting and statistics.

Distinctive features of OKPD 2 from old classifiers

Until the beginning of this year, OKPD (OK 034-2007) was used during procurement.

Currently, the organization and search of tenders by contract specialists should be carried out according to OKPD 2. It corresponds to the classification and coding of types of products of state statistics of the Russian Federation. It is also used to prepare information for presentation internationally. OKPD 2 includes 6 characters of the product code plus contains a description of the corresponding position from the 2008 European Economic Community classifier.

Important! All possible cases national characteristics are registered using the correlation of groupings of the European classifier.

The new current code classifier is detailed in more detail.

OKPD 2 uses the hierarchy classification method and the sequential coding method. Nowthe code is structured, it includes from two to nine digits. The code structure can be represented as follows:

XX - class

XX.X - subclass

XX.XX - group

XX.XX.X - subgroup

XX.XX.XX - view

The number of sections (sections) compared to the old classifiers increased from 17 to 21. However,the number of groups has almost halved. In the old OK 034-2007 there were 38,914, in the new OKPD 2 there are now only 17,416 groups.

Distinctive feature of OKPD 2 from its predecessors:single-letter Latin letters from A to U, denoting 21 sections, do not take part in coding. OKPD 2 codes, consisting of 2-4 Arabic digits, are consistent with OKVED 2 codes, orOK 029-2014, i.e. with codes for designating types of economic activity. This new addition for contract managers is effective from 01/01/2017.

History of the transition from OKP to OKPD

Several dozen organizations with participationIn 1994, the All-Russian Research Market Institute (VNIIKI) developed and put into operation the first classifier of Russian goods. It got the nameOK 005-93 (OKP). It replaced the previously existing Soviet All-Union Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products 1 75 044.

In 2008, OK 005-93 was finalized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, and OK 034-2007 (OKPD) - the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity - came into force.

Rosstandart, by order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014, planned to cancel the OKPD from January 1, 2016. However, at the end of 2015, an additional order was issued (Order of Rosstandart dated November 10, 2015 No. 1745-st) to extend the use of OKPD for another year until January 2017.

The problem of assigning OKPD 2 codes by the customer when placing a purchase on the UIS or on the electronic trading platform

Since 2016, the state customer, according to Federal Law 44, is obliged to assign a code; in case of violation, he bears administrative responsibility both the government customer and the official.

Errors in code assignment do not make it possible to increase the relevance of the request, and this is used by unscrupulous customers to hide the tender from the user.

To find a tender, you have to transfer goods and services to other OKP or HS Classifiers and back to OKPD 2 and compare data sets, which makes a quick search difficult and increases labor costs.

For an example, see the table for the product name “control cabinet”

Code Directory Code name Frequency (number of purchases where the name appears) Purchase amount in rubles
1 OKPD 2 Parts of electrical distribution or control equipment 17 2 513 033
2 OKPD 2 Pumps for liquids, not included in other groups, other 14 5 440 508
3 OKPD 2 Panels and other sets of electrical switching or protection equipment for voltages not exceeding 1 kV 13 13 275 304
4 OKPD 2 Other refrigeration equipment 10 1 039 229
5 OKPD 2 Other metal cabinets 10 5 555 672
6 OKPD 2 Panels and other sets of electrical switching or protection equipment for voltages over 1 kV 9 2 264 410

Our program solves this problem using a full-text search using keywords and expressions that can be obtained from a database of tenders for past customer contracts. Full instructions For full-text search, see the “Help - Tender Department Management” section on the page here.

For the purchase of paper for copying and duplicating machines, is it necessary to set admission conditions according to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated March 24, 2014 No. 155 “On the conditions for admission of goods originating from foreign countries, for the purpose of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure government and municipal needs", if OKPD code 2 is specified?


Is the customer obligated to use an Independent Registrar?

Read in the article the answer to the question: Is it now necessary to use an Independent registrar in the UIS or is it at the discretion of the customer?

For code OKPD2 “Other printed paper”, the admission conditions provided for by Order No. 155 are not applied by the customer. Because, this code OKPD2 is not included in the list of OKPD2 codes, which are provided in the table of Order No. 155.

How can a customer use OKPD2 codes: examples and practice of the FAS

Customers select OKPD2 codes when describing the procurement object. If you indicate the wrong code, you will limit competition or choose the wrong procurement method. In this case, pay a fine and waste time on proceedings with the FAS. I’ll tell you what OKPD2 is and how to use it, using examples from the practice of customers and the antimonopoly service.

What is OKPD2

OKPD2 is an all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity. The classifier was approved by Rosstandart by order dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. By the same order, Rosstandart canceled the OKP, OKPD, OKDP and OKUN classifiers from January 1, 2017.

The OKPD2 code has a hierarchical structure:

If the species is not divided into categories, then the 7th–9th characters of the code are zeros. For example, – “Vegetable beans”. In other cases, signs 7 and 8 have values ​​greater than zero - “Zucchini”. The ninth digit will be greater than zero only if there is a subcategory : “Digital ammeters.”

Example: how products are divided according to OKPD2 codes

The hierarchy of OKPD2 codes for agricultural products looks like this.

In what cases do customers use OKPD2?

Customers use OKPD2 codes when determining the object of purchase. At the same time, Law No. 44-FZ does not require that OKPD2 be indicated in plans, schedules, notices and other procedural documents. In practice, customers use OKPD2 in four cases.

Case 1. The customer generates a purchase identification code. IKZ consists of 36 digits. The numbers from 30 to 33 in the IKZ are formed using OKPD2 information - the first four digits of the code are taken. For example, a customer buys medicinal plants. Product code according to OKPD2 – The IKZ will include the numbers 02.30. For details on how to form an IKZ, read the recommendations.

Case 2. The customer publishes information in the Unified Information System. Customers indicate OKPD2 codes when they place plans, schedules, and notices in the UIS. There are no such requirements in Law No. 44-FZ, however, the functionality of the site will not allow publishing information about procurement without the OKPD2 code. The customer selects the required code from the list offered by the EIS.

Case 3. The customer establishes the benefits or Additional requirements to participants, as well as restrictions on the purchase of certain goods. To do this, use OKPD2 codes from the lists approved by the Government or the Ministry of Economic Development, in particular:

  • preferences for participants who supply goods from the EAEU (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated March 25, 2014 No. 155);
  • benefits for enterprises of the penal system (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 649);
  • restrictions on the purchase of foreign radio-electronic goods (Government Decree of September 26, 2016 No. 968);
  • prohibitions on the purchase of engineering goods (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 656);
  • restrictions on the purchase of medical devices from other countries (Government Decree No. 102 of February 5, 2015);
  • additional requirements for procurement participants (Government Decree No. 99 of February 4, 2015);
  • list of goods, works and services that customers, according to Law No. 223-FZ, buy in electronic form(Government Decree of June 21, 2012 No. 616).

If the procurement object code is included in one of the listed lists, apply the rules normative act, which approved the list.

Case 4. The customer chooses the procurement method. The Government has determined goods, works and services that customers have the right to buy only at auction - the auction list (Government Order No. 471-r dated March 21, 2016).

To choose the right procurement method, customers check the OKPD2 codes in the list.

How to choose OKPD2

Rosstandart listed OKPD2 codes in the classifier dated January 31, 2014 No. 034-2014. Find required code in the classifier you can use the name of the procurement object.

The “Define the exact OKPD2 code for purchases” will help you quickly find out the code. Just enter keyword in the search bar of the wizard, for example “sand-lime brick” or “brick”, click on the desired name and click the “Define” button.

The master also works in the reverse order - the customer can recognize the product, work or service by the OKPD2 code. Write the required code and click “Define”.

Sometimes there are two OKPD2 codes for the same product. This is due to the fact that Rosstandart abolished OKPD, OKUN, OKDP and OKP, and the Ministry of Economic Development developed keys for the transition from the old classifiers to OKPD2. If you are purchasing products that have two codes, choose OKPD2, which more accurately describes the object of purchase.

The customer must require participants to submit a registration certificate for the microtome in the second part of the application, since medical devices must be registered. Roszdravnadzor registers medical devices. Registration certificates are published on the department’s website. The certificate for the microtome indicates OKP code 94 4330 (Part 4 of Article 38 of the Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ and Clause 3 of the Rules from Government Decree of December 27, 2012 No. 1416).

Since OKP codes are no longer valid from January 1, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development has made a conversion table from which you can determine the OKPD2 code by the OKP code. Using the table, the customer found out that for code 94 4330 the OKPD2 code was set to

The customer described the procurement object with a code from the table of the Ministry of Economic Development - With this code, the customer has the right to require a registration certificate from participants. If you specify a code that does not respond registration certificate, and demand an identification from the participant, then you will violate Part 6 of Article 66 of Law No. 44-FZ. For this employee contract service will be fined from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. (Part 4 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How will a customer be punished for an incorrect OKPD2 code?

Controllers punish customers who, due to an incorrect OKPD2 code, violate Law No. 44-FZ. A fine is imposed on three grounds.

1. The procurement object was described biasedly due to an incorrect OKPD2 code. In this case, violate paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. The contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (Part 4.2 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

2. We chose the purchasing method by mistake due to the wrong code. Let’s say you bought products from the auction list at a competition. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 30,000 or 50,000 rubles. (Parts 1 and 2 of Article 7.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

3. Incorrectly set restrictions or provided benefits due to incorrect code. The contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (Part 4.2 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Customer inspectors do not fine customers for incorrect OKPD2 code in procurement documentation. In Law No. 44-FZ and subsidiary legislation normative legal acts There is no requirement to indicate OKPD2 codes in any procurement documents. Therefore, controllers have no right to fine for incorrect code. The conclusions are confirmed by the Ministry of Economic Development in a letter dated April 18, 2016 No. D28i-1033 and the Crimean OFAS in a decision dated February 17, 2017 No. 06/262-17.

Download also information:
About the purpose, principles of construction and implementation of OKPD in information. state system statistics (doc)
Answers to questions on product identification received from enterprises and organizations in the process of introducing OKPD into the state system. statistics (doc)

OKPD is designed to solve the following problems:
- for classification and coding of products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics;
- for the preparation of statistical information for international comparisons.

OKPD is built on the basis of harmonization with the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2002 version (CPA 2002). The structure of OKPD is interconnected with the structure of OKVED up to 3 or 4 digits, since manufactured products are the result of types of economic activities carried out by business entities. For example, class 01 has the name “Agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas” in OKVED, and in OKPD it is called “Products and services Agriculture and hunting." The similarity of many classes of OKVED and OKPD facilitates the selection of representative goods for each type of activity presented in OKVED.

OKPD groupings in terms of content content up to six code characters correspond to the European Product Classifier (CPES 2002), and features reflecting the specifics of the Russian economy are taken into account in OKPD groupings with 7-9 digit codes.

The objects of classification in OKPD are goods, services and works, which in international practice are combined into the concept of “products”.

To disintegrate OKPD groupings, Commodity Nomenclature groupings were used on the 7-9th digits of the code foreign economic activity Russian Federation (TN VED of Russia), groupings of the European classifier of products in the mining and manufacturing industries for structural surveys (PRODCOM) and those OKP groupings that have not lost their relevance.

The close relationship of OKPD with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of Russia will make it possible to compare data on production, sales, exports, and imports of products at the national and international levels using the commodity flow method; develop new basic “Input-Output” tables based on the results of the using OKPD completely federal statistical observation over the activities of small and medium-sized businesses.

In OKPD, dividing points are borrowed from CPA 2002, which are placed between the second and third, fourth and fifth characters of the code. If there are additional levels of division in OKPD compared to CPA 2002, a dot is also placed between the sixth and seventh digits of the code.

OKPD code structure

first stagesectionsone Latin letter
second stagesubsectionstwo Latin letters
third stageclassesXX
fourth stage subclassesXX. X
fifth stagegroupsXX. XX
sixth stagesubgroupsXX. XX. X
seventh stagekindsXX. XX. XX
eighth stagecategoriesXX. XX. XX. XX0
ninth stagesubcategoriesXX. XX. XX. XXX

Assigning statistics codes is an integral part of the registration procedure legal entity or individual entrepreneur. These ciphers must be specified in contracts, business letters and other legally significant documents. The article discusses such important statistical codes as OKPD and OKDP, how to find out by TIN and whether it is possible to do this.

What are OKPD and OKDP

OKDP stands for all-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, which includes a list of types of activities for the production of goods and services broken down by qualification categories.

It is important to know: OKDP has lost force since January 1, 2017. Currently, OKVED is used instead.

A new type of classification is associated with the adoption Federal Law No. 44 in order to regulate the system public procurement and obtaining bank guarantees for them. The newly created directory eliminates the possibility of inaccuracy when submitting applications for government orders, during a competition or auction.

OKPD is also a classifier of products by type of economic activity, and is intended to regulate the state economic system, descriptions of various goods (works, services), bringing them into a single system and coding. This directory contains all code standards, it is confirmed at the state level and is included in the register of technical and economic documents.

All developed classification systems are designed to streamline the system of economic statistics. They are also necessary in order to automate the process of accounting and collecting statistical information on the activities of legal entities.

Why do we need an all-Russian CDP?

The OKVED classifier (formerly OKDP) is used by all organizations and institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of their form of ownership. Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are required to participate in the generation of statistical information in accordance with Russian laws. First of all, OKVED is needed by government agencies in order to organize business entities by areas of their activity for convenience. By assigning an organization to this com, it becomes easier:

  1. Determine the main and auxiliary types of business activities of companies.
  2. Collect information about the activities of legal entities to derive statistical data and analyze them (on a national and international scale).
  3. Unify information on certain types of activities at the legislative level.
  4. Differentiate tax obligations in different areas of activity.

It is possible to find out the OKDP code by INN (OKVED) only from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, ordered on the Federal Tax Service website.

What problems does the all-Russian efficiency factor solve?

OKPD is an equally important reference book. With its help, tasks such as:

  1. Acts are drawn up for the purpose of settlement individual species production activities.
  2. Used for coding products in the state statistics system.
  3. Municipal and state procurements are carried out (codes are used when preparing documentation for submitting an application).
  4. Taxation of enterprises.
  5. The quality of the goods is confirmed.
  6. Standardization of manufactured products.
  7. Statistical information necessary for conducting financial activities on the international market is generated.

What is the difference between all-Russian efficiency and efficiency factors?

The main difference between these classification systems is the mandatory application of OKVED (OKDP) in the field of public procurement (according to Federal Law No. 44). With its help, auction items are classified and a digital code is assigned to them according to the section of the directory. This cipher subsequently indicated in the procurement process, publication of news or when developing schedules for procurement activities for subsequent periods.

OKPD is a similar classifier used to divide categories of the same name into goods (works, services) for which an order is placed.

Both types of reference systems mean types of products that are produced in various fields of activity. Knowing one code, you can easily determine the second one - by the first digits. They mean economic activity.

How to find out the OKDP of an organization by TIN, as well as search for OKPD, is discussed below.

Search OKPD and OKDP (OKVED) by TIN online

The OKVED and OKPD classification systems are in no way related to identification number taxpayer. Therefore, it is not possible to find out these combinations, knowing only the TIN, on the Rosstat website. If you have a tax agent number, you can set other statistical codes that are linked to this combination of numbers (OKPO, OKTMO, OKOPF, OKFS, etc.).

You can find out OKVED and OKPD by TIN indirectly on the website tax service, where it is possible to view an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Below is step-by-step instruction search:

  1. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service www.nalog.ru;
  2. Go to the “Electronic Services” section
  3. Select the item “Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about a specific legal entity/individual entrepreneur in the form of an electronic document.”
The All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activities (OKPD 2) is part of national system standardization of the Russian Federation. Classifier OK 034-2014 KPES 2008 is a tree structure of OKPD2 product codes, built on a hierarchical principle. The OKPD2 classifier is used to solve cataloging problems when certifying homogeneous groups of products built on the basis of groupings of OKPD2 codes. Each OKPD2 code contains 2-9 digits of the form XX.XX.XX.XXX. The OK 034-2014 classifier has an eight-level hierarchical classification. The first stage of the OKPD2 code consists of sections of the KPES 2008 classifier with a letter designation (A, B, etc.), then there are classes of the OKPD 2 XX classifier, then subclasses XX.X, groups XX.XX, subgroups of the OKPD code XX.XX.X , types XX.XX.XX, categories XX.XX.XX.XX0 and, finally, subcategories XX.XX.XX.XXX The correspondence of OKPD 2 codes and CPE 2008 between the second and third, fourth and fifth characters of the OKPD 2 code is ensured by the separator - a period. Additional levels of OKPD 2 compared to CPA 2008 are separated by a dot between the sixth and seventh digits of the OKPD code. In cases where there is no division of the species into categories, 7-9 characters of the OKPD 2 code have a zero value.

Search by OKPD 2 classifier

Classifier OKPD 2 OK 034-2014 KPES 2008