Curd dietary soufflé. PP recipes from cottage cheese in the oven and in a frying pan, fitness candies and desserts Curd fairy tale: PP cheesecake

This tender and airy dish is deservedly popular. How to prepare a curd dietary soufflé, what products can be added to the curd mass?

For a couple

This recipe for dietary cottage cheese soufflé is suitable for people on a diet. Measure out 200 g of low-fat curd and grind it until smooth. Wash a handful of lingonberries and sprinkle with lemon juice. Beat 2 egg whites well (you should get a fluffy foam). Mix baking powder (10 g), a little vanilla and semolina (1 tbsp). Combine the cottage cheese with liquid sweetener (measure it to taste) and dry ingredients, carefully add the protein and berries, mix, and transfer to the mold. Place it in the steam basket and cook for 30 minutes.

With banana

Children especially like this recipe. Combine the yolk with sour cream and sugar (1 piece/1 tbsp/1 tbsp). Transfer the resulting mass to cottage cheese (200 g). Thicken with semolina (1 tbsp). Beat the egg white and add it there. Grease a silicone mold, place a chopped banana on the bottom, spread the curd mixture on top, and cook in the oven for 30 minutes at medium heat.

With gelatin

This soufflé does not require baking. Take low-fat cottage cheese (250 g), 250 ml of milk, gelatin (1-2 tbsp - depending on the desired consistency). Add sweetener to taste. The flavoring agent is vanillin. Also take the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. cocoa. Pour gelatin over cold milk, whisk and heat over low heat (do not bring to a boil). Mix cottage cheese with sweetener, vanilla and process in a blender. Pour in the juice and beat again. Add milk with melted gelatin. Stir. Pour half into a mold and place in the refrigerator. Add cocoa to the other half, mix, pour into another mold and also put in the refrigerator.

In a slow cooker

Process 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese in a blender. Add some sugar or sugar substitute. Put 4 tsp. sour cream, yolk, 20 g semolina. Pour in 100 ml of milk, stir. Add whipped egg white. Transfer to the mold. Place it in the steam basket. Pour 500 ml of water into the bowl. Cook in steam mode for 40 minutes.

In the microwave

Peel the apple and grate it. Soak the raisins in water for a short time and then dry on a napkin. Rub 200 g of cottage cheese, add sugar, egg, raisins and apple. Mix everything. Cook for 5 minutes on high, transferring to a silicone mold.

With carrots

Boil 1 carrot. You will also need 100 g of cottage cheese, sugar, egg and milk (50 ml). Grind the carrots to a puree, combine with grated cottage cheese, sugar, egg and other ingredients. Sprinkle the greased mold with semolina. Lay out the curd mixture. Bake at 170 degrees for 45 minutes, then leave the soufflé in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Curd dietary soufflé is easy to prepare, and the taste of the resulting dish will not disappoint you. You can completely improvise by adding new ingredients and thereby changing its taste.

The dietary soufflé made from cottage cheese, the recipe for which we will consider, serves as a vivid example of creating a low-calorie and incredibly tasty dish.

Dietary nutrition is not only used to reduce body weight, but is also prescribed for certain diseases. At the same time, this very concept scares many, since it implies giving up some foods and revising the diet as a whole. However, as practice shows, something healthy should not be tasteless.

Various dairy products form the basis of many diets. Such high popularity is due to the relatively low calorie content and large amount of protein included in their composition. In turn, the use of cottage cheese opens up space for flights of imagination and makes it possible to significantly diversify the diet of those losing weight. Dishes prepared on its basis are distinguished by excellent taste and delicate structure, ensuring ease of absorption by the body.

Let's look at a recipe for creating a simple soufflé based on cottage cheese. To prepare it we need the following set of ingredients:

  • cottage cheese 0% or 5% - 300 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar to taste.

Dietary cottage cheese soufflé is best prepared using 0% cottage cheese.
However, in the absence of such a product, 5% mass will do. Another condition for selection is its freshness and porosity, since these are the indicators that speak most about the quality of the product. Having chosen a suitable sample of cottage cheese, take it and grind it through a sieve. This step will make its mass more airy and give it tenderness. Separately from it you need to make the filling. To do this, break our eggs into a bowl and start beating them with a mixer. While mixing, add starch, sugar and lemon juice. Continue beating the mixture until it becomes homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved in it. As soon as this happens, add our grated cottage cheese to the container and mix it with a mixer with the rest of the ingredients. As a result of such actions, we will get a light and airy mixture that has an appetizing appearance and a delicate structure.

Now, the curd soufflé needs to be baked. We take a baking sheet, grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil and pour out our entire mass, and also distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​the sheet. In turn, it should be baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. At the end of this time, the dietary soufflé will be covered with a golden brown crust and will be completely ready.

Dietary soufflé based on cottage cheese in the microwave: components and stages of creation

Soufflé with cottage cheese can be prepared without using an oven. In this case, a microwave oven, which almost everyone now has, will help us. The recipe for creating such a culinary masterpiece is based on the use of the following components:

  • cottage cheese 0% - 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 3 tsp;
  • raisins - a handful.

To prepare our dish, you should also choose low-fat cottage cheese, which contains a minimum number of calories. It must first be ground through a sieve, making it more airy and tender. After that, add the eggs directly into it and using a mixer, beat both components until completely mixed. Next, add sugar and cocoa, continuing to beat the mixture intensively until the sugar is completely dissolved. Please note that to ensure the desired effect, it is best to use powdered sugar. This solution will not only significantly reduce the time it takes to create a soufflé from cottage cheese, but will also guarantee complete dissolution of sugar. Once mixing is complete, add raisins to our ingredients.

For baking, take muffin tins or ordinary cups, which should be filled to about half the volume. In this position, put them in the microwave and turn it on at maximum power for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the curd souffle begins to rise and foam, it means it is completely ready. Therefore, we take it out of the oven, and load the next batch in its place. After the forms have cooled and the mass has completely hardened, you can eat it, enjoying its taste and extraordinary lightness.

Curd soufflé without baking: selection of products and cooking steps

There is also a recipe that does not involve heat treatment.

The main ingredients that this dietary soufflé includes look like this:

  • sour cream 15% - 400 g;
  • cottage cheese 0% - 400 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • gelatin - 40 g.

To create this great recipe, you need two dairy products, namely cottage cheese and sour cream. The best solution would be to choose foods with the lowest fat content. Therefore, if it is possible to purchase 10% sour cream, then you should take it. To prepare our souffle, you need to put all the cottage cheese in a bowl, add sour cream and sugar. Beat all these components with a mixer until they are completely mixed. As a result of such actions, the sugar should completely dissolve, and the mixture should become monolithic and aromatic.

Now you need to prepare the gelatin. To do this, it must be diluted with a small amount of warm water until completely dissolved. Next, pour this liquid into a container with the remaining components and mix it thoroughly. The final stage of creating such a soufflé for a diet is freezing the dish. To do this, you can leave it in the same bowl in which it was cooked. However, the best option would be to use special silicone baking molds or shaped plates. In this form, the mass is transferred to the refrigerator, where it remains until the dish completely hardens. In the finished version, our curd soufflé can not only diversify the diet of those losing weight, but also make it more colorful.

Soufflé from fresh low-fat cottage cheese Perfectly suitable for both baby and diet food. Curd soufflé easy to prepare, very tasty and healthy. “Soufflé” means airy (translated from French). It will be airy curd soufflé only if we can beat the egg whites into a strong foam. Here are some secrets on how to whip egg whites correctly:

Curd With ufle

  • Beat the egg whites in a glass, porcelain or enamel bowl. Aluminum cookware is not recommended as it gives a gray color to the squirrels. Plastic dishes have pores that are not properly cleared of grease and this prevents the egg whites from whipping.
  • The dishes must be clean, free of grease and perfectly dry. A drop of water or poorly washed grease from the dishes will extinguish the foam, the egg whites will be more difficult to whip, and the resulting foam will be fragile and unstable.
  • Egg whites whip better if you add a pinch of salt to them.
  • Fresh egg whites do not whip well, use week-old egg whites

This post contains recipes for curd soufflés that meet the requirements of diet No. 5p for pancreatitis. Dishes prepared according to these recipes are low-fat and high in protein, so they are included in the menu of protein diets for weight loss.

Steam curd soufflé


  • cottage cheese 9% - 300 g (1.5 packs)
  • semolina - 20 g (1 tbsp)
  • eggs - 40 g or (1 piece)
  • sour cream 20% - 40 g (4 tsp)
  • granulated sugar - 30 g (3 tsp)

Cooking method:

The cottage cheese must be made elastic, in the form of a paste. To do this, we choose a convenient method: rub it through a sieve, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it using a blender. And I do this:

  1. I separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat the whites into a strong foam.
  2. I'm cooking Steam curd soufflé
  • "Steaming"
  • Time - 40 minutes.

Note: CSteamed curd uffle can be cooked in a water bath in the oven. Cooking time 30-40 minutes

Bon appetit!

  • Proteins - 10.06 g
  • Fat –9.72 g
  • Carbohydrates – 8.24 g
  • Calorie content – ​​209.88 TO feces
  • B1 – 0.0289 mg
  • B2 - 1968 mg
  • C - 0.2139 mg
  • Ca- 156.461 mg
  • Fe - 0.2118 mg

Curd soufflé with carrots


  • cottage cheese 9% - 200 g (1 pack)
  • milk 3.2 - 100 g (0.5 cups)
  • semolina - 20 g (1 tbsp)
  • eggs - 40 g or (1 piece)
  • sour cream 20% - 40 g (4 tsp)
  • butter - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • granulated sugar - 30 g (3 tsp)
  • carrots - 80 g,

This recipe is similar to the previous one. But, before introducing the proteins into the curd mass, add carrots poached in milk (point 3). And now in more detail:

Cooking method:

  1. I combine products: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, sugar, semolina and egg yolks. I mix, chop and beat with a blender.
  2. We chop the carrots on a grater (Choose for yourself - fine or coarse. Depends on your condition. If you are in remission, then you can use a coarse grater). Let the carrots simmer in milk until tender and add them to the curd mass.
  3. Add the whipped whites into the resulting curd mass. Mix carefully.
  4. I grease the mold with butter, put the curd mass into it.
  5. I'm cooking Cottage cheese soufflé with carrots in a slow cooker. Pour two glasses of hot water into the multicooker pan. I set the mode:
  • "Steaming"
  • Time - 30 minutes.

Note: Steamed cottage cheese soufflé with carrots You can steam it, in a water bath in the oven, you can put the curd soufflé with carrots on a baking sheet and bake it in the oven. Time - 30-40 minutes

Bon appetit!

  • Proteins - 9.22 g
  • Fat –9.7 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8.37 g
  • Calorie content – ​​202.34 TO feces
  • B1 – 0.0329 mg
  • B2 - 2248 mg
  • C - 0.2444 mg
  • Ca- 177.63 mg
  • Fe - 0.242 mg,

Steam soufflé from semolina


  • semolina
  • pasteurized milk
  • butter
  • sugar
  • chicken egg

Cooking method:

  1. I separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them into a strong foam.
  2. Combine milk with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Add semolina to the boiling milk and, reducing the heat, boil for another 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the porridge from the heat, add the yolk, sugar and butter. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Add the whipped egg white.
  6. Place the soufflé in a greased form and steam it.

Curd soufflé with cookies


  • fresh non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese 9% - 200 g (1 pack)
  • sugar - 30 g (3 tsp)
  • savory unsweetened cookies - 25 g
  • chicken egg - 40 g (1 piece)
  • pasteurized milk - 100 g (0.5 cups)
  • butter - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • low-fat sour cream - for serving

Cooking method:

  1. Crush the cookies into small pieces, add sugar, pour in milk and leave for 15 minutes to soften.
  2. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam.
  3. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it using a blender.
  4. Combine the ingredients: cookies, yolk, cottage cheese, melted butter. Mix well.
  5. Add the whipped whites into the resulting curd mass.
  6. Grease the mold with oil and transfer the soufflé into it. Level the top.
  7. Cook by steaming, in a water bath or in a slow cooker. Before serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

You can get recipes for steam soufflé from meat, poultry, and fish.

Soufflé can also be vegetable and fruit. I will also write about this, but later.

The delicate taste and light structure of the soufflé have made it an indispensable dish for those who watch their figure and adhere to proper nutrition.

Dessert preparation technology:

  1. Choose fresh, spongy and not wet cottage cheese.
  2. Grind the product through a fine sieve to make the finished dish airy.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat sugar and eggs with a mixer or whisk.
  4. Add sugar, starch and lemon juice to the egg mixture.
  5. Stir the mixture with a spoon, add the cottage cheese and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  6. Line a baking pan with parchment and grease with melted butter.
  7. Pour in the curd mixture and place in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

After the time has passed, check the readiness of the dish with a toothpick and, if necessary, bake for another 10-15 minutes. until a golden brown crust forms.

Dietary souffle of cottage cheese with carrots and dried apricots

If you want to add some spice to your favorite cottage cheese dish, experiment with fillings. We suggest adding dried apricots and carrots to the soufflé.

Required ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 40-50 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh carrots and dried apricots - to taste;
  • butter – 1-2 tbsp. l.

Method for preparing curd soufflé:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, egg yolks, semolina and sour cream with a mixer.
  3. Add cottage cheese to the mixture and continue beating the mixture until smooth.
  4. Grate the raw carrots on a fine grater, steam and chop the dried apricots.
  5. Combine the filling with the curd mass and mix thoroughly.
  6. Beat the egg whites into a fluffy foam and slowly add them to the prepared mixture. Mix gently with a spoon, without using a mixer.
  7. Line a baking container with parchment, grease with melted butter and pour in the curd dough.

Bake the soufflé for at least 20 minutes. until fluffy and golden brown.

Cottage cheese soufflé casserole is a tender, aromatic and healthy dish that is suitable for both breakfast and late dinner. Prepare a dessert from low-fat cottage cheese, and you will get a complete protein dish, rich in vitamins.