Sberbank insurance logo. Accident and illness insurance

Protecting the lives of others is one of the important and main areas of Sberbank’s work. His activities began in 2012, when from that time until October 2016, M.B. Chernin was the head of the Committee of the All-Russian Group aimed at the formation of life insurance. In the fall of 2012, the organization received the name Sberbank Insurance LLC and began to officially provide life insurance to citizens.

SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC - the official website is one of the main ones in the securities market and protection of citizens. According to the bank rating, it is one of the three strongest companies in the Russian Federation. Over 9 months, the amount of insurance increased and became 46.8 billion rubles, which is a colossal result.

SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC has a single shareholder - Sberbank PJSC. It promotes insurance programs. You can purchase Sberbank Life Insurance products at various Bank offices throughout the Russian Federation. Programs for insurance of citizens are long-term, which since 2012 have become fully available in 1948 service areas of Sberbank.

Programs aimed at life insurance

“Family asset” - the bank provides protection in the event of the death of one of the family members, and in parallel, finances are accumulated by the required date. The advantages include the addition of an expanded list of auxiliary risks. If it turns out that a citizen has become incapacitated and received a disability, then all payments fall entirely on the shoulders of the insurance company. This program provides a real chance to eliminate a number of problems in the family in case of unforeseen situations. Easy to process - all you need is a passport.

“First Capital” - provides funds to the child at the end of the insurance period. All accident predispositions are similar to the previous program.

“Protection of loved ones” - intended to insure all family members. The insurance company provides assistance in cases of burns of varying severity, fractures of the musculoskeletal system, wounds, and injuries. Insurance risks include car accidents and the death of one of the family members. Protection is provided around the clock for the specified time.

The “Children's Educational Plan” allows you to create a certain financial amount, which will be withdrawn when the child enters the university to pay for the necessary services.

“Savings insurance” is a profitable service that allows you to save small amounts each month. This is enough to give you and your family members long-term monetary protection if adverse conditions arise. These include health problems or Sberbank will return 100% of the money deposited upon completion of the insurance policy contract.

“Heritage” - creates the opportunity to transfer or give money to relatives. After the contract expires, Sberbank transfers to the written out beneficiary the exact amount of insurance. What sets this program apart from others is that it provides the precise legal protection that is needed in property disputes. In addition, the parameters of this program include the accrual of auxiliary investment income towards the final payment.

Company programs that include investment life insurance

"SmartPolis" is a universal, best solution for thoughtful investors. This program has a unique strategy for working and controlling the stock market, taking into account all risks. Large investment income will constantly flow in. Sberbank ensures complete security of invested funds. This program is also good because it provides complete life protection from accidents.

“SmartPolisCoupon” - provides a good opportunity to withdraw the annual agreed amount if all criteria and conditions are met. This is beneficial for people in both large and small businesses. Another advantage is that the assets are basic, so they will be understandable to everyone, while the whole picture of the process can be traced in the public domain.

A program that includes optional insurance

This service is aimed at collective voluntary insurance of the well-being of citizens taking out loans from Sberbank of Russia PJSC / Cetelem Bank LLC. This package of services implies financial protection for the borrower if some unforeseen situation occurs.

Service packages aimed at life insurance at Sberbank LLC

“Head of the family” - is intended to provide protection to relatives if misfortune happens to the head of the family. The list of insurance includes the following accidents: frostbite, thermal injuries, disability, death. This program is well suited for new clients of the Bank.

“Protection of loved ones PLUS” allows you to create monetary protection for an individual or legal entity and his relatives in the event that unexpected expenses are required for the treatment of one of them. Accidents are similar to the previous program.

An airbag provides protection to a citizen and his family from adverse events that lead to health problems or danger to life. In the event of an unforeseen situation, this service will create complete financial security and will also allow you to maintain a stable standard of living, because the amount of money received significantly exceeds the amount of the contribution made.

“Corporate insurance program” - aimed at insuring large and small enterprises that take care of their employees. When ordering this service, all employees of the organization are insured against unforeseen events and health problems.

For what purpose were these programs created?

The area of ​​customer protection has become relevant in the insurance market, so Sberbank was no exception in this matter. Officially, Sberbank Life Insurance was approved in 2013.

Employees are trying to create a complete guarantee that you and your family members will be under reliable protection and will be able to freely enjoy life without fear for tomorrow. Sberbank has products that allow you to realize all your wishes, dreams, promises that were given to loved ones, despite the unfavorable outcome.

Sberbank treats each client honestly and tries to satisfy the needs of all citizens individually. It is important that you live a full life without fear.

Instead of output

Sberbank receives the highest ratings from rating agencies. One of the most important is the reliability rating. The Expert RA company appreciated the work of Bank A++ for reliability, quality of service and an expanded list of services, which indicates the highest level of reliability. We also received the highest score for employer attractiveness from the Expert RA rating agency -

When applying for a loan, everyone has encountered a bank employee’s offer, sometimes very intrusive, to take out a voluntary security policy. Let's look at the features and main pros and cons that Sberbank provides for life insurance. We will also get acquainted with the nuances of its design.

There have long been affordable products that can give confidence in the future for the whole family

Life and health insurance is taken out with Sberbank Insurance, which acts as a separate legal entity. But it is permissible to conclude a policy at the time of applying for a loan at the bank’s office. The policy prescribes coverage for the loss of life or health of the borrower due to unforeseen circumstances.

Thus, two main risks are prescribed:

  1. death;
  2. loss of performance.

Insurance rates

But the second case involves many options: illness, injury, dismissal, family circumstances. In view of this, there are several programs that differ in the range of cases and are universal, allowing you to select any risks at your discretion.

Personal insurance is a voluntary procedure, but when applying for a mortgage it is more beneficial to the borrower

They differ in tariffs:

  • life and disability: 1.99% per year;
  • life, health and involuntary loss of work: 2.99%;
  • with selection of parameters: 2.5%.

It is permissible to designate a bank or other person as the beneficiary (except for mortgage lending). By choosing the first option, the borrower understands that in the event of an unforeseen situation, his debt will be partially or fully repaid by the insurer. Having appointed an individual, the latter will receive a payment, which he has the right to use at his own discretion. The loan must be repaid by the client’s heir (at the death of the latter).

Full insurance repayment of debt

  • You need to understand that full repayment of debt occurs only in two cases: death and disability caused by illness or accident. If the borrower is unable to work for some time, the insurer pays the obligatory monthly payments instead, but only during the period documented:
  • sick leave,
  • certificate from the authorized body.

Voluntary life insurance at Sberbank

Life and health insurance, the cost of which at Sberbank depends on the size of the loan, is issued directly at the branch. Already at the stage of applying for a loan, the applicant is offered to take advantage of the offer. Therefore, it is worth considering its necessity in advance. Employees often hint about the possibility of a refusal if the client does not have a policy.

What to look for when choosing an insurance company

But you always need to remember two nuances:

  • The policy is voluntary. The client has the right not to register it.
  • Even after concluding an insurance contract, you can cancel it after receiving the loan. We have a month for this.

Enlightened borrowers often use the latter option. In addition to increasing the likelihood of issuing a loan, they also receive the amount of insurance premiums, thereby increasing their loan size (if they need a slightly larger amount than that offered by the bank).

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

The borrower has the right to cancel the policy at any time and return the money paid, the amount of which depends on the date of conclusion of the contract:

  • the full amount if you submit the application after 30 days (no later);
  • 50% if 1 to 6 months have passed;
  • a small part after six months.

You can count on similar amounts if there is a need to return premiums when the loan has already been paid and the policy period has not expired. The procedure involves writing an application in which you must indicate all the details of cooperation with the bank and insurer. The application is a bank statement indicating zero debt. It is worth being prepared for resistance from employees who in every possible way avoid accepting such statements. You need to remember your rights and insist on a legal procedure.

Life insurance for a loan from Sberbank must cover the entire term of the loan. But the policy itself is usually issued for a year. Therefore, after it has passed, it will need to be renewed, sometimes dozens of times, if we are talking about a mortgage.


The client has the right to choose his own payment option:

  • include them in the loan amount;
  • pay every month equal to the loan repayment.

Procedure for obtaining an insurance policy

The first method is most often offered by the bank. It is also convenient for the borrower, as it allows you to make one payment, which includes everything.

Termination and return

The insurance contract ceases to be valid in the following cases:

  • The client was diagnosed with a disease from the list specified in the contract. In this case, the insurer cannot provide the service due to the high degree of risk. Typically, when taking out insurance, the client is required to provide medical certificates confirming the absence of such diseases, whereas when taking out a loan and simultaneously taking out a policy, they are not required. Therefore, the company reserves the opportunity to refuse an unreliable client.
  • The client expressed a desire to refuse the services of the insurer. Accompanied by filing an application and returning part of the fees, if necessary.
  • One of the risks listed in the contract has occurred. The insurer pays off the debt and the policy is cancelled.

When should you use the services of Sberbank Insurance?

To summarize, it should be noted that concluding an insurance contract is more profitable for the bank. If it is impossible for the client to pay the debt, the insurer will do so (subject to the terms of the contract).


In any case, the insurance company will receive contributions for the entire loan period. As practice shows, only 6% of all loans are paid by the insurer. That is, the likelihood of an accident is low. Therefore, for short-term loans, the policy is not so necessary and is voluntary for the borrower.


Life insurance for a mortgage from Sberbank is more attractive for the client, because it can last for 20 years. The period is significant, so it will not be superfluous to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances. In addition, the banking institution lowers the rate for conscious clients. Thus, the mortgage interest will be 1% less than without a voluntary policy. You can compare the price of the policy and this discount to understand how beneficial it is for a particular borrower.

What is the subject of insurance

On the other hand, with a mortgage, the obligation to insure the real estate that serves as its object is fixed at the legislative level. In case of destruction or damage, the debt to the bank will be repaid by the insurer within the price of the home. Since you will also need to pay premiums for property security, there may simply be no funds left for the life policy (or the loan amount will decrease).


It is possible to obtain comprehensive insurance under the “No Worries” Multipolicy program

At the insurance company Sberbank Insurance, you can insure your life and health voluntarily and thus ensure peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. It is possible to choose from several programs:

  1. Head of the family;
  2. Protection of loved ones;
  3. Protection of loved ones plus;
  4. Airbag;
  5. Corporate insurance.

Video presentation of life insurance under the Head of Family program:

All programs, to one degree or another, help preserve the financial well-being of a family in the event of an accident leading to death or disability.

Therefore, the decision to purchase an insurance policy must be made based on your financial capabilities, the degree of responsibility to loved ones and other personal conditions.

Service "Second Medical Opinion" from Sberbank

When issuing a loan in an amount over 100 thousand rubles. The bank offers the borrower to take out a life and health insurance policy. When an insured event occurs, the most controversial issue is establishing an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, there are sad statistics - a third of the diagnoses made are questioned. This is most important for serious illnesses, when the issue of a person’s life is being decided.

Many people believe that health is the main life value of a person.

For this purpose, Sberbank offered its clients a free online service “Second Medical Opinion”. This service was previously available only to clients who subscribed to the Premier package. The service began to be used in 2016. Since September 2018, it has also become effective for mass credit insurance products. This is a continuation of the bank’s strategy, which since the beginning of the year has included a service for medical consultations using telemedicine in insurance policies.

In medicine, correct diagnoses are not always made from the first examination.

What is the advantage of a “Second Medical Opinion”? The borrower, if there is a primary diagnosis that raises doubts, will be able to double-check it. It will be possible to obtain a qualified conclusion on diagnosis verification thanks to the experts of the Doctor Nearby clinic network, a partner of Sberbank Insurance. They will involve the necessary specialists in consultations and provide assistance in selecting a package of documents. Obtaining a second medical opinion based on the primary diagnosis and available examination results is possible in various branches of medicine: oncology, traumatology, gynecology, cardiology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, hematology, neurology. The service is implemented within the framework of the federal medical marketplace DocDoc.

Elements that make up a product that is now available to all citizens

The demand for Sberbank’s “Second Medical Opinion” service has already been tested by time. Hundreds of premium segment clients have already used the service to confirm the initial diagnosis, and in some cases it was possible to change treatment. Most of the requests were related to oncological, neurological, and orthopedic diseases.

List of diseases that can be specified

How to connect to the “Second Medical Opinion” service

To receive the service, the policyholder must register. Along with the insurance policy, each client is given a link to their personal account and sent via SMS. After registering and logging into your personal account, the user clicks on the button with the name of the service - “Second Medical Opinion”. After logging in, you need to upload your medical record, conclusion and examination results, and then submit an application. When the documents are reviewed, the client receives a notification. The user will be able to see the result in the form of a conclusion in his personal account.

It’s easy to connect to the medical consultation service - just 3 simple steps

Video - insurance news from Sberbank in 2020

The video will tell you about the possibilities of obtaining an insurance policy and all the benefits for borrowers.


Purchasing life and health insurance from Sberbank is not mandatory when applying for a loan. But taking out a policy can protect the borrower and his family from possible unpleasant life situations and will not jeopardize further loan repayment.

Or a large cash loan from Sberbank, the client will definitely be offered to additionally insure his health and life. What this type of insurance is, under what conditions it is provided and in what cases it is necessary, we will describe in detail below.

Real estate insurance services at Sberbank

Mortgage insurance at Sberbank is issued at the time of concluding a loan agreement. The price of the policy depends on factors such as the condition of the property being purchased, its cost, the pricing policy of the seller (developer), as well as the personal characteristics of the borrower (age, profession, health, and so on).

Currently, apartment insurance in a new building is carried out according to the program "Home Protection" . The total amount of payments upon the occurrence of an insured event can be 450,000, 600,000, 1,400,000 and 2,000,000 rubles.

Another product from Sberbank is called "Mortgage Protection Online" . Insurance conditions:

  • the cost depends on the amount of the outstanding balance on the loan issued by the financial company;
  • the agreement is concluded upon concluding a mortgage agreement with the bank;
  • registration time - 5 minutes;
  • the agreement period is 12 months;
  • extension possible.

Payments are made if the property is damaged as a result of fire, flood, earthquake and other circumstances.


In most cases, the cost of the policy depends on the amount of the mortgage agreement. So, when an individual took from a bank:

  • 450,000 rubles, the price of insurance will be 1,750 rubles per year;
  • if you receive 600,000 rubles, you will need to pay 2,250 rubles for insurance;
  • for 1,400,000 the annual payment will be 4,950;
  • for 2,000,000 the payment amount is 6,750.

How to refuse early repayment of a mortgage?

The borrower has every right to repay his mortgage debt with Sberbank in advance. If the loan is closed completely, then the client must ask for a certificate of debt repayment, which must then be submitted to the insurance company in order to refuse further payments under the policy. If the mortgage is partially repaid, the loan amount is recalculated, therefore, the cost of the policy will also be changed downward.

Life and health insurance through Sberbank

Life insurance when taking out a mortgage loan at Sberbank is of two types:

  • Mandatory – offered to all clients in order to protect their own funds.
  • Voluntary - issued at the request of the borrower.

In this case, the consumer has the right to refuse the protection service at any time. If this happens within 30 days, the full amount of the policy will be returned to him, after 1-6 months - 50%, after 6 months - only a small part.

Conditions, cost

Sberbank of Russia offers several life and health insurance programs when applying for a mortgage.

"Head of the Family" — the amount is paid upon the occurrence of disability of the 1st - 2nd groups due to an accident, or in the event of death as a result of an air or railway accident. The price of the policy is from 900 to 4500 rubles per year. Insurance can be obtained when applying for a loan in the amount of 300,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

“Protecting loved ones online.” This offer provides the borrower and his loved ones with reliable protection in the event of adverse events. The cost per year depends on the total amount of insurance coverage. For credit:

  • 1,200,000 fee is 900 rubles,
  • for 1,400,000 – 1800,
  • for 2,000,000 – 4500.

"Protected borrower" . This type is the protection of the client in the event of loss of ability to work or death. The contract period is 1 year with the possibility of extension.

"Protecting Travelers Online." The payment amount is:

  • 15 thousand dollars for Russia,
  • 35,000, 60,000 and 120,000 euros - the whole world, except the Russian Federation and the USA,
  • 60,000, 120,000 dollars - the whole world, except Russia.

The contract can be concluded for a period from 2 days to a year.

"From accidents and illnesses." This is voluntary insurance. Annual cost:

  • 3.09% of the loan amount if you want to insure against job loss,
  • 2.09% - for insurance against loss of health and life,
  • 2.6% per year – if the client chooses the protection parameters himself.


When an event described in the policy occurs, in order to receive the required payments, the client must provide the following documents to the bank:

  • certificate of disability;
  • medical statement confirming the diagnosis;
  • an excerpt about the illness from the hospital record;
  • death certificate;
  • certificate of the incident issued by the competent authorities;
  • other documents confirming what happened.

After analyzing all the documentation and further approval, the agent will transfer the required amount of funds to the victim’s account.

Motor insurance OSAGO in Sberbank of Russia

Another service that Sberbank of Russia provides to citizens is the issuance of compulsory motor liability insurance policies for various types of vehicles. Auto insurance covers both cars and trucks.

Insured risks include:

  • damage to the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident;
  • car theft by criminals;
  • damage to the car by third parties.

Compensation for damage in the event of an insured event is:

  • 500 thousand rubles if harm was caused to the health or life of the client;
  • 400,000 – if damage was caused to property.

Conditions, cost, documents

Now let’s look at the list of documents that will need to be provided to obtain an MTPL insurance policy at Sberbank.

So, for insurance you should prepare:

  • Russian identity card (passport);
  • driver's license;
  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle diagnostic card;
  • application for concluding an insurance contract.

Based on the provided acts, compulsory motor liability insurance is issued to the individual who is the owner of the vehicle. The policy also contains the full names of persons who have the right to drive this vehicle.

The cost of MTPL insurance is always calculated individually, based on the characteristics of the car (year of manufacture, model, engine type, mileage, etc.) and information about the client (age, social status, etc.).

An insured event occurs in circumstances where the policy holder is involved in a traffic accident, resulting in harm to other participants in the accident.

On 02/19/2018, a loan agreement was concluded between me and the Bank (purchase of finished housing) in the amount of 1,800,000 rubles, with an interest rate of 9.4% per annum, for a period of 84
month. At the same time, a life insurance contract was concluded. On January 30, 2020, I received a message from number 900 with the following content: Autopayment “Protected
borrower" from the MIR card for 25,827.81 rubles. will be executed on 01/01/2020. Commission 0.00 rub. To cancel, send the code to number 900. I did not activate this autopayment service, I did not send a message to number 900. On February 1, 2020, funds in the amount of 25,827.81 rubles were withdrawn from my card, with an appointment
payment: automatic payment “Protected Borrower”. Funds were withdrawn from my card without my consent, with the amount of funds withdrawn
I do not agree with the funds under the insurance contract. As of 02/01/2020, the balance of debt under the loan agreement dated
02/19/2018 was 655,649.80 rubles. Thus, the amount of the insurance premium for
life insurance contract should be no more than 12,000 rubles. The bank unjustifiably wrote off funds under a life insurance contract in double
amount, which is contrary to the terms of the agreement. 02/03/2020 I contacted the branch of PJSC Sberbank of Russia to resolve the issue in the current
situations. I wrote an application for early termination of the insurance contract.
The funds were supposed to be paid to me within ten days. 02/19/2020 I contacted the Bank asking when they would pay me the funds under the agreement
life insurance in connection with its termination. The bank employee was unable to answer
answered my question and told me to call SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. 02/19/2020 and 02/22/2020 I called SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC in order to
Find out when to expect funds to be transferred. Employee of SK Sberbank LLC
life insurance" answered me that the application for early termination of the contract
they received insurance on 02/03/2020, but in order to transfer money
funds require additional documents that the Bank did not provide.
The insurance company contacted the Bank with a request to provide the missing
documents, but the Bank has still not responded. On February 25, 2020, I wrote a complaint to the Bank (No. 200225-0846-405600) with a request to look into
the current situation and return to me the funds written off without reason.
To date, the Bank has not given a response to the claim. I have repeatedly called the Bank and Sberbank Life Insurance LLC to find out when there will be a response to my claim and when to wait
transfer of funds, but still have not received a clear and
motivated answer. That is, the operators politely inform me that the status
urgency is indicated and the appeal is in progress, but each time there is a deadline for consideration
claim is extended. The last time was extended until 04/06/2020. I also left a claim on 03/15/2020 on the official website of IC Sberbank LLC
life insurance" directly to management. So far the answer to
I have not received a claim. Currently I do not have a valid insurance policy, thereby the Bank
notified me of an increase in interest rate in accordance with the conditions
loan agreement dated February 19, 2018. However, the funds from the life insurance contract were not returned to me due to its termination. Almost two months have passed since the termination of the insurance contract. What is the reason for not paying me money??? It is necessary to change the insurance company and urgently contact the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and
court for the protection of violated rights.

Sberbank is rightfully a leader among other credit institutions. And this is determined not only by the predominant number of clients, but also by the huge selection of banking products. Some of them are separated into separate companies owned by Sberbank. For example, Sberbank offers life insurance to all its clients and more.

On the official website of Sberbank, life insurance is possible by going to a special section. Sberbank clients connected to their personal account online can become participants in the program.

Getting access to your Sberbank personal account for life insurance is as easy as registering your personal account on the Rusfinance website -

Features of registration in the policyholder’s personal account

On the Sberbank website for life insurance, a personal account is needed to view history and perform a number of other functions.

Login using login and password

You can open your personal page after you have signed an insurance agreement with a credit institution. By accessing the official Sberbank website, life insurance is possible after logging into your personal account.


To do this you will need a login and password. If a Sberbank client uses the site’s services for the first time, he needs to register. This is the second section that is presented on the page. Besides them, there are others here:

  • insurance case;
  • information.

To register the policyholder, personal data will be required. The service warns that the information must be specified exactly as it was written down in the agreement between the client and Sberbank. Next is the date of birth.

Full name, date of birth

The next step is for the user to select the product for which the contract has been concluded. It must be found in the proposed list.

Personal data

During registration, you must provide information such as numbers and series of the insurance contract. If there are several such agreements, you can specify any one. You also need to enter your mobile phone number and email address. The last step is to come up with a username and password. The secret code must be reliable to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the Sberbank website. To eliminate the error, the service prompts you to enter the password characters again.

Login and password

How to recover your password?

If the password has been forgotten, the service offers certain actions to restore it. To do this, you need to go back to the login page for your Sberbank personal account. Here you will need to click on the password recovery link.

After this, the life insurance service will offer to choose a password recovery option:

  • via email;
  • via mobile phone.

Both of them must match what the user indicated in the contract during registration. They will receive a new password. When you first log in, you can replace it with another one.

Life insurance programs from Sberbank

Sberbank offers users a large selection of life insurance programs. On the official website, you should carefully study their terms and conditions, and then select them in your personal account. For example, there is the Head of Family program. Within its framework, relatives and friends receive help in the event of adverse incidents with the family breadwinner.

The client receives the policy within a few minutes after filling out the required form in his personal account. The document is sent to your email address. Its main advantage is the fact that it operates in any country.

The page describes the financial component of the program. We are talking about the amount of insurance protection and its cost for the year. Insurance protection options and the cost of the policy are also indicated. It also defines the risks that the policy protects against and its validity period.

Sberbank products

Sberbank offers different types of policies under the life insurance program in your personal account. Among the most popular:

  • protecting loved ones online;
  • protected borrower online;
  • travel insurance online.

In addition, the list includes insurance against accidents and illnesses. As well as popular investment and savings life insurance.

Savings and investment insurance - how to apply for it?

You can also take out savings and investment insurance in your Sberbank personal account.

The accumulative life insurance program allows you to accumulate the required amount by a specific date, and also in case of unfavorable situations with health and life - to obtain insurance. Clients of two banking products can participate in this program: Sberbank Premier and Sberbank First. Thanks to the program, each participant has the following opportunities:

  • save for certain goals for the child, for example, education, first purchase, mortgage payment;
  • preserve funds by taking advantage of the program's tax and legal benefits.

In the latter case, we are talking about the fact that the tax base for personal income tax can be reduced by the Central Bank refinancing rate. Insurance payments are not subject to personal income tax. These funds cannot be confiscated, recovered, and during a divorce they are not divided between spouses, like jointly acquired property.

And one more thing - the insurance amount is inherited by the person who is indicated as the beneficial owner. There is no need to wait six months to enter into an inheritance; the period for this is 30 days. The investment accumulation program offers similar conditions. In this case, funds can be invested in different stocks. The choice is always up to the user. These could be shares of companies on the RTS index, Sberbank, or the first link of the US economy. In addition, you can invest in real estate and gold.

How to use the office?

You can report the occurrence of an insured event online.

Notification about the occurrence of an insured event

You can also check the status of your application by entering your email and application number in the fields.

Application status

In your Sberbank personal account, you can carry out all operations on programs in which the user participates. To do this, you need to refer to the life insurance program and the section that interests the user. Next, select a service option. If necessary, you can make another payment. It is established by the client in the contract and can be one-time, annual, semi-annual or quarterly.

In this case, protection is provided in full immediately after the first payment is made. The target savings amount is formed from payment to payment. Also in your personal account, options for situations when it is possible to obtain insurance coverage are indicated. It is paid in the agreed amount and does not in any way affect the amount of savings.

After the contract has expired, the company makes payment in full. And if investment income was accrued during this period, then it is added to the main insured amount. Payments are made only to the person indicated as the recipient of the insurance payment. In your personal account you can resolve all issues without leaving your home.