Technogenic emergencies. Man-made emergencies - what are they? extreme man-made natural consequence

emergency technogenic nature

Man-made emergencies currently pose a great threat to human safety both in the workplace and outside it.

Technogenic emergency - a state in which, as a result of the occurrence of a source of technogenic emergencies at an object, a certain territory or water area, the normal conditions of life and activity of people are violated, their life and health are threatened, property of the population, the national economy and the natural environment are damaged.

The source of a man-made emergency should be understood as a dangerous man-made incident, as a result of which a man-made emergency occurred at an object, a certain territory or water area.

Hazardous man-made incidents include accidents at industrial facilities or in transport, fires, explosions or the release of various types of energy.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities"(1997) accident - destruction of structures or technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, uncontrolled explosion or release of hazardous substances.

There are two types of industrial accidents. Design industrial accident - an accident for which the design defines the initial and final states and provides for safety systems that ensure the limitation of the consequences of the accident by the established limits. Beyond design basis industrial accident - an industrial accident caused by initial states not taken into account for design basis accidents and accompanied by additional (compared to design basis accidents) failures of safety systems and implementation of erroneous decisions of personnel, which led to severe consequences.

The causes of accidents are varied. This may be a violation of production technology, equipment operation rules, a violation of safety regulations, a natural disaster; depreciation of equipment.

It should be noted that most of the accidents that occur are due to erroneous or negligent actions of personnel. Thus, errors cause 45% of emergencies at nuclear power plants, 60% of air crashes, 80% of disasters at sea, 90% of traffic accidents.

The greatest danger of man-caused emergencies is represented by the so-called potentially hazardous facilities (HPOs). A production facility is considered potentially hazardous if it uses, produces, processes, stores or transports radioactive, fire-explosive, hazardous chemical and biological substances that create a real threat of an emergency source.

Six groups of potentially dangerous objects and technologies for humans can be distinguished.

1st group - radiation-hazardous objects and complex technical systems on which, in the event of an accident, mass destruction people, animals, plants, as well as radiation contamination of vast areas. These include: nuclear fuel cycle enterprises; enterprises for the manufacture of nuclear fuel, enterprises for the processing of spent nuclear fuel and the disposal of radioactive waste; transport nuclear power plants, research and design organizations.

2nd group - chemically hazardous objects and complex technical systems, where in case of accidents mass injuries of people, animals, plants, as well as contamination of large areas with hazardous chemicals can occur. Chemically hazardous facilities include enterprises for the production, processing, storage and disposal of hazardous substances.

3rd group - fire hazardous objects and complex technical systems on which explosive products or substances are produced, stored, transported, which, under certain conditions, acquire the ability to ignite or explode. These include, for example, oil refineries, chemical plants, pipelines and storage facilities for petroleum products; workshops for the preparation and transportation of coal dust, wood flour, powdered sugar.

Group 4 - biologically hazardous objects and complex technical systems, where in case of accidents massive damage to flora and fauna is possible, as well as contamination of vast territories with biologically hazardous substances. These include enterprises for the manufacture, storage and disposal of biologically hazardous substances, as well as research organizations of this profile.

5th group - hydrodynamic hazardous objects and complex technical systems, the destruction of which may lead to the formation of a breakthrough wave and flooding of vast territories. These include hydraulic structures (dams, dams, retaining walls, pressure basins and surge tanks, pumped storage power plants, etc.).

6th group - life support facilities of large economic enterprises and settlements, where accidents can lead to catastrophic consequences for enterprises and the population, as well as cause environmental pollution regions. This includes objects of energy systems, public utilities (sewerage, water supply, gas supply, treatment facilities), transport communications.

Technogenic emergencies are classified into several classes according to the place of occurrence and the nature of the damaging factors.

We see literally every day examples of how man-made emergencies interfere with the peaceful course of life. Catastrophes sometimes leave indelible scars on the body of our planet. And if the destructive rampage of nature is an evolutionary process that leads to natural changes in its structure and to balance, then the catastrophes generated by human activity grossly interfere with the ecosystem. It’s not even worth talking about financial costs when work to eliminate the consequences on the territory takes several years, the most important thing is that as a result of the disaster, natural areas, animals are dying, people are dying, and nothing can make up for these losses.

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Disasters: small and large

Speaking about examples of emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature in general, several specific types are usually distinguished. Depending on the number of victims, the size of the territory and the total damage in the event of emergency situations of biological and social and emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature in Russia and in the world, disasters are classified by scale into:

  • local;
  • local;
  • territorial;
  • regional;
  • federal;
  • cross-border.

variety of danger. Characteristics and classification of man-made emergencies

According to general statistics, among all types of emergencies, man-made disasters account for the largest share - 89.5%. What are man-made disasters and accidents? As already mentioned, human activity is to blame for these events. As a result of the occurrence of a certain source of emergency situations, an unfavorable situation is created at the facility or any territory and there is a threat to the life and health of people, the environment, damage to the national economy and property. Sources arise on potentially hazardous facility x (PPO), technical systems ah, possessing energy, which, if released, turns into a damaging factor.

Potentially dangerous objects can be divided into six groups:

  1. biologically hazardous objects and complex technical systems, in the event of an accident on which flora and fauna may suffer;
  2. chemically hazardous facilities and complex technical systems that produce, store and process chemicals;
  3. radiation hazardous objects and complex technical systems. Among man-made emergencies, accidents at such facilities occupy a special place: they are the most extensive in terms of the area affected and make the area dangerous for living for many years. An example of this is Chernobyl;
  4. hydrodynamic objects and complex technical systems;
  5. fire and explosion hazardous objects and complex technical systems;
  6. life support facilities and transport communications. The failure of a public utility facility entails a significant deterioration in the living conditions of the population, and can lead to an environmental disaster.

Accidents at facilities happen due to the negligence of personnel or a malfunctioning system, sometimes a small flaw in the design of the enterprise leads to the death of hundreds of people. Technogenic major emergencies is a broad concept that includes such accidents as:

  • associated with all modes of transport, for example, rail, road, air, water, metro;
  • with the release of hazardous substances;
  • hydrodynamic, associated with the breakthrough of dams and locks;
  • explosions and fires;
  • accidents on utility and energy networks;
  • Emergencies at wastewater treatment plants;
  • sudden collapse of buildings.
Major fire in mall in Kemerovo

Why is this happening?

Since the end of the seventies, the number of man-made disasters around the world has increased dramatically, and Russia is no exception. Although, for example, in Nizhny Novgorod region In 2017, emergencies began to occur twice as rarely, and this trend does not continue in all regions. The level of risk for the population to suffer in a man-made emergency in Russia over the past decades has become higher than in developed countries. This is due to the decline in industrial development and the degradation of the economy.

Examples of causes of man-made emergencies include:

  1. human factor;
  2. exceeding the standard operating life of equipment at the facility;
  3. extreme climatic conditions;
  4. low qualification of personnel of enterprises;
  5. malfunction of electrical equipment;
  6. non-compliance of objects and territories with safety standards;
  7. violation of production technology;
  8. imperfection of the regulatory framework.

On average, every year there are about 150 man-made emergencies in Russia, in which hundreds of people die. For example, according to the statistical data table of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in Russia in 2016, 708 people died in 177 accidents, 3970 were injured. It is worth noting that about 60% of Russians live near critically important and potentially dangerous objects. To date, there are 2.5 million hazardous facilities in the country, the condition of which is deteriorating every year. In many cities, the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere exceeds the maximum permissible concentration according to the regulations. Doesn't answer regulatory requirements most water quality water bodies. To the factors contributing to the emergence of man-made emergencies, it is worth adding the neglect of industrial and technological discipline and the elementary ignorance of safety measures by the population. Examples of what the above factors lead to, for last years became more and more.

General technogenic situation in the regions of the Russian Federation and examples of emergency situations

It is worth remembering not only about the most famous and large-scale man-made emergencies in the history of Russia, such as Chernobyl, but also about those that happened quite recently. Consider examples of emergencies that occurred in different regions Russian Federation in recent years.

Examples of emergencies in Moscow and Moscow Region

Moscow is among the subjects most vulnerable to man-made emergencies in the Russian Federation. In particular, Moscow has a huge transport network, a large number of industrial enterprises and research organizations, many of which are hazardous sites. We can separately single out the fallen level of industrial discipline in the Moscow region, the lack of an effective system for protecting the population, a system of local detection and warning.

Fire in the hostel of RUDN University

November 24, 2003
Dead: 44
Injured: 180
Reason: staff negligence

The fire broke out at night in an empty room that belonged to students from Nigeria. Several students tried to put out the fire with their own strength. Firefighters arrived at the scene when the facade of the hostel was already engulfed in flames. University staff and students jumped out of windows, some fell to their deaths, many were seriously injured.

The collapse of the roof of the water park "Transvaal"

February 14, 2004
Dead: 28
Injured: more than 100
Reason: design error

In the evening, at 19:15, the glass dome of the roof collapsed on the entire main water part of the entertainment complex, which was about 5 thousand square meters. m. The investigation under the article "Causing death by negligence" lasted 20 months, as a result, gross miscalculations in the design of the water park were revealed.

The collapse of the roof of the Basmanny market

February 23, 2006
Dead: 68
Injured: 39
Reason: misuse

The inner circular balcony was overloaded with goods, which caused one of the roof cables to break. Throughout the existence of the market, the building was operated incorrectly: the mezzanines were designed for the stall trade.

An example of an emergency in St. Petersburg

Petersburg is the second largest city in the Russian Federation and has the same negative technogenic factors as in the Moscow region. There are about 15 radiation hazardous facilities in St. Petersburg, such as the Leningrad nuclear power plant, the Russian science Center"Applied Chemistry" and the Radium Institute named after V. G. Khlopin. However, over the past 5 years and earlier, there have been no examples of large-scale emergencies, which indicates the effectiveness of monitoring emergencies and incidents.

Accident at the Baltic railway station

November 11, 2002
Dead: 4
Injured: 9
Reason: poor-quality repair, violation of safety rules by employees

An electric train without control suddenly started moving and flew under the tented part of the station at a speed of 41 km/h. The first two carriages were dragged several meters along the platform straight at people.

Examples of emergencies in the Perm region

There are several chemically hazardous facilities on the territory of the Perm Territory, as in the Novosibirsk Region, but it is worth noting a decrease in their number due to changes in technological processes at enterprises and the transition to non-hazardous technologies, which contributed to reducing the risk of man-made emergencies in Perm region. However, in 2017, a radiation spot was discovered in the center of Perm, the radiation level exceeded the norm by 100 times.

Release of chlorine in Bereznyaki

A leak at the Soda-Chlorate chemical plant, when a hydrogen valve froze on the hydrochloric acid synthesis column. Soon it was possible to localize the release and eliminate the danger to the inhabitants of the city. The facility was not equipped with a gas leak monitoring system and an emergency notification system: a typical example of the neglect of safety in many private industrial facilities.

Fire in the Lame Horse club in Perm

December 5, 2009
Dead: 156
Injured: 78
Reason: misuse of pyrotechnics

The fire started during a pyrotechnic show in honor of the celebration of the club's eighth anniversary. Sparks hit the low ceiling, decorated with wicker and canvas. A meter-long layer of polystyrene and foam rubber, plastic wall decoration contributed to the rapid ignition. The club instantly began a stampede, the evacuation was complicated by a narrow doorway and an abundance of furniture in a cramped room.

An example of an emergency in the Yaroslavl region

In the Yaroslavl region, the number of emergencies has been steadily decreasing in recent years. However, the scale of the consequences is steadily growing upwards. Experts make disappointing forecasts regarding the traffic situation. Nevertheless, serious work is being done in Yaroslavl related to the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

Fire in the industrial zone of Yaroslavl

On the territory of the warehouse of the industrial zone, barrels with fuel and lubricants caught fire due to the fault of a local resident who decided to set fire to garbage nearby. Acrid black smoke spread throughout the city, explosions were heard. As a result of the emergency, three buildings burned down and one person was injured.

An example of an emergency in the Saratov region

There are more than 50 potentially dangerous objects in Saratov, near which about 30% of the inhabitants live. However, accidents at radiation, fire and explosion hazardous facilities, housing and communal services systems are rare. Among the main examples of emergencies in Saratov are fires in residential, social and cultural buildings and industrial enterprises, as well as traffic accidents in the city and suburbs.

Fire on the oil pipeline in the village of Krasnoarmeiskoye

As a result of the depressurization of the main oil pipeline of Transneft, a fire broke out. The oil fire area was 7,500 square meters. m. Residents were evacuated, no one was injured. There was no pollution of the Volga River. Man-made emergencies in the Saratov region also often occur through the fault of the Togliattiazot enterprise, examples of which are regularly covered in the local press.

An example of an emergency in the Chelyabinsk region

It is included in the list of the subjects of the Russian Federation most vulnerable to man-caused accidents. As an example, in 2017, a thousand-fold excess of the level of ruthenium-106 was detected in the Chelyabinsk region.

Bromine leak in Chelyabinsk

At the railway station, glass containers with liquid bromine were broken from the collision of cars during the dissolution of the train. Then there was heating and ignition of the wooden boxes in which the containers were transported, which led to the boiling of bromine in other containers. Soon a brown-brown cloud of bromine covered the Leninsky district and Kopeysk, also geographically located in the Chelyabinsk region.

An example of an emergency in the Novosibirsk region

There are 154 potentially dangerous objects of the economy in the NSO. A cloud of chemical contamination during a man-made emergency in the Novosibirsk Region can reach up to 20 km, and about 75,000 people will be in its zone. The greatest threat is 1148 tons of ammonia and 180 tons of chlorine. Fire and explosion hazardous and railway facilities are also sources of man-made hazards inherent in the NSO.

Leakage of ammonia through the fault of "Togliattiazot" in the city of Novosibirsk

About 13 tons of ammonia spilled onto the ground as a result of a leak during cargo transportation in the Novosibirsk region. Despite the fact that it was possible to avoid damage to the life and health of local residents, significant environmental damage was caused: over time, the substance will penetrate deep into the ground and pollute drinking water sources in Novosibirsk. ToAz has repeatedly been seen in gross violation of environmental legislation.

An example of an emergency in the Altai Territory

Successfully formed in Altai efficient system crisis management and combating man-made threats Therefore, major emergencies in the Altai Territory occur only sporadically. However, due to weather conditions, traffic accidents are not uncommon, and due to wear and tear of equipment, the risk of emergencies at housing and communal services facilities remains.

Accident on the power line in Barnaul

As a result of the accident at the facility, there was a power outage in several areas of the city. 109 thousand people were left without electricity, as well as 48 kindergartens, 32 schools and 6 hospitals. Similar examples utility failures in the Altai Territory can be seen quite often due to the climate.

An example of an emergency in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region a dangerous technogenic situation is characteristic, in particular, due to adverse climatic conditions: for example, extremely low temperatures down to -50, squally wind, Forest fires and others. Transport breaks down, flights are delayed due to weather conditions. There are 28 chemically hazardous facilities in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in case of destruction of which an infection on a scale of 1847 square meters can occur. m. Also, 15 production facilities that use explosive and combustible substances operate without a license. This region is characterized by frequent natural and man-made emergencies.

Leakage of 170 tons of oil products at the Rosneft enterprise

On the territory of the oil depot LLC "Nizhnevartovsk oil refining association" was discovered the passage of oil products. The liquid was within the bunding of the reservoir, the problem at the facility was soon eliminated, and, according to the management employee, there was no threat to the environment. Despite this, the damage to the soil was estimated at 50 million rubles.

How it was. Examples of major tragedies

The most famous major man-made emergencies and accidents in Russia over the past few decades:

1. Catastrophe at Baikonur on October 24, 1960

An R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile exploded as a result of an unauthorized engine start. The fire killed 74 people.

2. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986

As a result of testing a new emergency power supply system at the enterprise, a reactor explosion occurred, which generated the release of many radioactive substances into the atmosphere. A 30-kilometer exclusion zone was created around the nuclear power plant;

3. Tragedy "Kursk" August 12, 2000

A nuclear submarine sank in the Barents Sea during a naval exercise due to an explosion in a torpedo tube. All 118 crew members were killed;

4. The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP on August 17, 2009

Hydro unit No. 2 could not withstand the hydrodynamic loads, water poured into the engine room. As a result, all ten hydraulic units failed, 75 people died.

5. The death of the Tu-154 aircraft near Irkutsk on July 4, 2001

During the landing approach, the aircraft suddenly turned 180 degrees, after which it crashed onto the field and burned out. All 145 people on board were killed.

6. Explosions at the mine "Raspadskaya" May 8-9, 2010

An example of the world's largest tragedy at a coal mine. Explosions destroyed the ground structures of the mine and almost all workings. 91 people died.

7. The death of the ship "Bulgaria" on the Volga on July 10, 2011

Due to the overload of the vessel and the open portholes, into which water was poured during the turn, a list arose and the ship sank. 122 people died.

Path to safety. What do we have to do?

The regions cannot develop sustainably with the current level of risk: direct losses in recent years have reached 10% of GDP. It is necessary to restore the destroyed control system industrial safety, switch to new safe technologies, establish a warning system and ensure the safety of the population. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, a project to create shelters in new buildings is already being discussed, and in 2017, System-112 was tested for a single emergency call number in the event of any incident or emergency of a man-made nature in the Rostov region.

A set of measures to prevent man-made emergencies includes the timely replacement of obsolete equipment, the placement of man-made zones themselves at a safe distance from residential areas, ensuring fire safety, medical and radiation protection and other preventive measures. And the more efforts will be made to organize such events, the less man-made disasters await us in the future.

It is also worth tightening the requirements for technological and production discipline at the facilities, because the human factor is often the cause of incidents. The same is said in the above examples of disasters. More than one human life can depend on knowledge and skills to correctly assess the situation, act, and prevent emergencies at the right time. And this should always be remembered.

April 18 in the American city of West (Texas). From 5 to 15 people died, about 160 people were injured. In total, dozens of houses were destroyed. The explosion disrupted power supply in the area.

August 25 at the Paraguana Refining Center, the largest oil refinery in Venezuela. The ignition of propane vapor occurred in the area of ​​oil storage facilities. Later, two tanks caught fire. The fire spread to a nearby barracks, pipelines and cars parked nearby. The third oil tank caught fire on the night of August 28. The flames were completely extinguished only on the afternoon of August 28. As a result of the disaster, 42 people died and 150 were injured.

February 28 at a chemical plant in the Chinese province of Hebei, which claimed the lives of 25 people. An explosion occurred at the nitroguanidine production shop at the Hebei Keer chemical plant in Zhaoxian County, Shijiazhuang City.

12-th of September at the Centraco radioactive processing facility located in Marcoule, France. One person died, four were injured. The incident occurred in a furnace for transporting metal waste, which was weakly irradiated at nuclear facilities. No radiation leaks were recorded.

On August 9, 320 kilometers west of Tokyo, on the island of Honshu, an accident occurred at the Mihama nuclear power plant. A super-powerful release of hot steam (about 200 degrees Celsius) occurred in the turbine of the third reactor. All nearby employees received severe burns. At the time of the accident, about 200 people were in the building where the third reactor is located. Four people died and 18 others were injured.

On November 13, off the coast of Spain, the oil tanker Prestige was caught in a severe storm, in the holds of which there were more than 77,000 tons of high-sulphur fuel oil. As a result of the storm, a crack about 50 meters long formed in the ship's hull. On November 19, the tanker broke in half and sank. As a result of the disaster, 64,000 tons of fuel oil fell into the sea.

A complete cleanup of the water area cost $12 billion, but it is impossible to fully assess the damage to the ecosystem.

On September 21, in Toulouse (France), an explosion occurred at the AZF chemical plant, the consequences of which are considered one of the largest man-made disasters. Exploded 300 tons of ammonium nitrate, which were in a warehouse finished products. According to the official version, the blame for the disaster was placed on the management of the plant, which did not ensure the safe storage of an explosive substance.

As a result of the incident, 30 people died, the total number of injured exceeded 3.5 thousand, thousands of residential buildings and many institutions were destroyed or seriously damaged, including 79 schools, 11 lyceums, 26 colleges, two universities, 184 kindergartens, 27 thousand apartments, 40 thousand people were left homeless, 134 enterprises actually stopped their activities. to authorities and Insurance companies received 100,000 claims for damages. The total damage amounted to three billion euros.

In July, the Petrobras oil refinery disaster in Brazil spilled more than a million gallons of oil into the Iguazu River. The resulting stain moved downstream, threatening to poison the drinking water for several cities at once. The liquidators of the accident built several protective barriers, but they managed to stop the oil only at the fifth. One part of the oil was collected from the surface of the water, the other went through specially constructed diversion channels.

Petrobras paid $56 million in fines to the state budget and $30 million to the state budget.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Examples of man-made emergencies in the world??? Russia??? and got the best answer

Answer from Igor[guru]
Man-made disasters
Ecological disasters
Causes: neglect of security measures, negligence of personnel of enterprises, political and administrative ambitions, greed, thoughtless desire for cost savings and disinformation or complete concealment of information about the disaster.
January 28, 1969 - oil was released from an oil platform in the Santa Barbara Canal (California, USA). In 11 days, about a million liters of oil spilled into the sea, causing enormous damage. The platform continued to leak for several years.
June 2, 1969 - fish began to die in the Rhine. Two years earlier, two 25-kilogram canisters of Tiodan insecticide had entered the river. The disaster caused the death of several million fish.

1970s - 1990s - the gradual disappearance of the Aral Sea (Kazakhstan, USSR).
January 24, 1991 - Iraq has begun dumping crude oil from Kuwaiti oil wells into the sea. The Persian Gulf has become a zone of ecological disaster.
1997-1998 - forest fires in Indonesia.
July 2000 - As a result of an accident at the Petrobras oil refinery in the city of Araucari, in southern Brazil, more than a million gallons of "black gold" spilled into the Iguaza River.
Nuclear accidents

March 28, 1979 - the most severe accident in the United States at the Three Mile Island reactor in Middletown (Pennsylvania, USA).
February 11, 1981 - spill of 400 thousand liters of radioactive coolant at the Sequoia-1 plant, in pieces. Tennessee (USA) .
April 26, 1986 - the worst accident in the history of mankind Chernobyl nuclear power plant(Ukraine, USSR). As a result of the explosion of the fourth reactor, several million cubic meters of radioactive gases were released into the atmosphere, which many times exceeded the release from nuclear explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The winds blew radioactive substances throughout Europe. From a zone with a radius of 30 km from the exploded reactor, a complete evacuation of residents was carried out. Living in it is prohibited. Many years will pass before all the horror is known and comprehended. Chernobyl disaster, its dire consequences for humanity.
The rest of the horrors are here

Answer from Yatiana Belyaeva[newbie]
April 26, 1986 - the worst accident in the history of mankind occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Ukraine, USSR). As a result of the explosion of the fourth reactor, several million cubic meters of radioactive gases were released into the atmosphere, which many times exceeded the release from nuclear explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The winds carried radioactive substances throughout Europe. From a zone with a radius of 30 km from the exploded reactor, a complete evacuation of residents was carried out. Living in it is prohibited. Many years will pass before the whole horror of the Chernobyl catastrophe, its terrible consequences for mankind, will be known and comprehended.

Answer from Daniel Klevakin[newbie]
1957 - the explosion of containers with nuclear waste, which led to a strong radioactive contamination of a large area and to the evacuation of the population (Kasli, Chelyabinsk region, USSR).

Answer from Vanya Urakov[newbie]
July 10, 1976 - as a result of an explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso (Italy), a toxic cloud of dioxin was released. Two weeks later, the entire population was evacuated. The city was uninhabited for 16 months.

April 1979 - Anthrax spores were released at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology in Sverdlovsk. The Soviet government denied the fact of the disaster. According to independent sources, a region within a radius of 3 km was infected and several hundred people died.

June 3, 1979 - an accident on the Ikstock-1 oil platform in the south of the Gulf of Mexico, 600 thousand tons of oil were released into the sea. The Gulf of Mexico has been an ecological disaster zone for several years.

December 3, 1984 A lethal methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India.

November 1, 1986 - as a result of a fire in the warehouse of the pharmaceutical company Sandoz (Basel, Switzerland), 1 thousand tons were released chemical substances to the Rhine. Millions of fish died and drinking water was contaminated.