First junior fire safety group. Lesson for children of the first junior group about fire safety rules

Alfiya Sultanmuratova

We've passed activities for fire safety in the nursery group:

1. Lesson on fire safety in the first junior group

“This match is small”. Target: To develop children’s knowledge about the rules fire safety. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire. Develop the concept of always being careful with fire.

2. Reading: S. I am Marshak "Cat house".

E. Khorinskaya “The match is not big”

Target: introduce children to the basics safe behavior in everyday life based on familiarity with works of Russian literature.

3. Folklore: riddles about electrical appliances, songs - nursery rhymes.

4. Cook. Theater based on fairy tales: "Cat house". Target: Teach children to participate in dramatizations of stories, while activating children’s speech.

5. Looking at illustrations: « Cat has a fire in the house» , "Wolf and seven kids» . Target: Teach children to consider a plot picture, helping them determine its theme and specify the actions and relationships of the characters.

6. Conversation: "Who are they firefighters

Target: Give an idea about fireman, acquaintance with clothes fireman.

7. Conversation: "ABOUT fire safety»

Target: Give the concept of the use of fire in the household; form the concept that you must always be careful with fire; develop a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans.

8. Consultation for parents: "Rules fire safety» .

Update corner by fire safety

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to update children’s ideas about the profession of firefighter and fire equipment. Objectives: Educational: 1. To introduce the work of a firefighter.

"Hedgehogs." Summary of an open event with physical education and recreational elements in a nursery group SYNOPSIS of the open event educational activities « Cognitive development. The child and the world around him" (p.

Notes on fire safety in the middle group Summary of a lesson on fire safety Purpose: To develop the basics of safety in preschoolers. Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about dangerous objects.

KVN on fire safety in the senior group “We are not afraid of dangers” KVN on fire safety in senior group on the topic “We are not afraid of dangers.” Integration educational areas: social and communicative.

Scenario of the event “Preventive measures for fire safety with preschool children” Leshy and the brownie Kuzya enter the hall where the children are sitting. Goblin: Listen, you burnt stump! Fire victim! In my opinion, we got to the wrong place.

In our kindergarten Fire safety events are held annually Goal: to develop careful handling skills in children.

Long-term plan for fire safety in the preparatory group Week 1: 1. Topic, GCD form “Fire is friend - fire is enemy” Watch the video Program tasks: Show the meaning of fire in human life.

Goal: to form an understanding of the benefits and harms of fire, to evoke a desire to be careful with fire.

Tasks :

1) give an idea of ​​the danger that matches pose;

2) introduce the property of fire;

3) introduce fire safety rules.

equipment: model of a fire truck, illustrations, cartoon "cat's house".

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher informs the children that there is a fire in every house. Fire can be big or small, useful or dangerous.

Where can you get fire?

Light a match, lighter, gas stove. Then fire will appear. You can make a fire in the forest to warm yourself by the fire and cook food.

But if you don’t put out the fire, the forest, trees, and grass can burn. In a big fire, everything can burn: furniture, clothes, curtains, toys and even people. Fires are very dangerous! Therefore, you must handle fire carefully.

Guys, listen, it seems to me that someone is squeaking in the group.

Yes, these are matches. They ask us to light them (the teacher lights a match) - Oh, guys, the fire is creeping up on my fingers. Wants to burn me. I'm very afraid, the fire is already burning my fingers!

Guys, help me! What to do? Save me quickly, blow. Oh, thank you guys. I was so freaked out! And you? (and we got scared)

And if I threw a burning match on the floor, what would happen?

Yes, that’s right, the carpet, furniture, curtains, clothes, you and me would catch fire.

It turns out that what a big disaster a little match can cause! Children are not allowed to take matches! These are not toys!

Guys, look what kind of car came to us. What is it called?

Fire department.

Right. How did you guess?

It's red, number 01.

That's right guys fire engine always red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of anxiety, the color of fire.

How is she driving? Fast or slow?

That's right, quickly, to put out the fire faster. And as she drives, the siren sounds.

What does a siren sound like?

To avoid trouble, you need to know the fire safety rules well. We guys already know them:

Matches are not allowed (take)

Gas cannot be (ignited)

The iron cannot be (turned on)

Fingers must not be inserted into the socket

Guys, remember these rules and follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.

Fire truck comes from the word fire, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters. Brave, courageous people. Let's play firemen.

Physical education minute:

Now turn on the pump,

We pump water from the river.

Left - one, right - two,

Water flowed in a stream.

One two three four

We did a good job.

And now, children, let's watch the cartoon "Cat's House."

Bottom line.

This, guys, is what happens when you handle fire carelessly. Discussion of the cartoon plot.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 61" combined type


fire safety classes

in the second junior group Subject:

The match is not big!

Developed by: teacher

MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 61"

S.V. Tatarintseva

in the second junior group Novokuznetsk, 2013

The match is not big!

consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules

  • Preliminary work:
  • viewing the fairy tale “Cat's House” by S. M. Marshak;
  • learning proverbs and poems about fire;
  • work with demonstration material “Fire Safety Rules”;

fire truck games.Materials for the lesson: demonstration pictures: fireman, fireplace, bonfire, fire; fire truck toy; telephone; surprise moment

- Kitty.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle, once you guess it you’ll understand what we’re going to talk about today. So listen carefully:

I fry, steam and bake,

I can be in everyone's home.

People are many, many years old

I bring warmth and light.

I'll burn you - don't touch me.

I call myself...(Fire).

That's right, it's fire! Today we will talk to you about fire.

- 2. Conversation “Fire-light”

Have you ever seen fire? (candle, fire)

Talk about fire. What is he like? (show pictures - bright, hot, dangerous)

Can fire be useful? (fire in a fire - warms, illuminates, helps prepare food; fire in a fireplace - warms, illuminates)

Where do they get fire? (matches, lighters)

“Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches!”

“A match is small, but fire is giant”

“Don’t joke with fire, you’ll get burned”

"Tears don't put out a fire"

(joint discussion of the meanings of proverbs)

4. Physical exercise

Matches are dangerous, /Children wag their fingers./

Just touch them -

Appear immediately /Raise your hands up and move

Bright fire! fingers, /

First small, /Hands in front of you./

And then big, big! /Hands up, fingers moving./

The breeze blew/Blow./

And the fire went out. /They give up./

5. Conversation “Fire and everything connected with it”

In our apartments, guys, there are many objects that can easily catch fire, so all adults and children should be very careful with fire. Fires are very dangerous. Furniture, clothes, toys and even people can burn in a large fire. Guys, if something bad happens - a fire, who should we call? (To the fire department)

What number? (01)

Every citizen knows

In case of fire, in case of fire

Dial "01"

Let's try to dial this number on the phone.

(dial 01 on phone)

What is the name of the machine that puts out fires? (demonstration picture - fire truck)

Look and tell me how a fire truck differs from other vehicles? (it is red, with a ladder, when it rides it sounds like a serena)

What does serena sound like? (Ooh, ooh, ooh)

What are people who put out fires called? (demonstration picture - firefighters)

6. Surprise moment

Guys, look who came to visit us? (Kitten with a bandaged paw)

Kitten, tell the guys what happened to you?

(- I burned my paw, and how this happened, the guys will find out by watching the cartoon)

7. Watching the episode “Kolobok - rough side” from the cartoon “Three Kittens” 36.25

8. Fire safety rules in verse.

Let's guys remind Kitten of the fire safety rules.

For fun and games

Don't pick up matches!

Don't joke with fire, my friend.

So as not to regret later!

Don't light the fire yourself

And don't let others!

Even the little one is a twinkle

Not far from the fire!

Gas in the kitchen, vacuum cleaner,

TV and iron

Let only adults turn on

Our reliable senior friend!

May we be small in stature

Only growth has nothing to do with it!

We are always ready for adults

Help fight the fire!

9. Summary.

Guys, let's say goodbye to the Kitten, we wish him to be careful with fire and not play with matches.

GCD for fire safety in 1st junior group

Program content: instill in children primary fire safety skills ; explain the dangers of playing with matches: cultivate attention and observation in children.Develop the ability to answer questions using forms simple sentence or statements of 2 - 3 simple phrases.


A lot of toys

Box of matches

Fox toy

Fire safety illustrations

- Kitty.

(The teacher and the children enter the group room, where toys are scattered throughout the group, the lights are on, and there are matches).
Guys, what is this mess?
Who in our group was there and scattered all the toys? You did not see?/Addresses the assistant teacher/.And you, Tatyana Vladimirovna, didn’t notice anyone here? What to do? Will we really be left with such a mess for the whole day?/ The teacher leads the children to a decision - to put the toys in their place /.
What a great fellow you are, how clean and beautiful the group has become. What else is this?/Matches/.
Is it possible to take them?/No, trouble might happen, there might be a fire/.

You said and did everything right, well done. Let's go and sit on the chairs.

(Sounds are heard from the play corner, the teacher begins to search and finds the fox).
This is who sits here with us and says nothing. Guys, meet Chanterelle.
She wants to tell me something in my ear. Well, speak up. Oh, so you scattered the toys, turned on the light, and wanted to play with matches? You don't know what you can and cannot do? Guys, it seems to me that Foxy needs our help. We need to tell her what she can and cannot take..Come on guys

Let's read K. Chukovsky's poem "Confusion". Highlight those lines that describe the result of the prank with matches.

And the foxes took the matches,

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea:

“Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!

Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried mushrooms.

Two little chickens came running,

Watered from a barrel.

Two ruffs swam

Watered from a ladle.

The little frogs came running,

They watered from the tub.

They put it out, they put it out, they won’t put it out

They fill it up - they don’t fill it up.

Then a butterfly flew in,

She waved her wings,

The sea began to go out - and it went out.

Guys, this is what can happen if you take matches without permission.

Conversation on content:

Did the foxes do good or bad by taking the matches?


What's wrong with the line "They lit the blue sea"?

The sea cannot be set on fire.

What can matches light?

Everything except water: table, clothes, house, etc.

How does is called?


What harm can fire do to children?

If you burn it, it will be very painful.

Who puts out the fire?


Is it possible to put out a fire with pies and pancakes?

It is forbidden.

Can a butterfly put out a fire by flapping its wings?


How do firefighters put out a fire?


What should you do to avoid a fire?

Don't take matches.

Don't you children take matches?

ІІ. Teacher's story:

We read a poem about a fire in which everything is mixed up. Now let's listen to how the fire started from the prank of a little boy.

He struck a match accidentally

And I burned my fingers.

The baby only managed to shout: “Ay,”

Like a red cockerel

Jumped on the curtains over the carpet

And a fire broke out in the room.

Conversation on content:

Why did the boy burn his fingers?

Because he was playing with matches.

Who is the red cockerel?

This is fire.

How did the light from a small match grow into a fire?

A burning match set the carpet and curtains on fire.

Do you children know that matches should not be taken for playing?




Now let's learn these words:

Don't touch the match, there is fire in the match.

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

1. Teach children to talk about the benefits of fire and how a person learned to control fire.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge of what can result from careless handling of fire. Know and follow the rules of behavior in case of fire.

3. Instill in children respect for the work of firefighters.

Methodical techniques:



Verbal (riddle, poem).

Equipment: Danger sign, fire symbol, fairy tale “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, picture with the image fire brigade

, ball, red and blue ribbons, fire extinguishing equipment, traffic lights (red - green, card with the image of first aid for a burn, Young Firefighters medal.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the fire station, didactic game “Who Needs What”, reading the story by L. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”.

Vocabulary work:

Firefighters. Flames, smoke, foam, burns.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. I will show you one of the signs, and you must say what it is called. That's right, this is a danger sign. Now let's play. I will stand here, and you will name some danger that a person encounters in life. And come to me one by one. (Children take turns listing: fire, earthquake, accident, flood, flood, poisonous mushrooms, berries, animals, etc.). Right. A person may encounter these dangers in life. And now I’ll tell you a riddle about one of these dangers, and you’ll try to guess it:

That, having barely touched,

Turns firewood into smoke?

Once upon a time there was a Fire. He was very cheerful and hot. Fire walked wherever it wanted - through forests, houses, villages. Fire spared no one on its path and was the worst enemy of all living things. Why do you think?

Children. He burned everything.

Teacher. And then one day he met a Man on his way and said: “Come on, Fire, let’s measure our strength.” Fire replies: “Why, Man, can you compare your strength with me.” But Man insisted on his own, Fire agreed. So their battle began. The man lured Fire to the river and jumped into the water. The Man grabbed the flames with his wet hand and wanted to extinguish them. Fire prayed: “Don’t put me out, Man, I will serve you faithfully.” The Man took pity on him and forced him to serve himself. This is how Fire began to serve Man and became his friend. Tell me, children, why does a person need fire?

Children. To prepare food. Warm up, can illuminate, light a candle, etc.

Teacher. Without fire, people would never be able to travel on earth or travel the seas. Fire also works in a car engine - gasoline burns and sets the car in motion. Fire also blazes in furnaces in factories; it melts metal; in other furnaces, fire cooks glass, from which beautiful glass products are blown. A space rocket flies up, leaving a bright light of flame - this is the rocket fuel burning. But when fire falls into the hands of small children, he shows his character, strives to run away from them and walk around the house, through the forest, through the field.

From a good servant, fire can turn into a fire-breathing dragon. Then trouble can happen. Tell me, what could cause a fire?

Children. From a match, an unextinguished cigarette butt, an unturned gas stove and electrical appliances.

Teacher. What can catch fire at home, in the forest? (children's answers). Besides fire, what else is dangerous about fire?

Children. Smoke - you can choke on it.

Teacher. And now I propose to play. The game is called "Make No Mistake." I will name objects, and if this object is on fire, you will raise your hands up and depict flames, and if it is not on fire, you need to lower your hands. (Words: paper, nail, curtains, tablespoon, notebook, clothes, table, furniture, dry grass, leaves, gasoline, paint). Well done, sit down. Now let’s play the game “Cross – Question”. There is a picture hidden here, if we answer all the questions, we will be able to name what is depicted there.

Questions for children:

1. What are the people called who put out fires and save people and houses from fire? (Firefighters.)

2. Why do people need the work of firefighters? (They put out fires in houses, forests, save people, their things, houses.)

3. What is their job? (Difficult, but interesting, difficult, but necessary for people.)

4. What should firefighters be like? (Strong, brave, seasoned, dexterous, courageous, resourceful, decisive.)

5. Why should they be strong and brave? (They take people out of the fire, work in the fire and smoke.)

6. Why do firefighters wear a gas mask? (So ​​that you can breathe when there is smoke.)

7. What number do firefighters call? (“01.”)

8. What should you say when calling the fire department? (What happened and the exact home address: street, house and apartment number.)

Teacher. Well done, they answered all the questions, and we got a picture - this is a fire truck. You can quickly rush to a fire with it.

rushes like a fiery arrow,

A car rushes into the distance.

And any fire will flood

Brave squad.

Now stand up, we'll play with the ball. The game is called “Catch, throw, answer immediately.”

Why does a fire truck need a siren? (So ​​that everyone can hear and give way.)

Why is the fire truck red? (So ​​that it is visible on the roads.)

Why does a car need a sliding ladder? (To climb to high floors.)

What are the names of the long hoses used to extinguish fires? (Sleeves.)

How do you extinguish gasoline? (foam.)

Where do firefighters get water if they run out of water in their car? (In wells, from the river.)

Teacher. Well done, and now we will play the outdoor game “Fire - Water”. Children with a red ribbon are fire, those with a blue ribbon are water. Children with blue must collect all the red ones representing fire, i.e. “put out the fire” (we play 1-2 times). But not only water can extinguish a fire. Look at these items (blanket, bucket of water, bucket of sand, matches) and think about what they are for? They are needed to put out the fire. Find one extra item.

Children. These are matches, they cause a fire, and do not help extinguish it.

Teacher. And you need to know the rules on how to behave during a fire. We will consolidate them in the game “Allowed - Prohibited”. Take your traffic lights in your hands and show a red circle if this cannot be done, and a green circle if this can be done:

In case of fire, call the fire department by calling “01”;

Throw burning matches;

Scream and call adults for help;

Stay in the room where the fire started;

Open windows and doors during a fire;

Cover your head, nose and mouth with a wet towel;

Hide in a corner, under a closet, under a bed;

Leave switched on electrical appliances unattended;

Move crawling or crouching towards the exit;

Douse walls and floors with water during a fire;

Use the elevator;

Do not be afraid, obey the firefighters in everything;

Extinguish burning electrical appliances with water;

Ask neighbors for help;

Try to put out the fire if possible;

Turn on gas, electrical appliances, lights.

Teacher. Well done, sit down, you've mentioned all the rules. The fire leaves behind a terrible trail: instead of a forest, a house - ashes, ash, burnt brands. How does a person suffer from a fire?

Children. He gets burns and suffocates from smoke.

Teacher. It is very important to provide first medical care person. See what to do if you have a small burn (shows a picture). You must remember that a fire is not an accident, but the result of incorrect behavior. Today you learned that fire can be both a friend and an enemy for us, but still there is more benefit from fire than harm. Fire makes our life warmer and more comfortable. I want you to be very careful with fire, attentive, remember the danger, always follow the rules, and trouble will pass you by.
Lesson summary for the senior group: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”

6. A story about fire safety rules.

7. Conversation on what you read.

8. Examination of pictures with a plot on the topic of a fire.

"Useful fire" (day three)

1. Drawing on the topic “Fire safety rules.”

2. Children's drawing competition based on the fairy tale “The Fireman and the Cloud Elephants.”

3. Reading fairy tales “How a man became friends with fire”, “How fire married water”.

4. Educational lesson “Fire is a friend.”

5. Reading L. Tolstoy’s story “Fire Dogs.”

6. Memorizing the nursery rhyme “Tili-bom, tili-bom.”

"Dangerous Fire" (day four)

1. Conversation about electrical appliances, matches, lighters.

2. Didactic game"Causes of the fire."

3. Listening to the fairy tale “Cat’s House” performed by masters of artistic expression.

4. Conversation on the topic “What causes a fire.”

5. Learning proverbs and sayings.

6. Making riddles about fire.

7. Reading the poem “Fire”

8. Introducing the “01” service.

“Fire safety rules in preschool educational institutions” (day five)

1. Tour of the kindergarten: acquaintance with the fire safety corner, warning system, evacuation routes.

2. Games - competitions.

3. Reading the story “Uncle Styopa” by S. Ya. Marshak.

4. Drawing on the topic “Dangerous devices”.

5. Application “Match toys”.

“Fire safety rules at home” (day six)

1. Practical lesson “So that there is no trouble.”

2. Watch a video.

3. Reading the work of S. Ya. Marshak “Fire”.

“Fire safety rules in the forest” (day seven)

1. Examination of illustrations “Don’t play with fire! "

2. Educational lesson “Miracle - tree”.

3. Reading the work “Smoke” by B. Zhidkov.

4. Poetry competition on the topic “Matches are not a toy for children.”

5. Game with Dunno “Carved pictures”.

"What is service fire safety"(day eight)

1. Conversation “There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.”

2. Watching a video about the fire and the work of firefighters to save people (excerpts from TV shows, news, with reports about the fire).

3. Didactic game “Name the picture.”

“Fire in Literature” (day nine)


Eats everything -

Doesn't eat enough

And he will drink -


As soon as I leave -

I eat and eat.

But if we eat -

I'll disappear completely.

1. Fire in pictures and riddles (riddles about electrical appliances).

Final day (day ten)

1. Consultation with parents on the topic “The ABCs of Communication.”

2. Leisure time with children and parents “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”

3. Testing.

4. Training evacuation. Trainings: evacuating children from a building, checking the payroll with the actual presence of evacuated children, placing them in a pre-designated place.

5. Didactic game “4-odd”.


Literature: 1. V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova “Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development". 2. V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova “Lesson notes in the second junior group of kindergarten.” 3. V. A. Stepanov “ABC in riddles.” 4. Magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 6, 2006. 5. Magazine “Preschool Education” No. 5, 2006. 6. Newspaper Preschool education» No. 13 2008. 7. S. Ya. Marshak “Fire”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Cat’s House”. 8. L. N. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”. 9. B. Zhidkov “Fire in the house”, “Smoke”, “Fire”. 10. K. Chukovsky “Confusion.” 11. “Once upon a time,” No. 6, 2006. 12. “How to ensure the safety of preschool children” lesson notes. 13. N. P. Abaskalova “Theory and methodology of teaching safety and life” 2006. 14. T. P. Garnysheva “Life Safety for Preschoolers.” not found!