Serial killers of Russia (Alexander Pichushkin - “Killer with a chessboard”). Emotions of a maniac "Pichushkin is our president"

Only in “MK”: the maniac Pichushkin destroyed people, imagining himself to be the God of the forest

The name of this man will be written in blood in the history of Russian forensics.

33-year-old Alexander Pichushkin, nicknamed Bitsevsky maniac for many years he kept the capital in fear. In terms of the number of victims (61), he surpassed his idol Andrei Chikatilo. And his only regret is that he did not manage to surpass all the killers.

Now Pichushkin is awaiting trial. The selection of the jury will be completed in the next few days, and approximately in October 2007, lay judges must give a legal assessment of the actions of this person. However, is it a person? Those who communicated with Alexander have a different opinion on this matter.

Gene set maniac - a loud statement or a terrible truth? And how to identify his followers who may be among us? “MK” tried to figure this out.

“Don't say you understand him. You can’t do that if you don’t have the blood of 61 victims on you.”

“Do not say that you sympathize with him - this will make him feel proud of what he has done.”

“You can’t talk to him about shame, pity, universal morality, ask why he started killing, laugh at his ideas.”

“You ask, how then to communicate with him? Assent and listen.”

Before communicating with Pichushkin, all operatives had to memorize such instructions, like the “Our Father.” Isn't it similar to the instructions that Agent Starling received from her boss before meeting with Dr. Lecter in the famous film “The Silence of the Lambs”? This story is actually very similar to the movie. For a scary thriller in which the last frame has not yet been shot.

See a maniac and survive

“In my work there were three marriages - when the victims, unfortunately, remained alive,” Pichushkin recalled. - When did this happen for the first time? On the twenty-fifth corpse.”

“MK” found those who were lucky. Whoever had a chance to see a maniac, go with him into the Bitsa jungle and come out alive, albeit crippled. Alas, their further fate was such that it is unknown what outcome these unfortunates would now prefer.

Maria Viricheva came to Moscow from Tatarstan when she was just a girl, she was not even twenty. She sold cosmetics from a stall. I met Pichushkin in 2001, shortly after the New Year. The meeting place is a “drunk” spot, popular among local drinkers, near the Kakhovskaya metro station. Here the maniac often greeted future victims.

“Come with me, I hid contraband goods in the forest. Push, there will be profit. And then you can share the money with me,” Pichushkin suggested to the girl. She agreed. Why? Alexander flashed on the “patch” more than once or twice. So, yours. This means that with such a person you can go on reconnaissance missions, or go into the forest for dubious goods. And when Pichushkin suggested celebrating the holiday at the same time (February 23 was approaching), Maria cast aside her last doubts.

Near the well, he grabbed the woman by the hair and hit her several times... Masha fell down from a height of eight meters. The shaft ended in a horizontal pipe with a diameter of about one and a half meters. There is darkness all around, a river of sewage is seething in the pipe. In this hell, Maria frantically fumbled along the walls of the pipe, trying to cling to something. For a whole hour (!) she swam in the dirty slurry before she was able to catch on to the bracket.

Moving her numb fingers with difficulty, Maria began to climb up. She managed to move the heavy hatch cover a little, stuck her hand up, pulled herself up and... fell out of the well. But I no longer had the strength to walk - all I could do was scream.

Only the next morning, women walking through the forest heard Machine moaning. They called the guards for help garage cooperative, they called an ambulance. Her endurance and thirst for life amazed the doctors.

Masha spent a long winter night in the forest! At the same time, the woman, who was 6 months pregnant, was wearing only tights - the rest was carried away by the flood. But Viricheva not only survived, she kept the child! And closer to summer she gave birth to a girl.

Alas, this is where the happy part of the story ends. In 2004, Viricheva went to prison for participating in a gang street robbery. Three years later, she was released and ended up in a Red Cross shelter. Initially, Maria searched for her daughter in orphanages, then she went on a drinking binge and ran away. They never heard from her again.

But Viricheva did not betray the maniac. She was probably afraid of revenge. She said that she accidentally fell into the hatch - she was walking and tripped. Meanwhile, Pichushkin continued to kill.

The second “lucky” one is 14-year-old Mikhail Lobov. Victim number thirty-one.

Fate has not spoiled Mikhail since childhood. He was barely 10 years old when his father died. A few years later, the mother died. The older sister did not want to raise her brother and sent him to a boarding school in Kakhovka, where singer Yura Shatunov took his first steps into a big life.

Lobov, like most orphanage residents, did not become an artist. He constantly ran away - from boarding schools, from reception centers, from police stations. But his legs themselves led him to Kakhovka, where he spent his childhood. There Mikhail met Pichushkin.

“Help me move things. TV, computer, this and that. I’ll pay you generously, I’ll give you 500 rubles,” the maniac once addressed Mishka. The boy's hands began to shake with joy. He didn’t even ask what TVs could be carried from the remote corner of the Bitsa forest. And he didn’t really have time to understand what was happening - suddenly someone grabbed him by the legs, pushed him - and now the boy was flying into the abyss. And overhead the slamming of the hatch cover clanged.

Misha swam through the sewer mine for half an hour. A terrible death in sewage awaited the guy, if not for an accident. In one of the wells the release bracket was located lower than in the others - reach out and grab it. Misha managed to cling to it and get to the surface.

Where is Lobov now? In places not so remote. Having experienced a second birth, he did not come to his senses, but became a “window operator.” Recently I was caught for a series of burglaries. And he’s quite happy with his fate: there’s no need to be afraid of a maniac in a colony.

By the way, the next day after the happy rescue, Lobov again, like a moth to the flame of a candle, rushed to the Kakhovskaya metro station. And I caught the eye of Pichushkin! But for some reason the murderer did not finish off the victim. I didn’t regret it, no - such a word did not exist in the maniac’s vocabulary. I just thought that no one would believe the kid anyway.

And he turned out to be right! Misha tried more than once or twice to talk about scary person from the forest. But they just brushed aside the snotty boy, who was also a drug addict. And Pichushkin just chuckled. And he continued to kill.

Konstantin Polikarpov will not testify against Alexander Pichushkin. Although he is also a victim.

Moreover, the men know each other well: they lived in the same house and were even neighborly friends until 2002.

Konstantin just doesn’t remember anything. Neither how Pichushkin suggested that he go for a walk in the forest, nor how he pulled out a hammer from his bosom. The fact that the 31-year-old Muscovite survived is a real miracle. The criminal acted with certainty: 4 blows to the back of the head, then a throw into the well. Who will survive after this?

Konstantin got out of the Bitsevsk dungeons. But nothing of what happened was preserved in his memory. As a result of the injuries sustained, his brain was damaged.

After some time, he, like Misha Lobov, met Pichushkin on the street. “Hello, Sasha,” mumbled the disabled neighbor. “What happened to you?” - asked the executioner. Polikarpov just shrugged.

“I woke up in a well with a broken head. I don’t remember anything else.”

“I’m not afraid of this one,” the maniac thought at that moment.

Today Konstantin has difficulty moving. Every three months he is forced to see doctors. And in response to all the questions from the MK correspondent, he could only say one thing:

I don't trust people anymore.

After the incident with Polikarpov, Alexander decided to improve the method of murder. And just hit for sure.

It was from this moment that mutilated corpses of unfortunate Muscovites began to be found in the forest. On each one, Pichushkin left his “signature” mark - a stick or bottle stuck in the head.

Killer's Black Mark

FROM THE TESTIMONY OF ALEXANDER PICHUSHKIN: “I didn’t like the sound of a wheezing body. When I smashed the victim's head, air came out very loudly through the brain matter. This could also attract the attention of passersby. After all, I often killed not far from crowded paths. But then a television program with scientific content came to my aid. There I learned certain information about the structure of the brain. If you move the brain, there will be no wheezing. A bottle of vodka or a stick worked well for this purpose. It was also a kind of control shot to the head. So I could be sure that I left behind a corpse. And at the same time, the object in my head became my “black mark”.

From the point of view of psychiatry, Pichushkin’s choice is quite logical.

Sticking an object into the head is an attempt to rise above the victim, psychiatrists explained to MK. - This is sociopathic behavior, pathological personality development. In a calmer form it manifests itself in sadomasochistic relationships. In any case, this is a sublimation of the sexual instinct. Serial criminals try to reanimate previously experienced sexual experiences. And the stick, the bottle - all these are phallic symbols.

...Every criminal obsessed with the idea of ​​murder has his own favorite sign. The sadist from the thriller “Seven” chose symbols of the deadly sins. Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs was obsessed with larvae and butterflies. Alexander Pichushkin was distinguished by a strange love for Zolotoy Veles vodka. The maniac left bottles of this strong drink at crime scenes. The price of the “symbol” is truly symbolic - 28 rubles per bottle.

The choice of symbol is not accidental. Veles is the Slavic god of hunters among the pagans, and it seems that Pichushkin himself imagines himself as his right hand. No wonder the maniac admitted that he knew the Bitsevsky forest like the back of his hand - better than any forester.

And even before the arrest of the maniac, detectives compiled a map of the discovery of corpses. And they gasped involuntarily. Without wanting it themselves, they drew... an Old Slavonic cross - two intersecting straight lines, covered with a “lid-house” on top. With the crossing point of the crossbars at “Bald Mountain” - a small area in the middle of the forest, where figurines of ancient gods carved from wood are installed.

Other crime weapons are quite primitive. Pichushkin always took a nail puller with him to make it easier to open manhole covers. And a hammer purchased at a regular store. Moreover, the maniac was a picky buyer: he tried different hammers by weight, looking for the one that would suit his hand. A carpenter by training, he knew like no one that for a successful business one must have the right tool.

After each crime, Pichushkin, like a zealous owner, rinsed the weapon in the pond. He drowned two hammers, saying he was tired of “working” with the same tool.

One day a maniac decided to try out a “shooting” fountain pen. He purchased the new product from his former colleague - the men once worked together in a pharmaceutical warehouse. But after shooting two people, Pichushkin realized: firearms were not for him. And again he threw the pen into the pond. She then had to be removed from the reservoir using a magnet.

By the way, the maniac also killed the owner of the gift.

“Catch me if you can”

The entire “hunting season” of Alexander Pichushkin can be divided into two periods. “Closed” - when the fanatic hid the bodies. And “open”, when the killer left corpses at the crime scene. Why did the maniac suddenly change his handwriting? The answer to this question lies again in the field of psychology.

About the fate of those who found themselves on the path of a maniac in the “first period”, for a long time nothing was known.

A classic example is Mikhail Odiychuk, Pichushkin’s vocational school classmate. It was he who discovered the terrible list of the monster in 1992. “MK” has already talked about this case in detail. A sadist killed a friend just to feel what it was like to kill a person. Odiychuk disappeared in the sewer, he was put on the wanted list through our newspaper, and for 14 long years nothing was known about Misha.

Pichushkin committed his next crime only in 2001. For nine years the monster seemed to be sleeping, hiding, waiting in the wings. And then it started... Murders followed one after another, almost every week. “I liked watching the death throes,” Alexander said during interrogation.

Who are these unfortunate people who went to the Bitsevsky forest at the call of a maniac, like sheep to the slaughter? Homeless people, drunkards, people without family or tribe? Yes and no. On the terrible list there are many Muscovites who simply got drunk, there are intellectuals who were quite successful citizens in the past. Some were simply inconvenient to refuse the request of a seemingly sane person, others wanted to drown their grief with alcohol - it didn’t matter with whom, as long as the person was good... “These were just weak people - both in spirit and in body,” the operatives state. And Pichushkin himself later admitted: “It was unpleasant for me to kill the lucky ones. I chose only those I liked in the circle of victims. I wanted these people to stay with me forever. It seemed to me that they best qualities will pass into me.”

In 2002, a violinist named Herman died at the hands of a maniac. A successful musician from Balaklava Avenue began to become an alcoholic. Herman was kicked out of the house and went to live in the forest. And there I accidentally met Pichushkin. The violinist is one of the two whom the maniac shot.

That period of the maniac’s life was generally distinguished by its diversity. It was as if he was looking for the best ways to kill. Alexander gave one acquaintance, Yuri Kuznetsov, vodka to the point of unconsciousness, and then covered the unfortunate man’s mouth and nose for several minutes. Another, named Vyacheslav, was lured by Pichushkin - no, not into the forest, but into the entrance of a residential building. And he pushed me out of the 16th floor window.

It was during that period that the criminal almost died. One brave soul put up a worthy resistance and almost defeated the maniac. But the evil turned out to be stronger - Pichushkin beat the unfortunate man with a nail puller.

Of course, it was almost impossible to understand that all these crimes were the work of one person. It was as if the Bitsevsky maniac did not exist in nature. And Pichushkin became bored.

The killer decided to challenge the police: “Notice me! And catch it, if you can, of course.”

October 14, 2005 can be considered a kind of “birthday” for the Bitsa maniac. Then the body of a visitor from Serpukhov, 31-year-old Nikolai Vorobyov, was discovered in the Bitsevsky forest park. Kolya the homeless man - that’s what his friends from the “drunk” patch called him.

Alexander invited Nikolai to the forest for a drink - to remember the deceased mongrel. He chose the place for the funeral in advance (more precisely, for the future murder). However, Vorobyov seemed to feel something - he walked to the nearest bench and refused to go further. “Well, get some vodka,” said Pichushkin. As soon as Nikolai bent down to pick up the package, the maniac hit him on the head with a hammer.

The stunned man jumped up and started to run, but the sadist caught up with him. Strike again. Vorobyov fell, then got up with difficulty, again rushed into the thickets... This nightmare chase continued for quite a long time - the homeless man almost managed to run to the saving edge, overlooking the crowded Balaklava Avenue. But Pichushkin did not even think of letting the victim out of the forest. He just played with him like a cat with a mouse. And having played enough, he mutilated the unfortunate man. Experts counted 21 wounds on the head! “Homeless people are surprisingly tenacious,” the maniac will later say thoughtfully.

That day Pichushkin returned home in excellent spirits. Now he is the owner of the forest. And let someone try to stop him!

Devil's Bloody Harvest

The most “fruitful” period of the maniac’s activity was the end of 2005 - beginning of 2006. During this period of time, the sadist killed 2-3 times a month.

November 16, 2005. 63-year-old Nikolai Zakharchenko was found dead in the Bitsevsky forest. A former police sergeant, who guarded the bank all his life, in his old age he went to work at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Toriy. By killing him, Pichushkin seemed to have truly lost his human appearance. “Even a man can’t do this,” said the experts, studying what was left of the head of the unfortunate old man. There was even a version that Zakharchenko fell under pressure at his native enterprise, and his body was then brought into the forest - out of harm’s way.

November 21. 36-year-old Oleg Lavrenenko was killed. He left for Moscow “for happiness,” leaving his great-aunt in Kamyshin. In the summer of 2006, only his jaw was found - the rest was stolen by dogs.

November 28. 73-year-old Pyotr Dudukin was killed. The “pagan” series began with him - the maniac stuck a bottle of vodka into the victim’s head.

December 6. 72-year-old Nikolai Koryagin, a concentration camp prisoner and war veteran, dies at the hands of a murderer... That day, the pensioner visited the clinic. The way back went through the forest. What Pichushkin “sang” to the old man with a stick and a hearing aid - the maniac himself no longer remembers. And again - a fragment of a vodka bottle with a label stuck into the crown of the head.

December 19th. 64-year-old Boris Grishin had just left the entrance of the bitumen plant. It’s a sin not to miss a drink or two after your shift. The drinking buddy is right there. He already knows where to best lie in wait for victims. It was after this murder that a headquarters was created to capture the maniac.

December 26. 51-year-old Alexander Levochkin, also a drinker, was killed. The unfortunate man had to be collected in parts - stray dogs bit off his head, which was later found by a sniffer dog.

February 27, 2006. 55-year-old Yuri Romashkin was killed. The criminal also stuck a stick into his head.

March 4th. Pichushkin killed 68-year-old Stepan Vasilchenko. Professor, famous philologist, he knew brilliantly 7 foreign languages, and outwardly he looked a lot like Ivan the Terrible. I had the imprudence to agree to the proposal to celebrate the arrival of spring in the forest park. The sadist smashed the unfortunate man's head with a hammer and then stuck a branch into his head.

March 23. Killed was 24-year-old Makhmud Zholdoshev, a colleague of Pichushkin (he worked as a loader in the same store), a father of many children. By the way, Pichushkin even felt something like sympathy for him. “ Good guy, - this is how he later spoke about Mahmud. “I even allowed him to make fun of me, which I usually wouldn’t allow anyone to do.” Zholdoshev was tall and wore high-heeled shoes. To make it easier to hit him, Alexander asked him to pick up his bag from the ground. Mahmud tried to escape, but got stuck in the snow, and the sadist finished him off.

11 April. Another colleague, 48-year-old saleswoman Larisa Kulygina, dies at the hands of the killer. By that time, they were already actively looking for the maniac, and Pichushkin decided to hide the corpse again. He hit the victim 16 times in the head with a hammer and then dumped his body into a sewer. Alexander hoped that the body would be carried away by the current, as had happened more than once, but after a few days the body floated out of the pipe. For a long time the woman was considered unidentified. Only in early June did investigators find Kulygina’s torn passport in the forest.

By the way, it was after this murder that law enforcement officers first saw the Bitsa maniac. Moreover, he approached them himself - when the opera arrived at the store where Kulygina worked! Alexander groaned, worried, threw up his hands and said that he couldn’t even imagine how this could happen. The policemen nodded and left.

And Pichushkin, grinning, went hunting again. Last time.

Alexander Yuryevich Pichushkin (born April 9, 1974, Mytishchi, Moscow region) is a Russian serial killer, sentenced in October 2007 to life imprisonment on charges of committing 49 murders and three attempted murders in the Bitsevsky forest park in Moscow. He became known as the “Bitsa maniac.”

His father left the family when Alexander was 9 months old. After this, the boy grew up with his mother, and in his upbringing he took Active participation grandfather. In 1976, he and his mother moved to live from the city of Mytishchi to the Moscow district of Zyuzino (then it was the territory of the Cheryomushkinsky district), on Khersonskaya Street. Alexander was not a hooligan, seemed modest and unsociable, and loved to play chess. Soon, according to Pichushkin’s mother, he had an accident - he fell from a swing and received a traumatic brain injury, after which he ended up in the hospital. As a result of the injury, Pichushkin had complications with his speech - he confused “sh” and “s”, and also made mistakes in writing these letters, which is why his mother transferred him to the 138th speech therapy boarding school. After internata Pichushkin entered a vocational school to become a carpenter. At school he easily had affairs with girls and was not at all embarrassed by his burr. Pichushkin did not join the army. “I don’t know what he said at the military registration and enlistment office, but he was sent to the Kashchenko hospital,” says his mother. “I don’t even know what they did with him there, but he came back somehow different.”

This was in 1989. When I returned, I suddenly began to swing, doing pull-ups and push-ups on the horizontal bar. I could do a hundred push-ups at once. And at the age of 22, Pichushkin began to abuse alcohol.

Later, the defendant went to work as a laborer in a store. There was always enough work, but the drinking took its toll. He stopped drinking, started playing sports again, but then relapsed again. IN last years during his drinking bout he no longer reached the apartment. I fell at the entrance and waited for my mother to come home from work. Then, according to the mother, the son began to work late.

Pichushkin was never married, but in everyday life he was distinguished by emphatic neatness. For yours appearance Alexander watched very carefully and often changed his clothes. He gave preference to checkered shirts - as you know, the maniac Chikatilo also loved cowboy shirts.

Pichushkin’s colleagues said that he seemed to have “stalled” in the 80s, did not recognize anything new, and was enraged by the sound of modern cash registers. And he had a blast on cardboard boxes of goods that he had to unpack, cutting them up with a knife. He had some kind of paranoid passion for cleanliness: he would put a couple of bottles on the shelf and immediately run to wash his hands.

Alexander committed his first murder on July 27, 1992 at the age of 18: he strangled his classmate Mikhail Odiychuk and threw him into a well. The body was never found.

During the trial, the maniac said that together with his first victim, Mikhail Odiychuk, he studied at a vocational school from 1988 to 1991. “Well, in 1992 I sent him to heaven,” the defendant said. Then the future “Bitsa maniac” was 18 years old.

Pichushkin explained that by that time he had no experience in killings, so he persuaded Odiychuk to kill together. “He didn’t mind going and killing someone, but then I realized that it was just boyish on his part. I realized that he wouldn’t pull it off, and I decided that the first person to kill was him,” - Pichushkin said.

As the defendant explained, his plans did not include “getting caught” by the police officers and “he had to think about where to hide the body.” “I don’t remember how it happened, but I realized that the well was perfect - it’s difficult to find corpses there.

According to the accused, he and Odiychuk were looking for a place where they could hide the corpse on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park. “Of course, Odiychuk had no idea that he was looking for his own grave,” he said.

According to Pichushkin, the classmate desperately resisted. “The first murder is like the first love - it is not forgotten. I was impressed for a long time. We studied together, sat at the same desk,” said Pichushkin.

Maniac emphasized that after some time he saw an announcement in the media about the disappearance of Odiychuk, after which he was called to the police and he gave evidence. “This was the only case when in all my 63 episodes I was called to the police,” the defendant said, adding that after interrogations he was released.

Pichushkin pondered the first murder for quite a long time. After some time, he realized that he wanted to kill more. He finally understood this after the trial of Chikatilo. Pichushkin carefully prepared for the murders: he trained.

During the series of murders in 2001-2006, he lived with his mother, Natalya Elmuradovna, in Moscow on Khersonskaya Street, not far from Bitsevsky Park. Until 2006, he worked as a loader in a supermarket on Kerchenskaya Street. After his arrest, Pichushkin stated that he wanted to kill at least 64 people so that the number of victims would be equal to the number of squares on the chessboard. After each kill, he pasted a number and covered the cell with some object (cork, checker, etc.). However, during one of the interrogations he stated that after filling all the cells he would buy a new board. Only three managed to survive the assassination attempt. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless people and other asocial individuals, who, in his opinion, had no right to life. Soon he switched to his acquaintances, claiming that “killing someone you know is especially pleasant.”

Pichushkin in childhood

Rumors about a maniac operating in Bitsevsky Park have been circulating for a long time, since the 1990s, but they had nothing to do with Pichushkin’s case. The maniac began committing crimes in 2001, but then neither the police nor the prosecutor's office suspected the existence of a serial killer. On May 17, 2001, he gave 52-year-old Pronin a drink and threw him into a well. 6 days later he killed Klimov there. And this was just the beginning... Thanks to the proven method of getting rid of corpses using sewer hatches and covering their tracks, all the disappeared people were listed as missing until the end of 2005. According to the testimony of the director of the Kuryanovsky treatment facilities (it is to them that the sewer collector into which the maniac dumped his victims leads), V. A. Mukhina:

But for most of the 29 bodies found, the police did not open criminal cases and the bodies of his victims remained unidentified until the caught maniac himself identified them. Once, when the maniac was throwing another victim into the sewer - Konovaltsev's neighbor - he was seen by two women walking in the park. They reported to the police. Pichushkin escaped, then (a maniac after all) returned to the crime scene. And I noticed a squad from the police department. But for some reason no one saw him... It was only in the fall-winter of 2005 that notes began to appear in the press about increasing cases of murders in Bitsevsky Park. This was explained by the fact that Pichushkin stopped hiding corpses, wanting to make a name for himself in this way. The criminal’s “trademark” - the victim’s head smashed with a heavy object and branches or bottles inserted into the open wound - proved that a serial killer is operating in Bitsevsky Park, attacking mainly elderly men.

On October 15, 2005, the first “obvious” victim, Nikolai Vorobyov, was found in Bitsevsky Park. A month later, another murdered man, 42-year-old Nikolai Zakharchenko, was found. Only then did they start talking about a serial killer, who was quickly dubbed the Bitsa maniac.

They started ambushing him. However, no measures to catch the criminal, which included round-the-clock patrolling of the park by plainclothes officers and surveillance of the area from a helicopter, yielded any results. During the same period, an episode occurred when Pichushkin persistently offered a local resident who regularly walked in Bitsevsky Park to drink a bottle of strong alcohol. alcoholic drink. Pichushkin was clearly annoyed by the non-drinking man’s refusal and began to get angry, but at that moment two dogs appeared from the bushes, the owner of which was the would-be victim. The maniac immediately chose to leave. And the man immediately went to the nearest police stronghold, located at st. Obrucheva, house 55a, where he gave detailed description incident and described the suspicious person. But the police did not consider the incident worthy of attention and remembered this episode only a few months later, after Pichushkin was captured.

Pichushkin could have been caught during the “well” period. And many lives could have been saved.

The house where the maniac lived

Judge for yourself. In February 2002, a maniac threw pregnant Marina Viricheva into a well. The girl was able to survive, ended up in hospital No. 64, and told the visiting local police officer that a man she knew had lured her into the forest and tried to kill her. However, the policeman obviously did not want to bother. And he insisted that Marina not submit a statement and write that she fell into the well herself. The girl without Moscow registration and Moscow acquaintances did not contradict...

In the spring of 2002, Pichushkin “missed” again. This time, 13-year-old Misha Lobov survived, whom the maniac also pushed into the sewer. The boy crawled out of the sewer not far from the Zyuzino district police station. Seeing the policeman, the boy rushed to tell him what happened. But he just called a car to take the boy home. And he didn’t do anything else. A week later, Misha saw Pichushkin again at the Kakhovskaya metro station. And again the police were nearby. And again the boy rushed towards them. And again the people in uniform did not listen to him. Pichushkin, by the way, later remembered this meeting. “Who’s going to believe the kid,” he grinned in the investigator’s face.

How many more episodes like this! In fact, he could have been caught after almost every murder, simply by outlining the circle of acquaintances of the deceased.

When Sergei Fedorov (the maniac’s 25th victim overall) disappeared, his friend said that the last time he saw him was with Pichushkin. The police officers did not pay attention to this.

The maniac lured Alexei Pushkov into the forest to remember his dog (this was his favorite trick). On the way, they met Pushkov’s sister, who later, when her brother disappeared, told the police about this meeting. Again no reaction.

Some of the maniac's victims

After Andrei Maslov disappeared, the police even came to his friend Pichushkin’s home. But they didn’t find me and calmly left...

On February 19, 2006, a man was detained in Bitsevsky Park, who tried to run away while trying to check his documents. The operatives opened fire and wounded him in the thigh. It later became clear that the detainee had nothing to do with the murders in Bitsevsky Park. Two versions of his motives were discussed in the press. unusual behavior. According to one version, the operatives who stopped the man were not in uniform, and the man decided that they were trying to rob him. According to the second version, the man carried a knife for self-defense (at that time there were many rumors about the Bitsa maniac in Moscow) and when the operatives paid attention to him, he was afraid that he might be brought to justice. criminal liability for carrying bladed weapons.

On March 13, another man was detained in Bitsevsky Park, disguised as a woman, who, at the sight of police officers, also tried to escape. A hammer was found in his bag. During the investigation, it turned out that the detainee had an alibi at the time the crimes were committed.

He committed his last murder on June 13, 2006. By that time, he was working as a loader in a store on Khersonskaya Street, and his work colleague, Moskaleva, became his victim. He met her at approximately 21:00 at the New Cheryomushki metro station and, under the pretext of a walk, took her to the forest.

Already at the trial, the criminal admits that the woman seemed to have a presentiment of her own death. “She apparently felt something. She was shaking all the way. She even warned that she had left a note for her son, telling her who she had gone with and where,” the defendant said. “But I didn’t care anymore. I couldn’t help but kill. Therefore, there is no need to blame the police for the fact that I was caught. I turned myself in. I’m a professional.”
The woman was killed just 250 meters from the gas station, on the path opposite house 89 on Sevastopolsky Avenue. The crime was committed at 2 a.m., and Pichushkin struck the victim at least six times on the head with a hammer, after which he fled the scene with the crime weapon.

Marina Moskaleva and Alexander Pichushkin on the day of the murder

The alleged killer was identified by his phone number, which the woman, going with Pichushkin for a walk in the forest, left with her relatives just in case. During the search that was carried out at his home, the maniac himself gave away the hammer with which he killed the woman.

On June 16, Alexander Pichushkin himself was detained. The adjacent two-room apartment in the Khrushchev building, where the defendant lived with his mother, was stormed by the police in accordance with all the rules. “About eleven,” says the accused’s mother Natalya, “the fire engine and "ambulance".
“I even looked out from the balcony,” the woman continues. “I saw some guy staring at me from the bushes.” When she returned to the room, the doorbell rang.

The neighbor from downstairs called, but as soon as Pichushkina opened the door, “ten men and riot police” appeared in front of her. “Everyone entered the apartment and surrounded the sleeping Sasha’s bed,” the woman added.

At first, the mother was told that her son was stealing food from the supermarket. A search was immediately carried out. They took kitchen knives, an old hatchet and all the plumbing and carpentry tools, as well as pornographic cassettes. Then they came with another search, after which they took all his things and home photographs. “At first they told me that he was detained on suspicion of the murder of Marina P. I did not see this woman,” continues Natalya. “My son never brought girls home.”

According to the mother, during last month Before the arrest, the son communicated with Marina by phone. “I didn’t insist on getting married. Well, why do I need a daughter-in-law when my son drinks,” Pichushkina added. “And recently Sasha promised to start with the new year new life. And I even stopped drinking."

After some time, the arrested person declared that he was the “Bitsa maniac,” but search activities continued, as investigators did not rule out the possibility of self-incrimination. A few days later, Pichushkin testified on other crimes committed on the territory of Bitsevsky Park. In April 2007, Pichushkin was found to be of limited sanity (which implies the possibility, as a form of punishment, to place the convicted person in prison with mandatory compulsory treatment at the place of stay) based on the results of an examination conducted since December 2006 at the Institute. Serbian.

In June 2007, the Moscow prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the criminal case of Alexander Pichushkin. He was charged with 52 intentional crimes, mainly on the territory of Bitsevsky Park.

On August 13, 2007, the Moscow City Court began preliminary hearings in the case of Alexander Pichushkin, accused of murdering 48 people and attempted murder of three more people. The defendant was charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Murder of two or more persons in a knowingly helpless state, committed with extreme cruelty.”

Moscow Prosecutor Yuri Semin acted as the state prosecutor at the trial. According to his forecasts, the trial of Pichushkin should have lasted at least two months. There were 41 victims and 98 prosecution witnesses in the case. The court granted the defendant's request to have his case examined by a jury and announced that the trial would be open. Jury selection was scheduled for September 13.

According to the investigation, Pichushkin committed crimes from 1992 to 2006. The accused was most active in 2005-2006. on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park in the south of Moscow. Most of the victims of the defendant were men; among the victims there were only 3 women: two were killed (Larisa Kulygina, Marina Moskaleva), an attempt was made on one (Maria Viricheva). The appointed lawyer for the defendant, Pavel Ivannikov, said that his client admits guilt in full. The exact number of victims of the “Bitsa maniac” is still unknown. Earlier, in an interview with one of the TV channels, Pichushkin stated that he had committed 61 murders (at that time he did not know that Maria Viricheva survived the attack). According to various sources, Pichushkin claimed to have killed 60, 61, 62, or 63 people. In the last interview he spoke only about sixty:

At the same time, according to him, many of his victims were his acquaintances. According to Pichushkin, he led victims into the forest park under various pretexts, told many that his dog was buried in the park and needed to be remembered, where he killed them with blows to the head with a hammer and hid the bodies. During the investigation, Pichushkin showed several burial places of the dead. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed the opinion that Pichushkin surpassed even the famous serial killer Chikatilo in cruelty, executed in 1994 for the murder of 53 people. He also stated that if he had not been detained, he would not have stopped killing:

When Pichushkin was filmed by a film crew from the NTV channel, Pichushkin stated:

With some special pride, the accused spoke in court about the pre-selected murder weapon - a claw hammer. “I chose it (the hammer) myself - cast, 800 grams. To wet people is not to hammer nails. The tool must not fail,” said the defendant.
Answering questions from the prosecutor, he also explained why he began to stick a stick or bottle into the victim’s head after the murder. “It’s very quiet in the forest at night, and when a person lies with a broken head, a wheezing comes out of him - loud and disgusting. If you move the brain, the wheezing stops. So I used what I could get my hands on,” the accused concluded.

The maniac planned his crimes so carefully that in some cases he even took receipts from his future victims that cleared him of suspicion. At the trial, the prosecutor asked Pichushkin if he had receipts from two of his victims, including Odiychuk, stating that the victims voluntarily took their own lives. Pichushkin replied: “They were, they were. I owned such receipts.” He added that he took the receipts for “legal insurance if the corpses are suddenly found.”

According to lawyers, 33-year-old Pichushkin incriminated himself in a number of cases. According to the defense, a number of accusations are based only on Pichushkin’s confessional testimony and are not supported by other evidence.

The jury spent about 2.5 hours in the deliberation room, answering 105 questions from the parties. They made their decision to find Pichushkin completely guilty unanimously. After this, presiding judge Usov expressed gratitude to the jury for their work and dismissed the panel.

The judge emphasized that if the jury wants to participate in further hearings in the case, they can participate as listeners. The court announced a 30-minute break, after which the consequences of the jury's verdict will be discussed.

On October 24, the jury of the Moscow City Court unanimously returned a guilty verdict. Pichushkin was found fully guilty of 48 murders and 3 attempted murders. On October 25, he made his last statement in court, saying that he did not regret his actions:

On October 29, 2007, Pichushkin was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. He was found guilty of murdering 48 people and three attempted murders, while he himself admitted to committing another 12 serious crimes, including the murder of Mikhail Odiychuk, committed in 1992.

On November 2, 2007, Alexander Pichushkin appealed the verdict. IN cassation appeal he asked to reduce the sentence from life imprisonment to 25 years. In February 2008 Supreme Court The Russian Federation rejected the cassation appeal. He is serving his sentence in the Polar Owl special regime colony.

From December 16, 2010 to April 3, 2011, a wave of murders took place across Irkutsk, committed by 18-year-old Artyom Anufriev and Nikita Lytkin, who lived in the local academic town. There was no specificity in the selection of victims (among the victims were a 12-year-old boy and a homeless woman). They used hammers and knives as weapons. During the investigation, the killers reported that in 2007 they watched a TV program about Alexander Pichushkin, became interested in him (Anufriev even created the group “Pichushkin is our President” on the Internet), and it was after this that they had a desire, following Pichushkin’s example, to kill those who, in their opinion, did not have the right to exist. Later, during the investigation, it was established that the killers were motivated by completely different motives, which had little to do with Pichushkin’s motives.

Stray dogs ate the corpses that the “Bitsa maniac” Pichushkin left behind in Bitsa Park, which is why some of the dead people were never found. According to the Discovery Channel movie "Serial Killers: The Chess Player Killer"these cannibalistic corpse-eating dogs and their descendants still live freely in the South-West of Moscow».

Pichushkin in the courtroom

Alexander Yurievich Pichushkin(April 9, 1974, Mytishchi, Moscow region) - Serial killer , sentenced in October 2007 to life imprisonment on charges of 48 murders and three attempted murders. Committed crimes in the capital Bitsevsky forest park.


His father left the family when Alexander Pichushkin was only 9 months old. After this, the boy grew up with his mother, and his grandfather took an active part in his upbringing. In 1976, he and his mother moved to live from the Mytishchi district to the Moscow microdistrict Zyuzino, on Khersonskaya Street, building 2, apartment 40.

Alexander was not a hooligan, seemed modest and unsociable, and loved to play chess. He showed strange behavior, once he shocked everyone by drawing Lenin in the nude. Soon, according to Pichushkin's mother, an accident occurs to him - he falls from a swing and receives a traumatic brain injury, after which he ends up in the hospital.

As a result of the injury, Pichushkin had complications with his speech - he confused “sh” and “s”, and also made mistakes in writing these letters, which is why his mother transferred him to the 138th speech therapy boarding school. After boarding school, Pichushkin goes to study at a vocational school to become a carpenter.

First murder

First murder Alexander committed this in 1992 at the age of 18: he strangled his classmate Mikhail Odiychuk and threw him into a well. The body was never found. “The first murder is like the first love...” - he admits during interrogation 14 years later.

Life between murders

Pichushkin pondered for quite a long time first murder . After some time, he realized that he wanted to kill more. He finally understood this after the trial of Andrei Chikatilo. He later admitted that he was jealous of him and wanted to surpass him in the number of victims. Pichushkin carefully prepared for the murders: he trained, pumped up his muscles. Like he wore checkered shirts and collected all the newspaper articles about him. There is a version that Alexander’s mother knew about this, but did not attach much importance.

Murder Streak

“Bitsevsky maniac” Alexander Yurievich Pichushkin

During the series of murders in 2001-2006, he lived with his mother, Natalya Elmuradovna, in Moscow on Khersonskaya Street, not far from Bitsevsky Park. Until 2006, he worked as a loader in a supermarket on Khersonskaya Street.

After his arrest, Pichushkin stated that he wanted to kill at least 64 people so that the number of victims would be equal to the number of squares on the chessboard. After each kill, he pasted a number and covered the cell with some object (cork, checker, etc.).

However, during one of the interrogations he stated that after filling all the cells he would buy a new board. Only three managed to survive the assassination attempt. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless people and other asocial individuals, who, in his opinion, had no right to life. Soon he switched to his acquaintances, claiming that “killing someone you know is especially pleasant.”

Bitsevsky maniac

In 2005-2006, rumors spread throughout the south-west of Moscow (with reference to police sources) that in Bitsevsky forest park There is a maniac at work who kills elderly people with particular cruelty.

From the beginning of 2006, publications began to appear in the press. The killer was dubbed " Bitsevsky maniac.”


Bitsevsky maniac

February 19, 2006 at Bitsevsky Park a man was detained who tried to run away while trying to check his documents. The operatives opened fire and wounded him in the thigh. Later it turned out that the detainee had no relation to murders in Bitsevsky Park .

The press discussed two possible motives for his unusual behavior. According to one version, the operatives who stopped the man were not in uniform, and the man decided that they were trying to rob him. According to the second version, the man carried a knife for self-defense (at that time Bitsevsky maniac there were many rumors in Moscow) and when operatives drew attention to him, he was afraid that he might be prosecuted for carrying a bladed weapon.

March 13 at Bitsevsky Park another man was detained, disguised as a woman, who, upon seeing the police officers, also tried to escape. A hammer was found in his bag. During the investigation, it turned out that the detainee had an alibi at the time the crimes were committed.

On June 14, the murder of Marina Moskaleva was committed, during the investigation of which the investigation came to her colleague Alexander Pichushkin. Marina, leaving on a date with Pichushkin, left her son his number mobile phone. Pichushkin himself knew about this fact, but still decided to kill.

On June 16, Alexander Pichushkin himself was detained. After some time, the arrested person stated that he was the “ Bitsevsky maniac “, but search activities continued, as investigators did not exclude the possibility of self-incrimination. A few days later, Pichushkin testified on other crimes committed on the territory Bitsevsky Park.

In April 2007, Alexander Pichushkin was found to be of limited sanity (which implies the possibility, as a form of punishment, to place the convicted person in prison with mandatory compulsory treatment at the place of stay) based on the results of an examination conducted since December 2006 at the Institute. Serbian.


In June 2007, the Moscow prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the criminal case of Alexander Pichushkin. He was charged with committing 52 intentional crimes, mainly in the territory Bitsevsky Park .

On August 13, 2007, preliminary hearings began in the Moscow City Court in the case of Alexander Pichushkin, accused of murdering 49 people and attempting to murder three more people. The defendant was charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Murder of two or more persons in a knowingly helpless state, committed with extreme cruelty.”

Moscow Prosecutor Yuri Semin acted as the state prosecutor at the trial. According to his forecasts, the trial of Pichushkin should have lasted at least two months. There were 41 victims and 98 prosecution witnesses in the case. The court granted the defendant's request to have his case examined by a jury and announced that the trial would be open. Jury selection was scheduled for September 13.

Bitsevsky maniac gives an interview

According to investigators, Pichushkin committed crimes from 1992 to 2006. The accused was most active in 2005-2006 in the territory Bitsevsky forest park in the south of Moscow. Most of the victims of the defendant were men; among the victims there were only three women: two were killed (Larisa Kulygina, Marina Moskaleva), an attempt was made on one (Maria Viricheva). The appointed lawyer for the defendant, Pavel Ivannikov, said that his client admits guilt in full.

The exact number of victims of the “Bitsa maniac” is still unknown. Earlier, in an interview with one of the TV channels, Pichushkin stated that he actually committed 61 murders, without knowing that Maria Viricheva escaped after the attack. According to various sources, Pichushkin claimed to have killed 60, 61, 62, or 63 people. In the last interview he spoke only about sixty:

At the same time, according to him, many of his victims were his acquaintances. According to Pichushkin, he led victims under various pretexts into a forest park, where he killed them with hammer blows to the head and hid the bodies. During the investigation, Pichushkin showed several burial places of the dead. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed the opinion that Pichushkin surpassed even the famous serial killer Andrei Chikatilo in cruelty, executed in 1994 for the murder of 53 people. He also stated that if he had not been detained, he would not have stopped killing:

When Pichushkin was filmed by a film crew from the NTV channel, Pichushkin stated:

On October 24, the jury of the Moscow City Court unanimously ruled closing indictment. Pichushkin was found fully guilty of 48 murders and 3 attempted murders. On October 25, he made his last statement in court, saying that he did not regret his actions:

On October 29, 2007, Pichushkin was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. He was found guilty of murdering 48 people and three attempts, while he himself admitted to committing 12 more serious crimes, including the murder of Mikhail Odiychuk committed in 1992.

On November 2, 2007, Alexander Pichushkin appealed the verdict. In his cassation appeal, he asked to reduce the sentence from life imprisonment to 25 years. In February 2008, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation rejected the cassation appeal.

Story "Bitsa maniac" was the basis for the four-part film “Gardener” (“When the Rain Stops”) - a joint special project of the television company “Teleroman” and the First Channel of Russian Television, based on the detective series “Sled”.

From December 16, 2010 to April 3, 2011, a wave of murders took place across Irkutsk, committed by 19-year-old Artyom Anufriev and 18-year-old Nikita Lytkin, who lived in the academic campus there. The entire motive of the killers was based purely on Nazism and sadism; there was no specificity in the choice of victims (among the victims were a 12-year-old boy and an unknown homeless woman). The guys used hammers and knives as weapons. During the investigation, the killers reported that in 2007 they watched a TV program about Alexander Pichushkin, became interested in him (Anufriev even created the group “Pichushkin is our President” on the Internet), and it was after this that they had a desire, following Pichushkin’s example, to kill those who, in their opinion, did not have the right to exist.

Bitsevsky maniac - Alexander Pichushkin yesterday began testifying at the trial taking place in the Moscow City Court. The murderer was overly frank with the jury. “I’m a professional. Killing people is not hammering in nails,” he boasted. Accused of murdering 49 people and 3 attempted murders, Pichushkin pleaded guilty to four counts of the case, denied one and recalled that he had a total of 63 victims.

Pichushkin committed his first murder in 1992, when he was 18 years old. The last one was in 2006. He committed most of the atrocities on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park, for which he received his nickname. Under the pretext of drinking a bottle, he led a person into a deserted place and killed him with a strong blow to the head with something heavy. Pichushkin was detained on June 16, 2006 - three days after the next crime.

The maniac decided to pour out his soul after the court questioned the victims and witnesses. He was clearly in high spirits. "Do you plead guilty to the charges brought against you?" - State prosecutor Maria Semenenko addressed Pichushkin. “Now I will comment on the situation,” the defendant assured, “but before that I would like some introduction.” The introduction turned out to be lyrical. “I wrote poems to the prosecutor. Can I give them to you?” - Pichushkin asked the judge. However, the prosecutor agreed to accept the defendant's message only during a break in the hearing.

“At first I would like to comment on the 52 episodes presented to me, but then I thought that it would be unfair to forget about 11 more people,” Pichushkin began, but was interrupted by the judge. Vladimir Usov explained that by law he can testify in court only within the framework of the charges brought against him. "So you're only interested in 49 and 3, and you're not interested in 63?" - the defendant was surprised, after which he began a story about his first crime - the murder of a classmate at a vocational school, Mikhail Odiychuk.

“I studied with him from 1989 to 1991, sat at the same desk. And in 1992 I sent him to heaven,” the maniac said pathetically. He said that at first he chose a friend as a partner, with whom he planned to start hunting people. Pichushkin indicated that “by that time he no longer doubted his own destiny.” “Odiychuk suited me. He was strong, quiet, punctual,” said Pichushkin. “He didn’t mind killing someone.” However, as the defendant admitted, he soon realized that Odiychuk did not take his plans seriously. “And in general he was not capable of murder,” the defendant noted. According to him, it was then that he decided to get rid of his accomplice. From April to July 1992, he and Odiychuk wandered around Bitsevsky Park in search of a place where they could hide the corpse of a future victim. “Odiychuk walked with me, but did not understand that he was looking for his own grave,” Pichushkin chuckled. According to the maniac, it was during these walks that it occurred to him to use sewer wells: “They were ideal: people disappeared and no one knew where they went.”

Pichushkin killed Odiychuk on July 27, 1992, luring him to the park, where he said that he allegedly “had his eye on a man and we will kill him.” “My guess was confirmed: Odiychuk backed down. Naturally, this was not part of my plans,” said the defendant, saying that he strangled his classmate with a rope and threw the body into a well.

Soon Pichushkin was summoned to the police - the first and last time after the crime he committed: the police learned that at one time Pichushkin took from Odiychuk and another classmate, Alexey Lavrukhin, receipts stating that they were ready to voluntarily die. “Why did you do this?” Judge Vladimir Usov was surprised. Pichushkin explained that he wanted to insure himself if Odiychuk’s corpse was discovered. After this, the villain spoke about three more crimes that he committed many years later: the murder of Evgeny Pronin (May 17, 2001), Larisa Kolygina (April 11, 2006) and Marina Moskaleva (June 13, 2006). The maniac knew them all well. And he even had a close relationship with Kulygina. Pichushkin liked to kill people he knew: “The closer a person is, the more pleasant it is to kill him: you get more emotions.”

He said that he killed most of the victims with a hammer specially purchased for this purpose: “I chose it myself - cast, 800 grams. To wet people is not to hammer nails. The tool must not fail.”

Pichushkin spoke about his last victim, Marina Moskaleva: “She apparently felt something. She was shaking all the way. She even warned that she had left a note for her son, telling her who she had gone with and where,” the defendant said. “But to me It didn’t matter anymore. I couldn’t help but kill. So there’s no need to blame the police for the fact that I was caught. I turned myself in. I’m a professional.”

Despite the fact that Pichushkin willingly and in detail spoke about his atrocities, he flatly refused one episode: the murder of Vladimir Ushakov on August 27, 2003. His body was found in Troparevsky Park. “I was in this park about 20 years ago, when I was a child,” the defendant said. Answering questions from the prosecutor, he explained why he began to stick a stick or bottle into the victim’s head after the murder. “It’s very quiet in the forest at night, and when a person lies with a broken head, a wheezing comes out of him - loud and nasty. If you move the brain, the wheezing stops. So I used whatever I could get my hands on.”

His interrogation will continue today.

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Life News has learned the details of the imprisonment of one of the most bloodthirsty killers of our time.

A 38-year-old criminal convicted of murdering 48 people is serving his sentence in a special regime colony. It is located in the village of Kharp, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 60 km north of the Arctic Circle.

The strict regime that has been introduced in the colony involves placing prisoners in so-called “cell-type premises”, so Pichushkin has been living in such a “stone bag”, fenced off from the whole world, for almost four years.

He has nothing personal belongings except a towel, soap, toothpaste and brush, tobacco products and matches.

Due to the lack of jobs, the convicted Pichushkin is currently not employed, the press bureau of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia told Life News.

Nevertheless, every morning he is required to get up at 6 o'clock, clean his cell and do exercises. The range of activities Pichushkin is allowed to do is meager: undergo morning and evening checks, wash his laundry if necessary, and go to the doctor. In general, before lights out at 10 p.m., he has the opportunity to think about what he has done.

One of the few entertainments here is the radio, which broadcasts from 6 am to 10 pm. Television and films are prohibited.

There is still reading left. Alexander Pichushkin does not neglect them. But, apparently following the precepts of Doctor Preobrazhensky, he does not read newspapers and does not subscribe to any other periodicals. But, as the colony staff note, the maniac was spotted in the library more than once.

IN free time, allotted by the daily routine, he reads fiction, - added the press bureau of the federal service.

In the colony, the serial killer is quite peaceful - during the entire time Pichushkin lived there, he never participated in conflicts with other prisoners.

Apparently, the notorious criminal does not suffer from mental anguish.

During the entire period of his imprisonment, Pichushkin never expressed a desire to meet with the priest who serves in the local chapel, added representatives of the colony where Pichushkin is imprisoned.

He also did not seek the help of a psychologist - he manages to get along with thoughts of dozens of murders without outside help.

Colonial staff also say that the prisoner is not particularly sociable.

He corresponds mainly of a private nature - with close relatives, - summed up the FSIN employees.

Alexander Pichushkin was sentenced to life imprisonment in October 2007. The jury found him guilty of 48 murders and three attempted murders of innocent people.

The maniac committed most of the brutal crimes in the Bitsevsky forest park in Moscow, for which he received his nickname.

In the West, Puchushkin was called the Chess killer - he sought to ensure that the number of his victims was equal to the squares on the chessboard. Now, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service, the convict has no interest in board games - he does not play them.

Pichushkin committed his first murder back in 1992, barely reaching adulthood. His victim then became Mikhail Odiychuk, with whom he studied together at the technical school.

The last person killed was a work colleague, Marina Moskaleva. This was in 2006. For almost 20 years, Pichushkin remained unpunished, leaving everyone living near the park in awe.

On court hearing he called himself a professional and insisted that he himself helped the police get on his trail.