The meaning of the Ace of Swords card. Combination with other aces

Last updated: 19 Sep. 2018

Ace of Swords

  • Astrological correspondences: Aries, Scorpio, partly Capricorn,
  • Mars and Pluto, conjunction of Mars with other planets.
  • Mercury/Mars as a symbol of mental acuity and determination,
  • or Mercury/Jupiter as an increase in knowledge and higher Intelligence.
  • First, Eighth and Tenth Houses.
  • The key word is POWER.

General value in the layout

  • Initially and in its truest sense, the Sword is a map of military potential. This is a sufficient amount of strength for energetic undertakings, great determination to act, the beginning of a successful struggle, readiness for growth, separation from the original existence. This is a situation when a person himself has clarified a lot for himself and now knows what he wants to do next. Nowadays, enormous power can be exercised in any chosen field. It is an indicator of strength - physical strength, willpower, strength acquired by position and intelligence or due to circumstances. The Ace of Swords never indicates weakness in anything, and in a reading it can clearly indicate an escalation of strength in a given matter.
  • The need to immediately solve some problem (and sometimes some moral dilemma), a person must choose a principle that he intends to guide in this situation.
  • The Ace of Swords is a conscious act of will, the ability to clearly separate what you want from what you don’t want. One of the most important meanings of the card is the limit, boundary, extreme, and we must try to understand how this is manifested in a given situation. It can be about setting boundaries, drawing a line under something. The Ace of Swords is often some rather tough decision made from a position of strength, will and reason, contrary to sentiment. In a reading, it can mean acquiring clarity in something, be it solving a complex problem, clarifying relationships with a partner, or overcoming doubts. No wonder in Latin the word “cut” (secare) also means “to understand”, “to solve” a problem (remember the Gordian knot).
  • An absolute success. The triumph of personal strength, power over circumstances. Triumph can apply to any aspect of life: work, love, money matters, spirit, any exciting activity. This Ace is not so much the beginning, but also an indicator of what has been won, the triumph of proclaimed views and decisions made.
  • In general, the Ace of Swords, along with the Ace of Wands, is the most “energetic” card of the Minor Arcana. Just like through the Ace of Wands, initiation can occur through the Ace of Swords, that is, connection to something new.

Personal state

  • Courage, strength, initiative. Seriousness, rational and tough behavior, extreme mobilization of forces, the beginning of activity. This is a kind of new resource that a person suddenly discovers in himself. Gaining rational, cold-blooded determination, balance and clarity. Brilliant intellectual abilities, logical thinking, ability to make good decisions, reliance on rational premises, analysis, foresight.
  • Taking the right, clear actions in a potentially confusing situation. Authority, power, self-confidence when faced with difficulties. Tremendous willpower. The victory of the Sword is always the elimination of convenient half-heartedness, laziness, and self-pity. Staying “on the crest of a wave.” The ability to call a spade a spade, which can be perceived by others as cruelty and heartlessness, while the person himself is not interested in anything other than objectivity and justice.
  • Even when he is up to his neck involved in a situation, he is able to look at it from the outside and see it in its true light. He is absolutely not afraid of difficult decisions (which makes him quite “difficult”). This is a card of inner honesty, rigor and strong principles.
  • Originality of thought, inspiration. Honed and insightful perception can also be a professional development (most often from experts and consultants in a variety of fields). Intelligence, awareness.

    On a deeper level
    “It is not the time to pray to the cup, but to take up the sword” (the eternal drama of spiritual knightly orders). This is a card of military courage, war for faith and principles, its motto is “victory or death.” Another important lesson from the Ace of Swords is the inextricable link between victory and suffering.

  • The Ace of Swords is the element of air in its purest form. It personifies thought and the ability to judge, idea and ideology, and speaks of the ability to form and put into words one’s beliefs. The Ace of Swords corresponds to the higher Intelligence, that power of knowledge that leads to clarity, consistency and the ability to make decisions. In contrast to the next card (Two of Swords), which symbolizes the power of doubt, here the work of the mind is carried out in its purest, brightest and liberating form.
  • Clarity is achieved here by separation (cutting with a sword) and penetration (blades into the flesh), and usually without anesthesia.
    The sword is an important magical symbol (magic dagger, ritual knife). As a symbol of protection, it is depicted with the tip down. Sometimes, if the tip is directed upward, then it is crowned with a crown: this is a symbol of the “sword of God.” There are debates about how a sword should be depicted “correctly” on the Arcana of the Tarot - point up or point down, to the point that those who have a sword depicted “with an error” should interpret a straight one as inverted, and an inverted one as straight... brrrrr.
  • The Ace of Swords is esoterically considered as the Seed of Power and as the environment that received this seed, and carries a clear concept of the boundary between the seed and the environment. The seed is separated from the environment as much as possible. It hasn't sprouted into her yet. The environment can destroy the seed, or the seed can actively influence the environment.

  • Advice: All the mental acuity at your disposal should be used to penetrate to the essence of the problem, without losing sight of the big picture. Don't ask others for help. The decision is only in your hands.
  • Obstacle or trap: a sword in the service of base interests. Violence as a way to solve all problems. Tendency to complicate things. Destructive forces, destruction, cold mind destroys everything. Self-destructive, too harsh approach. Excessive coldness and calculation. A conscious or unconscious desire to “do everyone” and leave them behind.

Professional situation

  • The emergence of a new idea, project, hobby. The historical meanings of the card are conquest, triumphant success of power, stunning victory. An excellent prospect for obtaining a higher position, career growth, satisfaction of ambition. Taking on some challenge. A decisive breakthrough in some issue. Thoughtful, decisive and effective actions. Clear choice of priorities. The ability to work for the future, to bring plans to completion.
  • According to the Ace of Swords, the beginning of education and all kinds of admissions are excellent - to academies, institutes, associations, and even just to work. That is, a person begins a new cycle as a winner (where others failed), he has achieved the desired position and feels euphoria from his strength.
  • Usually the Ace of Swords destroys all illusions, helping to see things in their true light, and allows you to clearly and adequately assess the situation. This is an indicator of mathematicians, experts, auditors, all kinds of appraisers and inspectors, whose professional task is to see things “as they are.” Law, medicine, finance, education.
  • Work related to the processing and transmission of information, requiring constant maintenance of oneself in good intellectual shape. It definitely follows scientific work, mental work that requires an analytical search for the right solutions. All kinds of conferences, commissions, symposiums, seminars (and work that requires participation in all of this). Discussions, during which the essence of the problem becomes clear, require an analytical approach to the matter, a clear argumentation of one’s ideas.
  • As the beginning of the element of Air, the Ace of Swords has a special relationship with pilots and aviation.

Financial and housing situation

  • Prosperity.
  • Making clear and final decisions in these matters.
  • An opportunity to improve your quality of life by taking on a challenge.

Personal relationships

  • In personal relationships - a clear and clear, without any compromises, clarification of the situation, the end of something one thing, the beginning of something else. Situations when a partner is very decisive and strict, is ready to sort things out and punish, does not approve of behavior, does not consider it necessary to hide his opinion and is ready to STOP all that.
  • Typically, the Ace of Swords speaks of direct discussion of pressing issues, getting rid of illusions and solving problems (sometimes through cutting off and parting).
  • Sometimes (as a rule, for people of “this suit”) in a relationship scenario, the Ace of Swords predicts that passion has burst into life that was hitherto ordinary and familiar in the literal sense of the word, or that this should be expected very soon. This may seem strange - Swords are commonly associated with a cool mind, a clear head and “heartlessness”.
  • But in the area of ​​relationships, the Ace of Swords symbolizes impulsive primal force, intense “conquering” emotions, extreme feelings associated with a situation or a person (all-consuming love and the same hatred, or, as Guggenheim said, “it is a card of exceptional power, both in love and and in hatred"). Here the love of Count de Monsoreau in Dumas’s novel comes to mind (“When he confessed his love to me, it seemed to me that he was confessing his hatred to me”). These are not feelings that a person can express in a secular, harmonious and affectionate manner. There will be no cute cooing here - rather, victory over resistance.
  • Emotions, which are patronized by the Ace of Swords, can ignite with such a fire that will burn all obstacles on the way to the goal, causing a lot of harm along the way (it’s good if the goal survives...). Here, as they say, the close shine of the dagger is guessed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Swords is generally a cold suit, and when a single emotion appears on the horizon for once, it fills everything with the totality characteristic of this suit. And this force at some point (usually this happens very quickly) begins to look for a way out outside (see Two of Swords).
  • Passionate male love according to the Sword is a complex, unyielding, uncompromising feeling that is much more difficult to accept than the Chalice (despite the fact that breaking out of these “nets” is extremely problematic). It does not cancel the calculating mind and only increases the pressure of the will tenfold. It may seem “cold”, but in reality it subjugates life.
  • The Ace of Swords is an indicator of sexual initiation, male potency, fertility, fertility. For a man, the Ace of Swords can lead to fertilization and the birth of a child.
    Practical observations say that for a woman, the upright Ace of Swords is quite often associated with a tough decision to terminate a pregnancy, as well as with childbirth (essentially also an termination), while in an inverted position it can mean fertilization and pregnancy.

Health status

  • Vitality, good health, energy, self-creation.
  • With unfavorable surrounding cards, it can indicate the onset of an illness, usually associated with hypothermia, an accident, the presence of “stabbing” pain (for example, an ulcer), or surgical intervention (of course, if in the context of the situation this is considered a possibility).
  • Inverted - self-destruction, undermining vitality, even death.

Reversed Ace of Swords card

  • Mary Greer wrote beautifully about the instinctive biological law of “fight or flee”: the upright Ace of Swords says: “Fight!”, inverted: “Save!”
  • The first and most important thing that the inverted Ace of Swords indicates is weak will and inability to make decisions, escape from problems, and sometimes humility in the highest sense: the person realized that in this situation neither logic nor aggression will be of any use, therefore - “not my will, but Yours be done.” It is no coincidence that when turned upside down, the SWORD IS A CROSS.
  • The direct Ace of Swords means the resolution of some problem or “relief from a burden” (for example, the birth of a child or a plan). If it appears upside down in the reading, it means that the problem is not being solved, there is no “relief from the burden”, there are no prospects for victory, perhaps the problem has no solution at all. Fiasco, failure.
    Fear of punishment (under the “Sword of Damocles”).
  • The inverted position of the card may mean an attempt at initiation, movement forward under conditions that have not yet been fully formed. That is, the environment seems to suppress initiative and ambition, but, in any case, the Ace of Swords means some kind of test of strength.
    The questioner will either “fail” or achieve some kind of victory, but with disastrous consequences for himself. The approach of some kind of catastrophe, blow. The beginning of tense relationships and conflicts with others and yourself. Sometimes it can mean breaking up with someone or a blow of fate.
  • Perhaps there is a reluctance to perceive information, difficulties in studying, something is blocking intellectual energy (other cards will tell you what).
  • Empty talk that doesn’t change or solve anything.
  • In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords turns its energy towards itself, thereby symbolizing destruction, illness, destruction in all kinds of manifestations, undermining vitality, illness, and self-destruction.
  • In the worst case scenario, the reversed Ace of Swords could mean death, however, this is a very rare phenomenon, and here, at a minimum, the Arcana accompanying such a forecast should appear.
  • Heavy thoughts, anger, projection of one’s aggression onto others.
    Sometimes (see above) - conception, pregnancy.

Manifestation in combinations of the Ace of Swords card

  • With the Ace of Wands - colossal courage and personal strength.
  • With the Ace of Cups - extraordinary strong love, depth of feelings.
  • With the Three of Cups there is a prospect of getting out of difficult circumstances.
  • With the Ace of Pentacles - abundance and prosperity.

Archetypal correspondences

  • Siegfried.
  • The sword with which Alexander cut the Gordian bond

Element: air

Sephira: keter


  • insight, inspiration, new thought, idea or view
  • rock, fate, event beyond human control
  • speed, surprise, freshness, novelty
  • change in worldview, evolution, space of options

Astrological correspondences

  1. Mercury/Mars as a symbol of sharpness, intelligence and determination
  2. Mercury/Jupiter as an increase in knowledge and higher Reason
  3. First, Eighth and Tenth Houses


The Ace of Swords is the first card of the Air element. This is the seed from which a new thought, an idea, a new view is born. Inspiration and insight appear. Intellectual forces, fueled by emotions, burst out and change a person’s life.

Arkan speaks about expanding the space of options or about its shift - truncation of old options, transition to new ones. There is a sudden plot twist, which, however, depends little on us, since any Ace is a sign of divine will, it is a chance that fate gives us to change our lives. You can never be fully prepared for this event, because you don’t know when and how it will happen. But change always comes to those who deserve it.

Taking out the Ace reveals the events that preceded its appearance. After all, the Ace of Swords emerges from the King of Swords, who ruled over the element of Air: experience and confidence in his view of the world (the King) are replaced by new views, where a person does not feel as comfortable and calm as before. This aspect reveals the meaning of why the sword on the Ace card is drawn as double-edged: if you are ready to give up your past confidence in the rightness and move on, you will find the lightness and freedom that this card brings. You are evolving. But if past structures are pressing over you, if you are frantically grasping at the past view and do not want to let it go, then the changes that accompany this card will bring you pain and suffering.

The Ace of Swords changes the habitual, ingrained way of thinking in a person dramatically and unexpectedly. Events arise that force us to analyze the situation and consider old issues in a new way. The Ace prepares us for the transition to the Two - to dialogue, to duality, to the need to compare, combine and choose.

The map, however, can lead to misconceptions, mistakes, and, subsequently, disappointments. All non-viable ideas brought by this lasso will be tested for strength and eliminated on the 2nd, 5th, 7th lasso of the Air element, and how well you do this work depends only on you.

And yet, even misconceptions and mistakes are necessary on the path of every person, because the evolution of consciousness proceeds by trial and error. It goes inexorably and unceasingly, and therefore the Ace of Swords gives us an excellent opportunity to grow and transform both our consciousness and the consciousness of other people.

Each of the Aces represents a certain chance. The Ace of Swords corresponds to the higher Intelligence, that power of knowledge that leads to clarity, consistency and the ability to make decisions. In contrast to the next card (Two of Swords), which symbolizes the destructive power of doubt, here the work of the mind is carried out in its purest, brightest and liberating form. All the mental acuity we have must be directed toward getting to the heart of the problem, without losing sight of the big picture, without drowning the problem in a dispute over words, and without dismissing it “as insignificant,” this card says.


A clear, precise understanding of your business, allowing you to make completely unambiguous decisions, as well as a sign of the imminent resolution of some complicated problem. Some kind of fresh stream that gives a new impetus to routine business or moves “stalled” negotiations off the ground. Or a conversation that will put everything in its place and revive the “stagnant” atmosphere. The symbolism of poignancy and separation associated with this card can signify a thoughtful decision to leave your previous job.


Here this Ace shows that we need to take on a problem that has long seemed insoluble to us in a new way, to divide it into separate, analyzable parts and deal with them in turn: only in this way can we solve the whole problem. Thanks to this ability to analyze and synthesize, we can find a way out of confusing situations and free ourselves from dependencies various kinds and begin to purposefully move along a new path.

Personal relationships and love

The Ace of Swords here can mean a serious conversation that will bring freedom, or solving (and overcoming) a deep-lying problem. In addition, a clear and sober view of things, with which this card is associated, can mean liberation from illusions, that is, ultimately, the disintegration of the union.

Inner meaning

The Ace of Swords is a card of triumph. It emphasizes the idea of ​​the triumph of strength: physical strength, willpower, strength acquired by position or circumstance. You begin this cycle as the king of the hill: you have won a stunning victory or achieved a high position and are now (or will soon be) feeling the euphoria of your victory. Additionally, the Ace of Swords tarot card is a card of prosperity and fertility. Triumph can apply to any aspect of your life: work, love, money matters, any activity that interests you. In fact, in this suit you started where others finish: it seems, or in reality, that all your goals have been achieved.

Combination with other aces

With the Ace of Wands - colossal courage and personal strength.

With the Ace of Cups - unusually strong love, depth of feelings.

With the Three of Cups - the prospect of getting out of cramped circumstances.

With the Ace of Pentacles - abundance and prosperity.



Main meaning: Origins of consciousness. Intellectual interests. Hunger for knowledge. Argumentation. Finding out something. Making smart decisions.

Profession: Good ideas. Analytical approach. Development of new projects. Solution professional problems. A balanced decision. Career planning.

Consciousness: A decisive step on the path of self-knowledge.

Personal relationships: Problem solving. Eliminate misunderstandings. Certain circumstances and unambiguous decisions. Important discoveries.

Advice: Clarify, understand or solve.

Warning: Quarrel over trifles or petty, calculating approach.

Inner experience: The Ace of Swords symbolizes the power of knowledge, capable of highlighting the visible part of everything limitless and incomprehensible - the part that we can embrace with consciousness. Without this intellectual ability, thanks to which treasures are drawn from the ocean of the unconscious, we would lose all our experience, because it would immediately plunge back into the abyss of the unknowable infinity. Without understanding what was previously unknown, without any analysis of our impressions and without comparing one with another, it is impossible to imagine the development of humanity as such.

Together with her throne, the Princess of Swords, the Ace of Swords rules the Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces quadrant (from the North Pole to the Equator) in the sky and the Americas on earth.
Original title: Root of the Air Forces.
Description in the Golden Dawn system: At the bottom of the map, a hand is stretched out from the clouds, grasping the hilt of a huge sword, the tip of which passes through a shining crown. On the right the crown is decorated with an olive branch, on the left with a palm branch. Six letters Vav fall from the tip of the sword onto the top of the crown. Color: white radiance.
“The Ace of Swords is the primordial energy of Air, the essence of the letter Vav from the Tetragrammaton, the totality of Ruach.”
The Ace of Swords is the root of the element of Air and the symbol of Ruach. Ruach is the rational part of the soul, and reason (as the Eastern mystics assert) is the great enemy. The mind desperately resists all our attempts to identify with higher levels of consciousness. Therefore, it is the mind that gives rise to conflicts, disappointments, anxieties, restlessness and sorrow. Is it any wonder that there are so many unpleasant cards in the Swords suit? However, in in capable hands the sword turns into a powerful weapon that cuts off everything unnecessary; and the Ace of Swords is nothing other than the sword of the Magician, “crowned with a crown of pure Light of twenty-two rays.” This sword is described by Crowley in Book 4 (Magic, Book ABA), and I have never seen a better description for this card.
“The hilt of the Sword must be copper. The guard is made up of two crescents - the growing and aging Moon, located back to back. The spheres placed between them form an equilateral triangle with a spherical hilt head. The blade is straight, tapering towards the end, and sharpened along the edges on both sides, along the entire length, right up to the guard. It should be made of steel to balance the handle, since steel is the metal of Mars, while copper is the metal of Venus.<…>The handle corresponds to Venus, since driving force of this merciless analysis - Love; V otherwise The sword would be a tool of Black Magic. The head of the hilt of the Sword is located in Daat, the guard extends between Chesed and Geburah, and the tip reaches Malkuth."
On the blade, Frieda Harris inscribed the word “Thelema” (“Will”) in Greek letters, imitating the Arabic inscriptions that decorate Damascus blades.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

Most of the cards in this suit of mind are either cartoon-like or expressive of anxiety, because the influence of the mind on our lives is usually either funny or depressing. But this map of Consciousness shows a huge figure of Buddha. He is so all-encompassing that he even rises above the stars, and above his head is pure emptiness. It represents consciousness that is available to all who become the master of the mind and can use it as a servant, as it should be.

Straight position

When you choose this card, it means that crystal clarity is available to you right now, detached, coming from a deep peace that lies at the core of your being. You do not strive to understand with your mind, your understanding is an understanding of the essence, it is integral, self-tuned with the pulse of life itself. Accept this great gift and share it.

Meaning of the card

We come from the unknown and continue to go into the unknown. We will come again; we have been here a thousand times, and we will be here a thousand times. In its essence, our being is immortal, but our body, our embodiment, is mortal. Our shell in which we find ourselves, our home, body, mind, belongs to the world of material things. They will get tired, they will grow old, they will die. But your consciousness, for which Bodhidharma uses the word no-mind - Gautama Buddha also used the word no-mind - is something beyond body and mind, something beyond everything; it is not - the mind is eternal. It expresses itself and again goes into the unknown. This movement from the unknown to the known and from the known to the unknown goes on forever until one becomes enlightened. Then this will be his last life; then this flower will never return. This flower, which has begun to become conscious of itself, does not need to return to life again, because life is nothing more than a school. He learned his lesson, he went beyond illusion. And for the first time he will move from the known not into the unknown, but into the unknowable. (Osho)

An endless labyrinth stretching beyond the horizon. Above him is a sword held by a hand whose owner is hidden in the clouds.

I associate the labyrinth with its endless corridors with the brain and its convolutions, and the sword here symbolizes a flash of insight or idea. The fact that the sword is held by a hand and visually it is aimed at the labyrinth may indicate that the external environment puts pressure on a person’s intellect, forcing him to think and the sword is here at the same time as a mature decision, insight, an idea that encourages action, but it is also circumstances that are not necessarily hostile, but definitely require the work of the intellect.

Characteristics: a person on whom external pressure encourages him to make discoveries. Victory of reason, intellectual approach, flashes of insight. An idea that has taken a clear form. The Ace of Swords is the beginning of accomplishment. The idea has already matured; further steps will follow to implement it. The environment encourages a person to think and make decisions. The card can symbolize “clarification of circumstances,” a quick reaction, making quick decisions thanks to a sharp mind. The hero of the card is a person who is struck by an idea during a period of unrest on Wednesday. This is a person who, in conditions where fast action is necessary, can instantly make the right decisions. This is analytical thinking. The map can show a person instantly oriented to a situation. As a rule, the reason for this instantaneity is a combination of factors, where analytical thinking and logic come first. A person can make the right decisions seemingly without thinking about them. The speed of thinking allows him to reduce thinking time to a minimum. Also, the card often plays out clarity of mind, clarification of circumstances, finding the missing logical link that allows you to see the full picture of the situation

Business: new ideas, decisions made under the pressure of circumstances or simply insights that will help overcome a problematic period and, in any case, give impetus to business development. The card can play out new ideas that will help move forward in some business. New ideas, sometimes circumstances and unaccounted factors that can give a new development to the situation

Relationships: new ideas, circumstances, unaccounted factors that serve as the beginning of changes in relationships. Pressure environment demands, and sometimes simply forces, decisions to be made and the beginning of a new course in relationships. The card can symbolize decision-making, ideas for solving certain issues, problems and changing the situation. The characteristics of such decisions and cause-and-effect relationships will be displayed by the surrounding maps.

Advice: use logic and analysis in decision making; You will be required to react quickly and will have to “flex your brains”

Warning: people, circumstances or unaccounted factors may interfere with your situation and you will need a good reaction and speed in decision-making, as well as a readiness to take action

Swords - air, spirit, movement. The predominance of the spiritual over the material. The suit of swords represents situations related to communication, intellectual pursuits, ideas and analysis. These cards correspond to the element of Air. In a regular deck of playing cards, swords are associated with spades.

Thought and judgment. The sword destroys illusions, helping to see everything in its true light. In the scenario: the emergence of clarity in a difficult situation or task, clarification of relations with a partner.

IN upright position- solution and resolution of any problem, sharp mind, birth of a child.

In the opposite situation, the problems are not solved in any way, perhaps the problem has no solution at all. Parting with someone is a blow of fate.

In financial matters

This ace shows the emergence of a new idea that could very well bring profit. It may also represent an investment or a business venture involving communication. Concentrate on the goal at hand; trust your own judgment.

In some cases, this card may indicate the first stages of contract negotiations or legal issue associated with financial problems.

In matters of love

There is a high probability of starting new relationships based on common views and friendship. The Ace of Swords can also symbolize a partner who is close in spirit rather than emotionally. Sometimes this card indicates the need to speak up and discuss your relationship directly - openly and impartially,

In matters of work

The Ace of Swords represents the beginning of a project or activity that will involve your intellect, communication skills and/or information channels. Concentrate completely on your goal - try to get rid of little things that distract your attention and dissipate the necessary energy. In some cases, you will need to continue your education to advance in your career.

Like a personal growth map

The Ace of Swords symbolizes purity of thought and concentration. Perhaps you should be more objective and rational. Among other things, this card portends new ideas and perspectives.

Defense pose. You don't want to see anything and demand to be left alone. A person even defends himself from his own thoughts and feelings, because they frighten and irritate him. Two swords can symbolize two factors that forced one to defend oneself. To find out what it is, you need to pull out two additional cards.

In the scenario, the advice is to leave the person or problem alone and do not interfere.

In the opposite situation, you should intervene and offer your help.

In financial matters

A split is emerging on issues of investment and commerce. During such times of uncertainty, rely on your own instincts—don't let others confuse you. Once again, review the basics of your business and documentation: contracts, investment and other financial documents, try to identify the pitfalls and shortcomings that exist in them.

In matters of love

This is a rather harmless, but delicate situation. Be careful: behind the external calm there may be a series of endless disagreements. Some issues still need to be resolved. In this regard, openness of communication and the desire to find a compromise will help overcome obstacles. This card can also mean that partners have completely different life prospects.

In matters of work

Lack of clarity causes confusion in work-related matters. Don't lose faith in yourself; try to pay attention to every little detail, even if you are not sure of the final result. Sometimes the Two of Swords indicates a dead end due to a difference of opinion. The possible delicacy of the situation will require insight and tact. Do not rush things in the future, you will still have the opportunity to directly deal with this problem.

Like a personal growth map

You can't see the forest for the trees. Due to the uncertainty of the future, they are forced to rely on pure faith. This card may also mean that you need to work on your own concentration, try to be more rational, or study the essence of the issue being studied more carefully. Strive for peace and balance.

Three problems tormenting a person (pull out one additional card for each). It happens more often to someone who is preoccupied with one problem, although in reality there are many more of them. In any case, what he is grieving about is not the main problem, but he does not know about it or does not want to think about it.

In the opposite position - you have already had such a situation, but now it is in the past.

In financial matters

Losses and suffering at this stage are the result of the undivided dominance of rational thinking and analysis, bypassing intuitive knowledge. The Three of Swords can also mean money received at the expense of other values ​​or causing pain to oneself or others.

In matters of love

A huge crack has appeared in the relationship between you and your loved one. Quarrels and disagreements can cause your internal breakup, while a formal separation can also be provoked by external circumstances. The crown of the former romance is pain and suffering. Bridge the gap with understanding, empathy, and authentic communication.

In matters of work

You do things that don't bring you pleasure, and therefore you feel lonely, depressed and internally disappointed. However, it is in this dissatisfaction that the truth is revealed to you. Once you decide what you really want from life, you can safely follow your own aspirations. For creative people, this period will help turn melancholy into inspiration.

Like a personal growth map

The Three of Swords indicates an imbalance of the mind and heart: the burden of rational thinking creates loneliness and sadness. Be that as it may, do not lose spirit, turn to the former sources of spiritual revival.

Symbolizes a person who has decided to withdraw from the world. He gave up, abandoned his feelings and buried himself alive. But he continues to think, and the idea of ​​renunciation is doomed to failure. Card advice: no need to isolate yourself, it’s time to go out to the people who are waiting for you. In fortune telling: act, get out of your little world.

In the opposite position - wait a while with actions, the time for this has not yet come.

In the direct position - reconciliation, truce.

In financial matters

It's time to work alone. Carefully study each financial issue without resorting to the help of others. You may need to step away from what is happening for a while and wait until better times. In some cases, the number four advises you to abandon problems related to money and property, especially if the burden of financial responsibility has fallen on you

In matters of love

Leave the theater of operations - it's time to recuperate. Stress, failures and quarrels with your partner have exhausted you, now you need to rest. Perhaps it is in solitude that you will gain clarity and objectivity of thinking.

In matters of work

You feel burned out and uninspired. It's time to take a time out to collect your thoughts and restore the strength lost during a period of confusion and stress. If possible, go on vacation. Abstract yourself from the problems of others. Try to separate yourself physically and emotionally until you feel your inner balance restored.

Like a personal growth map

The Four of Swords symbolizes loneliness and contemplation. Leave the struggle with the outside world - turn to your

inner peace through meditation, relaxation and spiritual practice.

The end of a terrible battle. It cost considerable strength to both the winner and the vanquished. “Pyrrhic victory”, leaving, breaking up with someone. You are facing a struggle, the outcome of which is not yet clear, and the losses are obvious, and the gain is doubtful. Losses and failures. So is it worth starting?

In the opposite position - damage and injury, which are inevitable. The outcome of the case is clearly a losing one. Those. the prognosis is unfavorable.

In the opposite position, the forecast softens a little.

In financial matters

Indecision and confusion can cause difficulties in resolving financial problems. Among other things, the Five of Swords can also mean disputes and disagreements over money issues. It may seem that the influence of other people is preventing you from acting and assessing the situation correctly. Stop hesitating and be firm. Sometimes this card indicates that you are communicating with people who are not on your level. If so, accept the associated inconveniences and limitations with dignity.

In matters of love

You try in vain to get ahead of events and change reality, which only causes confusion and disagreement. Try to listen to your heart and mind and still take the opportunity to see things through your partner's eyes. Strive to understand rather than to impose your own opinion,

In matters of work

Try to study more and listen to the opinions of others - this is the key to your development. Confusion is your main enemy, preventing you from acting and making decisions. Indecision can cause decline and missed opportunities. Accept your own shortcomings, strive for clarity in everything, while avoiding competition from other people. Not the best right now best time make enemies.

Like a personal growth map

In order to understand your own truth, you need to develop clarity of perception of the world. Instead of rushing ahead, try to understand your weaknesses and gain additional knowledge before trying to conquer the next peak.

In an upright position, a person or a whole family commits important step. He gives up his habits and activities and goes in search of the unknown. He is driven by sad memories and hope that things will get better. For the brave - good luck, although the upcoming task is completely unfamiliar to him. There will be enough strength and determination for what is planned. For the timid it is rather a failure. The risk is very high.

In the opposite situation, the chance of success is negligible for anyone. It’s better not to take up the matter.

In financial matters

You already have enough information to make informed decisions regarding financial matters. The time has come to resolve old problems. Perhaps you have to go on a significant, from a commercial point of view, trip. In some cases, this card advises you to leave your financial affairs and try to do something more profitable.

In matters of love

Six represents a time of happiness and harmony. Conversations with your partner are relaxed and do not contain disagreements on serious issues. The old problems are left behind. Perceiving the situation positively will have a positive impact on your relationship. Sometimes this card indicates that you can soon get rid of a bad relationship and find yourself a more worthy person

Like a personal growth map

The Six of Swords symbolizes purity of thinking and perception. With the acquired knowledge, enormous prospects open up before you. Among other things, this is a good time to receive additional education or travel (both physical and spiritual). All accumulated experience will invariably contribute to achieving the ultimate goal - your own enlightenment. Meditate on this card in order to find answers to your questions.

In matters of work

The period of stress is in the past, and everything is gradually starting to improve. You have a real goal, which you can achieve by applying the knowledge you have acquired. Use connections to promote yourself. You may soon be going on a business trip. Sometimes the Six of Swords foreshadows a departure from an impossible job to a more successful one, promising more opportunities, personal freedom and mutual understanding.

You are accustomed to using cunning to solve your problems. But it is unlikely that you will succeed this time. You cannot solve new problems with old methods. You are ready to try changing outdated models.

In the opposite situation, there are few chances due to the reluctance to change the approach model. Failure.B

financial matters Try to make your own decisions in financial matters. You can make significant profits using information, experience and connections.

If the situation does not give you the right to choose or does not suit you according to certain criteria, try your luck in another field of activity. Remember that a negative attitude can be detrimental to your well-being.

Among other things, this card can also represent a certain financial breakthrough.

In matters of love

Follow what you think is right; do not let anyone boss you around - nevertheless, try to be diplomatic and not enter into conflict with your partner. Think positively. Remember that the best solution is a compromise. If it is not possible, try to find yourself

a more suitable candidate is a person who shares your views or provides you with a greater degree of intellectual freedom.

In matters of work

You need intellectual freedom and diversity. If your current employment does not meet these requirements, it may be better to consider changing jobs. It is possible that some plans will have to be adjusted. However, try to avoid arguments or open confrontation.

Like a personal growth map

Be open to the world. Respect the points of view of others as if it were your own. You can greatly benefit from exploring new concepts and unconventional schools of philosophy. Observe how your thoughts affect your life.

In an upright position, a person feels like a prisoner among dangers. However, this is more of a panic. It's not all bad. There is no need to consider yourself in danger; perhaps there is none at all or very little. Step forward boldly.

In the opposite position, he does not advise doing anything, wait for a more favorable moment. Chaos.

In financial matters

Your progress is hampered by the influence of others. Inconsistency, contradictory actions, as well as a waste of energy can result in serious losses. Don't lead yourself into a dead end or a situation where your hands are tied. Try to pool resources instead of focusing on separating them. A small profit is possible, but you should not count on millions.

In matters of love

All your problems are the result of your own efforts. Fear, fear of perseverance, as well as misunderstandings push your happiness further and further away. Be aware of your weaknesses, but don't become isolated. Be clear about what is truly important to you. Remember: sometimes by changing our own attitude, we can change our life as a whole.

In matters of work

It is possible that all your efforts are in vain - you are wasting your talent and ideas. Instead of scattering about little things, try to concentrate on one thing and be persistent. Don't let fears control you - otherwise you may lose many new opportunities. Most of your problems are imaginary and are nothing more than a product of fear.

Like a personal growth map

Your worst enemy is yourself. The Nine of Swords indicates that it is time for you to get rid of your own insecurities, which only hinder your development. Get rid of timidity and hesitation, trust in universal providence.

In an upright position, you don’t want to live because of worries and fears. You screwed yourself up. Not a single sword touched you. All problems are understandable, but they do not directly affect you and are not directly related to you, it is better to pay attention to own problems, you have enough of them. Don't worry about world problems, take care of current affairs and your situation will stabilize. The end of the black streak is imminent and 9 is rather a trail of bad moods from a difficult period.

In the reverse position - the black streak is tightening, hold on, the end of everything is near.

In financial matters

In financial matters, your emotional background will be fear, negative attitude, guilt, melancholy and worry. The cause of losses may be too long an unwillingness to face the truth. Nevertheless, these losses will help somewhat lighten your eternal burden. This card can also suggest that you see only the worst in everything.

In matters of love

This card represents the pain caused by your partner's insensitivity, which invariably leaves a feeling of loneliness, abandonment and misunderstanding. Perhaps the basis of this situation is your own reluctance to face the truth concerning you or your partner, or the fact that you entrusted the assessment of the situation to someone else. Be patient and try to understand where exactly the mistake was made and how it can be avoided in the future.

In matters of work

A Nine indicates that the main obstacle to your success is fears and negative attitudes. It is also possible that, having trusted other people to choose your own path, you now blame them for the failures that befell you. Instead of ruminating about problems, try to understand the truth about yourself and your goals.

Like a personal growth map

Stop playing the victim and tormenting yourself with what others think of you. In this case, a negative attitude only worsens the misfortunes that befall you. Change your perspective and you will change your life.

Despair. The situation is getting worse than ever. There's no point in getting upset. Nothing can be fixed. Better rest and gather strength for your future life.

In the opposite position - a little more grief and it should be allowed.

On financial matters

The Ten of Swords signifies a period of crisis and the final stage of development. The financial situation has reached an extreme point, possibly becoming complete chaos. The reason for your losses is that for a long time you were captive of illusions and took untimely steps. Nevertheless, now the right action or decision is quite capable of bringing success.

In matters of love

Ten indicates disappointment in love. You have been in the same situation for too long and now you need to make a change. Perhaps you idealized your partner or relationship with him and did not want to see the truth. This card may also indicate that you have reached a turning point, after which improvement will inevitably come.

In matters of work

You've worked too hard and now you feel like a squeezed lemon. Working to the limit, you have reached just such a resolution to the situation. Sometimes the ten represents a crisis associated with dishonest acts, misunderstandings or

own overvoltage. However, you are already quite experienced - use the knowledge gained for further development.

Like a personal growth map

Ten symbolizes wisdom as a result of difficult life experiences. You have become a victim of physical exhaustion and now you must take good care of your health. Perhaps the cause of your malaise is too frequent worries. Forget about everything - relax.

A person is frightened by the need to make decisions himself. It is important that you do not get used to shifting everything onto other people’s shoulders.

In the upright position - an explanation, a gentle solution to the issue, negotiations.

In the opposite position - tedious clinging to trifles, quarrels, heated debates, insults up to the breaking of relations.

Princess (or Page) of Swords

In financial matters

You will receive a notification or some other information related to money. This card advises that it is better to analyze financial issues yourself than to trust someone else to do it. Be carefull. You may need to change your plans.

In matters of love

Taking a close look at your partner or your relationship will open the door to understanding. This card can also mean that someone is watching you. The Princess of Swords often indicates an immature, overly rationalized or distant attitude towards connection - perhaps you and/or your partner are thinking or talking about love more than actually feeling it. Try to have an open conversation.

In matters of work

You should show more trust in your own ideas, and not blindly follow the plans of others. To achieve success, you will need to develop your personal analytical abilities, skills, and also improve your level of education. Sometimes this card indicates that the person you are working with is unreliable. If you find yourself in an unclear situation, try to get to the bottom of it.

The personality represented by this card

The princess represents a cautious person who tries to learn everything about those around her, but does not strive to reveal her own cards.

Despite the fact that this person may have many smart and interesting ideas, he lacks the courage or persistence to give them appropriate development.

Like a personal growth map

You should make your own decisions and strive for independence. Stop fighting - relax, compromise and reach understanding.

Fighter, rebel, crusader. He knows no mercy, attacks first and is not afraid to die. Win or die! A person is at the beginning of his career and urgently wants to show everyone what he is capable of, developing vigorous activity. A person who does not know how to adapt to a partner and prefers to aggravate the relationship. The constant desire to outplay the enemy, or even better, to win a crushing victory over him. Often he does not hesitate to choose a loved one for this.

In a situation. Always indicates high intellectual potential, which can be used for peaceful purposes.

In the opposite position - grief from the mind, a bad omen.

Prince (or knight) of swords

In financial matters

It seems to you that you know everything yourself, however, by rejecting the help of others, you unwittingly incur financial losses. This card portends sharp jumps in income. You may need to make adjustments to your portfolio, business organization system, or another area of ​​your financial plan. Be prepared: business travel is possible.

In matters of love

This card foreshadows future changes, be it the beginning of a new relationship or the breakup of an old one. Perhaps you need to change your approach to relationships - be more flexible and trusting. Try to be more tolerant of your partner's shortcomings

In matters of work

In matters of work, you are at the center of ups and downs - prepare for a change in responsibilities, work environment or work in general. You may need to change your attitude towards performing your own functions - learn to think more constructively and openly. Avoid confrontation. All you need is to concentrate and choose the right direction. This Card can also symbolize business trips or work that involves traveling.

The Prince represents the know-it-all—a stubborn, willful person who rarely takes those around him into account. Possessing

with a subtle, insightful mind, he cannot stand communicating with weaker partners.

Like a personal growth map

It is time to change your own plans, attitude and understanding of the current situation. Leave your defensive positions and be more flexible and understanding.

Queen of Swords

Cool, calm, possible rain. A woman with a strong position. A wonderful wife and mother. She feels cramped within four walls. She seeks and finds application for her talents. All her achievements are the result of very hard work. Numerous obstacles brought experience.

In the upright position - clarification of a situation, clarification, complete control over one’s emotions and actions, which will inevitably lead to success in business.

In the opposite position - an exaggerated desire to control everything, which will lead to the opposite results, even to losses and deprivations.

In financial matters

To increase wealth, the Lady of Swords advises using available information or communication systems/networks. Take control of financial issues and try to resolve them in your favor. Do not forget about honesty - avoid dubious transactions and associated losses.

In matters of love

You may feel that you are very constrained by the existing situation or tradition. Don't be afraid to express your own opinion and take a strong position - and you will definitely achieve what you want. Be truthful and straightforward. Try to keep your emotions under control, remain calm and give a rational assessment of what is happening. Among other things, a lady may indicate that you are indifferent or take too much control.

In matters of work

Be confident in your own aspirations and speak up for yourself. Perhaps you feel squeezed and need more authority at work. Use your intelligence and you will certainly achieve positive results. This card can also indicate working with communications or information systems.

The personality represented by this card

The Queen of Swords represents a discerning, open woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to demand it. Despite the fact that she may seem rather indifferent and even harsh at times, there is no doubt that she always strives for truth, justice and freedom from all kinds of restrictions.

Like a personal growth map

The lady personifies the triumph of intellect over emotions. Leave selfishness and sentimentality in the past, show more rationalism and honesty. Try to control your destiny - don't let others decide for you

The weather is windy and cold. She is unfriendly, like the king of swords himself. Rarely does anyone seek communication with him of their own free will, but this communication cannot be avoided. The king does not hesitate to resort to violence, deception and other unseemly methods.

In the upright position - a sharp critical view of things, the ability to not take anyone's word for it, which most often leads to success.

In the opposite position - hypercriticism, unprincipledness, hence victory in the intermediate stages and the likelihood of collapse in the end. In the most acute cases, this is death, hara-kiri and cruel reprisal against oneself, even in figurative terms.

In financial matters

Act decisively, without hesitation. Take every opportunity to lead a financial matter or resolve a current situation—a leader is needed now more than ever. Try not to disclose the information received, as well as information about your sources. Keep your distance, do not succumb to the provocations of your own feelings. During this period, investments related to communication can bring significant profits.

In matters of love

Your relationships are based more on ideas, communication, or other common ground than on truly deep feelings. Your partner may share your ideals, but the communication itself will be very restrained. Perhaps the reason for this is your fear of losing control at the first signs of love. You allow yourself to think and talk about love, but avoid the contact itself.

In matters of work

The King of Swords denotes a job or career related to communication and intellectual pursuit. Among other things, the card advises showing leadership, acting decisively and calmly.

Concentration and clarity of thinking are of particular importance here. Pay attention to who you trust with certain information. Don't give up until you get answers to your questions.

The personality represented by this card

Typically, the king represents an adult male leader in the fields of communications, legislation, education and information technology. Possessing developed philosophical thinking, he adheres to high ideals and has a strong sense of justice. Often, behind external isolation, he hides his true feelings and mind.

Description of the lasso:

Most of the cards in this suit of mind are either cartoon-like or expressive of anxiety, because the influence of the mind on our lives is usually either funny or depressing. But this map of Consciousness shows a huge figure of Buddha. He is so all-encompassing that he even rises above the stars, and above his head is pure emptiness. It represents consciousness that is available to all who become the master of the mind and can use it as a servant, as it should be.

Direct position of the Ace of Clouds card - Consciousness:

When you choose this card, it means that crystal clarity is available to you right now, detached, coming from a deep peace that lies at the core of your being. You do not strive to understand with your mind, your understanding is an understanding of the essence, it is integral, self-tuned with the pulse of life itself. Accept this great gift and share it.

Meaning of the card:

We come from the unknown and continue to go into the unknown. We will come again; we have been here a thousand times, and we will be here a thousand times. In its essence, our being is immortal, but our body, our embodiment, is mortal. Our shell in which we find ourselves, our home, body, mind, belongs to the world of material things. They will get tired, they will grow old, they will die. But your consciousness, for which Bodhidharma uses the word "no-mind" - Gautama Buddha also used the word "no-mind" - is something beyond body and mind, something beyond everything; this "no-mind" is eternal. It expresses itself and again goes into the unknown. This movement from the unknown to the known and from the known to the unknown continues forever until one becomes enlightened. Then this will be his last life; then this flower will never return. This flower, which has begun to become conscious of itself, does not need to return to life again, because life is nothing more than a school. He learned his lesson, he went beyond illusion. And for the first time he will move from the known not into the unknown, but into the unknowable.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.