Rationing of finished product inventories. Analysis of inventory balances and identification of illiquid stock Calculation of the balance of goods in the warehouse

allows you to obtain information about the quantity of goods and ready-made dishes in the warehouse on a certain date, control balances and replenish stocks of goods, identify expired products, and correct negative balances.

How to work with the report

By default, the report shows the warehouse status for the current day. To obtain information on product balances for another date, enter it in the field View balances as of date and press the button Update .

You can open several different report windows, for example, with different products.

To get information about balances for a specific product, just type its name in the field Search by product .

From this report you can open a report on the movement of goods and a balance sheet.

If the report is built for the past period, then it displays all products, even those deleted, if their balance on the selected date was non-zero.

To select warehouses for which you want to obtain data, click the button Stock and in the list that opens, check the boxes next to their names (by default, all warehouses of the enterprise are selected).

Reporting data can be detailed by warehouse or item groups: to select a report option, use the View button.

The balance report can be customized:

  • Sort data by most parameters (or several parameters at the same time),
  • Perform grouping, including multi-level,
  • Filter data by most parameters (or several parameters),
  • Show or hide options.

Setting up a report is similar to setting up other reports in the iiko system, for example, see the description in the Products and warehouses section.

Control of balances and replenishment of stocks

Using the balance report, it is convenient to monitor the availability of all necessary products and ingredients in the warehouse and create an order for the supplier (receipt note) to replenish stocks.

To control the balance of goods by stock levels at the point View select item Consolidated report. Then the table will display columns with the minimum and maximum quantities of goods in warehouses.

To see which products are running low, select the value in the Remaining criterion list Less than minimum. In this case, only those products whose balance satisfies this restriction will remain in the report.

Similarly, a report on goods whose quantity is excessive is generated according to the criterion More maximum .

Product cards must first indicate inventory levels: minimum and maximum on the tab Additional Information .

Identification of expired products

Using the report, you can identify and promptly write off products that have expired at the time of viewing balances. To do this, the product cards must first indicate shelf life on the tab. Additional Information .

Select from the list Residual criterion in option Expired products, products for which the specified expiration date has expired will be displayed.

For example, let the shelf life of a cake be two days. The current balance of cakes is 8 pieces. 2 invoices were issued for the goods: yesterday – for 5 pieces, and three days ago – also for 5 pieces.

Thus, there are expired products in the warehouse - remnants of goods from a batch that arrived three days ago.

Correction of negative balances

The iiko system allows you to maintain inventory records with the formation of negative balances of goods or dishes in the warehouse. Positions that have negative balances are highlighted in red in the report.

However, it is necessary to understand that a negative balance is a signal that something was done incorrectly, or that errors are being made systematically.

The ability to work with negative balances is determined by access rights and system settings on the tab Accounting settings .

To find out what led to this situation in the warehouse, you can open the goods movement report.

Collation statement

If there were no errors or they have all been corrected, but a negative balance remains, then it must be compensated using comparative inventories.

Purchase Invoice

Another way to correct negative balances is to create a receipt for goods that have gone negative directly from the Warehouse balances report.

Select products with negative balances in the list and from the group in the context menu Negative balances select one of the commands. As a result you can create:

  • Receipt invoice with zero prices (the function is available when viewing balances in any form).
  • Receipt invoice with prices at cost (the function is available only when viewing balances in the form of a summary report).

You can also copy information about a product with a negative balance to the clipboard in order to create the necessary warehouse document for it. The command for this is Actions → Negative balances → Copy to clipboard .

In the report Remains in warehouses displays the number of goods and ready meals in stock on a certain date. With its help, you can control balances and replenish stocks of goods, identify expired products, and correct negative balances.

How to work with the report

At the same time, you can open several different report windows, for example, with different products.

By default, the report displays the status of balances for the current day. To build a report for a different date, specify it in the field View balances as of date and press the button Update.

The report for the past period displays all products, including those deleted, if their balance on the selected date was non-zero.

If you are interested in the remaining stock of a specific product, enter its name in the field Search by product.

To select the warehouses where you want to find out balances, click the button Stock and in the list that opens, check the boxes next to their names. By default, all warehouses of the enterprise are selected.

In field View select the mode for displaying information in the report:

  • According to warehouses. Products are grouped by item groups, and the columns for each warehouse display their quantity. Items with negative balances are highlighted in red.
  • Consolidated report. Products are grouped by warehouse; the columns display the cost, quantity in stock, and its maximum and minimum. Products with less than the minimum quantity are highlighted in orange. Negative residues are highlighted in red.

The data in the report is sorted, grouped and filtered in the same way as other reports in iiko. See the description in the article Goods and warehouses.

Control of balances and replenishment of stocks

Using the balance report, you can monitor the availability of all necessary products and ingredients in the warehouse and create an order for the supplier to replenish stocks.

To control product balances by inventory levels:

Identification of expired products

Using the report, you can identify and promptly write off products that have expired at the time of viewing balances. To do this, the product cards must first indicate shelf life on the tab. Additional Information.

Select from the list Residual criterion in option Expired products Products for which the specified expiration date has expired will be displayed on the screen.

For example, let the shelf life of a cake be two days. The current balance of cakes is 8 pieces. 2 invoices were issued for the goods: yesterday – for 5 pieces, and three days ago – also for 5 pieces.

Thus, there are expired products in the warehouse - remnants of goods from a batch that arrived three days ago.

Correction of negative balances

The iiko system allows you to maintain inventory records with the formation of negative balances of goods or dishes in the warehouse. Positions that have negative balances are highlighted in red in the report.

However, it is necessary to understand that a negative balance is a signal that something was done incorrectly, or that errors are being made systematically.

The ability to work with negative balances is determined by access rights and system settings on the tab Accounting settings.

Collation statement

If there were no errors or they have all been corrected, but a negative balance remains, then it must be compensated using comparative inventories.

Purchase Invoice

Another way to correct negative balances is to create a receipt for goods that have gone negative directly from the Warehouse balances report.

Select products with negative balances in the list and from the group in the context menu Negative balances select one of the commands. As a result you can create:

  • Receipt invoice with zero prices (the function is available when viewing balances in any form).
  • Receipt invoice with prices at cost (the function is available only when viewing balances in the form of a summary report).

You can also copy information about a product with a negative balance to the clipboard in order to create the necessary warehouse document for it. The command for this is Actions → Negative balances → Copy to clipboard.

Standard reports on inventory balances in the 1C: Trade Management program, ed. 10.3" do not in any way signal the user about the need to order any product.

Moreover, if during the reporting period there were no movements for the product (i.e. there is no opening balance, income and expense), then the product will not be shown in the report at all!

To always maintain optimal balances of goods in the warehouse, you can use the “Order Point” mechanism. The essence of the mechanism is that you indicate in the program the minimum quantity of goods that should be in stock. After this, in a special report, the system will show the product that needs to be ordered and calculate the required quantity.

Indication of the minimum balances of goods in the warehouse is carried out in the document “Setting order point values”.

Menu: Documents – Planning – Setting order point values

Let's create a new document using the "Add" button. The document indicates all the products whose optimal quantity you want to support. For each line fill in:

  • Product.
  • Characteristics – indicated if the product has characteristics (colors, sizes, etc.).
  • Method of determination – method of calculating the minimum and optimal balance. Choose one of 4 methods:
    1. Fixed – values ​​are entered manually by the user.
    2. Average lot size – values ​​will be calculated based on the average volume of goods purchased.
    3. Optimal order size – values ​​will be calculated based on product sales.
    4. Do not control – values ​​are not specified, the remainder is not controlled.
  • Order point values ​​– the optimal quantity of goods for the “Fixed” method.
  • Safety stock is the minimum quantity of goods for the “Fixed” method.
  • % order point value – the percentage that will be used to calculate the optimal quantity (for the “Average lot size” and “Optimal size” methods).
  • % of safety stock – the percentage that will be used to calculate the minimum quantity (for the “Average lot size” and “Optimal size” methods).
  • Warehouse – you can specify a warehouse whose balances will be controlled. If the warehouse is not specified, then the total balance in all warehouses will be monitored.

Example of a completed document:

To analyze warehouse balances and the need to order goods, use the “Order Point Analysis” report.

Menu: Reports – Purchasing – Purchasing Analysis – Order Point Analysis

The report for each product displays the following information:

  • The order point value is the optimal quantity in stock (from the order point setting document).
  • Safety stock is the minimum quantity in stock (from the document for setting the order point).
  • Remaining – the current balance of this product.
  • Late receipts are the expected quantity of goods that were not received on time.
  • Expected receipts – the expected quantity of goods, the delivery date of which has not yet arrived.
  • Recommended purchase volume – the quantity of goods recommended by the program that needs to be purchased. It is calculated as the optimal quantity minus the current balance. Products ordered do not reduce this quantity, as the order may not arrive.
  • Delivery time (in days) – average delivery time of the supplier.

The program divides all products into three categories:

  1. No need to order - the balance of the product is more than optimal, no need to order. For example, the balance of TVs is 80 pieces, and the optimal quantity is 50 pieces. There is no need to order TVs yet.
  2. It is recommended to order - the remaining product is less than the optimal quantity, but more than the minimum quantity. This means that the goods need to be ordered, but the timing is not critical. For example, the balance of laptops is 25 pieces, which is less than optimal, so the program recommends purchasing 10 pieces (up to 35 - the optimal balance). At the same time, the minimum balance (15 pieces) is still maintained.
  3. Need to order - a product whose balance is less than the minimum value needs to be ordered urgently. For example, the minimum balance of phones in stock is 50 pieces, but there are only 10 pieces in stock. The product urgently needs to be ordered, and the program recommends purchasing 110 pieces at once (up to 120 - the optimal quantity).

Note: To fill in the delivery period, you need to indicate the main supplier and indicate its delivery date. The main supplier is filled in in the product on the “Additional” tab. The delivery time is indicated in the counterparty card on the “As a supplier” tab below.

Ordering necessary goods. Warehouse replenishment

You can create orders for the necessary goods directly from the report using the “Order Formation” button:

A form for creating orders will open:

The form lists all the products whose balances we are tracking. The goods are divided by main suppliers; accordingly, orders will also be created for the main suppliers.

For each product it is indicated:

  • Recommended quantity – the quantity that the program recommends to purchase.
  • Ordered quantity – quantity of goods that has already been ordered but has not yet arrived.
  • Order – quantity that will be added to the order (the difference between the recommended and ordered quantities).

You can change the quantity in the “Order” column at your discretion.

By clicking the “Run” button, the program will create an order for each supplier.

On the “Orders to Suppliers” tab you can view all created orders:

You can open each order (by double-clicking), post it, print it, or delete it if it was created by mistake.

After creating and posting orders, all ordered goods will be reflected in the report in the “Expected receipt” column:

Home Trade management Warehouse and inventory management

Simplified warehouse inventory maintenance

Simplified maintenance of inventory in a warehouse involves the following tasks:

  • control of the current balance of goods in the warehouse,
  • determination of maximum and minimum reserves,
  • calculation of average daily consumption of goods,
  • identification of the supplier and working conditions with him,
  • Formation of orders to suppliers for the quantity of goods that is necessary to maintain stock.

Simplified maintenance of inventory in the warehouse is carried out in accordance with the following parameters:

  • Minimum balance– the desired quantity of goods, determined by the delivery time,
  • Maximum balance– the desired quantity of goods, which determines the level of inventory and frequency of delivery.

The minimum and maximum balances can be set manually, or calculated automatically based on the average daily consumption of goods.

In a simplified version, you can maintain inventory in a warehouse by creating orders for suppliers. The maximum and minimum balances, as well as the actual balances of goods in warehouses, are taken into account when calculating the number of goods that are recommended to be ordered from the supplier to maintain stock.

The quantity of goods that must be ordered from the supplier is calculated for all goods. In this case, the system issues recommendations for ordering from the supplier only for those goods whose inventory level in the warehouse is less than or equal to the minimum balance (checkbox To order).

If the balance of goods in the warehouse is less than or equal to the minimum balance, then you will be offered to order goods to bring the balance of goods to the level of the maximum balance. In this case, the calculated order quantity is reduced by the number of goods that were previously ordered.

For example, in a warehouse there is a free balance of 50 items. The minimum stock of this product is 100 pcs and the maximum is 200 pcs. However, there are no orders for shipment for collateral. Based on this data, the system recommends ordering goods from the supplier in quantities of 200 pieces, since the current balance of goods in the warehouse is less than the minimum balance.

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The basic principle of inventory management logistics is to ensure that the product/product arrives at the right time at the right place and at minimum cost.

Regardless of how the Company's logistics structure is organized, three main questions remain unchanged: when to order, how much to order and how to manage inventory.

It is important not only to organize a system for the movement of commodity flows, but also to determine where, how much and what kind of goods to store in order to ensure the supply of customers with a given level of service and minimal costs. There are different methods for organizing a product distribution system.

Some companies, in order to increase the efficiency of the logistics system and optimize costs, divide the product range into groups and for each group they use their own methods of organizing the product distribution system.

One of the options for dividing the assortment into groups, which can be used in the future to determine the method of organizing the product distribution system, is based on the frequency and uniformity of customer demand for goods. The assortment can be divided according to the following principle: Bulk product- a consumer product that is constantly needed by the majority of customers and has a high frequency of consumption. Assorted goods- a product that is not in mass demand, but is consumed by individual customers and has occasional demand. Custom product- a product intended to satisfy the special needs of individual customers or for trial sales. Dividing a product into groups can be done either using demand frequency statistics, or using an expert assessment to determine whether a product belongs to a particular group.

Organization of supply for Mass Assortment goods is quite simple. Sales of goods in this group are uniform: when organizing supplies, you can rely on sales statistics and predict demand with fairly high accuracy. Knowing sales/forecasts, technological delivery deadlines, delivery conditions, and determining the desired level of service for customers, it is not difficult to build a product distribution system.

For Custom-made goods, the simplest and most effective solution is not to create stocks in the warehouse, and to deliver according to the needs of each individual client within a strictly specified time frame. In this case, there is no unreasonable waste of money on creating inventories, and, at the same time, the client is informed in advance about when and under what conditions he will receive the product.

The most difficult question remains how to organize supply and how much stock to keep for goods that are significant, but have uneven occasional demand - assorted goods.

To organize the supply of warehouses for goods with uneven (episodic) demand - assorted goods - you can use method of forming inventory based on minimum balance.

The main idea of ​​the method is to determine the quantity that is planned to be in stock at any given time. That is, in other words, supply is organized in accordance with what average warehouse stock we are willing to store for a particular product.

This method can be implemented in different ways.

Here is one possible option:

1.Initial data for calculation

Explanation A comment
Planned annual sales volume It is set in one digit for the entire year.

It can be established based on statistics from previous years, or based on the expert assessment of a product specialist.

Forecasting sales in one figure for a year, without breaking it down into smaller periods, simplifies the task of organizing supply, since there is no need to guess when exactly there will be demand for a given product
Quarterly sales seasonality chart. Quarterly seasonality data is not required to create an inventory management model based on minimum balance. If a quarterly seasonality schedule is not established, the volume of planned annual sales is distributed evenly across periods (months, weeks) of the year
Turnover ratio It is established to determine what costs the company is willing to incur to create inventories for assorted products. It is recommended to provide the opportunity to set a turnover standard both for the entire assortment of goods as a whole, and for individual groups, depending on their importance.
Technological delivery deadline (time period) Includes delivery lead time: production time and time of delivery of goods to the final warehouse
Time between deliveries (delivery frequency) Determined depending on how often delivery of goods to the final warehouse is planned (or possible). When determining the frequency of delivery, it is necessary to take into account the minimum possible batch of goods that the manufacturer (supplier) is ready to ship

Note: Turnover is the ratio of sales speed to average inventory for the period.

2. We calculate the minimum balance using the formula:

Minimum balance = Sales/Turnover From the formula it is obvious that the minimum balance can be increased either by increasing the volume of planned annual sales or by reducing the established turnover value.

3.Depending on the established value of the minimum balance and the technological delivery deadline, we determine the planned quantity of goods in the system (maximum stock in the Supplier - warehouse chain).

Maximum stock = Minimum balance + Planned sales for the period (Delivery deadline + 1/2 * Delivery frequency) Additional Information: If a schedule of quarterly seasonality of sales is established, then in the specified formula it is correct to use the minimum balance not at the time of calculation, but at the time of the planned receipt of goods at the warehouse, that is, it is necessary to make an offset to the delivery deadline.

4. Comparing the calculated value of the maximum stock and the actual balances in the Supplier warehouse chain, we determine the quantity to order:

To order=max(0;Maximum stock – Actual stock) Additional Information: The presented calculation scheme for determining the minimum balance can be supplemented by connecting a “self-regulation” system. What does it consist of: We calculated the minimum balance in accordance with the specified sales forecast and turnover and began to work. After a certain period, we analyze the ratio of the profit received from sales; losses from shortages (if any) and costs of creating and storing inventory. Depending on the result of the calculation, the system suggests increasing or decreasing the minimum balance by a certain amount (the adjustment can also be carried out automatically - without approval).""