Job responsibilities of a security guard. Instructions

Security guard job description– a document that explains in detail the working conditions, functions, rights and responsibilities of this category of workers. The instructions are not mandatory for use, however, most enterprises and organizations that have security guards on staff prefer to have this paper in their arsenal. This is due to the fact that the document not only regulates job responsibilities security guards, but also allows management to coordinate the activities of subordinates and optimize current work processes in the company.

Sample job description for security guard

LLC "Supplies Wholesale"
Shirokov/Shirokov I.A./
"12" August 2014

Job description of an enterprise security guard

І. General provisions

1.1. This document defines job tasks security guard, his rights, responsibilities, working conditions and other parameters accompanying his professional activities.

1.2. The security guard belongs to the category of workers, and his immediate supervisor is the head of the security department.

1.3. A person applying for the position of a security guard must have at least secondary education, work experience of at least one year, and a special license.

1.4. Hiring, as well as dismissal, takes place in the manner determined by the internal rules of the organization and only after the relevant order is issued, personally signed by the director of the enterprise.

1.5. During the absence of a security guard from the workplace, his duties are transferred to a person appointed by special order of the manager and who has the necessary requirements for the level of education and work experience.

1.6. The security guard must be familiar with:

  • the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of civil law, labor law, as well as regulations governing security activities;
  • internal labor regulations, work and rest schedules, labor protection standards and fire safety and so on.;
  • internal instructions of the enterprise defining the rules access control How individuals, and cars;
  • samples of passes and a list of documents, the presentation of which must be required in order to ensure the safe operation of the enterprise from individuals and car drivers for passage/travel to the territory of the organization;
  • personal signatures officials who have the right to allow unauthorized persons to enter the territory, as well as the import and export of goods material assets, property of the enterprise;
  • verification procedure trucks, entering and leaving the territory of the enterprise;
  • a legally defined procedure for the detention of persons suspected of involvement in thefts, thefts, and other offenses;
  • technology and equipment accompanying the activities of the security guard, incl. fire and security alarms, selector, etc. devices;
  • rules and regulations of business etiquette.

1.7. The activities of the security guard are regulated by:

  • laws of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the enterprise;
  • orders and instructions personally signed by the director of the organization;
  • inner order rules, regulations companies and other corporate documents.

II. Job responsibilities of an enterprise security guard

2.1. The list of job functions of a security guard includes the following tasks:

  • direct security of the entrance to the main office building of the enterprise;
  • security of entry to the territory of the organization;
  • acceptance and issuance of keys office premises employees
  • receiving and issuing passes, entering information about incoming and outgoing visitors into a special journal;
  • entry into a special journal necessary information about the numbers, brands of incoming vehicles, the time of their arrival and departure, as well as the availability of accompanying documentation for the cargo (with a detailed listing of them).
  • checking documents of individuals wishing to enter the territory and of drivers of entering vehicles;
  • control over the entry and exit of goods, products, materials, and any property of the organization;
  • inspection of organization employees and other persons entering and leaving the territory of the protected facility (strictly within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • monitoring and control of the operation of devices that help ensure the safety of the enterprise, including fire and burglar alarms, selector, video camera, barrier, etc.
  • timely reporting of unauthorized access to the organization’s territory to the immediate superior, as well as, if necessary, to the police;
  • when mass notification systems (security and fire alarm) - establishing their causes and adequate response (eliminating fires, detaining violators, etc.), as well as organizing a ban on access to the protected facility for people (including employees of the organization) and cars;
  • informing the director of the organization and the police department on duty about identified signs of damage to seals on the doors of premises, burglary, and theft of inventory items

III. Rights

The security guard is endowed the following rights and powers:

3.1. Make proposals for improving working conditions and optimizing work for both yourself in particular and the security department as a whole.

3.2. Suggest ways to eliminate identified violations within its competence.

3.3. Receive information about all orders, regulations, regulations relating to his work in particular and the work of the security department in general.

3.4. Demand timely replacement of outdated or worn-out equipment, instruments, and machinery.

3.5. Communicate with employees of others structural divisions digging on current problems and issues;

3.6. Make independent decisions and sign documents (strictly within your competence)

3.7. Require management to create and ensure normal working conditions and safety of the organization’s property, inventory, and documents.

3.8. The security guard has the right to refuse to perform his duties job responsibilities and leave workplace in the event of a threat to health or life.

IV. Responsibility

The security guard is responsible in the following situations:

4.1. In case of systematic violation of internal labor regulations, work and rest regime, discipline, as well as safety standards.

4.2. One-time and regular violation of work orders, orders, regulations and instructions.

4.3. In case of gross violation of the rules of corporate communications and business etiquette.

4.4. Entering false or deliberately false information into the visit log;

4.5. Improper execution their official duties or evasion of their performance.

4.6. Disclosure confidential information, trade secret.

4.7. Exceeding official authority.

4.8. Causing material damage to the organization, as well as employees and visitors;

Head of security
LLC "Supplies Wholesale"
Pishchulin/Pishchulin R.D./
"12" August 2014

Gushchin Semyon Petrovich
Security guard at Supply Wholesale LLC
Passport 5748 No. 857463
Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky district of Perm
09/14/2012 department code 123-425
Signature Gushchin
"17" August 2014


Who should develop a job description for a security guard?

Typically, the creation of a document is carried out either by the head of the structural unit to which this or that employee belongs, or by the head of the personnel department, or by a lawyer. Sometimes this matter is entrusted to the secretary or the director of the organization himself deals with it. But regardless of who will work on the instructions, its content should be treated very carefully, since in the event of disputes, conflicts and disagreements, it can become the evidence base, both on the part of the employer and on the part of the subordinate.

Basic rules for document preparation

Officially developed and approved by legislative level sample job description doesn't exist, that's why legal entities and the individual entrepreneur has the right to develop it independently, guided by his own needs. The standard, most common version of the instructions contains a number of main sections, which include

  • "General provisions"
  • "Work duties"
  • "Rights",
  • "Responsibility",

which may be supplemented by other paragraphs.

The document is drawn up in a single copy, but if the company has several employees of the same specialty, but with relatively different functions, the necessary adjustments should be made to it and only then printed.

It is necessary to ensure that the list of responsibilities is balanced from the point of view of the employee’s working time - there is no need to overload him or leave him too free.

The job description must be certified by the head of the enterprise and agreed upon with the person responsible for the work of a particular employee. The person for whom it was drawn up must also put his signature on it - in in this case the autograph will indicate that the employee fully agrees with the functions that are assigned to him, and is also ready to bear responsibility for possible misconduct.

Filling out a security guard's job description

To begin with, at the top of the document on the right there is space for the resolution of the head of the organization. The first line contains his position according to staffing table– director, general director, etc., then indicate the full name of the company, surname, patronymic name of the boss and leave a line for the signature and date of approval. Below in the middle is written the name of the document.

General provisions

The first section opens the main part of the instructions "General provisions" and first it indicates which category of workers the security guard belongs to (employee, specialist, worker, etc.). Then the immediate supervisor of the security guard is entered, and the requirements for his education, work experience and qualification level are also entered. Then information about the procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee is indicated and the rules for transferring the functions of a security guard to another person during his absence from the workplace are prescribed.

The next two paragraphs list in detail the laws, regulations, rules, internal documents and regulations that a security guard must know and follow in the performance of his duties.

Job responsibilities of a security guard

The second section of the job description is called "Job Responsibilities" and determines those tasks the solution of which is within the competence of the security guard. They must be written as carefully and in detail as possible, even down to describing the procedure for action in some situations. This detailed description and listing the functions will allow the employee to avoid exceeding official authority and strictly follow the rules of this document.

Security guard rights

"Rights"- this is the section that regulates the powers of the security guard, that is, it gives him the right to perform certain actions to achieve the greatest result of his work. This indicates the possibility of taking various initiatives, the rules of communication with employees of other departments, management, etc.

Security guard's responsibility

In chapter "Responsibility" all errors, violations and offenses for which the security guard may be subject to disciplinary punishment (from reprimand to dismissal) are listed. They must be indicated taking into account the current legislation, as well as those functions that are regulated by this job description.

Finally, the instructions must be agreed upon with the responsible employee (head of the department, etc.), for which his position, the exact name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, in front of which he must put his signature, is written into the document.

Then, in the same way, information about the security guard is entered: last name, first name, patronymic, name of the enterprise, information from any identification document, signature and date of reading the instructions.

    Application. Standard requirements for the job description of a private security guard at a security facility

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2011 N 960
"On approval of standard requirements for the job description of a private security guard at a security facility"

In accordance with Article 12.1 of the Law Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 N 2487-I “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” - I order:

2. GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Yu.N. Demidov), ministers of internal affairs for the republics, heads of main departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organize bringing to the attention of employees of internal affairs bodies and taking credit for knowledge of the provisions of this order.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the First Deputy Minister, Lieutenant General of Police A.V. Gorovoy.

Registration N 21903


* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 12, Art. 1093; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2005, N 24, art. 2313; 2006, N 30, art. 3294; 2007, N 31, art. 4011; 2008, N 52 (part 1), art. 6227; 2009, N 48, art. 5717; 2009, N 48, art. 5717; 2009, N 52 (part 1), art. 6450; 2009, N 52 (part 1), art. 6445; 2010, N 47, art. 6032; 2010, N 47, art. 6035; 2011, N 7, art. 901, N 27, art. 3880.

Standard requirements have been established for the job description of a private security guard at a security facility.

Thus, the instructions regulate the actions of a security guard at a facility when ensuring intra-facility and access control, his rights and responsibilities. Its content is determined.

It is developed for each security object, taking into account its characteristics.

The instructions are agreed upon by the client (customer) and then approved by the manager ( authorized representative) private security organization. From this moment it comes into force. Valid during the period of execution of the contract for the provision of security services until replaced by a new instruction.

One copy of the instruction is stored in a private security organization, the other is sent to the police department at the location of the corresponding security facility, and the latter has a copy of it.

I approve...................................................

(name of company)

(job title)   

(Full name.)    

“…..” …………………. 20….. g.

Job description
security guard

(name, enterprise, organization)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Security guard belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.2. For the position Security guard a person is appointed who has an initial professional education, special training according to the established program and work experience in the profile of at least 1 year.

3. Appointment to a position Security guard and exemption from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation

(chief of security service / other official)

1.4. Security guard reports directly to the manager

(to the head of the security service / other official)

1.5. The security guard must know:
- regulations Russian Federation, regulating security activities;
- rules, orders and instructions for the protection of objects, buildings, structures and material assets;
- rules, orders and instructions on access control;
- samples of signatures of persons who have the right to sign passes for the removal and export of material assets or a visit to an enterprise, facility, plant, institution;
- samples of permanent and one-time passes, waybills and other access documents;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules for checking exported or removed cargo;
- rules for inspection of things and personal inspection, production administrative detention, registration of materials on offenders;
- the procedure for detaining persons who committed theft, registering materials against them;
- the procedure for using weapons, radio equipment and intercoms;
- boundaries of the protected object;
- telephone numbers of representatives of the administration of the protected facility and the duty officer at the police department;
- rules and regulations of labor protection;
- general principles provision of pre-hospital medical care;
- purpose, design and rules for using security alarms;
- purpose, structure and rules for using primary funds fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

Security guard:
- carries out duty for the protection of objects and material assets

(place of duty, boundaries of responsibility)

When coming on duty, the security guard checks the integrity of the protected object, locks and other locking devices; presence of seals, serviceability of alarm devices, telephones, lighting, availability of fire-fighting equipment;
- when identifying malfunctions that do not allow the object to be taken under protection, reports this to the person to whom it is subordinate;
- V work time the enterprise carries out the passage of employees, visitors and road transport to the territory of the enterprise and back upon presentation of the relevant documents (passes, invoices, waybills and so on.);
- checks accompanying documents with the actual presence of the cargo;
- carries out an inspection of things and a personal search of persons working at the guarded facility;
- controls the operation of security and fire alarm devices installed at the protected facility;
- when security and (or) fire alarm devices are triggered, he reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate, and, if necessary, to the internal affairs body and (or) fire department, protects traces of a crime until the arrival of police representatives;
- finds out the reasons for the alarm and takes measures to apprehend violators or extinguish the fire;
- when an alarm is triggered at a guarded facility, takes measures to prevent and suppress offenses at the guarded facility, up to and including physical coercion;
- detains persons trying (or suspected) to illegally remove (remove) material assets from a protected facility, or committing offenses, accompanies them to the guardhouse or police station;
- makes an external and (or) internal tour of the protected object at least …………. once per shift;
- carries out reception and delivery of duty with the corresponding entry in the duty log;
- if a shift does not arrive at the appointed time, reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate.

3. Rights

The security guard has the right:
- for the allocation of special technical means for duty;
- to receive special clothing according to established standards;
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
- submit proposals for improvement of work related to the performance of their duties for consideration by management;
- demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The security guard is responsible for:
- for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond the limits of his powers established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the enterprise, and other regulatory legal acts;
- for failure to fulfill (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law RF;
- for causing material damage and damage business reputation enterprises - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Other

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code RF and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


Boss legal department

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>   (full name / signature)

I have read the job description

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>    (full name / signature)

Job description
security guard[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The security guard belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.2. A person with primary vocational education, special training according to an established program and at least 1 year of work experience in the profile is appointed to the position of security guard.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a security guard and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the enterprise upon the recommendation of [the head of the security service (security); other official].

1.4. The security guard must know:

Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating security activities;

Instructions, orders, others regulations regulating the organization of work to protect the object and material assets;

The specifics and structure of the enterprise and the operating mode of its divisions;

Instructions for access control at a guarded facility;

Samples of passes, waybills and other access documents;

Signatures of officials who have the right to give orders for the import and export (removal) of inventory items;

Rules for inspections of exported cargo;

Rules for the inspection of things and personal searches, administrative detention, registration of materials on offenders;

The procedure for detaining persons who committed theft and registering materials against them;

The procedure for using weapons, radio equipment and intercoms;

Terms of use technical means security and fire alarm;

The procedure for accepting separate premises under protection, responding to the reset of security and fire alarms;

Location of primary fire extinguishing and communications equipment, procedure for using them;

Internal labor regulations;

General principles of providing pre-hospital medical care;

Labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations;

- [fill in what you need].

1.5. The security guard reports directly to [the head of the security service (security); other official].

1.6. [Enter as appropriate].

2. Job responsibilities

Security guard:

2.1. Responsible for the protection of objects and material assets.

2.2. Carries out document checks for persons entering the protected facility (exiting the facility) and control over the import and export (removal) of material assets.

2.3. Performs inspections of things, as well as personal searches of workers and employees of the enterprise.

2.4. Monitors the operation of security and fire alarm devices installed at the enterprise; reports their activation to the chief of the guard (watch group), the person on duty at the facility, and, if necessary, to the internal affairs agency or the fire department.

2.5. Finds out the reasons for the alarm and takes measures to apprehend violators or extinguish the fire.

2.6. Accepts separate premises equipped with alarms and other means of protection under protection from financially responsible persons.

2.7. When an alarm is declared at a guarded facility, the checkpoint closes and the release (entrance) of all persons from the facility (to the facility) is carried out only with the permission of the head of the guard group (facility duty officer).

2.8. Takes measures to prevent and suppress offenses at the protected facility, including physical coercion.

2.9. Detains persons attempting to illegally remove (remove) material assets from a protected facility or those suspected of committing offenses, and escorts them to the guardhouse or police station.

2.10. Monitors the operation of security and fire alarm devices installed at protected facilities.

2.11. Used when serving as guard dogs.

2.12. [Enter as appropriate].

3. Rights

The security guard has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.3. [Enter as appropriate].

4. Responsibility

The security guard is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter as appropriate].

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

The job description of an enterprise security guard regulates labor relations. It contains functional responsibilities, rights, types of responsibilities of an employee, the procedure for occupying and releasing him from a position, rules of subordination, requirements for experience and education.

The document is drawn up by the head of the enterprise security department. Approved by the General Director.

A number of provisions standard form instructions may vary depending on the specifics of the institution.

Sample of a typical job description for an enterprise security guard

I. General provisions

1. An enterprise security guard belongs to the “workers” category.

2. The enterprise security guard reports directly to the head of the security department.

3. A person with at least a complete secondary education and at least one year of experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of an enterprise security guard.

4. The appointment or dismissal of an enterprise security guard is made by order general director on the recommendation of the head of the security department.

5. During the absence of an enterprise security guard, his responsibility, rights, and functional duties are assigned to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

6. An enterprise security guard must know:

  • instructions for organizing the access control of an institution, samples of passes, waybills, and other documents;
  • legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation defining security activities;
  • signatures of officials who have the right to give permission for the import, export, and movement of inventory items;
  • the procedure for detaining persons suspected of committing theft; rules for formatting relevant materials;
  • cargo inspection procedure;
  • rules for handling communications, security and fire alarms;
  • the procedure for removing and securing premises and responding to alarms;
  • norms of business communication, etiquette;
  • locations of fire extinguishing equipment, communications, rules for their use.

7. The enterprise security guard is guided in his activities by:

  • orders, instructions from the management of the institution;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • this job description;
  • internal labor regulations, other governing acts of the enterprise.

II. Job responsibilities of an enterprise security guard

The security guard of the enterprise performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Serves for the protection of objects and material assets.

2. Checks the documents of persons who exit and enter the territory of protected facilities.

3. Controls the movement, import, export, removal of inventory items.

4. Monitors the performance of security and fire alarm devices of the enterprise. Reports their activation to the immediate superior, the police department on duty or the fire department.

5. Inspects employees, belongings, hand luggage, and visitors to the enterprise.

6. Accepts premises under protection from responsible persons, turns on alarm equipment.

7. Establishes the reasons for the alarm, takes measures to apprehend violators or extinguish the fire.

8. Detains persons who are suspected of illegally moving material assets from a protected facility or committing crimes. Escorts them to the guardhouse, police station.

9. When an alarm is triggered at a protected facility, it closes the checkpoint and stops the movement of vehicles and people through it. Passing is carried out only with the permission of the head of security.

10. Prevents offenses at the protected site, within the limits of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Uses special means when performing his job duties.

12. Checks the compliance of accompanying documents with the qualitative and quantitative composition of the cargo.

13. Accepts and hands over security objects with relevant entries in reporting documents.

14. If signs of a break-in, damage to seals, or theft of inventory items are detected, inform the head of the enterprise and the police duty department.

15. Keeps a log of visits to the enterprise.

16. Enters data into information databases about license plates, brands Vehicle, time of their arrival, leaving the territory of the enterprise, accompanying documents for cargo.

III. Rights

The enterprise security guard has the right:

1. Put forward proposals to management that relate to the work of the enterprise.

2. Inform your immediate supervisor about identified shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise. Submit proposals for their elimination.

3. Enter into communication with employees of structural divisions of the enterprise on work issues.

4. Receive the information necessary to perform your job duties.

5. Sign documents within your competence.

6. Receive information about the decisions of the enterprise management regarding the activities of the security department.

7. Fail to perform your job duties if there is a danger to life or health.

8. Send proposals to management to improve your work and the activities of the enterprise.

9. Make independent decisions within your competence.

10. Demand that management create normal conditions for the performance of their job duties and the safety of material assets and documents.

IV. Responsibility

The enterprise security guard is responsible for:

1. Violation of labor discipline requirements, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards, and safety regulations.

2. Violation of the norms of etiquette and business communication.

3. Quality of reporting documentation.

4. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

5. Illegal handling of personal information, disclosure of trade secrets, confidential information.

6. Unauthorized representation of the interests of the enterprise.

7. Causing damage to the enterprise, contractors, employees, or the state.

8. Consequences of your actions, independent decisions.

9. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the enterprise.

10. Providing knowingly false information to management, clients, and visitors of the enterprise.