How to cheat viewers on periscope. Cheat subscribers on Periscope in a short time

Cheat subscribers in "Periscope" is the most fast way channel promotion. Of course, this is not as safe as cheating likes, but often the end justifies the means. One way or another, as long as bots are not used in this case, you have absolutely nothing to fear. Thanks to our online service, which involves real people using social networks, you will be able to promote your channel in the shortest possible time without any problems. All that is required of you is to order the appropriate service, for which you don’t even have to pay.

Instantly to the top

Surely every user who is seriously engaged in broadcasting on Periscope dreamed of seeing his channel on the main page of the application. Thanks to our service, the dream can finally become a reality, and very quickly and inexpensively. Cheating Periscope subscribers, each of which, we hasten to remind you, is a real user of the service, will help not only increase the number of views and likes on your channel, but also find a real audience.

Of course, first of all, you should have a question: “How much will such a promotion cost me?” Fortunately, it is relatively inexpensive, and if you have a lot of free time, then generally free. You can order the cheating of subscribers in Periscope using our online service by simply completing the tasks of other users - by liking them in in social networks and subscribing to their channels.

  • you help another user to get promoted on the Internet;
  • get points for it;
  • on them you place tasks on your own promotion.

Such a system helps to use promotion services even for users who are unable to pay for them. It is also suitable for those who value money less than their free time.

Dream of monetization

One of the main advantages of our promotion model is how fast and secure it is. The increase in the number of real subscribers will literally happen before your eyes, regardless of whether you bought points or earned them yourself. You can order a Periscope subscriber cheat in just a few minutes, after which the system will do everything for you. If you dream of monetizing your channel, our online service will be the best option.

    Hello friends!

    Of course, it's no secret that subscribers are the golden asset of any social network, and Periscope is no exception. Once a live stream starts, your subscribers receive notifications on their phones and are immediately connected, allowing you to get viewers almost instantly. And the more viewers, the higher the chances of reaching the top broadcasts. Do you want to be popular?

    Today, Periscope is just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. More and more people are starting to conduct personal live broadcasts. Guys and girls show their daily life, answer questions from the audience, just spend their personal time. Periscope allows someone to brighten up loneliness. But so far, few people understand that Periscope can be used for your offline and online business. Moreover, it is a very effective tool for PR and advertising. I will talk about this in following articles. Now let's talk about subscribers.

    I have formulated for myself 10 effective techniques on how to gain subscribers on Periscope. These techniques will allow you to find new and retain old viewers. Techniques are based on the technical and psychological knowledge that I have from my rich experience working on the Internet and with people.

    12 Periscope Promotion Techniques

    1) Use special equipment

    For high-quality and professional broadcasting, use a monopod (selfie stick), a table stand and a microphone (label).

    3) Post a direct link on social media

    4) Maximum following

    Find the periscope of a person who works in the same field as you. Then open its subscribers and start following them. As practice shows, about 10% of the people you follow will also follow you.
    There is currently a subscription limit of 45 people per minute.

    5) Regularity of castes (permanence)

    When you go live at the same time and stay consistent, you will be able to keep old subscribers and get new ones. Be sure to stick to your previously planned schedule.

    6) Conduct a survey by topic

    Ask the audience what topic they would like to hear about the next casts (live broadcasts). Who better than your subscribers know what interests them today. In this way, you will gain even more trust from your viewers.

    7) Use emoticons

    Use emojis or symbols in your stream title and account description to make your channel even more attractive.

    8) Create engagement

    Always create engagement at the start of your broadcast: say hello to your viewers, find out where they are from. People love it when all the attention is around them.

    Ask people to give you likes (hearts), put pluses or minuses on your questions.

    9) Train people to "like"

    In addition to the previous paragraph. Periodically ask people to put "likes" (hearts), because. the hearts of all broadcasts are summed up on your account. And the more hearts you have, the higher the rating.

    10) Save your broadcasts

    Be sure to register with to save your live streams. Because By default, periscope broadcasts live for 24 hours and then are deleted. With this service, you can save your broadcasts for any period.

    11) Turn on geolocation

    To find new viewers for your broadcast, be sure to turn on geolocation.

    12) Analyze % Retention

    The longer a viewer watches your broadcast, the better. A high percentage of audience retention allows you to bring the broadcast to the top. Therefore, think in advance how you will keep the audience as you broadcast.

    In general, these techniques are enough to gain subscribers to your account on the periscope. Try to use my tips in combination to get the maximum effect. And of course more practice - because with practice comes mastery. So in any business, and promotion in the periscope is no exception!

    Be sure to find me on Periscope and subscribe. My address
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Periscope is a platform that allows millions of users to watch other people's broadcasts, as well as stream their own. People with a Periscope account have a great opportunity not only to have fun, but also to learn, gain interesting knowledge and just find out how people live on the other side of the Earth. Periscope is a great tool for business and PR, but to increase efficiency, promotion in Periscope is necessary. An increase in the number of subscribers and likes will allow you to bring your profile as high as possible in the search results of the service, which will have a positive impact on the number of users interested in your broadcasts. How is Periscope subscribers cheated, and what methods allow you to do it most quickly and efficiently?

Ways to get likes on Periscope

Despite the fact that the Periscope service appeared relatively recently, users can use one of the many ways in which Periscope likes are boosted. There are three methods of effective promotion and increase in the number of likes, among which you should choose:

  • use of special software;
  • use of special services;
  • interaction with users for the purpose of promotion.

The methods are presented in descending order of effectiveness, with the most effective and fast promotion Likes on Periscope requires financial investment, while less efficient ways can be used only with the expenditure of free time without spending money. Choose what suits you.

Software to increase the number of hearts

Have you thought about the question of how to get likes on Periscope? Often for these purposes, software is used that can increase the amount in large volumes in a short time. As a rule, such software is paid, and this is not its only drawback. An excessively large and rapid increase in likes using the software can be detected by the administration of the service, which will lead to blocking the account and striving to zero all the work done. However, if funds allow, you can buy a Periscope cheat program and use it at your own peril and risk. Sometimes it's better to choose other promotion methods, especially if your account is too expensive for you (business, etc.).

Turning to professional services

The Internet is literally full of sites offering to buy Periscope subscribers and likes. Some of the services are really capable of very quickly (from 30 minutes to 24 hours) to raise your account in the search results through competent promotion. Obviously, you need to pay for such services, and the cost will depend on the number of likes and users. If you use this method, make sure that the subscribers are real - often low-quality promotion is used with the help of bots, which are dead weight and do not affect the popularity of your account. You will have to pay more for real subscribers, but it's worth it.

Also, cheating readers on Periscope must necessarily be accompanied by an increase in the number of likes, since only in this case the account will look more natural. Many services provide comprehensive promotion - what is necessary for a balanced profile promotion. This is important to consider if you need account promotion for further earnings on Periscope.

User interaction

Free cheating on Periscope is quite real if you are ready to allocate your free time. One of the effective ways is to find popular broadcasts on a topic similar to yours and subscribe to speakers. With a high probability, a certain number of users will see you among the subscriptions, visit your profile and become interested in your broadcasts, subscribe and like. This method is one of the most natural ways to promote, when really interested people follow your profile and will share your broadcasts, increasing your popularity.

If you have a lot of free time, you can contact users in private messages or through broadcasts with a request to subscribe and put a heart, be sure to indicate such responses on your part. Perhaps some of the users are also interested in promotion, and therefore will take advantage of your mutually beneficial offer. Just try!

What else can be done?

How to wind up readers on Periscope in other ways? In fact, the above methods of promotion are far from the only ones. You can increase your popularity in the following ways:

  • make broadcasts interesting and useful for viewers, choose relevant topics;
  • move to a new level of quality - shoot with a good camera, use a monopod;
  • actively interact with your viewers and subscribers, accept offers;
  • post links to your broadcasts on social networks, especially on Twitter;
  • broadcast regularly, do not allow long breaks in broadcasting.

Keep in mind that to get the most effective and natural increase in Periscope likes, you will either have to pay well or get serious about filming your broadcasts. In any case, promoting a profile will require either time or money, and sometimes both at the same time.

Periscope is a popular application developed by the creators of the Twitter microblog. The project allows you to watch online broadcasts from all over the world! To raise the rating of your own account, you just need cheat likes on Periscope for free. Previously, likes allowed you to raise the current broadcast to the first places in your city. On this moment likes do not affect the ranking, but they can be used to judge the popularity of the account.

Each registered user has the opportunity to receive virtual currency absolutely free of charge and activate the “likes boost in Periscope” service. To get started, you need to have a created broadcast on the page.

How to get likes on Periscope

At the moment, it is simply impossible to get a huge number of likes naturally. Only an authorized user of the application can put a like, who will open the broadcast in real time or a newly created one and tap on the screen. Each viewer can send an unlimited number of hearts to the creator of the broadcast. Cheat likes in Periscope is available on many services, but only a few allow you to fully control the entire process of work. Cheat Periscope likes is completely safe. No one monitors such actions, since users of the application put tens of thousands of likes on various broadcasts every second. Using the services on this page, you can get likes on Periscope in a few clicks. After registering on the project, go to the thematic section of Periscope and see what the conditions of the service are.

If you decide to get followers on Periscope, always use the services on this page in parallel, which will increase the total number of likes on the page. Remember, from the outside it will be very suspicious to watch an account that gets followers and does not get likes!

Along with the growing popularity of the Periscope service, an increasing number of people are interested in cheating subscribers on Periscope. Each user of the application strives to get into the top in Periscope, as well as promote their video in the list of popular broadcasts. To do this, you can use different methods. Depending on the chosen method, account promotion may take a long time or just a few days. If you want to have more subscribers to your profile, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time promoting it. In this article, we will look at how to promote your profile in a short time in Periscope.

To do this, it is enough to correctly maintain your Periscope account. At the same time, it is important to correctly draw up a profile, shoot really interesting broadcasts. And you can increase the attractiveness of your account by contacting the services of professional promotion in social networks. Next, you will learn specific recommendations that will help you gain the desired number of subscribers.

How to get followers on Periscope?

1) The first thing to pay attention to designing your profile. If your audience is Russian-speaking, then when creating an account, write your name in Russian. If you have accounts on Instagram or other social networks, you can take a similar username. This will make it easier for your followers to find you. Be sure to add information about yourself, specify a website or links to other social networks. Using the example of Olga Buzova's Periscope account, you can make a description in your profile that will arouse interest in your person.

2) If you want to wind up subscribers on Periscope, it will be very useful to periodically watch other popular broadcasts. Take notes while answering the following questions:

What makes you involved in watching a video;

What makes the broadcast turn off;

Which actions get the most hearts from viewers.

The important point is scheduling a broadcast, that is, each time before the broadcast, write the main topics that will be covered in it.

4) Attract followers creative title of the broadcast to get more viewers. The only thing viewers see when viewing recent broadcasts is the title, broadcast photo, and name. Add emoticons to your video title as it will help you stand out.

How to attract subscribers during the broadcast:

1) greet viewers and thank you for watching;

2) block users who leave rude comments;

3) be energetic. Nobody wants to look at someone who is tired or speaks in a monotonous voice;

4) repeat the main broadcast points every 5 minutes to attract new viewers;

5) move and show your surroundings, such as home, office, etc.

How to quickly get subscribers on Periscope?

This issue is becoming relevant for many Periscope users. In order to short time to get subscribers, you can use the following methods:

Special programs to cheat Periscope. However, such programs always ask for your account password, so this method is not secure.

- cheat service subscribers that works without passwords. That is, it uses only “white hat” promotion methods and guarantees that your account will not be blocked.

Thus, you can wind up subscribers on Periscope in a very short time. Be sure to save your broadcasts and share them on blogs or social networks to increase your viewership.