For a company loan. The procedure for obtaining a loan by an enterprise - conditions and documents

The company received a loan in the amount of 10 million rubles. for a period of 1 year with the condition of returning 15 million rubles. Determine compound and simple interest rates.

Let's determine the simple interest rate

Let P be the initial amount, S be the accumulated amount, i be the annual interest rate (simple interest). Since interest is simple, during the entire accrual period it is applied to the original amount R.

The accumulated amount after a year can be determined by the formula:

From here you can determine the simple interest rate:

The simple interest rate is 50%.

Let's determine the compound interest rate

Let P be the initial amount, S be the accumulated amount, i be the annual interest rate (compound interest). Since interest is compound, at the end of each accrual interval the interest rate is applied to the accrued amount at the beginning of this accrual interval.

The accrued amount at a compound interest rate, after a year, is determined by the formula:

Thus, the compound and simple interest rates are equal after a year.

The compound interest rate is 50%.

Find the repayable amount if the loan taken is 220 thousand rubles and its repayment period is 3 years. The contract provides for a compound interest rate of 19% per annum. Interest is calculated quarterly.

Compounding may occur several times a year. In this case, indicate the nominal interest rate j, on the basis of which the interest rate is calculated for each accrual interval.

Since interest is calculated quarterly, m=4.

Let's determine the amount to be returned: thousand rubles.

The refunded amount is 383.946 thousand rubles.

Analyze two options for accumulating funds using the post-numerando annuity scheme:

Option 1. Every six months, a contribution of 15 thousand rubles is made. Provided that the bank charges 8% per annum with semi-annual compounding;

Option 2. An annual contribution of 30 thousand rubles is made. at an annual rate of 10%.

It is required to determine the amount of the accumulated amount after 10 years in each option. Which of these options is preferable? Would your preference change if the interest rate in option 2 changed to 9%.

Most modern business transactions are based not on one-time payments, but on a sequence of cash receipts over a certain period. For example, a stream of unidirectional payments at equal intervals over a certain number of years is called an annuity, i.e. financial rent.

Let R be the annual payments on which interest accrues at the end of each year at the compound interest rate i, n be the annuity term. Payment at the end of the first year will give the accrued amount Payment at the end of the 2nd year will give the increased amount . Payment at the end of the 3rd year will give the accrued amount . And so on. Accrued (future) annuity amount:

We have obtained the sum of the first n terms of the geometric progression with

Let's calculate the amount of the accumulated amount according to the second accumulation option:

Let's determine the amount of the accumulated amount according to the second accumulation option with a changed interest rate of up to 9%:

If there are m accrual intervals in a year, then in each of them the interest rate is equal to j/m. Then the accrued amount is calculated using the formula:

Since interest is calculated every six months, then m = 2

Let's calculate the amount of the accumulated amount according to the first accumulation option:

thousand rubles

The most preferable is the second savings option with an interest rate of 10%.

The client plans to place 60 thousand rubles in the bank. For a period of two years at 10% per annum. The inflation rate forecast is 8.5% per year. Determine the real amount of money that the client will be able to have in two years and the real annual interest rate.

Let P be the initial amount, n the accrual period, i the annual interest rate of the loan interest. Then the accumulated amount This amount does not take into account inflation.

Let the inflation rate for the period under consideration n be equal to

Example 1.5.1. The company received the following loans at different simple interest rates: 36 thousand rubles. for 240 days at 35% per annum; 28 thousand rubles. for 150 days at 32% per annum; 60 thousand rubles. for 100 days at 38% per annum; 52 thousand rubles. for 80 days at 34% per annum. Determine: a) the average loan term; b) average interest rate; c) the average term and the average interest rate at the same time; d) average loan amount.

Solution. a) First, let's make some comments about the use of formula (32), which represents one of the options for determining the average loan term. Of course, in the formula the periods n k measured in any time units (years, quarters, months, days, etc.), consistent with the dimensions of the corresponding interest rates i k (annual, quarterly, monthly, daily, etc.). However, the form of formula (32) makes it possible to determine the average term without particularly worrying about coordinating the dimensions of the initial terms and interest rates. So, if, for example, terms n k are given in days (in general, in any time units, but the same for all terms), and i k represent annual interest rates, then, without converting n k into years, using formula (32) we immediately obtain the average period in days. Similar considerations can be made in connection with the use of formulas (30), (34), (36).

We believe P 1 = 36 thousand rubles, R 2= 28 thousand rubles, P 3= 60 thousand rubles, P 4= 52 thousand rubles. Despite the fact that i 1 = 0.35; i 2 = 0.32; i 3 = 0.38 and i4as 0.34 are annual interest rates; in accordance with the above, we will measure the average term in days, and we will not convert the original terms into years, i.e. n 1 = 240 days, n 2 = 150 days, n 3 = 100 days, n 4 = 80 days. Using formula (32) we get:

those. n = 130 days.

If the term of each loan is measured in years, assuming that there are 360 ​​days in a year, then n 1 = 0.667 years, n 2 = 0.417 years, n 3 = 0.278 years, n 4 = 0.222 years and

or = 0.361 360 = 129.96 days, i.e. = 130 days. Naturally, we got the same result.

To check the correctness of the result, we will find the accrued interest on each loan at the original terms, counting 360 days in a year, and add up these interests:

Now let’s find the amount of interest when replacing all terms with the average term:

Thousand rub.

Thus, we received (within the accuracy of calculations) the same amount - 22.4 thousand rubles. If the original term of each loan in years is taken with a large number of decimal places, then the amount of accrued interest on each loan at the original terms will be 22,396 thousand rubles.

Formula (32) can also be written this way:

those. the average term is equal to the weighted sum of the original terms, where the weight for each term n k serves as the proportion of a product that it constitutes of the total amount , Moreover, it is obvious that the sum of all weights is necessarily equal to one. Carrying out calculations for this case, we get:

Of course, 0.2031 + 0.1444 + 0.3675 + 0.2850 = 1. Note that due to approximate calculations, the sum of the weights may differ slightly from unity.

b) As in point a), measuring the time in days, we use formula (30):

Writing formula (30) this way:

we obtain a representation in the form of a weighted sum of interest rates. For our case:

Let us pay attention to the fact that, using formulas (29), (30), (33) and (34), rates can be expressed both in decimal fractions and as percentages. This statement follows from the form of the formulas. If, in particular, the original rates are given in percentages, then as a result of applying the formulas, the corresponding rates will immediately be expressed as percentages.

c) In this case, formulas (30) and (32) cannot be applied simultaneously. It can be shown that if the average loan term is calculated using formula (32), then the average interest rate should be calculated using formula (29). And if the average interest rate is found using formula (30), then the average loan term must be found using formula (31). Typically, time is taken into account when calculating the average loan term. Therefore, we will use formulas (32) and (29). According to formula (32) = 130 days, and according to formula (29):

those. differs from 35.05% - the average interest rate found in the previous paragraph. Note that by applying formula (29), we actually solve the following problem: find the average interest rate when loans are issued for the same period (130 days).

If formulas (30) and (31) were applied, then = 35.05% and = 130.68 days or = 131 days.

Essentially, the problem of simultaneously determining the average loan term and the average interest rate has countless solutions, since the values ​​and can be found simply by equalizing the accrued interest:

Defining in a suitable way, we find (or vice versa). You just need to take into account the correspondence of dimensions and . So, if measured in years, then - annual interest rate; if measured in days, then - daily interest rate, etc. For example, let =130 days, then

those. = 0.09792% per day, or multiplying by 360, we get 35.25% per year.

d) The average loan amount can be determined using a formula similar to formulas (30) and (32):

Substituting numerical values ​​instead of letters, we find that = 40.884 thousand rubles.

Similarly, as in the previous paragraph, you can simultaneously find the average loan size and the average interest rate, or simultaneously find the average loan size and the average term, but these tasks are less common in practice than the problem of determining the average term and the average interest rate.

In the example analyzed, the values ​​of the average interest rate found using various formulas did not differ significantly from each other. But this doesn't always happen.

Example 1.5.2. The following loans were issued at simple interest rates: 340 thousand rubles. for 1 day at 20% per annum and 1 thousand rubles. for 340 days at 40% per annum. Compare average interest rates determined by different methods.

Solution. Let P 1 = 340 thousand rubles, R 2 = 2 thousand rubles, n 1 = 1 day, n 2 = 340 days, i 1 = 0.3 , i 2 = 0,4 .

If we use formula (29), then:

and if we apply formula (30), then:

Thus, found by formula (29) practically coincides with one of the initial interest rates i 1 = 20%; a, found by formula (30), is the arithmetic mean of the rates i 1 = 20% and i 2 = 40%. This can be clearly seen from the representation of the average bet as a weighted sum of the original bets:

a) for formula (29) = 0.9971 i 1 , + 0,0029 i 2 ;

b) for formula (30) = 0.5 i 1 + 0,51i 2 .

Example 1.5.3. The borrower took on January 27 from one lender at the same simple interest rate of 40% the amount of 10 thousand rubles, 6 thousand rubles, 20 thousand rubles. and 16 thousand rubles. with maturities respectively on March 1, May 14, June 25 and August 18 of the same year. Determine the average repayment period of all loans and the amount that the borrower will have to pay to the lender if the exact interest with the exact number of days is taken into account and according to the agreement it is important for the lender only that the amount of accrued interest remains unchanged. The year is not a leap year.

Solution. In total, the borrower took from the lender an amount of 52 thousand rubles. Considering that interest is immediately accrued on this amount and since i 1 = i 2 = i 3 = i 4 = 0.4, using any formula for determining the average interest rate we get = 0.4.

Although interest rates i 1 ,i 2 , i 3 , i 4 are annual, in accordance with the comments made above, the average repayment period of all loans will be measured in days and counted from the day of the first scheduled payment, i.e. n 1 = 0, n 2 =74, n 3 =116, n 4 =170. The amounts taken are measured in thousand rubles: R 1 =10, P 2 =6, P 3 =20, P 4 =16. Consequently, immediately using formula (31), which in this situation is a special case of formula (32), we obtain:

Counting 106 days from March 1, we get June 15 - the date when the borrower can repay the entire debt at once.

Since the lender issued the amounts on January 27, we find that on June 15 the borrower must repay the debt in the amount of:

Thousand rub.

If ordinary interest with an exact number of days were taken into account, then the average loan repayment period would remain the same (i.e. June 15 is the date of lump sum repayment of the debt), but the amount of the repaid amount would naturally increase:

Thousand rub.

Example 1.5.4. The bank was going to issue loans in the amount of 15 thousand rubles, 25 thousand rubles. and 20 thousand rubles. for terms of 2, 6 and 9 months, respectively, at simple rates of 36.40 and 44% per annum, and interest was withheld immediately. At what flat rate will the bank agree to make these loans if it intends to charge the same amount of interest when issuing the loans as in the original contract with the client? What will be the average loan term with such a change in the contract?

Solution. Since the bank immediately deducts interest, the client receives a smaller loan than what the bank announced. For example, with a loan of 20 thousand rubles. for 9 months at a simple rate of 44% per annum, the client receives 20 (1-0.75 . 0.44) = 13.4 thousand rubles. and will have to return 20 thousand rubles to the bank in 9 months, i.e. in the amount of 13.4 thousand rubles. within six months there is actually an increase at a simple discount rate of 40%. Thus, when determining a new rate, you can use formula (34) for determining the average value of a simple discount rate.

Measuring loans in thousand rubles and terms in months, we assume f 1 =15, F 2 = =25, f 3 =20; n 1 =2, n 2 =6, n 3 =9; d 1 =0,36, d 2 =0,4, d 3 = 0.44. From here:

Since the average rate has already been determined, to find the average term we will use formula (35):


If, as is usually done, time is taken into account when determining the average period, then using formulas (36) and (33) we obtain:

Example 1.5.5. The bank issues three loans to the entrepreneur for 180, 300 and 240 days, respectively, at simple rates of 38.45 and 40% per annum. After the bank collected simple ordinary interest when issuing loans, the entrepreneur received the amounts of 30 thousand, 20 thousand and 50 thousand rubles. Determine the average loan term.

Solution. Since interest is withheld immediately, the amounts disbursed are essentially compounded at the appropriate discount rates. Let P 1 = 30 thousand rubles, R 2 = 20 thousand rubles, P 3 = 50 thousand rubles, d 1 = 0,38, d 2 = =0,45, d 3 = 0.4. Let's use formula (36). You can either replace it F k on either first find and then apply formula (36).

and then use formula (30):

Example 1.5.6. The bank used deposits for 4 months in the amount of 40.20 and 80 thousand rubles, placed respectively for 1, 2 and 1 month at simple interest rates of 34, 30 and 42% per annum. Determine the cost of funds raised for 4 months for the bank in the form of the average annual interest rate.

Solution. We believe R 1 = 40 thousand rubles, R 2 = 20 thousand rubles, R 3 = 80 thousand rubles; i 1 = 34%; i 2 = 30%; i 3 = 42% and use formula (29). Since we take the initial rates as a percentage (and this, as already noted, can be done thanks to the type of formula), then we get the result as a percentage:

Note that another method of determining the cost of raised funds is based on the use of formula (23), where through P i * = 38%.

In a situation where a bank issues funds, rates And determine the profitability for the bank of issued funds. The value is also called the weighted average return.

Before receiving a loan, an organization needs to decide on the most optimal type of lending. Today, the market offers a wide range of business loan products, which can be classified on various grounds.

The first criterion may be the source of the loan. Business development is impossible without attracting additional financing, including external financing. It can be carried out by banks and private investors. The latter often do this in exchange for receiving a portion of the profits from the project. Therefore, most companies prefer to contact a bank to raise funds.

There are loans for legal entities and for the purpose of attracting borrowed funds. They can be used not only to implement investment projects, but also to replenish working capital (to pay salaries, rent, purchase equipment, raw materials, etc.). In the first case, organizations seek to obtain a one-time loan or trade loan from the bank, in the second - a revolving line of credit or overdraft.

The most popular loan among companies is a line of credit. It is provided for a certain period (for example, two years), and can be repaid either in equal parts or when the required amount is credited to the account. After repayment, the credit line is renewed and the borrowed funds can be used again. Such loans are issued for strictly specified purposes and cannot be spent anywhere else. Its advantage is the fact that after its repayment, the accrual of interest stops.

Investment loans are issued under more stringent conditions. The borrower is required to have a detailed business plan, as well as the availability of own funds (usually at least 30%).

In terms of lending conditions, a distinction is made between secured and unsecured loans. The latter became available to legal entities relatively recently, however, they have less favorable interest rates and often require the presence of guarantors.

Conditions for providing loans to organizations

Loan terms largely depend on the availability of collateral and the financial performance of the borrower. Most often, loans are approved if there is collateral. It can be company equipment, a car, or real estate. Another option is to have guarantors who, if the borrower fails to pay the debt, will pay for it.

The company must also demonstrate stable financial performance, have a good credit history and have no overdue loans. Banks often take into account the age of the founders, the company’s time on the market (at least six months), the availability of landline phones, and a detailed business plan.

In order to receive a loan for an organization, you must contact the bank and provide the requested package of documents. These include constituent documents, accounting and financial statements, and other business documentation.

Many entrepreneurs decide to expand their business. But in this case there may be a lack of funds to achieve the goal. Banks offer to issue a loan for business development for LLCs. You just need to choose the most optimal program with suitable conditions and requirements.

If you need to get a loan to develop your business, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the programs of several banks. It’s even better to consult with a professional consultant who will help you choose the optimal conditions. An equally important task is to familiarize yourself with the agreement, which specifies the terms of the transaction.

Features of small business lending

A company registered as an LLC cannot issue a consumer loan compared to an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, they have little choice. But banks are constantly releasing new programs. The main requirement is the activity of the company. It must be completed for at least 6 months, otherwise the application will be rejected.

The organization provides the opportunity to use a credit line, which will increase with expenses. This is lending without collateral. Even during a crisis, banking institutions provide loans to the population. The bank usually does not provide loans to large enterprises without collateral and guarantors.

Types of loans for LLC

Typically, loans are provided with a smaller amount and a higher interest rate. Then credit institutions present a division of amounts. The first can be issued without collateral, but the second must be secured. The loans themselves are divided into the following types:

  • Overdraft. Transfer of the approved amount to the borrower's current account. You can pay off your debt by depositing funds into your current account. The money is debited automatically. The goal is to support the company's turnover. The money can be spent on eliminating shortages in the cash register and payment turnover. Funds can go to the budget. This lending option is considered the most profitable. Interests can be fixed or differentiated. Repayment is carried out automatically.
  • Credit line. Used for business expansion. A line of credit can be revolving or non-revolving. Typically these loans are used to purchase new funds. It is possible to purchase raw materials. Financial institutions provide non-cash loans. The funds are spent in whole or in part. A non-targeted program is used, but the credit institution can control spending.
  • Investment loan. To expand your business or need to purchase equipment, you can take out such a loan. But the conditions for it are more stringent compared to other loans. It is necessary to collect a lot of documents, as well as create an investment plan that reflects ways to increase income.

A credit institution may require a first payment of 30-40%. The loan period is 15 years. If the company has not been operating for very long, then there may be a refusal. Loans are not issued if the balance is zero. Sometimes collateral is required.


A loan for business development for LLCs is issued by Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank and other financial institutions. Each program offers its own conditions. It is possible to issue loans with collateral, guarantee or without providing collateral.

Banks offer loans up to 5 million rubles at a rate of 14.5 to 17%. Often businessmen are offered government programs and registration through large institutions of the Russian Federation.


How to get a loan for business development? To do this, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Contact a bank that has existing accounts.
  2. Apply for a loan.
  3. Collect documentation.
  4. If approved, read the terms and conditions.
  5. Sign documents and receive money.

If you contact a bank that does not have accounts, the institution may require you to transfer all or part of the funds.

Where to contact?

Loans to small and medium-sized businesses are provided by different banks. Amounts and rates for each client may be different:

  • Sberbank - up to 5 million rubles from 16%;
  • Alfa-Bank - up to 6 million rubles at 17%;

  • "Raiffeisen Bank" - up to 4.5 million rubles, and the rate is set individually;
  • VTB 24 - up to 4 million rubles from 14.5%;
  • "Bank of Moscow" up to 150 million rubles at an individual rate.


Sberbank offers business lending, which all entrepreneurs can apply to. The programs are valid for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as for large corporate clients. The bank offers several programs with collateral, guarantee and without collateral.

The amount can reach up to 5 million rubles. The rate is 16-19.5% per year. Loans are provided for various purposes: reconstruction, purchase of fixed assets, expansion.

Government program

Not everyone knows that there are various business support programs through which you can apply for subsidies to develop your business. Support can be refundable or non-refundable. Not everyone will be able to receive such funding. Socially oriented, industrial, agricultural, and business projects have an advantage.

The number of jobs and the usefulness of products or services are taken into account. It is also important to assess the originality, profitability and payback period of the project. Working programs and conditions for participation in them are documented on the official websites of the city.

The application is free, so every organization can try. If you prepare an appropriate business plan, then it is possible to receive funds from the state. More preference is given to entrepreneurs who already have an established business with a regular income.

How to apply?

Loans are issued to small and medium-sized businesses within a few days. This depends on the conditions and requirements, for example, when obtaining a loan with collateral.

Obtaining a loan for an LLC is usually carried out with the provision of liquid collateral or the invitation of a guarantor. Otherwise, the loan will be refused.

From scratch

Loans are issued for business development from scratch, but obtaining them is quite difficult. Banks impose strict requirements on borrowers:

  • making a profit by the enterprise;
  • company registration for at least 6 months to 1 year.

Beginning businessmen often have their loan applications automatically rejected. The solution in this situation would be to issue a consumer loan to an individual, providing property as collateral. Loans for business development from scratch are issued with guarantors.

No collateral

Applying for a loan for an LLC without collateral is quite difficult. Borrowers should remember that some institutions, for example, Sberbank, VTB, provide such loans, but the rate will be quite high. A condition for registration of such a transaction is the guarantee of the business owners.


A business development loan for an LLC is provided if several requirements are met:

  • staff - no more than 100 people;
  • profit per year - up to 400 million rubles;
  • microorganizations have an income of 60 million rubles, and a staff of no more than 15;
  • registration in the Russian Federation;
  • legality of business;
  • age 23-65 years;
  • positive credit history;
  • good financial turnover.


An application is required to receive a business development loan for an LLC. The documents may differ depending on whether the person is a bank customer or not. Regular borrowers must provide recent financial statements, collateral papers, and guarantors.

If the client does not use the services of the bank, then he must prepare constituent and registration documents. You will also need a card with sample signatures of persons who have the right to sign. We need their passports and TIN. The list of documents is sometimes expanded.


A loan for business development for an LLC is issued in the amount of 3-5 million rubles. But some institutions, for example, the Bank of Moscow, issue large sums. The condition is the company's solvency and fulfillment of the obligations assumed when signing the loan documents.


Interest on loans for all clients is determined for each client individually. Loan fees depend on several factors:

  • solvency;
  • financing period;
  • loan currencies;
  • the presence of collateral or surety.

Base rates are now 14.5-17% per year. And under preferential programs from the state there is 10%.


Under standard programs, loans are issued for a period of up to 3 years. Sometimes longer lending times apply. Early repayment is also possible, but you need to find out immediately if there is an additional fee for this.


The loan is repaid in equal or differentiated installments. Sometimes individual repayment scheme options are possible. The transfer is made from a current account to a credit account. If you fail to make a payment on time, the bank will accrue late payment and your credit rating will be lowered.

Advantages and disadvantages

A business loan has its advantages:

  • no withdrawal of funds from circulation is required;
  • it is possible to obtain a loan without collateral;
  • You can become a participant in the state program by applying for a preferential loan.

But it should be borne in mind that banks in the field of lending work only with trusted businessmen. Borrowers must confirm their solvency and open current and deposit accounts and corporate cards for the company. Only then is it possible to obtain a loan.