Is it possible to go to a clinic other than your place of registration? How to detach from one clinic and attach to another

Almost every Russian has a compulsory health insurance policy, but not everyone has a clear idea of ​​where and what kind of medical care can be obtained using it. About what rights we are entitled to under the compulsory medical insurance policy and how to use it correctly, including in a foreign city, and when the policy may be useless, in an educational lesson from Tatyana Serebryakova, an expert at the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers.

What treatment does the compulsory medical insurance policy not entitle you to and you shouldn’t insist on it??

The patient cannot qualify for treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy in the two most common situations.

Firstly, when applying to a medical institution that is not funded by compulsory medical insurance for a specific profile. Each medical organization, both private and public, applies once a year to participate in the compulsory medical insurance system. Moreover, not “in general,” but according to specific profiles and types of treatment. And it is not a fact that the hospital or clinic you choose provides exactly the services that you need under the compulsory medical insurance policy. That is, when contacting a medical institution, you need to find out two main parameters: whether it participates in the compulsory medical insurance system, and under what types and conditions (all or some specific ones) in terms of profiles, medical specialists, assistance to children or adults.

Secondly, if the treatment itself is not among those financed by compulsory medical insurance. This applies, for example, to sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, mental and behavioral disorders, palliative care (both inpatient and outpatient). Such medical care is financed from other sources of the State Guarantee Program - funds from the federal, regional or local budget. The compulsory medical insurance policy does not cover treatment of citizens outside the Russian Federation, plastic aesthetic surgery (if there are no medical indications for this), preferential dental prosthetics, sanatorium treatment, as well as the provision of medical care in conditions exceeding the level of comfort established by the program.

In addition, the number of services that are not financed by compulsory medical insurance, and therefore are not provided under the policy, does not include social benefits. For example, related to preferential drug coverage for outpatient treatment. That is, if in a hospital all medications are provided free of charge, then a patient who does not have the right to benefits pays for a prescription received at an appointment in a clinic independently. Sick leave payments are also not related to the compulsory medical insurance policy - this is a type of social benefit that is paid from social insurance funds.

Does it matter if a person gets sick while in a place where he does not have permanent registration?

You can get treatment for free anywhere in the country, the main thing is not to forget to take a compulsory health insurance policy when traveling. But this applies to medical care under the basic compulsory medical insurance program, which is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and is absolutely the same in all regions of Russia. That is, any acute condition or exacerbation of a chronic disease, toothache, bruises, poisoning, allergies or sunstroke - all these are reasons to seek free help from a clinic or hospital operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

If your condition worsens, you also have the right to free ambulance and emergency outpatient care. Moreover, when providing emergency medical care in cases that threaten a person’s life, presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy is not required. Such assistance is provided to everyone, without exception, free of charge and without delay.

However, in other cases there is a difference between permanent residence and temporary residence region. This difference applies to those medical services that are provided in addition to the basic compulsory medical insurance program. For example, in a number of regions of the Russian Federation with a high level of socio-economic development, the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance program is much broader - due to certain types of high-tech medical care that are not included in the basic program. In addition, due to the “super-basic compulsory medical insurance program” the scope of preventive measures can be expanded. But the extended program is available only for residents of this specific region. A non-resident patient will not be provided with services beyond the basic compulsory medical insurance program free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

What if the disease is associated with some local characteristics? For example, a Muscovite traveling in Transbaikalia was bitten by a tick.

Medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy (including tick removal) is required at any emergency room. If a bite-related disease develops, it should also be treated free of charge - at the expense of compulsory medical insurance funds. This also applies to other similar situations, regardless of where the sick person is located.

Is it possible to get sick leave if you get sick while traveling?

A person has the right to receive sick leave in any region of the country. It all depends on medical indications that indicate that he is incapacitated. If you cannot go to the clinic, call a doctor at home. Medical care at home must also be provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

If the situation is not an emergency, and a person on vacation simply has time to take care of his chronic illness, will he be provided with planned assistance?

The Compulsory Medical Insurance policy allows you to seek routine medical care anywhere in the country. The disease profiles for which such assistance is provided are listed in the basic compulsory medical insurance program. However, planned treatment, for example, adjusting the dose of insulin or selecting a hypertensive drug, is a rather lengthy process that requires a lot of examinations, additional consultations, etc. Therefore, it is better to do this at home, in consultation with your doctor. If you are planning to leave for another region for a long time and know that at this time you may need routine medical care, attach yourself to the clinic at your place of stay.

Or maybe in another region they will declare that the compulsory medical insurance policy is invalid?

The current policy guarantees the provision of free medical care under the basic compulsory medical insurance program throughout Russia. Enter your insurance company's hotline number in your mobile phone address book and call it in any case of dispute. If you have not used your policy for a long time, call your insurance company’s hotline (the telephone number is indicated on the policy) and find out if there is data about it in the corresponding register of insured persons. The best thing is to replace it with a new compulsory medical insurance policy of a single standard. To do this, it is enough to contact any insurance company, but it is better to schedule a visit 1.5 months before the intended trip.

What to do if a patient is forced to pay for treatment?

Contact the head of the medical organization, call the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the region in which you are not in the place of insurance, and where you were denied medical care or required to pay for it. Today, in every subject of the Russian Federation, the work of Contact Centers in the field of compulsory medical insurance has been organized; the telephone number of such a Contact Center should be posted on stands in every medical institution, on the website of each Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. This number and other details of the Contact Center will always prompt you if you call the hotline of your insurance company.

If you had to pay, keep the receipt and warn that you will appeal this forced payment (write a complaint). If you are offered to sign an agreement for the provision of paid services (otherwise, paying for medical care in the Russian Federation is not legal) - read it carefully and do not sign if it states that you are aware that you can receive medical care for free, but have voluntarily decided pay.

Another massive violation of the rights of citizens who are unable to register at their place of residence is the illegal denial of medical care to them and their children. We are not considering here the issue of the lack of a compulsory medical insurance policy itself, since there are usually no problems with obtaining it. We also do not consider the issue of the desire to “attach” to a clinic not at the place of actual residence, since in this case a real problem really arises - how will the local doctor get to you if necessary when calling you at home? But if you actually live on the territory of this clinic, even without registration, then you are required to be assigned to it and provide medical care.

It should be noted that the occurrence of problems with the provision of medical care depends mainly on the position of the chief physician of a medical institution and is usually associated with a reluctance to undergo a more complex procedure of receiving payment for medical care from an insurance company located in another region. In reality, there are no problems with payment under compulsory health insurance policies issued in other regions and people suffer due to the banal laziness of medical workers who are accustomed to working with “their” insurance company.

Therefore, you can go in different ways: either go to another medical institution in the hope that there will be more sane staff there, or escalate the conflict, argue with the director or chief physician and seek medical care in the chosen institution. Sometimes calling the health department of a city or region with a complaint about a refusal to provide medical care helps.

It should be taken into account that in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ "", insured persons have the right to free medical care provided by medical organizations upon the occurrence of an insured event:

  • throughout the Russian Federation to the extent established by the basic compulsory health insurance program;
  • on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory health insurance policy was issued, to the extent established by the territorial compulsory health insurance program.

In addition, in accordance with the same law, insured persons have the right to choose a medical organization and a doctor (the so-called “attachment” to a clinic), and in accordance with the same law, medical organizations obliged free of charge provide medical care to insured persons within the framework of compulsory health insurance programs.


    “The state provides citizens with health protection regardless of gender, race, age, nationality, language, presence of diseases, conditions, origin, property and official status, living place, attitude towards religion, beliefs, membership in public associations and other circumstances.”


    Within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program, which citizens throughout Russia have the right to use, primary health care is provided, including preventive care, emergency medical care (with the exception of specialized (air ambulance) emergency medical care), specialized medical care in in the following cases:

Thus, no matter in which region your compulsory health insurance policy was issued, you have the right to receive all basic types of medical care anywhere in Russia.

Required documents The following documents or their copies certified by a notary must be attached to the application to insurance organizations for obtaining a policy: For children under 14 years of age Birth certificate and any document that can certify the identity of the child's official representative; in some cases, SNILS may be required. For persons who have refugee status: A special certificate granting this status, a copy of the complaint about deprivation of status in the territory of the Russian Federation (if any) or a document confirming the granting of asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation. For citizens of foreign countries residing on the territory of the Russian Federation on a permanent basis, a civil passport or any other document that, in accordance with international agreements, may be suitable for identification in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to get a policy without a residence permit?

Mom is a doctor. For any child, the best doctor is the mother. It should be noted that the occurrence of problems with the provision of medical care depends mainly on the position of the chief physician of a medical institution and is usually associated with a reluctance to undergo a more complex procedure of receiving payment for medical care from an insurance company located in another region.

In reality, there are no problems with payment under compulsory health insurance policies issued in other regions and people suffer due to the simple laziness of medical workers who are accustomed to working with “their” insurance company.

How to get a medical policy without registration

Registration of the policy through the employer will take about 2 months - the period depends on the efficiency of the responsible employee. By law, the employer is given a maximum of 2 weeks to collect all documents and send a request to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Upon dismissal, the employee will have to return the policy to the employer. During maternity leave and child care leave, compulsory medical insurance received through the employer continues to apply.

How can a non-working citizen with temporary registration get a policy? How can a non-working citizen with temporary registration get a policy? If you have a temporary registration, the procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow is also quite simple:
  1. You need to find out which clinic the house is attached to.
  2. At the clinic, check which insurer provides compulsory medical insurance policies at your place of residence.
  3. Contact the insurer's office.

Compulsory health insurance

The article will tell you what problems citizens without registration face when applying for policies and how these problems are solved. Content:

  • If the citizen is employed
  • How can a non-working citizen with temporary registration get a policy?
  • How can an unemployed citizen get a policy without registration?
  • Who can receive free medical care without registration and insurance?

If a citizen is employed If a citizen is employed If a person works in the capital officially, he will not have problems obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy.
The employer regularly makes contributions for him to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which means that with a request to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen has the right to contact his superiors, the human resources department or the accounting department. You will not need to present any documents (including proof of registration).

Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration?

How can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration?

In what cases is it possible to obtain an insurance policy without registration? Medical A medical policy can be obtained by a citizen at the place of his employment. In case of official employment, the employer must provide its employees with such a policy.
This is due to the fact that he contributes a certain percentage of his salary to the health insurance fund every month. A person can independently contact a medical insurance organization and confirm the fact of his residence in the city.

Is it possible to get a compulsory medical insurance policy without permanent registration?

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  • Compulsory medical insurance is defined as a form of social service that protects the interests of citizens in the field of health care. Health insurance equalizes all citizens in the process of receiving medical services and drug provision. This provision is made through the allocation of funds under the compulsory medical insurance program.
  • Regulation occurs on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 326-FZ dated November 29, 2010.
  • Today, in every region of the country there are territorial branches that issue compulsory medical insurance policies.
  • Compulsory insurance of citizens is carried out by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which implements the basic compulsory medical insurance program. A federal fund is an organization without a commercial basis.

Questions and answers

It is unlikely that the court will be the optimal solution for a visitor - it is much easier to find a job, reach a compromise with the landlord, or simply change place of residence. Who can receive free medical care without registration and insurance? Who can receive free medical care without registration and insurance? Free medical care without insurance is provided:

  1. Newborns and children under 1 year of age.

    Even if the child’s parents do not have an insurance policy or registration, doctors do not have the right to refuse medical care.

  2. Pregnant women. Pregnant girls can go to any antenatal clinic and make an appointment with a specialist at any maternity hospital.

Is it possible to obtain a medical insurance policy other than at the place of registration?

Pobedy, 6, letter A Telephone: 573-97-86 Primorsky district Kotelnikova Alley, 2, building 2, letter A Telephone: 573-90-60 Novokolomyazhsky pr., 16/8, letter A Telephone: 573 -96-60 Bogatyrsky Ave., 52/1, letter A Telephone: 573-94-90 Shuvalovsky Ave., 41, building 1, letter A Telephone: 573-91-04 Lakhtinsky Ave., no. 98 Telephone: 573-94-94 Turistskaya st., no. 11, letter A Telephone: 573-90-54 st. Shkolnaya, 10, lit. Clinic 18 Pavlovsk, Peschany Lane, 11/16 Telephone: 573-90-04 Frunzensky district Danube Ave., 49/126, letter A Telephone: 573-96-85 Slavy Ave., 2, bldg. 1, letter A Telephone: 576-07-95 st. Oleko Dundicha, 25, bldg. 2 Phone: 573-96-89 st. Turku, 5/13 Phone: 573-96-69 st.

  • 1 What to do if there is no registration?
  • 2 Who is obliged to provide free assistance if there is no insurance policy?
  • 3 How is the procedure for obtaining a compulsory health insurance circular: necessary documentation

Adults know that without a medical policy, free treatment will not be provided in clinics and hospitals. For patients who do not have a medical policy, only paid procedures will be available. Many patients are in no hurry to receive a new circular if the old one is overdue or lost. If there is a need to visit a medical facility, it turns out that obtaining insurance without registration is not so easy. How is the procedure for obtaining compulsory compulsory medical insurance without registration carried out? This is the question we have to deal with today. What to do if there is no registration? Many citizens are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration.

For example, if you needed help not in your place of residence, but somewhere outside your hometown, then doctors cannot refuse a sick child, even if the parents do not have registration and an insurance document.

  • Pregnant women will also definitely receive help in any antenatal clinic and maternity hospital, providing only their passport. Citizenship and registration do not play a role.
  • How does the procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance circular take place: required documentation According to the law of the Russian Federation, any citizen has the right to voluntarily choose an insurance company and receive a document of compulsory health insurance.

    You can take any company, the list of medical services will not change. Over time, you can change companies. You can also issue a health insurance document using a power of attorney.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in another region without registration

Therefore, you can go in different ways: either go to another medical institution in the hope that there will be more sane staff there, or escalate the conflict, argue with the director or chief physician and seek medical care in the chosen institution. Sedova Dairy Kitchen, 69, building 1, letter A Telephone: 573-96-80 Narodnaya st., 98, letter O, room 3N Telephone: 573-90-15 st. Babushkina, 64, letter A Telephone: 573-96-79, Saturday, Sunday - closed Petrogradsky district Kamennoostrovsky pr., 55, letter G Telephone: 573-96-90 st. Krasnogo Kursanta, 28 Telephone: 573-90-21 Petrodvortsovy district, Petrodvorets, st. Brothers Gorkushenko, 6, lit. A Phone: 573-99-41 Lomonosov, st.

Policy Compulsory health insurance is a system that allows you to receive most medical services free of charge in any region. It works as follows: every month everyone who works in the Russian Federation makes contributions to the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. These funds go to medical insurance organizations operating in the compulsory medical insurance system. And they already pay for the work of employees of clinics, hospitals, dispensaries and other medical organizations - according to the number of patients served and services provided to them.

In order to receive medical services free of charge, you must confirm that you are in the compulsory medical insurance system. This can be done by presenting a compulsory medical insurance policy.

">compulsory health insurance (CHI) is a document confirming your right to free medical care in public medical institutions throughout Russia.

2. How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy you will need:

  • passport or temporary identity card if you are changing it;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS).

If you are taking out a policy for a child, you will need:

  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a document confirming that you can represent the interests of the child: your passport, an act of the guardianship and trusteeship authority appointing a guardian or trustee, a court decision, and so on;
  • SNILS number of the child (for children under 14 years old - if available, for children over 14 years old - mandatory).

If your representative will submit the documents, you will additionally need:

  • representative's passport or temporary identity card, if he changes it;
  • power of attorney for insurance in the selected organization.

Compulsory medical insurance policy can also be issued To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a foreigner will need:

  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document recognized in the Russian Federation as identifying a foreign citizen in accordance with an international treaty;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in the passport of a foreign citizen or in another identity document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">foreign citizens, To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a stateless person will need:
  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • a document recognized in the Russian Federation as identifying a stateless person in accordance with an international treaty, or a document issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have identification documents;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in an identity document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">stateless persons
And To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a refugee will need:
  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • one of the following documents: a refugee certificate, a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition, a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note on acceptance for consideration, a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.

You can submit documents to a medical insurance organization from the register of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Citizens of the Russian Federation registered in Moscow (both adults and children), who have never previously received a compulsory medical insurance policy, can apply for a policy both at the insurance company and at any public service center, regardless of the region of registration.

Please note: before registering the birth of a child and for 30 days after that, medical insurance for the child is provided by the same insurance company that insures his mother or other legal representative. After this period, one of the parents or another legal representative may choose another insurance company for the child.

The compulsory medical insurance policy will be ready within 30 working days after registration of the application and documents submitted by you. During this time, on the day of your application, you will be given a temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

3. How to change or restore your compulsory medical insurance policy?

If you are satisfied with your insurance company, you need to change your compulsory medical insurance policy or issue a duplicate in cases where:

  • you changed your place of residence, full name or other data in your identity document - within a month;
  • you have discovered an inaccuracy in the personal data specified in the document;
  • you have an old-style compulsory health insurance policy (green A4 sheet or plastic card), but you want a new document (blue A5 sheet or three-color plastic card);
  • you have spoiled or lost your compulsory medical insurance policy.

To replace or obtain a duplicate policy, you will need the same documents as for the initial registration. If your personal data, place of residence has changed, or inaccuracies have been discovered in the issued compulsory medical insurance policy, you will also need documents confirming this.

You need to contact your insurance company. IN

  • when a duplicate policy is needed - provided that the previous policy was of a new type and issued in Moscow;
  • when you need to replace an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy with a new-style one - provided that the old policy was issued in Moscow and your personal data has not changed since then;
  • when you need to replace your compulsory medical insurance policy due to a change in personal data: last name, first name, residential address - provided that you have a new type of policy and it was issued in Moscow.
  • ">in some cases you can also contact any center in the city, regardless of where you are registered.

    If you want to change your insurer, you need to apply for a new policy from the organization you like. But please note that, as a general rule, you can change your insurance company no more than once a year. If you have changed your place of residence or your insurance company has ceased operations, you can do so more often. However, from November 1 to December 31, applications to change the insurance company are not accepted.

    Within 30 days after registration of your submitted application and documents, you will be issued a new sample compulsory medical insurance policy (old sample policies are no longer issued). During this time, you will be given a temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

    4. Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy online?

    Adult users of the Official Website of the Moscow Mayor who have a full (confirmed) account and who have SNILS indicated in their personal account can submit documents for registration (replacement, restoration) of a compulsory medical insurance policy online.

    To apply for (replace, restore) a compulsory medical insurance policy online, you will need:

    • scanned copy of an identity document;
    • Black and white photograph 320x400 pixels in size, up to 5 MB in format: JPG, JPEG, JPE.">photography(when ordering a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media)
    • A scanned copy of the signature in black and white, 160x736 pixels in size, up to 5 MB in size in the following formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE. The size of a handwritten signature should not exceed 10x46 mm.">scanned copy of the signature(when ordering a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media);
    • compulsory medical insurance policy number (if available).

    After you submit the documents, a temporary certificate will be available for download in your personal account. The compulsory medical insurance policy itself will be ready within 30 days after registration of the submitted documents. You will be able to receive it at your chosen point for issuing policies of a medical insurance organization or at a government services center (depending on which method of receipt you specify when submitting documents).

    5. How to check if my compulsory medical insurance policy is valid?

    6. What medical services can be obtained free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

    Under the compulsory medical insurance policy throughout Russia (regardless of where it is issued), you can receive free Medical services are provided in medical organizations participating in the implementation of territorial compulsory medical insurance programs to the extent established by the basic compulsory health insurance program.