Methods of psycho-emotional relief and self-management. Methods aimed at complete restoration of strength during periods of rest

In market conditions, the pace labor processes significantly exceeds that which prevails under centralized control. Market economy implies competition, which spurs labor intensity at all phases of production. In market conditions, people must work with ever-increasing energy. And if you don't take special measures
to reduce the mental tension of workers, then adverse consequences are inevitable.
In all developed countries economically countries practice special events on relaxation (relaxation). The experience of the Japanese is interesting in this regard. large companies.
The relaxation method, first introduced into use by the Matsushita Denki company, has become widespread in Japan. The procedure is carried out in a special room. It consists of two rooms separated by a corridor. The stands in the corridor reflect the history of the company and present various episodes from its life. In the first room, divided by screens, regular and spherical mirrors hang, mannequins of managers and craftsmen stand, and leather swords stuffed with sawdust hang from the ceiling. There is a slogan on the wall: “At your service. Work from your heart!” There is a basket with bamboo sticks against the wall. The poster encourages visitors to take a stick and beat up their boss's dummy. You can also hit him with your fist. They say that employees get just as much pleasure from this. The Japanese themselves claim that after “working” in the office, they become calmer, their reactions acquire sufficient clarity. They are helped in this by a consultant psychologist who works in the adjacent room. The main task of the consultant is to conduct reassuring conversations with workers.
We have experience in operating relaxation rooms at our enterprises. We call them psychological relief rooms (PROs). The procedures are, of course, different from Japanese ones.
The CPR is a specially equipped isolated room designed for conducting sessions of complex psychophysiological effects on a person’s mental state. The purpose of the sessions is emotional relief workers, reducing their level of fatigue, alleviating anxieties and worries. The basis of the technique here is exercises to create a good mood. The content side of the exercises is the visual, sound and verbal impact on the people’s psyche.
The visual impact is made up of changing slides, transparencies or film fragments and a colored dynamic background. Sound range - musical pieces and natural noises (bird voices, surf noise, rustling leaves, etc.). The verbal series is represented by texts of aesthetic and inspiring directions
laziness. The presentation of all three types is strictly synchronized: the noise design corresponds to an adequate image and verbal content; natural sounds harmonize with the image. To enhance the effect, various aromas are used (smells of pine needles, flowers, medicinal herbs), and the air is saturated with phytoncides. The session is often accompanied by the distribution of tonic drinks and oxygen cocktails. One session usually lasts 10-15 minutes. The stay of workers in the CRC lasts up to half an hour.
Session procedures. There are no strict templates. Procedures vary depending on the characteristics of the region, the nature labor activity, as well as the professional preparedness of consultants. In particular, medical workers focus on human psychophysiology, psychologists - on the structural components of personality. At the same time, we can recommend a standard procedural scheme consisting of three periods (Lopukhina E.V. - 1986).
The first period is “calm down”. Duration 3-4 minutes. Workers take a comfortable position in their chairs. Natural noises slowly increase (the sound of the surf, the rustling of leaves, birdsong, etc.). The bright light dims. Calm music with a soft musical rhythmic pattern of medium volume is heard. The soothing blue light turns on.
The second period is “relaxation”. Duration 4-7 minutes. The green backlight turns on. The music sounds melodic and quiet with joyful and soothing notes. Slides with views of nature are projected (mountain peaks, expanses of water, winter meadows, etc. - depending on the inclinations and national characteristics of the workers). The voice of a psychologist is heard, pronouncing relaxation formulas.
The third period is “mobilization”. Duration 3-4 minutes. The color illumination gradually moves from green to pink and then to orange. The volume of the background music increases. The average tempo gives way to a major rhythmic one. Dance and march rhythms and song fragments can be heard. Workers move from a reclining position to a sitting position. Everyone exhales briefly and inhales long, and the intensity of the lighting increases. Slides depicting landscapes and sunrise are projected. Flowers, berry bushes, fruits, species of birds, animals, landscapes of city parks and architectural ensembles, mass celebrations,
laughing faces of people. All lights turn on. The command is heard: “Get up!” Everyone gets up and does a warm-up.
All three periods of psychological unloading can, at the request of the teacher (instructor), be filled with auto-training and meditation formulas. Then the period of stay in the CRC increases.

The KPR premises consists of three adjacent rooms. It is located inside production workshops, near workplaces. The rooms are isolated from sources of noise, vibration, radiation, and dust. Good ventilation and proper heating are necessary. The usable area of ​​the treatment room is at least 30-40 m2 with a height of 2.8-3 m. The number of seats is 12-20. Aesthetic design: coziness and normal comfort. On the walls there are panels depicting natural landscapes in the basic range of colors. The lighting is calm and natural. It is possible to use decorative floor lamps. Lighting adjustment is displayed on the operator's console. On the windows there are curtains made of thick, impermeable fabric to match the colors of the walls. Wall slides, aquariums, and decorative and artistic compositions of plants are allowed. The floors are covered with carpets in dark green tones. Armchairs with adjustable backrests (stereo headphones attached to each). On one of the walls there is a screen for the projection of slides, cartoons, and film fragments. Hallway (waiting room) -
area 16-18 m2. Equipped with built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes. Coffee table, newspapers, magazines, equipment for dispensing oxygen cocktails. Operator room - 12-16 m2 Located next to the hall, has an observation window for visual control. The room contains an operator's console, a table, 2-3 chairs. The remote control controls: a) broadcasting work programs on autogenic relaxation; b) movement of video frames; c) synchronization of sound, color, speech; d) microphone connection with each chair;
e) air temperature and humidity. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of the KPR: a) temperature 2023°; b) relative humidity within normal limits; c) maximum permissible noise levels - not more than 50 dB. Lighting - diffused light. The color of the ceiling and walls changes with the help of electric lighting from a calming green-blue to an exciting yellow-orange. Speaker system with stereophonic effect. Equipment: video recorder, televisions, stereo recorder, stereo player, overhead projectors, film projectors, lighting installations with filters, stereo headphones, a set of color slides with views of nature, a set of music records, air humidifiers, air ionizers, air conditioning, household chairs and with adjustable backrests, aquariums, dimmers, electronic watch.

The design of the CPR and the nature of the equipment may vary depending on local conditions. However, in all cases, visitors must be provided with reasonable comfort and amenities. The environment of the CRC and the entire procedure of its functioning should give people a pleasant feeling. As practice shows, each employee visiting the CRC must do some preparatory work.
Task 1. Selection of music.
Listen to a range of music. Determine which of them have a calming effect on you, which invigorate. Start by listening to, for example, the overture to the opera “Khovanshchina” by MP Mussorgsky - “Dawn over Moscow”; Chopin's nocturne - “Morning”; musical sketches by P.I. Tchaikovsky - “The Seasons”; concert works by Tchaikovsky and others.
When determining the required melody, use a 10-point scale, where 10 points means an extremely pleasant effect, and 1 point means an unpleasant one. Repeat listening three times, take your time. In a hurry, you can easily make mistakes. Select works that receive 6 or more points.
Task 2. Selection procedure.
To listen to the melody, sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes, relax your muscles. Exhale completely, then inhale. Surrender to the enchanting melody of the music. Resist the temptation to fall asleep. When selecting music, you may have a desire to take some melody from the repertoire. Know that pop music most often has a destructive effect on the body.
Consider the content of two messages from periodicals:
How do snakes react to music? What kind of music do they “prefer”? Many herpentologists have asked this question. Indian snake trainer Rahman Bhavapali Tanchalan also contributed to this problem. He keeps on his “farm” two adult cobras, including the especially dangerous king cobras. When conducting his experiments, the trainer used a variety of music: from Indian folk melodies (mostly dance) to modern jazz and rock music. Most often he works with his favorite king cobra Nagaina. The results of his research showed that quiet and melodic Indian music causes Naigainu to slowly rise from the basket and sway smoothly to the beat of the music, as if half asleep. Loud jazz music bothers Nagaina so much that she inflates her “hood.” The deafening and sharp sounds of “metal” rock put the snake in a state of extreme excitement. While in the basket, she stands on her tail and makes quick, threatening movements.
The forest fur farm, located near the West German town of Hagen, bred minks, weasels, martens, and silver-black foxes. The fur farm flourished. However, soon things got worse: the animals lost their former energy, lost weight, and became lethargic. The examinations carried out were not
gave an explanation for what was happening. The solution was found when examining the surroundings of the fur farm: it turned out that a youth recreation center was located not far from it. And there for a long time, especially on Saturday and Sunday, pop music thundered and rumbled, repeatedly amplified by electronic equipment. As reported in the press, such nervous pressure brought the inhabitants of fur farms out of a state of “mental comfort.”
Task 3. Selection of text.
In the psychological relaxation room, in addition to music, they listen to the texts of literary works.
Choose texts that you like and listen to them periodically. Start by listening to the works of A.I. Kuprin - “Anathema”; L.N. Tolstoy - “Father Sergius”; Alexei Tolstoy - “Russian character”; A. Green - “Scarlet Sails”, etc. Listen to poems by A.S. Pushkin, M. Yulermontov, and modern poets. While listening to the selected texts, try to feel the impact of their form and content.
Task 4. Selection of slides, cartoons, film fragments.
Select a series of slides, cartoons, film clips. Check them out. Draw a conclusion about the influence of these funds on your mind, feelings and will. Notice when and under what circumstances you enjoy watching this or that slide, cartoon, or film fragment.
Meditation takes place while sitting (in a chair, on a chair in the “coachman on a droshky” position). Relax, establish breathing, leave your eyes half-closed. Focus on breathing and slowly pronounce the keyword as you exit. It is better if this word does not have a specific subject meaning. For some, the word “time” suits others – “om”, for others – “ong”, etc. d. A word ending with sonorant sounds works well. There are also varieties of autogenic meditation, when instead of keyword imaginary or real objects are used:
a) after complete relaxation and established breathing, any favorite landscape is mentally reproduced to the smallest detail. Thus, closing his eyes, the trainee runs his eyes over all corners of the landscape;
b) mental reproduction of an object (vase, bouquet, individual flower). To achieve an autogenic effect, first study the object with open eyes, and then reproduce it in all shades with closed eyes;
c) mental reproduction of a candle flame. To do this, place a burning candle a meter away from you. Then, for 2 minutes, they carefully study the flame and then, closing their eyes, reproduce the flame in their minds. In all cases, the duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. Twice daily training has a beneficial effect on well-being, helps get rid of many ailments, and helps build character.

Starting position - sitting in a chair (on a chair). Relax, establish breathing, half-close your eyes. Focus deterioration on breathing. Mentally count your exhalations from 1 to 10, then repeat all over again. Breathe slowly. Perform the exercise for 15-20 minutes.
During the exercise, various phenomena may occur: some will think that a bell is ringing somewhere, others will hear the sound of the sea, others will imagine some other picture, etc. All these experiences happen before going into sleep. Try not to fall asleep, persistently continue counting.
Practicing breathing meditation twice a day has a beneficial effect on performance. Long-term work on oneself using the method of breathing meditation eliminates many personal ailments.

In our pursuit of development in all areas of life, we completely forget about restoring our strength. Fatigue accumulates, but things don’t stop. Is it possible to relax and not slow down your pace of life? This is what we will find out.

Now psychologists have disappointing statistics that indicate that a very high percentage of the population suffers from emotional burnout, overwork, and depression. All this happens because our needs often exceed our capabilities. We work a lot and have little rest. And yet, if for some reason we are unable to go on vacation, then it is possible to unwind and relax. But before we talk about proper relaxation, I suggest you find out what rest should be like.

Secrets of proper unloading

Rest should be regular

Remember that if you work your ass off all year and then go to the seaside for two weeks, it doesn’t make any sense. Rest should be regular. It's better to give yourself a little break every day rather than once a year. Create rituals that will help you relax: a warm bath before bed, reading your favorite book or a walk alone, make relaxation a regular habit rather than a luxury. Once a week, plan a swimming pool, a trip to the spa, or a trip to nature. And once every three months, and perhaps more often, leave the city for the region or neighboring cities. Find exactly the type of vacation after which you feel like a renewed person. It is important to understand that familiar activities, such as cinema or shopping, on the contrary, add tension. Go to the theatre, philharmonic, read, be in nature, just look at the ceiling - the result should be good health. Sleep, by the way, should also be regular.

The best rest is a change of activity

If you are constantly in monotony, then you will not see relaxation. Come up with 3-5 interesting activities. While working, get up and walk around the office, if possible, go outside. It’s not for nothing that there are changes at school and university. If you work outdoors, on the contrary, go to a cafe for lunch. To take a break from one activity, it is important to start doing another. But remember that too much variety also overwhelms the brain and body, so a happy medium is good in everything. Get distracted - it helps improve performance and relieve stress.

Learn to be lazy

If you are a perfectionist, and since childhood you have been scolded for “idleness,” then know that laziness is a signal that tells us: “something went wrong.” Learn to sometimes sit back, deviate from the plan, just lie around and do nothing. It is in such states that interesting ideas come to people, and the body can rest. Sometimes it happens that we work on a complex project, then we go out of town, where a working idea comes to us - everything is correct, our brain did the work itself when we gave it a rest.

Effective sources of rest


This is a basic human need, so it is important that you get enough hours of sleep. There are many theories of sleep, we will not dwell on them. The main thing is that it is important for you to understand approximately how many hours you need to feel good in the morning. What time of bedtime affects you beneficially, what time is it comfortable to wake up. If you have the opportunity to take a nap during the day, this is an excellent stress prevention and reduces sleep time at night. It is when we sleep that our entire body rests. Let thick curtains hang in your room and the window be open - such sleep is considered more sound. Try not to sleep with the TV on or music playing. Let there be as little extraneous sounds as possible.

Air and sun

Walking in the fresh air most effectively contributes to the restoration of our body. The sun stimulates blood circulation, relieves stress and improves mood. Fresh air nourishes our body with oxygen, which promotes better activity and performance.


It is important to talk about proper water consumption here. Drinking enough water helps prevent headaches and back pain, moisturizes the skin, and improves brain performance.

When we swim, go to the bathhouse or stand in the shower, we relax our body. It is important that your bath is warm. Hot relaxes the body, but activates nervous system. Cold water excites. A contrast shower or dousing with cold water after a hot bath helps to relax.

Movement and sports

Sport has a beneficial effect on all human systems: respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular. Thanks to movement and sports, we become more stress-resistant and get adrenaline. It is important to choose the type of activity that brings you pleasure: someone likes to spend time in gym, swimming or running is more suitable for some, but for others best sport- this is yoga. If you enjoy the activity, then you are more likely to continue. Try to walk for about an hour a day - this is the prevention of many diseases and a great way to relax. Join the sport if you have a sedentary job or constantly spend time in the car.

Proper nutrition

But, but, no diets are harmful! Try to eat most in the morning, a lot at lunch, porridge, soups, dried fruits, vegetables and seasonal fruits - all this will give you strength. Have a snack, don't go hungry. The way you eat affects how you feel. Heavy food and its irregular intake contribute to overwork of the body.


To regain strength, rest is necessary. Yoga, warm bath, massage, spa - all this will help restore strength. Let me remind you, do this regularly, then you will feel good.

Refusal of negative emotions

Every day we have negative emotions that we accumulate. And even if we tell ourselves that everything is fine and try to think positively, it doesn’t get any easier. I suggest getting rid of unpleasant feelings classical ways: active sports, dancing, loud singing, or you can go into the forest and scream a lot.

Contact with wildlife

It doesn’t matter what it will be: visiting a nature reserve, a farm, or growing flowers at home. Communicating with nature helps you relax no less than listening to classical music.

Communication with the beautiful

Listening to classical music, watching paintings, going to the theater - all these activities help you find harmony with yourself and feel better.


There is a whole direction in psychology with the same name. When you open a photo album and look through the best happy moments of your life, you also relax and tune in to the positive. This is why people have such a desire to take photographs of their lives, post them on social networks and review them. Plus, you can admire beautiful, vibrant photographs of seascapes.

But in order for your vacation to become even more effective, it is important to take care in advance not to strain or burden yourself more.

What to avoid

Information flow

It is important to understand here that we live in an age of information overload. Information is constantly coming to us. We watch TV, go to the movies, surf websites, go to social media. Our friends regularly discuss events that are happening in the world. We study, we read. Our brain eventually gets tired of such an abundance of new things. What to do? Protect yourself: get rid of the TV, go online only for work, be in silence. We overload our channels: visual and auditory, when we are constantly in the center of events - clubs, films on the big screen, shopping centers. Of course, if we live in a city, we cannot get rid of all impacts, but we can certainly reduce them to a reasonable minimum.

Crowd of people

There is a misconception that open people do not need to be alone - this is not true. If you feel overworked, then a crowd of people, for example, in mall, may worsen the situation. Make sure that you have enough time to be alone - it doesn’t matter how you spend this time (the main thing is not in front of the TV). Reading a good book, swimming, walking.

Severe stress

As you know, stress mobilizes our body and psyche, making them more resilient. But in a situation of regular exposure to negative factors, you will get even more tired. Deal with all stressful influences: these could be unresolved conflicts, problems at work or emotional overload. Keep them to a minimum.

Incorrectly distributed load

It often happens that we try to accomplish all the most difficult things in one sitting. Divide difficult tasks into days so that you complete them evenly throughout the week. Then there will be less fatigue. And, of course, don't forget to delegate.

Smoking and drinking alcohol

It is important to understand that smoking cigarettes and alcohol provide only an imaginary or short-term relaxation effect. Smoking can be replaced with breathing exercises, and drinking alcohol can be replaced by brewing relaxing herbs, for example Ivan tea.

Doing someone else's work

Very often we do things for others. We warm up food for an adult child, look for my husband’s socks around the house, and prepare a work report for a colleague. It is important to refuse other people's affairs; this will help you do your work better and get less tired.

Taking synthetic sedatives

It is important to understand that any sedatives or antidepressants can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist with a medical education. Taking pills is an exceptional measure. Typically, medications are individualized and used in addition to psychological care. You should not self-medicate. If the situation of your stress has worsened so much that you cannot cope on your own using the remedies suggested in the article, contact a specialist. Valerian, motherwort, and soothing herbs are not addictive, but you should also drink them carefully, as they require an increase in dose.

Remember, rest must be regular and systematic, otherwise it will be of no use. Let your relaxation last half an hour every day rather than one day a month. Train yourself to rest and take care of yourself.

And psychological stress. We are all prevented from living a peaceful life by formidable bosses, traffic jams, neighbors who are constantly making repairs, naughty children, rude saleswomen, etc., etc.... Because of all this, we lose energy and cheerfulness, we develop unnecessary wrinkles, and fatigue accumulates.

It is impossible to eliminate all irritating factors, but it is quite possible to change your attitude towards them! It's real if you master it effective methods psychological relief. We will talk about them in this material.

Home methods of psychological relief

There are many different ways that can easily and quickly calm you psychologically, normalize your nerves and your entire body. The following techniques will help every woman effectively unload, both mentally and physically:

1. Take a bath. Just 10-15 minutes of stay in a pleasant hot water will allow you to fully relax and get an anti-stress effect. Add a few buckwheat to the water sea ​​salt, or 4-6 drops of oil (mint, pine, lavender, tea tree), this will enhance the calming effect.

2. Soothing aromatherapy will bring your body into a state of complete calm, even after a hard day at work. For this method you will need an aroma lamp. Add a few drops of your favorite oil to it, or make a fragrant, soothing mixture. If you are irritated, mix 4 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, 3-4 drops of orange oil and a couple of drops of pine oil. This combination will not only relieve stress and irritability accumulated during the day, but will also add strength for new things.

3. A massage of the neck, face, legs or head will serve as an excellent reliever, give the body new energy and improve sleep. You can do it yourself: first shake your hands, then try to completely relax your spine, massage your scalp, walk your fingertips from your neck to your temples, and then up to the very top of your head.

4. Not only massage of all parts of the body is useful, but also massage of the eyes. It can be done easily and quickly. First, wash your hands with warm water and apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to them. Start the eye massage by making light circular movements from the inner to the outer corner of the upper eyelid, then along the lower eyelid to the nose. Finally, use your ring fingers to make a figure eight at the outer corner of your eyes.

5. Yoga is another excellent way to decompress the body. Perform various physical exercise for an hour, then meditate for 10-20 minutes in a quiet environment, without thinking about work and other annoying things.

6. Listen to music - this is one of the the best ways. Turn on your favorite performers, sing along or dance along with them, because at home you have this opportunity, no one sees or hears you! At the end of the “musical relaxation”, listen to something calm and harmonious, for example, classical music. Compositions by such authors as Beethoven, Bach, Mozart or Tchaikovsky will fit perfectly into a calming environment.

7. Humor, healthy laughter and self-irony are excellent methods for psychological relief. Laugh heartily while watching light comedy films, sitcoms and satirists.

8. Make it a rule to go to the mirror several times a day just to smile broadly at yourself, with all your heart! If at first you have difficulties with a wide, sincere smile, try to remember the aroma of your favorite coffee, the freshness of the sea breeze, any happy episode from your life.

9. Oddly enough, many ladies note that vigorously cleaning the apartment while listening to their favorite music works as an excellent method of psychological (and at the same time physical) relief. Feel free to take it into service!

How to help yourself in a work environment?

Everyone has probably heard about special rooms for psychological relief, with stuffed bosses, which are available in every Japanese company. Unfortunately, we are not yet so “advanced” in this matter, and there are no such wonderful places to relieve stress in our workplaces. Despite this, it is quite possible to unwind at work psychologically, and we will teach you how to do it quickly and easily.

Let there be a small but personal and effective means of unloading and receiving positive emotions on your desktop. It could be a cute bouquet in a vase, a small aquarium with peacefully swimming fish, a nice-looking indoor flower, a photograph of you, happy and relaxed, in a beautiful frame. If possible, surround yourself with gentle, relaxing and calming shades - sky blue and grass green.

For many girls, a cup of mint tea or aromatic coffee, with a cake, chocolate, or candy has an excellent calming effect. It is not advisable to soothe yourself with high-calorie treats every day, but occasionally, in the most extreme cases, you can allow yourself, your beloved, sweets.

Be sure to master special techniques that help you unload psychologically and emotionally. The most basic of them are Eastern meditation and auto-training. They do not require much time; even a short, ten-minute meditation perfectly calms you down, removes irritation and fatigue. If you can’t really meditate, no problem, just breathe slowly, listen to a pleasant melody, close your eyes and try not to think about anything.

If you feel like stress is literally overwhelming you and nothing is helping, just go for a short walk, or go outside for a few minutes and get some air.

We would like to warn you: under no circumstances use synthetic products with sedative properties as an auxiliary (or main) method of unloading. They definitely won’t provide complete psychological relief, but you can have a lot of “fat” disadvantages from using them:

  • they are quite capable of having a toxic effect on the entire body;
  • Having, as a rule, a significant set of side effects, the drugs can negatively affect the work individual organs, or cause a severe allergic reaction;
  • Usually this kind of means, even the most modern and expensive ones, quickly become addictive; getting rid of such an addiction is extremely difficult, and this will become another stress factor.

Fortunately, today pharmacies sell many soothing formulations made from natural ingredients, such as valerian, mint, motherwort and others. They are available, and their use will not lead to catastrophic consequences. But do not prescribe even harmless, seemingly sedative drops for yourself - seek advice from a knowledgeable doctor.

And yet, before going to the clinic and purchasing such drugs, try all our recommendations. Properly applied, natural methods of psychological relief are guaranteed to help you find harmony and peace of mind!

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Yulia Sukhova
Corner of psychological relief as a means of overcoming the negative emotional state of preschool children

The life of an early child and preschool age largely depends on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage his emotions, so preschoolers are largely susceptible to mood swings. They are quite easy to amuse, but it is even easier to offend or upset them, since they practically do not know themselves and do not know how to control themselves. It is very important to teach preschoolers to accept themselves as they really are. After all, self-acceptance largely determines the nature of interaction with other people, so the development of this feeling in children must be given serious attention from a very young age.

Every child entering kindergarten should have the opportunity at any time (if necessary) to work through their negative emotions and get rid of them.

A psychological relief corner is a space organized in such a way that the child in it feels peace, comfort and safety. Staying in such a corner relieves stress, improves your psychophysical state and, ultimately, creates the necessary conditions to preserve the psychological health of every child.

Basic purpose organizing a corner of solitude in a group is to overcome the emotional discomfort of preschoolers by creating “corners of psychological relief” in groups.


Create a positive emotional microclimate in the group;

Form positive attitude child to peers and adults;

Organize systematic work to normalize and develop the emotional sphere of children;

Contribute to the unity of the children's team by forming positive friendships in the group.

Emotions- This inner experiences person. Emotions can be simplified into two groups: positive and negative.

Positive emotions increase activity, energy, vitality, cause lifting, vigor due to increased work of the cardiac system, increased rate and depth of breathing.

Negative emotions reduce activity, depress vital activity (these emotions can stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the health of children).

Negative emotions:

Emotions of destruction - anger, malice, aggression

Emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment.

Causes of negative emotions in children are varied, the most common being common childhood jealousy, resentment, envy;

The child tries to protect himself from the attacks of others;

The child protects his personal territory;

Fear of separation from parents;

Excessive parental control;

Lack of attention;


Disrespect for the child's personality;

Prohibition on physical activity;

Difficult emotional climate in the group.

When organizing a psychological corner, a number of problems may arise. Firstly, where can I get space for this corner? How to position it? This problem must be solved individually for each group. Secondly, where to get funds? Teachers must make some of the materials for the corner themselves, using improvised means and waste materials. Parents can provide great help: do something with their own hands, bring something from home.

Features of organizing a corner of solitude. This place should be attractive to the child. The colors used in the corner should be calm, not flashy, pastel shades. The child should rest and not be further irritated by bright colors.

U the head of privacy must be small in size and, rather, resemble a small house, a hole, a tent, in which the child can wait out his stress, unpleasant emotions, relax, and then go back to meeting the team halfway. For example, “Dry rain”. Satin ribbons flow down like streams of water; It’s pleasant to touch them, to move them in your hands, you can walk through them by touching your face. “Jet” stimulate tactile sensations, help the perception of space and your body in this space. You can hide from the outside world behind the “streams” of ribbons, which is especially suitable for introverted children. It is multifunctional and affects many senses.

It is better to make a corner of privacy mobile than stationary (movable screens, weightless draperies). The baby himself can mark the boundaries of the corner by moving the screen or closing the curtains. The child may independently express a desire to go to a corner of solitude, or he may go there at the prompting of the teacher: if the teacher sees that the child feels uncomfortable, constrained, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly and aggressively.

Filling the corner of solitude. The corner of solitude in kindergarten is filled with objects that are close to the child, to which he feels warm feelings. Psychologists recommend putting photographs of relatives. You can also put a toy phone in the corner, which you can use to pretend to call mom and dad. If the location and shape of the corner allows, then landscape paintings that have a therapeutic effect can be hung on the wall.

A mandatory attribute of such a corner will be soft, beautiful pillows on which the child can lie down to rest and, for example, listen to a player with relaxing music (wind blowing, water sound, birdsong, sounds of rain). It is also advisable to “populate” the corner with soft toys. Useful to put in a corner of privacy didactic games, lacing, plasticine, etc. - everything that can distract a child’s attention for a while.

Important to remember!

All games and toys should not be stored in a corner permanently; all paraphernalia is periodically changed, updated and replenished as necessary.

The effectiveness of the work depends on how aware the children are of the purpose of the corner, its equipment and the ability to use the attributes. Therefore, children are introduced to the corner immediately after its organization, invited to look around and try out the toys. As a new attribute is introduced, children are shown different ways to manipulate it.

Pedagogical activity should be based on the belief that every child has the right to be who he is, and every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy.

Approximate design of corners of psychological relief by age

Early age:

Corner for privacy;

Dry pool;

Soft pillows or upholstered furniture

Sleepy toys (often used during the adaptation period)

Photo albums with family photographs;

Telephone “Call Mom.” The child can “call mom” and talk to her;

Materials for sand and water therapy.

Average age:

Privacy corner

Soft modules;

Kindness chair. Anyone who wants to be alone and relax in the kind embrace of an amazing chair can rest on it;

Punching bag, foam pillows. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and hurts them, but hitting a punching bag or pillow is very possible;

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. By unwinding and unwinding balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Massage balls - “hedgehogs” for teaching children different ways to roll balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This game with a “hedgehog” helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Magic plasticine (children roll, pinch, and crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down);

Didactic game “Collect beads”...

WITH senior preschool age.

Corner for privacy (screen, house, tent)

Soft modules;

Photo albums with group and family photographs;

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

A set of tearing paper;

Anger rug (children know that if they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will go away);

Buckets for fears (children draw their fears and get rid of them by throwing them into a bucket);

The thinking chair is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put them back after playing, etc. The most important thing is that a chair should not be a punishment for children;

Bags of moods. If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” it in the “sad” bag and “take” it from the “cheerful” bag. good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of the hand, the child improves his mood.

Area for psychological relief

Corners for privacy (tent, tent, screen, transformable house, umbrella, etc., “cry” pillows, “thought” pillows, night lamps, relaxation place, upholstered furniture, photo albums with group and family photos, telephone , mom’s favorite thing, an island of joy, soft and squeaky toys, a dry pool, a dry shower, educational games “Collect beads”, etc.

Material for teaching aggressive children how to express anger in acceptable ways.

Toys and aids in the corner are aimed at allowing the child to throw out all his negative emotions.

Punching bag (pillows) and boxing gloves, foam pillows, targets, anger mat. a glass, a jug or a pot for screaming, a panel for throwing a ball, an “Rug of Anger”, a box of anger “Hide all the bad things”, a box “Try it, tear it” (a set of paper for tearing).

Punching bag, beating pillows, foam pillows. When a child fights, we must explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and hurts them, but hitting a punching bag or pillow is very possible.

“Pillows with stubbornness” - pillows with a dark pillowcase, are used when a child is stubborn, shows physical aggression, negativism (in this case, the teacher asks to help him cope with the “stubborn pillow” - this way the tension is relieved, the child expresses his negative emotions in an acceptable way, thereby getting rid of them). An example of the game "Stubborn Pillow". The teacher introduces the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy sorceress gave us a pillow. But this pillow is not simple, but magical. Childish stubbornness lives inside her. They are the ones who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's drive away the stubborn ones? The child punches the pillow with all his might, and the teacher says: “Stronger, stronger, stronger!” (the stereotype and emotional pressure are removed). When the child’s movements become slower, the game gradually stops (the time is determined individually - from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes). The teacher suggests listening to the “stubborn” in the pillow: “Everything

have the stubbornness come out? What are they doing?" The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. Some children say that “stubborn people whisper,” others hear nothing.

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression.

A set of tearing paper.

Box “Hide all the bad things.” Children throw out all their “anger and resentment” into it (after clenching their fists and collecting in them everything that has accumulated “bad things”).

"Rug of Anger" Helps children get rid of sudden feelings of anger. It is an ordinary rug for hallways with a rough surface or knitted from coarse threads, with small multi-colored bows on it. The child takes off his shoes, walks onto such a rug and wipes his feet until he wants to smile. You can tell children that when they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will go away.

“Anger cup” (a glass, jug or pot for screaming). If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his offense in a glass (jug, pot) and it will be easier for him; It is a beautifully designed dark glass. If a child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to go to a corner of solitude and leave all the bad words and thoughts, all his anger, anger in this glass. After which the child has the opportunity to speak out, and the cup is then tightly closed or tied and hidden.

If you have a lot of space for a corner, you can place darts with magnetic darts.

Box “Hide all the bad things” - the child expresses all his grievances in a box, can draw his anger or resentment and also put it there, they take the box with them outside and “throw away” all its contents there.

Bag of emotions “Hide all the bad things.” Children throw out all their “anger and resentment” into it (after clenching their fists and collecting in them everything that has accumulated “bad things”).

Availability of material for teaching children self-control in different situations, self-regulation techniques.

Audio, video recordings (sound of the sea, sounds of the forest, music for rest, relaxation, colored balls, games with sand, water, cereals, buttons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying, chair for thinking, magic plasticine, “Tactile bags” , “Bags of Moods”, “Boxes of Good Deeds”, balls – “balls”, pebbles for transferring from one box (container) to another; didactic game “Collect Beads”, massage balls – “hedgehogs” (massagers).

The “chair for thinking” is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take toys away, but wait for another child to put it back after playing, etc. The most important thing: a chair should not be a punishment for children.

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, and crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down.

Balls - “boliks” will help children practice regulating breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warming them with our warm breath;

Pebbles for transferring from one box (container) to another.

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. Their goal: to calm down naughty children and teach them one of the techniques of self-regulation. A naughty child is invited to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the glomerulus can become larger each time. The adult reports that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl begins to reel it in, they immediately calm down.

Phonograms with sounds of living nature help relieve tension.

It is good to use containers with beans, peas, buckwheat, and multi-colored corks.

Lacing, ribbons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying are very calming

The didactic game “Collect Beads” will help your child relax, as will the colored balls of yarn.

Massage balls - “hedgehogs”. It is necessary to teach children different ways of rolling balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This game with a “hedgehog” helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down.

Mood bags (or boxes). If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” it in the “sad bag”, and “take” a good mood from the “cheerful” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of the hand, the child improves his mood.

Tactile, sensory mats.

Games for developing fine motor skills (stringing, sorting by shape, by color).

The presence of emotional and educational games aimed at teaching children conflict-free communication.

The problem of communication between children is very important, their ability to understand each other, distinguish the mood of their friend, come to the rescue, etc.

Games and manuals aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development: “The ABC of Mood”, “Friendship Rug”, didactic games: “What is good? What is bad?”, “My feelings”, “Feelings and emotions”, “Guess the emotion”, “Emotions in fairy tales”, “Find friends”, “What friends do”, box with little people, “Pillow of reconciliation”, “ Box of reconciliation”, “Board, calendar, tree of moods”, “Mirror of emotions”, “Theater of emotions”, equipment for joint games and dramatization games.”

“Rug of peace, friendship.” The very presence of a rug of peace” in a group encourages children to give up fights, arguments and tears, replacing them by discussing the problem with each other. When conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes arise, children should go to this “rug” (a homemade, beautifully designed rug) and resolve their conflict with the help of the “Mirilka Box” and a folding book with rhymes - mirilki.

“Box of reconciliation” - a box with holes on both sides, children insert their hands and shake them with each other. “Friendship Rug” and “Reconciliation Box” help quarreling children make peace with each other in a fun way, and after such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often.

“Island of reconciliation” - when conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes arise, children must go to this “island” (a homemade, beautifully decorated rug) and resolve their conflict in a “reconciliation” way.

The games “Emotional Flower” and “Mood Cube” teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures.

Stand "My mood". In the morning and throughout the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. Thanks to this, it is easier for the teacher to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support.

Paired stickers will help children split into pairs if this is a problem.

"Mood board". Each child in the group, if desired, can draw on this board his mood, emotions, feelings experienced, etc. In addition, children can look at illustrations depicting different emotions, reflect and choose the picture that matches his current mood.

“Mirror of Mood” is a mirror to which is attached an album with schematic images of faces expressing different moods; a child, looking in the mirror, tries to display one or another emotion on his face. In addition, if a child is in a bad mood, you can invite him to sit in front of a mirror, in a corner of privacy, look at himself carefully and smile - his mood will definitely improve.

Didactic games for studying emotional states: “Feelings and emotions”, “What friends act”, “Guess the emotion”, “Find friends”, “Events and emotions”, “My feelings”, “Emotions in fairy tales”.

Photo collages "Kaleidoscope of Emotions" using photographs where children or family members show their emotions in various situations, using artistic design (poems, newspaper clippings, etc.)

“Mood masks” are masks depicting different moods.

Mood cube” - various emotions are drawn on the sides of the cube, the child, looking at it, chooses the side that shows what he feels, and then chooses the one he would like to feel

“The Book of Kindness” is an album with only kind fairy-tale, cartoon characters, plot pictures depicting scenes of good deeds.

Availability of material aimed at increasing self-esteem for anxious, insecure children.

In every group there are children with low self-esteem. Therefore, in psychological corners there should be “Boxes of Good Deeds” (“Good Basket”, where children put “grains of goodness” received from the teacher for a good deed, be it bringing a chair to a girl or helping a friend get dressed and other good deeds. Educators Together with the children, they sum up the results at the end of the week, and photographs of the children who have the most “grains of goodness” end up on the “Tree of Goodness” - a kind of honor board. This helps to increase the level of self-esteem in children who are insecure, and develops such moral qualities as. mutual assistance, kindness, responsiveness.

Podium, medals, “Sleepy toys”, “Chair of honor”, ​​“Boxes of good deeds”, “Glade of joy”, “magic objects” (hat, cloak, wand, pipes, fans, seven-flowered flower, shoes, boxes, magic boxes etc.).

The “chair of honor” stimulates increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and anxiety relief.

Magic objects: cloak, shoes, wizard's hat, magic wand, crowns, medal, “Magic Beans”, etc. They serve to increase the self-esteem of anxious, insecure children, help the teacher, together with the children, make wonderful journeys and transformations, make communication with preschoolers a fabulous experience, full of pleasant surprises, not only during classes, but also in free play activities.

Finger Theater. Aimed at building self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, and developing communication skills.

Availability of material for teaching children cooperation skills

and coordinated actions.

“Twister”, “Caterpillar”, “Fun Rug”.

Game "Twister". The game of American children incredibly captivated our children, with great pleasure, accompanied by squeals and the most incredible poses, almost daily spreading oilcloth with colored spots on the floor and twisting the arrow. The close intertwining of arms and legs brings children together and allows them to be closer to each other.

Used Books

1. Smolyakova E. N. Organization of psychological corners in a group kindergarten. //Teacher preschool. №4 – 2013

2. Directory of senior educators, No. 9, 2011. The use of anti-stress toys in the process of correctional work.

3. Handbook of teacher-psychologist No. 2, 2016. Corner of psychological relief “Fairy Room”.



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conducting a conversation with the personnel of the military unit

TOPIC: “Psychological assistance to military personnel to prevent and relieve psychological stress during the conduct of command and control training, BTU. Psychological techniques of self-regulation".

TIME: 1 hour.

PLACE: library.

DATE OF: ______

LITERATURE: Magazine of the RF Ministry of Defense “ORIENTIR” June 2002, Vysotsky V. The influence of modern combat on the psyche of a warrior. "ORIENTIR" 2001, No. 3, pp. 56-58.


The combat prowess of military personnel depends primarily on their beliefs, the ability not to get confused in extreme situations, and their emotional state in this moment time, health status, etc. The combination of all these factors is called “psychological readiness.” The psychological readiness of a serviceman to perform assigned tasks is achieved in the process of targeted psychological preparation, carried out during the training and education of the entire military service.

Psychological preparation is a set of measures to develop in soldiers the psychological stability, emotional and volitional qualities necessary to perform combat missions, allowing them to strengthen their psyche, strengthen their will, learn to fight fear, endure physical and psychological stress, and acquire the ability to act selflessly, actively, and initiative in battle , skillfully using military equipment and weapons, survival skills in extreme conditions modern combat, to minimize the likelihood of encountering an unknown person in a combat situation.

During psychological training, the formation tasks are solved:

a) psychological readiness and stability of soldiers;

b) functional reliability of the psyche of military personnel.

At the same time, they distinguish two kinds psychological readiness:

General (long-term) psychological readiness as a set of personality qualities, as well as its preparedness;

Situational (temporary) psychological readiness is a special psychological state of a warrior, allowing him to actively and expediently carry out assigned combat missions; it has a complex dynamic structure and is an expression of the totality of the intellectual, emotional, motivational and volitional sides of a person in their relationship with external conditions and upcoming tasks . In contrast to the state of situational readiness, which reflects the characteristics and requirements of the upcoming situation, long-term readiness is a stable system of personality qualities, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful performance in many situations.

A warrior’s psychological readiness for battle is one of the main components of a unit’s readiness for combat. It presupposes, firstly, the warrior’s awareness of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, family and friends, confidence in himself, his comrades, military equipment and weapons. Secondly, the desire to test yourself, overcome your weaknesses, and achieve victory over your opponent.

There are three levels of psychological readiness for battle:

Low level What distinguishes him is that the warrior is not confident in himself, he lacks the desire to confront, he is not decisive, is overly fussy, or is withdrawn. Makes mistakes when executing simple commands.

For average level is characterized by a warrior’s combination of self-confidence and insufficient desire for confrontation and decisive action. He makes minor mistakes when executing commands; his physiological state is close to normal.

High level this is the desire to fight, the lack of doubt among warriors, the desire to test themselves, to achieve victory over the enemy.

To develop the psychological readiness of personnel, classes are conducted in which the actions of military personnel are associated with real danger: movement in close proximity to artillery shell explosions, when firing over the heads of attackers, running in infantry with tanks, underwater crossing of small lakes and rivers with tanks, swimming across obstacles with personal weapons; parachute jumping, etc. The direct emotional experience of combat states in a training environment makes it much easier to endure similar psychological stress in combat. Preserving the performance of personnel in difficult situations is facilitated by skills to protect against overheating and hypothermia. various diseases and injuries, providing medical care, cooking in the field, obtaining water and methods for its disinfection, as well as the military personnel’s knowledge of techniques and methods of self-regulation.

In the process of combat training, each warrior must actively improve his professional and psychological preparation. An effective remedy preparing for a fight is mentally reciting the sequence of your actions, first at a slow pace, then more energetically. Then the serviceman mentally gets used to the situation so much that he involuntarily begins to commit necessary actions, this indicates the establishment of a strong connection between consciousness and action. To maintain psychological readiness for immediate combat operations, methods of psychological self-regulation can be used:

Conviction itself is the warrior’s proof to himself of the need to maintain a high level of readiness.

Self-hypnosis- like the conviction itself, occurs consciously in the soldier, and is used as the main influence of the word. Self-hypnosis can change a person’s internal state, make him believe in himself and his capabilities. For example, when serving at night, a warrior sometimes falls into a lethargic state, as if floating between sleep and wakefulness. It is in this state of the warrior’s psyche that self-hypnosis is needed. Otherwise, the situation could turn into a tragedy.

Imagination Control significantly enhances the effects of the verbal form of self-suggestion; it helps to create an image of the desired result of one’s activities. It is recommended to figuratively identify oneself with the best warrior with an ideal mode of action, etc. It is advisable to make a plan in advance possible actions in extreme situations, and mentally play them out in your head.

Attention management is closely related to imagination. It has a strong influence on the vigilance of a warrior. If your attention is distracted, you can easily be distracted from completing your combat mission, and this will lead to serious consequences. It is important for a soldier to develop the habit of not focusing all his attention on it when a strong stimulus suddenly appears, but to be able to observe from a variety of perspectives. To do this, you need to draw up a plan in advance to turn your attention to each of the potentially dangerous areas. This is the only way to maintain control over the situation. In a combat situation, it is recommended to maintain attention on objects related to the performance of the combat mission and not be distracted by secondary stimuli.

The ability to control breathing and muscle tone is very important. The depth and frequency of breathing, the degree of tension in the muscles of the body, largely determines the mental state of a warrior in a combat situation. To relieve nervous tension, a calming type of breathing is recommended, consisting of a short inhalation and active exhalation and holding the breath after exhalation. Muscle tension largely determines nervous activity, and therefore the manifestation of vigor and feelings of mobilization in a soldier; muscle relaxation, on the contrary, has an inhibitory effect on the warrior’s psyche. Therefore, while waiting for a fight, it is necessary to maintain the muscles of the body in in the required form. Activated muscles help increase psychological readiness for battle.

Self-regulation techniques

In the USSR, the term appeared in the 50s.

  • training the reaction (heaviness, heat, changes in the pace and rhythm of the heart and breathing) relaxation techniques through exercises,
  • autogenic meditation, which creates trance states of various levels

Indications for use of AT:

  • treatment of neuroses,
  • functional disorders,
  • psychosomatic diseases,
  • alcoholism and drug addiction (as part of a complex effect),
  • as a psychohygienic event,
  • in the training of specialists and athletes.


  • states of unclear consciousness and delirium,
  • with acute somatic attacks, vegetative crises, with severe hypotension (low blood pressure).

The practitioner concentrates on calmness and uses six standard exercises:

  • exercise - calmness in front of everyone, aimed at achieving calmness: “I am calm”
  • heaviness - aimed at causing heaviness in the arms and legs and is accompanied by relaxation of the striated muscles, from left to right, the whole body
  • warmth “my hands are completely heavy and warm”
  • heart - mastering the rhythm of cardiac activity, counting the pulse by ear, “My heart beats calmly and evenly”
  • breathing – mastering the rhythm of breathing “I breathe completely calmly”
  • solar plexus – cause a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus area, “My solar plexus radiates warmth”
  • coolness of the forehead (forehead) - “A cool breeze blows across my forehead.”

Stages of the autogenic state:

Passive – Calmness, relaxation, indifference to the world around us, slowing down of mental activity while maintaining current awareness of the world.

Active – awareness, perception and experience of what is happening increases, while logical thinking is inhibited and vivid images appear.

Autogenic training positions:

Reclining, sitting,

"Coachman" pose.

Types of suggestion formulas:

  • neutralizing - “I don’t care”;
  • reinforcing -
  • abstinence-oriented
  • paradoxical “I want to feel as bad as possible in the situation...”
  • supportive “I feel comfortable with him”

AT conditions:

Each exercise is preceded by “I am calm”

At the end of each session, three flexion and extension movements in the elbow joint with deep breathing,

Each new exercise is completed sequentially, starting with the lowest ones, repetitions are done 3-4 times daily for 2 weeks.

Session duration starting from 5-6 minutes,

Carrying out in the morning, evening hours,

The room is warm and quiet.

AT modifications:

Mühler-Hegem 1957, (modified exercise 3),

Kleinsorge-Klumbies (target specific organs),

Mirovsky-Shogam (psychotonic training, to increase tone),

Activating exercises Alekseev, Giessen 1969 (for athletes),

Lebedinsky-Bortnik 1965 (shortened version of 30 minutes - month)

Panova-Lobzina-Kopylova-Reshtnikova reproductive training (sounds, breathing exercises).

The highest level of AT - developed by Schultz and Luthe:

7 meditation exercises, working with the unconscious.

Self-hypnosis using the Coue method

A conscious method of influencing oneself, allowing one to suppress painful ideas that have negative consequences and replace them with useful, favorable, and constructive ones.

The self-hypnosis formula should be:

  • simple,
  • natural,
  • with conviction and without tension.

The unconscious perceives the formula as a kind of order, a truth that must be fulfilled.

It starts with familiarizing yourself with sources of influence.

Self-composed simple formula self-hypnosis, which can be modified.

Terms of sale:

  • comfortable position sitting or lying down,
  • closed eyes,
  • pronouncing the formula 20 times in a whisper,
  • monotony when pronouncing a formula, without fixation on the content,
  • session 3-4 minutes 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks.
  • time in the morning while asleep or in the evening before bed.


Purposefully inducing a hypnotic state in oneself using certain techniques and techniques. The inclination towards the method depends on the emotional, physical state, personal characteristics, and abilities for hypnosis.

The sphere of application is the unconscious.

Formation of goals,

Pre-hypnotic self-talk

Fixing an internal image and endowing it with the desired qualities,

Consolidation of new images and qualities with real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the method:

  • lying in a dimly lit room (comfort),
  • calm environment,
  • complete muscle relaxation,
  • detachment from everyday worries,
  • bright dynamic presentation of the image,
  • presentation of typical situations,
  • reinforcement of verbal commands with formulas: “after resting, wake up.”

Thus, combat training allows a warrior to acquire military knowledge, develop his combat skills and abilities - the foundations of self-confidence, and psychological training equips him with the ability to maintain psychological readiness for immediate military action.

ratings, average:

Psychological counseling- it's relative the new kind psychological practice, which emerged as a separate field in the United States in the 50s from psychotherapy. As one of the types of help, psychological counseling arose in response to the needs of people who, without clinical disorders, were still looking for psychological help.

A psychologist consultant helps, first of all, people experiencing difficulties in everyday life, activities, communication, and relationships. Psychological counseling is a set of procedures that are aimed at helping a person solve problems and make decisions, as well as improve personal and interpersonal relationships.

The main goal of psychological counseling is to help the client understand what is happening in his life space and meaningfully achieve his goal based on conscious choice in resolving problems of an emotional and interpersonal nature.

A psychologist consultant helps a person make choices and act at his own discretion, learn new behavior, promotes personal development, while focusing on the responsibility of the client and implying that an independent and independent person makes his own decisions. In psychological counseling, the psychologist creates conditions that encourage the client’s volitional behavior.

Any person facing difficulties in interpersonal relationships can seek psychological advice.

Psychological counseling is a short-term process. On average, in psychological counseling, from one to six meetings are allocated to solve one problem.

The psychologist is less responsible for the client’s decision-making, since he is supposed to work with healthy people who only need a new vision of the situation and support in order to take the first step, and then the person goes on his own.

The main goals that psychological counseling sets itself:

Changing behavior so that a person can live a productive life;

Development of coping skills;

Development and strengthening of the ability to make vital effective decisions;

Development of the ability to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships;

Assisting the client in realizing personal potential under conditions of objective limitations;

Correcting inappropriate behavior and teaching appropriate behavior;

Providing a favorable psychological climate, encouraging openness, spontaneity, and confidence of the client;

Elimination of the client’s inadequate, destructive outlook on life;

Assistance in understanding one’s capabilities and searching for factors that prevent the client from fully realizing the freedom of the client.

32. Methods of psychological self-help

Psychological self-help- this is a person’s concern for himself and his personal growth.

To the most known species self-help include:

1. self-observation

2. journaling

3. autobiography

4. relaxation

1. Introspection. The purpose of self-observation is to expand the area of ​​self-awareness. There are two questions that make self-observation very simple:

· what is happening to me at the moment?

· what would I like next?

Sometimes awareness itself is the cause of change. One of the ways of self-observation is to review the situation from the outside.

It is important that self-observation does not turn into obsessive “soul-searching” and self-control. In the first case, awareness is used to express what you have discovered in yourself, in the second, on the contrary, to hide it from others.

2. Psychological diary- this is a “place” in which a person can always work through an existing problem, realize his feelings or moods, comprehend the experience he has experienced, and come to some kind of solution. It is very important to write a journal for yourself. You can write whenever you need or want. There are no specific rules about what to write and what not to write in a journal. You should only be guided by your own feelings. Any strong experience can serve as a basis for turning to the diary. You can use a journal to explore your relationship with someone you don't like. Journal entries will give you a chance to review your day, reflect on a chance meeting with a friend, or understand the meaning of some fleeting event. Writing in a journal about yourself, your promises to yourself, your decisions and aspirations will help you remember yourself and your life better.

Re-reading your diary is important. Perhaps you will stumble upon a successful solution to a problem while analyzing your mistakes.

3. Autobiography. The essence of this method is to describe the story of your life, remembering all the main events and your attitude towards them. You can write an autobiography many times; you must mark the date of its writing, because in two descriptions of the same period, made in different time, sometimes different events are chosen, and the same relationship may look completely different.

The main goal of autobiographical stories is to gain the ability to deal with one's past and the ability to live in the present. Those. separate the present from the past, get rid of its influence.

4. Relaxation. In the modern understanding, a person is a unity of three components - mind, feelings and body. If you carefully observe yourself, you will notice that any of your emotions or thoughts finds its expression in the movement of muscles - major or microscopic. Experiences are reflected in the way people move, breathe, control their muscles, and the diseases they suffer from.

But the connection between experiences and bodily sensations is useful because, conversely, feelings can be influenced through muscles. Attention to breathing plays an important role in relaxation, since breathing is a system that ensures energy exchange in our body. Relaxation involves relaxing the muscles of the body. It can be carried out separately, can be used as a preliminary procedure before personal exercises, or can be carried out in the form of the exercises themselves.

5. Working with dreams. For many people, sleep is just rest, and a dream is an unusual addition to it, a strange quirk of a brain tired during the day. Many neuroscientific studies conducted on the brain during sleep show that dreams are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It turns out that all people see dreams, but not everyone remembers them. As S. Kardash writes, “any search activity of a person is reflected in dreams. The more complex the situation a person is in, the more more dreams he is dreaming."

Key words: stressful psychosomatic conditions; methods of self-regulation, relaxation and breathing.

Annotation. The article presents psychocorrectional methods for relieving negative post-stress states, restoring performance, concentration, emotional and muscle tension, applicable in emergency psychological assistance.

Relevance. The global economic crisis, the presence of political and ethnic conflicts, the spread of terrorism and environmental disasters indicate the need for research aimed at developing methods of assistance in emergency situations. Proper use of the subject’s own psychological resources can allow not only to overcome a crisis situation, but also to provide assistance to another affected person. Negative stress conditions can be relieved after a crisis situation using self-help methods using altered states of consciousness (ASC). Despite the huge number of hypnosuggestion methods, today their spread is limited by organizational problems, low levels of education and population.

A retrospective analysis of scientific and scientific-methodological literature on psychological and psychophysical methods for correcting negative mental states allows us to identify the main mental states associated with self-regulation that arise in crisis situations.

The meaning of the formulated research problem is understood as the planned and predictable use of methods of self-regulation of the mental state of subjects in a crisis situation. The concept of conscious self-regulation suggests that the subject accepts the goal of self-help, which determines the direction of activity and responsibility for its result. A subject who resorts to self-help becomes an active, motivated subject who overcomes a crisis.

In relation to a crisis situation, the subject is constantly faced with a situation of choice in various ways implementation of his activity depending on his goals, individual characteristics and conditions of the surrounding reality. When using self-help methods in a crisis situation, the subject himself examines the situation, programs his activity, monitors and corrects the results.

In relation to a specific subject, regulatory processes must have individual specificity, which is determined both by individual psychological characteristics and by the characteristics of the crisis situation.

Consequently, the development and inclusion of conscious means and methods of self-regulation of mental state in the system of emergency psychological assistance is one of the promising areas of research in the problem of increasing the effectiveness of providing assistance to subjects educational environment. In this regard, there is a need to highlight methods of self-regulation of mental state when providing emergency psychological assistance.

Conditions. The basis of any self-help methods using ASCs aimed at relieving emotional stress are: the subject’s acceptance of a certain body position; relaxing breathing exercises; cognitive changes (for example, diverting thoughts from any external and internal influences that may cause mental tension); concentration on creating appropriate calming images; the use of self-hypnosis and self-orders; formation of the ability to distinguish between different degrees of muscle tension and relaxation.

Methods. With the help of hypnosuggestive methods that initiate relaxation of the muscular system, muscle tension is removed and negative emotions are channeled, performance is restored, feelings of fatigue, emotional and muscle tension are relieved, the internal picture of reality and the image of “I” are restored, self-confidence is strengthened, etc.

Any self-help using ASC implies a certain sequence of steps, which is necessary to mark the beginning and end of correctional work. For example, the subject is asked to: take a comfortable, symmetrical, comfortable pose; achieve a comfortable breathing rhythm; take a deep breath at the beginning of the exercise and after its completion; place your hands on the armrests of the chair or on your knees; close eyes. The subject can develop his own ritual for entering the ASC.

There are classic poses that are applicable in this context: 1) the “driver on a droshky” pose - the subject is positioned closer to the edge of the chair, bent over, resting his elbows and forearms on his knees, his hands hanging down, his legs comfortably apart, his head lowered, his eyes may be closed or stay open; 2) “passive pose” (half-asleep position in a chair, reclining position in a chair) - the subject is located in a soft chair with a high back reclined, the head and back are comfortably in contact with the back of the chair, the arms are relaxed, they are on the armrests or hips, the shins are in relation to the hips are positioned at a slightly obtuse angle, so that the feet are in close contact with the floor, the legs are slightly apart; 3) lying position - a person lies on a horizontal surface, under the cervical spine and knee joints Small bolsters are placed, arms along the body, slightly bent, palms down, legs extended and slightly spread with toes outward.

In order to master the relaxation technique, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to correctly assume those body positions in which the greatest relaxation of all its muscles is achieved. The choice of these provisions is usually associated with the conditions of the crisis situation. To better master the technique of muscle relaxation, it is advisable to start the exercises from a lying position. In the position most convenient for relaxation, you should change the cognitive background - completely remove yourself from unpleasant and exciting thoughts (especially those related to the situation of trauma), the influence of external stimuli (noise, conversations, music, etc.).

Relaxing breathing exercises. Most self-help methods using ASC are combined with special breathing. This type of breathing helps to relax tense, spasmodic, depressed muscle groups and corrects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

At the very beginning of the exercises, being in any of the listed positions, it is advisable to breathe shallowly with a full type of breathing, using all the respiratory muscles - the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, consistently filling the lower, middle and upper parts of the lungs and then clearing them in the reverse order.

Breathing in a circle. The subject needs to imagine (with eyes closed) that inhalation and exhalation is being done as if through the point between the eyebrows, and then breathe like this several times. In this case, you need to figuratively imagine that you inhale “along the spine” upward, and exhale “from the eyebrows to the navel.” Then slowly and silently inhale as if from the big toe of the left foot up to the eyebrows and exhale for a long time from the eyebrows along the right side of the body to the toes of the right foot. It is recommended to breathe 8-10 times, and then pay attention to the exhalation and the state of muscle relaxation during exhalation and evoke a feeling of warmth that seems to flow through the hands (repeating self-hypnosis: “my hands are getting heavy,” “my legs are getting heavy,” “my my hands are getting warmer”, “my feet are getting warmer”).

Fetal respiration (ED) (abdominal breathing). The frequency of normal shallow breathing is 15-20 respiratory movements per 1 minute, and the frequency of ED with systematic regular exercise is gradually reduced to 4-6.

The subject assumes a comfortable, symmetrical position. Breathing deepens and slows down. You need to inhale slowly through your nose, lightly and smoothly. At the same time, the abdominal muscles relax, the stomach protrudes greatly. When the lungs are filled with air masses, begin to exhale lightly, slowly, deeply. At first, exhalation can be accompanied by slow pressure with your hands on the lower abdomen, drawing it in.

ED can also be combined with chest breathing, when inhalation from the stomach continues with inhalation from the lungs. At the same time, the chest expands, the intercostal spaces increase, the collarbones, shoulder blades, and lung tissue, including the apices of the lungs, are raised and filled with air masses. As you exhale, the chest consistently lowers, narrows, the intercostal spaces decrease, and the stomach is drawn in deeply. In case of dizziness, weakness, or palpitations, it is recommended to reduce the intensity of the ED exercise, but not completely abandon it.

Breathing on a count. When you need to calm down, inhale on the count of 1,2,3,4, then exhale on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, then inhale on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 - exhale, and so the inhalation and exhalation are lengthened to 12. An artificial breath holding occurs, which involuntarily leads to a certain release of emotional stress. To raise your tone, inhalations and exhalations begin at 12 and gradually shorten them to 4. Breathing becomes more frequent, tension increases.

Holding your breath. To relieve acute nervous tension, take a deep breath and hold the breath for 20-30 seconds. The subsequent exhalation and subsequent repeated deep compensatory inhalation will help stabilize the condition.

Self-hypnosis. General calm will be facilitated by verbal formulas that the subject must pronounce to himself, connecting them with the creation of images and ideas. Example: “I am completely calm” - the subject recalls the feeling of pleasant peace that he previously experienced; “All my muscles are pleasantly relaxed for rest”; “My whole body is completely resting” - I remember a feeling of pleasant rest and relaxation (for example, at home in the bathroom, on the seashore under an awning, etc.). Next, you should concentrate on the muscles that relax and on the breathing procedures described above.

These formulas are intended to produce sensations of weight, warmth and relaxation in the major muscles of the body and can be applied in different sequences, taking into account the individual characteristics of subjects who master these sensations differently.

Breathing with self-hypnosis. In a comfortable and symmetrical position, calm down, relax as much as possible, even out your breathing, eyes closed. Take a deep, calm, rapid breath. On the subsequent deep, calm, slow exhalation, mentally say a short self-hypnosis - “I’m relieving tension from my head.” Again, take a deep, accelerated breath and slowly exhale deeply, while saying “relieving tension from my face.” Subsequently, continue breathing with the indicated characteristics of inhalation and exhalation. On each subsequent exhalation, sequentially mentally talk about releasing tension from the “arms,” “chest,” “back,” “stomach,” “perineum,” “legs,” and “everything else.”

Self-order. Due to the fact that the state of relaxation and neuropsychic peace are interdependent, to achieve it it is necessary to remove the effects of factors that contribute to an increase in the level of emotional disturbance and tension and to use various sedative influences. For example, a subject can control his own state with the help of self-orders such as: “I can!”, “Be patient!”, “I can stand it!” etc. The role of self-orders in a crisis situation (for example, a natural disaster) is difficult to overestimate. Preliminary training of self-orders strengthens the volitional component of the personality, develops the ability to connect inner speech and action. Self-command becomes a trigger stimulus that triggers the required psychophysical state.

Despite the fact that self-order is a form of working with one’s own consciousness, in an altered state of consciousness, when the subject feels relaxation of the muscular system, when slipping into a trance state of consciousness occurs, the effect of self-order intensifies.

Visual images. Better relaxation is facilitated by specially selected verbal formulas (suggestions), which the subject pronounces, accompanying them with corresponding visual images of warmth and heaviness. It is recommended to first evoke a feeling of weight in the arms, and then in the legs (without dividing them into right and left). For example: “Hands are becoming pleasantly heavy”, “Hands are becoming more and more heavy as lead”, “The heaviness in hands is increasing”, etc.

The same pattern is used to create a feeling of heaviness in the legs. One can imagine how hands and feet are filled with lead or dry sea sand is poured onto them. For those subjects who avoid the feeling of heaviness or internally resist it, we can recommend formulas such as: “The muscles are filled with energy, they become stronger, they become heavier, they are filled with strength,” etc.

The feeling of warmth in the limbs and torso, which accompanies a state of relaxation, can be caused using the following formulas: “I feel a pleasant warmth in my hands,” “ Blood vessels the hands have expanded”, “Hot blood warms the hands”, “The hands are becoming warmer”, “Warmth flows through the hands to the fingertips”, “The hands have become hot”. Similarly, a feeling of warmth is caused in the legs and in different muscle groups of the body. To enhance the feeling of warmth, one should imagine, for example, that the subject is lying in a hot bath or on a sunny beach, directing a warm shower stream to different parts of the body, etc. Verbal formulations and figurative ideas about relaxation can relate not only to muscle groups of the body as a whole (face, arms, legs, etc.), but also to individual muscles, for example, forehead, eyes, mouth, biceps, feet, etc.

To enter the desired state, you need to try to create a state of peace, imagining soothing pictures of nature, artistic images and imaginary scenes. The subject either constructs an internal reality or is mentally transported to a situation in the past and “slides” into it.

Progressive muscle relaxation. In a crisis situation, the ability to quickly relax is an extremely important mechanism of self-regulation of the subject. Muscle relaxation is always combined with an altered state of consciousness. Often the subject is endowed with an outdated attitude that hypnosis is a dream. However, in the ASC it is possible to carry out cognitive work, age regression (to the situation of trauma) and progression (to the time when the crisis is resolved) and other psychocorrectional work that cannot be done in a dream.

Application technique. The subject is positioned in one of the above positions, eyes are closed, breathing is evened out and calms down. At the specialist’s command, the subject takes a deep short breath, and on the subsequent slow (2-2, 5-3 times longer than the inhalation) deep exhalation, the hypnologist says that tension is relieved from the head muscles. Then - again take a deep, short breath, followed by a deep, slow exhalation and relieve tension from the facial muscles. And with each subsequent exhalation, tension is relieved sequentially from top to bottom throughout the entire body. After the session, you are asked to open your eyes and give the opposite reaction out loud - report your feelings. The method is also used for prophylactic purposes - to prevent or reduce the severity of possible post-stress psychophysical disorders in the event of encountering emergency, stressful situations.


Thus, the self-help methods listed above in ASC will allow the subject of emergency psychological assistance (with proper training) to cope with a crisis situation. The self-help goal accepted by the subject will determine the direction of his activity and responsibility for its result, designating him as an active subject. Of course, we cannot say that the above methods can be applied completely. In this regard, a further task is identified, the solution of which will make it possible to differentiate subjects of emergency psychological assistance into groups. It is important to highlight individual psychological characteristics and the state of subjects exposed to extreme situations, as well as the characteristics of crisis situations when the listed methods can be justified, timely and effective.

  1. Sokolov E.Yu. Suggestive measures for post-stress disorders / E.Yu. Sokolov: materials of the all-Russian conference “Interaction of specialists in providing assistance with mental disorders" - M., 2009. - P. 86-87.