Act for hidden work, dismantling of floors. How is the as-built documentation for dismantling completed?

The general contractor and the subcontractor by order appoint persons responsible for the execution of construction and installation works and the maintenance of as-built documentation. In addition, the General Contractor appoints a person responsible for construction control at the site. The customer and technical supervision issue orders for technical supervision of work. Order forms, as well as examples of how to fill them out, can be found here. In paragraph 1 of the inspection report for hidden work, enter the name of the work that is submitted for inspection, with an exact indication of the place where it was carried out (building axis, floor, room number (name), picket, mileage and other coordinates that allow you to accurately identify the place of work). In paragraph 2 we enter the code of the working (design) documentation and the numbers of sheets in accordance with which the work was performed.

Equipment dismantling certificate (sample)


In accordance with the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision No. 428 dated October 26, 2015, changes were made to the inspection reports of hidden work. This form of the act has been in effect since February 2016. Appendix No. 3 to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, major renovation objects capital construction and requirements for inspection reports of works, structures, sections of engineering support networks, approved by order Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision dated December 26, 2006

Certificate of inspection of hidden work


The act is printed on one sheet on both sides. If the information specified in the act does not fit on one sheet, then additional sheets are printed.

But in in this case Each page of the act is numbered. This is due to the possible substitution of pages that do not have signatures. Now let’s take a closer look at the form of the inspection report for hidden work and the methodology for filling it out.
Today, the form of the act with amendments made to it is relevant in accordance with Rostechnadzor Order No. 428 dated October 26, 2015. The order came into force in March 2016. So, the first thing you need to fill in is the name of the capital construction project.


Certificate of inspection of hidden works 2018

Excel and Word Acts for civil works

  • Geodetic survey report alignment base capital construction project (form RD-11-02-2006) - download word, excel
  • Act on laying out the axes of a capital construction project on the ground (form RD-11-02-2006) - download word, excel
  • Certificate of inspection of hidden work (form RD-11-02-2006) - download word, excel
  • Certificate of inspection of critical structures (form RD-11-02-2006) - download word, excel
  • Certificate of inspection of open ditches and pits for foundations - download word, excel
  • Facade acceptance certificate - download
  • Roof acceptance certificate - download word, excel
  • Report of dynamic testing of the pile (form F35 Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 23, 2002

Act of hidden work

Such documents are as-built diagrams (drawings), documents on the quality of materials used (certificates, technical passports, sanitary and hygienic conclusions, etc.), conclusions and protocols of laboratory tests, examinations and survey reports. The list of applications must be numbered. In the final part of the act, we indicate the same persons for hidden work as on the first page.
If designer supervision was carried out at the site, then it is necessary to add a Representative of the person preparing the documentation, that is, the designer. We write only the position, surname, initials. We do not indicate the number of the order or other document on representation.

In the old form the designer was at the beginning, but in new form of the act, it was removed from the first sheet and left only on the last sheet. So, if during construction or reconstruction the author's supervision is carried out, then on the second sheet where the signatures are placed, you include the designer; if there is no author's supervision, then you do not include it.

When appointing responsible representatives, indicate those indicated on the title page of the general work log. Try to examine hidden work on time - collect all signatures in a timely manner, before the inspection by the State Tax Service inspectors.
In July 2017, the form of the certificate of inspection of hidden work will again be changed; I recently wrote about these changes on the website in the article “Changes in the requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation are expected soon.” If they change it, I will definitely write about it and update the form of the act.

Certificate of dismantling work sample filling 2016

It states:

  • names and numbers of equipment,
  • its quantity and functionality;
  • technical data and other necessary information about dismantled objects;
  • information about the customer’s claims or lack thereof.

If any documents were drawn up during the work (for example, a letter of approval additional work for dismantling of equipment), then it is necessary to reflect information about this in the act, indicating the relevant details of such documents. In addition, the act reflects the signatures of the parties, details of the relevant agreement and the date of signing.
The document is drawn up in two copies. The main task of formation of this act– recording information about dismantling and the absence of claims from the parties to each other. Subsequently, the act can be applied in the event of problems arising as a result of poorly performed work, etc.

A hidden work report is a document that is drawn up when performing construction and installation work, the quality of which cannot be controlled and assessed. These include hydro-, sound-, thermal insulation, repair of electrical wiring, installation of pipes, etc., which will be hidden by subsequent work behind walls and panels. The act of hidden work is confirmation that the work was performed to a high standard. Upon completion of the hidden work, the certificate, along with other documents, is presented for confirmation by the selection committee, which checks and certifies the quality of the repair, since this type of work affects the safety and quality operation of the building. As a rule, the selection committee includes: a representative of the designer’s supervision design organization, general contracting, subcontracting organizations, technical supervision of the customer.
After we have clarified the role of each participant in the construction process, we have to indicate the following information about these organizations: name, number and date of issue of the certificate of admission to types of construction work, indicating self-regulatory organization issuer, OGRN, TIN, postal details, telephone/fax. The customer must provide you with all this information. As a last resort, when the customer for some reason refuses to receive this information, you can go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and find out there the information necessary to fill out the inspection report for hidden work. Next, we date the act and assign a number to it. It is better to number acts taking into account the name of the section of the project documentation on which the work was performed.
What needs to be done from March 12 to 16 In order not to forget about important accounting matters, you can keep a diary, install a special program on your smartphone that will remind you of plans, or stick stickers covered with notes on your work monitor. But the easiest way is to read our reminders weekly.< < …

Individual entrepreneurs should not rush to pay 1% contributions for 2017. Firstly, because from this year deadline payment of such contributions has been postponed from April 1 to July 1. Accordingly, 1% contributions for 2017 must be transferred to the budget no later than 07/02/2018 (July 1 – Sunday).

< … Переход из одной ИФНС в другую не потребует обязательной сверки Tax service updated the regulations for organizing work with payers of taxes, fees, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, as well as tax agents.



3.1. The customer undertakes:

3.1.1. Pay the Contractor for the work in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3.2.2. Eliminate at your own expense any deficiencies discovered during the execution of work or acceptance of work.

3.2.3. First of all, be guided by the requirements of GOST, SNiP and standards fire safety.

Non-portable structures, especially safety tape, are only a visual barrier and cannot be considered reliable fall protection. In practice, it is not always possible to ensure technical design against falling persons. Therefore, it is necessary to use personal fall protection.

For example, if a combination of seat belts and a shock absorber is used, the manufacturer's instructions give us a minimum safe height from which the shock absorber can be used - unfortunately, the employer finds and checks in practice only in a small percentage of cases. However, when determining the safe height, the position of the attachment point, the height of the person and the actual length of the damping element, the softening power grip is torn.

3.2.4. Immediately notify the Customer of the occurrence of circumstances that slow down the progress of work or make further continuation of work impossible.

3.2.5. Inform the Customer upon his specific request about the state of affairs regarding the implementation of this Agreement.

3.2.6. Do not disclose information about the Customer and the cost of work performed to third parties without legal grounds.

Details and signatures

In the event of a fall 4 m above the ground, the worker does not reach a safe height, resulting in a subsequent accident at work. The second step is to determine a suitable reference point. Therefore, armature failure is completely unacceptable according to legal requirements. In the end, the anchor point is determined by the employee himself in most cases in a completely inappropriate manner; the employee does not determine the location of the anchor at all and moves at an unsecured height. The employer has not fulfilled the basic obligations provided for by law, thus not only the possibility of financial sanctions from the control body, but also accusation.

3.2.7. Upon completion of the work, provide the Customer with a Work Acceptance Certificate (Appendix No. 2).

3.3. The customer has the right:

3.3.1. Accept and pay for the work at the agreed price if it is completed ahead of schedule by the Contractor.

3.3.2. Exercise other rights provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The best way to avoid the example described is to write suitable anchor points in writing the employer, and the employee has demonstrable knowledge of it and confirms his signature with his own signature. An important element is training not only from legislation, but also training from other regulations and practical training of the employee. Refer to the manufacturer's accompanying documentation, which contains important instructions and drawings for proper and safe use in workplaces where there is a risk of falls from heights or depths.

3.4. The contractor has the right:

3.4.1. Submit the work under this Agreement ahead of schedule by agreement with the Customer.

3.4.2. Engage third parties to perform work under this Agreement.

3.4.3. Use photos and video materials obtained during the performance of work for advertising purposes and in the preparation of printed and other publications at your own discretion without additional approval from the Customer, without disclosing information about the Customer and the cost of the work performed.

The most neglected elements of these trainings, although from a work safety perspective, include the lack of maintenance for rescue work, where personnel must be safely freed from a suspended rope when seized. In general, only one temporary building construction out of ten fully complies with the manufacturer's accompanying documentation, that is, it is compiled and used in accordance with this documentation. Individual facilities that assemble temporary structures do not follow the manufacturer's instructions.

3.4.4. Exercise other rights provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. Coordination of the list of works, cost of work and deadlines for completion of work is carried out at the Contractor’s office at the address: _____________________________________________________________________.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department5 01 stage “Preparatory work” Type of as-built documentation 1.2.

Preparation of the construction site (incl.

Dismantling work) 1.Executive diagram for dismantling the objects specified in KS-2.

2. Explication of dismantled buildings and structures, indicating the main structural elements (materials of walls, ceilings, foundations, etc.) and the method of carrying out the work (manual/mechanized disassembly, etc.).

3. List of dismantling works with a formula for calculating the volume and weight of dismantled structures (structural elements).

4. When transferring materials and equipment received from dismantling, the Customer is issued Form M-35 Act on the recording of material assets received during dismantling and dismantling of buildings and structures.

5. Scheme for transportation of construction waste, agreed upon with local authorities or data specified in the PIC.

6. Documents for waste removal and disposal: when performing work by a subcontractor - a copy of the contract and the certificate of completion of work, when performing work on your own - a transportation scheme (clause 5) and coupons for acceptance of construction waste by the landfill.

7. Documents for the removal and disposal of soil obtained during the dismantling of underground parts of buildings and structures - the result of environmental and geological surveys about the unsuitability of the soil (a section of the project or a protocol from a construction laboratory about the impossibility of using the excavated soil for backfilling).

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department6 Samples of provided executive plans.

Gas station 151 Gas station 151 Gas station 196| Capital Construction Department7 01 stage “Preparatory work” Type of as-built documentation 1.3.

Demolition of green spaces 1. Plan for cutting down green spaces with a statement of volumes of work in pcs/m3, etc.

2. Certificate of inspection of green spaces (felling ticket - if available).

Vertical layout 1. Executive diagram of the vertical layout of the land plot with a statement of volumes of work (balance of earth masses).

2.Certificate of Concealed Work Inspection (AOSR) for backfilling the site with sand/soil/pgs with layer-by-layer compaction.

3.Quality certificates, passports for sand/pgs.

Other preparatory work depending on the scope of work: 1.

Cable network outlets: technical specifications for network outlets;

Network profiles, AOSR for the development/acceptance of trenches, channels, tunnels and blocks for cable installation, underlying layer (sand, brick laying), waterproofing of wells, sealing of connections of sewerage pipelines and wells, cable laying (possibly in pipes), backfilling with sand, laying the slab (if any), warning tape, etc.;

Removal of water supply and sewerage networks: technical specifications for removal of the network;

Execution plan with a statement of volumes of work;

Network profiles, AOSR development/acceptance of trenches, foundation construction, preparatory layer of sand for pipelines, installation of wells, waterproofing of wells, sealing of connections of sewerage pipelines and wells, installation of pipelines, backfilling;

Quality certificates, passports for materials;

Certificate of compliance with specifications from the owner of the networks.

Control and executive survey (CIS) for the removal of networks can be provided as part of the CIS for a completed construction site.

In other cases, the list of as-built documentation is determined by the design documentation depending on the features and methods of removing networks.

If there are punctures using the HDD method, a corresponding AOSR is drawn up with a Drilling Protocol, case profile, relevant passports and PPR for the machines and mechanisms used.

Installation of culverts: As-built installation diagram indicating the design of the pipe and heads, slopes on slopes, and a statement of quantities;

Specification of materials;

AOSR for the preparatory layer, installation, backfilling;

Quality certificates, passports for sand, pipes.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department8 Stages 02-06 “Earthworks” Type of as-built documentation 2.1.

Construction of pits 1. Execution diagram of pits with a list of quantities of work and a calculation formula.

The executive scheme is endorsed by the contractor and the organization exercising construction control of the Customer.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Department of Capital Construction9 Example of incorrect registration of gas station No. 258.

The volume of the pit for treatment facilities in CS-2 (1134 m3) does not correspond to the as-built design (137 m3).

The volume is overestimated by 10 times.| Capital Construction Department10 Stages 02-06 " Excavation» Type of executive documentation 2.2.

Construction of foundations 1. Executive diagram of foundations with a statement of volumes of work and a calculation formula;

2. AOSR for a preparatory layer of sand, crushed stone, formwork, preparatory layer of concrete, reinforcement, installation of embedded parts, concreting, waterproofing, backfilling;

3.Quality certificates, passports for materials (sand, crushed stone, concrete, reinforcement, embedded parts, waterproofing);

4.If materials are closed using invoices, be sure to attach the invoice and delivery note.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department11 Stage 07 “Installation of storm water treatment facilities” Type of as-built documentation 7.1.

Installation of storm water treatment facilities with backfill 1. As-built diagram of installation of VOCs and storage tank with specifications;

2.Quality certificates, passports for materials (sand) and equipment (VOC);

3. AOSR for installation of VOC, storage tank, backfilling with layer-by-layer compaction.

4. The act of preparing equipment for operation in accordance with the passport (for example, wastewater treatment plants"OZONE-3l/s" require mandatory flushing with tap water in the amount of 6.7 m3).

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department12 Stage 08 “Installation of fuel tanks” Type of as-built documentation 8.1.

Installation of fuel tanks with backfilling 1. Executive diagram of installation of equipment on the foundation with embedded parts;

2. Certificate of transfer of equipment for installation (OS-15);

3. Passports for equipment (transferred by the Customer), certificates, passports for materials;

4. AOSR readiness of the foundation for installation of the RGS, installation of the RGS on the foundation, for backfilling with layer-by-layer compaction.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department13 Stage 09 “LMC Technology” Type of as-built documentation 9.1.

Drain well 9.2.

Installation of process pipelines 1. Executive diagram of installation of a drain well on a foundation with embedded parts (with a statement of quantities);

2.Executive diagram of laying process pipelines with a given slope with specifications;

3. AOSR for a preparatory layer of sand, installation of a membrane, installation of process pipelines (by type, including deaeration line) with a given slope, backfilling;

4. Certificate for flushing process pipelines;

5. Certificate/protocol for testing pipelines for strength and tightness (signed by URP representatives);

6. Passports, sanitary and epidemiological certificates, fire safety certificates for equipment, building materials, products and structures.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department14 Stage 10 “Automation of liquid metal materials” Type of as-built documentation 10.1.

Automation of liquid metallurgical equipment 1.Executive diagram with a statement of quantities (specification) and a calculation formula;

2.AOSR for laying an automation line, for the preparatory layer, for installing corrugated pipes, for backfilling;

3. Certificate of inspection of instruments and automation equipment;

4.Cable automation log;

5.Quality certificates, passports for materials and equipment.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department15 Stage 12.14 “On-site engineering networks” Type of as-built documentation 12.1.

Cable networks (cable wells and pipes to them) 12.2.

Lightning protection and grounding 12.3.

Power supply networks from diesel generator set to main switchboard 12.4.

Power supply networks from the main switchboard to the boundaries of the site 14.1.

Domestic sewerage 14.2.

Storm sewerage 14.3.

Water supply, fire-fighting water supply 1. Executive diagrams of networks with a statement of volumes of work and a calculation formula (electricity supply, water supply, sewerage);

2.Network profiles;

3. AOSR for the preparatory layer, installation of wells, waterproofing of wells, sealing of connections of sewerage pipelines and wells, installation of pipelines, cable laying, installation of a protective coating for cable routes (signal tape or brick), installation of a grounding loop (including grounding devices), backfilling;

4.Cable magazine;

5. Protocol for checking welded joints (if available);

6. Certificate of acceptance hydraulic testing of the pipeline for strength and tightness;

7.Quality certificates for sand, reinforced concrete products, waterproofing, pipelines.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department16 Stage 13,15,16,17 “Off-site network engineering» Type of executive documentation 13.1.

Laying off-site power supply networks 13.2.

KTPN device 17.1.

Off-site water supply or well installation 17.2.

Domestic sewerage or VOCs and a tank for collecting treated domestic wastewater 17.3.

Storm sewerage or storage tank with the installation of a filtration well 1.TU for connection to external networks;

2.Executive diagrams of networks with a statement of quantities (specifications) and a calculation formula (electricity, water supply, sewerage);

3.Network profiles;

4.AOSR for the preparatory layer, installation of wells, waterproofing of wells, sealing of connections of sewerage pipelines and wells, installation of pipelines, cable laying, installation of a protective coating for cable routes (signal tape or brick), backfilling;

5. Protocol for checking welded joints (if necessary);

6.Cable magazine;

7. Certificate of acceptance hydraulic testing of the pipeline for strength and tightness;

8. Quality certificates for sand, reinforced concrete products, waterproofing, pipelines, materials;

9. Control and executive survey (CIS) for off-site networks can be provided as part of the CIS for a completed facility;

10. Certificate of fulfillment of specifications (Certificate of delineation of balance sheet ownership in accordance with the terms of the agreement).

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations | Capital Construction Department17 Stage 18 “Installation of metal structures of the canopy and control room (incl.

Fire protection)" Type of as-built documentation (The list was compiled on the basis of SP 70.13330.2012 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures" sections No. 4, No. 10) 18.1.

Installation of metal structures of the control room (incl.

Fire protection) 18.2.

Installation of canopy metal structures 1.Executive diagram of the installation of metal structures with a bill of quantities/specification of metal products;

2. Certificates of inspection of critical structures;

3.AOSR for installation of metal structures (columns, beams, crossbars, trusses, purlins, horizontal and vertical connections, etc.), anti-corrosion protection of welded joints, priming, metal structures, fire protection of metal structures (documents for fire protection must be provided), installation of grout under column bases (if available);

4. Certificate of visual inspection of welded seams - with a check of the geometric dimensions and shape of the seams to the extent of 100%;

By non-destructive methods (radiography or ultrasonic flaw detection) in a volume of at least 0.5% of the length of the seams;

5.AOSR for tightening bolted connections according to torque requirements.

6.Passports, sanitary and epidemiological certificates, fire safety certificates, Construction Materials, products and designs.

List of as-built documentation for the relevant stages (types of general construction, construction and installation and special works) during the construction/reconstruction of gas stations

The equipment dismantling certificate is issued after the relevant work has been completed. Over time, any equipment becomes outdated, loses its performance, and needs to be replaced. Dismantling can only begin after the decommissioning process or a decision has been made to replace existing equipment with new equipment.


Dismantling is no less important a process than installation. In order to produce it, the organization attracts specialists with sufficient experience. An agreement is concluded on what services are provided and to what extent. And the act of dismantling the equipment is signed after all the work is completed.

It is a guarantee that the customer has no claims against the contractor. The customer signs that the work specified in the text of the document has been completed in full.

Among other things, individual components and other elements of dismantled equipment may still be suitable for use. Sometimes they contain parts made of precious metals. Therefore, dismantling must be documented and all important nuances taken into account.

Requirements for filling

There is no established uniform form for this document. However, it is compiled based on generally accepted recommendations and standards. The requirements for filling it out are logical, namely:

  • The act must contain the names and details of all interested parties. If organizations appear, then at a minimum their names should be included.
  • The details of the parties, addresses, telephone numbers, and other contact information must be included. If the act is an annex to any agreement (and there is a link to it), in which all this is spelled out in detail, then no details are required.
  • List of equipment with identification numbers, which is dismantled. The more detailed information is written here, the fewer misunderstandings there will be.
  • Which parts are considered suitable for further use and which are subject to disposal.
  • The document must contain the signatures and seals of the persons and organizations that carried out the dismantling. The autographs of those employees who carry financial liability for the equipment.


The attached sample and form of the equipment dismantling certificate comply with all the requirements established by law. For this reason, using them, you can be sure that no fundamentally important information will be forgotten. In most cases, one page will be enough to fill out the act. The act consists of:

  • Top part, cap.
  • Main part.
  • Conclusions in the form of details of the parties and signatures.

The header directly includes the name with the act number. The latter will be needed to make a mark in a special journal for recording dismantling, repair and replacement of equipment. It is conducted in organizations that specialize in this. The city of signing and the date are also indicated at the top.

The main part of the equipment dismantling act is formulated in a relatively free form. The attached document form contains:

  • Link to the agreement to which the act is attached. It is assumed that the contract describes in detail who, when and under what conditions carries out the dismantling.
  • Which organization carried out the dismantling, its name.
  • Address of the premises where the equipment was installed.
  • Information that the equipment was removed by the same organization after dismantling.
  • What equipment was dismantled? The form below uses a table to list this data, but you can also arrange it in a list. The name, serial number, quantity are indicated.
  • A note that from the moment the act is drawn up, the company that carried out the dismantling and removal assumes responsibility for the safety of the listed equipment.

At the end of the act, you should fill out the actual details of the parties, put the signatures of responsible persons and seals of organizations (if any).

When drawing up an act, an organization or an individual may be on either side. If the first option, then indicate the address, telephone number, INN, KPP, and current account number of the organization. If the act specifies the details of a private person, then passport details and registration address are required.

Number of copies

The equipment dismantling certificate must be filled out in at least two copies, since several parties appear in it. One copy of the act remains with the customer and serves primary document when calculating payment for work performed and other accounting operations.

Important! The second copy is taken by the performer. This paper becomes his guarantor of the absence of claims from the customer. After all, by signing this paper, the client agrees with the fact that dismantling has taken place at least to a satisfactory level. When contacting courts the act can serve as strong evidence in favor of the performer.

If inventory items remain

When dismantling equipment, usable components and individual structural elements may remain. It would be irrational to dispose of them. In this case, in order to record the fact of the transition of these individual parts into the organization's fixed assets and allow their further use, a commission is convened.

A convened meeting of properly qualified employees draws up an act M-35 on capitalization material assets obtained during disassembly and dismantling. In this way, you can document the actions taken.


According to Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 26n dated March 30, 2001, if the equipment can no longer be used, then its cost is written off from accounting organizations.

It can be dismantled before it is written off from the balance sheet. It is important to date the documents so that the write-off occurs later or on the same day as dismantling.

In short, the act of dismantling equipment is an important primary reporting document that helps document the fact of dismantling a particular object.

Purchased and installed equipment must be dismantled from time to time for various reasons. Thus, equipment may fail due to an accident, become morally or physically obsolete, be destroyed, etc. Regardless of the reasons why equipment needs to be dismantled, all work performed must be documented.

Form of act for equipment dismantling

Before dismantling the equipment, the enterprise manager must fill out administrative document for its dismantling. An order for equipment dismantling is used as such a document (a sample of such a document does not have unified form). This document can be approved by the company independently and drawn up on behalf of the head of the company. It is advisable to indicate the following information:

  • Date of preparation, document number;
  • The exact location of the equipment to be dismantled;
  • Who will carry out the dismantling (for these purposes, an agreement can be concluded with an organization specializing in this type of service);
  • The period within which dismantling must be carried out.

The order must be signed by the manager. When filling out an order and making a decision on dismantling, you can use documents drawn up earlier: for example, transfer of equipment for installation, an equipment installation certificate, information about identified equipment defects, etc. If the installation of equipment required the construction of special structures, the construction of a foundation, and dismantling it can be very labor-intensive.

The equipment dismantling act also does not have a unified form; the company has the right to develop and approve a document template used for these purposes independently. The act should reflect the following information;

  • Date of document preparation;
  • Equipment that needs to be dismantled, with detailed description its functionality, indicating identifying numbers - information can be formatted in any convenient way (a table or just a list);
  • Technical data, other important information about the dismantled equipment;
  • Indications about whether deviations from contracts and projects were made during the execution of work. If there were any, describe in detail the deviations made;
  • Additional information in the form of documents (for example, a contract for dismantling equipment);
  • Start and end date of dismantling work.

The act is signed by a representative of the contractor and the customer. The act is filled out in two copies, one copy for each of the parties. The main task of this document is to record all the details of equipment dismantling and ensure that the parties do not have claims against each other.

Equipment dismantling (coefficients)

Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 02/09/2017 N 81/pr approved recommendations for the application of federal unit prices for construction, repair and construction work, installation and dismantling of equipment. The same order approved coefficients for determining the costs of equipment dismantling.

Thus, for equipment that is not suitable for subsequent use, but the dismantling of which required dismantling and cutting into parts, a coefficient of 0.5 is set, and for equipment intended for scrap without disassembling and cutting into parts - a coefficient of 0.3. These coefficients take into account the conditions for dismantling equipment installed without additional fasteners and fastening on special structures.

Below you can download a sample equipment dismantling report.

Equipment dismantling certificate (sample)

Dismantling of equipment may be due to various reasons and have various purposes, but regardless of them, such a procedure is subject to documentation. The act of dismantling equipment (a sample can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article) must reflect the appropriate actions in relation to each machine and device being removed. Let us consider the main details of the preparation of this document.

Contents and form of the equipment dismantling act

The installed equipment is taken into account among the fixed assets of the relevant enterprise. A feature of the dismantling of such objects is that these actions are accompanied by their removal from foundations and other specially erected structures for a specific purpose.

Such equipment, in particular, includes:

  • machines and devices for workshops;
  • pilot plants;
  • various mechanisms and instruments for laboratories.

During installation, documentation is drawn up for such objects and subsequently stored at the enterprise. Sending an object for installation can be carried out using form No. OS-15, and acceptance of the object for registration is issued using form No. OS-1 (No. OS-1b).

You can clarify exactly what equipment needs to be dismantled and how exactly it was installed, including using the specified documentation.

Before carrying out the procedure in question, an administrative document will be required from the management of the organization. It may be an order to dismantle the equipment (a sample of such a document is not provided for by law; it is drawn up in free form).

The act accompanying the dismantling actions also does not have a unified form and is drawn up according to a template approved by the organization itself.

Before starting the relevant dismantling work, it is necessary to check the completion of the preparatory work in relation to:

  • foundations,
  • supporting structures;
  • the equipment itself (for serviceability and compliance with the characteristics specified in the documentation).

Equipment dismantling can begin after confirmation in the act of compliance of the actually established information with the information reflected in the documentation (including the contract for equipment dismantling).

The work includes removing equipment from foundations, disconnecting from networks and control panels.

After completion of the work, the act records the fact of dismantling the objects in compliance with all necessary requirements. It states:

  • names and numbers of equipment,
  • its quantity and functionality;
  • technical data and other necessary information about dismantled objects;
  • information about the customer’s claims or lack thereof.

If any documents were drawn up during the work (for example, a letter approving additional work to dismantle equipment), then it is necessary to reflect information about this in the act, indicating the relevant details of such documents.

In addition, the act reflects the signatures of the parties, details of the relevant agreement and the date of signing. The document is drawn up in two copies.

The main task of forming this act is to record information about dismantling and the absence of claims from the parties to each other. Subsequently, the act can be applied in the event of problems arising as a result of poorly performed work, etc.

Accounting and reporting

The dismantled object must be written off from account 01. Starting from the month following dismantling, depreciation is not accrued.

The residual value of dismantled equipment is reflected in the income statement. financial results and explanations for reporting.

The amount of valuables remaining after dismantling that can be used in production is accounted for at market value and is reflected in the “Other income” line of the income statement.

Equipment dismantling certificate form