Replacing a driver's license when changing your last name: step-by-step instructions. How to replace a driver's license with a new one when changing your last name? Where to go to get your license replaced

According to current legislation, change driver's license This is necessary both when changing your last name and when changing your first name, patronymic and other personal data (date and place of birth). Therefore, marriage is a clear reason for changing rights. At the same time, a characteristic feature of this procedure is that if the certificate is replaced, its validity period is not extended. Rights are issued for exactly 10 years. That is, if a woman received her license 8 years ago and there is a need to change it due to a change in her last name or other data, then the license will be valid for only 2 years. Afterwards you will need to obtain a driver's license again for 10 years. There are often cases when drivers are in no hurry to change their license. Since, for example, there is a year left until their expiration. This is against the law. is a fairly simple procedure. The period for re-issuing the document is no more than an hour.

Where to go to get your license replaced?

To replace a driver’s license, the driver has the right to contact one of 3 authorities. Each of them submits documents to the traffic police. Contacting one or another authority has its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. You can contact the MFC, but it is worth considering that you will have to wait from 5 to 10 days. But when you contact the MFC, you can get a ticket to accept documents the very next day, while at the traffic police everything is scheduled a month in advance, and you will need to wait at least 2 weeks for your turn.
  2. You can contact the traffic police directly. In this case, it will take no more than one day to replace the rights, if you do not take into account the wait for the appointed date of application. On average, the procedure for replacing a license at the traffic police takes no more than an hour.
  3. One of the most common and simplest options is to replace a driver’s license when changing your last name via the Internet. To do this, you will need to use the State Services portal. This will save you from wasting time waiting in lines.

Before contacting the traffic police MREO, you must pay the state fee and collect all Required documents. Replacing a traffic police license takes a minimum of time and consists of the following actions:

  1. First you need to submit all documents to the traffic police inspector.
  2. Next, the employee reviews all the submitted papers and asks questions necessary for clarification.
  3. If all documents are in order, then the next step will be to photograph the driver.
  4. The certificate is issued 10 - 15 minutes after the photo is taken.

Contacting the MFC

On average, the period for re-registration of rights through the MFC is 7 - 9 days. To replace an ID through the multifunctional center, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Collect a list of all necessary documents and make an appointment with a center employee. This can be done either on the official website of the MFC or directly in the center by taking a coupon from the electronic terminal.
  2. Next, you need to hand over all the documents to the center employee, who will tell you when you can come for your ID.

Portal "Government services"

To change a document via the Internet, you must use the State Services portal. To submit online applications you must follow the instructions:

  1. First, you need to go to the portal and select the “Service Categories” button, then “Transport and Driving”, and then the “Driver’s License” tab.
  2. A list will open from which you need to select the reason for replacing the ID, and then fill out the application form that appears on the screen.
  3. Before submitting the application, you must make an appointment with the traffic police to receive the document. You must select the desired department, and then the date and time of your visit.
  4. The next step is to pay the state fee, which can be done here on the portal.
  5. After that, all you have to do is go to the traffic police department at the appointed time and get a new driver’s license.

Documents for changing your driver's license

In order for the traffic police to accept your application for a change of license, you must prepare and collect following documents:

  1. An old driver's license, which will confirm the fact that you have successfully passed the traffic police exam and you do not need to retake anything.
  2. A certificate that confirms the marriage.
  3. Receipt confirming payment of the state duty. You can get it by printing it from the traffic police website.
  4. If you have temporary registration, you must also provide a certificate confirming this fact.
  5. Passport.

Instructions for changing a driver's license

When all the documents for replacing the document have been prepared, and you have already made an appointment, you need to go to the traffic police officer at the appointed time. At the same time, it is important that the application when contacting the traffic police is filled out correctly, regardless of whether you submit it online or in person when visiting the department. The application shall indicate the following information:

  1. The department to which the driver applies to replace his license.
  2. New changed data (full name).
  3. Place of birth and date of birth.
  4. Address.
  5. Details of the passport that was received after the last name change.
  6. Information on the old driver's license.
  7. It is also necessary to list the documents attached to the application (if the documents are submitted in person at the traffic police department).
  8. At the end of the application you must put a date and signature.

If you have unpaid fines for old violations, you will not be issued a new license until all debts are paid off. It is necessary to check for fines in advance and pay them immediately.

Today, changing your license at the traffic police department takes a minimum of time. In this regard, it is much more convenient to use the State Services portal. Then you do not need to bring the entire package of documents to the traffic police department. In this case, after completing the request on the website, you will need to go to the inspector to obtain new rights.

Cost of replacing a certificate

To obtain new rights when changing your last name, you must pay state fee. Its amount is 2,000 rubles, but when submitting an application through State Services, you can save 30 percent of this amount and make a payment of 1,600 rubles. You can pay the state duty both through the website and through mobile app"Government Services". You need to fill out an application on the website, submit all the necessary documents and wait until the traffic police issues an invoice for payment of the state duty. If you have not only national but also international licenses, then they also need to be changed.

Penalty for late replacement

If the driver is in no hurry to replace his license immediately after receiving a new passport, this will entail serious consequences. Most often, women postpone obtaining a new license due to lack of free time to visit the traffic police. However, if a woman does not change her license after changing her last name, this is equivalent to driving without a license. Although the current legislation does not clearly deadline replacement of rights in such cases, but following the current regulations this moment rules and regulations, you need to change your license immediately after changing your passport in order to avoid punishment in the form of fines and deprivation of rights.


Reading time: 4 minutes

Changing personal data due to a new marital status always entails the procedure for replacing basic documents, starting with the passport. Timely replacement of a driver's license when changing your last name in 2020 will help you avoid a fine of up to 15 thousand for driving a vehicle with invalid documents. It is highly not recommended to delay this procedure.

Why do you need to change permissions?

Those who are interested in whether it is necessary to change their driver’s license when changing their last name after marriage in 2020 should read paragraph 35(b) of Russian Government Decree No. 1097 dated October 24, 2014. B this document it is said that when personal data is changed, the rights become invalid, so they should be replaced.

If until 2014 this procedure was considered optional and was carried out at the driver’s personal request, now changing personal data is a legal requirement: a driver’s license with a maiden name is valid for only ten days.

How long does it take to change your last name?

This period begins from the day you receive your passport with new data. It is important to know that while the passport is being replaced with personal data, you can use the old rights. As soon as new passport received in hand, you should contact the relevant authorities within ten days to issue a new license.

In addition, do not forget that the rights have a validity period limited to ten years. And this means that their validity period will not be reset after receiving a document with new personal data.

The rights acquired in connection with changes in personal data are valid until the same date as the identity document they replaced.

Where to go

There is a choice where you can change your rights to change your last name in 2020. The options today are:

  • Contact the nearest one.
  • Submit an application and documents at the traffic police department.
  • Submit your application and documents to in electronic format on .

The procedure for replacing a license has now become more convenient and simpler due to the fact that you can contact any MFC or traffic police department, regardless of the place of registration.

What you need to do

So, the first thing you need to replace your driver’s license when changing your last name in 2020 is to change the data in your passport. Once new passport will be in hand, you can start collecting papers for the procedure for replacing the driver's license. In addition to the identification document, you will need a statement explaining the reason for obtaining a new driver's license. A form for it is issued at the traffic police department or at the MFC, where you decide to apply for the procedure. In addition, you can significantly speed up the process by using electronic form on the State Services website.

Many motorists are concerned about whether they will need to take the exam again before changing their driver's license when changing their last name. Today this is not necessary. It is enough to bring your old license, if you have one. If you lose them, you don’t have to worry, because all the data has already been entered into the common database.

To obtain a new driver's license, you will also need to take a digital photograph that matches all of them. But nowadays, almost everything multifunctional centers and MREO traffic police have such equipment available and their employees will do it quickly and correctly.

When paying through State Services in 2020, you can get a 30% discount. Also, before replacing your license when changing your last name, it is advisable to take care of paying fines, if any.

List of required documents

List of documents needed when replacing driver's license, quite short. It includes:

  • old VU;
  • passport with new personal data;
  • with a request to replace a driver’s license due to a change of surname in 2020;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty;
  • marriage certificate and its copy (for women who changed their last name due to marriage).

The question naturally arises whether a medical certificate is needed to replace a driver’s license when changing your last name, because it takes a lot of time and requires additional costs. According to the above-mentioned resolution No. 1097, the medical commission in in this case no need to go through.

You can read more about the design of the process in the article “”.

About deadlines

After submitting documents to replace your license, you will have to avoid driving for some time, because it is punishable by fairly high fines.

The process of obtaining a new certificate usually takes only a few days. Most often, you can obtain a new driving license directly from the traffic police on the day of application.

How soon a certificate will be issued for a changed surname is influenced by the presence of problems with documents, as well as the workload of the State Traffic Inspectorate department.

If verification of the authenticity of previous licenses or other documentation is required, verification may take longer. When the exchange of a driver's license due to a change of surname is delayed for some reason, it is not difficult to obtain one during the waiting period.

When citizens contact multifunctional centers, the process of manufacturing a new VA can take from five to fifteen days. To avoid queues, it is recommended to use the electronic form for submitting documents through State Services. Filling everything out necessary forms and having paid the state fee online, you will only have to wait for the appointed day to visit the center at the specified time. You will not have to queue to receive new documents.

Thus, changing the last name on a driver’s license after marriage is a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure.

There is one more point. The validity period of the new licenses received upon replacement will not be 10 years, but will correspond to the validity period of the old certificate in replacement of which they were issued.

Replacing a driver's license and obtaining an IDP: Video

Until 2014, a car enthusiast who got married and changed her last name did not have to waste time and energy on replacing her driver’s license (DL), but on November 5 of that year, new rules came into force, according to which the replacement of rights when changing her last name became mandatory. Also, according to the new rules, replacement of the ID is required not only in the case of a change in the surname, but also in the case of a change in other personal data (first name, patronymic, date and place of birth).

In this case, the new certificate will not be valid for 10 years, but only until the same date that was indicated in the previously issued one. For example, if a driver has a driver’s license valid until December 12, 2022, and changes this license due to a change of name in January 2020, then the new driver’s license will also be valid until December 12, 2022. After this date, the owner of the license will have to change it again due to its expiration and issue a new one (now for 10 years).

Do I need to undergo a medical examination when replacing my license?

Replacement of rights when changing surname requires passing a medical commission - since February 2016 medical certificate is not needed if the driver’s license is changed for the following reasons:

  • change of name (including change of surname after marriage);
  • loss of the old ID or its theft, as well as rendering unusable (damage, etc.).

In addition, you do not need a certificate to obtain an international driver's license - if you have a valid national driver's license.

Don't know your rights?

What documents are needed to replace a license?

To obtain new rights, you need to contact the registration and examination department (REO) of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (however, the names of this department may vary in different regions).

You will need the following documents:

  • a completed application (the form will be issued directly to the traffic police department);
  • ID card (with new surname);
  • marriage certificate or other document on the basis of which the driver’s personal data has changed (with a copy);
  • receipt of payment of the fee (2000 rubles) - at the request of the applicant;
  • old driver's license.

It should be noted that a driver’s card confirming completion of training is not one of the required documents. In addition, you do not need to bring photographs with you (photography is carried out directly at the traffic police department).

What is the procedure for replacing a driver's license?

With the collected package of documents, you need to contact the traffic police REO specialist who is responsible for replacing the certificates. The entire procedure for replacing rights consists of several stages:

  1. Submitting an application and documents to an inspector (specialist).
  2. Inspector checking documents.
  3. Taking photographs.
  4. Registration and issuance of a new driver's license.

As a rule, a driver spends no more than a couple of hours to replace his license. The situation will become more complicated if the motorist has unpaid fines for traffic violations, because in this case a new driver’s license will not be issued to him until payment is made (See. How to check traffic police fines using your driver's license number?).

It should be noted that you can also apply for a replacement license through the government services portal. In this case, the driver will need to appear in person at the traffic police only to receive a completed driving license (with original documents).

What happens if you don’t change your driver’s license when you change your last name?

Driving a car with a license registered in your previous name has been illegal since November 2014 and is equivalent to driving without a license. If the traffic police inspector detects this offense, the driver will face administrative penalty according to Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the amount of 5-15 thousand rubles. In addition, the vehicle must be towed to an impound lot, since a driver with an invalid driver’s license does not have the right to continue driving the car.

Have you entered into a marriage and changed your last name? Since the beginning of November 2014 replacing a driver's license when changing your last name becomes mandatory.

The process of replacing a driver's license in the event of a change in personal data is mandatory, but not complicated. Read the article below to see what steps you should take to replace your license.

How to change your driver's license when changing your last name

The rules according to which it was possible not to change a driver’s license when changing a surname expired on November 5, 2014. From this moment, when changing any personal data - first name, surname, patronymic or date of birth, a mandatory replacement of the driver’s license is required. Besides replace rights when changing surname you must do so within ten days.

The period for which the new certificate will be valid will be the same as the old one that was replaced for you.

That is, if your old ID was valid until March 17, 2017, and you changed your last name due to marriage in January 2017, then the new ID with a new last name will also be valid until March 17, 2017. Once the driver's license expires, it is changed every 10 years, so in March 2017 you will receive a new one, which will be valid until March 2027.

Replacement of rights when changing surname: is it necessary to undergo a medical examination?

According to the law, since February 2016, when replacing rights, passing a medical commission is not required when replacing rights for the following reasons:

  • When changing your last name and first name
  • When or if they are damaged

Also, if you have a valid driver's license and are applying for an international driver's license, you will not need a medical certificate either.

List of documents required when replacing rights

Where to go to get your license replaced? Obtaining rights in connection with the replacement of personal data is supervised by the REO (registration and examination department) of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. You can go to any territorial office of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, regardless of what area you live in or where you received your first license. It is to the REO that you should bring the following documents:

  1. Application for replacement of rights, the application is written on a special form, which you can obtain from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate directly upon registration;
  2. Your new ID (passport) with a new last name and its photocopy;
  3. A document from which the reason for the data change becomes clear. For example, a marriage certificate in the form of an original and a copy;
  4. Receipt for payment of 2000 rubles. state duty;
  5. Your current ID to be replaced.

Currently to replace rights when changing surname you will not need a driver’s card confirming the fact of your training, and photographs for the certificate will also not be needed, since photographing for your license is carried out directly at the REO).

But if you have 3pcs. your color photographs of 3.4x4.5 cm format - take them with you, perhaps with ready-made photographs you will save time.

Procedure for replacing rights when changing surname

The entire process of replacing a driver’s license consists of only 4 steps:

  • Find the right specialist from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for replacing driver’s licenses, give him the application and the documents attached to it;
  • Wait until a specialist checks your documents;
  • Have your license photographed;
  • Receive a new ID after registration.

If no difficulties arise, the whole process takes an hour or two. Difficulties in replacing a certificate can only arise if you have the necessary unpaid fines for breaking the rules traffic. If they appear in the database before payment is made, you will not be issued a new ID.

Is there a way to speed up the process of getting a new driver's license? Yes, if you have received registration on the site public services, you can apply for a replacement license online. The paperwork will be completed without your direct participation; all you have to do is go to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for a new license, having the original documents with you for verification.

What is the risk of a driver who does not change his license when changing his last name?

Everything is very simple. If you are stopped by a traffic police officer and your license and passport contain different names, from November 5, 2014. This state of affairs is regarded as driving without a license.

You receive an administrative fine from 5 to 15 thousand rubles in accordance with Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and since driving with an invalid driver’s license is impossible, you are sent to the impound lot.

Driving a car with an old driver's license, but with a new passport (last name changed, for example, due to marriage) today can bring a lot of trouble to a woman.

Since November 2014, according to the law, in this case, the driver’s license (hereinafter referred to as the driver’s license) must be changed.

What will happen if you do not replace your driver’s license on time due to a change of name in 2020, as well as what documents need to be prepared for re-issuing a license - all these nuances will be discussed below.

Until November 5, 2014, when changing her last name, a woman who got married could drive with her old license, registered in her maiden name.

At the same time, she must have a marriage certificate at hand so that, if necessary, she could confirm changes in her data to the traffic police inspector.

Since 2014, the rules regarding replacing a driver's license have changed.

Now it is necessary to change documents, not only if a person changes his last name, but also when his other personal data changes, for example, name, place and date of birth.

A feature of the new legislation is that when rights are replaced, they are not renewed. That is, if a woman rode with her old license for 5 years, and then changed her last name and got a new license, then it will only be valid for the next 5 years (licenses are issued for 10 years).

After which she will have to re-register the driver's license again, but for 10 years. Such rules do not suit many people, especially those whose rights expire after 1 year.

Good news for car owners who want to change their driver's license due to a change of name is the fact that now the procedure for obtaining new documents takes no more than an hour (previously the re-registration period was 1 month).

If you got married and changed your last name, then you also need to change your VU. In order for your application to be accepted, you must prepare and present to the traffic police department the following documents to replace your driver’s license when changing your last name:

A person can exchange their license when changing their last name at the traffic police department at their place of registration/residence.

You can submit an application to change your ID when changing your last name through State Services. What you need to do for this, read below:

Passing a medical examination when replacing a license

Many women are concerned about the question: “Do I need a medical certificate when re-registering a driver’s license due to a change in personal data?”

Came into force on February 15, 2016 new law, according to which a medical certificate is not needed when changing the driver's license.

A medical certificate is required only if the passport has expired and it is necessary to replace it with a new one, as well as in connection with a change in the motorist’s health condition.

As noted above, an application in connection with a change in personal data can be submitted via the Internet. But you can also write it in in writing, for this you need to go to the traffic police department.

The application must indicate:

Driving a car with a license with an old surname is regarded as driving without a license.

Cash contribution when replacing rights

To issue a new type of ID, a woman will have to pay a fee of 2 thousand rubles.. But this price applies if the client pays a contribution to the state treasury through a bank or terminal.

If you want to save money, then pay the state duty online through the State Services website - In this case, clients are given a 30% discount and instead of 2 thousand they will need to pay only 1.6 thousand rubles.

You can also pay the duty at a discount through the State Services mobile application. To do this, you need to download the application, activate your personal data, submit an application, and wait for the traffic police to issue an invoice. And only then can you proceed to payment.

When changing your last name or other personal data, you need to change not only your national but also your international rights (if any).

Replace old passport If you get married, you need a new one within 30 days. But regarding the replacement of the old device, the time frame is significantly reduced.

So, registration documents The right to drive a car must be changed within 10 days from the date of change of surname on the basis of a marriage registration certificate.

It turns out to be a confusing situation: a woman needs to change her license, but how to do this if the new passport is not ready yet? Many people have to temporarily stop driving a car until their documents are renewed.

  • fine for untimely replacement of a driver's license when changing a surname from 5 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • car detention;
  • departure vehicle to the penalty area. In this case, the car will be returned only if the woman presents a new driver's license.

Despite the fact that a new law regulating the replacement of rights when changing a surname came into force back in 2014, many women still do not know that changing rights after changing their maiden name is a necessity.

However, ignorance of the law does not exempt a woman from responsibility. And if she does not apply for a change of license within 10 days after receiving a new passport, she may find herself in an unpleasant situation.

Therefore, it is important to replace the ID in a timely manner, and for this it is best to apply for a new passport, and then for a new license, immediately after registering the marriage.