Electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Biometric electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: obtaining

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, from January 1, 2017, Russia will begin a gradual transition to a new identity document - an electronic passport.

It will become a replacement for the universal card (UEC), the production of which is planned to be discontinued in the coming year. The presence of a new type of information carrier will subsequently become a prerequisite for receiving government services provided to residents of our country in electronic form.

Previously, it was believed that in the future it would be the electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation 2016 that would become the basic element for the Russian Mir payment system, but the Central Bank recently rejected this idea. Perhaps they will return to it a little later.

Appearance of the new passport

The electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation 2017 is a plastic card no larger than a bank card. On both sides there is basic information about the citizen, duplicated on the built-in chip. In addition, the card may contain additional information (including biometric data).

  • On the front side it is planned to place:
  • Owner's full name;
  • date and place of birth;

document number, date of issue and validity period.

According to preliminary data, the card will contain three photographs at once. The first, color, is planned to be quite large - 24x32 mm. The other two, located on the front and back sides, are intended for reading devices. In this case, the image is applied to the card using laser engraving.

Good news: to obtain an electronic passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have to go to a photo studio. All necessary shots will be taken at the Federal Migration Service, after which the photo will be transferred directly from the camera to a computer and inserted into the layout of the future document.

On the reverse side, in addition to the already mentioned photograph, the document number will also be duplicated. Here they will indicate the name and code of the institution that issued it, TIN and SNILS numbers (optional). If the card is issued to minors, then information about the child’s legal representatives (parents or guardians) will be placed on the back side.

Is everyone required to change their paper passports to electronic ones?

How to refuse an electronic passport if the paper version suits you better? Is it possible to avoid the document change procedure?

Perhaps these questions concern not only the older generation, who do not trust modern technologies. The Ministry hastened to assure: changing your passport is a purely voluntary decision

, so no one will force anyone. True, they immediately emphasized that it is much more convenient with a card.

Electronic passports are officially planned to be introduced in Russia in 2017. Moreover, until 2025, plastic cards will be in parallel circulation with the usual paper documents.

When receiving a card, citizens will have to pay a fee: they have not yet spoken about specific figures, although it is believed that a state fee of 250-700 rubles will fully cover the costs of producing a new document.

Electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation 2016: how to get it? It was recently reported that it would be possible to submit an application to the Federal Migration Service department as early as January 2017. But in April 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to postpone the release of new personal information carriers until March 2018. That is why it will not be possible to obtain the coveted card ahead of schedule. It is worth remembering that when receiving a personal card, a citizen hands over a paper equivalent. You cannot have two documents on hand at once.

Main functions of the new document

Today, detailed information about the planned replacement is being disseminated in the media and government agencies. Citizens are told what an electronic passport looks like and are clearly shown how easy it is to use.

The main task of the new card is the rapid transfer of data about the subject. Now you don’t have to carry photocopies or fill out forms by hand - you just need to hold a piece of plastic to the reading device, and an employee of the institution will receive all the necessary information. In addition, it will be much more difficult to forge such a document, which means that Russian citizens will be less likely to fall for scammers. Replacement of the document is also required if any information entered on the card has lost its relevance: for example, the last name has changed due to marriage. If you lose your electronic passport, you must submit an application for restoration within 10 days.

When will it be possible to receive a new master document?

Earlier in the media it was reported that from 2017 citizens will be able to obtain new documents. However, in the case of electronic passports in Russia, the latest news is disappointing.

Issuance will begin no earlier than March 2018: this became known on April 16, 2016, when the text of the Government Resolution “On measures to assist election commissions in the exercise of their powers in preparing and conducting elections of deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation” was published on the legal portal.

They decided to postpone the issuance until the presidential elections in 2018. By the same date, it is planned to complete the production of plastic certificates (UEC). Paper versions of the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued without changes.

The Ministry of Economic Development plans that by 2019 every Russian citizen, including children over 14 years old, will receive an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

It will be possible to say that electronic passports have been introduced in Russia and completely replaced their paper counterparts no earlier than 2020. Perhaps the time frame will be delayed, since the procedure is voluntary, and there is no reason to believe that it will appeal to absolutely the entire population.

Despite the fact that the bill on the issue of introducing electronic passports was approved in 2013, the deadline for issuing the document, including the pilot one, was repeatedly postponed. The technical opportunity to bring the project under consideration to life appeared only in 2017.

As part of the preparation, not only the ambiguous attitude of Russians towards the actual issuance and use of an electronic passport was revealed, but also the presence of pitfalls during implementation. Therefore, another deadline was set for the mass launch of the project, which this time was March 15, 2018. Currently, work related to the preparation of unified registers and technical issues continues.

This article will be relevant for those who are not yet familiar with what an electronic passport actually looks like, what its purpose is and where it can be obtained.

UEC: predecessor of the electronic passport

Its main function as a universal payment element smoothly transformed into the transition to electronic identity cards.

The entire infrastructure that was used in the UEC service sector became the basis for the introduction of a plastic ID - a document designed to serve not only as an identification document, but also as a payment document. Rumor has it that the actual use of an electronic passport will be able to replace the UEC and other equally important documents. So far, the issuance of improved documents planned for January 2017 has not been possible.

About the appearance of the new passport

Externally, the electronic document resembles an ordinary plastic card, information about the owner of which is available both in visual and electronic form. Some information is encrypted and can only be detected by scanning the chip element. Personal information about the owner can be found by looking at the front side of the card.

It indicates:

  • Full name, gender, place and date of birth of the owner and his personal signature;
  • number, date of issue and validity period of the document.

On the same side there are two personal photographs of the owner. The largest of them (size 24x32) is made in color and is located on the left. The second photo is smaller in size, made in black and white using laser engraving. It can be seen from the opposite side. A similar electronic photo is also on the back of the card. The ID number is also duplicated here.

The use of special technologies when applying photographs to individual layers of a document acts as additional protection against forgery.

On the back of the card, in addition to the photo and number, information regarding the code of the department that issued the plastic sample is reflected; SNILS and TIN (at the request of the owner); information about the representatives and guardians of the child (under 14 years of age).

The main difference between a plastic sample and its paper “comrade” is the presence of a machine-readable record consisting of letters and numbers, which serves as an identification document. This also includes biometric information (entered at the request of citizens) and electronic signature. The chip carrier may contain other important information, such as the owner's bank account, insurance number, and even blood type.

About the purpose of an electronic passport

As part of the development of the project, international experience related to personal identification was also taken into account. The last aspect was first discussed 16 years ago – in 2001. The following year, 2002, the New Orleans Agreement was signed by about 188 countries that supported the American idea regarding the introduction of new identification technology. This is facial biometrics. This technology actually formed the basis of modern electronic and biometric passports.

In Europe itself today, multifunctional identification cards are distributed extremely unevenly.

The leading position and the highest percentage of passport use is given to Estonia. At the other end of the ranking today is Italy - only 2%.

The issue of switching to new plastic ID cards has caused a lot of discussion among Russians, and there have been some rumors.

Official government commentary highlights the following benefits:

  • reduction in quantitative indicators of damaged documents;
  • increasing the terms of use of the latter;
  • preventing fraudulent transactions with documents.

In addition, new passports equipped with electronic media can lead to a quick solution to various transactions related to payment for public services.

When paper passports will be a thing of the past

The issuance of new certificates will definitely be done in stages. It is planned that at the first stage the exchange of documents will be available only at the request of citizens. Then it will be the turn of those citizens whose age is above the 14 year mark, and certificates will be issued to them for the first time. Further, they are supposed to issue similar cards at birth.

The process of issuing paper versions will be completely phased out by 2025.

But starting from 2030, outdated paper passports will generally be considered invalid.

Procedure applied when issuing new passports

The deadlines established for the issuance of electronic passports were postponed by Government Resolution 315 to March 2018. Currently, a unified Russian database is being developed that will serve to integrate the new registration system.

However, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming exchange of a paper version of a document for an electronic one now.

Among the main components of the procedure are the following:

  • The exchange and issuance of new passports is the prerogative of the divisions of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (familiar to all the Federal Migration Service).
  • The possibility of appeal is realized both at the place of registration and at the place of stay.
  • The issuance of a plastic document implies the automatic surrender of the previous passport.
  • An electronic passport is designed to serve for 10 years, after which it is subject to mandatory exchange.

From now on, Russians will be able to receive both electronic analogues and other identity cards (for example, biometric passports) at MFC departments.

The amount of state duty collected will also decrease. This is evidenced by the relevant provisions of Federal Law 401. Obtaining any identification documents will be generally 30% cheaper.

How to get a new document

To obtain a new electronic passport, you can contact:

  • to any unit of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly called the Federal Migration Service), convenient in terms of location;
  • to a multifunctional center for the provision of municipal and government services;
  • fill out an application for registration and issuance via the Internet, in particular, through the State Services portal.

The latest options for applying still involve a further visit to one of the departments of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the actual issuance of the document will take place. It can be received either by the applicant personally or by an authorized representative (guardian of a minor).

The algorithm for issuing electronic passports has remained unchanged and is similar to what is done for paper passports.

Required documents

The exchange of the old sample for a new one occurs on the basis of an application filled out by the owner of the passport or his authorized representative (if there is a notarized power of attorney). The latter reflects all the information that was indicated in the previous passport, including marital status, place of registration, information about children, military registration, and international passport.

In addition to standard information, the application can reflect personal information that the owner wishes to have on the electronic chip. Such information is entered into the chip solely at the request of the applicant.

To confirm the information specified in the application, copies of the following are attached to it:

  • the actual passport to be replaced;
  • international passports;
  • marriage (divorce) certificates;
  • children's birth certificates (up to 14 years);
  • military registration document.

When submitting an application online, scans of the above documents will be required.

Payment of state duty is required. You can pay it at any banking institution or through terminals. The only difference will be the amount of commission charged when performing the transaction. To date, the amount of the state duty has not been definitively established and may vary, depending on the purpose for which a new passport is issued (reaching the age of 14, loss or replacement). It is also known that it will not exceed 700 rubles.

Document production time

The period for providing public services at the applicant’s place of registration should not exceed 10 days. Otherwise, when the service is sold at the place of application or residence, the waiting period can reach 2 months. This is due to the need for additional requests to the department where the previous sample was issued.

In any case, the applicant will be informed about the moment of receiving a new passport by phone, in person when submitting an application, or via the Internet.

The UEC remains with the owner for now. Its validity period will be limited by the complete transition to plastic ID cards.

Features of issuing electronic passports to children

Another news that was published along with that about the imminent issuance of electronic passports is related to the procedure for issuing documents to newborns.

It is planned that the cards will be issued to children simultaneously with birth certificates.

At the first stage, passports will be issued to children based on a corresponding application from parents or guardians. Applications for children are submitted to the same government agencies as applications for adults. It is accompanied by a birth certificate plus a paid receipt of the state fee.

Children under 14 years old will not have a photograph added to their electronic passport yet. Next, the age for having a photo is planned to be lowered by 6 years. For children over 14 years of age, the application procedure will be similar, with the difference that it will be necessary to submit personal photographs.

When should you get a new passport?

Like the familiar paper passport, a plastic identity card will be issued to citizens upon reaching the age of 14, 20 and 45 years.

In addition, the sample passport in question will be subject to exchange:

  • in case of detection of incorrect information in the sample;
  • if necessary, change the information entered into the chip;
  • in case of natural wear or mechanical damage;
  • in case of loss or theft.

In the latter case, the need for priority contact with law enforcement agencies will be eliminated. You can contact the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the old sample will be blocked and an application for a new one will be registered.

Those wishing to learn about electronic passports will find little information on the Internet on this topic, since the procedure for their implementation has not yet been finally approved by the government. Basically, this information is not specified, sometimes contradictory and even false. But in most cases it comes down to the hysterics of religious fanatics about the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist. However, history knows similar hysterics, such as the replacement of Tsar’s passports with Soviet ones in 1919 or the introduction of an INN number in the late 90s. Despite the diabolical innovation, every church as an organization now has an INN and without it has no right to exist.

The author of the article conducted a short journalistic investigation with a visit to the authorities responsible for issuing new documents in the future: OVIR, MFC, Ministry of Internal Affairs. I received information about the proposed procedure first-hand, “as it is,” and, excluding religious background, shares it with readers.

Introduction of electronic passports in Russia

During from March 30 to the end of 2018 The government of the Russian Federation plans to implement a program to combine several basic citizen documents into a single one in the form of a plastic card, which will be called “ ID card of a citizen of the Russian Federation».

This does not mean that on March 30 you can go to the passport office or MFC to undergo the procedure to obtain a new document. The launch date for the program was repeatedly set and then shifted. Time will tell what will happen this time.

At the moment, authorities are not yet ready to issue electronic IDs. To achieve this, large-scale work must be done to introduce the software into the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OVIR and regional MFCs.

One thing is known - at the beginning, replacing passports with electronic ones will be of a recommendatory nature, but after several years, the current identity card in the form of a booklet will become invalid.

Advantages of a biometric electronic passport

The introduction of electronic IDs will have undeniable advantages for both their owners and the state:

  • convenience— on a card that can fit in a wallet, several documents will be stored and will be considered official, suitable for presentation in government agencies. And over time, the electronic passport will also become a means of payment;
  • safety— the new document will become the same useless thing as the current document if it falls into the hands of criminals. Several information security techniques will be applied to it (PIN codes, confirmation of transactions by phone, etc.). If it is lost, citizens will have the opportunity to quickly replace it without bureaucratic delays because it will contain biometric data (fingerprints, iris scan);
  • reducing the crime rate in the country— it will become impossible to carry out fraud with other people’s documents. There will be no need to visit authorities; many operations can be performed via the Internet using an electronic signature, which will be stored in the new version. Communication with officials will be reduced to a minimum, which will reduce the level of bribery and nepotism;
  • reducing the load on the authorities— it is obvious that having received the opportunity to receive government services through the global network, citizens will gladly take advantage of this opportunity, saving themselves from the tedious need to knock on the doorsteps of officials and thereby reducing the burden on government agencies;
  • increasing the country's international authority will happen insignificantly, but will still be a plus, and will be expressed with gratitude from international environmental organizations (Greenpeace). Obviously, the need for paper, which is spent in megatons on the production of paper documents, will decrease, and therefore deforestation will be significantly reduced.

How to get it through State Services - step-by-step instructions

The opportunity today to obtain general civil passports through the MFC and the undeniable convenience of this method does not raise any doubts. The same opportunity will be provided for receiving electronic versions. To use it, a citizen must be registered as a user on the official portal of the MFC: https://www.gosuslugi.ru/.

To register you need to click on the button " Register» in the window and go through a simple procedure. You need to have it on hand passport And SNILS. Having sent the data to the portal server, they will be verified for authenticity by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the tax inspectorate, and OVIR employees. After identifying the person, the new user will receive a message about successful registration or refusal (if errors or inaccurate data were made during entry) via email and to the phone number specified on the website. The entire procedure may take up to 3 weeks.

Attention! The process can be shortened to one day by visiting the MFC in person, taking with you the necessary documents - passport and SNILS. The specialist will issue a login and password to log into the system within 5 minutes.

By registering on the government services portal, it becomes possible to use the wide range of opportunities that are provided there. To do this, in the same window you need to click on the “Login” button, and then enter the received login and password. When the program for issuing plastic passports of the Russian Federation starts working, a new type of service will appear on the portal page https://www.gosuslugi.ru/category/passport, which will look (tentatively) like “Obtaining an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.”

However, even in this case it will be impossible to do without visiting the MFC. Having provided information about the owner of the future certificate and received a positive decision, MFC specialists will invite you to visit them. You will need to personally write an application for a replacement document and take a photograph.

According to employees of the information department of the Krasnodar MFC of the Central District, the following will be required to receive an electronic document: documentation:

  1. application of the established form (being developed);
  2. digital photography (taken on site);
  3. birth certificate;
  4. passport;
  5. military ID (for men);
  6. SNILS;
  7. certificate of marriage/divorce.

It is planned that the new electronic version will include all the same existing data plus a medical policy, data on registration with the tax authority (TIN) and pension insurance data (SNILS).

In the future, it is planned to add information about military service, bank account numbers and make the document a means of payment using the domestic Mir payment system. The new passport will also in the future replace the driver’s license and all remaining documents, combining them into one.

When the law on replacing existing passports with electronic ones is adopted and the population is notified about this, the list of required documents can be clarified by calling the single telephone number of the government services portal: 8−800−100−70−10 . Currently, call center employees do not provide such information.

What does the new plastic passport look like?

The design of the future plastic version has not yet been finalized. Like bank cards, it will have a front and a back side.

The document proposed for approval is made in gray-white-golden tones and contains a chip on which more confidential information about the owner will be stored:

  • biometrics— scan of fingerprints and iris;
  • Family status;
  • registration address(registration);
  • blood type;
  • other documents, listed above.

There will be much less information about the owner available to the eye on the new version of the ID (another argument in favor of security):

  • official his Name it will be written at the very top of the front side: “Identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation”;
  • 2 photos on the front side and 1 on the back;
  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • validity;
  • code, accessible only to machine reading devices to determine the authenticity of the document and information about the issuing authority.

Video: biometric passports in Russia

In 2017, the electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation becomes a document duplicating ordinary paper Russian passports. What is the point of such a passport and whether it will be necessary to change the usual passport printed on paper for a new one? Let’s look into it in more detail.

About the electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

So, an electronic passport of a Russian citizen will be called a new plastic card, which will contain the maximum amount of information about its owner. In addition to regular passports, the card will also replace the once loudly advertised universal electronic card.

In 2017, the electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will, in addition to standard passport data, contain other official information - from an individual taxpayer number and pension insurance number to images of fingerprints and departmental identifiers, which are used to obtain services of a socially significant nature.

For those who are worried that the new document contains too much information about a person, we hasten to reassure - most of the data will be encrypted on an electronic chip, and even if the document is lost or stolen, an unauthorized person, unless it is a hacker, will not receive more information about you. than if you lose your paper passport.

An electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in 2017 is not strictly mandatory to obtain. At least until 2025, receiving it will be entirely voluntary. The state is counting on the fact that Russians themselves will appreciate the new product and gradually switch to it of their own free will, because at least it is very convenient to have one small plastic card than to visit government agencies with a bunch of paper documents. If the new product takes root and becomes widespread, at some point we can expect that the issuance of paper passports will stop altogether, which will eventually completely replace them in a natural way.

Perhaps the only relative inconvenience associated with electronic passports is that their validity period is significantly shorter than that of paper passports. Electronic passports will have to be changed every 10 years, like, for example, driver’s licenses.

For holders of a universal electronic card, which is being replaced, among other things, by a new document, there is no point in worrying yet - they can use the card at least until 2021. If by that time, out of the 650 thousand cards that are currently in circulation, a large number of them remain in hand, it is likely that the opportunity to use them will be extended further.

To receive an electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation already in 2017, you need to come to one of the branches of the Federal Migration Service with your regular passport, which you will have to hand in when receiving a new document.

Similar to a paper passport, you can get an electronic one from the age of 14. There is no need to take a passport photograph in advance - this will be done at the Federal Migration Service office, as has been done, say, when obtaining a foreign passport or driver's license for several years.

An additional convenience associated with electronic passports is that if such a document is lost, it will be enough to cancel it at any branch of the Federal Migration Service or a multifunctional center for receiving government services. You will not have to explain to the police about the loss of the document.

The exact cost of obtaining an electronic passport at the end of 2016 was not determined, but amounts were said to not exceed 500 rubles.


If we evaluate the idea of ​​a new document critically, then in addition to the obvious advantages associated with the convenience and simplicity of electronic document management, there are also reasons for slight concern, which only practice can resolve. Alas, an electronic passport at least carries the danger that if a fraudster or hacker can hack it, he will receive too much information about a person, the consequences of which are not entirely predictable, but clearly negative.

Of course, so far there are no directives from the state that it is strictly necessary to receive a new electronic card, so if you wish, you can continue to use the good old paper documents. But it is also obvious that the authorities will not be happy with the slow pace of implementation of the new product, and it will, although not too intrusively, push us to the idea of ​​switching to a new document when we are faced with receiving any government services. Most likely, if the idea of ​​an electronic passport is better thought out than the idea of ​​universal electronic cards, in a few years the number of holders of such a document will be higher than the number of those who have acquired a UEC. So it won’t be surprising if in 5-10 years a passport in the form of a plastic card becomes commonplace in our country.

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date: February 14, 2017. Reading time 5 minutes.

The bill on the feasibility of introducing electronic passports was approved back in 2013. But the deadlines for both the pilot issuance and the mass issuance of new documents have been postponed more than once. However, it would do well for Russians to know what such a certificate will look like and when and where it can be obtained.

Only by 2017 did it become technically possible to bring the “electronic passport” project to life. During the preparation of this large-scale event, an ambiguous attitude towards the innovation of ordinary people was revealed, as well as some pitfalls in implementation. Therefore, it was decided to postpone the mass launch to March 15, 2018. Meanwhile, work on preparing unified registers and resolving technical and psychological issues continues.

Universal card as a precursor to the new passport

The prototype of the electronic ID card was the UEC, which appeared back in 2011. Such a card fulfilled its purpose as a universal means of payment, and later as a transitional element for the introduction of electronic identity cards.

The entire infrastructure used to service universal cards will be integrated into the new system, which will be the basis for plastic IDs. After all, a new passport is not just a document that will prove identity, but also a payment instrument.

However, the banking application will not be available on new passport cards until the UEC is terminated.

In fact, the new electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will become a full-fledged replacement not only for a paper passport, but also for a universal card and other documents. Since the issue of UEC ends in January 2017, it was initially planned to begin issuing improved documents on the basis of its infrastructure.

Interesting! It was not possible to implement the project before, since the domestic industry began producing elements for such cards relatively recently, and the FSB prohibited the use of foreign ones.

But it was not possible to start issuing documents as planned in January 2017. Presidential Advisor German Klimenko told RT TV channel about this. The official expressed hope, according to RBC information, that the issuance will begin this year.

What will the new passport look like?

Externally, an electronic passport is a regular plastic card. Data about the owner on such a card is placed in visual and electronic form. Moreover, some information will be encrypted and understandable only when scanning the chip element.

Personal information is located on the front of the card. Taking the document in hand, you can read:

  • On the front side it is planned to place:
  • gender;
  • place and date of birth;
  • the date when the document was issued and how long it is valid;
  • passport ID.

There are also two photos here. A large photograph measuring 24x32 is located on the left and is in color. The second, made using laser engraving, is smaller in size and located on the opposite side. The same electronic photo is also available on the back of the card. The ID number is also duplicated here.

Special technologies for applying photographs to different layers of documents make it possible to further protect them from counterfeiting.

On the back of the card, in addition to the number and photo, the following must be reflected:

  • code of the authority that issued the plastic sample;
  • TIN and SNILS (if desired by the owner);
  • information about guardians and representatives of a child under 14 years of age.

The main difference from paper is the presence of a machine-readable record, consisting of numbers and letters, which proves identity. Also the presence of an electronic signature, biometric data entered at the request of the citizen.

Other important information such as bank account, insurance number and even blood type can be entered into the chip carrier.

Why do you need an electronic passport?

When developing the project, international experience in personal identification was also taken into account. Personal identification was first discussed back in 2001.

In 2002, the New Orleans Agreement was signed, which was signed by 188 countries. They supported the Americans’ idea of ​​introducing a new identification technology – facial biometrics. This technology formed the basis of modern biometric and electronic passports.

The prevalence of multifunctional identification cards in Europe is uneven.

The issue of switching to new plastic types of identity cards in Russia has caused a lot of discussions and misunderstandings.

Official government comments highlight the benefits:

  • reducing the number of damaged documents;
  • increasing the terms of their use;
  • reducing the level of document fraud.

In addition, new IDs with electronic media will allow you to quickly carry out various operations related to government services and payments.

When are we planning to completely phase out paper passports?

The transition to new IDs will definitely be gradual. At the first stage, it is planned to exchange documents only at the request of users.

Next will come the turn of citizens who have reached 14 years of age and are receiving a certificate for the first time. In the future, it is planned to begin issuing such cards from birth.

The issuance of paper samples will cease completely by 2025. And starting from 2030, the outdated paper passport will be considered invalid.

Procedure for issuing new electronic documents?

The deadline for issuing electronic documents was postponed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 315 to March 2018. Currently, a unified database of Russians is being developed, which is necessary for the implementation of the new registration system.

And yet you need to be ready to exchange your paper passport for an electronic one today.

Important components of the procedure:

  1. The FMS will handle the exchange and issuance of new cards.
  2. You can contact the FMS both at your place of registration and at your place of stay.
  3. When a plastic counterpart is issued, the paper document is confiscated.
  4. The plastic card will be valid for 10 years, after which it is subject to exchange.
  5. The period for issuing a new document at the place of registration does not exceed 10 days, at the location cannot exceed 2 months.
  6. State The fee may vary depending on the purpose of obtaining a new passport: replacement, receipt upon reaching 14 years of age, loss.

On February 2, Russian Government Decree No. 1214 of November 18, 2016 came into effect, allowing Russians to receive any identification cards at regional branches of the MFC on February 14, 2017.