Dough for buns with filling in the oven. Homemade bun: recipe

Canned peaches have always been considered a delicacy. These aromatic sweet fruits do not grow as widely in Russia as apples or cherries. And you can only buy them in sufficient quantities in a store or market. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the opportunity to make pickled peaches, jam, jam or compote from them. And the quality of handmade products will be in no way inferior to store-bought ones.

Canned Peaches

This is the easiest recipe for canning peaches for the winter at home. You will need:

  • Ripe peaches - 2 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 400 grams.
  • Citric acid - 2 teaspoons.
  • Water - about a liter, depends on the density of the fruit.

This amount of ingredients should be enough for three liter jars. If there are more peaches available, then the number of everything else needs to be increased proportionally.

The step-by-step recipe for making canned peaches is very simple. The first step is to wash the fruit and remove the seeds. To do this, each fruit is cut lengthwise, and then the halves are turned in different sides relative to each other without squeezing them too much. This technique allows you not to injure the juicy pulp. After dividing, you need to remove the bone with a knife. The halves are carefully peeled.

Sterilization of empty glass jars is carried out in the microwave, oven or steam. After this, the peeled halves of the fruit are laid out in them. Canning is done using the double pouring method, known to many housewives. The jars are filled with boiling water, covered with sterilized lids and left for 20-25 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, citric acid and sugar are added to it and put on fire. Stirring, boil the syrup for 5 minutes, and then pour it into the jars of peaches again. All that remains is to close them and put them under the blanket to cool quietly.

To be sure, after filling the jars with syrup, you can sterilize them for 15 minutes in a water bath and then roll up the lids.

Compote with bones

Preparing a delicious peach compote for the winter is not at all difficult. For this you will need:

  • Ripe peaches - 1.5 kilograms (about 15 pieces).
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 450 grams.

The amount of ingredients is calculated for a three-liter jar. For compote, you can use the whole fruit without removing the seeds. The peel should be carefully cut off; this fruit is much more pleasant to eat. The drink is made using the same double pouring method. The peeled fruits are placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiling water.

After 20-25 minutes, you can pour the water into the pan and add sugar there. Place the pan on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil. Then the fruit jars need to be refilled. Filled containers are rolled up, turned over and wrapped. The compote should stand covered until it cools completely. After this, it is advisable to put it in a cool place for storage.

Jam in slices

Peach jam has a unique taste and aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • Peaches - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 800 grams.
  • Vanilla.

For jam, it is preferable to take dense, slightly unripe fruits. They won't turn into mush when cooked. You need to remove the seeds from them. To do this, cut the peaches lengthwise and slightly rotate the halves relative to each other. The pitted parts are cut into slices.

The winter preparation season is in full swing; in addition to pickles and picklings, many housewives traditionally make compotes. And, although supermarkets have a huge selection of juices and fruit drinks, real housewives are sure that there is nothing better than homemade compote.

Indeed, homemade recipes do without preservatives and stabilizers, which are found in almost all store-bought products; they are made only from fresh fruits, unlike juices, which are mostly reconstituted.

Peaches have an amazing taste. And there are many useful components in fruits. I want to enjoy the southern delicacy all year round, and not just in the summer. And this is possible if you prepare peach compote for the winter. Young housewives think that the proposed conservation requires special knowledge, compliance with strict technologies.

Nothing like this: this simple recipes, which do not require much time or a huge list of ingredients. Ways homemade There is quite a lot of peach compote in jars. Small fruits can be preserved whole; large ones are best cut into halves or quarters, removing the pit.

You can add other fruits or berries to the jar for taste and beauty. Peaches go well with grapes, apricots, sour apples, and plums. A jar of assorted fruit always sells out with a bang. Below is a selection of recipes for compotes based on peaches; their peculiarity is that the fruits can also be used in baking in winter.

Peach compote for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe

To begin with, it is better to prepare an amazingly tasty, simple peach compote for the winter according to the recipe, to which photos of each step have been added.

Residents of the southern regions roll up compote for the winter in 3-liter jars. If you buy fruit, it is better to take 0.5 or 1 liter containers.

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Peaches: in any quantity
  • Sugar: at the rate of 150 g per 1 liter of preservation

Cooking instructions

A very simple recipe for peach compote for the winter without sterilization

The least favorite action when rolling compotes is sterilization; there is always a danger that the jar will burst and the precious juice, along with the fruits, will spill into the sterilization container. The following recipe allows you to do without additional sterilization. The fruits are taken whole, the skin is not removed from them, so they look very attractive in jars.

Ingredients (based on a three-liter jar):

  • Fresh peaches – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid - a little less than a teaspoon.
  • Water – 1.5 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Select whole, firm, beautiful peaches. Long-term storage of peach compote is hampered by the “fluff” that covers the fruit. To get rid of it, wash the peaches thoroughly under running water using a brush. The second option is to soak them in water for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  2. Sterilize glass containers and allow to dry. Gently drop the peaches into each (since these are very delicate fruits).
  3. Boil water, a little more than normal. Pour into jars. Cover with tin lids, but do not seal.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, start preparing the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with citric acid and add water from a jar. Bring to a boil, let stand for 5 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over the fruits.
  5. Immediately seal with the tin lids that were used to cover the containers when pouring boiling water, but additionally sterilize in boiling water.
  6. Turn over. It is imperative to organize so-called passive sterilization. Wrap in cotton or wool blankets. Leave for at least a day.

Such compotes require storage in a cool place.

Compote of peaches with pits for the winter

The peach compote is very tasty and rich if you cut the fruits in half and remove the pits. On the other hand, peach pits add a pleasant note, and the whole fruit looks very beautiful. Plus it saves time, since you don’t have to deal with cutting and removing seeds, which are also difficult to remove.

Ingredients (for a three-liter container):

  • Fresh peaches – 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water 2-2.5 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. It is important to select the “right” peaches – firm, beautiful, aromatic, and of the same size.
  2. Next, wash the fruits and remove the peach “fluff” with a brush or your hands.
  3. Send containers for sterilization. Then place the cooked, washed fruits in them.
  4. Fill each jar with boiling water. Cover with lids. Some people advise covering the containers with a warm blanket (plaid) at this stage.
  5. 20 minutes of exposure (or rest for the hostess). You can proceed to the second stage of preparing compote.
  6. Pour the water, saturated with peach juice and aromas, into an enamel pan. Add sugar, stir until dissolved. Send to the stove.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into the jars, cover with the lids that were boiling at the time, and seal.

Additional sterilization in the form of wrapping in warm clothes (blankets or jackets) is required. You need to drink compote throughout the year. This type of compote is not recommended to be stored longer than the specified period, since hydrocyanic acid is formed in the seeds, leading to poisoning.

Peach compote and plums for the winter

Southern peaches and plums, growing in mid-latitudes, ripen at the same time. This gave housewives the opportunity to conduct a culinary experiment: roll up a compote containing both fruits. The result is pleasing, since the acid present in the plums promotes preservation; on the other hand, the plums acquire a pleasant peach aroma; the taste of the fruit is difficult to distinguish. Plus saving expensive southern peaches and making full use of your own harvest.

Ingredients (for a three-liter container):

  • Fresh peaches, large size – 3-4 pcs.
  • Ripe plums – 10-12 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. (with a slide).
  • Citric acid – ½ tsp.
  • Water – 2.5 liters.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Carry out a strict selection of fruits - whole, firm, with intact skin, without bruises or rotten areas. Wash thoroughly.
  • Sterilize containers. Place fruits in each according to the norm.
  • Boil water. Pour over the “company” of peaches and plums. Wait until the water cools slightly.
  • Mix sugar with citric acid, pour water from the jars. Boil the syrup (cooks very quickly, the main thing is that the sugar and lemon are completely dissolved and the syrup is boiling).
  • Fill jars with syrup. Seal with tin lids.
  • Send for additional sterilization under a blanket.

In winter, the whole family will appreciate this compote and will definitely ask for more!

Recipe for compote of peaches and apples for the winter

Peaches are friends not only with their “related” plums, but also with apples. It is best to take apples with sourness, which will remain in the compote.


  • Fresh peaches – 1 kg.
  • Sour apples – 3-4 pcs.
  • Lemon – 1 pc. (can be replaced with citric acid 1 tsp).
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare the fruits - wash, cut, remove seeds and tails.
  2. Divide into jars, add lemon zest, removed in the form of a ribbon.
  3. Add sugar. Pour water into the container with the fruits. Exposure time – 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid and put it on fire. After boiling, squeeze out lemon juice (add lemon).
  5. Fill the jars and cover with a tin lid. Cork.
  6. Be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket for additional sterilization.

How to close compote of peaches and grapes for the winter

Another recipe suggests combining peaches and grapes to make a fruit mix that in winter will remind you of hot summer with its taste and aroma.

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • Peeled peaches – 350 gr.
  • Grapes – 150 gr.
  • Sugar – ¾ tbsp.
  • Water – 2-2.5 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stage one is preparing the fruits, which need to be washed thoroughly. Cut large peaches and remove pits. Small fruits can be preserved whole. Rinse the grapes under running water.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Sterilize containers. Place peaches and grapes.
  4. Pour hot syrup and cover with lids. Leave for a day in a cool place.
  5. The next day, drain the syrup and boil. Pour over the fruit again.
  6. This time close with sterilized lids. Cork. Additionally sterilize.

In winter, all that remains is to enjoy the exotic taste and remember summer!

Making peach compote is quite simple, but you need to follow some rules. They relate to the selection, preparation of fruits, and the canning process itself.

What fruits are suitable for canning?

The taste and safety of the product depend, first of all, on the correctly selected fruits. When selecting them, you need to focus on four parameters.

  1. Integrity. Crumpled fruits, fruits with broken skins or damage are not suitable. This is a gateway for microbes, which can do their evil work in the final product, ruining the workpiece.
  2. Ripeness. Unripe fruits, as well as overripe ones, are not suitable for compote. These are better to take for jam. Unripe peaches will not provide the desired taste and aroma. And overly ripe ones will not retain their shape in the preparation; you will end up with a compote with pulp.
  3. Freshness. The fruits may not be ripe, but have lost their quality due to long-term storage. Fresh peach is dense, juicy, with even fluff.
  4. Aroma. This quality is not the most necessary. However, according to reviews from housewives, fruits with a pleasant strong smell make the most aromatic compote.

For this drink, it is better to take fruits whose flesh is yellow and whose seeds are dark. Peaches with white flesh are not suitable for cooking.

Benefits for the body and contraindications

Fresh fruits are undoubtedly healthier than cooked ones. However, even in the compote, a lot is preserved useful properties. It enhances the secretion of gastric juice, thereby improving food digestion. It has a good effect on kidney function and joint health.

The beneficial effects are associated with the presence of beneficial fruit acids, essential oils, pectin and vitamins. Vitamin C, group B, PP, E, K have a positive effect on immunity, digestion, and the condition of the body as a whole. Among the minerals, the drink contains iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and potassium.

Contraindications are diseases of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, excess body weight – in the obesity stage. Peaches can also cause allergies.

With an average sugar content, the calorie content of compote is about 80 kcal per 100 g. If you need to prepare a drink with less calories, reduce the amount of sugar. You can do without sugar altogether, you will get a natural light sweetness with sourness.

General cooking principles

Compotes with peaches can be different, but there are eight general rules their cooking.

  1. Fruit integrity. Fruits for compote can be taken whole or in half, but the most common option is in pieces.
  2. Skin.
  3. The skin can be peeled. Or you can leave it. Without it, the fruits will be more tender, but this will require additional effort and time. Main components.
  4. These are peaches, sugar, water. Proportions may vary depending on preference.
  5. Time. It doesn’t take long to cook the peach compote – two to three minutes after boiling. You don’t have to cook it at all, just pour syrup over it twice.
  6. Sterilization. Usually, peach compote is prepared without sterilization. However, if double filling is undesirable, then it is better to sterilize the jars with the drink.
  7. Specificity of raw materials. It is acceptable to use frozen peaches. You want them to thaw slightly, but don't defrost them completely. A drink with the addition of such fruits must be prepared either with double filling or with sterilization.
  8. Storage. The finished compote is covered with iron lids, rolled up, and cooled under a warm shelter. Can be stored in a cool place.

The selection below offers peach compote recipes that vary in taste, composition and method of preparation.

Classic seedless option

Peculiarities . This is the easiest peach compote recipe. It is designed for a 3-liter jar. Accordingly, for a smaller volume the amount of ingredients must be changed proportionally. This recipe for pitted peach compote suggests filling the jars by a third or half. If you need more fruit and less liquid, the fruit is placed up to the hanger of the jar. Citric acid removes excessive sweetness.

You will need:

  • large peaches - ten pieces;
  • sugar - two glasses;
  • water – about 2 l;
  • citric acid - a pinch.


  1. Wash the peaches and remove the stems.
  2. Pour boiling water over the jar and metal lid.
  3. Divide the fruits in half, remove the seeds.
  4. Place half in a jar.
  5. Add sugar.
  6. Boil water and fill the jar full.
  7. Cover with a lid and let stand for five minutes.
  8. Carefully pour the liquid into the pan.
  9. Put on fire, bring to a boil, add citric acid.
  10. Pour syrup into jars.
  11. Twist, turn over, let cool covered.
  12. Store in a cool place.

Recipe for peach and apricot compote

Peculiarities . Peaches and apricots are similar fruits, but each has its own distinct aroma and flavor notes. Combining two types of fruits in one piece gives an interesting result. You don’t have to remove the seeds from the fruit, so the peaches are not too large. Ingredients are based on five liter jars.

You will need:

  • peaches – 1 kg;
  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – about 3 l;
  • cinnamon - five small sticks;
  • cloves - five buds.


  1. Sort and rinse the fruits.
  2. If desired, you can remove the skin - put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then peel the fruit.
  3. Place into sterile jars.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Arrange the spices.
  6. Boil water (it is better to pour in plenty).
  7. Place the jars in a container for sterilization with hot water, turn on the fire.
  8. Pour boiling water into jars up to the shoulders.
  9. Cover with sterilized lids.
  10. Wait for it to boil, hold for 15 minutes. This is exactly how you can sterilize in a slow cooker.
  11. Remove, twist, cool, and store.

Apple-peach drink

Peculiarities . The combination of peach and apple is quite popular. There are many sweet dishes using them - juices, pies, jams. Thanks to the successful combination of two tastes and aromas, the recipe for compote from peaches and apples also deserves attention. If desired, you can also add a vanilla note. The calculation is given for a three-liter jar.

You will need:

  • peaches - five pieces;
  • apples - two medium fruits;
  • sugar – one and a half glasses;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Wash the fruits.
  2. Cut the peaches in half or into wedges, removing the pit.
  3. Cut each apple into eight pieces, cutting out the core.
  4. Place in a jar and cover with sugar.
  5. Pour boiling water up to the neck.
  6. Cover with a boiled lid.
  7. After five minutes, drain the liquid and boil again.
  8. Add vanillin and pour over the fruit again.
  9. Screw on the lid and leave to cool.

Yellow and blue: add plums

Peculiarities . Another successful, time-tested combination is peach and plum. This sweet and sour pairing gives a wonderful taste and interesting color. The liquid usually gets a bluish-burgundy tint from the plums. Homemade compote from peaches and plums, if you remove the seeds, can be poured not twice, but once - with ready-made syrup. The recipe is based on a three-liter jar

You will need:

  • large peaches - five pieces;
  • plums - about 20 pieces;
  • sugar – one and a half glasses;
  • water - approximately 1.5 liters.


  1. Prepare the fruits - sort, rinse, remove seeds.
  2. Pour boiling water over.
  3. Place in a jar. Peaches can be taken in halves or parts.
  4. In a separate container, boil sugar and 1.5 liters of water, stirring.
  5. When the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup over the fruit.
  6. If there is not enough liquid, add boiling water up to the hangers of the jars.
  7. Cover with sterilized lids and screw on.
  8. It is better to store this compote in the refrigerator or cold cellar.

Summer recipe

Peculiarities . This drink is called “summer” because it is intended to be consumed immediately, and not to be stored as a preparation for the winter. The recipe contains not only peaches, but also a number of other fruits, including summer ones. If desired, you can preserve the summer compote, although some of the flavors will not be fully preserved. In terms of experimenting with flavors, you can add orange juice instead of lemon juice. However, it must be borne in mind that this note of aroma and taste will be the leading one in the entire fruit bouquet.

You will need:

  • peach - two;
  • apple – one;
  • pear - one;
  • strawberries - one glass;
  • grapes - a handful;
  • lemon - one;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • water – 3 l.


  1. Sort all the berries and fruits, remove the stems, and wash.
  2. Cut the apple and pear into slices, remove the core.
  3. Cut the peach into slices.
  4. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  5. Put water and sugar on fire.
  6. After boiling, lower the apple.
  7. After a minute, pear and grapes, after another minute turn off the heat.
  8. Immediately add peaches and strawberries to the compote.
  9. Pour in lemon juice.
  10. Cover with a lid and let cool.

From the many options for preparing compote, you can choose one, or you can divide the available peaches and experiment. When choosing how to cook peach compote, you also need to evaluate your culinary experience. An inexperienced housewife should not mess with sterilization. Single filling without boiling jars of compote is suitable if the containers and lids are sterile and the quality of the ingredients is high. It’s better to start with a simple composition and a double-fill option, and then improve your skills.