Correct completion of contract sample. How to draw up a car purchase and sale agreement correctly

Car purchase and sale agreement– a document confirming the transfer of ownership of the car from one party to the transaction to the other. When buying and selling various material assets The correctness of documentation is of particular importance. Thus, a citizen who is going to buy or sell his used car has to deal with the issue of correctly completing documents for the car and competently drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. We invite you to download the car purchase and sale agreement form for free at word format follow the link below (separate forms for individuals and legal entities). Also, as an example, we filled out the contract form, download the completed sample for legal and individuals possible at the end of the article.

Drawing up a car purchase and sale agreement is not that difficult. If you are concerned that you will not be able to handle this issue on your own, then it is best to turn to a professional lawyer for help. The seller and buyer will only have to read the text and sign. As a rule, lawyers charge enough high commission for their services, from 1-2% of the cost of the car, so not everyone is in a hurry to turn to professionals. Below are forms of car purchase and sale agreements for both legal entities(organizations) and for individuals.

Download the car purchase and sale agreement. Form

If the parties decide to draw up a vehicle purchase and sale agreement on their own, then first of all, they should turn to the law in order to avoid mistakes when drawing up the document. When all the risks of each party have been studied, and they are confident in each other’s reliability, you can enter into a simple agreement writing, which does not require any additional contact with lawyers.

Purchase and sale agreements for motorcycles, ATVs, motor boats and tractors

Other contracts drawn up for the purchase and sale of vehicles:

In order for this civil contract to be valid, it is worth following several sequential procedures related to the preparation and correct completion of the car purchase and sale agreement. The easiest way is to turn to ready-made contract forms and simply fill it out according to a certain sample. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the sample contains data from completely different people and another object, so you should enter the information very carefully; you need to correct the specified information with your own. It’s better to double-check it several times so that you don’t have to redo the contract in the future.

The information specified in the car purchase and sale agreement must be specified as completely as possible, it is especially worth paying attention to the description of the car, as this is essential condition validity of the contract. The agreement can be drawn up on a ready-made form, or you can write it manually using the same sample.

After concluding a purchase and sale agreement for a car, the new owner is required to register the vehicle with the traffic police within 10 days. The starting point of the period is the date of conclusion of the contract.

Car purchase and sale agreement. Decor

Ultimately, the purchase agreement vehicle should look like this:

  • in the upper right corner is the date of compilation;
  • indicated in the upper left corner locality, in which he was imprisoned this document;
  • It is mandatory that the vehicle purchase and sale agreement form contains passport data of both the seller and the buyer, and it is necessary to indicate them in the following sequence: first, all the data on the seller’s passport, and then, the same thing, on the counterparty’s passport;
  • Information about the object being sold, that is, the vehicle, must be indicated. Here it is implied that data about the car from the title and the vehicle registration certificate must be indicated. Along with information about the car, you should indicate the number and series of the certificate and PTS.

If the vehicle is sold with state license plates, then after the information about the vehicle the sales price should be entered, which is recorded in digital and written formats.

If, after filling out all the necessary points, there are still free lines left, then it is better to cross them out; you can use the letter Z for this. This is done so that in the future neither of the parties to the contract will enter any additional agreements.

It should be remembered that if a car is deregistered during the sale, the transaction must be concluded at the traffic police. The fact that the owner has changed is recorded in the PTS. The date and place of the contract are mandatory, as General requirements to all civil contracts. One of the non-essential terms of the contract is the agreement to transfer money to any convenient time, conditions for the transfer of a vehicle.

Today it is also possible to certify a car purchase and sale agreement with a notary, although the law does not require this, but it is additional guarantee transactions and insurance of funds paid.

How to fill out a car purchase agreement: a complete guide

This video describes step by step the entire process of drawing up a car purchase and sale agreement: entering the buyer's and seller's data, information about the car and its evaluation.

Instructions for filling out the vehicle purchase and sale agreement form

At the next stage of filling out the contract, you must enter a description of the car in accordance with the vehicle passport (PTS).

At the last stage, the contract is signed by both parties with a transcript of the signatures of the seller and buyer.

Sample contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle

The files below contain completed forms of agreements for purchase/sale transactions for individuals and legal entities.

An important document confirming the existence of an employment relationship between an employer and an employee is an employment contract. An important point during employment is that every company must fill out this document, and before signing it, the employee has the right to familiarize himself with it. Without such an agreement, official work activity prohibited in Russia.


Essence employment contract can be viewed from several angles. First, it is a labor agreement between the employee and the employer. Secondly, this is a document of title, which is based on the nomenklatura proceedings of cases related to the settlement of relations at work. Thirdly, this legal aspect, which proves the emergence or termination of an employment relationship.

The meaning of a contract is determined to indicate the conditions under which labor Relations. The presence of this document allows you to determine all the nuances associated with labor process, payment of salaries and other important issues. This is not only a guide to action, but also a support in defending your rights.


The type of contract will depend on what type of activity is envisaged. Therefore, before starting work, it is mandatory to fill out this form and provide it to the employee for review.

Employment contracts can be classified as follows:

  • agreement on the main place of work;
  • agreement for those admitted on a competitive basis;
  • part-time job;
  • agreement for up to 2 months;
  • employment agreement with an individual;
  • work from home;
  • agreement with an employee working outside the state;
  • Contract;
  • agreement for seasonal work.

In addition, there are contracts based on time periods:

  • urgent, where expected certain period employment;
  • perpetual, implying for an unlimited period;
  • part-time.

Also, in addition to the listed types of agreements, there is the so-called collective agreement. It has autonomous legal force and is a document approved by general meeting labor collective. At such a meeting, the main provisions of this agreement that are not included in the standard agreement may be adopted, the issue of hiring or dismissing an employee, etc. may be raised.

Fixed-term contract

When an employment relationship cannot be concluded for a number of reasons, a fixed-term employment contract is drawn up. A sample of such an agreement should be provided to the employee to familiarize himself with the main nuances of the work itself. The nature and conditions of work under such an agreement are clearly stated in Art. 59 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A fixed-term employment contract can only be concluded by agreement of the parties. This means that if for some reason an employee wants to sign an agreement for an indefinite period, the employer cannot refuse him. And if a refusal is nevertheless received, then it must be based on the professional qualities of the employee, tested during the probationary period.

If the agreement does not specify the duration of its validity, then such a document automatically becomes unlimited. And in a situation where neither party has terminated fixed-term contract upon expiration of its validity, the document is considered extended for an indefinite period.

A fixed-term employment contract, taking into account all the possibilities of its termination, can be:

  • conditionally fixed-term (an employee is hired during the absence of a permanently working person);
  • with relatively for a certain period(an employee is hired by a company that is created to perform a clearly defined job);
  • with an absolutely specific term (an employee is elected to an elective position for a specific period).

In all of the above cases, a fixed-term employment contract must be signed. A sample of this document is presented below.

Agreement with individual entrepreneur

When applying for a job with a private entrepreneur, an individual entrepreneur employment contract must also be concluded with the employee. A sample document must be kept by the employer in case a citizen applying for a job wants to familiarize himself with the working conditions.

Without a contract, an employee will not be able to protect himself if for some reason his rights are violated.

An agreement with an individual entrepreneur can be either fixed-term or indefinite. In the first case, the manager hires an employee during the absence of a permanent employee or while performing a certain job. If necessary, such an agreement can become indefinite. In the second case, the employee is hired for permanent work.

An employment contract with an individual entrepreneur must contain information about working conditions and wages. If these criteria are violated, the employer may have problems with the inspection authorities.

The agreement is drawn up according to all the rules in two copies, indicating the details of the parties and a seal, if any.

The main features of concluding an agreement with an individual entrepreneur include:

  • the document template is drawn up by a private entrepreneur independently;
  • the contract is concluded only in writing;
  • the agreement should not infringe on the rights of the parties;
  • the agreement is signed only with citizens over 16 years of age;
  • if an employee agrees to working conditions worse than those that the organization can offer, the manager must still adhere to legal standards in order to avoid fines and inspections.

An individual entrepreneur's employment contract with an employee (sample) is presented below.

Agreement with an accountant

An employment contract with an accountant is no different from standard contracts.

To the main points in mandatory a clause is added about financial liability and probationary period.

In frequent cases, such an employment contract is of unlimited duration.

The document must contain the entire list of responsibilities that an accountant must perform, as well as links to those regulatory and legislative acts which the employee must adhere to.

Since the position is financially responsible, the contract must indicate the consequences of non-compliance with this fact. In addition, the accountant can be obliged not to disclose trade secret organization by including a corresponding clause in the agreement.

A sample employment contract with an accountant is presented below.

Patent work

An employment contract under a patent is concluded with foreign citizens. The agreement, in addition to standard clauses, must contain the following information:

  • patent information;
  • data on residence permit or permit to reside in the country;
  • health insurance information.

Only non-residents who are in the country legally can work in the Russian Federation. This fact is confirmed by: patent, residence permit, residence permit, honey. insurance.

After completing the contract, the manager must submit the data to the Federal Migration Service. Money transfers are made exclusively on bank card, salaries are not issued in cash.

An employment contract for a patent (sample) is presented below.

Main points

Based on Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the clauses of the employment contract must include the following:

  1. The name of the organization and details of the employee between whom the agreement is concluded.
  2. Places of work.
  3. Type of activity, position and type of work.
  4. Dates when the employee must begin work.
  5. Rights and obligations of employer and employee.
  6. Terms of remuneration.
  7. Rest and work schedules.
  8. Guarantees and compensations.
  9. Additional conditions, if provided by the organization.

It is very important to remember that if at least one of the listed points is not specified in the contract, the document is considered invalid and can be canceled.

If the completion of which is presented below was postponed, and the employee began direct duties, then the manager is obliged to draw up and sign an employment contract with the employee within three days.

The contract comes into effect from the moment it is signed or the actual start of the work itself. The employee is obliged to begin his work no later than the next day from the date of signing the document. If this does not happen, the employer has the right to terminate the contract.


According to Russian legislation, all citizens have equal rights and responsibilities. Company employees have certain guarantees when concluding contracts. These include:

  • Justified refusal to hire. The manager does not have the right to refuse admission due to lack of registration at the place of residence, pregnancy or the presence of small children, property or social status. A justified refusal can be considered: lack of vacancies, staff reductions, liquidation of the company.
  • Hiring previously dismissed employees for reasons established by law. At the same time, such employees must be hired for a position no lower than the one they held.

The most important guarantee of any employee is the completion of the employment contract. The employer should always have a sample of it. A timely completed and signed contract can save an employee if any issues regarding employment need to be resolved.

Termination of an agreement

Termination of the contract is provided for in Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is based on the following factors:

  1. Expiration of the employment contract.
  2. Agreement of the parties.
  3. Conscription into the army
  4. Transfer of an employee.
  5. Initiative of the employer (liquidation of the company, reduction of staff, gross violations by the employee).
  6. Employee initiative.
  7. Initiative of a third party (parents, guardians of minors).
  8. Relocation of an employee or his refusal of new working conditions.
  9. Condemnation of an employee.
  10. Other reasons.

- is already familiar in practice to many motorists who have bought a vehicle. But future car owners still have little understanding of how to correctly draw up and certify this document.

Filling out paperwork when buying a car

Of course, you can contact lawyers and solve the problem with their help. But such a service can cost a pretty penny, and why pay if the law allows you to buy and sell vehicles yourself.

You just need to figure out how to correctly conclude an agreement in simple written form, and this article will help with this.

How to draw up a contract correctly?

A standard car purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up in 2 copies, but as practice shows, It's better to make 3 copies. This way you will save your nerves and time.

According to the stories of car buyers, when submitting their vehicle purchase and sale agreement to the traffic police, there is a risk of not getting it back. So, you need to fill out 3 copies of the document:

  • one for MREO;
  • the second for the seller;
  • the third is for the buyer.

This agreement does not require registration; it can be downloaded, printed, and when making a transaction, signed by hand at any time and anywhere.

Further, this handwritten car purchase agreement is the main document confirming the right to own the purchased vehicle. And this lasts until the buyer registers the car in his name!

Here is a sample and a car purchase agreement- which you can download right now and in different forms(optional). Select your link and click on it:

An example of filling out a car purchase and sale agreement

As you can see in the photo below, the buyer fills out his data from his passport and also enters the date and place of the transaction. And the seller must enter his data:

When you enter the cost of the vehicle in 2 fields (sample below), then don't forget about. At the end of the article there is a story about this:

And the final touch is the affixing of signatures on the contract form:

Important : When filling out the agreement by hand for all copies, you must use 1 pen with blue ink. Two forms of the contract remain with the buyer, and the third copy is given to the seller.

You can also watch a video on how to fill out the form correctly:

Online generator for filling out documents

Progress does not stand still and today you can fill out a car purchase and sale agreement online. And save it or print it. The generator form is below, the process of working with it is very simple. Good luck!

Tax return

When completing a transaction, the car seller receives income, which obliges him to file a tax return by April 30 of the following year. In case of delay in this act, a fine of 100 rubles will be imposed.

But if the price of the car sold is less than 125,000 rubles, then you don’t need to pay anything. But, serve tax return with copies of contracts - always necessary.

Concluding a purchase and sale transaction for a used car yourself is not so difficult. Since 2014, there is no need to notarize an agreement; the legislation does not establish strict requirements for the form and content of the document. But still pay attention to the standardized sample to protect yourself. Follow the instructions provided to correctly fill out the purchase and sale agreement for a used car, and feel free to sign the paper, without the help of lawyers. At the end of the article you can download a free car purchase agreement form.

Documents for registration of purchase and sale of used cars

The seller of a used car must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

The buyer will only need a passport.

The new owner of the car is required to purchase an MTPL policy within 10 days after signing the contract. We advise you to do this immediately, in otherwise If an accident occurs, the blame will fall on you.

How to properly draw up a car purchase and sale agreement

We present to your attention a short checklist:

  • Fill out the agreement in triplicate with a dark pen.
  • Indicate the date and city in which the transaction is executed.
  • Enter the contract number to enter it later in the PTS, for example: 01012020
  • (day, month and year of sale).
  • Enter the passport details of the seller and buyer.
  • Fill in the vehicle details.
  • Enter the cost of the car.
  • Exchange your keys for money.
  • Sign the document. You don’t need to have it certified by a lawyer, nor do you need to put a stamp on it.

Don’t forget to register your car with the traffic police within 10 days! If this is not done, the former owner has the right to deregister the car.

Typical mistakes when filling out a purchase and sale agreement

Most common typical mistakes if the transaction is executed incorrectly:

  • There is not enough data (for example, there is no city of the transaction or its date).
  • There are corrections on the form.
  • Incorrect information (for example, a number is missing in the passport series or VIN number).
  • The contract number is missing.
  • The data or signatures of the parties are mixed up.
  • The sale price of a used car is not indicated in words.
  • Unreadable and incomprehensible handwriting.
  • The data on the copies differs (often, to reduce time, the seller and buyer fill out the data at the same time, resulting in different information. Give all the forms to the person who must fill out the car purchase and sale agreement, and do not rush him.
  • The agreement is written in different pens and/or non-dark colors.

Double-check all data several times! Even such minor mistakes can invalidate the purchase and sale agreement!

At the end of the article you can download a free sample purchase and sale agreement. A correctly completed contract is confirmation of your ownership. Thanks to our instructions for the correct execution of a purchase and sale transaction, all you have to do is print out the contract, fill it out correctly, carefully double-check all the points and sign.

Pay attention to whether the same data is indicated in the seller’s passport, PTS and car certificate. After signing the deal, do not forget to enter yourself as the new owner in the title, indicating the date of purchase and contract number.

Carefully check the seller's documents:

  • The owner is obliged to provide originals; copies of documents (even notarized) are unacceptable.
  • The passport must not be expired.
  • All documents must indicate the same person as the owner.

We invite you to download a free book about the secrets of safe car buying. Here you will find a lot of useful information on how to inspect and buy a used car.