Is it possible to apply vanilla oil to the skin? Vanilla essential oil

Vanilla oil

Sources and methods of obtaining

Vanilla essential oil obtained from the fruits (pods) of Vanilla. Receipt method– solvent extraction of plant pods. To obtain 1 kg of essential oil, about 30-35 kg of fruits are needed.

Color - dark brown. Aroma oils - persistent, spicy-balsamic, sweet with woody and tobacco notes.

Compound: The composition of vanilla essential oil has not been sufficiently studied. It is known that it contains more than 150 elements, the main of which is vanillin-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (1.3-2.9%).

Compatibility: Vanilla essential oil blends well with benzoin, bergamot, vetiver, geranium, clove, jasmine, ylang-ylang, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, lavender, opopanax, peppermint, rose and sandalwood.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: Orchids (Orchidaceae).

Vanilla - a genus of perennial vines reaching a length of up to 20 meters. Vanilla has large white flowers that can only be pollinated by hummingbirds and certain types of insects.

Vanilla pods are soft, flexible, rounded, and oily to the touch. The color of the pods is dark brown, almost black. Length – 10-20 cm. Pods good quality covered with a coating of whitish crystals. Less valuable varieties of vanilla include pods that have the aroma of heliotrope instead of vanillin. The picked vanilla fruit has no odor. It acquires its delicious aroma only after processing and completion of extraction.

The birthplace of vanilla is considered to be Mexico and Central America. Currently, vanilla is cultivated in many countries of the equatorial belt. Its largest producers are Madagascar, Indonesia and China.


The name vanilla comes from the Spanish vainilla, which translates as “pod”. In fact, from a botanical point of view, the vanilla fruit is called a capsule because. unlike a real pod, it does not have a partition.

In ancient times, vanilla beans were used as money. The Aztecs, during the reign of Emperor Montezuma, collected taxes using vanilla pods. Later, local tribes began to pay vanilla to the Spaniards, who brought the plant to Europe. By the way, the Aztecs also used vanilla as a spice, adding it to a drink made from cocoa beans.

In Spain, Italy, and Austria, vanilla became known from the middle of the 16th century, then by early XIX century it spread throughout Europe. Traditional healers immediately noticed beneficial features vanilla essential oil. It began to be used in the treatment of anemia, dispersion, chlorosis, fever and to improve digestion. Medieval healers also used vanilla oil to treat mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla essential oil was also considered an aphrodisiac, used to increase potency and sexual desire.

Impact on the body

Vanilla essential oil:

  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • helps regulate enzymatic acid balance of gastric juice;
  • promotes the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates in the body;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • stimulates muscle activity;
  • helps with radiculitis, arthritis and osteochondrosis;
  • n neutralizes the effects of alcohol;
  • regulates and normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves premenstrual syndrome;
  • is an aphrodisiac, awakens sexuality;
  • treats inflammatory skin diseases, stress rashes;
  • helps get rid of mosquitoes and other insects;
  • relieves irritability, anger, negative emotional states;
  • relaxes and calms tense nerves;
  • helps improve memory, increase concentration and performance;
  • improves mood;
  • helps get rid of insomnia.

Cosmetic effects

Vanilla oil:

  • promotes elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • helps in caring for sensitive and damaged skin;
  • relieves inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • has a whitening effect;
  • helps prevent premature skin aging;
  • improves hair condition, giving it smoothness and silkiness;
  • restores damaged structure of any hair type.

Methods for internal use of vanilla oil

Only oil extracted with grain ethyl alcohol can be taken orally.

For oral administration, add 1-2 drops of vanilla essential oil to 1 teaspoon of honey or jam, consume and wash down with tea or any juice. Thanks to the active components contained in the product, the body will be filled essential vitamins and minerals.

Ways to use vanilla essential oil externally

Vanilla oil mixes well with other essential oils, but can also be used on its own.

Oil burner: 3-5 drops per 15 sq. m.

Aroma medallion: 1-2 drops of essential oil.

Baths: 5-6 drops dissolved in the base per bath of water.

Massage: 4-5 drops per 15 ml of carrier oil.

Enrichment cosmetics: 3-5 drops per 15 ml of cream, tonic, shampoo or lotion.

Other uses

Vanilla essential oil is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a flavoring agent. In perfumery, vanilla is an important element when creating oriental perfumes. In the cosmetics industry, vanilla essential oil is used as an aromatic component in the production of shampoos, bath foams, massage oils, lotions and creams. Also used to flavor tobacco products.

In cooking, vanilla is used as a confectionery seasoning. It is added to sweet salads, semolina porridge, muesli, sweet rice, creams, buns, puddings, cottage cheese, whipped cream, chocolate, yoghurts, ice cream, as well as alcoholic drinks and cocktails. IN Lately natural vanilla is replaced with cheaper synthetic vanillin. Natural vanilla is used to flavor only the most expensive confectionery products - chocolate and products containing cocoa, biscuits, creams, fillings and cookies with nuts.


Vanilla oil is phototoxic and should not be used before going out into the open sun. May cause allergic reactions, so you need to check for individual tolerance. If used for a long time, it may cause headaches.

Almost everyone in their life has had to inhale the aroma of vanilla; it attracts and fascinates. The homeland of the spice is Mexico. Vanilla sugar and vanillin are actively used in cooking. More recently, vanilla oil has become popular, which can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Beneficial properties of vanilla oil

Since ancient times, remedies from the Vanilla orchid have been used to treat fever, dyspepsia, and chlorosis. It was believed that vanilla is the best remedy for nervous and mental disorder. It also helped improve the digestive process and get rid of gases in the intestines. Vanilla was used to treat anemia.

Interesting! Among the Aztecs, the vanilla orchid was considered a symbol of harmony and spirituality. If a person was angry or nervous, he had to inhale the aroma of vanilla and all unpleasant feelings would leave him.

Vanilla oil has a sweet, spicy, delicate aroma. It is actively used in cosmetology, medicine, and aromatherapy. Vanilla fruits are used to prepare vanilla essential oil.

Natural vanilla esters are considered strong. The oil is used for medicinal purposes to treat internal organs, and it also has a positive effect on the skin. It has been proven that vanilla oil helps to activate energy and triggers all physiological processes.

The use of vanilla oil in cosmetology

The natural product is added to luxury cosmetics and perfumes. The oil not only fills the product with an amazing aroma, but also has beneficial properties. Vanilla oil is ideal for caring for sensitive and delicate skin. With its help you can relieve inflammation and get rid of peeling.


Vanilla oil increases skin elasticity, moisturizes it and improves its color. If you have age spots? Be sure to try vanilla oil, it will whiten your skin.

The product is suitable for sensitive, mature, dry, irritated skin. Due to the fact that vanilla contains beneficial substances, you enrich the skin with the necessary components.

The healing effect of vanilla oil

Traditional medicine has been actively using this remedy for a long time, because it resumes all digestive processes and regulates acidity. Vanilla oil is recommended for use by women during the premenstrual period; it significantly alleviates all symptoms. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of diabetes mellitus because it perfectly utilizes and breaks down carbohydrates. Do you have inflamed skin or a rash?

Buy vanilla oil, with its help you will quickly relieve inflammation, cleanse and restore the skin. Vanilla oil has been proven to neutralize the effects of alcohol. IN folk medicine

  • the product is used to increase muscle activity and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional healers are sure that vanilla oil should be used to treat:
  • Dyspeptic disorder.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Fevers.
  • Nervous disorder.

Digestive disorders.

It is believed that vanilla oil will help you relax, calm your nerves, while improving memory and increasing concentration. Why not try the product? It has long been proven that vanilla oil is a powerful antidepressant. The product is used to increase appetite. Natural oil has a therapeutic effect and improves the functioning of all internal organs.

Main uses of vanilla oil

Do you want peace, tranquility and comfort to reign in your home? Drop a few drops into an aroma lamp and enjoy the amazing aroma.

  • It is important to use the product correctly, strictly observing the dosage:
  • It is enough to drop 4 drops of oil into the aroma lamp.
  • Add 1 drop to the aroma medallion.
  • To enrich a cosmetic product, 3 drops are enough.
  • You can add 6 drops of vanilla oil to the bath.
  • Inside you need to take 2 drops of oil with a teaspoon of honey.

Vanilla oil to combat stress

Often a woman relieves stress with something sweet, and then suffers from excess weight. Life is full of stress! If you constantly soothe yourself with food, you can not only gain weight, but also get various diseases.

Are you very nervous and can’t pull yourself together? Perform aromatherapy with vanilla oil. You can buy a special vanilla scented patch. Inhaling the exquisite spice, you get rid of stress and feel like a completely happy person.

Relaxing bath with vanilla oil

Everyday problems and everyday life lead to great tension, which affects your personal life. If you need to wake up, bring back romantic feelings. Give yourself a vanilla bath (fill the bath with water and add 6 drops of vanilla oil into it). You can prepare a healing bath product: take 100 grams of cream, add essential oil (1 drop), add pimento and vanilla oil (3 drops each). With this product you will warm up and improve blood circulation..

Contraindications when using vanilla oil

The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive, because it can lead to a severe allergic reaction. It is also worth considering that vanilla oil is phototoxic, so it is contraindicated before going outside in the hot season.

To summarize, today we got acquainted with amazing vanilla oil, which can be used for culinary, cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The main thing is to know when to stop, follow the dosage exactly and check your reaction to the product. Quite often, vanilla oil causes allergies, so before using it, do not apply a large number of on the wrist. After a while, check if there is no redness, swelling, or irritation, the product is suitable for you. Feel free to use vanilla oil.

Anna basis

Vanilla essential oil, first of all, has an amazing, rich and pleasant aroma. In addition to its wonderful smell, vanilla oil has found application in medicine, and especially in cosmetology.

The aromatic oil is obtained by steam distillation of the pods of a special type of orchid. Mexico and South America are considered the birthplace of this plant. Even the ancient Aztecs noticed the healing power of this plant. Subsequently, the colonists established tribute for local population, which they paid with vanilla pods.

It is known that the smell of vanilla has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state. Everyone who has used vanilla oil in aromatherapy reviews it as a good antidepressant and relaxant. Since ancient times, vanilla has been considered a symbol of spirituality and unity with the world.

Vanilla oil - properties and composition

Time passes, but vanilla remains the same popular and favorite spice for cooking, use in perfumery, medicine and cosmetology. Until today, all the components that make up vanilla oil have not been studied. It must be said that there are more than 150 of them. And only 2% of them are pure vanillin.

Its smell, which does not change later for a long time, vanilla oil is able to catalyze metabolic processes in the cytoplasm of the body's cells. Thus, it launches a quick update and recovery program.

The pleasant smell of vanilla eliminates psychological breakdowns well and affects a person as a sedative and relaxant. Vanilla oil esters allow you to accumulate and stimulate brain activity. If you soak a piece of fabric in vanilla oil and place it in a warm place, the whole room will be filled with a pleasant sweetish smell, which will remain an elusive veil for a long time. The same method can be used for a stack of bed linen, in which you place a napkin soaked in vanilla essential oil.

Vanilla oil for folk and traditional medicine

There are several diseases for concomitant treatment which use vanilla oil. Among them are the following:

Diabetes. The components included in the oil help break down carbohydrates;

— In case of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Helps improve the functioning of the digestive system;

In addition, vanilla ether can stop the intoxicating effect of alcohol-containing drinks on the body.

Vanilla essential oil – use in cosmetic preparations

Vanilla oil has a gentle effect on the skin. Improvements do not come immediately, gradually, but the effect you get in the end is worth the wait. Vanilla oil has the following effects on the skin:

- evens out the tone;

— eliminates darkening in the form of;

- cures rashes and skin irritation;

- nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.

If you use vanilla essential oil on your hair, it can significantly improve its structure and appearance. At the same time, it can be added both to daily hair care products and to homemade masks.

Treatments with vanilla oil for body and face skin

For lovers of hot baths, you will really enjoy the relaxing procedure with a pleasant smell. You need to take a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of salt and 0.5 liters. Milk. Add 5 drops of vanilla essential oil to the mixture and pour into hot water. You can also add 10 drops of Damask rose essential oil or.
You can add vanilla oil to the massage cream. The procedure with such a cream will become relaxing and pain-relieving.
The following scrub will help against cellulite deposits: 2 tbsp. ground coffee (preferably drunk), 15 drops. and vanilla. Apply the product to cellulite-prone areas of the body. Rub with deep massage movements. Under no circumstances should the product be used as a facial scrub.
Moisturizing Lip Oil with Macadamia Nut and Vanilla is easy to make. combines in equal proportions with vanilla and lips are lubricated with this product before going outside.

Treatments with vanilla oil for hair and scalp

A few drops of oil are applied to the comb and all hair is thoroughly combed to the very ends.

To make your hair grow faster even in winter, you need to make a hair mask with vanilla oil. To do this, heat a mixture of 1 tbsp in a water bath. , 15 drops and 5 drops of vanilla ether. Gently rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap for 30 minutes. Wash off hot water with detergent. Rinse boiled water with the addition of 0.5 parts lemon juice or 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
In order to get rid of dandruff forever, you need 2 tsp. mix with 1 tbsp. honey and 5 drops of vanilla oil. You can add 3 drops of alcohol tincture of red pepper to the product. Rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water and shampoo.
For early baldness and to activate the work of hair follicles, you should mix 2 tbsp. with 2 tbsp. , add vanilla ether in an amount of 5 drops and mustard powder until a homogeneous paste is formed. Thoroughly rub the product into the epidermis and make a warm compress. Keep for at least 10 minutes. Rinse off with special care so that grains of mustard powder do not remain in the hair.

In order to make the appearance of your curls healthy, give them beauty and elasticity, you need to take 50 ml olive oil for the base, add 1 chicken yolk, 1 tsp. cognac (or vodka), 1 tsp. honey and 5 drops of vanilla oil. Apply the mixture to damp hair, make a warm compress from cellophane and fabric, rinse after 1 hour.

Vanilla's aroma will transform ordinary body oil into a real work of perfumery art. Your body will smell good until your next swim.

11 January 2014, 17:19

Vanilla is one of the most popular spices, which is used in cooking, perfumes, care and hygiene products, and, of course, in aromatherapy. Vanilla essential oil cannot be called a classic essential oil. It is not obtained by steam distillation, but by oil extraction or treatment of solvents.

It has a pleasant sweet smell and is valued not only for its aroma, but also for its numerous beneficial properties for health, skin, and hair.

How is vanilla essential oil obtained?

Vanilla oil is obtained from the plant of the same name in the orchid family. This is the only edible representative of a large genus of orchids.

The raw material for the oil is Mexican vanilla and other types. Vanilla orchid is a perennial vine that reaches a height of up to 25 meters. It blooms for only one day, and flowering lasts only a few hours. Only one bee, native to Mexico, can pollinate a flower. Regular bees are too big to penetrate it. And without pollination, the flowers dry out and fall off without setting fruit.

The liana is native to Central America and Mexico. It was used by the ancient Aztecs. Vanilla came to Europe with the first discoverers of South America at the beginning of the 16th century.

For many years it remained the most expensive spice until a method of manual pollination of flowers was discovered. But even today, due to the labor-intensive production process, it remains second in price, second only to saffron.

Green vanilla beans are hand-picked, fermented and dried. The essential oil is extracted by solvent extraction of a resinous substance obtained from fermented beans. After extraction, the resulting substance looks like an oil, but it is not an essential oil. Essential oils are usually obtained by steam distilling plants. Vanilla pods cannot be processed this way, nor can they be pressed.

The oil obtained by this method is not of high quality. There may be traces of solvent left in it. Aromatherapy specialists do not recommend using it for treatment.

The second method is production using carbon dioxide. The result is CO2 absolute. This is considered the best method for extracting vanilla oil. It is non-toxic. After processing the pods, it turns back into a gas when the pressure is increased. Thus, the CO2 extract is purer and contains all the components chemical composition vanilla. But this method is very expensive compared to using solvents.

Extraction with alcohol or oil is allowed, resulting in vanilla extract, which is most often used in cooking.

Chemical composition

Vanilla essential oil is not a pure essential oil. Although manufacturers may label it specifically as an essential oil, taking advantage of the lack of standards for such oils.

Therefore, oil obtained with the help of solvents or absolute cannot be considered a pure extract and used in aromatherapy. They are more suitable for perfumes, aromatization of hygiene products, soaps, etc.

The structure of CO2 absolute is thick, Brown with a strong warm aroma.

Pure vanilla extract contains up to 90% vanillin. In addition, it contains traces of anise alcohol, vanillin hydroxybenzaldehyde, guaiacol, eugenol, furfural and several acids (acetic, isobutyric and capric).

What oils does it combine with?

This oil goes well with lavender, orange, neroli, lemon, chamomile, sandalwood, and jojoba oil.

Vanilla essential oil beneficial properties

Vanilla oil has:











Relieves stress and anxiety;

Improves libido, as it is considered an aphrodisiac;

Helps fight signs of aging;

Eliminates insomnia;

Protects the body from the action of free radicals;

Accelerates cell regeneration;

Promotes wound healing;

Relieves itchy skin;

Improves mouth and body odor;

Moisturizes and nourishes skin and hair.

It can be used for pimples and blackheads, helps with coughs and other respiratory diseases. If you need a good night's sleep, put a few drops of oil on a napkin.

As a sedative and relaxant, it can be used to relieve high blood pressure.

By activating certain hormones, it normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.

Contraindications and side effects

As written above, there are several ways to obtain this oil. Oil obtained with the help of solvents and carbon dioxide is generally not used in aromatherapy and for healing. Although manufacturers guarantee its quality.

It has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. Its use usually does not cause any side effects.

Pregnant and lactating women;

Young children under 12 years of age.

Do not use in large quantities to avoid causing headaches and nausea.

Before using it on the skin, it must be diluted so as not to cause an allergic reaction. This is especially true for those who have sensitive skin.

The oil is photosensitivity. Therefore, you should not go into the sun immediately after application.

Otherwise, the oil is safe and does not cause any negative reactions.

Before use, consult a specialist.

Uses of vanilla essential oil

Golden brown in color, with a pleasant sweet aroma, vanilla oil has a wide range of uses. Below are several ways how and where you can use it.

Vanilla oil, or rather extract, is widely used in cooking:

Added to baked goods;

They flavor ice cream with it;


Soft drinks.

In aromatherapy for

Relieving stress;


Just drop a few drops into the aroma lamp or onto a cotton pad or napkin and breathe.

In the perfumery and cosmetics industry for aromatizing skin care products, body care products, perfumes, etc.

Many relaxing massage oils contain vanilla.

To relieve fatigue after a working day, add a few drops to your bath.

To tone up, drop the oil onto a lit candle or into a diffuser.

Give your hair a shiny, healthy look - add to your shampoo.

To get rid of acne - take a cotton ball with a few drops of essential oil and wipe the affected area several times a day.

Apply diluted oil to the insect bite area to relieve itching.

A few drops added to a water bottle is an excellent natural home fragrance and pest control spray.

Recipes with vanilla oil

Vanilla oil extract and CO2 absolute have a syrup-like consistency. To make it easier to extract the required amount, the bottle needs to be heated in warm water or diluted with vegetable oil. After this, you can pipette as much as you need according to the recipe. Diluted vanilla oil generally does not thicken.

Vanilla is a popular essential oil in aromatherapy, helping to relieve stress and calm. Add 4-5 drops to a diffuser for a relaxing indoor atmosphere.

To improve sleep, light the aroma lamp in 20-30 minutes, adding 4-6 drops of vanilla oil.

For massage oil, add no more than 5-6 drops per tablespoon of base oil. As a carrier oil, you can use jojoba oil, almond oil, hemp oil and others.

Massage the soles of your feet, neck and back and let the oil absorb for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe the skin with a damp cloth.

To improve libido

The pure aroma of vanilla has a great impact on your mood. Lighted candles, red wine and the oriental scent of spices will help you relax and feel confident. The oil can be added to body lotion, massage oil, or diffused a few drops in a room to create a romantic atmosphere.

For the massage mixture you will need:

5 drops vanilla extract

5 drops ylang-ylang

10 drops bergamot

5 drops of rose

60 ml carrier oil

Mix everything in a dark glass bottle and shake well.

Without adding base oil, by mixing only essential oils, you can get a wonderful mixture for an aroma lamp.

To relieve feelings of anxiety and restlessness

Many essential oils can help you relax and calm down. Just put a drop of vanilla oil or absolute on your wrist and inhale its aroma.

For a relaxing massage, mix a tablespoon of carrier oil with 2 drops of absolute or extract.

Apply the oil to the pulsating points of the body in the chest, arms, neck, and temples.

For toothache

Place a few drops of oil on a cotton swab and apply to the painful tooth. You can massage your gums with your finger after dropping a couple of drops of vanilla.

Vanilla essential oil for face

For face and hair care, vanilla oil is obtained by maceration in vegetable oil or glycerin. Any oil can be used for extraction.

This oil can be used without diluting. Just apply 2-3 drops of oil to a damp cotton pad and gently wipe your face.

Add the extract to glycerin or liquid castile soap.

Sugar facial scrub

You will need:

3 tablespoons brown sugar

3-4 drops vanilla

A little lemon juice

Mix all ingredients together and store in a sealed jar.

Oil facial scrub

You will need:

3 drops vanilla oil

3 drops lavender essential oil

4 drops lemon essential oil

3 drops vitamin E

15 ml carrier oil (1 tablespoon)

1 cup brown sugar

Combine all ingredients, stirring thoroughly. Store in a closed jar.

Base oil should be selected depending on skin type. For acne oily skin Nut butter or grapeseed oil would be better.

For dry and normal skin – avocado oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, almond oil and some others.

Apply the scrub to damp face and body skin. Massage gently for a few minutes. It exfoliates dead cells well, improves complexion, and helps reduce wrinkles. Use at least twice a month.

Massage oil for stretch marks

The oil improves blood circulation and tissue regeneration, tightens and tones the skin.

You will need:

6 drops vanilla oil

6 drops rose oil

8 drops sage oil

30 ml rosehip oil

30 ml avocado oil

Mix all the oils and store in a dark glass bottle.

Massage daily on problem areas of the skin.

Vanilla oil can be added to your cream or lotion. Just keep in mind that it has relaxing properties. Add no more than 7-10 drops per 100 ml of cream or lotion.

Vanilla essential oil for hair

Vanilla oil improves the appearance of hair, making it silky and shiny, and strengthens hair follicles. It has moisturizing properties, helping to retain moisture in the hair, preventing brittleness and splitting of the hair ends.

Hair Mask

You will need:

150-200 grams of shea butter

2 tablespoons jojoba oil

2 tablespoons almond oil

1 tablespoon vanilla oil

Melt the shea butter and remove from heat. Add all other ingredients and stir.

Let the mixture cool and whisk it until it becomes fluffy like cream.

Apply to hair and leave for one hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Hair spray

To 1 glass of distilled water, add 15 drops of vanilla oil and 10 drops of almond oil. Shake and spray onto hair before combing.

Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.

For hair ends

Apply a small amount of oil (4-5 drops) to your palms and lubricate the ends of your hair.

Soothing bath salt

You will need:

1 cup Epsom salt

2 cups baking soda

5-6 drops vanilla oil

Mix salt and soda first and add oil. Shake the container well. Add to water when filling the bath.

Milk bath mixture

You will need:

1 glass of milk powder

5 drops vanilla oil

7 drops tangerine oil

Mix milk with essential oils and add to water.

Home perfume

Option 1

Pour 100 ml of purified water into a spray bottle. Add 10-12 drops of vanilla oil and 10-12 drops of almond oil. Shake well.

The spray can be applied to the skin and used to scent linen, cabinets and chests of drawers.

Option 2

Mix 1 tablespoon of any base oil with 4 drops of vanilla. Apply to the wrists and neck area.

Option 3

Using option 2, create a deeper and richer scent by adding 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil or 2-3 drops of citrus-scented essential oil.

Home freshener

Pour a glass of purified water into a spray bottle and add 5-8 drops of vanilla oil. Shake and use to scent a room, upholstered furniture, etc.

Do not spray on people or pets.

Disinfectant spray

Its strong aroma can “kill” all unpleasant odors in the house, disinfect the air, and get rid of pet odors.

For 100 ml of water, add 4 drops of vanilla oil and 3 drops of clove essential oil.

You can make a spray with floral water, such as rosemary or lavender.

How to make vanilla oil

The recipe is very simple. It needs vegetable oil and vanilla pods.

Chop the pods and fill them with oil. Leave for 2 weeks in a warm room. Shake the container periodically.

To get a richer aroma, strain the macerate and pour it into new spice pods.

Instead of oil, you can use vodka, alcohol or glycerin.

Today, vanilla is not only a popular spice, but is also used to make natural essential oil. This oil is of great value in the field of cosmetology, and also has a relatively low and affordable cost.

Properties and uses of vanilla oil in cosmetology

Vanilla oil contains a large number of useful substances, which is why it is widely used in the field of cosmetology. That is why this product is one of the most popular and effective for caring for delicate facial skin.

In cosmetology, vanilla oil has the following properties:

  1. Helps get rid of the problem of aging, sensitive and dry skin, as the cells are saturated with active substances and oxygen.
  2. Regular use of hair masks containing vanilla oil helps strengthen the roots and structure of the strands, minimizing the likelihood of premature hair loss.
  3. This product is widely used to correct the figure, remove signs of cellulite and stretch marks after childbirth or sudden weight gain.
  4. Vanilla oil contains vitamins and calcium, which makes it have a positive effect on the condition of nails.
  5. Vanilla oil can also be used as a perfume, as it has a very soft and pleasant aroma.
  6. In most cases, this type of oil is an additional or main component for the preparation of cosmetic masks, scrubs or other products for caring for the skin of the face, body and hair.
Such products can be prepared very easily and quickly yourself at home. In addition, the cost of vanilla oil is affordable when compared with other cosmetics.

Mask with vanilla oil for facial skin care

This product helps stop premature skin aging and significantly reduces the rate at which new wrinkles appear. It is strictly forbidden to apply vanilla oil to the skin before going out into the sun. otherwise there is a risk of getting a serious burn and unsightly age spots may appear, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

This mask is prepared very simply and quickly:

  1. You will need to take an avocado (0.5 ripe fruit), banana (0.5 fruit), coconut oil (1 tsp), soft cottage cheese (1 tbsp), vanilla essential oil (2 drops).
  2. You should not use too hard cottage cheese, as it will mix very poorly.
  3. Peel the fruit and cut into small slices.
  4. Add cottage cheese, vanilla and coconut oil to the fruit.
  5. Mix all components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  6. The finished mask is applied to pre-cleaned skin in an even layer.
  7. After 30 minutes, the remaining product is washed off with plenty of warm water.
  8. After 2-3 uses of such a mask, the result will be noticeable - the skin tightens, becomes perfectly smooth and elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Moisturizing peeling for skin

  1. Take cereals finely ground (2 tbsp), jojoba oil (1 tbsp), vanilla essential oil (2 drops), ground coffee (0.5 tsp), rose essential oil (1 drop).
  2. If large flakes are used, they must first be crushed using a coffee grinder and only then used to prepare the mask.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  4. The resulting mass is applied to previously and thoroughly cleansed skin, and a light and gentle massage is performed for 5–8 minutes. Don't put too much pressure on the skin.
  5. The product will lie in an even layer and minimize the likelihood of inflammation.
  6. The remaining peeling is washed off with plenty of cool water.

Vanilla oil mask against acne

Many girls face the problem of skin rashes, but sometimes it can be very difficult to really choose effective remedy which will help you quickly get rid of acne.

Preparing the mask is very simple and quick:

  1. The mask contains vanilla essential oil (2 drops), clove essential oil (1 drop), warm milk (2 tbsp.), blue clay (2 tbsp.).
  2. It is important that the milk is warm, but not hot, so it should not be brought to a boil.
  3. Lightly heated milk is mixed with clay until the composition acquires the consistency of fairly thick village sour cream.
  4. The remaining components are introduced and the mass is mixed again.
  5. The finished mask is applied to the area where there are rashes and left for about 25–30 minutes.
  6. After the specified time, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water.
  7. This mask perfectly dries out inflammation and promotes accelerated healing of areas where there was acne.

Whitening mask with vanilla oil

This product is used to whiten facial skin and even out its tone. To obtain the desired result, it is recommended to use this composition 2 times a week.

The whitening mask is prepared and used as follows:

  1. This whitening product contains fresh orange juice (2 tbsp.), semolina(2 tbsp), lemon essential oil (1 drop), vanilla essential oil (2 drops).
  2. All components are combined and the composition is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The finished mask is spread evenly over the surface of the facial skin and left for half an hour.
  4. After the specified time, the remnants of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water with the addition of a few drops of fresh lemon juice.

Vanilla oil mask for body skin

Vanilla essential oil is widely used in the treatment of signs of cellulite and helps to correct the figure.

To prepare this product, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. You will need to take ground coffee (1 tsp), vanilla essential oil (2 drops), cinnamon powder (1 pinch), almond oil (2 tbsp), finely ground sugar (2 tbsp).
  2. After all the components are mixed and a homogeneous composition is formed, the mask is applied to problem areas and a light massage is performed for 10 minutes.
  3. To enhance the positive effect of the scrub, it is recommended to use a special body brush or massage mitt during the procedure.
  4. Then the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water, and a soothing cream is applied to the skin.
  5. It is recommended to use this composition to remove dead skin particles.
  6. If this scrub is used regularly, you can completely get rid of the signs of cellulite.

Hair mask with vanilla oil

For hair restoration and care, it is recommended to use this composition at least twice a week.

The mask is prepared as follows:

  1. The mask contains egg yolk (1 pc.), cognac (1 tsp.), almond oil (1 tsp.), ylang-ylang essential oil (1 drop), vanilla essential oil (2 drops), olive oil (1 tbsp).
  2. Take the egg yolk and beat it thoroughly, then gradually add all the components.
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the finished mask is applied to pre-washed hair, evenly distributed between the roots.
  4. Then the hair is slightly warmed up with a hairdryer, a rubber cap is put on, and the mask is left on for 60 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  6. Regular use of this composition will help stop hair loss, strengthen the roots, and accelerate the growth of strands.

Nail mask with vanilla oil

This mask, which is based on vanilla essential oil, has a strengthening effect on the nail plate, preventing nail brittleness.

To prepare such a mask yourself, you will need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to take coconut oil (1 tsp), almond oil (0.5 tsp), lemon essential oil (1 drop), vanilla essential oil (2 drops).
  2. All components are mixed, after which the composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the nail plate.
  3. After 15 minutes, the remnants of the mask are removed with a dry cloth.
  4. It is recommended to do this mask before each application of nail polish.

Vanilla oil bath

  1. The bathtub is filled with warm, but not hot water.
  2. Add 10 drops of vanilla essential oil to the water.
  3. Just a few minutes in such a bath helps relieve tension, restore strength and calm down.

Features of working with vanilla oil

This product is completely safe and has virtually no restrictions on use. However, it is worth considering the fact that a negative allergic reaction to vanilla essential oil may occur.

To avoid unpleasant consequences very easy, just do a small sensitivity test - a few drops of vanilla oil are applied to the skin and left for 15-18 minutes. If after this time the skin does not turn red, rash or burning appears, the oil can be used for cosmetic purposes. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, it is better to discard this product.

There are no contraindications for using vanilla oil during pregnancy. However, internal use of this product is strictly prohibited. In the later stages of pregnancy, you can use various cosmetic masks that contain vanilla essential oil, but only in agreement with the doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy.

Vanilla oil dosage

  1. Vanilla essential oil is often added to aroma lamps. The product has a pleasant and soft aroma, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the house. It is during heating that the aroma becomes stronger. Therefore, 4-5 drops of essential oil will be enough for aroma lamps.
  2. You can add it to aromatic medallions, but not more than 1-2 drops.
  3. To prepare a relaxing aromatic bath, dissolve 5-6 drops of vanilla essential oil in water.
  4. This product is widely used to enrich cosmetics in the following proportions: 3-4 drops of vanilla oil are taken per 20 ml of product.
  5. Can be used during massage - add 4-5 drops of vanilla oil to 20 ml of base oil.
  6. Often used to flavor baked goods, but not more than 1-2 drops of the product.

Harmful effects of vanilla essential oil

  1. Vanilla essential oil has some contraindications. From this tool It is better to refuse for people suffering from individual intolerance.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to apply the product to the skin before going out into the sun. The fact is that as a result of exposure to the sun, the skin's resistance to negative impact ultraviolet rays, there is a risk of pigment spots appearing.
  3. This is a gentle and mild remedy, but it can cause a strong allergic reaction.
  4. Before purchasing, be sure to test for sensitivity and the presence of individual intolerance.
  5. A test for skin reaction is required, as today you can stumble upon a fake.
  6. Most often, concentrated vanilla oil is used, so dosages must be strictly observed and in no case exceeded.
Using vanilla essential oil helps get rid of various skin problems, strengthen nails and improve hair condition. It is enough to adhere to the above recommendations and follow the established dosages.

More about the properties of vanilla essential oil: